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sex with different races.

Zeffie of the Wind said:
Shael said:
Specter said:
Where exactly is it stated if I may ask? Also I don't expect anything drastically different but I hope to retain my dads aryan and royal lineage which has been kept consistent by his families until he decided to flush it away, so I'm a bit butt hurt by that, and as I aged it has caught up with me but I do believe it's still much more dominant in my genetics.
If this was only one single instance of race mixing (e.g. only in the case of your dad and mom) then I would say that it can likely be recovered. I could be wrong here of course, but logically speaking I really would say that this is how it works. The idea of being permanently "altered" and polluted forever even after just one act of race-mixing, just seems very alien and wrong to me. I think if it has only been done to a certain degree then it should be reversable, provided that the individual practices meditation and works to attain the Magnum Opus.

Race mixing can be fixed for future generations by establishing proper eugenics. To the actual race mixed person, you are what you are. Becoming a god doesn't change your race. If you are race mixed no meditation or spiritual practice will "reverse" it as there is nothing to reverse in the first place.
The Soul is, and always will be, one Race only. No-one is mixed-Race in their Soul, and there are not any mixed-Race Gods and Goddesses. Would you bake bread with water that is foetid from disgust and impurities of something having rotted in it? The Magnum Opus is the perfection of the Soul and immortality, and the Soul affects the Mind and Body, the Body affects the Soul and Mind, and the Mind affects the Soul and Body. Mixed-Race is putting salt in your cupper.

You can remove the salt from it to make it a proper drink, and all of that work to make it proper would mean having to waste more time getting another teabag, heating up the water again, wasting more electricity and money and time... The jew knows prevention is better and cheaper than the cure. That's why it has to fuck things up as much as possible, but in the reverse way, preventing us from being Gods and Goddesses is better and cheaper for the jew than trying to reverse that.

Meditations correct race-Mixing. Satan doesn't want all to be one bland, grey, shit non-colour of shit. You might want sepia or monochrome, but you can go to your local church for that. We are individuals and we have our own identity individually, and that also means being our own Race - singular - because mixing Races weakens all involved. Love, love, love = death, death, death. Instead, learn proper love - of your own Race and protect and defend that.

Besides - forget all of this talk about Gods and Goddesses and being one Race only. Nature made us be separate and strong Naturally. Only jew politics, media, mind-rape AKA education, etc. made everyone soft, weak, pathetic retards. Defend what's yours, or go and bend over for non-Whites raping Whites and destroying a piece, or more, of you and your Race.
Goldenglazed666 said:
Jack said:
Goldenglazed666 said:
Kinda sucks for me as I have never even met another person of my race except for my mother who i havent even seen since i was one year old.

It can be difficult as other races are often attracted to me, (even tho I am of 2 different races, I assume Asian is my dominant race), I'll just act uninterested when it comes down to making moves.. which often, inadvertently, often makes people more attracted lol . :roll:

But really tho, it is difficult where i live, other Asians I see tend to be very rich / highly material and wouldn't associate with me, are super Christian (I live near a christian college that attracts alot of foreigners), or just seem too different as sometimes i will feel as if i'm even not asian enough?!.. Many Asian sub-races are very distinct from each other to the point it feels like a whole different race as well, cause i will even feel grossed out by talking to a different sub-race if i think about having sexual interest in them..

,.. I plan to visit my birthplace next year I hope to find someone as well, not speaking the native language seems a bit intimidating to me too
Do you mean your Asian+White ?

Yes, i grew up a bit confused on who i was, I was made fun of for being asian as a child, so whenever I switched schools, I kept it a secret and told everyone I was just white cause I thought it would help me fit in.
..pretty silly looking back at it now, i even just started telling my closest friends the truth just a few years ago.

I think it fucked me up a bit mentally because i convinced myself i was white and distanced myself from anything asian to avoid the topic being brought up by others (I'm very non-confrontational) and i even despised other Asians a bit..it just became an automatic thing that i didnt even think about.. i feel i wasted alot of potential by living in denial, but I am just glad i am on the path I am now with Satan and at way better terms with myself, in other aspects as well..

..sorry if i seem to vent on here, i dont really have friends anymore and this is the only place where i can truly speak how i feel about things, so i tend to ramble trying to say everything i need to say lol..
So your Majority Asian living in a white country. I suggest you acquire the skills and return to Japan or wherever your ancestral land is and try to settle there. Not immediately but feel the country first. The Japanese have a very rich cultural tradition and you'd be very surprised and excited when you start delving into their culture as many whites do eventually from Anime. They have a declining population and a manpower shortage so I think with the proper skills you'd fit right in. I was thinking about this as mixed white+Asian guys are often very attractive in Japan as they're portrayed in their culture so o don't think you'd have problem with chicks. More importantly Japan is way better than some western multicultural dystopia currently.
Jack said:
Goldenglazed666 said:
Jack said:
Do you mean your Asian+White ?

Yes, i grew up a bit confused on who i was, I was made fun of for being asian as a child, so whenever I switched schools, I kept it a secret and told everyone I was just white cause I thought it would help me fit in.
..pretty silly looking back at it now, i even just started telling my closest friends the truth just a few years ago.

I think it fucked me up a bit mentally because i convinced myself i was white and distanced myself from anything asian to avoid the topic being brought up by others (I'm very non-confrontational) and i even despised other Asians a bit..it just became an automatic thing that i didnt even think about.. i feel i wasted alot of potential by living in denial, but I am just glad i am on the path I am now with Satan and at way better terms with myself, in other aspects as well..

..sorry if i seem to vent on here, i dont really have friends anymore and this is the only place where i can truly speak how i feel about things, so i tend to ramble trying to say everything i need to say lol..
So your Majority Asian living in a white country. I suggest you acquire the skills and return to Japan or wherever your ancestral land is and try to settle there. Not immediately but feel the country first. The Japanese have a very rich cultural tradition and you'd be very surprised and excited when you start delving into their culture as many whites do eventually from Anime. They have a declining population and a manpower shortage so I think with the proper skills you'd fit right in. I was thinking about this as mixed white+Asian guys are often very attractive in Japan as they're portrayed in their culture so o don't think you'd have problem with chicks. More importantly Japan is way better than some western multicultural dystopia currently.

I appreciate your words, it inspires me and feel more confident to make the decision. The hardest part would be leaving my family here of course, being the only thing holding me back currently, it seems clear that moving is what I need to do as ive never felt complacent here.

I used to wonder if there was a deeper reason why i am in America..i've always felt I had some role here and have always seen the devisive nature of the jew abusing this place and hated that fact, but of course there is no need to physically be here, with online-warfare/rtr being the primary way to help...so maybe it's that I would have never had found Satanism if i had never grew up here!...

I also believe there is more Satanic knowledge hidden in Japan, maybe i will pursue translating content with a Satanic eye, as it seems even tho people arent completely brainwashed there, not many people are highly spiritually-attuned, at least to the level of being SS?...anyways again, thank you for your suggestion, simple as that sounded.
Jack said:
So your Majority Asian living in a white country. I suggest you acquire the skills and return to Japan or wherever your ancestral land is and try to settle there. Not immediately but feel the country first. The Japanese have a very rich cultural tradition and you'd be very surprised and excited when you start delving into their culture as many whites do eventually from Anime.

The only "culture" I've derived from anime is being able to translate the phrase "Omae wa mou shindeiru....Nani?!!"
ShadowTheRaven said:
Jack said:
So your Majority Asian living in a white country. I suggest you acquire the skills and return to Japan or wherever your ancestral land is and try to settle there. Not immediately but feel the country first. The Japanese have a very rich cultural tradition and you'd be very surprised and excited when you start delving into their culture as many whites do eventually from Anime.

The only "culture" I've derived from anime is being able to translate the phrase "Omae wa mou shindeiru....Nani?!!"
Shael said:
Specter said:
Since gentile populations originated with 3 main races, if any being pure or not pure were to achieve the magnum opus shouldn't they be able to shed impurities making them %100 of what they originally were, therefore sub-race gods should be impossible shouldn't it?
This is a good question actually.
Unfortunately I am no expert on sub-races by any means, so I'm not sure about the answer to this, either. Pretty much everything I say on this topic is just what I "absorbed" from the messages of knowledgeable people like HC who replied in regards to it. I'm personally also curious about whether or not sub-races should be treated as "impurities" that would be removed with the magnum opus.

My own theory would be that it depends on how "established" the sub-race has become. If it's only a mixing over some few generations, it could be turned back to the original race with the magnum opus, but if it has gone on for many hundreds of years, it would have become a permanent "new" sub-race whom would attain godhead without any reversal of racial genetics. But again, this is just a theory based on what little I currently know on the subject.
Previously, I thought that the lower race of Nordics were gods/goddesses (with a lowercase G), but someone said recently that they are not Daemons. I am not certain if that member meant that the lower race of Nordics are not Guardians/Teachers/Guides (which of course they are not) or that they are not gods/goddesses at all. I do know that they live for only a couple of thousand years, though, so with all of this in mind...
I know it is dangerous to speculate when trying to find and give correct information, but it can be fun, interesting, stimulating and/or inspiring of ideas, etc.; however, perhaps the lower race of Nordics are like a single sub-race/multiple sub-races, or perhaps they are mixed-race, but I doubt the latter, and are not amazingly powerful nor advanced (but still more powerful and advanced than most Humans at the moment); whereas the Higher Race of Nordic Gods/Goddesses are pure Races respectively, individually; thus, can live immortally and also can increase in Their power and abilities eternally.
Shael said:
Specter said:
Where exactly is it stated if I may ask? Also I don't expect anything drastically different but I hope to retain my dads aryan and royal lineage which has been kept consistent by his families until he decided to flush it away, so I'm a bit butt hurt by that, and as I aged it has caught up with me but I do believe it's still much more dominant in my genetics.
If this was only one single instance of race mixing (e.g. only in the case of your dad and mom) then I would say that it can likely be recovered. I could be wrong here of course, but logically speaking I really would say that this is how it works. The idea of being permanently "altered" and polluted forever even after just one act of race-mixing, just seems very alien and wrong to me. I think if it has only been done to a certain degree then it should be reversable, provided that the individual practices meditation and works to attain the Magnum Opus.
This reminds me of armenianism versus calvinism, where in one version of "hell" you are damned for all of eternity, but in the other version you are damned for a prolonged period of time but then succumb to eventual second death/full death. Along that line, the Gods and Goddesses are increasing their vibration and reaching higher dimensions of the Astral Realm, so in higher realms, maybe the vibration would be powerful enough to be able to sieve through/sieve out all of the crap and find the tiny bits and pieces of a lost Soul (in the context of a second-dead Soul) to restore it... perhaps; or the impurities of a Soul (in the mixed-Race context x had become too mixed), to cleanse it. If the infinitely-small (e.g. something tinier than 0.0000-times-10-to-the-power-of-X...1 (in other words - rather, in other numbers - 0.000000000000000000...1)) can exist with the infinitely large (999999999999999999...9), then the higher the vibration the easier it should be to find these tiniest bits and pieces of a second-died Soul and put them back together to be able to restore the Soul and person/clean a mixed-Race Soul. Go off this being possible with the exception of one/a coven/a community, etc. not wanting to or not having the time to do so. Everything is energy, after all. Unless there is a definite, absolute and eternal threshold of No Man's Land, that once crossed, one can never, ever return from.

Zeffie of the Wind said:
Shael said:
Specter said:
Where exactly is it stated if I may ask? Also I don't expect anything drastically different but I hope to retain my dads aryan and royal lineage which has been kept consistent by his families until he decided to flush it away, so I'm a bit butt hurt by that, and as I aged it has caught up with me but I do believe it's still much more dominant in my genetics.
If this was only one single instance of race mixing (e.g. only in the case of your dad and mom) then I would say that it can likely be recovered. I could be wrong here of course, but logically speaking I really would say that this is how it works. The idea of being permanently "altered" and polluted forever even after just one act of race-mixing, just seems very alien and wrong to me. I think if it has only been done to a certain degree then it should be reversable, provided that the individual practices meditation and works to attain the Magnum Opus.

Race mixing can be fixed for future generations by establishing proper eugenics. To the actual race mixed person, you are what you are. Becoming a god doesn't change your race. If you are race mixed no meditation or spiritual practice will "reverse" it as there is nothing to reverse in the first place.
I know I replied to you already, but I re-read the thread, so...
With what I said above, eugenics is Science and Technology and they are Physical versions, or counterparts, of Spirituality, so I am confident that it can be done by a higher-vibrational Being or Group - even by a lower-vibrational Being or Group, but by which it would take much, much longer.
Since the soul and body are connected, an Arab or a Hispanic can't have souls of the original races. They have their own soul and body, I don't think they can change that.
I seriously can't see a way to change yourself so much that you become almost another race. What you have, you have, you should find a way to love it. When you become a god bad things will go away that are stopping you to become immortal, but just because you think your brown asiatic eyes suck doesn't mean it's gonna change to be more Aryan or whatever. Body and soul will transform in a way that is hardly predictable but still most people who are mixed will stay mixed and will have to start from nothing almost, like a new race.Lot of people just because they think something is bad doesn't mean body and soul will look at it the same way, so it will change only what is the most necessary to achieve Godhead and after it you will accept most of the things about yourself anyways. In my opinion it's like that. There were others races and sub-races on our planet that were powerful but enemy destroyed them, I don't think it's that big tragedy if someone is mixed, they still can become powerful and can have amazing talents and skills.

Those people should look actually for those who are more similar to them, maybe even mixed ones same as them. Nobody will reject them that way or make fun of them. They should stop comparing themselves with others ( in a sense to feel bad because they are comparing themselves with others who are pure)and start being what they are among people they feel best with. Only then they will start with serious advancement and will feel happy actually.
TopoftheAbyss said:
Since the soul and body are connected, an Arab or a Hispanic can't have souls of the original races. They have their own soul and body, I don't think they can change that.

It tends to be confusing sometimes I admit. I sometimes do feel like being in tune with the ancient Asian culture especially Japan's but maybe that's only because of what I'm mostly mixed with and feel that slight connection but in reality being in tune with the ancient Mexican culture would make me more happy inside. Idk how our Arab bros and sis feel but I am looking forward to rebuilding a Mexican or maybe a whole brown Hispanic pagan empire like back in pagan times. That'd be cool.
hailourtruegod said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Since the soul and body are connected, an Arab or a Hispanic can't have souls of the original races. They have their own soul and body, I don't think they can change that.

It tends to be confusing sometimes I admit. I sometimes do feel like being in tune with the ancient Asian culture especially Japan's but maybe that's only because of what I'm mostly mixed with and feel that slight connection but in reality being in tune with the ancient Mexican culture would make me more happy inside. Idk how our Arab bros and sis feel but I am looking forward to rebuilding a Mexican or maybe a whole brown Hispanic pagan empire like back in pagan times. That'd be cool.

Have you ever heard of Xibalba?, i've always wondered if alot of the basic information that is easily found online are lies..
Basically what i've gotten is that it's an 'underworld realm' where a 'tree of life' grows from up 13 levels to 'heaven'.. almost sounds like an allegory for rising the serpent, with xibalba representing the base chakra? Also says that demons reside there, but they try to trick people and/or destroy their soul, so maybe its referring to people getting stuck in there base chakra as well..

..also sounds like "Sebulba" from Star Wars, a character who is always trying to cheat Anakin Skywalker as a child from winning a race, that results in him freeing himself... i wonder if thats any correlation at all,.. interesting nonetheless :D
Shael said:
Zeffie of the Wind said:
Race mixing can be fixed for future generations by establishing proper eugenics. To the actual race mixed person, you are what you are. Becoming a god doesn't change your race. If you are race mixed no meditation or spiritual practice will "reverse" it as there is nothing to reverse in the first place.
My example was in reference to older souls who may have had to reincarnate into a body that has slightly different traits due to race mixing having been done in the family line. Not to a degree where reincarnation would be impossible, but to a degree where the body has several impurities that will need to be removed to restore the soul's original physical form. This is what I was referencing. In these cases there indeed is something to be restored.

Of course when talking about a completely new soul that is being created in a body like that, what you said does apply fully.


This matters more than most would think, a good portion of us have reincarnated for this time we're in now. And since the person's last life things may have changed and races may have mixed. For example: I know I'm a White soul, and lived before. But I was born to a half Hispanic mother and White dad of Scottish and German descent. But despite this I was born with blue eyes and blonde hair and there's next to no physical traces of me being 1/4~ Hispanic.

This has always messed with me because although I know I'm a majority White and am for sure a White soul, I don't feel right concerning my Mexican Grandpa and half Mexican / half White mother :/
Planet of Liberty said:
My discussion would be off topic.

I fully understand the laws and the racial nature.
What would happen if a human being had sex with an alien? Is he considered a traitor to the race?

If you already understand it then the answer is already apparent.
Goldenglazed666 said:
hailourtruegod said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
Since the soul and body are connected, an Arab or a Hispanic can't have souls of the original races. They have their own soul and body, I don't think they can change that.

It tends to be confusing sometimes I admit. I sometimes do feel like being in tune with the ancient Asian culture especially Japan's but maybe that's only because of what I'm mostly mixed with and feel that slight connection but in reality being in tune with the ancient Mexican culture would make me more happy inside. Idk how our Arab bros and sis feel but I am looking forward to rebuilding a Mexican or maybe a whole brown Hispanic pagan empire like back in pagan times. That'd be cool.

Have you ever heard of Xibalba?, i've always wondered if alot of the basic information that is easily found online are lies..
Basically what i've gotten is that it's an 'underworld realm' where a 'tree of life' grows from up 13 levels to 'heaven'.. almost sounds like an allegory for rising the serpent, with xibalba representing the base chakra? Also says that demons reside there, but they try to trick people and/or destroy their soul, so maybe its referring to people getting stuck in there base chakra as well..

..also sounds like "Sebulba" from Star Wars, a character who is always trying to cheat Anakin Skywalker as a child from winning a race, that results in him freeing himself... i wonder if thats any correlation at all,.. interesting nonetheless :D

Can't say that I have but it does sound interesting.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
