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Small Acts? I don't think so.

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Oftentimes I am told by many of our SS that they would like to do "big acts". The situation is that before we can even do big acts or do them properly, we have to do the small acts.

You won't instantly fly over to "big acts" in existence. What we refer to as "big acts" is a series of smaller acts, in small pieces, over and over again, until you build up to the level where all your acts are actually "big" in proportion to those who have not even began.

Those who do their daily tasks and small acts diligently, are guaranteed to one day be among those who will be doing the greater acts. Those who do what they can do, then they are the does. The rest who is just "waiting" always for the right time, might wait for a long time. In the same time where others who do the "small things" will already be giants.

We must not use the kindnesss of our heart and wanting to make major impact as an excuse for not doing what we know we should be doing in the present. This is an obstacle in one's thought process.

Also, sometimes, the smallest acts can mean the world. Many dark nights I have received further inspiration from what many refer to as "small acts", done by other SS, that remind me of what I must do. In this case, where's the smallness of the acts?

One must not give excuses to themselves for inaction by branding their own actions as small. We must understand that we are all small pieces of a greater whole, and that nobody is really the "greater whole" themselves, as we are all together in this. There is no small act that is an act.

Great acts come in time; but first, the smaller ones are the foundation.

Read and keep close to your heart: https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/beelzebub_virtue_6.html

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
It is frustrating but ''drop by drop, it makes the lake'' as Turkish saying goes.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Read and keep close to your heart: https://joyofseatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/beelzebub_virtue_6.html

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The link isn't working.
Thank you HP. for this sermon :)

One thing, is that the link has a typo. It says "joyofseatan.org" instead of "joyofsatan.org"
Simple and to the point. Anyone who doesn't understand this is destined to fail. Because life has no mercy in this matter.

Whoever wants to join the great ones should remember this sentence:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
We must not use the kindnesss of our heart and wanting to make major impact as an excuse for not doing what we know we should be doing in the present. This is an obstacle in one's thought process.
I realised this and i feel i kept JoS back for not doing anything for a long time.
I see we are all part of this even me and it's scary with a lot of pressure on me because i feel overwhelmed with the responsibility.I will not give in again and stick my head under the sand again.

I'm so sorry
A long term plan is not about rushing and do so much as to burn yourself out in two days, it consists in short term actions done everyday that in some years will cumulate into something enormous.

Every "small act", as HP HoodedCobra said, done everyday by all Spiritual Satanists, will in the years turn into a giant act, and people will wonder how did they come so far? By the will of the Spiritual Satanists who everyday do their tasks diligently, even if it's a "small act".

A drop of water will tickle the rock. But many drops of water applied everyday to the rock will erode it. We are the drops of water, eroding the corrupted system in which we find ourselves in.
It's also about the person you become after you worked for many years and you overcome obstacles. If we were born already capable and we didn't have adversity, we wouldn't have the chance to grow and mature.

Seeing yourself progress day after day is very pleasurable and it is very underrated by people obsessed with "big acts" and people that want everything quickly.
Yes, just like building a house from the smallest things first from the initial foundation then slowly increasing to become large.

btw, I really agree with this post of yours HP 💖💖
There is typo in URL provided by you: it is written joyofseatan.org.

And as an addition, achieving something big qucikly is scam; but achieving something big step by step, by doing small acts everyday - it is how this supposed to be done. Also, one shouldn't think about big act continuously, but one should just enjoy the proccess and then that big act will be the nice reward for doing small acts.

Also, great sermon, High Priest.
Sir. The link you left has a bad typo in it. It comes across as joyofseatn.... Please fix the link.

Thank you as always for your wonderful articles.

Hail Father Satan
Very good and important sermon indeed, but I think that the link has a typo:

Joyofseatan.org :?:

I think it should be joyofsatan.org
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Oftentimes I am told by many of our SS that they would like to do "big acts". The situation is that before we can even do big acts or do them properly, we have to do the small acts.

You won't instantly fly over to "big acts" in existence. What we refer to as "big acts" is a series of smaller acts, in small pieces, over and over again, until you build up to the level where all your acts are actually "big" in proportion to those who have not even began.

Those who do their daily tasks and small acts diligently, are guaranteed to one day be among those who will be doing the greater acts. Those who do what they can do, then they are the does. The rest who is just "waiting" always for the right time, might wait for a long time. In the same time where others who do the "small things" will already be giants.

We must not use the kindnesss of our heart and wanting to make major impact as an excuse for not doing what we know we should be doing in the present. This is an obstacle in one's thought process.

Also, sometimes, the smallest acts can mean the world. Many dark nights I have received further inspiration from what many refer to as "small acts", done by other SS, that remind me of what I must do. In this case, where's the smallness of the acts?

One must not give excuses to themselves for inaction by branding their own actions as small. We must understand that we are all small pieces of a greater whole, and that nobody is really the "greater whole" themselves, as we are all together in this. There is no small act that is an act.

Great acts come in time; but first, the smaller ones are the foundation.

Read and keep close to your heart: https://joyofseatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/beelzebub_virtue_6.html

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is very important for our members to keep in mind. I can share that I've been very guilty of having this mindset, as I have been practically disabled for a major part of my life. I was far to cruel towards myself and the limitations I have dealt with. I only realise this in looking back as I'm almost at the complete tipping point in being healed.

I had to use sheer mental force on myself in all aspects to climb out of desperate circumstances, or to face only suffering or only succumbing to this as it took far too much strength. I wish this on no one and I understand that only certain levels of suffering should be tolerated.

After a point this can destroy a person.

I ended up applying this to much on myself and my life, not understanding for quite awhile that I was far to hard on myself. This is something our Spiritual Satanists here need to keep in mind. I pushed myself to extremes and would be only angry at my physical body for not being capable of more.

We must pace ourselves accordingly and do this with patience and proper growth in mind. I will likely make a separate post in time detailing my mistakes in this regard, so many other SS advice these types of mistakes and bad approaches.

It can be hard to see by ourselves. Some times we need to be on the outside looking in, and that is where we find our answer.

" Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look. "

--Marcus Aurelius
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Read and keep close to your heart: https://joyofseatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/beelzebub_virtue_6.html

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Link has a a typo
Correct one:

The way I perceive it, this is a post trying to elaborate something rather depressingly Pyrrhic as Laevinic.

Unfortunately, there are certain situations for hardly malleable reasons for things taking literal millennia or shitloads of other resources to achieve, like winning (or atleast shaking off) this likely intergalactic conflict.

Know that I have far too little comprehension on how war is waged between parties far in advance of what the average commoner is told here on earth.

I would love to think that exponential progress can be achieved on such matters.

Don't get me wrong, I do what I can for Satan but, small acts will never seem like much for the time being and by the time I see them adding up, I'm already too occupied with the next thing to care about what I couldn't notice straight away.

Having had both Pyrrhic and Laevinic experiences throughout my life, I hope you understand my opinion.
I guess others will have noticed pointed that out already by now.. there is an extra "e" in "Satan" in the link, working perfectly when you delete it in the URL bar of course.

But Brother, I do worry for your health if you don't get enough rest. I know your mission and duty to the Gods is the first priority (after your own health I'd have to say), but please try not to run on fumes longer than your body allows.
I know you're a fast typer from helping with translations of your Sermons, you probably can't even stop typing when you know the fingers made a typo cuz you don't want the context of the message to be tainted by a moment of distraction. I'm the same way.

Nevertheless, your message speaks loud and clear.
I've been there myself, thinking "why am I wasting my time with RTRs when I could be doing more..". Nonsense. The foundation is the most important step in anything we can possibly do or learn.
A saying I like, likely Chinese, is "Even the one who moves a mountain starts by carrying small stones."

It is when you start carrying small stones that your enemy should start trembling. Trying to lift the mountain will only make them laugh in derision.

Change usually does not come through great and big acts, but through small acts of kindness, for it is the little things that show who you really are... ( Sort of a quote ) Makes sense to me. It's the Ego Maniacs that usually seek great big acts, so they can be noticed by others. Feed and massage their Ego.
I look forward to the next few years we have many plans and being sowed right now in five to ten years from now most people who are here won't even recognise the JOS, i still have a few personal issues to work on that are holding me back but im working on them im getting better at controlling these problems but now i have a really good job it makes me proud to donate a lot more then i was before.
I totally agree,
Hail Satan!
If you are not able to perform small acts, you are not able to perform big acts either. Also, small act, by small act and you get a big act.

Thank you, Commander.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Oftentimes I am told by many of our SS that they would like to do "big acts". The situation is that before we can even do big acts or do them properly, we have to do the small acts.

You won't instantly fly over to "big acts" in existence. What we refer to as "big acts" is a series of smaller acts, in small pieces, over and over again, until you build up to the level where all your acts are actually "big" in proportion to those who have not even began.

Those who do their daily tasks and small acts diligently, are guaranteed to one day be among those who will be doing the greater acts. Those who do what they can do, then they are the does. The rest who is just "waiting" always for the right time, might wait for a long time. In the same time where others who do the "small things" will already be giants.

We must not use the kindnesss of our heart and wanting to make major impact as an excuse for not doing what we know we should be doing in the present. This is an obstacle in one's thought process.

Also, sometimes, the smallest acts can mean the world. Many dark nights I have received further inspiration from what many refer to as "small acts", done by other SS, that remind me of what I must do. In this case, where's the smallness of the acts?

One must not give excuses to themselves for inaction by branding their own actions as small. We must understand that we are all small pieces of a greater whole, and that nobody is really the "greater whole" themselves, as we are all together in this. There is no small act that is an act.

Great acts come in time; but first, the smaller ones are the foundation.

Read and keep close to your heart: https://joyofseatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/beelzebub_virtue_6.html

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HPHoodedCobra, first of all, thank U, very much

Second, the link has Seatan, so its broken, removing the e sends you to the page
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Read and keep close to your heart: https://joyofseatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/beelzebub_virtue_6.html

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

High Priest, there is a typo in the link. The correct link is : https://joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/beelzebub_virtue_6.html
Thank you for this Sermon.
Few days ago i decided to start with small goals. I really feel better when i see im coming to the end of the goal. I realized it is more important to start with small goals and than start with big ones. I strongly recommend you start with small ones. Take a paper and write your goals on it. This paper put on the door in your room.

Hail Satan!
Thanks and greetings great HP!

I think it is a problem with the link posted in that sermony, i tried to open in another browser and it didn't work.Maybe because it is "joyofseatan" instead of "joyofsatan"
Linked page is fixed, thanks everyone for the heads up.
Thank you HPHC :)

Hail Satan!
First of all thank you HP Cobra for your amazing words and the work you do for us all. Not long after reading your article I came across this video which fits well into this topic.


Though she mainly talks to writers the way she put this video is easy for anyone to use. I hope this adds another small stone to this mountian that got started long ago.

Hail Father Satan
Thank you for the fueling reminder.

For those that feel an endeavor is pointless or not worth starting because it will take what seems like a very long time, something to remember is that "the time will pass anyway". You will get to that 'far away' point in time. In 6 months or 2 years or whatever, when you get there, either you will regret not accomplishing or you will have what you worked your way towards each day.
Do what you can with what you have and both will become more.
rokokziga said:
Yes, just like building a house from the smallest things first from the initial foundation then slowly increasing to become large.


angramainyu said:
It's the Ego Maniacs that usually seek great big acts, so they can be noticed by others. Feed and massage their Ego.
What you describe it reminds me most of the inferiority complex.
88HungarianSatanicWarrior666 said:
This is what Confucius said to the Scorpio sign natives.

Thanks for that, Brother, I was sure it was either Chinese or Japanese. There's a lot of wisdom in the past of those lands, and sadly little of it survived to this age.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
