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SELF CONFIDENCE!! For all members to keep in mind :)

Shannon Outlaw

Active member
Feb 1, 2011
This is from one of our sisters and Is very helpful.

----Forwarded Message----
From: firebird894@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Mon, Nov 26, 2012 6:39 PM EST
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Self Confidence

How you feel about yourself is very important. The attitudes caused by enemy programs in the world work against you aim to bring down your self esteem and confidence.

religion teaches to be 'humble' 'modest' to hide your body, for women to cover up and not be sexy or show skin, not to be proud of yourself or raise your voice to be heard. Supress your inner feelings and love others above yourself. All of this works against you on every level. It is all part of keeping people from reaching Godhood. I had an argument in high school with a scripture teacher who started on about 'Satan' and how He was too proud and defied god. I think I was kicked out of that class lol

The truth is for anyone who Has seen and interacted with our Gods they ARE beautifull and proud and powerfull They only bow before Satan. Satan bows to NOONE! We bow to Satan out of respect and love not force or guilt or fear. A few times He has told me to stand up and be proud A God does not grovel on their knees.
When I was very new I bowed to Him all the time out of respect and I still do this at the beggining of Ritual and I have been compelled then to stand up tall and proud. I have had self esteem issues most of my life and since comming to Satan this has changed. This has been one of the biggest changes. I used to be shy and nervous and unsure of myself. Now I walk around with my head up, I look people right in the eye when I speak and will not back down. If someone moves in on me I refuse to budge I push back.
I look up when I walk not down at my feet.

One day Satan came to me when I was out walking I was in a funny mood and I must have looked as grumpy and down as I felt. He said 'you should smile more and hold your head up you are beautifull when you smile' I felt my face turn bright red and felt embarrassed and this amused Him not in a mocking way but because He knew I would feel embarrassed. He told me this would pass most people react the same way to compliments.
This was one of His lessons on self esteem. After a while I began to enjoy the feeling He said you see the difference? In your energy? How you feel? This shame people feel upon recieving a compliment is from the enemy. Its programed deep from a young age and is not healthy and will only hold you back.'

Shame is not natural. I often watch my horses running in the paddock and the young males are VERY PROUD and show off constantly! It is a joy to watch a young stallion prance around like he is bouncing on air, flexing his muscles, flashing his mane rearing to show his size and they know just how to stand in the sun before the mares to get that sunlight shining off the coat. They are screaming LOOK AT ME!

The Peacock Satans most Sacred animal is a very proud animal. He MARCHES out of his pen makes sure EVERYONE can see him in his best light and gets that tail up and shakes it as he struts around the yard and everyone looks. He is beautifull and he knows it and takes Full advantage and thrives on the attention.

Roosters are the same they get out amongst the hens and dance, crow get up on the highest fence and push their chests out and carry on.

It is easy to spot also who the boss mare or hen is in the yard. A mare will march around knowing she is boss and demands respect. She has the strongest aura of all the horses this is something I can now feel amongst animals. She is the smartest and is very proud. Hens have a heirarchy in the yard the boss gets the best rooster, the best food she is VERY confident and stands her ground. Her chics get first pick of the food.

When in doubt look to nature. If something makes you feel down or small it is not good for you. A xian recently had a go at me because he thought my ego was too big. In other words he felt threatened by me and wanted to complain. xians and many other new agers, muslims etc think ego is a bad thing. EGO IS IMPORTANT. Your ego is you! It is your driving force within it sustains you between lives. Noone follows a wimp! The humble get used and trodden all over.

For those who come from such backgrounds that are anti life and anti ego it may be hard for you at first to understand this the more you get into Satanism the more this will start to change.

Another thing is when you start rising up, when you shine and express yourself, your energy and personality in a confident manner you will attract others who are weaker than you who want to draw off you. You will also get those who can't stand seeing someone who is proud and confident and will want to bring you back down and put you in your place. You must learn to recognise and resist this.

I have a couple of simple meditations that can help to strengthen your aura and help you feel better about yourself.

Now I am short physically, not alot I can do about that except wear heels and boots which is often not practical. People do tend to look down on small people. However do not underestimate the power of the Soul to give an impression of size and power! As I have become stronger spiritually I have noticed I get more respect.

Physically I do not look much different, my eyes are more intense but I havn't gained any height and probably won't lol. But what I can do is push my aura up higher than my head and use astral eyes to 'look down' on those around me. This takes practice but after some effort and time you will see results. You can practice this at home. While meditating focus on the top of your head and imagine you are getting taller, push your aura upwards as if you were looking down now at the top of your head from above.
Once you have mastered this start looking around at other things in the room as if you were looking down. A point comes when you do actually start feeling taller and will notice your perspective of things around you seems to change a little as if you are looking at the world from a higher viewpoint.

Another one you may if you have previous experience in the occult heard of has been called a 'glamour'. If this is not familar I will explain.

A glamour is a simple act of magick you perform on yourself. The desired effect is to project an astral impression of yourself as being bigger, better looking and more powerfull to others than you actually are physically. When done with practice by someone with a strong soul this can be VERY powerfull and effective. I have not yet mastered this myself completley I can only share the theory on how it works so you can try it if you wish to. I do know that others have had some interesting results to the point of even looking younger physically over time, slight changes in eye colour (I have had this personally) the changes can be subtle but noticeable over time if you look back at pictures.
I focus energy a lot into my eyes. I want to be able to project a lot of power with my eyes so when I look at someone they can FEEL it.
After 6 months of this my eyes are a little darker and more intense. Last year my eyes were on there way to turning hazel and had lost colour they are now almost back to the blue they were when I was younger.

I find golden light most effective in this practice. I imagine my skin is actually glowing with it all over, as if there was a light on inside me lighting my skin up from underneath I focus it into my eyes so my eyes are glowing white, and I see my wrinkles fade away, my skin baby smooth and I try to project myself upwards so I feel taller. I physically straighten my back, push my chest out and shoulders back and look straight ahead of me.

Late at night when I travelled on trains I would visualise 2 huge tigers beside me and a knife in each hand hardly anyone ever messed with me. This works at a subconcious level.

Say you are passing people in the street they pass you for a second and size you up, we all do it we check each other out in public. You can fool a persons mind at a level to see you as more than you are, even if only for a short time enough for most brief encounters. Physically they dont see you as any different but they may get an impression you are someone amazing or not to be fucked with. If you make someone too nervous or edgy just smile :) while staring right at them.

Be aware however some people who are sensitive can really freak out if you are good at this so you need to learn to control it. It's all practice.
The point is you need to work on your self esteem, your confidence and how you feel about yourself will start to effect how others percieve and treat you. A strong person will be tested but because you ARE stronger you will win. Anytime you feel down or that someone is getting it over you remember Satan and the Peacock or the stallion prancing in the field and the energy they project, the power. Demand respect! You deserve it. You are closer every single day to becomming a GOD! Think about what this means, we have the absolute best role models and teachers anyone could have. Our Gods DO NOT look down on us as inferior They want Us to rise up and be like Them! To walk beside them in defiance of those who supress and enslave. To become a master of your own destiny and life. Go and watch videos Of Hitler making speeches you can FEEL the energy he projects when he spoke. He demanded respect and He got it.

What I have said about self confidence I want to add one thing. It isn't about being an asshole, stuck up or a bully. It is about being happy and confident in who you are, loving who you are being comefortable in your skin and projecting an air about you that demands respect. You deserve respect. You earn respect. I do not enjoy being nasty or a bitch unless someone is asking for it. I am generally a kind person and I care about others pain. I do not let it get to me however and I know when to say NO. You achieve a balance that suits who YOU are and your nature. Some are naturally more aggressive others naturally less so. You need to discover who you are personally as an indvidual. Your talents, what you like, etc. I would never want to be anyone else except ME.

Something else I have noticed and it happened back when I was at school and seems to be worse these days. Kids hiding their intellegence, knowledge and talents for fear of being picked on, sticking out etc. This is sad, I was such a kid. I was not encouraged to develop my talents and I was bullied often. I did learn to stand up for myself eventually but I took my share of abuse and beatings.

I was 'different' I always have been. I know now I was always with Satan even before I knew it I was his. Those of Us who have been with Him before are individuals and We do tend to get noticed and stand out. We are not one of the sheep, maybe you were bullied at school, maybe you were the misfit. Maybe you had unique and special talents others were jealous of. Don't let those memories trouble you anymore.

You are with Satan now you walk beside Him in spirit everyday. He loves you and is very proud of us for having the balls to defy the enemy in this world. We proved that the moment we dedicated ourselves to Him despite all the lies about Him. We showed Him absolute trust in that moment. He respects and values this. As far as I am concerned I do not give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of me. Only Satan. If He sees anything in me of value that is enough for me. He loves that we are unique individuals He encourages Us to develop our talents, to follow our passions and be our very best. The opposite to the supressive teachings that are everywhere around Us.

He is the most powerfull God there is and if He tells me to smile and be proud that is exactly what I will do.

Great to Read that Post again. A real Confidence Builder. Confidence with Satan. Wonderful.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

This is from one of our sisters and Is very helpful.

----Forwarded Message----
From: firebird894@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Mon, Nov 26, 2012 6:39 PM EST
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Self Confidence

How you feel about yourself is very important. The attitudes caused by enemy programs in the world work against you aim to bring down your self esteem and confidence.

religion teaches to be 'humble' 'modest' to hide your body, for women to cover up and not be sexy or show skin, not to be proud of yourself or raise your voice to be heard. Supress your inner feelings and love others above yourself. All of this works against you on every level. It is all part of keeping people from reaching Godhood. I had an argument in high school with a scripture teacher who started on about 'Satan' and how He was too proud and defied god. I think I was kicked out of that class lol

The truth is for anyone who Has seen and interacted with our Gods they ARE beautifull and proud and powerfull They only bow before Satan. Satan bows to NOONE! We bow to Satan out of respect and love not force or guilt or fear. A few times He has told me to stand up and be proud A God does not grovel on their knees.
When I was very new I bowed to Him all the time out of respect and I still do this at the beggining of Ritual and I have been compelled then to stand up tall and proud. I have had self esteem issues most of my life and since comming to Satan this has changed. This has been one of the biggest changes. I used to be shy and nervous and unsure of myself. Now I walk around with my head up, I look people right in the eye when I speak and will not back down. If someone moves in on me I refuse to budge I push back.
I look up when I walk not down at my feet.

One day Satan came to me when I was out walking I was in a funny mood and I must have looked as grumpy and down as I felt. He said 'you should smile more and hold your head up you are beautifull when you smile' I felt my face turn bright red and felt embarrassed and this amused Him not in a mocking way but because He knew I would feel embarrassed. He told me this would pass most people react the same way to compliments.
This was one of His lessons on self esteem. After a while I began to enjoy the feeling He said you see the difference? In your energy? How you feel? This shame people feel upon recieving a compliment is from the enemy. Its programed deep from a young age and is not healthy and will only hold you back.'

Shame is not natural. I often watch my horses running in the paddock and the young males are VERY PROUD and show off constantly! It is a joy to watch a young stallion prance around like he is bouncing on air, flexing his muscles, flashing his mane rearing to show his size and they know just how to stand in the sun before the mares to get that sunlight shining off the coat. They are screaming LOOK AT ME!

The Peacock Satans most Sacred animal is a very proud animal. He MARCHES out of his pen makes sure EVERYONE can see him in his best light and gets that tail up and shakes it as he struts around the yard and everyone looks. He is beautifull and he knows it and takes Full advantage and thrives on the attention.

Roosters are the same they get out amongst the hens and dance, crow get up on the highest fence and push their chests out and carry on.

It is easy to spot also who the boss mare or hen is in the yard. A mare will march around knowing she is boss and demands respect. She has the strongest aura of all the horses this is something I can now feel amongst animals. She is the smartest and is very proud. Hens have a heirarchy in the yard the boss gets the best rooster, the best food she is VERY confident and stands her ground. Her chics get first pick of the food.

When in doubt look to nature. If something makes you feel down or small it is not good for you. A xian recently had a go at me because he thought my ego was too big. In other words he felt threatened by me and wanted to complain. xians and many other new agers, muslims etc think ego is a bad thing. EGO IS IMPORTANT. Your ego is you! It is your driving force within it sustains you between lives. Noone follows a wimp! The humble get used and trodden all over.

For those who come from such backgrounds that are anti life and anti ego it may be hard for you at first to understand this the more you get into Satanism the more this will start to change.

Another thing is when you start rising up, when you shine and express yourself, your energy and personality in a confident manner you will attract others who are weaker than you who want to draw off you. You will also get those who can't stand seeing someone who is proud and confident and will want to bring you back down and put you in your place. You must learn to recognise and resist this.

I have a couple of simple meditations that can help to strengthen your aura and help you feel better about yourself.

Now I am short physically, not alot I can do about that except wear heels and boots which is often not practical. People do tend to look down on small people. However do not underestimate the power of the Soul to give an impression of size and power! As I have become stronger spiritually I have noticed I get more respect.

Physically I do not look much different, my eyes are more intense but I havn't gained any height and probably won't lol. But what I can do is push my aura up higher than my head and use astral eyes to 'look down' on those around me. This takes practice but after some effort and time you will see results. You can practice this at home. While meditating focus on the top of your head and imagine you are getting taller, push your aura upwards as if you were looking down now at the top of your head from above.
Once you have mastered this start looking around at other things in the room as if you were looking down. A point comes when you do actually start feeling taller and will notice your perspective of things around you seems to change a little as if you are looking at the world from a higher viewpoint.

Another one you may if you have previous experience in the occult heard of has been called a 'glamour'. If this is not familar I will explain.

A glamour is a simple act of magick you perform on yourself. The desired effect is to project an astral impression of yourself as being bigger, better looking and more powerfull to others than you actually are physically. When done with practice by someone with a strong soul this can be VERY powerfull and effective. I have not yet mastered this myself completley I can only share the theory on how it works so you can try it if you wish to. I do know that others have had some interesting results to the point of even looking younger physically over time, slight changes in eye colour (I have had this personally) the changes can be subtle but noticeable over time if you look back at pictures.
I focus energy a lot into my eyes. I want to be able to project a lot of power with my eyes so when I look at someone they can FEEL it.
After 6 months of this my eyes are a little darker and more intense. Last year my eyes were on there way to turning hazel and had lost colour they are now almost back to the blue they were when I was younger.

I find golden light most effective in this practice. I imagine my skin is actually glowing with it all over, as if there was a light on inside me lighting my skin up from underneath I focus it into my eyes so my eyes are glowing white, and I see my wrinkles fade away, my skin baby smooth and I try to project myself upwards so I feel taller. I physically straighten my back, push my chest out and shoulders back and look straight ahead of me.

Late at night when I travelled on trains I would visualise 2 huge tigers beside me and a knife in each hand hardly anyone ever messed with me. This works at a subconcious level.

Say you are passing people in the street they pass you for a second and size you up, we all do it we check each other out in public. You can fool a persons mind at a level to see you as more than you are, even if only for a short time enough for most brief encounters. Physically they dont see you as any different but they may get an impression you are someone amazing or not to be fucked with. If you make someone too nervous or edgy just smile :) while staring right at them.

Be aware however some people who are sensitive can really freak out if you are good at this so you need to learn to control it. It's all practice.
The point is you need to work on your self esteem, your confidence and how you feel about yourself will start to effect how others percieve and treat you. A strong person will be tested but because you ARE stronger you will win. Anytime you feel down or that someone is getting it over you remember Satan and the Peacock or the stallion prancing in the field and the energy they project, the power. Demand respect! You deserve it. You are closer every single day to becomming a GOD! Think about what this means, we have the absolute best role models and teachers anyone could have. Our Gods DO NOT look down on us as inferior They want Us to rise up and be like Them! To walk beside them in defiance of those who supress and enslave. To become a master of your own destiny and life. Go and watch videos Of Hitler making speeches you can FEEL the energy he projects when he spoke. He demanded respect and He got it.

What I have said about self confidence I want to add one thing. It isn't about being an asshole, stuck up or a bully. It is about being happy and confident in who you are, loving who you are being comefortable in your skin and projecting an air about you that demands respect. You deserve respect. You earn respect. I do not enjoy being nasty or a bitch unless someone is asking for it. I am generally a kind person and I care about others pain. I do not let it get to me however and I know when to say NO. You achieve a balance that suits who YOU are and your nature. Some are naturally more aggressive others naturally less so. You need to discover who you are personally as an indvidual. Your talents, what you like, etc. I would never want to be anyone else except ME.

Something else I have noticed and it happened back when I was at school and seems to be worse these days. Kids hiding their intellegence, knowledge and talents for fear of being picked on, sticking out etc. This is sad, I was such a kid. I was not encouraged to develop my talents and I was bullied often. I did learn to stand up for myself eventually but I took my share of abuse and beatings.

I was 'different' I always have been. I know now I was always with Satan even before I knew it I was his. Those of Us who have been with Him before are individuals and We do tend to get noticed and stand out. We are not one of the sheep, maybe you were bullied at school, maybe you were the misfit. Maybe you had unique and special talents others were jealous of. Don't let those memories trouble you anymore.

You are with Satan now you walk beside Him in spirit everyday. He loves you and is very proud of us for having the balls to defy the enemy in this world. We proved that the moment we dedicated ourselves to Him despite all the lies about Him. We showed Him absolute trust in that moment. He respects and values this. As far as I am concerned I do not give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of me. Only Satan. If He sees anything in me of value that is enough for me. He loves that we are unique individuals He encourages Us to develop our talents, to follow our passions and be our very best. The opposite to the supressive teachings that are everywhere around Us.

He is the most powerfull God there is and if He tells me to smile and be proud that is exactly what I will do.

That was a great sermon, just when I experience those details you describe, its like you feel me:-o!
Satan also made clear to me that the
stronger I become, the status of of my soul changes, something worth working towards!
Kisses and blessings sis, HS/88!

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 22:25 CET keeperofstone wrote:

Great to Read that Post again. A real Confidence Builder. Confidence with Satan. Wonderful.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

This is from one of our sisters and Is very helpful.

----Forwarded Message----
From: firebird894@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Mon, Nov 26, 2012 6:39 PM EST
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Self Confidence

How you feel about yourself is very important. The attitudes caused by enemy programs in the world work against you aim to bring down your self esteem and confidence.

religion teaches to be 'humble' 'modest' to hide your body, for women to cover up and not be sexy or show skin, not to be proud of yourself or raise your voice to be heard. Supress your inner feelings and love others above yourself. All of this works against you on every level. It is all part of keeping people from reaching Godhood. I had an argument in high school with a scripture teacher who started on about 'Satan' and how He was too proud and defied god. I think I was kicked out of that class lol

The truth is for anyone who Has seen and interacted with our Gods they ARE beautifull and proud and powerfull They only bow before Satan. Satan bows to NOONE! We bow to Satan out of respect and love not force or guilt or fear. A few times He has told me to stand up and be proud A God does not grovel on their knees.
When I was very new I bowed to Him all the time out of respect and I still do this at the beggining of Ritual and I have been compelled then to stand up tall and proud. I have had self esteem issues most of my life and since comming to Satan this has changed. This has been one of the biggest changes. I used to be shy and nervous and unsure of myself. Now I walk around with my head up, I look people right in the eye when I speak and will not back down. If someone moves in on me I refuse to budge I push back.
I look up when I walk not down at my feet.

One day Satan came to me when I was out walking I was in a funny mood and I must have looked as grumpy and down as I felt. He said 'you should smile more and hold your head up you are beautifull when you smile' I felt my face turn bright red and felt embarrassed and this amused Him not in a mocking way but because He knew I would feel embarrassed. He told me this would pass most people react the same way to compliments.
This was one of His lessons on self esteem. After a while I began to enjoy the feeling He said you see the difference? In your energy? How you feel? This shame people feel upon recieving a compliment is from the enemy. Its programed deep from a young age and is not healthy and will only hold you back.'

Shame is not natural. I often watch my horses running in the paddock and the young males are VERY PROUD and show off constantly! It is a joy to watch a young stallion prance around like he is bouncing on air, flexing his muscles, flashing his mane rearing to show his size and they know just how to stand in the sun before the mares to get that sunlight shining off the coat. They are screaming LOOK AT ME!

The Peacock Satans most Sacred animal is a very proud animal. He MARCHES out of his pen makes sure EVERYONE can see him in his best light and gets that tail up and shakes it as he struts around the yard and everyone looks. He is beautifull and he knows it and takes Full advantage and thrives on the attention.

Roosters are the same they get out amongst the hens and dance, crow get up on the highest fence and push their chests out and carry on.

It is easy to spot also who the boss mare or hen is in the yard. A mare will march around knowing she is boss and demands respect. She has the strongest aura of all the horses this is something I can now feel amongst animals. She is the smartest and is very proud. Hens have a heirarchy in the yard the boss gets the best rooster, the best food she is VERY confident and stands her ground. Her chics get first pick of the food.

When in doubt look to nature. If something makes you feel down or small it is not good for you. A xian recently had a go at me because he thought my ego was too big. In other words he felt threatened by me and wanted to complain. xians and many other new agers, muslims etc think ego is a bad thing. EGO IS IMPORTANT. Your ego is you! It is your driving force within it sustains you between lives. Noone follows a wimp! The humble get used and trodden all over.

For those who come from such backgrounds that are anti life and anti ego it may be hard for you at first to understand this the more you get into Satanism the more this will start to change.

Another thing is when you start rising up, when you shine and express yourself, your energy and personality in a confident manner you will attract others who are weaker than you who want to draw off you. You will also get those who can't stand seeing someone who is proud and confident and will want to bring you back down and put you in your place. You must learn to recognise and resist this.

I have a couple of simple meditations that can help to strengthen your aura and help you feel better about yourself.

Now I am short physically, not alot I can do about that except wear heels and boots which is often not practical. People do tend to look down on small people. However do not underestimate the power of the Soul to give an impression of size and power! As I have become stronger spiritually I have noticed I get more respect.

Physically I do not look much different, my eyes are more intense but I havn't gained any height and probably won't lol. But what I can do is push my aura up higher than my head and use astral eyes to 'look down' on those around me. This takes practice but after some effort and time you will see results. You can practice this at home. While meditating focus on the top of your head and imagine you are getting taller, push your aura upwards as if you were looking down now at the top of your head from above.
Once you have mastered this start looking around at other things in the room as if you were looking down. A point comes when you do actually start feeling taller and will notice your perspective of things around you seems to change a little as if you are looking at the world from a higher viewpoint.

Another one you may if you have previous experience in the occult heard of has been called a 'glamour'. If this is not familar I will explain.

A glamour is a simple act of magick you perform on yourself. The desired effect is to project an astral impression of yourself as being bigger, better looking and more powerfull to others than you actually are physically. When done with practice by someone with a strong soul this can be VERY powerfull and effective. I have not yet mastered this myself completley I can only share the theory on how it works so you can try it if you wish to. I do know that others have had some interesting results to the point of even looking younger physically over time, slight changes in eye colour (I have had this personally) the changes can be subtle but noticeable over time if you look back at pictures.
I focus energy a lot into my eyes. I want to be able to project a lot of power with my eyes so when I look at someone they can FEEL it.
After 6 months of this my eyes are a little darker and more intense. Last year my eyes were on there way to turning hazel and had lost colour they are now almost back to the blue they were when I was younger.

I find golden light most effective in this practice. I imagine my skin is actually glowing with it all over, as if there was a light on inside me lighting my skin up from underneath I focus it into my eyes so my eyes are glowing white, and I see my wrinkles fade away, my skin baby smooth and I try to project myself upwards so I feel taller. I physically straighten my back, push my chest out and shoulders back and look straight ahead of me.

Late at night when I travelled on trains I would visualise 2 huge tigers beside me and a knife in each hand hardly anyone ever messed with me. This works at a subconcious level.

Say you are passing people in the street they pass you for a second and size you up, we all do it we check each other out in public. You can fool a persons mind at a level to see you as more than you are, even if only for a short time enough for most brief encounters. Physically they dont see you as any different but they may get an impression you are someone amazing or not to be fucked with. If you make someone too nervous or edgy just smile :) while staring right at them.

Be aware however some people who are sensitive can really freak out if you are good at this so you need to learn to control it. It's all practice.
The point is you need to work on your self esteem, your confidence and how you feel about yourself will start to effect how others percieve and treat you. A strong person will be tested but because you ARE stronger you will win. Anytime you feel down or that someone is getting it over you remember Satan and the Peacock or the stallion prancing in the field and the energy they project, the power. Demand respect! You deserve it. You are closer every single day to becomming a GOD! Think about what this means, we have the absolute best role models and teachers anyone could have. Our Gods DO NOT look down on us as inferior They want Us to rise up and be like Them! To walk beside them in defiance of those who supress and enslave. To become a master of your own destiny and life. Go and watch videos Of Hitler making speeches you can FEEL the energy he projects when he spoke. He demanded respect and He got it.

What I have said about self confidence I want to add one thing. It isn't about being an asshole, stuck up or a bully. It is about being happy and confident in who you are, loving who you are being comefortable in your skin and projecting an air about you that demands respect. You deserve respect. You earn respect. I do not enjoy being nasty or a bitch unless someone is asking for it. I am generally a kind person and I care about others pain. I do not let it get to me however and I know when to say NO. You achieve a balance that suits who YOU are and your nature. Some are naturally more aggressive others naturally less so. You need to discover who you are personally as an indvidual. Your talents, what you like, etc. I would never want to be anyone else except ME.

Something else I have noticed and it happened back when I was at school and seems to be worse these days. Kids hiding their intellegence, knowledge and talents for fear of being picked on, sticking out etc. This is sad, I was such a kid. I was not encouraged to develop my talents and I was bullied often. I did learn to stand up for myself eventually but I took my share of abuse and beatings.

I was 'different' I always have been. I know now I was always with Satan even before I knew it I was his. Those of Us who have been with Him before are individuals and We do tend to get noticed and stand out. We are not one of the sheep, maybe you were bullied at school, maybe you were the misfit. Maybe you had unique and special talents others were jealous of. Don't let those memories trouble you anymore.

You are with Satan now you walk beside Him in spirit everyday. He loves you and is very proud of us for having the balls to defy the enemy in this world. We proved that the moment we dedicated ourselves to Him despite all the lies about Him. We showed Him absolute trust in that moment. He respects and values this. As far as I am concerned I do not give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of me. Only Satan. If He sees anything in me of value that is enough for me. He loves that we are unique individuals He encourages Us to develop our talents, to follow our passions and be our very best. The opposite to the supressive teachings that are everywhere around Us.

He is the most powerfull God there is and if He tells me to smile and be proud that is exactly what I will do.

Shannon you are on fire this week lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

This is from one of our sisters and Is very helpful.

----Forwarded Message----
From: firebird894@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Mon, Nov 26, 2012 6:39 PM EST
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Self Confidence

How you feel about yourself is very important. The attitudes caused by enemy programs in the world work against you aim to bring down your self esteem and confidence.

religion teaches to be 'humble' 'modest' to hide your body, for women to cover up and not be sexy or show skin, not to be proud of yourself or raise your voice to be heard. Supress your inner feelings and love others above yourself. All of this works against you on every level. It is all part of keeping people from reaching Godhood. I had an argument in high school with a scripture teacher who started on about 'Satan' and how He was too proud and defied god. I think I was kicked out of that class lol

The truth is for anyone who Has seen and interacted with our Gods they ARE beautifull and proud and powerfull They only bow before Satan. Satan bows to NOONE! We bow to Satan out of respect and love not force or guilt or fear. A few times He has told me to stand up and be proud A God does not grovel on their knees.
When I was very new I bowed to Him all the time out of respect and I still do this at the beggining of Ritual and I have been compelled then to stand up tall and proud. I have had self esteem issues most of my life and since comming to Satan this has changed. This has been one of the biggest changes. I used to be shy and nervous and unsure of myself. Now I walk around with my head up, I look people right in the eye when I speak and will not back down. If someone moves in on me I refuse to budge I push back.
I look up when I walk not down at my feet.

One day Satan came to me when I was out walking I was in a funny mood and I must have looked as grumpy and down as I felt. He said 'you should smile more and hold your head up you are beautifull when you smile' I felt my face turn bright red and felt embarrassed and this amused Him not in a mocking way but because He knew I would feel embarrassed. He told me this would pass most people react the same way to compliments.
This was one of His lessons on self esteem. After a while I began to enjoy the feeling He said you see the difference? In your energy? How you feel? This shame people feel upon recieving a compliment is from the enemy. Its programed deep from a young age and is not healthy and will only hold you back.'

Shame is not natural. I often watch my horses running in the paddock and the young males are VERY PROUD and show off constantly! It is a joy to watch a young stallion prance around like he is bouncing on air, flexing his muscles, flashing his mane rearing to show his size and they know just how to stand in the sun before the mares to get that sunlight shining off the coat. They are screaming LOOK AT ME!

The Peacock Satans most Sacred animal is a very proud animal. He MARCHES out of his pen makes sure EVERYONE can see him in his best light and gets that tail up and shakes it as he struts around the yard and everyone looks. He is beautifull and he knows it and takes Full advantage and thrives on the attention.

Roosters are the same they get out amongst the hens and dance, crow get up on the highest fence and push their chests out and carry on.

It is easy to spot also who the boss mare or hen is in the yard. A mare will march around knowing she is boss and demands respect. She has the strongest aura of all the horses this is something I can now feel amongst animals. She is the smartest and is very proud. Hens have a heirarchy in the yard the boss gets the best rooster, the best food she is VERY confident and stands her ground. Her chics get first pick of the food.

When in doubt look to nature. If something makes you feel down or small it is not good for you. A xian recently had a go at me because he thought my ego was too big. In other words he felt threatened by me and wanted to complain. xians and many other new agers, muslims etc think ego is a bad thing. EGO IS IMPORTANT. Your ego is you! It is your driving force within it sustains you between lives. Noone follows a wimp! The humble get used and trodden all over.

For those who come from such backgrounds that are anti life and anti ego it may be hard for you at first to understand this the more you get into Satanism the more this will start to change.

Another thing is when you start rising up, when you shine and express yourself, your energy and personality in a confident manner you will attract others who are weaker than you who want to draw off you. You will also get those who can't stand seeing someone who is proud and confident and will want to bring you back down and put you in your place. You must learn to recognise and resist this.

I have a couple of simple meditations that can help to strengthen your aura and help you feel better about yourself.

Now I am short physically, not alot I can do about that except wear heels and boots which is often not practical. People do tend to look down on small people. However do not underestimate the power of the Soul to give an impression of size and power! As I have become stronger spiritually I have noticed I get more respect.

Physically I do not look much different, my eyes are more intense but I havn't gained any height and probably won't lol. But what I can do is push my aura up higher than my head and use astral eyes to 'look down' on those around me. This takes practice but after some effort and time you will see results. You can practice this at home. While meditating focus on the top of your head and imagine you are getting taller, push your aura upwards as if you were looking down now at the top of your head from above.
Once you have mastered this start looking around at other things in the room as if you were looking down. A point comes when you do actually start feeling taller and will notice your perspective of things around you seems to change a little as if you are looking at the world from a higher viewpoint.

Another one you may if you have previous experience in the occult heard of has been called a 'glamour'. If this is not familar I will explain.

A glamour is a simple act of magick you perform on yourself. The desired effect is to project an astral impression of yourself as being bigger, better looking and more powerfull to others than you actually are physically. When done with practice by someone with a strong soul this can be VERY powerfull and effective. I have not yet mastered this myself completley I can only share the theory on how it works so you can try it if you wish to. I do know that others have had some interesting results to the point of even looking younger physically over time, slight changes in eye colour (I have had this personally) the changes can be subtle but noticeable over time if you look back at pictures.
I focus energy a lot into my eyes. I want to be able to project a lot of power with my eyes so when I look at someone they can FEEL it.
After 6 months of this my eyes are a little darker and more intense. Last year my eyes were on there way to turning hazel and had lost colour they are now almost back to the blue they were when I was younger.

I find golden light most effective in this practice. I imagine my skin is actually glowing with it all over, as if there was a light on inside me lighting my skin up from underneath I focus it into my eyes so my eyes are glowing white, and I see my wrinkles fade away, my skin baby smooth and I try to project myself upwards so I feel taller. I physically straighten my back, push my chest out and shoulders back and look straight ahead of me.

Late at night when I travelled on trains I would visualise 2 huge tigers beside me and a knife in each hand hardly anyone ever messed with me. This works at a subconcious level.

Say you are passing people in the street they pass you for a second and size you up, we all do it we check each other out in public. You can fool a persons mind at a level to see you as more than you are, even if only for a short time enough for most brief encounters. Physically they dont see you as any different but they may get an impression you are someone amazing or not to be fucked with. If you make someone too nervous or edgy just smile :) while staring right at them.

Be aware however some people who are sensitive can really freak out if you are good at this so you need to learn to control it. It's all practice.
The point is you need to work on your self esteem, your confidence and how you feel about yourself will start to effect how others percieve and treat you. A strong person will be tested but because you ARE stronger you will win. Anytime you feel down or that someone is getting it over you remember Satan and the Peacock or the stallion prancing in the field and the energy they project, the power. Demand respect! You deserve it. You are closer every single day to becomming a GOD! Think about what this means, we have the absolute best role models and teachers anyone could have. Our Gods DO NOT look down on us as inferior They want Us to rise up and be like Them! To walk beside them in defiance of those who supress and enslave. To become a master of your own destiny and life. Go and watch videos Of Hitler making speeches you can FEEL the energy he projects when he spoke. He demanded respect and He got it.

What I have said about self confidence I want to add one thing. It isn't about being an asshole, stuck up or a bully. It is about being happy and confident in who you are, loving who you are being comefortable in your skin and projecting an air about you that demands respect. You deserve respect. You earn respect. I do not enjoy being nasty or a bitch unless someone is asking for it. I am generally a kind person and I care about others pain. I do not let it get to me however and I know when to say NO. You achieve a balance that suits who YOU are and your nature. Some are naturally more aggressive others naturally less so. You need to discover who you are personally as an indvidual. Your talents, what you like, etc. I would never want to be anyone else except ME.

Something else I have noticed and it happened back when I was at school and seems to be worse these days. Kids hiding their intellegence, knowledge and talents for fear of being picked on, sticking out etc. This is sad, I was such a kid. I was not encouraged to develop my talents and I was bullied often. I did learn to stand up for myself eventually but I took my share of abuse and beatings.

I was 'different' I always have been. I know now I was always with Satan even before I knew it I was his. Those of Us who have been with Him before are individuals and We do tend to get noticed and stand out. We are not one of the sheep, maybe you were bullied at school, maybe you were the misfit. Maybe you had unique and special talents others were jealous of. Don't let those memories trouble you anymore.

You are with Satan now you walk beside Him in spirit everyday. He loves you and is very proud of us for having the balls to defy the enemy in this world. We proved that the moment we dedicated ourselves to Him despite all the lies about Him. We showed Him absolute trust in that moment. He respects and values this. As far as I am concerned I do not give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of me. Only Satan. If He sees anything in me of value that is enough for me. He loves that we are unique individuals He encourages Us to develop our talents, to follow our passions and be our very best. The opposite to the supressive teachings that are everywhere around Us.

He is the most powerfull God there is and if He tells me to smile and be proud that is exactly what I will do.

That was a great sermon, just when I experience those details you describe, its like you feel me:-o!
Satan also made clear to me that the
stronger I become, the status of of my soul changes, something worth working towards!
Kisses and blessings sis, HS/88!

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 22:25 CET keeperofstone wrote:

Great to Read that Post again. A real Confidence Builder. Confidence with Satan. Wonderful.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

This is from one of our sisters and Is very helpful.

----Forwarded Message----
From: firebird894@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Mon, Nov 26, 2012 6:39 PM EST
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Self Confidence

How you feel about yourself is very important. The attitudes caused by enemy programs in the world work against you aim to bring down your self esteem and confidence.

religion teaches to be 'humble' 'modest' to hide your body, for women to cover up and not be sexy or show skin, not to be proud of yourself or raise your voice to be heard. Supress your inner feelings and love others above yourself. All of this works against you on every level. It is all part of keeping people from reaching Godhood. I had an argument in high school with a scripture teacher who started on about 'Satan' and how He was too proud and defied god. I think I was kicked out of that class lol

The truth is for anyone who Has seen and interacted with our Gods they ARE beautifull and proud and powerfull They only bow before Satan. Satan bows to NOONE! We bow to Satan out of respect and love not force or guilt or fear. A few times He has told me to stand up and be proud A God does not grovel on their knees.
When I was very new I bowed to Him all the time out of respect and I still do this at the beggining of Ritual and I have been compelled then to stand up tall and proud. I have had self esteem issues most of my life and since comming to Satan this has changed. This has been one of the biggest changes. I used to be shy and nervous and unsure of myself. Now I walk around with my head up, I look people right in the eye when I speak and will not back down. If someone moves in on me I refuse to budge I push back.
I look up when I walk not down at my feet.

One day Satan came to me when I was out walking I was in a funny mood and I must have looked as grumpy and down as I felt. He said 'you should smile more and hold your head up you are beautifull when you smile' I felt my face turn bright red and felt embarrassed and this amused Him not in a mocking way but because He knew I would feel embarrassed. He told me this would pass most people react the same way to compliments.
This was one of His lessons on self esteem. After a while I began to enjoy the feeling He said you see the difference? In your energy? How you feel? This shame people feel upon recieving a compliment is from the enemy. Its programed deep from a young age and is not healthy and will only hold you back.'

Shame is not natural. I often watch my horses running in the paddock and the young males are VERY PROUD and show off constantly! It is a joy to watch a young stallion prance around like he is bouncing on air, flexing his muscles, flashing his mane rearing to show his size and they know just how to stand in the sun before the mares to get that sunlight shining off the coat. They are screaming LOOK AT ME!

The Peacock Satans most Sacred animal is a very proud animal. He MARCHES out of his pen makes sure EVERYONE can see him in his best light and gets that tail up and shakes it as he struts around the yard and everyone looks. He is beautifull and he knows it and takes Full advantage and thrives on the attention.

Roosters are the same they get out amongst the hens and dance, crow get up on the highest fence and push their chests out and carry on.

It is easy to spot also who the boss mare or hen is in the yard. A mare will march around knowing she is boss and demands respect. She has the strongest aura of all the horses this is something I can now feel amongst animals. She is the smartest and is very proud. Hens have a heirarchy in the yard the boss gets the best rooster, the best food she is VERY confident and stands her ground. Her chics get first pick of the food.

When in doubt look to nature. If something makes you feel down or small it is not good for you. A xian recently had a go at me because he thought my ego was too big. In other words he felt threatened by me and wanted to complain. xians and many other new agers, muslims etc think ego is a bad thing. EGO IS IMPORTANT. Your ego is you! It is your driving force within it sustains you between lives. Noone follows a wimp! The humble get used and trodden all over.

For those who come from such backgrounds that are anti life and anti ego it may be hard for you at first to understand this the more you get into Satanism the more this will start to change.

Another thing is when you start rising up, when you shine and express yourself, your energy and personality in a confident manner you will attract others who are weaker than you who want to draw off you. You will also get those who can't stand seeing someone who is proud and confident and will want to bring you back down and put you in your place. You must learn to recognise and resist this.

I have a couple of simple meditations that can help to strengthen your aura and help you feel better about yourself.

Now I am short physically, not alot I can do about that except wear heels and boots which is often not practical. People do tend to look down on small people. However do not underestimate the power of the Soul to give an impression of size and power! As I have become stronger spiritually I have noticed I get more respect.

Physically I do not look much different, my eyes are more intense but I havn't gained any height and probably won't lol. But what I can do is push my aura up higher than my head and use astral eyes to 'look down' on those around me. This takes practice but after some effort and time you will see results. You can practice this at home. While meditating focus on the top of your head and imagine you are getting taller, push your aura upwards as if you were looking down now at the top of your head from above.
Once you have mastered this start looking around at other things in the room as if you were looking down. A point comes when you do actually start feeling taller and will notice your perspective of things around you seems to change a little as if you are looking at the world from a higher viewpoint.

Another one you may if you have previous experience in the occult heard of has been called a 'glamour'. If this is not familar I will explain.

A glamour is a simple act of magick you perform on yourself. The desired effect is to project an astral impression of yourself as being bigger, better looking and more powerfull to others than you actually are physically. When done with practice by someone with a strong soul this can be VERY powerfull and effective. I have not yet mastered this myself completley I can only share the theory on how it works so you can try it if you wish to. I do know that others have had some interesting results to the point of even looking younger physically over time, slight changes in eye colour (I have had this personally) the changes can be subtle but noticeable over time if you look back at pictures.
I focus energy a lot into my eyes. I want to be able to project a lot of power with my eyes so when I look at someone they can FEEL it.
After 6 months of this my eyes are a little darker and more intense. Last year my eyes were on there way to turning hazel and had lost colour they are now almost back to the blue they were when I was younger.

I find golden light most effective in this practice. I imagine my skin is actually glowing with it all over, as if there was a light on inside me lighting my skin up from underneath I focus it into my eyes so my eyes are glowing white, and I see my wrinkles fade away, my skin baby smooth and I try to project myself upwards so I feel taller. I physically straighten my back, push my chest out and shoulders back and look straight ahead of me.

Late at night when I travelled on trains I would visualise 2 huge tigers beside me and a knife in each hand hardly anyone ever messed with me. This works at a subconcious level.

Say you are passing people in the street they pass you for a second and size you up, we all do it we check each other out in public. You can fool a persons mind at a level to see you as more than you are, even if only for a short time enough for most brief encounters. Physically they dont see you as any different but they may get an impression you are someone amazing or not to be fucked with. If you make someone too nervous or edgy just smile :) while staring right at them.

Be aware however some people who are sensitive can really freak out if you are good at this so you need to learn to control it. It's all practice.
The point is you need to work on your self esteem, your confidence and how you feel about yourself will start to effect how others percieve and treat you. A strong person will be tested but because you ARE stronger you will win. Anytime you feel down or that someone is getting it over you remember Satan and the Peacock or the stallion prancing in the field and the energy they project, the power. Demand respect! You deserve it. You are closer every single day to becomming a GOD! Think about what this means, we have the absolute best role models and teachers anyone could have. Our Gods DO NOT look down on us as inferior They want Us to rise up and be like Them! To walk beside them in defiance of those who supress and enslave. To become a master of your own destiny and life. Go and watch videos Of Hitler making speeches you can FEEL the energy he projects when he spoke. He demanded respect and He got it.

What I have said about self confidence I want to add one thing. It isn't about being an asshole, stuck up or a bully. It is about being happy and confident in who you are, loving who you are being comefortable in your skin and projecting an air about you that demands respect. You deserve respect. You earn respect. I do not enjoy being nasty or a bitch unless someone is asking for it. I am generally a kind person and I care about others pain. I do not let it get to me however and I know when to say NO. You achieve a balance that suits who YOU are and your nature. Some are naturally more aggressive others naturally less so. You need to discover who you are personally as an indvidual. Your talents, what you like, etc. I would never want to be anyone else except ME.

Something else I have noticed and it happened back when I was at school and seems to be worse these days. Kids hiding their intellegence, knowledge and talents for fear of being picked on, sticking out etc. This is sad, I was such a kid. I was not encouraged to develop my talents and I was bullied often. I did learn to stand up for myself eventually but I took my share of abuse and beatings.

I was 'different' I always have been. I know now I was always with Satan even before I knew it I was his. Those of Us who have been with Him before are individuals and We do tend to get noticed and stand out. We are not one of the sheep, maybe you were bullied at school, maybe you were the misfit. Maybe you had unique and special talents others were jealous of. Don't let those memories trouble you anymore.

You are with Satan now you walk beside Him in spirit everyday. He loves you and is very proud of us for having the balls to defy the enemy in this world. We proved that the moment we dedicated ourselves to Him despite all the lies about Him. We showed Him absolute trust in that moment. He respects and values this. As far as I am concerned I do not give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of me. Only Satan. If He sees anything in me of value that is enough for me. He loves that we are unique individuals He encourages Us to develop our talents, to follow our passions and be our very best. The opposite to the supressive teachings that are everywhere around Us.

He is the most powerfull God there is and if He tells me to smile and be proud that is exactly what I will do.

In the past couple of weeks, I had been feeling majorly depressed. It was really bad; I thought about cutting myself, I couldn't even look at myself. This was when I was friends with the fake SS, too. Anyway, I began to imagine someone (more specifically, a guy) who was extremely sweet, caring, and..tender. All these sayings that entered my mind were supposedly from him. Sayings like "Your face is beautiful.", or "You are thin and beautiful." I was very self-conscious about my body and how I looked. But the sayings got to me; I began to smile and laugh again, and, after I got rid of that fake SS, nothing was stopping me! I am no longer depressed. I am also on the shorter side-- only 5"0 --and people picked on me. No one bullies me anymore; it's only some jokes about my height. But I laugh with them. I LIKE being short.
Anyway, wonderful message. Keep going everyone!:)
--Mikki~ ^-^Hail Satan!!!!

On Feb 21, 2013, at 8:46 AM, Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

This is from one of our sisters and Is very helpful.

----Forwarded Message----
From: firebird894@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Mon, Nov 26, 2012 6:39 PM EST
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Self Confidence

How you feel about yourself is very important. The attitudes caused by enemy programs in the world work against you aim to bring down your self esteem and confidence.

religion teaches to be 'humble' 'modest' to hide your body, for women to cover up and not be sexy or show skin, not to be proud of yourself or raise your voice to be heard. Supress your inner feelings and love others above yourself. All of this works against you on every level. It is all part of keeping people from reaching Godhood. I had an argument in high school with a scripture teacher who started on about 'Satan' and how He was too proud and defied god. I think I was kicked out of that class lol

The truth is for anyone who Has seen and interacted with our Gods they ARE beautifull and proud and powerfull They only bow before Satan. Satan bows to NOONE! We bow to Satan out of respect and love not force or guilt or fear. A few times He has told me to stand up and be proud A God does not grovel on their knees.
When I was very new I bowed to Him all the time out of respect and I still do this at the beggining of Ritual and I have been compelled then to stand up tall and proud. I have had self esteem issues most of my life and since comming to Satan this has changed. This has been one of the biggest changes. I used to be shy and nervous and unsure of myself. Now I walk around with my head up, I look people right in the eye when I speak and will not back down. If someone moves in on me I refuse to budge I push back.
I look up when I walk not down at my feet.

One day Satan came to me when I was out walking I was in a funny mood and I must have looked as grumpy and down as I felt. He said 'you should smile more and hold your head up you are beautifull when you smile' I felt my face turn bright red and felt embarrassed and this amused Him not in a mocking way but because He knew I would feel embarrassed. He told me this would pass most people react the same way to compliments.
This was one of His lessons on self esteem. After a while I began to enjoy the feeling He said you see the difference? In your energy? How you feel? This shame people feel upon recieving a compliment is from the enemy. Its programed deep from a young age and is not healthy and will only hold you back.'

Shame is not natural. I often watch my horses running in the paddock and the young males are VERY PROUD and show off constantly! It is a joy to watch a young stallion prance around like he is bouncing on air, flexing his muscles, flashing his mane rearing to show his size and they know just how to stand in the sun before the mares to get that sunlight shining off the coat. They are screaming LOOK AT ME!

The Peacock Satans most Sacred animal is a very proud animal. He MARCHES out of his pen makes sure EVERYONE can see him in his best light and gets that tail up and shakes it as he struts around the yard and everyone looks. He is beautifull and he knows it and takes Full advantage and thrives on the attention.

Roosters are the same they get out amongst the hens and dance, crow get up on the highest fence and push their chests out and carry on.

It is easy to spot also who the boss mare or hen is in the yard. A mare will march around knowing she is boss and demands respect. She has the strongest aura of all the horses this is something I can now feel amongst animals. She is the smartest and is very proud. Hens have a heirarchy in the yard the boss gets the best rooster, the best food she is VERY confident and stands her ground. Her chics get first pick of the food.

When in doubt look to nature. If something makes you feel down or small it is not good for you. A xian recently had a go at me because he thought my ego was too big. In other words he felt threatened by me and wanted to complain. xians and many other new agers, muslims etc think ego is a bad thing. EGO IS IMPORTANT. Your ego is you! It is your driving force within it sustains you between lives. Noone follows a wimp! The humble get used and trodden all over.

For those who come from such backgrounds that are anti life and anti ego it may be hard for you at first to understand this the more you get into Satanism the more this will start to change.

Another thing is when you start rising up, when you shine and express yourself, your energy and personality in a confident manner you will attract others who are weaker than you who want to draw off you. You will also get those who can't stand seeing someone who is proud and confident and will want to bring you back down and put you in your place. You must learn to recognise and resist this.

I have a couple of simple meditations that can help to strengthen your aura and help you feel better about yourself.

Now I am short physically, not alot I can do about that except wear heels and boots which is often not practical. People do tend to look down on small people. However do not underestimate the power of the Soul to give an impression of size and power! As I have become stronger spiritually I have noticed I get more respect.

Physically I do not look much different, my eyes are more intense but I havn't gained any height and probably won't lol. But what I can do is push my aura up higher than my head and use astral eyes to 'look down' on those around me. This takes practice but after some effort and time you will see results. You can practice this at home. While meditating focus on the top of your head and imagine you are getting taller, push your aura upwards as if you were looking down now at the top of your head from above.
Once you have mastered this start looking around at other things in the room as if you were looking down. A point comes when you do actually start feeling taller and will notice your perspective of things around you seems to change a little as if you are looking at the world from a higher viewpoint.

Another one you may if you have previous experience in the occult heard of has been called a 'glamour'. If this is not familar I will explain.

A glamour is a simple act of magick you perform on yourself. The desired effect is to project an astral impression of yourself as being bigger, better looking and more powerfull to others than you actually are physically. When done with practice by someone with a strong soul this can be VERY powerfull and effective. I have not yet mastered this myself completley I can only share the theory on how it works so you can try it if you wish to. I do know that others have had some interesting results to the point of even looking younger physically over time, slight changes in eye colour (I have had this personally) the changes can be subtle but noticeable over time if you look back at pictures.
I focus energy a lot into my eyes. I want to be able to project a lot of power with my eyes so when I look at someone they can FEEL it.
After 6 months of this my eyes are a little darker and more intense. Last year my eyes were on there way to turning hazel and had lost colour they are now almost back to the blue they were when I was younger.

I find golden light most effective in this practice. I imagine my skin is actually glowing with it all over, as if there was a light on inside me lighting my skin up from underneath I focus it into my eyes so my eyes are glowing white, and I see my wrinkles fade away, my skin baby smooth and I try to project myself upwards so I feel taller. I physically straighten my back, push my chest out and shoulders back and look straight ahead of me.

Late at night when I travelled on trains I would visualise 2 huge tigers beside me and a knife in each hand hardly anyone ever messed with me. This works at a subconcious level.

Say you are passing people in the street they pass you for a second and size you up, we all do it we check each other out in public. You can fool a persons mind at a level to see you as more than you are, even if only for a short time enough for most brief encounters. Physically they dont see you as any different but they may get an impression you are someone amazing or not to be fucked with. If you make someone too nervous or edgy just smile :) while staring right at them.

Be aware however some people who are sensitive can really freak out if you are good at this so you need to learn to control it. It's all practice.
The point is you need to work on your self esteem, your confidence and how you feel about yourself will start to effect how others percieve and treat you. A strong person will be tested but because you ARE stronger you will win. Anytime you feel down or that someone is getting it over you remember Satan and the Peacock or the stallion prancing in the field and the energy they project, the power. Demand respect! You deserve it. You are closer every single day to becomming a GOD! Think about what this means, we have the absolute best role models and teachers anyone could have. Our Gods DO NOT look down on us as inferior They want Us to rise up and be like Them! To walk beside them in defiance of those who supress and enslave. To become a master of your own destiny and life. Go and watch videos Of Hitler making speeches you can FEEL the energy he projects when he spoke. He demanded respect and He got it.

What I have said about self confidence I want to add one thing. It isn't about being an asshole, stuck up or a bully. It is about being happy and confident in who you are, loving who you are being comefortable in your skin and projecting an air about you that demands respect. You deserve respect. You earn respect. I do not enjoy being nasty or a bitch unless someone is asking for it. I am generally a kind person and I care about others pain. I do not let it get to me however and I know when to say NO. You achieve a balance that suits who YOU are and your nature. Some are naturally more aggressive others naturally less so. You need to discover who you are personally as an indvidual. Your talents, what you like, etc. I would never want to be anyone else except ME.

Something else I have noticed and it happened back when I was at school and seems to be worse these days. Kids hiding their intellegence, knowledge and talents for fear of being picked on, sticking out etc. This is sad, I was such a kid. I was not encouraged to develop my talents and I was bullied often. I did learn to stand up for myself eventually but I took my share of abuse and beatings.

I was 'different' I always have been. I know now I was always with Satan even before I knew it I was his. Those of Us who have been with Him before are individuals and We do tend to get noticed and stand out. We are not one of the sheep, maybe you were bullied at school, maybe you were the misfit. Maybe you had unique and special talents others were jealous of. Don't let those memories trouble you anymore.

You are with Satan now you walk beside Him in spirit everyday. He loves you and is very proud of us for having the balls to defy the enemy in this world. We proved that the moment we dedicated ourselves to Him despite all the lies about Him. We showed Him absolute trust in that moment. He respects and values this. As far as I am concerned I do not give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of me. Only Satan. If He sees anything in me of value that is enough for me. He loves that we are unique individuals He encourages Us to develop our talents, to follow our passions and be our very best. The opposite to the supressive teachings that are everywhere around Us.

He is the most powerfull God there is and if He tells me to smile and be proud that is exactly what I will do.

Djinn lol what do you mean? :) thanks I guess.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 6:58 PM EST Djinn Draconis wrote:

Shannon you are on fire this week lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

This is from one of our sisters and Is very helpful.

----Forwarded Message----
From: firebird894@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Mon, Nov 26, 2012 6:39 PM EST
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Self Confidence

How you feel about yourself is very important. The attitudes caused by enemy programs in the world work against you aim to bring down your self esteem and confidence.

religion teaches to be 'humble' 'modest' to hide your body, for women to cover up and not be sexy or show skin, not to be proud of yourself or raise your voice to be heard. Supress your inner feelings and love others above yourself. All of this works against you on every level. It is all part of keeping people from reaching Godhood. I had an argument in high school with a scripture teacher who started on about 'Satan' and how He was too proud and defied god. I think I was kicked out of that class lol

The truth is for anyone who Has seen and interacted with our Gods they ARE beautifull and proud and powerfull They only bow before Satan. Satan bows to NOONE! We bow to Satan out of respect and love not force or guilt or fear. A few times He has told me to stand up and be proud A God does not grovel on their knees.
When I was very new I bowed to Him all the time out of respect and I still do this at the beggining of Ritual and I have been compelled then to stand up tall and proud. I have had self esteem issues most of my life and since comming to Satan this has changed. This has been one of the biggest changes. I used to be shy and nervous and unsure of myself. Now I walk around with my head up, I look people right in the eye when I speak and will not back down. If someone moves in on me I refuse to budge I push back.
I look up when I walk not down at my feet.

One day Satan came to me when I was out walking I was in a funny mood and I must have looked as grumpy and down as I felt. He said 'you should smile more and hold your head up you are beautifull when you smile' I felt my face turn bright red and felt embarrassed and this amused Him not in a mocking way but because He knew I would feel embarrassed. He told me this would pass most people react the same way to compliments.
This was one of His lessons on self esteem. After a while I began to enjoy the feeling He said you see the difference? In your energy? How you feel? This shame people feel upon recieving a compliment is from the enemy. Its programed deep from a young age and is not healthy and will only hold you back.'

Shame is not natural. I often watch my horses running in the paddock and the young males are VERY PROUD and show off constantly! It is a joy to watch a young stallion prance around like he is bouncing on air, flexing his muscles, flashing his mane rearing to show his size and they know just how to stand in the sun before the mares to get that sunlight shining off the coat. They are screaming LOOK AT ME!

The Peacock Satans most Sacred animal is a very proud animal. He MARCHES out of his pen makes sure EVERYONE can see him in his best light and gets that tail up and shakes it as he struts around the yard and everyone looks. He is beautifull and he knows it and takes Full advantage and thrives on the attention.

Roosters are the same they get out amongst the hens and dance, crow get up on the highest fence and push their chests out and carry on.

It is easy to spot also who the boss mare or hen is in the yard. A mare will march around knowing she is boss and demands respect. She has the strongest aura of all the horses this is something I can now feel amongst animals. She is the smartest and is very proud. Hens have a heirarchy in the yard the boss gets the best rooster, the best food she is VERY confident and stands her ground. Her chics get first pick of the food.

When in doubt look to nature. If something makes you feel down or small it is not good for you. A xian recently had a go at me because he thought my ego was too big. In other words he felt threatened by me and wanted to complain. xians and many other new agers, muslims etc think ego is a bad thing. EGO IS IMPORTANT. Your ego is you! It is your driving force within it sustains you between lives. Noone follows a wimp! The humble get used and trodden all over.

For those who come from such backgrounds that are anti life and anti ego it may be hard for you at first to understand this the more you get into Satanism the more this will start to change.

Another thing is when you start rising up, when you shine and express yourself, your energy and personality in a confident manner you will attract others who are weaker than you who want to draw off you. You will also get those who can't stand seeing someone who is proud and confident and will want to bring you back down and put you in your place. You must learn to recognise and resist this.

I have a couple of simple meditations that can help to strengthen your aura and help you feel better about yourself.

Now I am short physically, not alot I can do about that except wear heels and boots which is often not practical. People do tend to look down on small people. However do not underestimate the power of the Soul to give an impression of size and power! As I have become stronger spiritually I have noticed I get more respect.

Physically I do not look much different, my eyes are more intense but I havn't gained any height and probably won't lol. But what I can do is push my aura up higher than my head and use astral eyes to 'look down' on those around me. This takes practice but after some effort and time you will see results. You can practice this at home. While meditating focus on the top of your head and imagine you are getting taller, push your aura upwards as if you were looking down now at the top of your head from above.
Once you have mastered this start looking around at other things in the room as if you were looking down. A point comes when you do actually start feeling taller and will notice your perspective of things around you seems to change a little as if you are looking at the world from a higher viewpoint.

Another one you may if you have previous experience in the occult heard of has been called a 'glamour'. If this is not familar I will explain.

A glamour is a simple act of magick you perform on yourself. The desired effect is to project an astral impression of yourself as being bigger, better looking and more powerfull to others than you actually are physically. When done with practice by someone with a strong soul this can be VERY powerfull and effective. I have not yet mastered this myself completley I can only share the theory on how it works so you can try it if you wish to. I do know that others have had some interesting results to the point of even looking younger physically over time, slight changes in eye colour (I have had this personally) the changes can be subtle but noticeable over time if you look back at pictures.
I focus energy a lot into my eyes. I want to be able to project a lot of power with my eyes so when I look at someone they can FEEL it.
After 6 months of this my eyes are a little darker and more intense. Last year my eyes were on there way to turning hazel and had lost colour they are now almost back to the blue they were when I was younger.

I find golden light most effective in this practice. I imagine my skin is actually glowing with it all over, as if there was a light on inside me lighting my skin up from underneath I focus it into my eyes so my eyes are glowing white, and I see my wrinkles fade away, my skin baby smooth and I try to project myself upwards so I feel taller. I physically straighten my back, push my chest out and shoulders back and look straight ahead of me.

Late at night when I travelled on trains I would visualise 2 huge tigers beside me and a knife in each hand hardly anyone ever messed with me. This works at a subconcious level.

Say you are passing people in the street they pass you for a second and size you up, we all do it we check each other out in public. You can fool a persons mind at a level to see you as more than you are, even if only for a short time enough for most brief encounters. Physically they dont see you as any different but they may get an impression you are someone amazing or not to be fucked with. If you make someone too nervous or edgy just smile :) while staring right at them.

Be aware however some people who are sensitive can really freak out if you are good at this so you need to learn to control it. It's all practice.
The point is you need to work on your self esteem, your confidence and how you feel about yourself will start to effect how others percieve and treat you. A strong person will be tested but because you ARE stronger you will win. Anytime you feel down or that someone is getting it over you remember Satan and the Peacock or the stallion prancing in the field and the energy they project, the power. Demand respect! You deserve it. You are closer every single day to becomming a GOD! Think about what this means, we have the absolute best role models and teachers anyone could have. Our Gods DO NOT look down on us as inferior They want Us to rise up and be like Them! To walk beside them in defiance of those who supress and enslave. To become a master of your own destiny and life. Go and watch videos Of Hitler making speeches you can FEEL the energy he projects when he spoke. He demanded respect and He got it.

What I have said about self confidence I want to add one thing. It isn't about being an asshole, stuck up or a bully. It is about being happy and confident in who you are, loving who you are being comefortable in your skin and projecting an air about you that demands respect. You deserve respect. You earn respect. I do not enjoy being nasty or a bitch unless someone is asking for it. I am generally a kind person and I care about others pain. I do not let it get to me however and I know when to say NO. You achieve a balance that suits who YOU are and your nature. Some are naturally more aggressive others naturally less so. You need to discover who you are personally as an indvidual. Your talents, what you like, etc. I would never want to be anyone else except ME.

Something else I have noticed and it happened back when I was at school and seems to be worse these days. Kids hiding their intellegence, knowledge and talents for fear of being picked on, sticking out etc. This is sad, I was such a kid. I was not encouraged to develop my talents and I was bullied often. I did learn to stand up for myself eventually but I took my share of abuse and beatings.

I was 'different' I always have been. I know now I was always with Satan even before I knew it I was his. Those of Us who have been with Him before are individuals and We do tend to get noticed and stand out. We are not one of the sheep, maybe you were bullied at school, maybe you were the misfit. Maybe you had unique and special talents others were jealous of. Don't let those memories trouble you anymore.

You are with Satan now you walk beside Him in spirit everyday. He loves you and is very proud of us for having the balls to defy the enemy in this world. We proved that the moment we dedicated ourselves to Him despite all the lies about Him. We showed Him absolute trust in that moment. He respects and values this. As far as I am concerned I do not give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of me. Only Satan. If He sees anything in me of value that is enough for me. He loves that we are unique individuals He encourages Us to develop our talents, to follow our passions and be our very best. The opposite to the supressive teachings that are everywhere around Us.

He is the most powerfull God there is and if He tells me to smile and be proud that is exactly what I will do.

You've been bringing lots of really interesting and important stuff to the group.

Hail Satan!
Praise Be To Hell!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

Djinn lol what do you mean? :) thanks I guess.

On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 6:58 PM EST Djinn Draconis wrote:

Shannon you are on fire this week lol.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@ wrote:

This is from one of our sisters and Is very helpful.

----Forwarded Message----
From: firebird894@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Mon, Nov 26, 2012 6:39 PM EST
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Self Confidence

How you feel about yourself is very important. The attitudes caused by enemy programs in the world work against you aim to bring down your self esteem and confidence.

religion teaches to be 'humble' 'modest' to hide your body, for women to cover up and not be sexy or show skin, not to be proud of yourself or raise your voice to be heard. Supress your inner feelings and love others above yourself. All of this works against you on every level. It is all part of keeping people from reaching Godhood. I had an argument in high school with a scripture teacher who started on about 'Satan' and how He was too proud and defied god. I think I was kicked out of that class lol

The truth is for anyone who Has seen and interacted with our Gods they ARE beautifull and proud and powerfull They only bow before Satan. Satan bows to NOONE! We bow to Satan out of respect and love not force or guilt or fear. A few times He has told me to stand up and be proud A God does not grovel on their knees.
When I was very new I bowed to Him all the time out of respect and I still do this at the beggining of Ritual and I have been compelled then to stand up tall and proud. I have had self esteem issues most of my life and since comming to Satan this has changed. This has been one of the biggest changes. I used to be shy and nervous and unsure of myself. Now I walk around with my head up, I look people right in the eye when I speak and will not back down. If someone moves in on me I refuse to budge I push back.
I look up when I walk not down at my feet.

One day Satan came to me when I was out walking I was in a funny mood and I must have looked as grumpy and down as I felt. He said 'you should smile more and hold your head up you are beautifull when you smile' I felt my face turn bright red and felt embarrassed and this amused Him not in a mocking way but because He knew I would feel embarrassed. He told me this would pass most people react the same way to compliments.
This was one of His lessons on self esteem. After a while I began to enjoy the feeling He said you see the difference? In your energy? How you feel? This shame people feel upon recieving a compliment is from the enemy. Its programed deep from a young age and is not healthy and will only hold you back.'

Shame is not natural. I often watch my horses running in the paddock and the young males are VERY PROUD and show off constantly! It is a joy to watch a young stallion prance around like he is bouncing on air, flexing his muscles, flashing his mane rearing to show his size and they know just how to stand in the sun before the mares to get that sunlight shining off the coat. They are screaming LOOK AT ME!

The Peacock Satans most Sacred animal is a very proud animal. He MARCHES out of his pen makes sure EVERYONE can see him in his best light and gets that tail up and shakes it as he struts around the yard and everyone looks. He is beautifull and he knows it and takes Full advantage and thrives on the attention.

Roosters are the same they get out amongst the hens and dance, crow get up on the highest fence and push their chests out and carry on.

It is easy to spot also who the boss mare or hen is in the yard. A mare will march around knowing she is boss and demands respect. She has the strongest aura of all the horses this is something I can now feel amongst animals. She is the smartest and is very proud. Hens have a heirarchy in the yard the boss gets the best rooster, the best food she is VERY confident and stands her ground. Her chics get first pick of the food.

When in doubt look to nature. If something makes you feel down or small it is not good for you. A xian recently had a go at me because he thought my ego was too big. In other words he felt threatened by me and wanted to complain. xians and many other new agers, muslims etc think ego is a bad thing. EGO IS IMPORTANT. Your ego is you! It is your driving force within it sustains you between lives. Noone follows a wimp! The humble get used and trodden all over.

For those who come from such backgrounds that are anti life and anti ego it may be hard for you at first to understand this the more you get into Satanism the more this will start to change.

Another thing is when you start rising up, when you shine and express yourself, your energy and personality in a confident manner you will attract others who are weaker than you who want to draw off you. You will also get those who can't stand seeing someone who is proud and confident and will want to bring you back down and put you in your place. You must learn to recognise and resist this.

I have a couple of simple meditations that can help to strengthen your aura and help you feel better about yourself.

Now I am short physically, not alot I can do about that except wear heels and boots which is often not practical. People do tend to look down on small people. However do not underestimate the power of the Soul to give an impression of size and power! As I have become stronger spiritually I have noticed I get more respect.

Physically I do not look much different, my eyes are more intense but I havn't gained any height and probably won't lol. But what I can do is push my aura up higher than my head and use astral eyes to 'look down' on those around me. This takes practice but after some effort and time you will see results. You can practice this at home. While meditating focus on the top of your head and imagine you are getting taller, push your aura upwards as if you were looking down now at the top of your head from above.
Once you have mastered this start looking around at other things in the room as if you were looking down. A point comes when you do actually start feeling taller and will notice your perspective of things around you seems to change a little as if you are looking at the world from a higher viewpoint.

Another one you may if you have previous experience in the occult heard of has been called a 'glamour'. If this is not familar I will explain.

A glamour is a simple act of magick you perform on yourself. The desired effect is to project an astral impression of yourself as being bigger, better looking and more powerfull to others than you actually are physically. When done with practice by someone with a strong soul this can be VERY powerfull and effective. I have not yet mastered this myself completley I can only share the theory on how it works so you can try it if you wish to. I do know that others have had some interesting results to the point of even looking younger physically over time, slight changes in eye colour (I have had this personally) the changes can be subtle but noticeable over time if you look back at pictures.
I focus energy a lot into my eyes. I want to be able to project a lot of power with my eyes so when I look at someone they can FEEL it.
After 6 months of this my eyes are a little darker and more intense. Last year my eyes were on there way to turning hazel and had lost colour they are now almost back to the blue they were when I was younger.

I find golden light most effective in this practice. I imagine my skin is actually glowing with it all over, as if there was a light on inside me lighting my skin up from underneath I focus it into my eyes so my eyes are glowing white, and I see my wrinkles fade away, my skin baby smooth and I try to project myself upwards so I feel taller. I physically straighten my back, push my chest out and shoulders back and look straight ahead of me.

Late at night when I travelled on trains I would visualise 2 huge tigers beside me and a knife in each hand hardly anyone ever messed with me. This works at a subconcious level.

Say you are passing people in the street they pass you for a second and size you up, we all do it we check each other out in public. You can fool a persons mind at a level to see you as more than you are, even if only for a short time enough for most brief encounters. Physically they dont see you as any different but they may get an impression you are someone amazing or not to be fucked with. If you make someone too nervous or edgy just smile :) while staring right at them.

Be aware however some people who are sensitive can really freak out if you are good at this so you need to learn to control it. It's all practice.
The point is you need to work on your self esteem, your confidence and how you feel about yourself will start to effect how others percieve and treat you. A strong person will be tested but because you ARE stronger you will win. Anytime you feel down or that someone is getting it over you remember Satan and the Peacock or the stallion prancing in the field and the energy they project, the power. Demand respect! You deserve it. You are closer every single day to becomming a GOD! Think about what this means, we have the absolute best role models and teachers anyone could have. Our Gods DO NOT look down on us as inferior They want Us to rise up and be like Them! To walk beside them in defiance of those who supress and enslave. To become a master of your own destiny and life. Go and watch videos Of Hitler making speeches you can FEEL the energy he projects when he spoke. He demanded respect and He got it.

What I have said about self confidence I want to add one thing. It isn't about being an asshole, stuck up or a bully. It is about being happy and confident in who you are, loving who you are being comefortable in your skin and projecting an air about you that demands respect. You deserve respect. You earn respect. I do not enjoy being nasty or a bitch unless someone is asking for it. I am generally a kind person and I care about others pain. I do not let it get to me however and I know when to say NO. You achieve a balance that suits who YOU are and your nature. Some are naturally more aggressive others naturally less so. You need to discover who you are personally as an indvidual. Your talents, what you like, etc. I would never want to be anyone else except ME.

Something else I have noticed and it happened back when I was at school and seems to be worse these days. Kids hiding their intellegence, knowledge and talents for fear of being picked on, sticking out etc. This is sad, I was such a kid. I was not encouraged to develop my talents and I was bullied often. I did learn to stand up for myself eventually but I took my share of abuse and beatings.

I was 'different' I always have been. I know now I was always with Satan even before I knew it I was his. Those of Us who have been with Him before are individuals and We do tend to get noticed and stand out. We are not one of the sheep, maybe you were bullied at school, maybe you were the misfit. Maybe you had unique and special talents others were jealous of. Don't let those memories trouble you anymore.

You are with Satan now you walk beside Him in spirit everyday. He loves you and is very proud of us for having the balls to defy the enemy in this world. We proved that the moment we dedicated ourselves to Him despite all the lies about Him. We showed Him absolute trust in that moment. He respects and values this. As far as I am concerned I do not give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of me. Only Satan. If He sees anything in me of value that is enough for me. He loves that we are unique individuals He encourages Us to develop our talents, to follow our passions and be our very best. The opposite to the supressive teachings that are everywhere around Us.

He is the most powerfull God there is and if He tells me to smile and be proud that is exactly what I will do.

hopefully I wont be looked down on by asking this question, but in a world of proud Satanic people, how would compliments work? Like, If everyone was proud of who they were, If someone were to compliment you, would you still say "thank you" or "i know" lol forgive me if it sounds rude or anything. thats not my intention! also, how do you find something to be proud of besides physical appearance? I for one am not confident around people unless 50% of my face is hidden from my bangs lol Maybe I just misunderstood the post, but some clarification would be much appreciated :)


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw <soutlaw92@... wrote:

This is from one of our sisters and Is very helpful.

----Forwarded Message----
From: firebird894@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Mon, Nov 26, 2012 6:39 PM EST
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Self Confidence

How you feel about yourself is very important. The attitudes caused by enemy programs in the world work against you aim to bring down your self esteem and confidence.

religion teaches to be 'humble' 'modest' to hide your body, for women to cover up and not be sexy or show skin, not to be proud of yourself or raise your voice to be heard. Supress your inner feelings and love others above yourself. All of this works against you on every level. It is all part of keeping people from reaching Godhood. I had an argument in high school with a scripture teacher who started on about 'Satan' and how He was too proud and defied god. I think I was kicked out of that class lol

The truth is for anyone who Has seen and interacted with our Gods they ARE beautifull and proud and powerfull They only bow before Satan. Satan bows to NOONE! We bow to Satan out of respect and love not force or guilt or fear. A few times He has told me to stand up and be proud A God does not grovel on their knees.
When I was very new I bowed to Him all the time out of respect and I still do this at the beggining of Ritual and I have been compelled then to stand up tall and proud. I have had self esteem issues most of my life and since comming to Satan this has changed. This has been one of the biggest changes. I used to be shy and nervous and unsure of myself. Now I walk around with my head up, I look people right in the eye when I speak and will not back down. If someone moves in on me I refuse to budge I push back.
I look up when I walk not down at my feet.

One day Satan came to me when I was out walking I was in a funny mood and I must have looked as grumpy and down as I felt. He said 'you should smile more and hold your head up you are beautifull when you smile' I felt my face turn bright red and felt embarrassed and this amused Him not in a mocking way but because He knew I would feel embarrassed. He told me this would pass most people react the same way to compliments.
This was one of His lessons on self esteem. After a while I began to enjoy the feeling He said you see the difference? In your energy? How you feel? This shame people feel upon recieving a compliment is from the enemy. Its programed deep from a young age and is not healthy and will only hold you back.'

Shame is not natural. I often watch my horses running in the paddock and the young males are VERY PROUD and show off constantly! It is a joy to watch a young stallion prance around like he is bouncing on air, flexing his muscles, flashing his mane rearing to show his size and they know just how to stand in the sun before the mares to get that sunlight shining off the coat. They are screaming LOOK AT ME!

The Peacock Satans most Sacred animal is a very proud animal. He MARCHES out of his pen makes sure EVERYONE can see him in his best light and gets that tail up and shakes it as he struts around the yard and everyone looks. He is beautifull and he knows it and takes Full advantage and thrives on the attention.

Roosters are the same they get out amongst the hens and dance, crow get up on the highest fence and push their chests out and carry on.

It is easy to spot also who the boss mare or hen is in the yard. A mare will march around knowing she is boss and demands respect. She has the strongest aura of all the horses this is something I can now feel amongst animals. She is the smartest and is very proud. Hens have a heirarchy in the yard the boss gets the best rooster, the best food she is VERY confident and stands her ground. Her chics get first pick of the food.

When in doubt look to nature. If something makes you feel down or small it is not good for you. A xian recently had a go at me because he thought my ego was too big. In other words he felt threatened by me and wanted to complain. xians and many other new agers, muslims etc think ego is a bad thing. EGO IS IMPORTANT. Your ego is you! It is your driving force within it sustains you between lives. Noone follows a wimp! The humble get used and trodden all over.

For those who come from such backgrounds that are anti life and anti ego it may be hard for you at first to understand this the more you get into Satanism the more this will start to change.

Another thing is when you start rising up, when you shine and express yourself, your energy and personality in a confident manner you will attract others who are weaker than you who want to draw off you. You will also get those who can't stand seeing someone who is proud and confident and will want to bring you back down and put you in your place. You must learn to recognise and resist this.

I have a couple of simple meditations that can help to strengthen your aura and help you feel better about yourself.

Now I am short physically, not alot I can do about that except wear heels and boots which is often not practical. People do tend to look down on small people. However do not underestimate the power of the Soul to give an impression of size and power! As I have become stronger spiritually I have noticed I get more respect.

Physically I do not look much different, my eyes are more intense but I havn't gained any height and probably won't lol. But what I can do is push my aura up higher than my head and use astral eyes to 'look down' on those around me. This takes practice but after some effort and time you will see results. You can practice this at home. While meditating focus on the top of your head and imagine you are getting taller, push your aura upwards as if you were looking down now at the top of your head from above.
Once you have mastered this start looking around at other things in the room as if you were looking down. A point comes when you do actually start feeling taller and will notice your perspective of things around you seems to change a little as if you are looking at the world from a higher viewpoint.

Another one you may if you have previous experience in the occult heard of has been called a 'glamour'. If this is not familar I will explain.

A glamour is a simple act of magick you perform on yourself. The desired effect is to project an astral impression of yourself as being bigger, better looking and more powerfull to others than you actually are physically. When done with practice by someone with a strong soul this can be VERY powerfull and effective. I have not yet mastered this myself completley I can only share the theory on how it works so you can try it if you wish to. I do know that others have had some interesting results to the point of even looking younger physically over time, slight changes in eye colour (I have had this personally) the changes can be subtle but noticeable over time if you look back at pictures.
I focus energy a lot into my eyes. I want to be able to project a lot of power with my eyes so when I look at someone they can FEEL it.
After 6 months of this my eyes are a little darker and more intense. Last year my eyes were on there way to turning hazel and had lost colour they are now almost back to the blue they were when I was younger.

I find golden light most effective in this practice. I imagine my skin is actually glowing with it all over, as if there was a light on inside me lighting my skin up from underneath I focus it into my eyes so my eyes are glowing white, and I see my wrinkles fade away, my skin baby smooth and I try to project myself upwards so I feel taller. I physically straighten my back, push my chest out and shoulders back and look straight ahead of me.

Late at night when I travelled on trains I would visualise 2 huge tigers beside me and a knife in each hand hardly anyone ever messed with me. This works at a subconcious level.

Say you are passing people in the street they pass you for a second and size you up, we all do it we check each other out in public. You can fool a persons mind at a level to see you as more than you are, even if only for a short time enough for most brief encounters. Physically they dont see you as any different but they may get an impression you are someone amazing or not to be fucked with. If you make someone too nervous or edgy just smile :) while staring right at them.

Be aware however some people who are sensitive can really freak out if you are good at this so you need to learn to control it. It's all practice.
The point is you need to work on your self esteem, your confidence and how you feel about yourself will start to effect how others percieve and treat you. A strong person will be tested but because you ARE stronger you will win. Anytime you feel down or that someone is getting it over you remember Satan and the Peacock or the stallion prancing in the field and the energy they project, the power. Demand respect! You deserve it. You are closer every single day to becomming a GOD! Think about what this means, we have the absolute best role models and teachers anyone could have. Our Gods DO NOT look down on us as inferior They want Us to rise up and be like Them! To walk beside them in defiance of those who supress and enslave. To become a master of your own destiny and life. Go and watch videos Of Hitler making speeches you can FEEL the energy he projects when he spoke. He demanded respect and He got it.

What I have said about self confidence I want to add one thing. It isn't about being an asshole, stuck up or a bully. It is about being happy and confident in who you are, loving who you are being comefortable in your skin and projecting an air about you that demands respect. You deserve respect. You earn respect. I do not enjoy being nasty or a bitch unless someone is asking for it. I am generally a kind person and I care about others pain. I do not let it get to me however and I know when to say NO. You achieve a balance that suits who YOU are and your nature. Some are naturally more aggressive others naturally less so. You need to discover who you are personally as an indvidual. Your talents, what you like, etc. I would never want to be anyone else except ME.

Something else I have noticed and it happened back when I was at school and seems to be worse these days. Kids hiding their intellegence, knowledge and talents for fear of being picked on, sticking out etc. This is sad, I was such a kid. I was not encouraged to develop my talents and I was bullied often. I did learn to stand up for myself eventually but I took my share of abuse and beatings.

I was 'different' I always have been. I know now I was always with Satan even before I knew it I was his. Those of Us who have been with Him before are individuals and We do tend to get noticed and stand out. We are not one of the sheep, maybe you were bullied at school, maybe you were the misfit. Maybe you had unique and special talents others were jealous of. Don't let those memories trouble you anymore.

You are with Satan now you walk beside Him in spirit everyday. He loves you and is very proud of us for having the balls to defy the enemy in this world. We proved that the moment we dedicated ourselves to Him despite all the lies about Him. We showed Him absolute trust in that moment. He respects and values this. As far as I am concerned I do not give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of me. Only Satan. If He sees anything in me of value that is enough for me. He loves that we are unique individuals He encourages Us to develop our talents, to follow our passions and be our very best. The opposite to the supressive teachings that are everywhere around Us.

He is the most powerfull God there is and if He tells me to smile and be proud that is exactly what I will do.

Haha, I chuckled at that question. :DWell, I'll take as an example, my own responses, when people compliment me on things that I've created and I'm proud of... I'm always extremely happy to hear their compliments and I always respond "Thank you! I know, isn't it awesome? :D" haha because I am that kind of person. :)Others maybe would react differently, but you know, no matter how proud you may be for yourself, you will still be happy to hear of compliments from others. :)Also, you can be proud of yourself for your inner strength, your talents, your personality and even the way you always manage to meditate everyday and keep yourself in some kind of a program. There are really endless reasons for people to be proud of themselves (and to be honest, it really pisses me off, when all around me I find people completely disrespecting themselves and being "defeated" by saying that they're not good enough).
Απο: kieithnightmare0 <pinkteabunny@...
Προς: [email protected]
Στάλθηκε: 2:57 π.μ. Σάββατο, 23 Φεβρουαρίου 2013
Θέμα: [JoyofSatan666] Re: SELF CONFIDENCE!! For all members to keep in mind :)

hopefully I wont be looked down on by asking this question, but in a world of proud Satanic people, how would compliments work? Like, If everyone was proud of who they were, If someone were to compliment you, would you still say "thank you" or "i know" lol forgive me if it sounds rude or anything. thats not my intention! also, how do you find something to be proud of besides physical appearance? I for one am not confident around people unless 50% of my face is hidden from my bangs lol Maybe I just misunderstood the post, but some clarification would be much appreciated :)


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Shannon Outlaw wrote:

This is from one of our sisters and Is very helpful.

----Forwarded Message----
From: firebird894@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Mon, Nov 26, 2012 6:39 PM EST
Subject: [HellsArmy666] Self Confidence

How you feel about yourself is very important. The attitudes caused by enemy programs in the world work against you aim to bring down your self esteem and confidence.

religion teaches to be 'humble' 'modest' to hide your body, for women to cover up and not be sexy or show skin, not to be proud of yourself or raise your voice to be heard. Supress your inner feelings and love others above yourself. All of this works against you on every level. It is all part of keeping people from reaching Godhood. I had an argument in high school with a scripture teacher who started on about 'Satan' and how He was too proud and defied god. I think I was kicked out of that class lol

The truth is for anyone who Has seen and interacted with our Gods they ARE beautifull and proud and powerfull They only bow before Satan. Satan bows to NOONE! We bow to Satan out of respect and love not force or guilt or fear. A few times He has told me to stand up and be proud A God does not grovel on their knees.
When I was very new I bowed to Him all the time out of respect and I still do this at the beggining of Ritual and I have been compelled then to stand up tall and proud. I have had self esteem issues most of my life and since comming to Satan this has changed. This has been one of the biggest changes. I used to be shy and nervous and unsure of myself. Now I walk around with my head up, I look people right in the eye when I speak and will not back down. If someone moves in on me I refuse to budge I push back.
I look up when I walk not down at my feet.

One day Satan came to me when I was out walking I was in a funny mood and I must have looked as grumpy and down as I felt. He said 'you should smile more and hold your head up you are beautifull when you smile' I felt my face turn bright red and felt embarrassed and this amused Him not in a mocking way but because He knew I would feel embarrassed. He told me this would pass most people react the same way to compliments.
This was one of His lessons on self esteem. After a while I began to enjoy the feeling He said you see the difference? In your energy? How you feel? This shame people feel upon recieving a compliment is from the enemy. Its programed deep from a young age and is not healthy and will only hold you back.'

Shame is not natural. I often watch my horses running in the paddock and the young males are VERY PROUD and show off constantly! It is a joy to watch a young stallion prance around like he is bouncing on air, flexing his muscles, flashing his mane rearing to show his size and they know just how to stand in the sun before the mares to get that sunlight shining off the coat. They are screaming LOOK AT ME!

The Peacock Satans most Sacred animal is a very proud animal. He MARCHES out of his pen makes sure EVERYONE can see him in his best light and gets that tail up and shakes it as he struts around the yard and everyone looks. He is beautifull and he knows it and takes Full advantage and thrives on the attention.

Roosters are the same they get out amongst the hens and dance, crow get up on the highest fence and push their chests out and carry on.

It is easy to spot also who the boss mare or hen is in the yard. A mare will march around knowing she is boss and demands respect. She has the strongest aura of all the horses this is something I can now feel amongst animals. She is the smartest and is very proud. Hens have a heirarchy in the yard the boss gets the best rooster, the best food she is VERY confident and stands her ground. Her chics get first pick of the food.

When in doubt look to nature. If something makes you feel down or small it is not good for you. A xian recently had a go at me because he thought my ego was too big. In other words he felt threatened by me and wanted to complain. xians and many other new agers, muslims etc think ego is a bad thing. EGO IS IMPORTANT. Your ego is you! It is your driving force within it sustains you between lives. Noone follows a wimp! The humble get used and trodden all over.

For those who come from such backgrounds that are anti life and anti ego it may be hard for you at first to understand this the more you get into Satanism the more this will start to change.

Another thing is when you start rising up, when you shine and express yourself, your energy and personality in a confident manner you will attract others who are weaker than you who want to draw off you. You will also get those who can't stand seeing someone who is proud and confident and will want to bring you back down and put you in your place. You must learn to recognise and resist this.

I have a couple of simple meditations that can help to strengthen your aura and help you feel better about yourself.

Now I am short physically, not alot I can do about that except wear heels and boots which is often not practical. People do tend to look down on small people. However do not underestimate the power of the Soul to give an impression of size and power! As I have become stronger spiritually I have noticed I get more respect.

Physically I do not look much different, my eyes are more intense but I havn't gained any height and probably won't lol. But what I can do is push my aura up higher than my head and use astral eyes to 'look down' on those around me. This takes practice but after some effort and time you will see results. You can practice this at home. While meditating focus on the top of your head and imagine you are getting taller, push your aura upwards as if you were looking down now at the top of your head from above.
Once you have mastered this start looking around at other things in the room as if you were looking down. A point comes when you do actually start feeling taller and will notice your perspective of things around you seems to change a little as if you are looking at the world from a higher viewpoint.

Another one you may if you have previous experience in the occult heard of has been called a 'glamour'. If this is not familar I will explain.

A glamour is a simple act of magick you perform on yourself. The desired effect is to project an astral impression of yourself as being bigger, better looking and more powerfull to others than you actually are physically. When done with practice by someone with a strong soul this can be VERY powerfull and effective. I have not yet mastered this myself completley I can only share the theory on how it works so you can try it if you wish to. I do know that others have had some interesting results to the point of even looking younger physically over time, slight changes in eye colour (I have had this personally) the changes can be subtle but noticeable over time if you look back at pictures.
I focus energy a lot into my eyes. I want to be able to project a lot of power with my eyes so when I look at someone they can FEEL it.
After 6 months of this my eyes are a little darker and more intense. Last year my eyes were on there way to turning hazel and had lost colour they are now almost back to the blue they were when I was younger.

I find golden light most effective in this practice. I imagine my skin is actually glowing with it all over, as if there was a light on inside me lighting my skin up from underneath I focus it into my eyes so my eyes are glowing white, and I see my wrinkles fade away, my skin baby smooth and I try to project myself upwards so I feel taller. I physically straighten my back, push my chest out and shoulders back and look straight ahead of me.

Late at night when I travelled on trains I would visualise 2 huge tigers beside me and a knife in each hand hardly anyone ever messed with me. This works at a subconcious level.

Say you are passing people in the street they pass you for a second and size you up, we all do it we check each other out in public. You can fool a persons mind at a level to see you as more than you are, even if only for a short time enough for most brief encounters. Physically they dont see you as any different but they may get an impression you are someone amazing or not to be fucked with. If you make someone too nervous or edgy just smile :) while staring right at them.

Be aware however some people who are sensitive can really freak out if you are good at this so you need to learn to control it. It's all practice.
The point is you need to work on your self esteem, your confidence and how you feel about yourself will start to effect how others percieve and treat you. A strong person will be tested but because you ARE stronger you will win. Anytime you feel down or that someone is getting it over you remember Satan and the Peacock or the stallion prancing in the field and the energy they project, the power. Demand respect! You deserve it. You are closer every single day to becomming a GOD! Think about what this means, we have the absolute best role models and teachers anyone could have. Our Gods DO NOT look down on us as inferior They want Us to rise up and be like Them! To walk beside them in defiance of those who supress and enslave. To become a master of your own destiny and life. Go and watch videos Of Hitler making speeches you can FEEL the energy he projects when he spoke. He demanded respect and He got it.

What I have said about self confidence I want to add one thing. It isn't about being an asshole, stuck up or a bully. It is about being happy and confident in who you are, loving who you are being comefortable in your skin and projecting an air about you that demands respect. You deserve respect. You earn respect. I do not enjoy being nasty or a bitch unless someone is asking for it. I am generally a kind person and I care about others pain. I do not let it get to me however and I know when to say NO. You achieve a balance that suits who YOU are and your nature. Some are naturally more aggressive others naturally less so. You need to discover who you are personally as an indvidual. Your talents, what you like, etc. I would never want to be anyone else except ME.

Something else I have noticed and it happened back when I was at school and seems to be worse these days. Kids hiding their intellegence, knowledge and talents for fear of being picked on, sticking out etc. This is sad, I was such a kid. I was not encouraged to develop my talents and I was bullied often. I did learn to stand up for myself eventually but I took my share of abuse and beatings.

I was 'different' I always have been. I know now I was always with Satan even before I knew it I was his. Those of Us who have been with Him before are individuals and We do tend to get noticed and stand out. We are not one of the sheep, maybe you were bullied at school, maybe you were the misfit. Maybe you had unique and special talents others were jealous of. Don't let those memories trouble you anymore.

You are with Satan now you walk beside Him in spirit everyday. He loves you and is very proud of us for having the balls to defy the enemy in this world. We proved that the moment we dedicated ourselves to Him despite all the lies about Him. We showed Him absolute trust in that moment. He respects and values this. As far as I am concerned I do not give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of me. Only Satan. If He sees anything in me of value that is enough for me. He loves that we are unique individuals He encourages Us to develop our talents, to follow our passions and be our very best. The opposite to the supressive teachings that are everywhere around Us.

He is the most powerfull God there is and if He tells me to smile and be proud that is exactly what I will do.



Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
