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Scorched Earth Pt.2 Endgame - Doing the RTR is Literally Life or Death


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2018
As I wrote about the pre planned manufactered pandemic ,we are now going to see what the Globalists are planning to do next according to their own words. All of these are built upon the original 2010 Rockefeller Document
#1 – A coming real Bioweapon release that will be blamed on terrorists ,that will justify absolute and total Technocratic SERFDOM and mandatory Vaccines.

In 2017, Microsoft founder Bill Gates raised the alarm over a growing threat from bioterrorism, warning that it could cause tens of millions of deaths. These are all quotes from Gates: “Terrorists could wipe out 30 million people by weaponizing a disease such as smallpox, which could be worse than that of a nuclear attack. “The next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus… or a super contagious and deadly strain of the flu.” “Getting ready for a global pandemic is every bit as important as nuclear deterrence and avoiding a climate catastrophe.” “Innovation, cooperation and careful planning can dramatically mitigate the risks presented by each of these threats.” “This includes germ games and other preparedness exercises, so we can better understand how diseases will spread, how people will respond in a panic, and how to deal with things like overloaded highways and communications systems.” “Fears terrorists could recreate diseases like smallbox to create havoc.” “Warns fast-moving airborne pathogen could kill more than 30 million in a year.” “Worse than a nuclear attack.

SIGA Technologies, Inc. is a public, a commercial-stage pharmaceutical company focused on providing solutions for unmet needs in the health security market. Their targeted market includes companies that provide medical countermeasures against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threats, as well as threats from emerging infectious diseases. The company is headquartered in New York City, with research and development facilities in Corvallis, Oregon. In July 2018, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved SIGA’s first product, oral TPOXX® (tecovirimat), for the treatment of smallpox.
Smallpox Outbreak Could Be Much Worse than COVID-19” in September 2020 Management Presentation in the Smallpox and the Health Security Market section: https://investor.siga.com/static-files/958e7ba9-46eb-4139-917d-6d78db993e9f
“Biden warns of ‘dark winter’ in America”…
https://www.cbsnews.com/news/joe-biden-speech-economy-labor-business-watch-live-streamtoday-11-16-2020/ https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/22/biden-dark-winter-america-431399
See AlsoDark Winter which simulated the small pox bioterrorist attack, https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=53075
Bill Gates maniacally laughs and tells us about the coming next Pandemic - https://www.bitchute.com/video/1draQqHCyCmh/
Bill Gates predicts 700,000 victims of Covid vaccine - https://www.bitchute.com/video/6wgFx9011plu/

#2 – A holiday in Cambodia – Extreme Weather and Global Famine to kill off swathes of populations and justify the NWO
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4reO3LabZY (theme song for this section)

The coming hyperinflationary collapse of the economy that will solidify after the next lockdown will bring upon the worst recession in human history and Famine due to the Global Supply Chain breakdown. Its going to dwarf the already genocidal effect the Covid Lockdows have had where currently millions are starving to death in the third world.
#COVID19 could push 265 million people into acute hunger by the end of 2020. We have the tools and the know-how to defeat hunger and malnutrition. What we need is political will & commitment. (what he means is let us do the GMO and Tax the farmers who aren’t GMO so they are destroyed.
2021 is literally going to be catastrophic based on what we’re seeing at this stage of the game,” said World Food Programme (WFP) chief David Beasley at the United Nations General Assembly on Friday. Global famine is “knocking on the door”, he warns.

“The picture we are presenting is the bleakest and darkest perspective on humanitarian needs in the period ahead that we have ever set out. That is a reflection of the fact that the COVID pandemic has wreaked carnage across the whole of the most fragile and vulnerable countries on the planet,” Lowcock said. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs predicts a record 235 million people will need humanitarian assistance and protection next year. This year, that figure was 170 million. Lowcock warns that the “obscene” chance of global famine in 2021 would inevitably lead to war and civil unrest. COVID had produced “new spikes of conflict in places that were previously more peaceful. We’ve seen that obviously recently in Nagorno-Karabakh, we’ve seen it in northern Mozambique, we’ve seen it in the Western Sahara and at the moment obviously, tragically, we’re seeing in northern Ethiopia,” he said. “We’re overwhelmed with problems.”

CLIMATE CATASTROPHEThe state of the planet is broken,” UN Secretary-General António Guterres warns. “This is suicidal.” He was emphasising the implications of 2020 being one of the three warmest years on record. It was only half a degree from the “limit” imposed by the Paris Climate Accord. And that temperature boundary is likely to be breached by 2024. “Apocalyptic fires and floods, cyclones and hurricanes are increasingly the new normal,” he said. The social and economic consequences can already be seen across the world, he said. But it’s the disasters that are grabbing the headlines. “In 2020, over 50 million people have been doubly hit: by climate-related disasters (floods, droughts and storms) and the COVID-19 pandemic,” a World Meteorological Organisation report states. Countries in Central America are suffering from the triple-impact of hurricanes Eta and Iota, COVID-19 and pre-existing humanitarian crises. “Climate fluctuations that used to take millennia are now occurring in less than 100 years, affecting freshwater availability, food supply, health, and environmental integrity,” argue Flinders University biodiversity researchers Frederik Saltre and Corey Bradshaw.))) https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/un-warns-that-2021-could-becatastrophic-due-to-covid19-fallout-and-famine/news-story/af6ad98c72e1e6c14456df51dd3a2171

All of which they caused due to existing weather modification technology and the lockdowns ,more of which are coming as admitted by Bill Gates and his minion Fauci. Now this was all already planned during the 2015 Genocide exercise called “Food Chain Reaction”,
The year is 2020 and the world’s food system is under increasing stress. Extreme weather and political conflict are undermining food production and creating shortages. Prices are skyrocketing. Social unrest is growing. Populations are at risk. How will the world respond?

Because food security and climate are linked, climate-smart agriculture is necessary. The link between climate and food security was well-recognized across the wide variety of players in the game. Many teams took action that acknowledged that vulnerable food systems are made more so by unpredictable climatic effects. Recognizing the potentially destructive nature of this feedback loop, players looked to increase productivity through sustainable and climate-smart practices Additionally, teams agreed to price environmental services, tax carbon, support the development of a market for carbon trading, and adopt measures to cap global emissions levels. Teams proposed long-term investments in research and development, and large investments in lowincome nations. Players also highlighted the need for innovative financing approaches. Research and development focused on creating heat-tolerant and climate-resilient crops; making production and processing easier; and improving nutrition. Players cited the need for more open approaches to managing intellectual property to accelerate innovation. Building new information sharing systems will enhance food security. Across the board, the teams emphasized the need to build new information sharing systems to improve the world’s ability to share data about agriculture and food conditions and the way the food system.
(What they're saying is this mass death caused by the lockdowns and famine will create a justification for the use of GMO and buying up of farms by multinational corporations .All organic farms will be taxed at rates they won't be able to operate .)

All of these schemes are interconnected. The Global Famine was planned in the Food Chain Reaction war exercise. Once they succeed in hyperinflating the dollar (which is bound to happen with another lockdown ,they will probably shut it all down again blaming a new "variant " Or it could be an actual Bioweapon that Bill Gates says will be blamed on terrorists (probably Russians .))

This video from this guy whose content im not familiar with explains it all.

And weather modification is very well known and is explained by Alex Jones and his employee Greg Reese. (I don’t endorse Alex Jones and you shouldn’t watch any of his shows but this was very well explained.
Globalist Weather Wars To Crush Humanity

So now you already have Total chaos with
1)Extreme weather I.e massive deadly storms, hurricanes ,floods,
2)A brutal Global Famine
3)Unimited Unemployment due to the Hyperinflationary collapse.

But its going to get much much worse as we see with the coming Cyber attacks that will cripple the world ,

#3 Cyberattacks cripple US and (possibly) allies Power Grid that creates an absolute Death Cauldron (The Triangle of Mass Genocide on a scale never before seen in human history )

This was planned during the Liberty Eclipse exercise,
The Liberty Eclipse Northeast and Mid-Atlantic Regional Energy Assurance Exercise was held December 8–9, 2016, in Newport, Rhode Island. Liberty Eclipse was conducted by ISER and NASEO. The National Governors Association, National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC), and National Emergency Management Association supported the event. This exercise was a critical component of DOE’s efforts to strengthen regional cooperation between government and industry on emergency response in order to better facilitate the restoration of energy services in the case of a catastrophic incident. The exercise consisted of a scenario that involved a widespread power outage caused by a cyber incident. The time to restore power was originally estimated to be 3 weeks due to the need to manually restart and to test systems’ operations. Reoccurring power outages also took place in some areas that previously had power restored In addition, the event would have impacted other critical infrastructure elements, which would need to be restored following the power outage. Battery backup power for radio/some commercial cellular providers would probably have been depleted within the first few hours, making communications more difficult. Water/wastewater utilities with emergency backup power might have required additional fuel within the first 24 hours, or they would need to safely shut down operations to avoid releasing chemicals or raw sewage into public waterways. Residents would also have had difficulty accessing safe water and grocery stores; those without backup generators would have faced increased cold-weather health risks—increasing the likelihood of self-evacuation to areas with power and fuel. Most refineries cannot operate without utility power. An unanticipated shutdown caused by a power outage as postulated in the scenario would have required equipment testing and a sequential restart of refinery components once power was restored. This process would have taken as long as 7 to 10 days, assuming no equipment was damaged when it went offline. The loss of nearly all of the East Coast refining capacity and the loss of power to retail gas stations, petroleum jobbers, and terminals would have resulted in a major fuel shortage compounded by motorists topping off fuel tanks in areas where the power was still on.

This is explained here,
Climate Lockdowns To Break Us Into New Peasant Class
Klaus Swabb publicy admits Cyberattack is coming,
CYBERWAR is imminent & will affect ordinary Americans, claims CEO of company that ‘discovered’ SolarWinds hack https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=53036
Planned Crisis coming Bigger than COVID! - Power Grid / Finance Down - WEF Cyber Polygon

Now we have ,
1)A Global Famine
2)Mass Unemployment
3) Cyberattack that will bring the world to a standstill (no water,electricty,hospitals ,banking)
4) Real Bioweapons
5)Extreme Climate Disasters that could be man - made

But again ,there’s the last scenario –
#5 NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST (if their plan doesn't go according to plan) (Theme song - https://youtu.be/_DztRkVKU5M )
During office Clinton signed the executive order PDD – 60 which is still in effect. In effect ,when the nukes drop the US will absorb them and WONT fire back. Only after the UN comes together with the remaining NATO forces will they launch the war on China and Russia.
PDD/NSC 60 Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy Guidance November 1997 NOTE: the actual text of this document is classified TS/ESI [TOP SECRET / EXTREMELY SENSITIVE INFORMATION] and is likely to remain so for many years to come. The Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR), completed last spring, examined U.S. nuclear strategy and force posture and reaffirmed the continuing need for a robust and flexible nuclear deterrent. In the QDR, nuclear forces were examined as an integral part of an overall review of defense issues. This review followed a path which led from the threat, to strategy, to force structure considerations, and finally to resource issues. In November 1997 the President signed a new Decision Directive on nuclear weapons employment policy guidance. This directive was the first revision of such guidance in over 15 years, although U.S. nuclear plans have been updated regularly to changes to subordinate documents and through Presidential Decisions such as the Presidential Nuclear Initiatives and the Nuclear Posture Review. The directive takes account of the changes in policy and force posture brought on by the end of the Cold War and builds on the conclusions of previous policy reviews, such as the NPR and QDR.

The directive describes, in general terms, the purposes of U.S. nuclear weapons and provides broad Presidential guidance for developing operational plans. It also provides guidelines for maintaining nuclear deterrence and U.S. nuclear forces. The directive indicates that the United States must maintain the assured response capability to inflict "unacceptable damage" against those assets a potential enemy values most. It also posits that the U.S. must continue to plan a range of options to insure that the U.S. can respond to aggression in a manner appropriate to the provocation, rather than being left with an "all or nothing" response. The new guidance also continues the policy that the U.S. will not rely on "launch on warning," but will maintain the capability to respond promptly to any attack, thus complicating an adversary's calculations. However, the new guidance eliminates previous Cold War rhetoric including references to "winning a protracted nuclear war." The directive reaffirms that the United States should have a triad of strategic deterrent forces to complicate an adversary's attack and defense planning. It also notes that deterrent forces and their associated command and control should be flexible and survivable, to insure that the U.S. will be able to make an adequate and appropriate response. While the directive does not address arms control issues, per se, analysis undertaken in accordance with the new guidance shows that the U.S. strategic deterrent can be maintained at the 2,000 to 2,500 strategic weapon level envisioned for START III as agreed in the 1997 Helsinki accord.

An explanation from Joel Skousen’s site,
I do not believe the intended strike is imminent. It is my estimate that the Russians won't be ready to strike until sometime after 2020. Here's why: Their latest and most modern weapon systems are not going into serial production until 2020, 21, 22 and 23. Despite the continual stockpiling of core supplies and other evidence of war preparations referenced in the excellent and ongoing work of J R Nyquist, the Russians lack several elements that would ensure success, and they won't strike until everything is in place.

President Clinton's 1998 orders to the military (PDD-60) ---revamping our nuclear strategy--dictated that we prepare to “absorb a first strike and not launch on warning still stands today, but “prepare to retaliate afterward.” Dumbfounded (but compliant as always) the top military brass wanted to know, "retaliate with WHAT?" Good point! However, the Russians most likely are not counting on PDD-60. They suspect we won't abide by this suicidal order now that Clinton is out of office.

PDD-60 is an important clue to how the globalists intend to force reluctant Americans into a militarized global government. Right now there is a massive movement in opposition to globalism by about half of the people in the West, as evidenced by the Brexit vote and the rise of many anti-EU parties in Europe. But if the US military is decapitated in a first strike, which the US allows by making use the nuclear codes don’t get to our missile forces in the US and UK, the Western world will be suddenly in a position of helplessness.

After the strike our leaders will emerge from their bunkers and claim total innocence--that the Russians and Chinese deceived them--that they didn't know this was coming. They will be lying, but the surviving public will forget all about national sovereignty and constitutional rights and beg government to save them. To do so, our leaders will say, now that our military is mostly destroyed, that we must join with other nations in a MILITARIZED global government in order to prosecute this new war.

The people will go along and conjure up images of a new patriotic war like WWII. But, this time, after the war, our leaders will cement us into a permanent New World Order and national sovereignty will never be returned. This prediction alone explains the suicidal and unilateral disarmament the US has engaged in for the past 30 years. It explains the rationale for covering up for Russia's constant cheating on arms control agreements and treaties. It explains why Bill Clinton would direct the US military to absorb a nuclear first strike (PDD-60) and NOT launch on warning. It explains why the US would keep stalling year after year to make sure America is undefended against a nuclear strike and that there are no provisions for civil defense shelters. It isn't that US leaders are stupid. They aren't suicidal. They simply can't get the world to take the final plunge into global control without a war.

While the US is slowly being sucked into the NWO through gradualism, I still think war is necessary to get Americans to give up their core liberties. It's one thing to fool the people into thinking we are still sovereign as we slowly entangle ourselves in the United Nations, transnational trade agreements and the EU, but it is another thing entirely to start hauling Americans to courts in The Hague over a wetlands violation in Virginia. When that starts happening, the Powers That Be know that Americans will rebel and start demanding that we extricate ourselves from globalism. War is designed to be so devastating to Americans (a massive nuclear strike is the "mother of all terrorism") that they will easily give up any liberties in order to have someone "save them." The Patriot Act's passage by a compliant Congress showed just how dumbed-down and stupid leaders and people can become after an appropriately motivated terror event such as the 9/11 attacks on the WTC.

Clearly the NWO globalists do not intend to lose a war to the Russians or Chinese, which brings up the next question: how do the globalist plan to win a war with Russia and China when they absorb a first strike that destroys most of the US and British military machine at the very onset of hostilities?

First, I think the use is using a lot of off-budget money to finance secret weapons systems which will not be used to defend us from this first strike, but will be used thereafter to stop any further attacks while the US and UK regroup under a global military banner. Europe, in fact, may not be included in the first strike as Russia wants to preserve the economy of Europe by blackmailing it into submission. Certainly Europe's meager NATO forces would be incapable of taking on the Russians alone. I think perhaps, that ongoing secret plans within the EU to create an EU army separate from NATO is the intended beginning of a globalist military force that will be built up quickly after this war starts.

In the coming war, I also suspect China will play the same role as Russia did in WWII. I think the globalists plan is to induce China to switch sides and attack Russia’s rear, in exchange for more military technology. China knows that it has to eventually go up against Russia, so why not then when Russia would be faced with a two front war. Why would the globalist’s make such a deal with China? -Because it not only facilitates the defeat of Russia, but because China then would become the new cold war enemy after WWIII and justify keeping the new globalist military intact and not returning national sovereignty to each member nation after the war.

As far as I understand the plan of action which they say is termed “Order out of Chaos” is this
1)Create all sorts of chaotic situations that will increase and decrease in intensity. And in the last stages it will really be extreme, with extreme weather, famine, lockdowns,unemployment due to lockdowns, and power outages.
2) Launch the EMP attack and will bring the US and possibly allies to a standstill.
3) Drop the Nukes.
4) The NATO declares war on China. Russia declares war on NATO. Battle lines are drawn and the war begins.
Azazel told me to let everyone know there will be many very frightening and catastrophic events coming, especially regarding climate change and extreme weather. There will be serious and fiercely destructive storms, floods, earthquakes, fires and related.

Azazel told me for those of us here who are with Satan, we will all be protected through this. He stated we must not be frightened or worry.

I tried to instill some dank humor with the theme songs this is not a joke. This is very very serious .We already know that the cold war missile silos that we’re restructered as fallout shelters were all bought by the Globalists. They’re totally prepared for all of this. They’re injecting us with Soft kill bio weapons that can possibly kill you in a variety of ways in a time frame of 6 months to 20 years. They’re telling us that they’re going to cause extreme weather, famines , real bioweapon attacks and if their intended depopulation goal event isn’t achieved they might just start a war which is inevitable. Biden has already launched a brutal war in Syria again.

These are all scenarios but these are also plans that fit together as lock and key. One thing leads to another and another and it comes full circle. The bottom line is this – they want to depopulate the world to where they can reach a manageable population level and they want everyone chipped and lacking natural immunity and any kind of sovereignty. They want you sterile and everything in life would be bought from by the system of the NWO – your food, your immunity ,ability to have children. They really are creating a post human world where everyone is like greys and everything is gone.

So understand that all of this has been pre planned and all of this is something they intend to do. A single man or woman cannot do everything . We must all come together . This is now life and death. If we don't turn this around ,the earth will be totally unlivable except some islands after a brutal nuclear war.

DO NOT PANIC. And if you are,try to get over that phase quickly . We are just in the beginning phases where they are testing how we respond to their control and dictates. We can turn this around if every single person defies lockdowns and the governments strip the vaccine manufacturers of liability protection .But there is a chance that it might not happen the way we want and were pulled into the successive stages.

Listen the time frame is 2020-30. At best itll be 2040. Till 2040 they expect to reduce the world population to 10% of its current capacity and get everyone chipped and turned sterile. WE NEED TO DEFEAT THEM BEFORE THIS .

We are the spiritual force behind the coming physical war, and so don't do anything rash. Bide your time and help the nationalists spiritually. And the rest of your energy must be going towards preparation for self preservation .

But don’t be disheartened, WE WILL WIN in the end and we will defeat these scum. In the immortal words of Adolf Hitler,

Sources -
(Food Chain Reaction)

(Liberty Eclipse )

(Cyber Polygon )
Nicely done. I skimmed thru it since I have lots of irl stuff to do at the moment but I wanted to add that lots of signs are pointing towards something happening in about 5 years. Regardless that's still more than enough time for people to prepare. I dont think itll be all out chaos but the beginning of something very big. I've seen both sides showing signs of something big happening or starting to happen in 5 years.
This is really sad, I know I shouldn't panic but in my situation, it's like many people around me have become doors welded shut to the truth. Only one of them are people I have known for so long since highschool and decided to stick around with me as a means of empathy, the rest are assholes who never moved on. Maybe it's time I share some last moments with him before things go boom over here.

This place and the JoS is the only thing I've got in this world, and that's why I have more viewing range over my life than before which made people think I'm crazy. I have become a completely tragic outcast to a mob of mainly former classmates now all thanks to the enemy, they're a headless stalker mob of degenerates and npcs using my past against me so no one will ever listen to me. But who cares about their bitching anymore.

Just wait until it all happens months later and I'll see if they still will have their lives intact or at the least the guts to call me a kook anymore. I tried saving them bit by bit, until I realized how much I underestimated the enemy. I shouldn't have been too much of an empath in the beginning so none of the hate would be my weights I'll carry until this coming grim future.
Jack said:
We are the spiritual force behind the coming physical war, and so don't do anything rash. Bide your time and help the nationalists spiritually. And the rest of your energy must be going towards preparation for self preservation .

But don’t be disheartened, WE WILL WIN in the end and we will defeat these scum. In the immortal words of Adolf Hitler,
We'll keep moving forward until all our enemies are destroyed, won't we?
Hail Satan and the forces of Hell, it's all coming together
Big Dipper said:
I know there is a reason why we haven't done one, but why haven't we done a group assassination ritual?

Think bigger!

A while back former HP mageson mentioned the soviet union conducted experiments on a prison of 5,000 or so inmates. They told them meditate on the pyramid outside. A pipe pyramid was constructed and a granite slab was placed in the middle on the base. Since granite is positively charged it affects more like the Pyramids.

They meditated on stopping terrorist attacks. The soviet union ran experiments in the mid-70s and discovered that terrorist attacks dropped 75%.

Imagine US doing a GEBO/ISA Runic blast, some ritual with energy raising and a prayer to petition Satan and the Gods of Hell. And let it rip. Imagine stopping terrorist attacks or certain manipulations of reality. And all exposing the enemy all of it makes everyone aware. Not just US but the Gods as well assisting in.

I think an assassination is neat and potentially a possibility in the future kinda like the enemy pulsa de nura. But it seems very cheap tactic it doesn't really do much taking out one. Why not take out many in the process including the one having to answer up to the news.

Kinda like Right is Right for us NS/SS. Lets use our rituals to create more propaganda and make people freak out. After all it's better to affect the many than the few or an individual.
Big Dipper said:
I know there is a reason why we haven't done one, but why haven't we done a group assassination ritual? It would be pretty hard to prove one guilty of black magic in court also. Is it because you would need to work with death magic, or what about something that would cause a severe illness, so it's not 'death' magic and we wouldn't need to be experienced with any black magic? Bill gates seems like a good target.

I've asked the same question several times in the past, but got no response or my topic was deleted because its apparently is against the rules to talk about this type of stuff. But it sure as hell needs to be done even if its against the rules of the forums to be talked about here.

The RTR is good and all, but I feel like we should be doing other group rituals to single out and destroy certain threats directly instead of only doing the FRTR.
Jack said:
But don’t be disheartened, WE WILL WIN in the end and we will defeat these scum. In the immortal words of Adolf Hitler,

I just wanted to add

"I send a person a second or third time into this world or into some other by the transmigration of souls. " Satan


We will never be lost if we stick with Satan.
StyleCoin said:
much of that will happen in 2021-2022?
Probably not, but then hey no one knows. But we do know the general time frame and the general plan.
When one understands that we're simply dealing with an alien species that doesn't function like humans, it is clear that the only solution is fighting back and not panicking. We can't negotiate with the enemy or come to common terms. Their nature is to rot out and destroy life and ours is to preserve it and advance. The only thing that can stop the enemy is fighting back.

When the body is infested with disease it doesn't panic and do nothing or remain passive. It fights back and deals with the pathogens causing disease. We have to keep doing the final RTR without fail until these reptilian hybrids are completely disarmed, then they will know the wrath of Satan and the Powers of Hell.
We will be fine... Hitler rose unexpectedly when currency became shit ,I saw someone on Twitter comparing the printing of the dollar from 2008 it's strengthening and eventual collapse which is probably happening this year,to what happened in the Weimar Republic and it's happening in the exact fashion. You can see with all this "woke" nonsense happening , degradation of morals, culture and ethics similar to the Weimar Republic. But like Pravartaka Acharya has said the Gods have sent great Yogis some are already born,some are probably even among spiritual groups like ours,and will rise when the time comes. So keep doing power meditations you might be among them. Such are going to rise into leadership positions. Some great Yogis are yet to be born,the Age of Aquarius is upon us. The enemy is accelerating their plan ,they know their window is short. The Gods obviously already for saw this ,it's not a coincidence that the likes of JOS where established at the time they where. This is to train and usher in great Yogi leaders,this time is actually now. It's not just us of course ,they are àlso others especially in the Hindu community. Things will be rough for a while ,but we are coming out victorious ushering an age never seen in Kali Yuga,one I think that will even tramp the recent Great Dharmic Civilisations we have had in Kali Yuga ( i.e Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, Babylon,Maya, China e.t.c)
StyleCoin said:
much of that will happen in 2021-2022?

I haven't done divinity in this regards but just from context clues of what's going on in the world and the all info sites and videos I've been following, it seems like this year won't be as crazy as the following ones. I would say calm but nothing about what's going on is calm. It just won't be as bad as the coming years which will gradually build up more and more blatantly.

There's still time to prepare so don't freak out but do take it serious.
Do you guys think if I converted the JoS website into a printable a4 book it would be a good thing to do? Considering that electricity might go down and the internet too, it would be good for us to have a physical copy of the book along with the meditations and everything. I could make it then convert it into a PDF format. Please someone let me know if that's a good idea.
Player7 said:
Do you guys think if I converted the JoS website into a printable a4 book it would be a good thing to do? Considering that electricity might go down and the internet too, it would be good for us to have a physical copy of the book along with the meditations and everything. I could make it then convert it into a PDF format. Please someone let me know if that's a good idea.
That would actually be a very wise decision.
Gear88 said:
Big Dipper said:
I know there is a reason why we haven't done one, but why haven't we done a group assassination ritual?

Think bigger!

A while back former HP mageson mentioned the soviet union conducted experiments on a prison of 5,000 or so inmates. They told them meditate on the pyramid outside. A pipe pyramid was constructed and a granite slab was placed in the middle on the base. Since granite is positively charged it affects more like the Pyramids.

They meditated on stopping terrorist attacks. The soviet union ran experiments in the mid-70s and discovered that terrorist attacks dropped 75%.

Imagine US doing a GEBO/ISA Runic blast, some ritual with energy raising and a prayer to petition Satan and the Gods of Hell. And let it rip. Imagine stopping terrorist attacks or certain manipulations of reality. And all exposing the enemy all of it makes everyone aware. Not just US but the Gods as well assisting in.

I think an assassination is neat and potentially a possibility in the future kinda like the enemy pulsa de nura. But it seems very cheap tactic it doesn't really do much taking out one. Why not take out many in the process including the one having to answer up to the news.

Kinda like Right is Right for us NS/SS. Lets use our rituals to create more propaganda and make people freak out. After all it's better to affect the many than the few or an individual.

We might need something like that for the holyhoax myth that is so emotionally charged to me. It's xtianity but jewsus is replaced with all the kikes and its legs are not manipulated and corrupted myths and legends this time, it's manipulated evidence and historical information to support one stupid story.

It's so funny to have a nazi doctor be everywhere at once for example, and what's next, is he an interdimensional doctor now? If that myth falls, they will not have any more significant ground to protect them anymore.
So, we know that our duty is to meditate and to perform RTRs, when it comes to saving ourselves against these impending disasters. It also helps to know that those of us who are serious about what we have to do, are protected by the gods.

But what's going to happen to the people who we hold dear, that aren't particularly acquainted with SS? For example, a family member in a far away country. A close friend from one's childhood.

Yes, we the SS are protected, but some of the people we care for, who are not Dedicated... are they simply subject to suffer and potentially die from the things written about in this post?
Player7 said:
Do you guys think if I converted the JoS website into a printable a4 book it would be a good thing to do? Considering that electricity might go down and the internet too, it would be good for us to have a physical copy of the book along with the meditations and everything. I could make it then convert it into a PDF format. Please someone let me know if that's a good idea.

It 100% is, in my opinion. Maybe I'll do it too when I'll get some printer ink
Jack said:
Player7 said:
Do you guys think if I converted the JoS website into a printable a4 book it would be a good thing to do? Considering that electricity might go down and the internet too, it would be good for us to have a physical copy of the book along with the meditations and everything. I could make it then convert it into a PDF format. Please someone let me know if that's a good idea.
That would actually be a very wise decision.
I'll get started in the coming morning. I'll take a while to do it but there's plenty of time to get it done. I'll make a separate post with it.
If what this retired doctor is saying has any validity. The real bio weapon has already been released and everyone's lives are now in danger:

FuffyShark said:
If somebody does create a PDF of the site do let me know. We must preserve the rituals and knowledge here, knowing the enemy works so hard to crush those who work against them this sites days may be numbered.
I've already started making the document. Got over 20 pages or so in. Give me roughly a month and I'll be finished.
On this link https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-56413920

It clearly states;
"It is "likely" that a terrorist group will launch a successful chemical, biological or nuclear attack by 2030"

This RTR energy is literally making the Jews and other people blatantly outline their plans in such a casual manner it's almost laughable at.

So yes, as stated elsewhere on the forums, they will use a terrorist group and use them to blame for everything then proceed with their depopulation agenda.

Everyone needs to prepare. Time will fly extremely fast, you might not notice it. Be ready for anything. And don't panick.
Jack said:
StyleCoin said:
much of that will happen in 2021-2022?
Probably not, but then hey no one knows. But we do know the general time frame and the general plan.

I am almost 100% sure that in 1-2 years they will shut down the entire Internet in the world.
StyleCoin said:
Jack said:
StyleCoin said:
much of that will happen in 2021-2022?
Probably not, but then hey no one knows. But we do know the general time frame and the general plan.

I am almost 100% sure that in 1-2 years they will shut down the entire Internet in the world.
What makes you so sure?
Yikes!!💥💀 no I at least know what to expect in the future! And I now know what to do. It is sad that we have to go through this ordeal! And that these things are going on around us all the time. It makes it hard for people to enjoy going on vacation trips and going places with friends and family! Or just simply getting out and doing the things that you normally do and can't do anymore just because!. People not being safe no matter where they go even in their own homes. And people should be prepared for what is about to happen! And it's not going to be pretty and nobody's going to like it! And needless to say we are not alone! I am proud to have a roof over my head and I am blessed to have the things that I need!. And there are other things that I'm going to need as well! And that I am going to get prepared and I'm going to do the best I can to protect my family! I will do whatever I can to save myself as well. Mentally physically spiritually and emotionally! Especially now! ❤ Jack Thank you for sharing this information!!🙏🔥 HAIL SATAN!!!
And I always knew that wearing the mask was not going to save anybody from getting sick! And it makes obvious sense! That wearing the mask only makes things worse considering the fact that it's over your nose and mouth and is collecting spores and germs! And it doesn't matter if it's made out of silk or satin or a disposable cotton! And considering the fact that people throw those things in the garbage can and they get blown all over the place! Spreading germs and bacteria! And even though that you put in the washing machine! Still people put them on their faces! And they are no more dirtier than those that are disposable!.. and in a word I never liked to wear a fucking mask! I kind of like the idea of breathing in and out without something in front of my face! And the idea of wearing Surgical gloves? I don't like the way those things feel so tight on my hands and fingers! Not to mention the fact the smell of the surgical gloves! You take the damn things off your hands are all sweaty and gross! How was that supposed to prevent any disease? Or any spread of disease? You would think that these stupid Jews and these fucking companies would come up with better ideas? And I think the only people that wear surgical gloves are those that perform surgeries on Hospital patients! Unless you're working in a laboratory or with animals!? Handling specimens and raw sewage! No more no less but for the average person to walk around wearing surgical gloves everyday all day like Michael jackson! And people being afraid of living a life touching and handling things like humans normally do! It makes it a bit aggravating! Not to mention the fact having to get used to wearing a face mask! Walking around like fucking Michael jackson! The next thing you know these stupid Jews are going to make us carry around a goddamn oxygen tank! We've already got people walking around acting and behaving like Howard Hughes constantly washing their hands and putting on hand sanitizer wiping everything off with the fucking disposable wet wipe! People afraid of picking up a disease just because they sit down or because they're on the phone or because they're touching and handling and doing something! Instead of living a life and being a normal human being! They're fucking paranoid and afraid of picking something up! Absolutely total complete fucking Howard Hughes bullshit! Keeping people afraid of this and that and living a fucking life! Keeping people standing six feet apart! And all of these stupid useless rules like people are being taught Islam! With no affection and no love and no appreciation! And keeping people separate 6 ft apart is not going to keep the problem down and it's not going to make things any easier for people! Especially if people are the kind that love to hug and kiss and hold hands! People who are sexual and love to express it with one another! It's not fair for the human race or any human being to have to go under these dumbass rules! I thought the covid thing was like more of a punishment! And an excuse to punish people just because they're open and sexual and just because people love to hang out and party and eat and drink and have fun! Trying to teach people a lesson by making them feel stupid and less of a human by coming up with some stupid disease! Created by the fucking enemy so that people can't get close to one another and friendly! Deliberately doing it on purpose to make the human being less interested in life and lose their interest in one another as friends and family! Not to mention the fact a couple who is married! Who have every right to be open and sexual and to express who they are and have the right to indulge in their pleasures! Causing these couples to split apart all because of some stupid virus! And a lot of this stupid crap was a fucking hoax created by the enemy! Having fun with the human race and treating us like we're a bunch of lab rats! Coming in every time somebody gets sick just to get a fucking covid test when it was just a fucking common cold or a common sore throat! Freaking people out and giving something more for people to worry about! Getting unnecessary shots! When those damn things don't even work! Neither do the booster shots! That people are wasting time and money getting these stupid things! Playing along with the stupid game that the enemy put out for people and that people were dumb enough to fucking fall for it! And still this bullshit continues! The worst part of this scenario was the fact that a lot of jobs and businesses were closed down and a lot of these businesses are still having a struggle to this very day! Putting fourth product food or whatever it is that these companies and food places want and need! I hope the enemy is fucking proud! Laugh out loud a lot of things have changed and changed so damn much that it's not the same and it never will be! People are still acting like Howard hughes! Food places are still having a struggle and it's not the same like it used to be! On top of that food prices going up up up! You go to look for something at a grocery store you can't find it! Because they've sold out or they quit making it all because of the stupid covid! And even when it comes to certain hamburger places you want a certain hamburger or a certain sandwich and they quit making it! Because of tomatoes assorted of certain vegetables! Or shortage of some kind of a sauce! Used to put in the sandwich! Or just simply because they don't want to make the food anymore because it contains something that is rare! Some kind of an herb or some kind of a product that is discontinued! Because of the fucking covid! And now the enemy is playing more stupid games! Keeping things more and more dramatic! As if those shit isn't bad enough! More problems and more shit that we have to face! All the while people are trying to figure out a way to get food? And where they can buy it on the cheap! And because of what the enemy has done to the ukraine! And what that has done to the food industry? 🤔 I work at a grocery store! And trust me! I know how aggravating it is when people come in and ask if we have sriracha sauce and have to tell them that we don't have it and that we're still waiting for it! All because of the type of peppers that are growing to make this Sriracha sauce! Not to mention the fact the price of eggs! And the fact that I have to hear about it every day when I'm checking out people's food! People bitching and complaining about the expenses of dairy products eggs! In particular and the price of oranges! Fruits and vegetables that have gone up in price! And some fruits and vegetables that we don't see any more! Or not going to see for a while? All because of a food shortage or because somebody's Bumper Crop failed! And because of these stupid Wars going on! Jobs and businesses and companies being shut down just because! And people bitching and complaining about it like I had something to do with it! When all people have to do is turn on the tv? Or go outside and take a good look around and pay attention to their environment! Walk outside of their home for a little while put the cell phone down and go out! And find out for themselves how much this world has changed! Along with it? Having to learn to deal with the fact that we're going through a lot of unusual changes and a lot of unnecessary crap! All because of the stupid Jews who hate the human race!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
