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Solar Pyramid Meditation

Ghost in the Machine

Well-known member
Nov 17, 2018
We are the future gods of our people. Start acting
This is a meditation I came up with some time ago in thinking of other ways to clean the soul and chakras more effectively. Feel free to state any opinions, discuss other potential uses and all that good stuff.

This meditation is a power-wash cleansing of the soul and chakras and is a little advanced when it comes to directing energy and visualization. You are free to try this regardless of advancement though.

You must be outside for this meditation and the sun should be out at it's highest point in the sky. The sun doesn't need to be directly overhead, just as high as it goes for your location is preferred. If you are unable to do this then any time will suffice so long as the sun is up and is not being blocked by clouds. You do not have to be standing either, you can sit down either on a chair or cross-legged on the ground if you like, up to you.

Visualize a pyramid, just like the pyramids of Egypt but made of gold and the point is facing down. It should be a few inches above the location of your 11th chakra, higher or lower though is up to you.


Focus on this pyramid, it's shape, it's golden structure and simultaneously turn your attention to the solar energy being given off by our sun in the sky. Slowly start to spin this pyramid, and as it starts to spin allow it to start picking up and gathering up all of this solar energy from the sun inside of it. Visualize the pyramid filling up like a cup with pure solar energy, glowing brighter and brighter until it becomes fully engulfed in this sunlight spinning faster and faster.


Keep spinning this pyramid as fast as you can, it should be spinning faster and faster until it reaches the speed of light and growing ever more brighter and ever more brilliant and empowered. Allow it to gather up as much solar energy inside of itself as you can, it should basically be absolutely bursting to the brim with white-gold sun energy, this may take several minutes but take as long as you feel you need until you get to this point.

Now with this pyramid positively glowing and empowered to the point of looking like it's own personal sun over your head, focus your attention on the tipped point of this pyramid at the bottom. Now 'open' this point and visualize and direct all of the solar energy it's gathered being released like a floodgate, bursting and pouring out from this point and beaming down over you with an incredibly empowered brilliance completely engulfing you and powerfully beaming through your entire soul and all of your chakras, instantly disintegrating and pushing out ANY and ALL negative energies in your soul, completely cleansing everything to absolute brilliance and perfection leaving nothing but purified and clean, healthy energy of your soul and chakras behind.


Keep shining this beam down over you and feel it completely cleansing away all of the negative energy in you and purifying your entire soul and all of your chakras to absolution and perfection. Allow it to empower you and give your soul light, strength and health. Keep beaming this light down until the pyramid is completely emptied. Allow any excess energies that miss you to go down into the Earth to heal, cleanse and empower her.

And that's it, you're done. For those of you with very stubborn souls that struggle to be cleaned or if your soul is in need of a good power-washing, this meditation should help and prove effective. A word of awareness though, this is strong solar energy of the sun which will raise characteristics of the sun in your soul. The sun is very positive indeed, but too much of a good thing isn't always good. All things in moderation.
Ghost in the Machine said:
This is a meditation I came up with some time ago in thinking of other ways to clean the soul and chakras more effectively. Feel free to state any opinions, discuss other potential uses and all that good stuff.

This meditation is a power-wash cleansing of the soul and chakras and is a little advanced when it comes to directing energy and visualization. You are free to try this regardless of advancement though.

You must be outside for this meditation and the sun should be out at it's highest point in the sky. The sun doesn't need to be directly overhead, just as high as it goes for your location is preferred. If you are unable to do this then any time will suffice so long as the sun is up and is not being blocked by clouds. You do not have to be standing either, you can sit down either on a chair or cross-legged on the ground if you like, up to you.

Visualize a pyramid, just like the pyramids of Egypt but made of gold and the point is facing down. It should be a few inches above the location of your 11th chakra, higher or lower though is up to you.


Focus on this pyramid, it's shape, it's golden structure and simultaneously turn your attention to the solar energy being given off by our sun in the sky. Slowly start to spin this pyramid, and as it starts to spin allow it to start picking up and gathering up all of this solar energy from the sun inside of it. Visualize the pyramid filling up like a cup with pure solar energy, glowing brighter and brighter until it becomes fully engulfed in this sunlight spinning faster and faster.


Keep spinning this pyramid as fast as you can, it should be spinning faster and faster until it reaches the speed of light and growing ever more brighter and ever more brilliant and empowered. Allow it to gather up as much solar energy inside of itself as you can, it should basically be absolutely bursting to the brim with white-gold sun energy, this may take several minutes but take as long as you feel you need until you get to this point.

Now with this pyramid positively glowing and empowered to the point of looking like it's own personal sun over your head, focus your attention on the tipped point of this pyramid at the bottom. Now 'open' this point and visualize and direct all of the solar energy it's gathered being released like a floodgate, bursting and pouring out from this point and beaming down over you with an incredibly empowered brilliance completely engulfing you and powerfully beaming through your entire soul and all of your chakras, instantly disintegrating and pushing out ANY and ALL negative energies in your soul, completely cleansing everything to absolute brilliance and perfection leaving nothing but purified and clean, healthy energy of your soul and chakras behind.


Keep shining this beam down over you and feel it completely cleansing away all of the negative energy in you and purifying your entire soul and all of your chakras to absolution and perfection. Allow it to empower you and give your soul light, strength and health. Keep beaming this light down until the pyramid is completely emptied. Allow any excess energies that miss you to go down into the Earth to heal, cleanse and empower her.

And that's it, you're done. For those of you with very stubborn souls that struggle to be cleaned or if your soul is in need of a good power-washing, this meditation should help and prove effective. A word of awareness though, this is strong solar energy of the sun which will raise characteristics of the sun in your soul. The sun is very positive indeed, but too much of a good thing isn't always good. All things in moderation.

Will we ever be able to create energy out of nothing for us to absorb instead of forever relying on other/outer/external sources of energy?
This meditation sounds awesome BTW.
Awesome meditation brother I’ll be sure too try it, as sometimes I feel the same and have come up with a few meditations for myself... I wonder what would happen if I combine the two. Maybe a little unnecessary.

It’s great to see you posting again, I was wondering where you went off to, obviously working on yourself and other things. Hopefully you were able to relax a bit.

Thanks for the meditation, have a amazing week :D
But technically speaking isn't it the same as auric/chakra cleaning? Aura cleaning cleans the aura and outer chakras and when you clean your chakras your cleaning inside.

Stubborn or not I know your trying to help. But on some level this is exactly what I was ranting about in another thread. Anyone can make up any meditation. For all intents and purposes I can come up with quite a few. So is meditation merely the use of your imagination to create new effects.

Because if that is the case. Well I've pretty much been meditating since I had conscious thought and imagination.

I know another method use pure white light. Once a week, once every two weeks give the soul a good blasting. But funny enough it doesn't matter just keep cleaning with various methods already given and your fine. I highly doubt forcing the situation with your created meditation is gonna do any better.

(Note: I'm not trying to be hostile just stating "What exactly is wrong with the methods already provided?")
Ghost in the Machine said:
This is a meditation I came up with some time ago in thinking of other ways to clean the soul and chakras more effectively. Feel free to state any opinions, discuss other potential uses and all that good stuff.

Thank you for this. It is very helpful. I know we haven't spoken too much on here, but you have replied to my posts in the past with very helpful information. I appreciate you. I am very glad to see your posts again. Glad you are doing well brother! Hail Satan!
Gear88 said:

I know you're struggling to understand how energy and spiritually can be real when it seems like we're just fucking around with our 'imagination' here in some beatnik corner of the interwebs and calling ourselves spiritual. That's a doubt that isn't easy to get rid of in my own experience when I was new.

Yes, when we think, when we visualize, when we 'imagine', that is what is done when we are directing energy because energy is thought. The astral isn't called The Thought-plane for no reason. What isn't properly understood is that our thoughts and imagination have real power behind it, this is why we can influence things and direct energy in the law of attraction via thought and manipulate things on the astral like the psychic chakras and souls of other people and even our own and affect the physical world around us.

These visuals and imaginative thoughts are tangible on their own plane and work in specific ways. Trying to understand how exactly it does this by trying to apply physical understandings of logic like physical sciences we typically use on Earth such as microscopes and magnetic sensors will not work because these can only ever tell us how these energies affect the physical plane, not how or why they work on the astral. The astral and energies can't be understood by physical logic and physical sciences in how or why they do what they do because the astral and energies on the astral are not physical, you can find out physically how it affects the physical plane but you are not measuring or seeing what is happening on the astral to make such things happen because logic does not apply to the realm. The plane itself cannot be seen or understood in this way at all.

The astral realm is just that, an entirely different realm, it is like it's own universe where the laws and understandings are completely different from what we know. The only way to understand 'how' or 'why' the astral and energies work is to work within it's plane, this means using intuition which is a strictly astral entity to know how on it's own level, because it is all on the same plane and follows the same rules, therefore it understands those rules by it's own laws. Even then you're not going to find a set of numbers or data points because these have to do with logic of the lower plane, the physical realm, which is absent from the astral entirely. Energy is ALL feeling, you cannot measure emotion, you cannot find the square root of energy, you can't know the radius of the astral plane, these things do not apply because they literally do not exist on the astral.

This is like the different 'world' between us and animals. When telepathically communicating with an animal they do not think in words or languages like we do, they do not understand it. They think in pictures and images, therefor you must cater to this 'law' of their world and follow such yourself to properly communicate and utilize it by showing and directing pictures and images for them to understand in the way they understand, not how we understand. In this way you will also learn to understand what they are saying and what they are communicating or thinking, in the understanding of their own world, not in the way we do but in the way they do. This is of course just an analogy between the understandings of the physical and and astral plane and the differences.

The astral cannot be measured with a ruler, it cannot be calculated with a calculator, it cannot be understood by logical and sensible means, only psychic and intuitive ones, and even then you can only know and understand in what ways it can work to help you through feeling and what it can do by evidence of what it does anyways, and not how it does it or why in numbers or physical and logical sciences, only in the astral understanding of what energies follow and do. We cannot apply what we know in the physical sense unless you are applying understanding on how these energies influence and affect the physical plane itself as an invisible mirroring force.

When it comes to understanding the astral and how or why energy works, it's just like before we ever knew what gravity really was or even had a name for it. If you put a ball on a hill and it rolled down, we didn't know why or how it's doing that, we just knew that when a ball is on a hill it just happens to roll down it. You cannot explain why it's real or how, it just is because it does this and works every single time you do it, but hey this can be used in some way. Can't explain it but hey if I need a ball to roll down a hill it can be done, and say maybe we can expand this, oh suddenly I realized this weird invisible force is a thing that can be used for other ideas like mechanisms, still don't know why or how it works but because it just does what I direct it to do we can use it and it can used for many other things as well. Regardless of knowing how it works I still get the result I need from it every time.

This is what it's like using energy on the astral, it just does what it does and there are various ways it can do what it does by incorporating other things it just does and with the astral that's all you know and that's all you really have to know. The difference between this is unlike gravity there is no real way to explain it on paper, it just IS. "If I do this, this happens.", trying to understand why when it comes to the astral, trying to get to the very source of what energy is and why it does what it does or how it does what it does by trying to apply matters that have nothing to do with it such as logic, physicality and sense, is not possible.

This is your struggle in comprehending it and what you're doing wrong in trying to.

When it comes to the meditation I've provided, like I said, the astral is it's own universe and in this universe energy is a very real tangible thing that follows the forces on that plane in that universe, it is very real in the methods you use it by directing thought and intent and it can be manipulated to work in different ways. It has potency, it has countering oppositional forces, it has things it is drawn to, things it deflects, things it powers and fuels or destroys in it's own way by it's own rules. Thought is energy and with the aether of our thought we can divert the path of all energies to make specific ones do what we want them to do. When it comes to the meditation I've given, it is different in the method and direction of the energy, the unique way the energies are being utilized in a different manner. Are you going to wash your car under a high pressured hose or under a powered waterfall or are you going to just let it sit out in the rain to get clean? Energies on the astral are very real and tangible things that can be used in different ways.

There's a reason why things like the Aura of Protection need to be built up and can't 'just be done' in one day just by thinking so because like I said energy is real and is affected by a large variety of other astral influences on it's level such as our own power levels, other energy forces like planets and even other sentient beings that are capable of thinking. Energy can dissipate in time without use and be weakened by opposite energies. It's difficult to maintain a clean soul for instance when you surround yourself every day with toxic and negative people. This is the tangibility of it on the astral, but like I said, it cannot be understood logically. Logic is not part of the astral plane, it is part of the physical plane, it is the lower grounding vibration.

So don't try to apply it in understanding how all of this works, because you will continuously be met with confusion, frustration and struggle in grasping any sense, because there isn't even any there to begin with when it comes to the astral. Logic was not born from the astral plane, it was born from the physical plane as the lower vibrational split of "The All", the aether origin of our entire reality. The astral realm is a different 'universe', do not apply what we understand in our physical one to it, because like the physical cannot understand the astral and it's laws, the astral does not understand the physical and the laws it follows.

Different laws, different rules, you can't use telekinesis to calculate how much the volume of orange juice in a cup is. For that you use physical tools of physical logic. For the astral, you use astral tools of astral 'logic', such as intuition and energy. The understandings are entirely different. Stop trying to apply logic and know that it just is because it is and it always will be. The only reason for using physical means to see how the astral can affect the physical is in proof that it exists.

Science sees a lot of things that happen out in space, on our planet, with atoms and in our galaxy, strange unexplainable gravitational pulls, animals being able to somehow sense when something bad is about to happen such as earthquakes with no explainable source as to how they come to know this, odd events and unseen forces where there is tons of physical evidence that something is happening and going on, but they don't know why. Because they are seeing and looking only at the physical realm and physical logic of it, and not seeing the astral influences and astral understandings behind it via the astral realm of which is completely outside the bounds of the physical plane, again, it's own 'universe'.

And because of the enemy, they are unable to. But WE can as we develop and learn to see, feel, use and understand the astral through it's own understandings of which are entirely separate from what we've been raised to know about our physical world and everything around it.

A clean and healthy throat chakra and clean blue energy with shiny glistening water visuals in your meditations, or working with artistic hobbies like painting or drawing or even just looking up and admiring images of beautiful artwork online filled with themes of magic every day can help you tune better into creativity over time and understand this better, but you must be consistent and it may or may not take months depending on how stubborn your blockages are.

As in a previous post because you're so in tune with physical matters it's best to start with such as you may have a better time this way in developing. Looking at artwork having to do with beauty, feminine natures of bliss and magic is a good small step to start. Look upon artworks like this, and think to yourself which ones are places you'd like to visit, which ones do you admire the colour and looks of, imagine and put yourself inside these places if you can, do you want to go to one? Does it look like peaceful happiness in the fantasies of it's world? Would you go fishing here? Collect some rocks? Build a house?

They are nice to look at at the very least and it's going to feel like it's doing nothing for you, you're going to feel like you are just looking at an empty image on a screen that means nothing. This is a blatant sign of a blockage in your upper chakras that can be broken with consistency like any breaking of any spiritual blockage. If you're repulsed or weirded out even about all this or even repelled and don't want to do it then that's even more so of a sign of a barrier keeping you from connecting. Submitting to it and just letting it push you around each and every time without forcing against it will keep it there forever.

Remember energy is thought, if it feels like in your mind you can't connect, focus, think or or do something, that means there's some kind of energy block in the way and you must work to break it down. You can't expect it to break down on it's own or fix itself, you just do it even if you hate it, even if you don't want to or feel like it's hopeless, you just do it. If I had a dime for every damn time I've had to force through shit psychic walls and barriers like that that made me feel the exact way you feel all the time even when it felt hopeless or like there was no point in me trying to do it, I'd be fuckin' rich by now. And I have succeeded each time, that invisible wall of "I can't connect" can feel big and intimidating and you can feel like something is forcing back against you when you try to connect, THAT is the "I can't" feeling, THAT is the "I'm struggling" feeling, THAT is the psychic barrier, like something is literally stopping you and is pushing back, and the fact that you can feel that barrier at all is quite obvious you are able to spiritually feel things. The barriers not going to break on it's own, you just do it.

Simultaneously you can visualize a door opening over your throat chakra to the creativity of this art even. Just try to look up images like this for a while every day and just focus on the things you like about them, even if you feel like something is in the way and you can't connect or do anything about it. This is an opposite force I'm advising you to do, do not give into despair or hopelessness, just do it. Are the waters a nice shade of blue? Do you like how the architecture of buildings look in the images? Does the weather look nice there? Ask yourself questions like this and look for the answers. Even a mere "I guess I could probably chill there for a bit" is fine.




- https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c1/e9/86/c1e9864c07dcc8717112577c09a56f41.jpg

- https://i.imgur.com/nYsoiLr.jpg

- https://i.imgur.com/0GRIN3W.jpg

You need creativity. Focusing on physical matters of it will mirror the astral matters involved of which in time will slowly break down the barriers, but you must allow the barrier to be broken and not allow it to make you feel hopeless. Think of all the shit our gods have had to go through to get to where they are now. And me of all the shit and garbage I've fought through relentlessly, other advanced members, clergy, Hitler even against all odds against him on this very planet orchestrated by the enemy still managed to achieve godhood. You don't start out that way man, you're going to go through this shit and it's not a matter of IF it's a matter of WHEN, it's part of the occupation, you bulldoze through it like everything else as PART of the job.

If there's all this evidence and proof that breaking through it all to the other side CAN be done, that you can be someone like this as well who breaks through to the other side because so many have been in your exact place, worse even before and done so, then all you have to do is just do it.

"Fuck it" shouldn't be giving up, "Fuck it" should be dropping all that shit noise of doubt, despair because you're sick of letting it affect you, and just power-housing through the worst of things so you can always say with confidence you've dealt with and survived worse. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain in doing so.
Gear88 said:
But technically speaking isn't it the same as auric/chakra cleaning? Aura cleaning cleans the aura and outer chakras and when you clean your chakras your cleaning inside.

Stubborn or not I know your trying to help. But on some level this is exactly what I was ranting about in another thread. Anyone can make up any meditation. For all intents and purposes I can come up with quite a few. So is meditation merely the use of your imagination to create new effects.

Because if that is the case. Well I've pretty much been meditating since I had conscious thought and imagination.

I know another method use pure white light. Once a week, once every two weeks give the soul a good blasting. But funny enough it doesn't matter just keep cleaning with various methods already given and your fine. I highly doubt forcing the situation with your created meditation is gonna do any better.

(Note: I'm not trying to be hostile just stating "What exactly is wrong with the methods already provided?")
As he already said some people have trouble feeling fully clean from negative energy, especially if you do 9 RTR’s a day. if your not one of these people you can disregard it.

Your half right meditation is somewhat based on imagination, but it has to follow some principle of the soul to be even somewhat effective. An example brightness, speed and density of the energy, as well as the feeling of such, along with planetary or star energies. another would be the single or double serpent meditation which uses a portion of the kundalini to empower the chakras. Imagining you can levitate objects or whatever does not empower the soul in any way. The effect/ feeling so to speak is where the growth is, not just imagination. It is only one side of the coin using both yields the best results.

Hope this helped.
Have a good day
Ghost in the Machine said:
I've been sunbathing a lot recently and just tried this visualisation. It felt very nice, much more satisfying than just absorbing the light directly. Thanks for sharing!
Ghost in the Machine said:
Gear88 said:

I know you're struggling to understand how energy and spiritually can be real when it seems like we're just fucking around with our 'imagination' here in some beatnik corner of the interwebs and calling ourselves spiritual. That's a doubt that isn't easy to get rid of in my own experience when I was new.

Yes, when we think, when we visualize, when we 'imagine', that is what is done when we are directing energy because energy is thought. The astral isn't called The Thought-plane for no reason. What isn't properly understood is that our thoughts and imagination have real power behind it, this is why we can influence things and direct energy in the law of attraction via thought and manipulate things on the astral like the psychic chakras and souls of other people and even our own and affect the physical world around us.

These visuals and imaginative thoughts are tangible on their own plane and work in specific ways. Trying to understand how exactly it does this by trying to apply physical understandings of logic like physical sciences we typically use on Earth such as microscopes and magnetic sensors will not work because these can only ever tell us how these energies affect the physical plane, not how or why they work on the astral. The astral and energies can't be understood by physical logic and physical sciences in how or why they do what they do because the astral and energies on the astral are not physical, you can find out physically how it affects the physical plane but you are not measuring or seeing what is happening on the astral to make such things happen because logic does not apply to the realm. The plane itself cannot be seen or understood in this way at all.

The astral realm is just that, an entirely different realm, it is like it's own universe where the laws and understandings are completely different from what we know. The only way to understand 'how' or 'why' the astral and energies work is to work within it's plane, this means using intuition which is a strictly astral entity to know how on it's own level, because it is all on the same plane and follows the same rules, therefore it understands those rules by it's own laws. Even then you're not going to find a set of numbers or data points because these have to do with logic of the lower plane, the physical realm, which is absent from the astral entirely. Energy is ALL feeling, you cannot measure emotion, you cannot find the square root of energy, you can't know the radius of the astral plane, these things do not apply because they literally do not exist on the astral.

This is like the different 'world' between us and animals. When telepathically communicating with an animal they do not think in words or languages like we do, they do not understand it. They think in pictures and images, therefor you must cater to this 'law' of their world and follow such yourself to properly communicate and utilize it by showing and directing pictures and images for them to understand in the way they understand, not how we understand. In this way you will also learn to understand what they are saying and what they are communicating or thinking, in the understanding of their own world, not in the way we do but in the way they do. This is of course just an analogy between the understandings of the physical and and astral plane and the differences.

The astral cannot be measured with a ruler, it cannot be calculated with a calculator, it cannot be understood by logical and sensible means, only psychic and intuitive ones, and even then you can only know and understand in what ways it can work to help you through feeling and what it can do by evidence of what it does anyways, and not how it does it or why in numbers or physical and logical sciences, only in the astral understanding of what energies follow and do. We cannot apply what we know in the physical sense unless you are applying understanding on how these energies influence and affect the physical plane itself as an invisible mirroring force.

When it comes to understanding the astral and how or why energy works, it's just like before we ever knew what gravity really was or even had a name for it. If you put a ball on a hill and it rolled down, we didn't know why or how it's doing that, we just knew that when a ball is on a hill it just happens to roll down it. You cannot explain why it's real or how, it just is because it does this and works every single time you do it, but hey this can be used in some way. Can't explain it but hey if I need a ball to roll down a hill it can be done, and say maybe we can expand this, oh suddenly I realized this weird invisible force is a thing that can be used for other ideas like mechanisms, still don't know why or how it works but because it just does what I direct it to do we can use it and it can used for many other things as well. Regardless of knowing how it works I still get the result I need from it every time.

This is what it's like using energy on the astral, it just does what it does and there are various ways it can do what it does by incorporating other things it just does and with the astral that's all you know and that's all you really have to know. The difference between this is unlike gravity there is no real way to explain it on paper, it just IS. "If I do this, this happens.", trying to understand why when it comes to the astral, trying to get to the very source of what energy is and why it does what it does or how it does what it does by trying to apply matters that have nothing to do with it such as logic, physicality and sense, is not possible.

This is your struggle in comprehending it and what you're doing wrong in trying to.

When it comes to the meditation I've provided, like I said, the astral is it's own universe and in this universe energy is a very real tangible thing that follows the forces on that plane in that universe, it is very real in the methods you use it by directing thought and intent and it can be manipulated to work in different ways. It has potency, it has countering oppositional forces, it has things it is drawn to, things it deflects, things it powers and fuels or destroys in it's own way by it's own rules. Thought is energy and with the aether of our thought we can divert the path of all energies to make specific ones do what we want them to do. When it comes to the meditation I've given, it is different in the method and direction of the energy, the unique way the energies are being utilized in a different manner. Are you going to wash your car under a high pressured hose or under a powered waterfall or are you going to just let it sit out in the rain to get clean? Energies on the astral are very real and tangible things that can be used in different ways.

There's a reason why things like the Aura of Protection need to be built up and can't 'just be done' in one day just by thinking so because like I said energy is real and is affected by a large variety of other astral influences on it's level such as our own power levels, other energy forces like planets and even other sentient beings that are capable of thinking. Energy can dissipate in time without use and be weakened by opposite energies. It's difficult to maintain a clean soul for instance when you surround yourself every day with toxic and negative people. This is the tangibility of it on the astral, but like I said, it cannot be understood logically. Logic is not part of the astral plane, it is part of the physical plane, it is the lower grounding vibration.

So don't try to apply it in understanding how all of this works, because you will continuously be met with confusion, frustration and struggle in grasping any sense, because there isn't even any there to begin with when it comes to the astral. Logic was not born from the astral plane, it was born from the physical plane as the lower vibrational split of "The All", the aether origin of our entire reality. The astral realm is a different 'universe', do not apply what we understand in our physical one to it, because like the physical cannot understand the astral and it's laws, the astral does not understand the physical and the laws it follows.

Different laws, different rules, you can't use telekinesis to calculate how much the volume of orange juice in a cup is. For that you use physical tools of physical logic. For the astral, you use astral tools of astral 'logic', such as intuition and energy. The understandings are entirely different. Stop trying to apply logic and know that it just is because it is and it always will be. The only reason for using physical means to see how the astral can affect the physical is in proof that it exists.

Science sees a lot of things that happen out in space, on our planet, with atoms and in our galaxy, strange unexplainable gravitational pulls, animals being able to somehow sense when something bad is about to happen such as earthquakes with no explainable source as to how they come to know this, odd events and unseen forces where there is tons of physical evidence that something is happening and going on, but they don't know why. Because they are seeing and looking only at the physical realm and physical logic of it, and not seeing the astral influences and astral understandings behind it via the astral realm of which is completely outside the bounds of the physical plane, again, it's own 'universe'.

And because of the enemy, they are unable to. But WE can as we develop and learn to see, feel, use and understand the astral through it's own understandings of which are entirely separate from what we've been raised to know about our physical world and everything around it.

A clean and healthy throat chakra and clean blue energy with shiny glistening water visuals in your meditations, or working with artistic hobbies like painting or drawing or even just looking up and admiring images of beautiful artwork online filled with themes of magic every day can help you tune better into creativity over time and understand this better, but you must be consistent and it may or may not take months depending on how stubborn your blockages are.

As in a previous post because you're so in tune with physical matters it's best to start with such as you may have a better time this way in developing. Looking at artwork having to do with beauty, feminine natures of bliss and magic is a good small step to start. Look upon artworks like this, and think to yourself which ones are places you'd like to visit, which ones do you admire the colour and looks of, imagine and put yourself inside these places if you can, do you want to go to one? Does it look like peaceful happiness in the fantasies of it's world? Would you go fishing here? Collect some rocks? Build a house?

They are nice to look at at the very least and it's going to feel like it's doing nothing for you, you're going to feel like you are just looking at an empty image on a screen that means nothing. This is a blatant sign of a blockage in your upper chakras that can be broken with consistency like any breaking of any spiritual blockage. If you're repulsed or weirded out even about all this or even repelled and don't want to do it then that's even more so of a sign of a barrier keeping you from connecting. Submitting to it and just letting it push you around each and every time without forcing against it will keep it there forever.

Remember energy is thought, if it feels like in your mind you can't connect, focus, think or or do something, that means there's some kind of energy block in the way and you must work to break it down. You can't expect it to break down on it's own or fix itself, you just do it even if you hate it, even if you don't want to or feel like it's hopeless, you just do it. If I had a dime for every damn time I've had to force through shit psychic walls and barriers like that that made me feel the exact way you feel all the time even when it felt hopeless or like there was no point in me trying to do it, I'd be fuckin' rich by now. And I have succeeded each time, that invisible wall of "I can't connect" can feel big and intimidating and you can feel like something is forcing back against you when you try to connect, THAT is the "I can't" feeling, THAT is the "I'm struggling" feeling, THAT is the psychic barrier, like something is literally stopping you and is pushing back, and the fact that you can feel that barrier at all is quite obvious you are able to spiritually feel things. The barriers not going to break on it's own, you just do it.

Simultaneously you can visualize a door opening over your throat chakra to the creativity of this art even. Just try to look up images like this for a while every day and just focus on the things you like about them, even if you feel like something is in the way and you can't connect or do anything about it. This is an opposite force I'm advising you to do, do not give into despair or hopelessness, just do it. Are the waters a nice shade of blue? Do you like how the architecture of buildings look in the images? Does the weather look nice there? Ask yourself questions like this and look for the answers. Even a mere "I guess I could probably chill there for a bit" is fine.




- https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c1/e9/86/c1e9864c07dcc8717112577c09a56f41.jpg

- https://i.imgur.com/nYsoiLr.jpg

- https://i.imgur.com/0GRIN3W.jpg

You need creativity. Focusing on physical matters of it will mirror the astral matters involved of which in time will slowly break down the barriers, but you must allow the barrier to be broken and not allow it to make you feel hopeless. Think of all the shit our gods have had to go through to get to where they are now. And me of all the shit and garbage I've fought through relentlessly, other advanced members, clergy, Hitler even against all odds against him on this very planet orchestrated by the enemy still managed to achieve godhood. You don't start out that way man, you're going to go through this shit and it's not a matter of IF it's a matter of WHEN, it's part of the occupation, you bulldoze through it like everything else as PART of the job.

If there's all this evidence and proof that breaking through it all to the other side CAN be done, that you can be someone like this as well who breaks through to the other side because so many have been in your exact place, worse even before and done so, then all you have to do is just do it.

"Fuck it" shouldn't be giving up, "Fuck it" should be dropping all that shit noise of doubt, despair because you're sick of letting it affect you, and just power-housing through the worst of things so you can always say with confidence you've dealt with and survived worse. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain in doing so.

Great post, I found this info about Yantras recently it adds to your post:

"4. The Yantras are the archetypal structures and forms that the mantras create. We can think of Mantras and Yantras as the two sides lf the same thing. By molding your consciousness into the form of a Yantra through visualization you create a foundation for the further development of the energy the Yantra relates to.
The images of our Gods and your very body is also a Yantra along with Mudras and Asanas (hand and body gestures. Tantric practitioners visualise themselves as a particular deity while empowering themselves with mantras, pranayama and asanas.


This is also a form of worshiping the Gods. Your body serves as a temple where you invite the Deity through Visualisation and worship them by offering them the energy you raise. Natural formations are also yantras since they contain the same divine structures and sacred geometric patterns that make up the Universe. Mountains, Flowers, Trees are all Yantras. By visualizing a Mountain you can stabilize and still your Mind for deep meditation." Savitar

Ghost in the Machine said:

Did you leave out the pineal gland/7 chakra on purpose ? (located between 8 and 6 chakra, in your gif 7 and 6 chakra)

I visualise it in goldwhite as every other chakra. The end goal is to turn them into gold anyway. I tryed the other colors but goldwhite works for me best.

Not sure about the allignment either point down or up and down?

See signature:

"The G letter activates the pineal gland." HP Mageson666
GG Allin said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

Did you leave out the pineal gland/7 chakra on purpose ? (located between 8 and 6 chakra, in your gif 7 and 6 chakra)

I visualise it in goldwhite as every other chakra. The end goal is to turn them into gold anyway. I tryed the other colors but goldwhite works for me best.

Not sure about the allignment either point down or up and down?

See signature:

"The G letter activates the pineal gland." HP Mageson666

The chakras do not actually need to be visualized and such, you can just be aware of them slightly in the back of your mind as you do the meditation. The images are just a general guideline of the chakras' locations and generally where to visualize the actual solar pyramid.

The pineal gland is ruled by the 6th chakra (the blue-violet chakra in the centre of the figure's head between the purple crown chakra and the blue throat chakra), the pineal gland is not necessarily a chakra in and of itself, this is why it is simply called the pineal gland and not the 7th/8th/9th/ chakra, etc. It is more or less part of the 6th chakra. The real 7th chakra is the crown chakra.

For more information on the chakras you can look at our Chakras Page on our website. Just be wary the information here is old and needs to be updated as I have personally found a number of inaccuracies myself, but the majority of the information is true.

The way the chakras face such as point up or down in the images I have provided in this thread is accurate and truthful in accordance to each chakra.
Look, GitM. I appreciate all the help. But non of that works for me nor do I care to make it work. I want to reply in the best way possible. So the best way to reply is by not replying to your response.

IF I were to reply it would be so negative and in reality worthless of a response that you would probably just ignore it and let the thread die off.

So I honestly don't know how to reply to your posting and reply to me without delving into negativity.

I know you're struggling to understand how energy and spiritually can be real when it seems like we're just fucking around with our 'imagination' here in some beatnik corner of the interwebs and calling ourselves spiritual. That's a doubt that isn't easy to get rid of in my own experience when I was new.

Oh I'm not struggling I understand perfectly well my mind understands it exactly. Texting isn't something that conveys much information.

Just simply it doesn't work. Like I've said before the occult, spirituality, and religion is just mental curiosities to build up your inner World. It doesn't work, it doesn't work. Why I continue to due it beyond me but at the end of the day lets say JoS and the meditations are fake it's just mental curiosities just do them for the sake of doing them. Well okay that's how life is it's just a lie. Albeit I'd rather believe in the lie of NS/SS than the lie of the enemy, which on top is it's own lie.

So I'm just gonna end it here. I don't struggle with anything I already know but it doesn't work so I just do it to kill some time. Like for example cleaning and protecting my aura I spend about 20 minutes total. But does it work, never has, it's just something I do to waste some time since I don't do anything all day and there is nothing better to do anyways.

I've never experienced ANYTHING anyone has said and at this point I don't care to. It's like Lucid dreaming and Astral projection. I've read of people controlling their dreams or AP'ing and experiencing wonderful things. Worst part is you gotta practice to due it. Why would I want to practice something that when you go to bed the only thing you want is sleep just to waste away the shithole of a day you have. I consider these people lucky and should embark on their gifts but for me all I want to do is sleep. And funny enough sleep is just ANOTHER waste of time and effort hell I mean I wake up more tired than the previous day.

I've been obsessed with AP'ing and LD'ing especially back in '99/'00 when I was 9-10 years old and yet barring certain dreams and certain potential false positives I've never once AP'd. So what is the point of learning it and practicing it and doing all these things if it never works. Hell is it even real or some sort of luck based thing.

Again it's the same with spirituality it seems the people who are here and are accomplishing something are lucky.

Is there something wrong with me. I suppose there is but what is beyond me. And really at the height of this age that I'm at. I really don't give a shit perhaps to make it even better perhaps even from the beginning I never gave a shit. It works it works it doesn't work it doesn't work. That's life worthless and stupid, a horrible thing really.

Like I said before I'm gonna end it here as my naturally negative personality takes over. Then again I bet this post gets posted at the times of posting and I regret replying. In fact I'd probably get to the point I regret even making this post up.
Ghost in the Machine said:
The chakras do not actually need to be visualized and such, you can just be aware of them slightly in the back of your mind as you do the meditation. The images are just a general guideline of the chakras' locations and generally where to visualize the actual solar pyramid.

I could swear, it was once instructed to fokus/ clean the chakras on Returning Curses 2 and in RC 1 fokus more on the aura. RC1 is a rough purification and RC2 removes the remains on the chakras. Well maybe I missread it back then.

Ghost in the Machine said:
The pineal gland is ruled by the 6th chakra (the blue-violet chakra in the centre of the figure's head between the purple crown chakra and the blue throat chakra), the pineal gland is not necessarily a chakra in and of itself, this is why it is simply called the pineal gland and not the 7th/8th/9th/ chakra, etc. It is more or less part of the 6th chakra. The real 7th chakra is the crown chakra.

I have to dissagree.

"The fact is the ancient's used the number 8 not 7, for the chakra's along the spine and brain. In ancient Hinduism the number 8 not 7 is used. Shiva and the 7 Rishi's form the basis of Hindu mythos the 7 Rishi's openly represent the 7 chakra's and Shiva is the pineal gland. ..." HP Mageson666

Exposing Enemy Corruption The Seven And The Mystery Of The Gan Edin

Ghost in the Machine said:
The way the chakras face such as point up or down in the images I have provided in this thread is accurate and truthful in accordance to each chakra.

I just asked because I always visualised/fokused with RC2 on the chakras. You did a great job.
GG Allin said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
The pineal gland is ruled by the 6th chakra (the blue-violet chakra in the centre of the figure's head between the purple crown chakra and the blue throat chakra), the pineal gland is not necessarily a chakra in and of itself, this is why it is simply called the pineal gland and not the 7th/8th/9th/ chakra, etc. It is more or less part of the 6th chakra. The real 7th chakra is the crown chakra.

I have to dissagree.

"The fact is the ancient's used the number 8 not 7, for the chakra's along the spine and brain. In ancient Hinduism the number 8 not 7 is used. Shiva and the 7 Rishi's form the basis of Hindu mythos the 7 Rishi's openly represent the 7 chakra's and Shiva is the pineal gland. ..." HP Mageson666

Exposing Enemy Corruption The Seven And The Mystery Of The Gan Edin

The pineal gland is a point of energy extended from the 6th chakra, it is the direct correspondence of the actual physical pineal gland which rules over our psychic sight which has to do with the 6th chakra of which the third-eye itself is an extension of as well. This is why when empowering the pineal gland you breathe energy in through the third eye to go into it.

The 7th chakra is the crown and the 8th chakra is the golden top chakra above the head which has to do with the path of the kundalini serpent. In total from my own experiences in raising kundalini energy we have 13 major chakras, the 13th chakra is where the kundalini serpent rises to where the head of the serpent 'sits' at, the energy rises along the back of the spine through the crown and up through the top chakras and 12th chakra to a 13th chakra where the energy then curtains down and rises back up through the front circulation of our soul where from my experience the energy circulation 'connects' and creates a loop of regenerative life-force and energy causing a surge of power.

The accuracy of my experience is arguable, but this is what I have based my knowledge on along with many other experiences as well and knowledge written and shared by clergy and on our website as well as intuitive conduct. Ancient lore and literatures in the value of their spiritual knowledge can be symbolical and shared in their recognition of truths in that yes, an 8th chakra does in fact exist, but so does a 9th, 10th, and 11th chakra, but these were not mentioned.

Don't reply to my reply. It was hastily typed up. If I created an issue well shame on me. But I was simply curious on cleaning as I, do clean with vibration and Surya. Simply curious why we needed another cleaner but if it works and helps people okay two thumbs up. :oops:
Gear88 said:
Look, GitM. I appreciate all the help. But non of that works for me nor do I care to make it work. I want to reply in the best way possible. So the best way to reply is by not replying to your response.

IF I were to reply it would be so negative and in reality worthless of a response that you would probably just ignore it and let the thread die off.

So I honestly don't know how to reply to your posting and reply to me without delving into negativity.

I know you're struggling to understand how energy and spiritually can be real when it seems like we're just fucking around with our 'imagination' here in some beatnik corner of the interwebs and calling ourselves spiritual. That's a doubt that isn't easy to get rid of in my own experience when I was new.

Oh I'm not struggling I understand perfectly well my mind understands it exactly. Texting isn't something that conveys much information.

Just simply it doesn't work. Like I've said before the occult, spirituality, and religion is just mental curiosities to build up your inner World. It doesn't work, it doesn't work. Why I continue to due it beyond me but at the end of the day lets say JoS and the meditations are fake it's just mental curiosities just do them for the sake of doing them. Well okay that's how life is it's just a lie. Albeit I'd rather believe in the lie of NS/SS than the lie of the enemy, which on top is it's own lie.

So I'm just gonna end it here. I don't struggle with anything I already know but it doesn't work so I just do it to kill some time. Like for example cleaning and protecting my aura I spend about 20 minutes total. But does it work, never has, it's just something I do to waste some time since I don't do anything all day and there is nothing better to do anyways.

I've never experienced ANYTHING anyone has said and at this point I don't care to. It's like Lucid dreaming and Astral projection. I've read of people controlling their dreams or AP'ing and experiencing wonderful things. Worst part is you gotta practice to due it. Why would I want to practice something that when you go to bed the only thing you want is sleep just to waste away the shithole of a day you have. I consider these people lucky and should embark on their gifts but for me all I want to do is sleep. And funny enough sleep is just ANOTHER waste of time and effort hell I mean I wake up more tired than the previous day.

I've been obsessed with AP'ing and LD'ing especially back in '99/'00 when I was 9-10 years old and yet barring certain dreams and certain potential false positives I've never once AP'd. So what is the point of learning it and practicing it and doing all these things if it never works. Hell is it even real or some sort of luck based thing.

Again it's the same with spirituality it seems the people who are here and are accomplishing something are lucky.

Is there something wrong with me. I suppose there is but what is beyond me. And really at the height of this age that I'm at. I really don't give a shit perhaps to make it even better perhaps even from the beginning I never gave a shit. It works it works it doesn't work it doesn't work. That's life worthless and stupid, a horrible thing really.

Like I said before I'm gonna end it here as my naturally negative personality takes over. Then again I bet this post gets posted at the times of posting and I regret replying. In fact I'd probably get to the point I regret even making this post up.
Then dedicate yourself to the White Nationalist cause and join a militia. Train with weapons training so that you can support your brothers in the coming conflict. Get involved in supporting white nationalists and try to forward their agenda somehow. If you cant work spiritually, get on top of the material things and figure out how to help these people physically. Maybe go join Donald Trump's campaign and start shilling for him. Try to red pill as many people as you can on the basic facts of the coronavirus hoax and how the elites destroyed everyone's lives. Support the cause somehow , without doing something your wasting your existence away in this very important of times .
Ghost in the Machine said:
GG Allin said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
The pineal gland is ruled by the 6th chakra (the blue-violet chakra in the centre of the figure's head between the purple crown chakra and the blue throat chakra), the pineal gland is not necessarily a chakra in and of itself, this is why it is simply called the pineal gland and not the 7th/8th/9th/ chakra, etc. It is more or less part of the 6th chakra. The real 7th chakra is the crown chakra.

I have to dissagree.

"The fact is the ancient's used the number 8 not 7, for the chakra's along the spine and brain. In ancient Hinduism the number 8 not 7 is used. Shiva and the 7 Rishi's form the basis of Hindu mythos the 7 Rishi's openly represent the 7 chakra's and Shiva is the pineal gland. ..." HP Mageson666

Exposing Enemy Corruption The Seven And The Mystery Of The Gan Edin

The pineal gland is a point of energy extended from the 6th chakra, it is the direct correspondence of the actual physical pineal gland which rules over our psychic sight which has to do with the 6th chakra of which the third-eye itself is an extension of as well. This is why when empowering the pineal gland you breathe energy in through the third eye to go into it.

The 7th chakra is the crown and the 8th chakra is the golden top chakra above the head which has to do with the path of the kundalini serpent. In total from my own experiences in raising kundalini energy we have 13 major chakras, the 13th chakra is where the kundalini serpent rises to where the head of the serpent 'sits' at, the energy rises along the back of the spine through the crown and up through the top chakras and 12th chakra to a 13th chakra where the energy then curtains down and rises back up through the front circulation of our soul where from my experience the energy circulation 'connects' and creates a loop of regenerative life-force and energy causing a surge of power.

The accuracy of my experience is arguable, but this is what I have based my knowledge on along with many other experiences as well and knowledge written and shared by clergy and on our website as well as intuitive conduct. Ancient lore and literatures in the value of their spiritual knowledge can be symbolical and shared in their recognition of truths in that yes, an 8th chakra does in fact exist, but so does a 9th, 10th, and 11th chakra, but these were not mentioned.

"The fact is the ancient's used the number 8 not 7, for the chakra's along the spine and brain.

In the end it only matters if you are able to raise your serpent/ then MO. , but on this one I wanted to be petty :lol:

I appreciate your additional info about the pineal gland.
Ghost in the Machine said:
GG Allin said:
I have to dissagree.

"The fact is the ancient's used the number 8 not 7, for the chakra's along the spine and brain. In ancient Hinduism the number 8 not 7 is used. Shiva and the 7 Rishi's form the basis of Hindu mythos the 7 Rishi's openly represent the 7 chakra's and Shiva is the pineal gland. ..." HP Mageson666

Exposing Enemy Corruption The Seven And The Mystery Of The Gan Edin

The pineal gland is a point of energy extended from the 6th chakra, it is the direct correspondence of the actual physical pineal gland which rules over our psychic sight which has to do with the 6th chakra of which the third-eye itself is an extension of as well. This is why when empowering the pineal gland you breathe energy in through the third eye to go into it.

The 7th chakra is the crown and the 8th chakra is the golden top chakra above the head which has to do with the path of the kundalini serpent. In total from my own experiences in raising kundalini energy we have 13 major chakras, the 13th chakra is where the kundalini serpent rises to where the head of the serpent 'sits' at, the energy rises along the back of the spine through the crown and up through the top chakras and 12th chakra to a 13th chakra where the energy then curtains down and rises back up through the front circulation of our soul where from my experience the energy circulation 'connects' and creates a loop of regenerative life-force and energy causing a surge of power.

The accuracy of my experience is arguable, but this is what I have based my knowledge on along with many other experiences as well and knowledge written and shared by clergy and on our website as well as intuitive conduct. Ancient lore and literatures in the value of their spiritual knowledge can be symbolical and shared in their recognition of truths in that yes, an 8th chakra does in fact exist, but so does a 9th, 10th, and 11th chakra, but these were not mentioned.
What a weird reply. If you actually took 2 minutes to read the article that Allin linked you would see that Mageson himself said the pineal is to be treated and empowered seperately as its own chakra. It's important to focus on it and open/empower it.

The enemy is trying to connect people into Saturn with 7 and hide that the pineal gland needs to be empowered as a separate chakra.

The solar chakra which collects the amrita of this chakra. This point the pineal connects to the solar chakra the 666 as well they are a pair.

If you look at the Masonic symbol the G and the square and compass are designed to show the same. The G is put here to show this as the G letter activates the pineal gland. In Sanskrit the mantra for the pineal gland is Gaum.
Shael said:

The pineal gland is not a 'powerhouse' of the soul like the other major chakras in the same way that the third eye isn't. It is it's own separate thing for sure and needs to be empowered as such but so is the third eye. I'm only bothering in the whole numerology factor of what we consider as the major chakras.

It just makes sense to have 13 major chakras, a number of Satan as opposed to 14. 13 by their root numbers are the vibrational influences of successful manifestation of outward desires in our surrounding environment (spirituality, our magic, etc) and 3 is the higher rising self in the perception of success and personal empowerment.

Together they equal 4 the stable structure that withholds the vibrational influences of sentience and life, the container, the structure, the four corners of the soul, the four elements, the four seasons, the four cardinal directions that 'wall' our planet's magnetic force and energies, "I have allowed the creation of four substances, four times and four corners; because they are necessary things for creatures." -Satan, The Al Jilwah.

In what Mageson wrote "The ancient Egyptians also stated the number 8 for the same and stated its the number of enlightenment.", in that context It only makes sense to me that the real 8th chakra is the golden chakra above the crown that is actually labelled as the 8th major chakra by Maxine and clergy on our website for it is the chakra of enlightenment in our soul, this is where one attains realization of the higher self in aid of raising the kundalini serpent, it rules over enlightenment and 8 is the number of enlightenment therefore it only makes sense for it to be the true 8th major chakra, not the pineal gland.

That's only what I'm getting at.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Shael said:

The pineal gland is not a 'powerhouse' of the soul like the other major chakras in the same way that the third eye isn't. It is it's own separate thing for sure and needs to be empowered as such but so is the third eye. I'm only bothering in the whole numerology factor of what we consider as the major chakras.

It just makes sense to have 13 major chakras, a number of Satan as opposed to 14. 13 by their root numbers are the vibrational influences of successful manifestation of outward desires in our surrounding environment (spirituality, our magic, etc) and 3 is the higher rising self in the perception of success and personal empowerment.

Together they equal 4 the stable structure that withholds the vibrational influences of sentience and life, the container, the structure, the four corners of the soul, the four elements, the four seasons, the four cardinal directions that 'wall' our planet's magnetic force and energies, "I have allowed the creation of four substances, four times and four corners; because they are necessary things for creatures." -Satan, The Al Jilwah.

In what Mageson wrote "The ancient Egyptians also stated the number 8 for the same and stated its the number of enlightenment.", in that context It only makes sense to me that the real 8th chakra is the golden chakra above the crown that is actually labelled as the 8th major chakra by Maxine and clergy on our website for it is the chakra of enlightenment in our soul, this is where one attains realization of the higher self in aid of raising the kundalini serpent, it rules over enlightenment and 8 is the number of enlightenment therefore it only makes sense for it to be the true 8th major chakra, not the pineal gland.

That's only what I'm getting at.

Is it maybe just a matter of counting chakras who are positon whise above each other. (center chakras)

Base is under sacral chakra
sacral is under sun chakra
Pineal is under crown chakra = 8 Chakras all above each other.

The Gold chakra would have the number 9 which is a good / power number (half of 18= 10 materiell +8 permanence = horizontal checksum 9)

It is also not the first time the jos website has outdated info. Like with the hearth chakra back then which is not the 4 but the 6 chakra .

"Azazel who is a Master of Spiritual Alchemy worked with me in detail on each one of these meditations. These meditations are extremely powerful and often, the effects can be felt hours later. It is important to follow instructions and if you are new to power meditation, to go slow. If you have already done the former meditations, it is fine to do these. Quite a few people reported little or no effects from the former meditations that were taken from books. In addition, as of August 2018, quite a few people stated in the e-groups that they were not open enough. I have revised the opening of the chakras with more powerful mantras, and have added an audio Mp3 to hear the correct vibration for each chakra. Please feel free to download any of the Mp3's if you want to keep them. Because the enemy could not completely destroy all spiritual knowledge, much has been deliberately corrupted. The standard mainstream knowledge of the 7 main chakras is corrupt. The "heart" and all references to it is not located in the chest, but in the head, corresponding to the nadis."


GG Allin said:
"Azazel who is a Master of Spiritual Alchemy worked with me in detail on each one of these meditations. These meditations are extremely powerful and often, the effects can be felt hours later. It is important to follow instructions and if you are new to power meditation, to go slow. If you have already done the former meditations, it is fine to do these. Quite a few people reported little or no effects from the former meditations that were taken from books. In addition, as of August 2018, quite a few people stated in the e-groups that they were not open enough. I have revised the opening of the chakras with more powerful mantras, and have added an audio Mp3 to hear the correct vibration for each chakra. Please feel free to download any of the Mp3's if you want to keep them. Because the enemy could not completely destroy all spiritual knowledge, much has been deliberately corrupted. The standard mainstream knowledge of the 7 main chakras is corrupt. The "heart" and all references to it is not located in the chest, but in the head, corresponding to the nadis."



You're severely misinterpreting the quote regarding the heart chakra. The heart chakra 100% is the 4th chakra located in the chest. Maxine was referring to the shape and symbol of the heart which is associated by us with 'love' and 'emotion'. The nadi energy channels flow in this shape and symbol in the head chakra forming the 'heart shape' of which is in the head.

The upper chakras in the head rule the psychic interpretations of emotions, including love, happiness, anger (different emotions originate from different chakras they are in rulerships of, but it is the upper psychic chakras where this "heart shape" is located that interprets these emotional energies as a manifested experience, thus we 'feel' emotions). This is what she meant, not about the location of the actual heart chakra, the heart chakra is in the chest.

This also has nothing to do with title or in naming, the 4th chakra, the heart chakra literally rules over our physical heart organ in our physical bodies, thus the heart chakra. If your heart chakra is weak, debilitated or 'sick', your physical heart will respond to this as well which is harmful to ones physical health, same with any other chakra and the organs and parts of the body they rule over. Of course this is common taste in names, I'm not going to call the Solar Chakra The Stomach Chakra or the Intestine Chakra any time soon.

Regardless Maxine was referring to the heart symbol and it's associations. The 4th heart chakra is located in the chest. Misinterpretations happen though and you're not the only one in the slightest who's done it. It's all a learning process here.
Ghost in the Machine said:
GG Allin said:
"Azazel who is a Master of Spiritual Alchemy worked with me in detail on each one of these meditations. These meditations are extremely powerful and often, the effects can be felt hours later. It is important to follow instructions and if you are new to power meditation, to go slow. If you have already done the former meditations, it is fine to do these. Quite a few people reported little or no effects from the former meditations that were taken from books. In addition, as of August 2018, quite a few people stated in the e-groups that they were not open enough. I have revised the opening of the chakras with more powerful mantras, and have added an audio Mp3 to hear the correct vibration for each chakra. Please feel free to download any of the Mp3's if you want to keep them. Because the enemy could not completely destroy all spiritual knowledge, much has been deliberately corrupted. The standard mainstream knowledge of the 7 main chakras is corrupt. The "heart" and all references to it is not located in the chest, but in the head, corresponding to the nadis."



You're severely misinterpreting the quote regarding the heart chakra. The heart chakra 100% is the 4th chakra located in the chest. Maxine was referring to the shape and symbol of the heart which is associated by us with 'love' and 'emotion'. The nadi energy channels flow in this shape and symbol in the head chakra forming the 'heart shape' of which is in the head.

The upper chakras in the head rule the psychic interpretations of emotions, including love, happiness, anger (different emotions originate from different chakras they are in rulerships of, but it is the upper psychic chakras where this "heart shape" is located that interprets these emotional energies as a manifested experience, thus we 'feel' emotions). This is what she meant, not about the location of the actual heart chakra, the heart chakra is in the chest.

This also has nothing to do with title or in naming, the 4th chakra, the heart chakra literally rules over our physical heart organ in our physical bodies, thus the heart chakra. If your heart chakra is weak, debilitated or 'sick', your physical heart will respond to this as well which is harmful to ones physical health, same with any other chakra and the organs and parts of the body they rule over. Of course this is common taste in names, I'm not going to call the Solar Chakra The Stomach Chakra or the Intestine Chakra any time soon.

Regardless Maxine was referring to the heart symbol and it's associations. The 4th heart chakra is located in the chest. Misinterpretations happen though and you're not the only one in the slightest who's done it. It's all a learning process here.

You´re right 4 chakra stays hearth chakra, only hearth shape is linked to 5-8 chakras or maybe only 6-8 including pineal gland.
But still this stays at it is said :
The standard mainstream knowledge of the 7 main chakras is corrupt. "
GG Allin said:
Ghost in the Machine said:

You´re right 4 chakra stays hearth chakra, only hearth shape is linked to 5-8 chakras or maybe only 6-8 including pineal gland.
But still this stays at it is said :
The standard mainstream knowledge of the 7 main chakras is corrupt. "

Yes this is because all common 'normie' knowledge in regular media, books and common online sources only ever tell people that there are 7 chakras to the soul when there are many. Shoulder chakras, feet chakras, hand chakras, hips, temples, chest, back, navel, also 13 major chakras that powerhouse the soul not to mention extensions.

This is what is meant in that the information is corrupt, it hides so much of the truth and lies about what is real. This way people would only ever focus so meagerly on these chakras not even knowing how to unblock them, spin the, empower them appropriately or even knowing of the existence of other chakras beyond the 7 that are only told.
Ghost in the Machine said:
This is a meditation I came up with some time ago in thinking of other ways to clean the soul and chakras more effectively. Feel free to state any opinions, discuss other potential uses and all that good stuff.

This meditation is a power-wash cleansing of the soul and chakras and is a little advanced when it comes to directing energy and visualization. You are free to try this regardless of advancement though.

You must be outside for this meditation and the sun should be out at it's highest point in the sky. The sun doesn't need to be directly overhead, just as high as it goes for your location is preferred. If you are unable to do this then any time will suffice so long as the sun is up and is not being blocked by clouds. You do not have to be standing either, you can sit down either on a chair or cross-legged on the ground if you like, up to you.

Visualize a pyramid, just like the pyramids of Egypt but made of gold and the point is facing down. It should be a few inches above the location of your 11th chakra, higher or lower though is up to you.


Focus on this pyramid, it's shape, it's golden structure and simultaneously turn your attention to the solar energy being given off by our sun in the sky. Slowly start to spin this pyramid, and as it starts to spin allow it to start picking up and gathering up all of this solar energy from the sun inside of it. Visualize the pyramid filling up like a cup with pure solar energy, glowing brighter and brighter until it becomes fully engulfed in this sunlight spinning faster and faster.


Keep spinning this pyramid as fast as you can, it should be spinning faster and faster until it reaches the speed of light and growing ever more brighter and ever more brilliant and empowered. Allow it to gather up as much solar energy inside of itself as you can, it should basically be absolutely bursting to the brim with white-gold sun energy, this may take several minutes but take as long as you feel you need until you get to this point.

Now with this pyramid positively glowing and empowered to the point of looking like it's own personal sun over your head, focus your attention on the tipped point of this pyramid at the bottom. Now 'open' this point and visualize and direct all of the solar energy it's gathered being released like a floodgate, bursting and pouring out from this point and beaming down over you with an incredibly empowered brilliance completely engulfing you and powerfully beaming through your entire soul and all of your chakras, instantly disintegrating and pushing out ANY and ALL negative energies in your soul, completely cleansing everything to absolute brilliance and perfection leaving nothing but purified and clean, healthy energy of your soul and chakras behind.


Keep shining this beam down over you and feel it completely cleansing away all of the negative energy in you and purifying your entire soul and all of your chakras to absolution and perfection. Allow it to empower you and give your soul light, strength and health. Keep beaming this light down until the pyramid is completely emptied. Allow any excess energies that miss you to go down into the Earth to heal, cleanse and empower her.

And that's it, you're done. For those of you with very stubborn souls that struggle to be cleaned or if your soul is in need of a good power-washing, this meditation should help and prove effective. A word of awareness though, this is strong solar energy of the sun which will raise characteristics of the sun in your soul. The sun is very positive indeed, but too much of a good thing isn't always good. All things in moderation.

I really enjoy the pyramid at the top of the head, it helps immediately with visualizing “ALOT” of energy and directing that energy, so this is super :cool: I’m going to do this when I feel I need a good pressure washing. You ever see a pressure washer clean a dirty sidewalk? Ooooof that’s that good shit. That’s what this reminds me of.

The energy of the sun is very cleansing and being in the sun really helps primarily visualize white gold. I have been using the solar mantras as well, and I have always used solar energy for many things for many years. I have not had any changes in my personality due to specifically using the sun unless otherwise dictated. Other planetary mantras have influenced different moods though. I’d have to hear others words on this, but in my experience solar energy is a great all-purpose and safe energy to work with.
Gear88 said:
But technically speaking isn't it the same as auric/chakra cleaning? Aura cleaning cleans the aura and outer chakras and when you clean your chakras your cleaning inside.

Stubborn or not I know your trying to help. But on some level this is exactly what I was ranting about in another thread. Anyone can make up any meditation. For all intents and purposes I can come up with quite a few. So is meditation merely the use of your imagination to create new effects.

Because if that is the case. Well I've pretty much been meditating since I had conscious thought and imagination.

I know another method use pure white light. Once a week, once every two weeks give the soul a good blasting. But funny enough it doesn't matter just keep cleaning with various methods already given and your fine. I highly doubt forcing the situation with your created meditation is gonna do any better.

(Note: I'm not trying to be hostile just stating "What exactly is wrong with the methods already provided?")

It is all the same. The basic intention being cleaning in any way you feel comfortable. I just the white light as paint just pushing out all black and grey energy inherently due to paint having so weight to itself.
And the end of the day its about convinience and what one naturally feels inclined to. But the end result of having a clean aura and chakra is the main objective.
Kind of like the trance training with feather , life methods etc. Long back I used to enjoy the feather method with the falling , then it turned more comfortable to using a lift , or atlast just falling down.
Constantly changing methods helps with avoiding monotony and boredom associated with following a method too long.
We often enter a new method of new found vigor as in this being the best method maybe because we messed up a couple of times on the previous methods. New has its own charm.
Its like starting a new meditation program made by someone else we highly respect. We just jump into it with all our faith. Constantly changing up methods help but also mastering one particular method as after a point its like muscle memory.
Ghost in the Machine said:

I know you're struggling to understand how energy and spiritually can be real when it seems like we're just fucking around with our 'imagination' here in some beatnik corner of the interwebs and calling ourselves spiritual. That's a doubt that isn't easy to get rid of in my own experience when I was new.

Yes, when we think, when we visualize, when we 'imagine', that is what is done when we are directing energy because energy is thought. The astral isn't called The Thought-plane for no reason. What isn't properly understood is that our thoughts and imagination have real power behind it, this is why we can influence things and direct energy in the law of attraction via thought and manipulate things on the astral like the psychic chakras and souls of other people and even our own and affect the physical world around us.

These visuals and imaginative thoughts are tangible on their own plane and work in specific ways. Trying to understand how exactly it does this by trying to apply physical understandings of logic like physical sciences we typically use on Earth such as microscopes and magnetic sensors will not work because these can only ever tell us how these energies affect the physical plane, not how or why they work on the astral. The astral and energies can't be understood by physical logic and physical sciences in how or why they do what they do because the astral and energies on the astral are not physical, you can find out physically how it affects the physical plane but you are not measuring or seeing what is happening on the astral to make such things happen because logic does not apply to the realm. The plane itself cannot be seen or understood in this way at all.

The astral realm is just that, an entirely different realm, it is like it's own universe where the laws and understandings are completely different from what we know. The only way to understand 'how' or 'why' the astral and energies work is to work within it's plane, this means using intuition which is a strictly astral entity to know how on it's own level, because it is all on the same plane and follows the same rules, therefore it understands those rules by it's own laws. Even then you're not going to find a set of numbers or data points because these have to do with logic of the lower plane, the physical realm, which is absent from the astral entirely. Energy is ALL feeling, you cannot measure emotion, you cannot find the square root of energy, you can't know the radius of the astral plane, these things do not apply because they literally do not exist on the astral.

This is like the different 'world' between us and animals. When telepathically communicating with an animal they do not think in words or languages like we do, they do not understand it. They think in pictures and images, therefor you must cater to this 'law' of their world and follow such yourself to properly communicate and utilize it by showing and directing pictures and images for them to understand in the way they understand, not how we understand. In this way you will also learn to understand what they are saying and what they are communicating or thinking, in the understanding of their own world, not in the way we do but in the way they do. This is of course just an analogy between the understandings of the physical and and astral plane and the differences.

The astral cannot be measured with a ruler, it cannot be calculated with a calculator, it cannot be understood by logical and sensible means, only psychic and intuitive ones, and even then you can only know and understand in what ways it can work to help you through feeling and what it can do by evidence of what it does anyways, and not how it does it or why in numbers or physical and logical sciences, only in the astral understanding of what energies follow and do. We cannot apply what we know in the physical sense unless you are applying understanding on how these energies influence and affect the physical plane itself as an invisible mirroring force.

When it comes to understanding the astral and how or why energy works, it's just like before we ever knew what gravity really was or even had a name for it. If you put a ball on a hill and it rolled down, we didn't know why or how it's doing that, we just knew that when a ball is on a hill it just happens to roll down it. You cannot explain why it's real or how, it just is because it does this and works every single time you do it, but hey this can be used in some way. Can't explain it but hey if I need a ball to roll down a hill it can be done, and say maybe we can expand this, oh suddenly I realized this weird invisible force is a thing that can be used for other ideas like mechanisms, still don't know why or how it works but because it just does what I direct it to do we can use it and it can used for many other things as well. Regardless of knowing how it works I still get the result I need from it every time.

This is what it's like using energy on the astral, it just does what it does and there are various ways it can do what it does by incorporating other things it just does and with the astral that's all you know and that's all you really have to know. The difference between this is unlike gravity there is no real way to explain it on paper, it just IS. "If I do this, this happens.", trying to understand why when it comes to the astral, trying to get to the very source of what energy is and why it does what it does or how it does what it does by trying to apply matters that have nothing to do with it such as logic, physicality and sense, is not possible.

This is your struggle in comprehending it and what you're doing wrong in trying to.

When it comes to the meditation I've provided, like I said, the astral is it's own universe and in this universe energy is a very real tangible thing that follows the forces on that plane in that universe, it is very real in the methods you use it by directing thought and intent and it can be manipulated to work in different ways. It has potency, it has countering oppositional forces, it has things it is drawn to, things it deflects, things it powers and fuels or destroys in it's own way by it's own rules. Thought is energy and with the aether of our thought we can divert the path of all energies to make specific ones do what we want them to do. When it comes to the meditation I've given, it is different in the method and direction of the energy, the unique way the energies are being utilized in a different manner. Are you going to wash your car under a high pressured hose or under a powered waterfall or are you going to just let it sit out in the rain to get clean? Energies on the astral are very real and tangible things that can be used in different ways.

There's a reason why things like the Aura of Protection need to be built up and can't 'just be done' in one day just by thinking so because like I said energy is real and is affected by a large variety of other astral influences on it's level such as our own power levels, other energy forces like planets and even other sentient beings that are capable of thinking. Energy can dissipate in time without use and be weakened by opposite energies. It's difficult to maintain a clean soul for instance when you surround yourself every day with toxic and negative people. This is the tangibility of it on the astral, but like I said, it cannot be understood logically. Logic is not part of the astral plane, it is part of the physical plane, it is the lower grounding vibration.

So don't try to apply it in understanding how all of this works, because you will continuously be met with confusion, frustration and struggle in grasping any sense, because there isn't even any there to begin with when it comes to the astral. Logic was not born from the astral plane, it was born from the physical plane as the lower vibrational split of "The All", the aether origin of our entire reality. The astral realm is a different 'universe', do not apply what we understand in our physical one to it, because like the physical cannot understand the astral and it's laws, the astral does not understand the physical and the laws it follows.

Different laws, different rules, you can't use telekinesis to calculate how much the volume of orange juice in a cup is. For that you use physical tools of physical logic. For the astral, you use astral tools of astral 'logic', such as intuition and energy. The understandings are entirely different. Stop trying to apply logic and know that it just is because it is and it always will be. The only reason for using physical means to see how the astral can affect the physical is in proof that it exists.

Science sees a lot of things that happen out in space, on our planet, with atoms and in our galaxy, strange unexplainable gravitational pulls, animals being able to somehow sense when something bad is about to happen such as earthquakes with no explainable source as to how they come to know this, odd events and unseen forces where there is tons of physical evidence that something is happening and going on, but they don't know why. Because they are seeing and looking only at the physical realm and physical logic of it, and not seeing the astral influences and astral understandings behind it via the astral realm of which is completely outside the bounds of the physical plane, again, it's own 'universe'.

And because of the enemy, they are unable to. But WE can as we develop and learn to see, feel, use and understand the astral through it's own understandings of which are entirely separate from what we've been raised to know about our physical world and everything around it.

A clean and healthy throat chakra and clean blue energy with shiny glistening water visuals in your meditations, or working with artistic hobbies like painting or drawing or even just looking up and admiring images of beautiful artwork online filled with themes of magic every day can help you tune better into creativity over time and understand this better, but you must be consistent and it may or may not take months depending on how stubborn your blockages are.

As in a previous post because you're so in tune with physical matters it's best to start with such as you may have a better time this way in developing. Looking at artwork having to do with beauty, feminine natures of bliss and magic is a good small step to start. Look upon artworks like this, and think to yourself which ones are places you'd like to visit, which ones do you admire the colour and looks of, imagine and put yourself inside these places if you can, do you want to go to one? Does it look like peaceful happiness in the fantasies of it's world? Would you go fishing here? Collect some rocks? Build a house?

They are nice to look at at the very least and it's going to feel like it's doing nothing for you, you're going to feel like you are just looking at an empty image on a screen that means nothing. This is a blatant sign of a blockage in your upper chakras that can be broken with consistency like any breaking of any spiritual blockage. If you're repulsed or weirded out even about all this or even repelled and don't want to do it then that's even more so of a sign of a barrier keeping you from connecting. Submitting to it and just letting it push you around each and every time without forcing against it will keep it there forever.

Remember energy is thought, if it feels like in your mind you can't connect, focus, think or or do something, that means there's some kind of energy block in the way and you must work to break it down. You can't expect it to break down on it's own or fix itself, you just do it even if you hate it, even if you don't want to or feel like it's hopeless, you just do it. If I had a dime for every damn time I've had to force through shit psychic walls and barriers like that that made me feel the exact way you feel all the time even when it felt hopeless or like there was no point in me trying to do it, I'd be fuckin' rich by now. And I have succeeded each time, that invisible wall of "I can't connect" can feel big and intimidating and you can feel like something is forcing back against you when you try to connect, THAT is the "I can't" feeling, THAT is the "I'm struggling" feeling, THAT is the psychic barrier, like something is literally stopping you and is pushing back, and the fact that you can feel that barrier at all is quite obvious you are able to spiritually feel things. The barriers not going to break on it's own, you just do it.

Simultaneously you can visualize a door opening over your throat chakra to the creativity of this art even. Just try to look up images like this for a while every day and just focus on the things you like about them, even if you feel like something is in the way and you can't connect or do anything about it. This is an opposite force I'm advising you to do, do not give into despair or hopelessness, just do it. Are the waters a nice shade of blue? Do you like how the architecture of buildings look in the images? Does the weather look nice there? Ask yourself questions like this and look for the answers. Even a mere "I guess I could probably chill there for a bit" is fine.




- https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c1/e9/86/c1e9864c07dcc8717112577c09a56f41.jpg

- https://i.imgur.com/nYsoiLr.jpg

- https://i.imgur.com/0GRIN3W.jpg

You need creativity. Focusing on physical matters of it will mirror the astral matters involved of which in time will slowly break down the barriers, but you must allow the barrier to be broken and not allow it to make you feel hopeless. Think of all the shit our gods have had to go through to get to where they are now. And me of all the shit and garbage I've fought through relentlessly, other advanced members, clergy, Hitler even against all odds against him on this very planet orchestrated by the enemy still managed to achieve godhood. You don't start out that way man, you're going to go through this shit and it's not a matter of IF it's a matter of WHEN, it's part of the occupation, you bulldoze through it like everything else as PART of the job.

If there's all this evidence and proof that breaking through it all to the other side CAN be done, that you can be someone like this as well who breaks through to the other side because so many have been in your exact place, worse even before and done so, then all you have to do is just do it.

"Fuck it" shouldn't be giving up, "Fuck it" should be dropping all that shit noise of doubt, despair because you're sick of letting it affect you, and just power-housing through the worst of things so you can always say with confidence you've dealt with and survived worse. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain in doing so.[/quote

Also to add in your username made it easier for me to clean xD
Before it was that the cleaning has to be done even on the physical level that caused unnecessary thought and doubt to the process.
(I hope you understand what I am trying to say) :p
Thanks for the meditation :)

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
