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So called "Satanic Idol" in the ED and Loraine Warrens Occult Museum


New member
Dec 13, 2024
I saw some intresting article about the Warrens Museum. Now obviously i know that they work for the enemy. But i saw there is an idol there and they called it satanic , the idol had just 2 eyes and horns , and almost 6ft tall. Well i dont believe them obv , but as i was reading the story about how that idol first came to that place , they talk about the idol being found in the woods of
. The idol itself was found in the woods of Sandy Hook in Connecticut, with the Warrens believing it was used in Satanic rituals. The idol was found by a young hunter who encountered an old man in black robes soon after seeing it. The hunter was put in contact with the Warrens, and the idol remained in the Warrens' Occult Museum ever since.

thats what i had read , and further more - that loraine warren , was punished for changing the location of the idol by a german Satanic priest , and that she was unconscious for more than 3 days.

WELL obv i dont believe what they say , thats why i came here to ask whats the case with these warrens place - and all those objects inside it , what kind of entity do they belong too.
Ed and Lorraine Warren were vicious frauds, and they have been thoroughly exposed for all of their lies. There are extensive articles as well as YouTube videos exposing them and proving how they made up 95% of their claims. They actively encouraged those they engaged with to exagerate and sometimes to just make up fake accounts of paranormal activity, as they would be able to profit off of these claims through documentaries, books and movies. They were Grade A scam artists.

A very good example is their "Conjuring" movie, where they added in all sorts of nonsense that was so insulting to Father Satan and the Gods, and they also way over exagerrated their own roles in the haunting. The actual woman who grew up in the house, Andrea Perron, has stated on numerous occassions that there were never any Demons involved in the haunting and that her mother was never "posessed" as depicted in the movie. She clearly said the haunting was the result of human spirits, one of which was a very nasty old woman. But never once did she mention Satan or Demons. The Warrens inserted this themselves for clout to sell their movie. Andrea also said that the involvement of the Warrens was severely exaggerated in the movie, and stated that it was The Warrens who approached them and practically begged to investigate the house and not the other way around. The movie makes it seem as though the Perron family asked the Warrens for help, which was never the case. The Warrens had been trying to convince the family to involve them for ages, and they explicitly stated that they were interested in making a movie and thought they could make loads of money off of it.

Over and above this, their two other famous cases, The Enfield Poltergeist and The Amityville Haunting, were also debunked and exposed as hoaxes. Once again, the Warrens inserted themselves into these cases and heaped huge amounts of blasphemy and lies on Satan and the Gods in order to become famous and make money. The same goes for their "occult museum" as they used to charge people to come and walk around it.

So, they have a history of using Satan and Demons in order to sell their crappy movies and books. I wouldn't be surprised if that is exactly what happened with this "Satanic Idol". I wouldn't even be surpised if Ed made it himself and fabricated the whole story as he was clearly angling to make a movie about it. I have no doubt they will be punished for their lies and defamation.

All of that being said, we need to remember that when it comes to idols in general, just because an object is haunted with very negative energies does not mean it is because of Satan. An object can become saturated with negative energies due to ritualistic use by humans. Any object can be infused with energy, for good or for bad. If a person or group of people has created an idol or effigy of some sort and focuses negative thoughts upon it in ritual settings, this object will become saturated with negative energy, which can then impact others who come into contact with the object. Unsuspecting ignorant individuals, due to brainwashing by xian lies and related, may mistake this as being Satanic.
It's crazy how anyone can make up lies nowadays and profit from that smh

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
