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Oct 28, 2020
Hello brothers and sisters.

You can read from the title what it is about. I will try to explain everything as fast as I can. Since age 16 I started to Indulge very HEAVY into Porn and masturbated like every hour or at least 3-4 times a day.. I don't know how I was functioning for real.. Like I didn't see any problem with this "oh it's like quick release or when I feel down I go watch some porn and it makes me (((happy))) '' 

What that did to me in the long run is put me in a hyper stimulus mind state,porn induced depression (which I thought was regular depression for several years) and made my penis to flop or don't function in real life with a real girl.
In 2018 I met this girl and I thought I finally will have my first intercourse and be just normal man not a late bloomer or virgin in my 30s ( maybe it's because venus retrograde or something to do with chiron in 8th ) So when I tried to have sex with this girl ofc nothing worked down there. And then it made a chain reaction.. I tried with another girl and another girl but my mind clicked  only on negative things that It didin't work one time so next times should be bad as well (which is so stupid) 

2020 is my healing period because finally I stared dealing with this problem and went to sex therapist. An Urologist prescribed me a few viagra pills which helps with erection but did not solve any mind problems...Also another useful information regarding my situation that I also have fobia to ejaculate when I did had intercouse those lucky 3 times ( with viagra help)I'm afraid to connect and change energy with someone who is just a regular basic person ... A lot people just fuck with one night stands and they don't know anything and change energys with christians,drug addicts and etc.. 
I think I overthink this sex stuff to much and also I don't know where to even start. what Runes or maybe mars/sun square would be useful ( I'm planing on starting mars next week for another purpose but maybe it can help because it controls sex and sexual organs.. ) should I do material squares or spiritual instead?

I know it's kinda a long post but I really want others perspectives on this or opinions where I could start.. Thank you really all for any helpful responses..If you have any extra questions about this I will answer everything.

Hi there!!

I believe doing a working with runes may help you better, my opinion, but do what works best for you, as one thing may work for one person and would not for a another, remember that!!

I am currently doing one thanks to a God directing me towards it, I came up with this affirmation:

Ansuz 88 Times

Affirm 9 Times:

"The energy of Ansuz is completely, permanently and fully removing any and all negative sexual, romantic and relationship hang ups, trauma, blockages, scars, negative karma and issues NOW in a positive, healthy and happy manner for me NOW!"

You can change around with the affirmations and runes listed in the freeing of the soul workings links I provided to make sure that it suits you and helps you.

REMEMBER TO ALWAYS ADD "In a positive, healthy and happy manner for me." AT THE END!!!!!!
Make sure to also do a working at the correct time!!!
And make sure to AVOID Void of Course Moon too!!!

Here is the SS calendar (make sure to choose the one in your time zone and or country!!!): https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=26302
Here is timing the magic with the moon sign: https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Timing.html
Here is the freeing of the Soul links you MUST and SHOULD study upon too!!

Good luck!!

I'll share what is working for me, and I was into porn ever since I was 9-10 years old.
You should do a freeing the soul working to free yourself from sexual hangups, a good affirmation is "I am totally and permanently free from any and all physical, mental and spiritual obstacles that prevent me from having a satisfying and healthy sexual life in a positive and healthy way for me".
Do this working for 90 days. 88,111 or 216 repetitions everyday, keep the same repetitions everyday. Don't start with 216 if you can't keep at it and the feel the vibrations and the energy freeing you, no rushed vibrations.

After this you should do another working, for 40 or 90 days, and that is to free yourself from porn influence. A good affirmation is :" I am totally and permanently free from any and all influence from porn in a positive and healthy way for me".

Stop with the viagra pills, your erectile dysfunction is not caused from health problems, but because you're desensitized from all the porn you watched.

It should go without saying that you should healthily abstain from porn, if the addiction is severe start watching a more gentle kind of porn, I think it's called erotica. Porn the way they make it is a jewish program, notice how much they push pedophilia and incestuality in it, typical fucking jews. Their objective is literally to make people have your problems.

When masturbating don't focus on the fantasies but rather on your own body and pleasure, and the beauty and whatever you like about the person you're having sex with(or imagining having sex with).

There's many that had your problems and fixed them, difference is you can speed all of this up with magick while they can't.
A lot of info on porn here: www.yourbrainonporn.com

What I shared is what worked for me.

Good luck:)
Thank you all for reply. I Highly appreciate your advice.

Just one quick question about affirmation. Because If I will say it in my native language it would sound a little bit stupid. So I can basically use English one and it wouldn't make any difference? thanks.
Taio said:
Thank you all for reply. I Highly appreciate your advice.

Just one quick question about affirmation. Because If I will say it in my native language it would sound a little bit stupid. So I can basically use English one and it wouldn't make any difference? thanks.
You don't have to use my affirmation as it is, you can change it to make it suitable for your language. It's better to do it in your language.
Make sure to start on an appropriate day, check the SS calendar for that, look for "freeing the soul".
Taio said:

porn-induced, excessive masturbation harms the kidneys and that is partially the reason why you may experience depressed mood and erectile issues. The other, main cause of the erectile issues, whether they are premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, is due to the subconscious influence, where basically the porn wired your brain to receive stimulus through the visual component only, and less on the touch sensations

as others mentioned, you should do the appropriate workings. Something you can do right now is to set up porn blocking software on any devices you own. This is not supposed to be a cure or a perfect solution, but it should hinder the addiction and weaken it

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
