lilquote said:
Couldn't think of a better title in the moment, sorry about that. I read somewhere that a sigil shouldn't be drawn in a circle but I have no idea how credible that is. I believe they said something about the circle being a binding symbol? Anyways, I'm wondering if it's wrong to draw a sigil in a circle, on a circular paper, or imprint the sigil on a circular surface of some sort.
Never draw the sigils of our Gods in a circle.
The way the circle works in sigils, from my own experience, is that it isolates and focuses energies. I think what the enemy was trying to do when they drew circles around our Gods and Goddesses' sigils, was to attempt to isolate their energies and prevent them from reaching people inside of the enemies astral grid (the whole planet Earth). Circled surfaces such as round paper, or a round pendant, are okay as long as there is no actual circle
around the sigil (eg. if it's a pendant that is a round disk with a pentagram on top of it, it would be okay. Because the circle is
below the pentagram, and not
around it).
Now when it comes to other sigils, I think things are a bit different. The sigils from the necronomicon mantras all have circles around them, and for a good reason. I have been working a good amount with these mantras lately and I noticed that the circle in this case, with it's isolative properties, actually
helps the working. This is because the energies raised are isolated from any other personal energies and thoughts you may have, so that, for example, if you start doubting your working, the energies will usually still do their job. This is a huge difference from other mantras, atleast as I have experienced. The circle on these sigils gives intense focus to the raised energies, which made them bring results much faster and more precisely than other mantras, for me.
Another theory I have read on here was that the circle is for internal magick, whereas the circle-less sigils would be for external magick. While I'm not fully sure on this, I think this is not the case. The reason for this is that name #32, Agilma, has worked for me in successfully performing atmokinesis. I wont state any details here on what exactly I did. This is just to say that I successfully used the sigil
with circle, to perform external magick.
Keep in mind all these are my own personal experiences, and I do not have enough data from other people to say for sure that this applies to everyone.
The only testimony from another person that I have, is from one of my SS friends who successfully healed their spine with circled #28.