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Severe Migraines that won't stop


New member
Sep 20, 2020
I've been diagnosed with migraines 3 weeks ago and put on various pills that did absolutely nothing but irritate my stomach and give me stomach aches.

Since 3 weeks ago I'm in constant pain, with ups and downs. I feel horribly tired and I can't concentrate on my school work. In short i feel like my head is going to crack open, i feel a continuous obnoxious pulse in my temples, my eyes go weird and everything is just not the way it should be.

I've talked with over 4 doctor, ambulance came over twice, but still no improvements.

I really don't know what to do anymore. I'm tired. And done with it. I just want it to get over with.

- If anyone knows of anything that could help, please do tell me. :cry:
nephthys_ said:
I've been diagnosed with migraines 3 weeks ago and put on various pills that did absolutely nothing but irritate my stomach and give me stomach aches.

Since 3 weeks ago I'm in constant pain, with ups and downs. I feel horribly tired and I can't concentrate on my school work. In short i feel like my head is going to crack open, i feel a continuous obnoxious pulse in my temples, my eyes go weird and everything is just not the way it should be.

I've talked with over 4 doctor, ambulance came over twice, but still no improvements.

I really don't know what to do anymore. I'm tired. And done with it. I just want it to get over with.

- If anyone knows of anything that could help, please do tell me. :cry:

If I had to guess, given what you describe, it is something with the liver. Please look at this link and try to identify what issue you may have. You only need to match a few of the symptoms. Also describe all the symptoms you have, in general, anyway.

Regardless of what I or others may write, you should make preparations to see a TCM doctor. Look online for those in your area or those that can do online appointments. Seeking professional TCM or other holistic medical help is the best route you can go now. As you unfortunately experienced, clownworld medicine has very limited usefulness.

I can do my best on what symptoms you provide to try and give some tips, but I cannot substitute for paid professional help.

Try this acupoint and see if it affects your headaches. You may need to massage it for some time for a response, depending on your severity, such as a few minutes or more.
nephthys_ said:

Try to stop focusing on your head, focus on the material plane around you and everything outside of yourself, let the energies in your head sift down to your lower chakras or take a deep breathe and then breathe out and as you breathe out visualize and intend, feel the excess energies in your head venting out and being released out into the world or if this doesn't work then breathe the energy down to drain from your upper chakras to go into your lower chakras. You may start to feel a rise in bodily temperature when doing this, this is normal, the lower chakras produce heat.

Additionally you can try visualizing ice or cold water engulfing your head, just passively with gentle focus and try to feel the 'coolness' and the blue/cold colour.

Constant focus on the head and upper chakras and having your attention consistently settled upon it (even if not consciously this can occur subconsciously out of passive habit) causes energy to rise up and build within your upper chakras which creates a reactant pressure and stressor of pain in the form of a headache because it is far too much energy being packed in there. It can cause an overstimulation of your senses such as sight and sound because the upper chakras empower the bioelectrical response in our nervous system to these senses.

If by doing what I've suggested relieves your pain even just a little bit, then you know what your problem is and you need to change your focus from your head to the material plane outside of you and correct the habit and it can take a bit of practicing to get right. Obviously nothing physical is working which means it is a spiritual energy matter and my money is on where you're passively focusing your energies and that you've made a subconscious habit of it being in your head and need to correct this. Also worrying or fearing about the headache/migraine will make it continue to happen, so even as you're practicing just ignore your head entirely, perform void meditation and just empty your mind of focus from it and just practice holding your attention to the material world outside of yourself.

Hope this helps.
nephthys_ said:
I've been diagnosed with migraines 3 weeks ago and put on various pills that did absolutely nothing but irritate my stomach and give me stomach aches.

Since 3 weeks ago I'm in constant pain, with ups and downs. I feel horribly tired and I can't concentrate on my school work. In short i feel like my head is going to crack open, i feel a continuous obnoxious pulse in my temples, my eyes go weird and everything is just not the way it should be.

I've talked with over 4 doctor, ambulance came over twice, but still no improvements.

I really don't know what to do anymore. I'm tired. And done with it. I just want it to get over with.

- If anyone knows of anything that could help, please do tell me. :cry:

Migraines are absolutely awful and they can be really debilitating. My own issues with this are from a first house saturn, but there are other issues that cause this too. Mine are usually tension headaches or they occur with allergies and sinus inflammation. Other times, hormones have caused intense migraines. Probably the worst. There have been times when just doing the RTR’s have gotten rid of headaches.

Have you meditated enough to activate your serpent in any way? Sometimes a build up of energy in the head can cause pain and seeing lights. Try to focus on the RTR’s because they remove crown chakra blockages and use the mantra MAUM on the crown chakra. What area does the pain start in, is it specified?
Sundara said:
Migraines are absolutely awful and they can be really debilitating. My own issues with this are from a first house saturn, but there are other issues that cause this too. Mine are usually tension headaches or they occur with allergies and sinus inflammation. Other times, hormones have caused intense migraines. Probably the worst. There have been times when just doing the RTR’s have gotten rid of headaches.

It is funny you mention the RTR getting rid of headaches, because I have felt a sinus drainage happen while doing them. I don't know if it is the reversal of spiritual matter as much as the vibration itself loosening or moving the fluid in the head.

If your headaches seem more like a heavy head, in combination with the lots of congestion, this is more an accumulation of "dampness" pathogens, which are pretty commonly occurring in the modern world due to the poor diet. Basically, any processed sugars or carbs, as well as processed salt or over-consumption of fried or other head foods strain the spleen organ system.

The spleen cannot properly turn it into food matter, or in the case of sugar, the item itself is so damp and clogging. The end result is a clogging, swampy like matter that is sluggish and gets stuck places. It is a yin-type pathogen, and usually regular exercise can work well against, however you have to stop the source of it, which is mainly dietary in nature.

If your symptoms are otherwise accompanied by other immune issues, or lung issues, then you should rather look towards boosting the element of metal (lungs/large intestines). This is done through eating mainly white foods, such as garlic, onions, leaks, mushrooms, turnip, radish. The more pungent ones can be drying, so don't eat them too much in colder weather. A moderate amount will boost the lungs and prevent allergies.

One trick you can use to determine if the lungs are weakened is if you have a runny nose. If it happens without lots of thick congestion, then it is more likely due to the lungs being weakened. This is why when people walk outside in cold weather, they can return with a runny nose, as the lungs have been temporarily disturbed, since they are sensitive to the environment.
Blitzkreig said:
Sundara said:
Migraines are absolutely awful and they can be really debilitating. My own issues with this are from a first house saturn, but there are other issues that cause this too. Mine are usually tension headaches or they occur with allergies and sinus inflammation. Other times, hormones have caused intense migraines. Probably the worst. There have been times when just doing the RTR’s have gotten rid of headaches.

It is funny you mention the RTR getting rid of headaches, because I have felt a sinus drainage happen while doing them. I don't know if it is the reversal of spiritual matter as much as the vibration itself loosening or moving the fluid in the head.

If your headaches seem more like a heavy head, in combination with the lots of congestion, this is more an accumulation of "dampness" pathogens, which are pretty commonly occurring in the modern world due to the poor diet. Basically, any processed sugars or carbs, as well as processed salt or over-consumption of fried or other head foods strain the spleen organ system.

The spleen cannot properly turn it into food matter, or in the case of sugar, the item itself is so damp and clogging. The end result is a clogging, swampy like matter that is sluggish and gets stuck places. It is a yin-type pathogen, and usually regular exercise can work well against, however you have to stop the source of it, which is mainly dietary in nature.

If your symptoms are otherwise accompanied by other immune issues, or lung issues, then you should rather look towards boosting the element of metal (lungs/large intestines). This is done through eating mainly white foods, such as garlic, onions, leaks, mushrooms, turnip, radish. The more pungent ones can be drying, so don't eat them too much in colder weather. A moderate amount will boost the lungs and prevent allergies.

One trick you can use to determine if the lungs are weakened is if you have a runny nose. If it happens without lots of thick congestion, then it is more likely due to the lungs being weakened. This is why when people walk outside in cold weather, they can return with a runny nose, as the lungs have been temporarily disturbed, since they are sensitive to the environment.

The RTR’s clearing headaches makes sense, their entire structure is built upon saturn. When the curses are removed and energy can finally flow through it can break up Saturnian issues and it also frees the serpent and can help open the nadi channels. The RTR’s can help get rid of a persons saturn issues. The crown chakra opening, which the RTR’s also aid with, allows the channels to open. There’s a lot of aspects that go into it.

Thanks a lot for the information, that’s interesting to learn about. I don’t get a runny nose with allergies but I do have runners cough/runners asthma. When I run or exercise to any real extent (like 10-15 minutes), my lungs fill up with fluid and I cough/get a runny nose. My saturn is in Pisces. Diet alone hasn’t had any effect on this likely because of the placement. I can eat an incredibly healthy and organic diet long term and there is zero effect on this issue. Maybe it just hasn’t been the right diet, I should try more horseradish. In some cases it worsens and it’s hard to pinpoint the exact cause. Comes out of no where. Oddly enough, times where I’ve had a bad diet seems to have zero effect other than making me feel greasy, gross, and sick to my stomach. The allergies mysteriously come and go, but with each season change they ramp up. Every season though, not just one. The most effective thing against this has been raising my energy levels and doing sun squares. If my energy goes back down to a normal level, they come back. Lately my mouth has also been blistering from allergies, without any food involved. I thought this was a food allergy at first but it just happens randomly now, mainly from my dog. I’ve slowly developed a dog allergy but thankfully nothing has been too bothersome or debilitating. I’ll still shove my face in his fur because he’s the best and it’s worth it.

Migraines aren’t often occurring anymore, especially with meditation. That was the biggest issue. When one starts to come on, I sent energy down through the crown and work on relaxation and yoga. The source is usually tension built up in my body, which can seem to have no source, because I won’t be stressed out. I think there is a Neptune aspect to the saturn. The allergies are generally kind of mysterious. I thought I had a lemongrass allergy because my mouth bled the first time I ate it, but then this never happened again from lemongrass. Sometimes latex makes my skin red, but then sometimes it doesn’t. During pregnancy, I developed a reaction to the hormones in the third trimester and got a rare rash called PUPP, it’s basically a pregnancy allergy. All of this shit comes and goes without anything long lasting or permanently detrimental. Never had anaphylaxis but my dad had a saturn in Pisces and had that issue from bee stings.

I’ll have to try increasing the doses of white foods. That actually sounds like it’d be effective.

I’ve seen this on the astral and saturns energy is definitely associated with dampness and the head, I always feel it there first when I can see it come back. It also has a blinding and dumbing affect. It can cause me to be forgetful and makes me act like a weakling.
Migraines are absolutely awful and they can be really debilitating. My own issues with this are from a first house saturn, but there are other issues that cause this too. Mine are usually tension headaches or they occur with allergies and sinus inflammation. Other times, hormones have caused intense migraines. Probably the worst. There have been times when just doing the RTR’s have gotten rid of headaches.

Have you meditated enough to activate your serpent in any way? Sometimes a build up of energy in the head can cause pain and seeing lights. Try to focus on the RTR’s because they remove crown chakra blockages and use the mantra MAUM on the crown chakra. What area does the pain start in, is it specified?

One thing I can say for sure is that I can't tell when it's going to hit me and where. I already sort of got an idea of the most affected places but genuinely they are everywhere. Since I posted this I actually had an MRI done, both head and back. Had one acupuncture appointment last week and will keep going for at least 2-3 more times.

For activating my serpent.. I'm not so sure. I've tried to open my 3rd eye again, even though I'm not sure they're related, and haven't managed to do so.. yet.

About the RTR's, I'm trying to fit them into my schedule to have one done at least once a day. But practically haven't done them as often as I should. ( :? :cry: )

Also, for the past 2 weeks now I've discovered this discomfort/pain under my ribs, both left and right side, but mostly right. Again, probably not related, but dear me, did i need this now? Not really..
These headaches are related to gall bladder fire.

This is most quickly and readily relieved by herbal teas such as dandelion and milk thistle, taken in the morning away from food.

Dandelion tea is very easy to obtain and a week's worth should provide at least a small lessening if symptoms with full recovery at 2-3 weeks of daily dosing.
nephthys_ said:
If anyone knows of anything that could help, please do tell me. :cry:

Hi, just read this.
I've been having troubles with severe headaches for most my life, but over the last year or two I found out a way to at least counter/lessen it.

In short: vibrating sounds.

I'm not talking specifically Runes or mantras with a certain purpose here. For instance, I can use WUNJO simply because I find the 5 sounds in this Rune feel calming and somehow soothing. Take a long, relaxed inhale, but NOT to full lung capacity (as this may put more pressure on the temples.. make it mild) and vibrate your chosen Rune/mantra/sound/Gods' names, even a single sound like E-E-E-E or a low pitched U (as in BOOM, or MOVE) can be enough.

What this does is simply follow the teaching of Tesla on sound, vibration and wave (still a VERY Satanic concept) ruling the Universe. In this case, I'd say your sound rules water/liquid (the pressure of your blood in the temples' capillary vases and veins) forcing the pressure to ease some.

For sleeping (maybe you already figured this out) while having a migraine or headache you might want to stay as upright as you can, not laying down (like the Corpse Asanas) as your blood will 'level' itself and reach the head in more powerful force, you want to keep this pressure as low as possible in order to sleep. Sometimes I manage to sleep sitting/laying at 45% degrees using pillows and whatnot.. some people find it much easier to fall asleep while sitting in a chair. Try various positions and see what works.
As for the duration of the vibrating sounds, do this for as long as you feel like. You'll know what I mean when you feel your head pressure lessen and 'ooze' off slowly, you'll want to keep this up some more to make the effect stronger. Don't go to extremes if your body is fighting against you here, just be gentle with yourself and feel the pressure leave the temples.

Truly hope that works on you too as I know how much headaches can be a bitch, especially when one has to sleep in order to feel rested before work.

I did not read this thread but I also have headaches. In the past I have been lying down on the bed most of the time and this is the reason why I had so much pain, now I'm lying down on the bed much less and I have much less headaches which it looks that painkillers can cure but I'm not using them much because I'm anxious about using too much medicine and because they didn't work when my head was in pain when it hurt the most.
I think physical activities also help but when I get out of the house it also starts to hurt.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
nephthys_ said:
If anyone knows of anything that could help, please do tell me. :cry:

Hi, just read this.
I've been having troubles with severe headaches for most my life, but over the last year or two I found out a way to at least counter/lessen it.

In short: vibrating sounds.

I'm not talking specifically Runes or mantras with a certain purpose here. For instance, I can use WUNJO simply because I find the 5 sounds in this Rune feel calming and somehow soothing. Take a long, relaxed inhale, but NOT to full lung capacity (as this may put more pressure on the temples.. make it mild) and vibrate your chosen Rune/mantra/sound/Gods' names, even a single sound like E-E-E-E or a low pitched U (as in BOOM, or MOVE) can be enough.

What this does is simply follow the teaching of Tesla on sound, vibration and wave (still a VERY Satanic concept) ruling the Universe. In this case, I'd say your sound rules water/liquid (the pressure of your blood in the temples' capillary vases and veins) forcing the pressure to ease some.

For sleeping (maybe you already figured this out) while having a migraine or headache you might want to stay as upright as you can, not laying down (like the Corpse Asanas) as your blood will 'level' itself and reach the head in more powerful force, you want to keep this pressure as low as possible in order to sleep. Sometimes I manage to sleep sitting/laying at 45% degrees using pillows and whatnot.. some people find it much easier to fall asleep while sitting in a chair. Try various positions and see what works.
As for the duration of the vibrating sounds, do this for as long as you feel like. You'll know what I mean when you feel your head pressure lessen and 'ooze' off slowly, you'll want to keep this up some more to make the effect stronger. Don't go to extremes if your body is fighting against you here, just be gentle with yourself and feel the pressure leave the temples.

Truly hope that works on you too as I know how much headaches can be a bitch, especially when one has to sleep in order to feel rested before work.


I pretty much got a diagnosis. I'm psychosomatic, my psychological issues affect my physical health altogether. I will totally try the sleeping thing and the vibration of words/etc and I will see if it helps! Thank you very much and I wish the best to you too!

Hail Satan!
Blitzkreig said:
nephthys_ said:

Did you see what CentralForce said above? Also, can you give us an update?

Yes, I did and I tried dandelion tea for exactly a month and 5 days. Because after that I decided to give a try to homeopathic medicine that doesn't allow me to drink and eat anything too strong in flavour and scent.

With that aside, a small change in my sleeping pattern. It only takes me 1-3 hours to fall asleep now, than it did in 4-5 hours before. My head is pretty much the same, the stomach aches I can actually tell are not as often and as painful as before. I've been taking this calamus roots pills that really helped.

Other than that, I'm just in a pretty bad mood most of the time. I'm easily irritated still, I feel drained, tired, done with everything. I am filled with a mix of emotions I don't understand myself. My therapist is on a different page than me. I'm moderately paranoic, I dislike sharing anything and speaking about stuff that's going on in my life in general because days after that I feel so exposed it makes me sick. Even here I try not be vague, but deep inside I fear unconsciously the non-existent chances that what I'm doing is bad for me. And so on. It's just a circle of guilt, shame and wonder.
nephthys_ said:
Yes, I did and I tried dandelion tea for exactly a month and 5 days. Because after that I decided to give a try to homeopathic medicine that doesn't allow me to drink and eat anything too strong in flavour and scent.

With that aside, a small change in my sleeping pattern. It only takes me 1-3 hours to fall asleep now, than it did in 4-5 hours before. My head is pretty much the same, the stomach aches I can actually tell are not as often and as painful as before. I've been taking this calamus roots pills that really helped.

Other than that, I'm just in a pretty bad mood most of the time. I'm easily irritated still, I feel drained, tired, done with everything. I am filled with a mix of emotions I don't understand myself. My therapist is on a different page than me. I'm moderately paranoic, I dislike sharing anything and speaking about stuff that's going on in my life in general because days after that I feel so exposed it makes me sick. Even here I try not be vague, but deep inside I fear unconsciously the non-existent chances that what I'm doing is bad for me. And so on. It's just a circle of guilt, shame and wonder.

The gallbladder is related to temple pain, but the liver itself can pathologically send yang upwards into the head, giving that splitting headache, as well as causing insomnia and irritation. Rib pain on both sides is also a symptom of liver issues. You should immediately try the liver 3 acupoint, located between the toe bones. See the pic below. This point subdues the liver yang, and actually helps to heal the liver itself. Great point.


Because the kidneys are responsible for generating the liver, when the liver gets damaged it can pull the kidneys with it. Kidney weakness will definitely make you feel anxious and low on willpower. It will additionally give insomnia and fatigue.

While your emotions can certainly can originate from the mind or soul, a healthy body is also required to properly process emotions as well. As you know, the everything is reciprocal, and therefore a weakened body will influence the emotions and mind. My point it, focus on the physical side and I think you should find some relief from these strange feelings.

A good point for the kidneys is Kidney 3. Located " In the depression between the medial malleolus and the Achilles tendon, level with the tip of the medial malleolus." See below. Should make you feel like you have a little more willpower to deal with stuff.



You had acupuncture before, so what was the diagnosis? Were they working on the same symptoms you have now? I am curious what the results of that were. Even if the origin of the symptoms is mental, I would continue seeking physical treatment to manage this.

I am unsure about the homeopathic treatment. It may be helping in its own right, but not doing enough entirely. Your major symptoms should be getting better by now. The headaches, being excess patterns, should be relieved relatively quickly, even if the organ is still weak. Once the organ heals, the other symptoms will follow.

You can keep doing the homeopathic treatment, but you might have to do more.


Thinking of lifestyle changes to be made:

If it is the liver that is troubled and therefore pulling down the kidneys, you will want to focus on helping the liver first. Anything green will help the liver stagnation, such as broccoli or kale. Go easy on hard to digest things such as fats and meats. Smaller portions, such as 3-4oz of lean meat would be good, and taken only when you have strong digestion, such as during the day.

Avoid large meals before bed, and probably avoid meat and fat before bed, just to be on the safe side. Make sure you try to get in bed early, before 11pm. This is the best time to heal.

How does the yoga feel for you? Do your symptoms alleviate or feel worse after? If they feel worse, maybe the extra toxins unearthed from the tissues is harming the liver. In you feel better, then do more of it.
I had migraines in the past. Doing the Returning Curses (both parts) or simply cleaning my aura always worked in cutting down the pain by ~90%, and the remaining moderate pain would go away within 30 minutes of the cleaning. I'm ASSUMING it's because the cleaning process gets away of any stagnant energy and temporary blockages, redistributes excesses of energy and fixes deficits of energies, which I always ASSUMED being the causes on a energy level.
Blitzkreig said:
nephthys_ said:
Yes, I did and I tried dandelion tea for exactly a month and 5 days. Because after that I decided to give a try to homeopathic medicine that doesn't allow me to drink and eat anything too strong in flavour and scent.

With that aside, a small change in my sleeping pattern. It only takes me 1-3 hours to fall asleep now, than it did in 4-5 hours before. My head is pretty much the same, the stomach aches I can actually tell are not as often and as painful as before. I've been taking this calamus roots pills that really helped.

Other than that, I'm just in a pretty bad mood most of the time. I'm easily irritated still, I feel drained, tired, done with everything. I am filled with a mix of emotions I don't understand myself. My therapist is on a different page than me. I'm moderately paranoic, I dislike sharing anything and speaking about stuff that's going on in my life in general because days after that I feel so exposed it makes me sick. Even here I try not be vague, but deep inside I fear unconsciously the non-existent chances that what I'm doing is bad for me. And so on. It's just a circle of guilt, shame and wonder.

I have tried those exact acupressure points before. I will try to include them in my routine and see what will happen. About acupuncture, I can't say I left with anything good from there. It was painful first of all, I felt uncomfortable around the practitioner simply because they spoke a pretty broken English and I struggled with understanding them and everything.

And also, I'm vegetarian. I occasionally eat fish but no other meat. I believe I could change my diet for the better. It's all a mess anyway. No more than a few minutes ago I had a horrible episode of stomach pains. I wasn't on an empty stomach so that couldn't have been the cause.

Yoga.. I've always had mixed feelings with this practice. I'm not the most flexible person in existence and I always feel.. bad? In a way? Because I can't hold the positions right. And I know it's important to do it right. Like I probably said in my other posts (can't remember fully), I have tried yoga for a week or so. Every time I finished the so said session, I felt more tired, dizzy and powerless than ever. I know that's not supposed to happen and that's why I'm not confident about it. But again, I will absolutely try again and again until I do it right..

(Btw I can't express how thankful I am for you and your advice! You really are a beautiful soul ❤️)
nephthys_ said:
I'm not the most flexible person in existence and I always feel.. bad? In a way? Because I can't hold the positions right. And I know it's important to do it right. Like I probably said in my other posts (can't remember fully), I have tried yoga for a week or so. Every time I finished the so said session, I felt more tired, dizzy and powerless than ever. I know that's not supposed to happen and that's why I'm not confident about it. But again, I will absolutely try again and again until I do it right..
Relax. Do as you can do, not as you think should be done. Over time flexibility will increase, but the point of yoga is relaxation in the posture. It's not athletic straining.
nephthys_ said:

The feelings of being tired, especially dizzy, sounds to me like the liver/gall bladder (element of wood) cannot fully process the toxins/metabolites that come from the around the body after a yoga session. This then puts further strain on the kidney system, both on processing urine-bound toxins and in aiding the liver.

I have experienced this myself and couldn't understand why for the longest time. Once I corrected the imbalances, I no longer experienced the dizziness. It is just another sign that the element of wood and water are weakened and unable to keep up with a certain workload. On the positive side, it means you did the yoga asanas correctly because otherwise you wouldn't have felt that way.

While yoga of all kinds is necessary for long term balance and health, it can be counterproductive in this way. The solution is to prioritize the movements that specifically heal the organs associated with the elements of wood and water. For wood, this generally means the side stretches, twists, and maybe even the pose where you hold your legs down while sitting cross-legged. For the element of water, this includes anything that stretches the lower back or back of the legs.

You should pick out those movements specifically from the hatha packet and do those. Don't worry about doing an incomplete yoga routine, as this is only temporary. In addition to this, you should practice qigong specific to the elements of wood and water.

For the qigong, look up on Youtube "5 Element Qigong Practice for Wood (Liver and Gall Bladder)" by Mimi Kuo-deemer. Also look up the one for water. I think there are two versions, one long and one short. Just look at the short ones, which are about 2 minutes in length. They should be one general movement for each element. Repeat these movements as much as you want, but at least try 10 reps each and do it for both elements.

I cannot imagine you feeling signs of dizziness from these specific exercises alone, considering you are boosting the same parts of the body responsible for toxin removal. In the case that you experience minor dizziness, then try to eat and drink, which will allow the liver better ability to detox. If the dizziness is ever particularly bad, then you should cut back. I would do the qigong and yoga movements at different parts of the day, for example, to prevent it from being too much.


When you said you were vegetarian, this actually lays out another pathway that could be hurting your elements of wood and water. Vegetarianism, unless you eat lots of beans or eggs daily, can quickly become insufficient in nourishing the body, since you subtracted all the heavier foods. While a heavy food does place a certain load on the liver to digest, it should prove to be a net positive for the body, especially if you eat a small portion and following the correct dietary concepts.

Given that you are experiencing these sort of symptoms, you should eat meat for its greater ability to restore the structure of the body. Eat about 4oz to prevent stagnation, and of course make sure to eat plenty of veggies. Pork, egg, turkey, white fish, sardine, and liver would be the best for your condition. Red meat works as well, but only indirectly for your conditions.

I am unsure why you are having stomach pains. These could be related to the liver energy pushing upwards, in the same way it hurts the head. Make sure to chew well, don't over-stuff yourself, try to eat clean whole foods. Also make sure you are eating cooked, warm foods. It is possible you may have been eating too much raw, cold, or dry foods, which the stomach does not like.


While the lifestyle changes plus the above-mentioned exercises would set the stage for recovery, I think it would be in your best interest to pursue professional TCM assistance, even if it means going back to the same clinic.

While the encounter may have been awkward, if the results of the treatment were positive, then perhaps you should just bite the bullet and go back. Perhaps you could ask them to write things down for you, such as the diagnosis and any lifestyle directions they give. Otherwise, maybe try to find another place to go to.

I think any emotional discomfort experienced there would be a small price to pay for relief from your symptoms, so I would encourage you to go again. If you meant the acupuncture itself was physically painful, yeah some points can feel like that. You can opt to skip the acupuncture in favor of just getting an herbal prescription, as well as their insight to your current health state. This would be yet another item to tip the scale towards recovery.
TopoftheAbyss said:

Can you describe the exact location of your headache? For example, sides of head/temple, frontal, whole head, crown of head, etc.

Also any related symptoms such as heat/cold feelings, insomnia, digestive issues, aches/pains, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, back pain, sweating, irritability, loose stool, etc. Anything at all.

Please view this article on headache differentiation and use it to judge your case a little better. Do note that it is possible to have multiple different headaches or pathologies at the same time.
Blitzkreig said:
TopoftheAbyss said:

Can you describe the exact location of your headache? For example, sides of head/temple, frontal, whole head, crown of head, etc.

Also any related symptoms such as heat/cold feelings, insomnia, digestive issues, aches/pains, dizziness, fatigue, nausea, back pain, sweating, irritability, loose stool, etc. Anything at all.

Please view this article on headache differentiation and use it to judge your case a little better. Do note that it is possible to have multiple different headaches or pathologies at the same time.
I have lots of problems, too many to count. The thing is that since I was a child I always had trouble with respiration and I'm positive that I'm so broken because of a lack of oxygen. I'm pretty sure that with peroxide therapy I can solve all my problems. I just struggle finding the right medicine.
TopoftheAbyss said:
I have lots of problems, too many to count. The thing is that since I was a child I always had trouble with respiration and I'm positive that I'm so broken because of a lack of oxygen. I'm pretty sure that with peroxide therapy I can solve all my problems. I just struggle finding the right medicine.

Because of a lack of oxygen currently or during your childhood? You aren't brain-damaged, so I think you will be ok. What I mean is, you can stabilize, then heal any imbalances. Just take it one thing at a time and prioritize the most debilitating of them. You could have a weakened constitution from a complicated childhood, but you can certainly restore it all now.

Peroxide therapy is great, but that is just one thing. It represents energy to the body, which can obviously do a lot. Hatha yoga will also do something similar by enriching the supply of blood and energy to the tissues and organs. Yang-style yoga will directly boost your energy, as will power meditation.

Modify the diet to influence the state of the body. For example, too much stagnation = remove stagnating foods, improve digestion. Too much heat = remove heating foods, add cooling foods. Paying attention to the properties of foods allows one to correct imbalances they may encounter.

The best advice I could give you, like I do to all others, is to find a TCM clinician who can diagnose you and get you started on a treatment and lifestyle plan to start to heal everything. They deal with all sorts of conditions and will know the best course of action for multiple, concurrent imbalances. There are online clinics as well, where you can still get basically everything except acupuncture.

Peroxide is great (as well as other oxygenation methods like ClO2), however sometimes you have to heal through multiple angles. This is where TCM treatment and the accompanying lifestyle changes come into play. You can do all these things together. It is certainly possible to heal complicated cases, and this is before the patient does yoga, meditates on their chakras, etc. Have some hope, you aren't "broken".

What do you mean when you say you struggle to find the right medicine? Like finding peroxide, or do you mean like supplements or health philosophies?
Blitzkreig said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
I have lots of problems, too many to count. The thing is that since I was a child I always had trouble with respiration and I'm positive that I'm so broken because of a lack of oxygen. I'm pretty sure that with peroxide therapy I can solve all my problems. I just struggle finding the right medicine.

Because of a lack of oxygen currently or during your childhood? You aren't brain-damaged, so I think you will be ok. What I mean is, you can stabilize, then heal any imbalances. Just take it one thing at a time and prioritize the most debilitating of them. You could have a weakened constitution from a complicated childhood, but you can certainly restore it all now.

Peroxide therapy is great, but that is just one thing. It represents energy to the body, which can obviously do a lot. Hatha yoga will also do something similar by enriching the supply of blood and energy to the tissues and organs. Yang-style yoga will directly boost your energy, as will power meditation.

Modify the diet to influence the state of the body. For example, too much stagnation = remove stagnating foods, improve digestion. Too much heat = remove heating foods, add cooling foods. Paying attention to the properties of foods allows one to correct imbalances they may encounter.

The best advice I could give you, like I do to all others, is to find a TCM clinician who can diagnose you and get you started on a treatment and lifestyle plan to start to heal everything. They deal with all sorts of conditions and will know the best course of action for multiple, concurrent imbalances. There are online clinics as well, where you can still get basically everything except acupuncture.

Peroxide is great (as well as other oxygenation methods like ClO2), however sometimes you have to heal through multiple angles. This is where TCM treatment and the accompanying lifestyle changes come into play. You can do all these things together. It is certainly possible to heal complicated cases, and this is before the patient does yoga, meditates on their chakras, etc. Have some hope, you aren't "broken".

What do you mean when you say you struggle to find the right medicine? Like finding peroxide, or do you mean like supplements or health philosophies?
I found the right peroxide and distilled water only in a UK shop which at the moment doesn't ship where I live because of brexit.
TopoftheAbyss said:
I found the right peroxide and distilled water only in a UK shop which at the moment doesn't ship where I live because of brexit.

Ok, I figured your situation was something like that. Like I was trying to explain, oxygenation treatment methods work well, but they aren't the only thing that can fix your situation. In this sense, don't get too stuck on it, and pursue other means of healing yourself.

You can still do oxygenation treatment simultaneous to other treatment methods/lifestyle modifications, but given the severity of the symptoms you may have, it is better to seek immediate care than to keep waiting. This is why I suggested finding a TCM clinic where they would get to work immediately correcting and diagnosing you.

As far as TCM goes, the herbs are relatively inexpensive. The acupuncture can expensive, but it is not necessary for full recovery. Once you have your diagnosis, you can make the appropriate lifestyle changes and get the same result. I say this because I know some people are limited by financial restraints and I didn't know if that applied to you.
Sundara said:

Sorry, I meant to reply a while ago, but never did. What you say about the RTR's is very informative, thank you.

Don't focus too much on the specific allergen. The body develops an allergic response based on certain deficiencies, and once corrected will result in a healthy response. I think this is what you say with the latex and lemongrass, for example.

What you describe with the nose, lungs, and skin all pertains to the element of Metal (lungs/large intestine), suggesting some sort of weakness there. These organs manifest through the nose and skin, hence the problems there. You can read more about TCM and allergies here.

Looking at the TCM face map, there are colon and intestine places around mouth. Any sort of pimples, redness, discoloration, etc in these areas would indicate a problem with those parts of the body.


Headaches are a little different than just a runny nose/weakened lungs and can be related to many different organ deficiencies. If they feel like sinus headaches, then they are related to wind pathogens entering the body. This might seem similar to allergies because it occurs at the same time you are outside and exposed to pollen or whatever. It is a little different though.

I don't think you have physical, "non-Saturn" dampness, because this would show more in the digestive system with loose stools, gurgling, lethargy, and sometimes bloating. I think the congestion is more related to the element of metal and its response to allergies or other stressors, like exercise. As the article mentions, you want to look at where exactly the response is happening.


As far as solutions go, I would recommend metal element qigong. Mimi duo keemer has some good videos on that. I would link it, but I have youtube blocked at the moment. This would be preferable than running, if you had to pick one or the other. Other forms of yoga can substitute for the yang effects of running.

Additionally, I would recommend to you some sort of air purifier for your home. Indoor air is very stagnant and full of pollutants and other irritants that have nowhere to go. Removing these would give your metal element a chance to rest while it regains its strength. You can find whole home purifiers, small room (bedroom) purifiers, etc.

Like I mentioned before, white foods help this element, such as onion, garlic, ginger, watercress, green onion. Not a lot, just adding them to your food more often. Your diet could be good in a lot of respects, but you might just need to do more to bolster the metal element.

As far as dealing with headaches, try the GB-20 acupoint, seen below. It is specifically very good at clearing wind pathogens from the head. It is also good for dealing with all headaches in general, because it intersects with a lot of other meridian channels. It is sort of a catch all point for any headache.

Blitzkreig said:
Sundara said:

Sorry, I meant to reply a while ago, but never did. What you say about the RTR's is very informative, thank you.

Don't focus too much on the specific allergen. The body develops an allergic response based on certain deficiencies, and once corrected will result in a healthy response. I think this is what you say with the latex and lemongrass, for example.

What you describe with the nose, lungs, and skin all pertains to the element of Metal (lungs/large intestine), suggesting some sort of weakness there. These organs manifest through the nose and skin, hence the problems there. You can read more about TCM and allergies here.

Looking at the TCM face map, there are colon and intestine places around mouth. Any sort of pimples, redness, discoloration, etc in these areas would indicate a problem with those parts of the body.


Headaches are a little different than just a runny nose/weakened lungs and can be related to many different organ deficiencies. If they feel like sinus headaches, then they are related to wind pathogens entering the body. This might seem similar to allergies because it occurs at the same time you are outside and exposed to pollen or whatever. It is a little different though.

I don't think you have physical, "non-Saturn" dampness, because this would show more in the digestive system with loose stools, gurgling, lethargy, and sometimes bloating. I think the congestion is more related to the element of metal and its response to allergies or other stressors, like exercise. As the article mentions, you want to look at where exactly the response is happening.


As far as solutions go, I would recommend metal element qigong. Mimi duo keemer has some good videos on that. I would link it, but I have youtube blocked at the moment. This would be preferable than running, if you had to pick one or the other. Other forms of yoga can substitute for the yang effects of running.

Additionally, I would recommend to you some sort of air purifier for your home. Indoor air is very stagnant and full of pollutants and other irritants that have nowhere to go. Removing these would give your metal element a chance to rest while it regains its strength. You can find whole home purifiers, small room (bedroom) purifiers, etc.

Like I mentioned before, white foods help this element, such as onion, garlic, ginger, watercress, green onion. Not a lot, just adding them to your food more often. Your diet could be good in a lot of respects, but you might just need to do more to bolster the metal element.

As far as dealing with headaches, try the GB-20 acupoint, seen below. It is specifically very good at clearing wind pathogens from the head. It is also good for dealing with all headaches in general, because it intersects with a lot of other meridian channels. It is sort of a catch all point for any headache.


Really amazing response, I don’t know that much about physical healing yet but this is great to hear about. What I wrote above I don’t really know entirely about, for a while the RTR’s were helping the issue a lot. It is simply because it frees the soul. The saturn association I’m unsure about.

What you say about metal is interesting. I’ve had a toxin build up in the body before. It’s a metal based toxin byproduct of blood. Manifests in the liver and the headaches occur on the liver points of the face. I did start incorporating white foods and have kept up on yoga. It’ll be cool to see the effects a more specified approach has.
Sundara said:
What you say about metal is interesting. I’ve had a toxin build up in the body before. It’s a metal based toxin byproduct of blood. Manifests in the liver and the headaches occur on the liver points of the face. I did start incorporating white foods and have kept up on yoga. It’ll be cool to see the effects a more specified approach has.

I should've clarified: TCM uses the name metal to describe the lungs/large intestine grouping, however this name is not actually based on any object literally metal in origin. In a similar way, the stomach/spleen is called the element of earth, although one does not have physical dirt in them.

As far as toxin build up: For foreign items like metals, sometimes the body has a hard time dealing with them. If you struggled with it, you would want to use some sort of chelating agent or other supplement to remove them. I know that for heavy metals, in general, sweating is the best way to go for removal.

It could also be possible that the liver was weakened beforehand. Women are more susceptible to blood deficiencies due to menstruation, which can strain the liver. Weakened liver yin would yield a worse response to an increase in toxin load, potentially resulting in headaches. Green food items help the liver and gall bladder purge toxins. Animal products, especially red items, replenish the yin of the organs and the blood as well.

Last, but not least, being asleep before 1am results in the liver being able to clean the blood effectively. 1am-3am is the liver time and before that, 11pm-1am is a gallbladder detox time. Being asleep at these times ensures these processes happen most efficiently.

The point I mentioned before, GB20, would help these headaches when they occur. In addition, you can also use the Liver 3 point for a more Liver specific response. This same point will also regenerate liver yin, simultaneously to clearing heat and reducing the "yang rising" of the liver, which is what causes the headache.

Anyway, good luck.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
