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Scientific proof we can heal ourselves. The placebo and nocebo effect


Active member
Sep 23, 2017
What do you think about this?
The vid doesn't say anything about the subconscious but does the "placebo and nocebo" work through the subconscious and belief can heal you? I'm thinking it is trough the subconscious and belief can heal you.
An example of the placebo effect
My uncle had Colon polyps and the doctor told him he woudn't live long and now it's over 24-25 years and he is fine he was drinking water from fiermented pepper like in this image

Someone told him to drink that because it helps him and he did.
I wonder. The mind-body connection. I mean the can be changes in the physical body just from thinking a few sexual thoughts, so I wonder if there is some cognitive switch somewhere/somehow that enables a person to just think about something/think in a certain way and the physical body acts on it and heals itself?
Looks like the image is not showing on the forum so I uploaded it on another hosting website

If still doesn't work here is the link
Jonathon said:
I wonder. The mind-body connection. I mean the can be changes in the physical body just from thinking a few sexual thoughts, so I wonder if there is some cognitive switch somewhere/somehow that enables a person to just think about something/think in a certain way and the physical body acts on it and heals itself?
Yes. You can activate the healing mechanism of the body but for that you need to be relaxed Dr Lissa Rankin says the healing mechanism of the body only flips on if we are relaxed not in fight of flight response. In that video it explains how you can do it, you can do meditation, having a good relationship, sex, yoga, tai chi, doing pleasurable activities... oxytocin, dopamine, nitric oxide, endorphins relaxes and gives us pleasurable experiences so by doing meditations or doing pleasurable activities daily your brain releases them.
You do not need to think in a certain way so that the body acts and heal it self you just relax and the body automatically activates the healing mechanisms.
Belief is very strong the placebo and nocebo effect shows that.
I also want to add this, there is a technic to ameliorate or get rid of some pain completely by just putting your hands on that place and concentrate on the pain for a minute and for me it disappears like 80-90%
Heres the thing.

We live in a drug fueled society where we are taught we need vaccines and such. Now in a dense population, yes some vaccines are needed. However, it is a business and powers at be are aware that by shoving all these supplements, medicines, and vaccines down our throat our body becomes dependent on these things.

Melatonin is an example of this. After years of use good luck sleeping, your body will not produce the proper amounts nor will it produce it according to your circadian rhythm.

Satan doesnt want us to rely on stimulates for a reason, he knows that in the end, this will not empower ourselves but cause us to rely on these substances to achieve higher states which is only temporary so long as the substance is in the system.

I used psychadelics to analyze my patterns and behaviors(expanded awareness is great for that) which was awesome to dabble in, but 4 years after heavy reliance on marijuana it was like having to retrain my,brain to reach those states on its own.

This is my humble opinion based on experience, due with it what you will.
Doctors have noted that the so-called "placebo effect" often is as effective or more effective than pharmaceutical drugs. Even the average, spiritually weak person is better at healing themselves than Jewish drug companies. The placebo effect can not only produce the desired effect the person expects, but can also produce side effects if an individual expects them.

Jewish drug companies are actually concerned about the placebo effect because it's a threat to their profits. Eventually, people will be reading studies on drugs and placebo effects and start to question what the point of the drug is.
HailVictory88 said:
Doctors have noted that the so-called "placebo effect" often is as effective or more effective than pharmaceutical drugs. Even the average, spiritually weak person is better at healing themselves than Jewish drug companies. The placebo effect can not only produce the desired effect the person expects, but can also produce side effects if an individual expects them.

Jewish drug companies are actually concerned about the placebo effect because it's a threat to their profits. Eventually, people will be reading studies on drugs and placebo effects and start to question what the point of the drug is.
Nice said : )
I also want to add this video
How to make diseases disappear
By Dr Rangan Chatterjee
And it is also motivational.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
