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Self Knowledge And Other People

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Among all the things you can do to learn about yourself, is to actually relate and associate with other people. While that represents a portion of life, it's quintessential to do this in order to find out who yourself really is.

Most people have this idea in their heads that one must go to the mountains and isolate, and that this will give them a tremendous amount of insight. It can give you a lot of self knowledge, but isolation can easily lead to deception.

A number one cause to deceptions of this nature, such as thinking you are Hitler and/or Napoleon while you effectively are not this, stems from an isolated perception of self that has not yet presented itself to life and to the world. The more this state is maintained, as one adds meditation in the wrong context, one will soon be Ceasar as well, and the situation is that you aren't Ceasar unless there is a proper display of these abilities and so on.

When the reality will come clashing with this, then you will find out things you likely don't want to hear. At this point this is when you know you are advancing, because the delusional states can be of an excessive nature. Inspirational states must not be mistaken for reality, they are more like an insight into potential if anything else.

Alternatively, you might think that you are falsely a trash or worthless person, because you never allowed yourself to demonstrate a value to other people so that they can recognize it or guide you to do it better. Those of you who are in the real world doing things, you already know what is meant here.

As many people in Spiritual Satanism are doing the most important part of inner self search, we have to also incorporate the second part of this which is relation with other people to see how things go. I am the best programmer or the best hockey player if I never compete; the situation is that this is likely only real in my mind. A very valuable reason to do this is to actually learn.

Falsely the perception that the above is undervaluing one's self of sense worth, also exists. The existence of other people better, higher, taller, weaker, or stronger than you, does not matter as much as self awareness does, and when self awareness arises to a high level, you simply feel at ease and good to be where you are, forming relations with others to attain things that would be otherwise fully unattainable by "yourself".

That's why the Gods are very insistent on teamwork and on the familial bond, because it can be conjoined with the individual nature to elevate everyone in a way impossible in any other way. Not all interaction is needed, but to see certain things which can highlight our own weaknesses, can always be used in a constructive and good way.

Damned would be the world if you looked outside and everyone was only worse or equal to anyone else. Then you would be on the planet of the greys and not anywhere where serious development can take place. These rules of nature are to be respected, because they create the formal bonds for infinite development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I personally believe a major factor which negatively impacts this higher degree of social organization is the cutthroat mentality which some people employ against others, leading to an overall worse group output, as people lose a desire to cooperate.

As people feel internally weak, they are less likely to share, because they are in survival mode. However, if they feel comfortable in knowing that their investments into others are returned, then the branches of our family tree can properly form.

Although Aries and Libra are one measure for describing social relationships, another can be found on the Leo/Aquarius axis, which relates to your words here on self-value and communal interaction. Here, Leo shows one's self-worth, also what they are good at generating value with. The 11th house, or Aquarius house, shows our interactions with broader organizations.

As Leo describes a king, Aquarius describes the subjects of the king. We must invest into ourselves and our self-value, but we must also invest into the people around us. In turn, these people invest back into ourselves, so we benefit on both sides of this interaction.

A king is nothing without his people, and the people are nothing without a good leadership. However, both must exist in proper balance. As the king knows how best to generate value for his kingdom, he is entrusted with the tax revenue. With this money, he is personally empowered, but also returns this to others through his public projects.


Each person should find value in their own gifts, which they develop over time, in accordance with reality as HPHC describes. This allows everyone a degree of self-value, as they feel uniquely valuable. It also promotes for the development of an interconnected community, as we exist all as different pieces of fruit, but coming from the same tree.

We are each like our own miniature Suns, but we still happily recognize the "larger Suns" above us. Instead of trying to tear each other down, we generate new ideas for how to create value together, which is an Aquarian mindset. As new ideas are created, capital must be generated to fuel this, and therefore we turn towards the Leo king to support our projects. So, the cycle continues.
I was feel very confused this week in some areas of my life , but then i read that sermon and simply make me feel better and see what i have to do tommorow in order to progress.Thank you great HP!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
A number one cause to deceptions of this nature, such as thinking you are Hitler and/or Napoleon while you effectively are not this, stems from an isolated perception of self that has not yet presented itself to life and to the world.

I would like to become like the ancient Great kings such as Ramses the great Pharaoh the guy literally being called the great ancestor by the people for 1000s of years past his time and Nebuchadnezzar a man who kept a 960 year long diary of his extremely long lived life and feats as a mighty sorcerer king burner of the jewish temple yes i would love to be like these truly great rulers one day.

But i have many kinks to iron out first but I'm improving a lot.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Among all the things you can do to learn about yourself, is to actually relate and associate with other people. While that represents a portion of life, it's quintessential to do this in order to find out who yourself really is.

Most people have this idea in their heads that one must go to the mountains and isolate, and that this will give them a tremendous amount of insight. It can give you a lot of self knowledge, but isolation can easily lead to deception.

A number one cause to deceptions of this nature, such as thinking you are Hitler and/or Napoleon while you effectively are not this, stems from an isolated perception of self that has not yet presented itself to life and to the world. The more this state is maintained, as one adds meditation in the wrong context, one will soon be Ceasar as well, and the situation is that you aren't Ceasar unless there is a proper display of these abilities and so on.

When the reality will come clashing with this, then you will find out things you likely don't want to hear. At this point this is when you know you are advancing, because the delusional states can be of an excessive nature. Inspirational states must not be mistaken for reality, they are more like an insight into potential if anything else.

Alternatively, you might think that you are falsely a trash or worthless person, because you never allowed yourself to demonstrate a value to other people so that they can recognize it or guide you to do it better. Those of you who are in the real world doing things, you already know what is meant here.

As many people in Spiritual Satanism are doing the most important part of inner self search, we have to also incorporate the second part of this which is relation with other people to see how things go. I am the best programmer or the best hockey player if I never compete; the situation is that this is likely only real in my mind. A very valuable reason to do this is to actually learn.

Falsely the perception that the above is undervaluing one's self of sense worth, also exists. The existence of other people better, higher, taller, weaker, or stronger than you, does not matter as much as self awareness does, and when self awareness arises to a high level, you simply feel at ease and good to be where you are, forming relations with others to attain things that would be otherwise fully unattainable by "yourself".

That's why the Gods are very insistent on teamwork and on the familial bond, because it can be conjoined with the individual nature to elevate everyone in a way impossible in any other way. Not all interaction is needed, but to see certain things which can highlight our own weaknesses, can always be used in a constructive and good way.

Damned would be the world if you looked outside and everyone was only worse or equal to anyone else. Then you would be on the planet of the greys and not anywhere where serious development can take place. These rules of nature are to be respected, because they create the formal bonds for infinite development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What is crazy to me is.. I was just thinking about the whole isolation thing. It has felt similar to that of like a dream where nature is kind of calling but I've reflected and looked deeper. I've figured isolation was not the answer and infact it is just a way for many to run away. I reflected deeper and remembered My purpose In society as a satanist and the mission paved by the gods that we dedicate too as satanist. Instead I cut people and groups off that I felt were distracting me, wasting my time so i could prioritize the gods more and the Satanic goals.

For all these people who think they are this n they are that. Set all the "incarnated hitlers" or "incarnated liliths" into the same room and let them make the discovery themselves they are fools like the rest sitting there lol I've came across personally 20 liliths, 3 reincarnated Jesus's and the female version of "god" while searching this world for other like minded people. The only true answer is looking within with the guidance of the gods.
This is why we better not compare ourselves to other people too much to the point people become envious of other people, what matters is that we learn some things from others and we can grow and develop into better people from there. Looking back at my screwed childhood, I met giant intellectuals even if most of them were morally impure, it got me very useful skills but made me a morally questionable person that needed to develop out of it. I guess being a former bad guy and maybe somewhat a bad guy until now got me to learn in many ways. I don't even know if I am still a bad guy anymore and that's worse, I strongly know I'm unforgivable.

People need other people to know where they are at in life but for me? I already know myself as someone who has gone too far and will one day need to face execution. Even in my years here, helping in screwing the enemy's plot in some way until now, didn't do much in fixing my screwed head and I don't blame this path. This is why I keep blaming myself.

Sad I might have to say goodbye to those aspects of life with being around people if I were to cause lone slaughter on the enemy. I thirst for enemy blood and have had nothing valuable to lose, this is the only way I can say I'm redeemed which is by making my death valuable to the world one day. This world has always been following a 'knives to flowers' rule for too long now.

It was nice knowing everyone under true divinity in advance if ever I fuck up in finally getting past the circumstances I am in.
Anyway, this is where I'll have to refrain from posting anymore till next year. This is so I don't end up committing suicide or dying of heart failure. I need time to reassess myself alone after all.
Great post sir, but one thing I can't do, is relate to people on a deep level especially.

Humans nowadays are literally so fucked up its scary.

I have been mistreated, abused, cheated and put in painful situations by so many people from day 1.

I have become severely apathetic towards their circumstances, because it has been proven to me time after time, that people and their opinions aren't worth a piece of dog shit.

Im frankly, a person with water dominance. Im naturally very sensitive to everything, high empathy, impressionable, and i struggle with asserting myself.

Ive been fucked over so many times, that i have just learned that, i should never take other people into consideration when making choices, unless they are professionals.

Because seriously, who are they? A bunch of nobodies. Their deaths really dont matter, nor does their existence.

Even if there are still good people out there, id rather not risk it. Ive been ruined too many times by too many people.

Solitude is best.
What you said about the negatives of isolation is True and I have also tried to get along with others, obviously outsiders in the real world. But since they are not like-minded meaning they do not have values and morals like I do. I end up arguing and move out of their friendship circle.

For example, someone on a foreign land helped me in emergency and he was from my region.
Then there was someone he asked me to help them. I refused. He had given his petty stupid reasons(lies) for why he wasn’t able to help them. He just wanted to gain a return favour from me I could feel his mentality and it was like he was saying to himself (oh yea let’s get this guy do this task why should I go this far to help my friends)

I had my very valid physical reasons and also I didn’t know the persons I was asked to help through him. Then later few days after, he started picking up quarrels with me indirectly and I said if it’s you who would need help then I’d have definitely helped but I will not help anyone else not even your best of the best friend if I do not know them. If I go into details of my physical reasons then you will understand that I did make a right decision of not helping them.

And now he is my enemy. He will regret it.
Pride comes before a fall. Beware of spiritual pride.

Years ago I started developing a focused mind and started looking judgementally at others how they fumbled, how they were unconscious and hung while their brain slowly found it's footing.

Long story short I was losing myself in egotism and impatience. And after that period I lost everything.

Now I remember that I must not fall all over myself when I start building up again. It's very important to first gain control of the lower drives because as power increases all faculties are empowered.

Cleaning and purity of intent. And strong sense of control of self. You do not want the lower animalistic drives overrunning you. They can destroy you. Lust, desire for power, develop humility and understanding to care for the human condition. Magnify the good lest the bad take precedence because all drives get amplified.

We working on the inner need time to ourselves but one always needs balance. It's absolutely essential to interact with the outside world so as to remain level and grounded.

But our spiritual journey is deeply personal and others will not understand. I like books and to tell the book I'm looking at and see what gossip others want to spread.

It's difficult because I avoid the media mainly and watch no television, so my wavelength is different and that gives me nothing to talk about.
Due to phones, PCs and other isolating implements, along with the paranoia of being filmed, people often don't develop the will to confront being around others on an extensive level in any capacity until too late.

All of this applies to the romance field and more, reinforced by the fact that attempts to break out of this are going to inevitably have negative consequences or puzzled faces. Jews and their lackeys poison the well as much as possible to ensure introverted goyim get it into their heads that it's worthless to even begin trying until certain fantastical preconditions are achieved, such as being a 10/10 looks-wise or making a million a year.

Due to the recent Pluto in Capricorn transit, the cardinal type of cut throat and 'level up' mentality in line with what i described that Blitzkreig hinted at is currently also everywhere. One should think of development as being a long process and not a magic wand that takes someone from A to Z.
Thank you.

I have experienced this and it is absolutely true.
I just didn't know it was part of self-awareness.

Thank you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Among all the things you can do to learn about yourself, is to actually relate and associate with other people. While that represents a portion of life, it's quintessential to do this in order to find out who yourself really is.

Most people have this idea in their heads that one must go to the mountains and isolate, and that this will give them a tremendous amount of insight. It can give you a lot of self knowledge, but isolation can easily lead to deception.

A number one cause to deceptions of this nature, such as thinking you are Hitler and/or Napoleon while you effectively are not this, stems from an isolated perception of self that has not yet presented itself to life and to the world. The more this state is maintained, as one adds meditation in the wrong context, one will soon be Ceasar as well, and the situation is that you aren't Ceasar unless there is a proper display of these abilities and so on.

When the reality will come clashing with this, then you will find out things you likely don't want to hear. At this point this is when you know you are advancing, because the delusional states can be of an excessive nature. Inspirational states must not be mistaken for reality, they are more like an insight into potential if anything else.

Alternatively, you might think that you are falsely a trash or worthless person, because you never allowed yourself to demonstrate a value to other people so that they can recognize it or guide you to do it better. Those of you who are in the real world doing things, you already know what is meant here.

As many people in Spiritual Satanism are doing the most important part of inner self search, we have to also incorporate the second part of this which is relation with other people to see how things go. I am the best programmer or the best hockey player if I never compete; the situation is that this is likely only real in my mind. A very valuable reason to do this is to actually learn.

Falsely the perception that the above is undervaluing one's self of sense worth, also exists. The existence of other people better, higher, taller, weaker, or stronger than you, does not matter as much as self awareness does, and when self awareness arises to a high level, you simply feel at ease and good to be where you are, forming relations with others to attain things that would be otherwise fully unattainable by "yourself".

That's why the Gods are very insistent on teamwork and on the familial bond, because it can be conjoined with the individual nature to elevate everyone in a way impossible in any other way. Not all interaction is needed, but to see certain things which can highlight our own weaknesses, can always be used in a constructive and good way.

Damned would be the world if you looked outside and everyone was only worse or equal to anyone else. Then you would be on the planet of the greys and not anywhere where serious development can take place. These rules of nature are to be respected, because they create the formal bonds for infinite development.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

When I was new, some members here would spread their pesimism out to the world, affectint overall new people, that should be reading things as: I ve been here 4 years and never felt the energy, I think this is just imagination, and stuff. Of course I walked my own path and my soul is manefisting her reality in obvious ways, but as a new, and young Satanist I didnt have very much faith, now years passed and, as our great HP HoodedCobra said in a sermon, I gave real attention to the basics of meditation and grasped results.
Now, thanks to the gods, my best friend and girlfriend is commiting on stydying the satanism and planning to dedicate herself in a serious way, and the best of all is, I am going to let her commit her own mistakes, but obviously I am going to help her greatly, and maintain her attached to reality in a healthy way.
Thank you HPHC for the sermon.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=463756 time=1695167840 user_id=21286]
I personally believe a major factor which negatively impacts this higher degree of social organization is the cutthroat mentality which some people employ against others, leading to an overall worse group output, as people lose a desire to cooperate.

As people feel internally weak, they are less likely to share, because they are in survival mode. However, if they feel comfortable in knowing that their investments into others are returned, then the branches of our family tree can properly form.

Although Aries and Libra are one measure for describing social relationships, another can be found on the Leo/Aquarius axis, which relates to your words here on self-value and communal interaction. Here, Leo shows one's self-worth, also what they are good at generating value with. The 11th house, or Aquarius house, shows our interactions with broader organizations.

As Leo describes a king, Aquarius describes the subjects of the king. We must invest into ourselves and our self-value, but we must also invest into the people around us. In turn, these people invest back into ourselves, so we benefit on both sides of this interaction.

A king is nothing without his people, and the people are nothing without a good leadership. However, both must exist in proper balance. As the king knows how best to generate value for his kingdom, he is entrusted with the tax revenue. With this money, he is personally empowered, but also returns this to others through his public projects.


Each person should find value in their own gifts, which they develop over time, in accordance with reality as HPHC describes. This allows everyone a degree of self-value, as they feel uniquely valuable. It also promotes for the development of an interconnected community, as we exist all as different pieces of fruit, but coming from the same tree.

We are each like our own miniature Suns, but we still happily recognize the "larger Suns" above us. Instead of trying to tear each other down, we generate new ideas for how to create value together, which is an Aquarian mindset. As new ideas are created, capital must be generated to fuel this, and therefore we turn towards the Leo king to support our projects. So, the cycle continues.

Thank You.
Dear all, please take heed of what this short but very important sermon has to convey as well as brother Blitz's insightful further elaboration on the subject.

After a crushing defeat in life that made me consider a cowardly way which seemed so alluring - total isolation from true and sincere human contact and meaningful relationships, I've opted for the opposite. Being honest with yourself and choosing the hard way i.e. trying to do your best with other people is the only way forward.

To uphold the highest virtues and take responsibility for the actions we take in life is our sacred duty. Working as hard as we can for ourselves, our families, our race and our species is what an SS is about.

Thank you everyone who influenced and helped me to be here after everything and to keep fighting.

When first coming to Spiritual Satanism, we often feel pressured to resort to the mountains for a while because of the dangers of being discovered, and the rejection of modern teachings. But after you've developed the immense levels of insight from self-discovery, reflection, and wisdom that our "secret knowledge" provides us, then it's time to return and enlighten those who show signs of wishing to pursue greater purposes in life, just as we do. Or at least, this is what I've personally done.

In the beginning, I felt reluctant to even help others, be it other SS or normal people. I had taken the statement from the Al-Jilwah of "I do not allow friendly association with other people" too literally, and genuinely believed that we were intended to help solely ourselves, and no one else. Fortunately, that has changed, and I have discovered a sense of self-realization through assisting others with my knowledge and experience.

With the teachings and methods of empowerment from JoS, past certain power levels, even normal people can subconsciously sense the strength in your resonance when you're near them. It either scares people, or charms them.
I've had to learn to accept myself as is throughout the years.
In spite of others and what other people think! Taking charge and taking responsibility for your own actions and your own behavior and knowing who you are and where you stand.
Plus being truthful and honest about your problems and to take action! Taking responsibility for your problems and your weaknesses! Before you evaluate or reevaluate yourself? It's not going to hurt for you to take a step back and find out where you need help! And yes it is important to be around those who live by a better example to build you up! And to make you a better person or where you can learn to improve yourself! Also to have a friendship in this person to believe in yourself and to recognize yourself and your good deeds building up your confidence and a better self-esteem and a better understanding of self worth! Also to recognize the good and the bad of others and where they stand you could also be a teacher as well as a friend and that as a sister helping one another! :D
It never did hurt to be able to look into somebody else's light.
There's always room to grow! Especially if one wants to become the better person in his or her life! Living by an example and looking up on brothers and sisters and other family members as an example! For the better way of looking at things in a better understanding and the things that we are learning! That is one of the reasons why I value family!
And why it's important to have a friendship especially with those that make you feel appreciated and wanted where you know that you can advance in something and learn something! And learning how to let go of your problems and understand the mistakes and the flaws that you have! Being able to look back at the past and resolve problems and creating better habits! One of the things I value about family! It's the fact that you can sit down and talk about your problems! And to ask for help when you want it and when it's needed! Being able to look up on one another as a hero and a friend! And to have that sense of knowing!. And who you can look up on and Trust as family and friend for the advice that you need! 💯 For improvement and empowerment.. Thank you for sharing this 🔥 🙏
Hayabusa666 said:

Thank you, High Priest.

Do you think it is wrong to idolize someone? What if he goes past that idol and goes to imitate that person?

No, it is not bad. It is normal and healthy to emulate other beings who are better or higher than you in something you want to be better at.

HPS Maxine has always been someone I have idolized and looked at in my life, for example.

The situation is that one must understand that one cannot become anyone else but themselves and that anything you get from others can only be part of your own personality.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hayabusa666 said:

Thank you, High Priest.

Do you think it is wrong to idolize someone? What if he goes past that idol and goes to imitate that person?
anything you get from others can only be part of your own personality.
HP, can you explain more on what you mean by that? Or give an example?
i have been having lots of self esteem issues lately!
this helped!
existentialcrisis said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
anything you get from others can only be part of your own personality.
HP, can you explain more on what you mean by that? Or give an example?
it seems to be related to the classic phrase "everyone can learn something from someone else"
since human beings are all made of the same "paste" and all share the same nature, every mistake or behavior or determined personality trait is "the same" as everyone, the only constant that changes is clearly the uniqueness of the individual compared to one's individual life (along with various related reasons such as karma, circumstances, environment etc. in this) and consequently how one individually responds, and so the "universe" (these laws) responds to this, etc

in short, the classic simple law of cause and effect
but if looked at closely, nature and universal laws are always the same and for everyone, what apparently makes the difference is the knowledge and the putting into practice of all this
oh, i went off topic again, forgive me, i was a bit too tired at that moment, i should sleep more

i wanted to mention the law of attraction, not the things i said🙄
we feel attracted to what we are, and so in a certain sense we only accept what we are from the outside
which is why for example, moods sometimes determine what type of music we listen to, etc.

consequently we must change ourselves first to "attract" what we want and so
modify the energy for the better
this tunes in to the right frequency
and then we're able to vibrate with it, to "attract" it

this is done through healthy living and meditation

why am i even writing these things 🤣
i'm not even doing them myself
after all, everything is already here on jos in one way or another

learning science is cool
now i should get to practice all of this though
thanks for your patience guys

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
