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Serious situation (urgent)


Sep 28, 2023
I will be sincerely grateful for any answer.

I am in a very very complicated situation.
My fiance is risking prison. The "revealed act" happened today (24 Dec, Satan's Day). How can I mitigate this problem in the most healthy and positive way?
The reason why he is risking, is not because he is guilty. It's a very complicated situation, and the best would be the guilty one not to be revealed by us (for us, as it's a "dangerous person", mafia etc...).
Today, Satan's Day, moon in libra, it was a very dangerous moment to deal with this kind of things. But as the moon is in Libra, I hope the very guilty will be revealed without his/our name being put in all this deal (as, as I said, will be the best for us). Maybe our situation was just a necessary episode in order to make the entire justice. I hope so, not only for us, but for everyone involved.
Is there a spiritual effort I should put in this? Is there a best date and hour to start this? Something like a justice-safety work for us, or something to repel the risk of him going in troubles. Maybe the best will be a justice kind of working, but it is necessary for us to keep our names secret.
It's not homicide and related... Fortunately.
I am an SS, I have a very profound sense of justice... I hope the things will go in the best way.
Say a prayer to Satan and perform the Lord Eligos ritual : https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/eligos-power-ritual.html

Start an aura of protection for your fiance, as well as a work based on runes such as Algiz x 10 + Sowilo x 10 + Berkano x 10.

Good luck and keep faith in yourself and in the Gods.
Satan's day is December 23, not the 24th.

On Thursday, December 26 during the hour of Jupiter you can perform a spell to permanently end this situation. You can use this combination of runes:

In this order:
Algiz - Tiwaz - Sowilo.
My fiance is risking prison

I would just like to add that there are also Gods who can help manage these situations.
For Example, the Demon ABIGOR may also support you in that spell you want to perform. Don't hesitate to pray the Gods:

There is also his Ritual:
One thing you could do is perform his Ritual, focus for a few minutes on his Sigil explaining your problem and the guidance you need, and then immediately perform the spell that was proposed to you. :)

I am an SS, I have a very profound sense of justice...
Yes, don't worry, those who are in the right have few truly unsolvable situations ahead. Thanks to the Gods, their guidance, our knowledge and our personal power and effort, many things are accessible to us, truly many things.

I truly wish you good luck, may Lord ABIGOR bless you greatly for this.

I will be sincerely grateful for any answer.

I am in a very very complicated situation.
My fiance is risking prison. The "revealed act" happened today (24 Dec, Satan's Day). How can I mitigate this problem in the most healthy and positive way?
The reason why he is risking, is not because he is guilty. It's a very complicated situation, and the best would be the guilty one not to be revealed by us (for us, as it's a "dangerous person", mafia etc...).
Today, Satan's Day, moon in libra, it was a very dangerous moment to deal with this kind of things. But as the moon is in Libra, I hope the very guilty will be revealed without his/our name being put in all this deal (as, as I said, will be the best for us). Maybe our situation was just a necessary episode in order to make the entire justice. I hope so, not only for us, but for everyone involved.
Is there a spiritual effort I should put in this? Is there a best date and hour to start this? Something like a justice-safety work for us, or something to repel the risk of him going in troubles. Maybe the best will be a justice kind of working, but it is necessary for us to keep our names secret.
It's not homicide and related... Fortunately.
I am an SS, I have a very profound sense of justice... I hope the things will go in the best way.
Get a lawyer and do rituals to Ba'al and ask for his help, he presides over justice.

Why would your fiance risk prison if he's not guilty?
Get a lawyer and do rituals to Ba'al and ask for his help, he presides over justice.

Why would your fiance risk prison if he's not guilty?

Because he would prefer this consequence to the enmity of the very guilty ones.
However, this morning a very strange coincidence appeared on the scene, and honestly I believe in this little coincidence lies a solution. I'm sure there were gods here. I feel so blessed, because it's incredible to me how in every single kind of adversity, the Gods never ever fail me, even though I am not always a perfect disciple.

I truly wish you good luck, may Lord ABIGOR bless you greatly for this.

Thank you so much.
Now a series of coincidences are happening. I'm sure everything is working out and this episode was just a necessity for this whole thing to be resolved, for everyone involved. This was a lesson for me, as I now realized the true meaning of the concept of "FAITH" in the Gods, in the process, in the protection of Satan. Honestly, I'm grateful for that. Satan not only protects his disciples, but also their loved ones. This is something I read often, especially from Maxine's words. But now, only now, I realize how true this is. I'm grateful. And this is all the more reason for me to strive and achieve everything I need to achieve, to dedicate myself completely to the Gods. Sometimes I feel so bad, because the only ones who have always been with me, reassuring me (like in this situation, exactly the next day) are the Gods; and sometimes I fall, I make mistakes, but They are always with me. If I can meditate now, it is only thanks to the fact that they patiently helped me get up from every defeat and weakness. I will make a spiritual effort using all your advices to completely detach ourselves, in the safest way, from this whole situation. I sincerely thank everyone.
I will always thank the Gods, for my life.
Hail Satan!
When I had my problems in similar ways as you've said with the problem X and etc I have made a standard ritual towards Satan and all of the God's begging for help and also I have made a deal with God Abigor , you got something to offer or/and promise to Them , myself I have promised to donate God Abigor at least 1.000 minimum times balls of energy or sends-of-energy and to even make a tatto with His Sigil , but you don't need to if you don't want, I wanted this and it's more of a matter of respect, this is strictly personal and at my own choice , beside that I have also promised to speak about how Great the God's were with me , Including God Abigor which worked so smooth the entire situation in time, everywhere I was things were just pomped at the 'right time - right moment' .

I remember I was in this room with some person and I was so afraid of what's gonna happen and so on so forth , it was truly a very injustice that I was encountering and when I joined in that room with my lawyer I was calling God Abigor by His name while visualizing His Sigil and I swear on my blood and soul , the moment I have called God Abigor name and summoned Him , everything ended in like 1 second , the person who was there to interrogate me just stand up on the chair like in a military kind of way and respectfully salute and just simply said " Go home, all will be well" but like.. no hi , no nothing just said that and everything ended in my favor.

Now, if you're a true Satanist and also you're good, then you will be Helped by the God's as They do not tolerate the injustices but you also got to be open and truthful towards Them, if you fucked up be onset and do not even try to think on scamming them as They already know everything within ourselves by 1000 years old light distance.
and the best would be the guilty one not to be revealed by us (for us, as it's a "dangerous person", mafia etc...).

I am glad situatiom heads towards a good solution. it seems you got helped by the Gods.
As a side comment, I would seriously consider why and how your partner is involved with dangerous people. I don't know details, but for the future I would cut off those people from your life - even your partner if is not SS and is dragging you into heavy problems like this. Having to do with criminals brings a lot of negative energies to your aura and environment. Also you mention mafia that is jewish criminal organization.
I would seriously consider why and how your partner is involved with dangerous people.

He is not involved with these kinds of people; but in reality he is sometimes naive when dealing with people, he always has the best intentions and does not see the malice of others.

Very interesting. Thank you for letting me know about your experience. Something very similar happened in my situation.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
