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Satan's Poem One - The Hidden Messages

Darksage666 said:
Specter said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Further, Father Satan here describes the State known as Samadhi or the "Great Piercing State" of Yoga. In this State, the direct perception [SAT] is the case, and one lives without error and deception. Additionally, Satan is very explicit about how advanced He is, and he is "All knowing and All Hearing".

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it was once said by Maxine that while Satan is all knowing, there are still some questions he cannot answer or something like there. For one, there is a prevalent question of "why" things exist(Such as the universe), and the way it exists this way, an answer that has sprouted many theories of its own but never one established on a completely solid ground. Any insight on this?

Correction, she said that she doesn’t have all the answers but Satan told her “very soon”. Not that Satan himself doesn’t have all the answers.

As it’s been said before, Satan and The Gods reveal things over time, not all at once.

That is because of our level. I know this fully and it's factual. They know exactly when to do and when.

And this is the best thing for us too. We decide the readiness in this more than anyone else.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Amazing post HP. Whenever I read the doctrines I feel at home.

Lately I've felt an indifference towards myself and I've noticed that Satan is most patient with me. I keep looping back to an issue I've been having and Satan gives answers yet I'm having difficulties accepting them as I feel estranged towards my identity. I think I'm leaving myself open to psychic attacks and it's trying to isolate me from Satan and my GD.

HPC, you continue to be a ray of light and truth to me. Over the course of my time here I've come to love you, even before you've known of my existence. I hope you see me as SS because there are influences trying to dissuade me of my Satanic self.

My apologies for straying off the topic but the poem made nostalgic and emotional.


Thanks for this reply. It gives me courage. I hope I likewise give courage to everyone else.

Do not allow the enemy to dissuade you from seeking the Gods, seek them. That's the best thing you can do. They don't leave and they will be waiting. Don't listen to the enemy's bullshit. Step by step get higher and better.
Braun666 said:
Specter said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Further, Father Satan here describes the State known as Samadhi or the "Great Piercing State" of Yoga. In this State, the direct perception [SAT] is the case, and one lives without error and deception. Additionally, Satan is very explicit about how advanced He is, and he is "All knowing and All Hearing".

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it was once said by Maxine that while Satan is all knowing, there are still some questions he cannot answer or something like there. For one, there is a prevalent question of "why" things exist(Such as the universe), and the way it exists this way, an answer that has sprouted many theories of its own but never one established on a completely solid ground. Any insight on this?

I’ll give my attempt at answering…

There are limits on how much the brain can comprehend, this is based on the physical plane and limit and degree of consciousness being expressed in us. Certain laws rule this physical plane of existence, thus things such as being able to escape death, understand how and why one has been formed, how and why the the zodiac constitutes the human form, where this all leads to etc. not only requires strenuous study in a lot of cases, but also an expanded consciousness to even begin this comprehension, where the “brain” or mind can connect these dots all together. As the astral memory and ancestral knowledge of these is more faint through the passage of time and mass consciousness focusing on utter crap(abrahamic religions).

Though it helps a lot but is not necessary, in some cases book study is not very required, but understanding of fundamentals that help one change the form so that ones cup(consciousness) has expanded to receive and be filled with knowledge is enough. This is the serpent which is seen over and over again in the ages as the most important element to clear the dross of the “spines” experience through time and aids in creating a more “blank template” so that one can elevate in a more pure spirit form through completing the magnum opus.

Satan’s understanding of us as our creator, might far exceed our current capacity to even understand this in full. I would argue that it isn’t unanswerable questions that are the issue, but how much capacity ones mind has to understand those answers given. Almost like paradoxes would exists if this goes beyond this dimension and the limits of this physical plane, but is ones mind able or ready to understand these potential paradoxes? This is a bit of speculation, but I hope you get the point here.

My thought is that though one would want to understand certain things, the limits are only how far one is at in their spiritual advancement. The same reason why it would be extremely overwhelming and I would say dangerous to present the steps of the magnum opus to someone who hasn’t meditated in an entire or multiple lifetimes, or reached a level where this information would be handled maturely and responsibly. Such a limit is based on readiness and the comprehension of ones place in the cosmos.

The same reason why, if I walked up to some stranger down the street, telling them about the truth we know here, this will in most if not all cases immediately result in resistance and even total rejection, and dissonance. That limit is based on the current unfortunate downward spiral of their soul.

As someone of Satan in the past, would and might immediately understand the tune of what you’re telling them, making it click instantly for them. Hope that sheds light.

This is a very well positioned reply, yes. I think I have replied along the lines too. That does NOT mean we will NEVER learn, it means that we will eventually. We are there to learn and to advance, not the contrary.
Braun666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Artanis said:
I remember some time ago in the last Forum, that the Enemy obliterated, that some said that Satan is "ONE, of the most powerful beings in the Universe", but that there are beings more powerful than Him. Always thought like that, that that was logical, as the Universe is "Eternal", so there also is Eternally other beings.

But knowing now that our Father, the Creator of our very race, IS the most powerful being in the Universe, in all of existence itself... Just Wow :?

What does "power" mean here? Going close to the sun and not burning? There are definitely created things that are "most powerful", but the important aspect to understand is what lifeforms are. In particular it's even more important to understand the state of being represented by this level of consciousness. This is not about Goku and Vegeta situations, it's about meditation.

There is no being in human history or otherwise with a bigger contribution than Satan, and there is nothing that has influenced us more than them. If there are "others", they might not care. To think of power in a series and not consider the use, or the purpose, changes how one views "power".

Personally I consider Satan most powerful. I have seen this to be the case.

Furthermore, the never ending practices and understanding of “animism” in countless cultures which one can attribute the word animal stemming from this is an indication of “spirit” which are direct extensions of his powerful unbounded spirit being found in all animals and species.

While each animal is “animated” by atma which in this realm is limited by the wheels(zodiac) expression as it is varied in how it manifests physically, from the Suns rays and brightness on it, his control or handle of the wheel(zodiac), means that these manifested forms are indeed under his FULL control, though this might be harder to see under the current times.

His worship through the ages are indications of human beings(which as we know are given the potential of higher consciousness) realizing this truth and having the desire to break out of the cycle, the wheel.

Hope I am on the right track with these realizations, of course some refinement is endlessly required on this path(as we continuously fix the backwards effect of the current times) but your post inspired me to add to the discussion, and maybe this might add light for others on this thread as well.

Yes. The zodiac wheel is also the wheel of the universe but oftentimes in the rites Satan in the form of Dionysus has been called the "Leader of the Wheel".

Refinement and extra conversation on divine subject when done with proper quality and respect is arguably why these forums have one of their main purposes to exist.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That is because of our level. I know this fully and it's factual. They know exactly when to do and when.

And this is the best thing for us too. We decide the readiness in this more than anyone else.

Once you've said that Lord Beelzebul mastered all things as well as Father Satan. So, is he really knows everything along with him?

I have still lack of comprehending though. I can't understand how Demons can't master at everything. Definitely, it seems like universe is deeper than I can see. I always thought "they have infinite understanding, soul-split ability, so they must already have mastered everything."
Bright Truth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
That is because of our level. I know this fully and it's factual. They know exactly when to do and when.

And this is the best thing for us too. We decide the readiness in this more than anyone else.

Once you've said that Lord Beelzebul mastered all things as well as Father Satan. So, is he really knows everything along with him?

I have still lack of comprehending though. I can't understand how Demons can't master at everything. Definitely, it seems like universe is deeper than I can see. I always thought "they have infinite understanding, soul-split ability, so they must already have mastered everything."

Lol, I think it's majorly the lack of your understanding that's the main thing to address.
There's no incompetence with the Demons of Hell. Understand that first. Other in depth answers will be given to you by more advanced members and our guardians and High Priest.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
serpentwalker666 said:
When I worked with the serpent in guiding its energy to the crown, I experienced a state like the expanding of my awareness, to a very large degree. Awareness of the aether. The galaxy, our planets rotation, myself in relation to this, and the strong, very fast vibrating sensations of light, conciousness and sound, moving much faster then my astral senses could see.

This happened a few times to me, yet this state would slip from my grasp after being incorporated in my conciousness for a few minutes in deep meditation. I may be wrong, but I asked my Guardian a few times, and they confirmed each time. That this was indeed the super concious state, but just a part of it.

Is this normal for it to fade and revert back? Have I done something wrong?

I've waited to ask this question out of fear of ridicule, or doubt, but I feel I really need an answer, as I still am confused as to why this state, did not hold after the energy was brought up, and placed where it needed to be, and vented correctly.

The power, did not hold either.

If i may ask, how did you do this? Just regular satanic meditation on your crown chakra?

Through focusing on guiding the kundalini energy to the crown, through guidance from the Gods. They let me know specific days and times when to do this, and I do it.

I'm certain they will do the same for other SS who are at that point, I'm sure they already do this for those who are at that point.

My advice to you would to be prioritise cleaning the soul and empowering, as it can be a difficult experience, because of the side effects, and things that happen to the mind, body, and soul because of it.

The biggest thing I've noticed with kundalini is its a gradual thing. It takes alot of time. Some SS expect to have siddhis and very extreme things manifest when the serpent hits the crown, the truth is, this depends on alot of factors.

It can sometimes be very gradual after this happens and this point is reached. Or it can be like som expect, however it's important to throw most expectations out the window.

Just keep advancing and you will get there my friend.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I notice this sermon is complimentary to your other recent one on the topic of the 'andrapoda'. I like how the two flow together. Thanks.
Manofsatan said:
Lol, I think it's majorly the lack of your understanding that's the main thing to address.
There's no incompetence with the Demons of Hell. Understand that first. Other in depth answers will be given to you by more advanced members and our guardians and High Priest.

What I mean to say is not that. I mean "universe is deeper than I thought". Also, I didn't say they can't master everything. I understand what HPHC refers is "true mastership, knowing the domain %100". I mean this. If they can't know %100 a domain and gets help from other demons or Father Satan to get more knowledge, this means the domains in the universe are more deeper than I thought. Of course they have mastership in every domain, compared to us. But not %100 unlike Father Satan.

Other Gods do go to Him and other Gods for answers or to accelerate their progress.

Refering this part.
serpentwalker666 said:
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
serpentwalker666 said:
When I worked with the serpent in guiding its energy to the crown, I experienced a state like the expanding of my awareness, to a very large degree. Awareness of the aether. The galaxy, our planets rotation, myself in relation to this, and the strong, very fast vibrating sensations of light, conciousness and sound, moving much faster then my astral senses could see.

This happened a few times to me, yet this state would slip from my grasp after being incorporated in my conciousness for a few minutes in deep meditation. I may be wrong, but I asked my Guardian a few times, and they confirmed each time. That this was indeed the super concious state, but just a part of it.

Is this normal for it to fade and revert back? Have I done something wrong?

I've waited to ask this question out of fear of ridicule, or doubt, but I feel I really need an answer, as I still am confused as to why this state, did not hold after the energy was brought up, and placed where it needed to be, and vented correctly.

The power, did not hold either.

If i may ask, how did you do this? Just regular satanic meditation on your crown chakra?

Through focusing on guiding the kundalini energy to the crown, through guidance from the Gods. They let me know specific days and times when to do this, and I do it.

I'm certain they will do the same for other SS who are at that point, I'm sure they already do this for those who are at that point.

My advice to you would to be prioritise cleaning the soul and empowering, as it can be a difficult experience, because of the side effects, and things that happen to the mind, body, and soul because of it.

The biggest thing I've noticed with kundalini is its a gradual thing. It takes alot of time. Some SS expect to have siddhis and very extreme things manifest when the serpent hits the crown, the truth is, this depends on alot of factors.

It can sometimes be very gradual after this happens and this point is reached. Or it can be like som expect, however it's important to throw most expectations out the window.

Just keep advancing and you will get there my friend.

Thanks. I will make sure to be ready. Kundalini behaves individually with everyone. I will just keep going and see what happens. I am not trying to force it and i am still young.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Specter said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Further, Father Satan here describes the State known as Samadhi or the "Great Piercing State" of Yoga. In this State, the direct perception [SAT] is the case, and one lives without error and deception. Additionally, Satan is very explicit about how advanced He is, and he is "All knowing and All Hearing".

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it was once said by Maxine that while Satan is all knowing, there are still some questions he cannot answer or something like there. For one, there is a prevalent question of "why" things exist(Such as the universe), and the way it exists this way, an answer that has sprouted many theories of its own but never one established on a completely solid ground. Any insight on this?

Apparently, and this might sound inconceivable, to us [it's normal that it sounds in this way], there are things that we are "Growing Into" as a universe and the Gods are still growing.

Many answers from the Gods can only arrive in a very limited fashion to us for the time being. Therefore we cannot "get all the answers", but we can definitely keep expanding so that eventually this is the case.

In comparison to us or even the other Gods, Satan is definitely all knowing and all hearing. Other Gods do go to Him and other Gods for answers or to accelerate their progress.

Instead of Satan just answering things in a verbal fashion, the process they follow is they allow other beings to see for themselves and make their own understanding. That is also part of the very essence of the whole ordeal called "life".

It might sound even weirder, but Satan can even be mysterious and way beyond even other Demons and Gods. I know this is the case as quite a few have explicitly communicated this to me and I can at least understand some aspects of this.

Makes sense. I guess there are some things that we can only comprehend gradually.
Braun666 said:
Specter said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Further, Father Satan here describes the State known as Samadhi or the "Great Piercing State" of Yoga. In this State, the direct perception [SAT] is the case, and one lives without error and deception. Additionally, Satan is very explicit about how advanced He is, and he is "All knowing and All Hearing".

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it was once said by Maxine that while Satan is all knowing, there are still some questions he cannot answer or something like there. For one, there is a prevalent question of "why" things exist(Such as the universe), and the way it exists this way, an answer that has sprouted many theories of its own but never one established on a completely solid ground. Any insight on this?

I’ll give my attempt at answering…

There are limits on how much the brain can comprehend, this is based on the physical plane and limit and degree of consciousness being expressed in us. Certain laws rule this physical plane of existence, thus things such as being able to escape death, understand how and why one has been formed, how and why the the zodiac constitutes the human form, where this all leads to etc. not only requires strenuous study in a lot of cases, but also an expanded consciousness to even begin this comprehension, where the “brain” or mind can connect these dots all together. As the astral memory and ancestral knowledge of these is more faint through the passage of time and mass consciousness focusing on utter crap(abrahamic religions).

Though it helps a lot but is not necessary, in some cases book study is not very required, but understanding of fundamentals that help one change the form so that ones cup(consciousness) has expanded to receive and be filled with knowledge is enough. This is the serpent which is seen over and over again in the ages as the most important element to clear the dross of the “spines” experience through time and aids in creating a more “blank template” so that one can elevate in a more pure spirit form through completing the magnum opus.

Satan’s understanding of us as our creator, might far exceed our current capacity to even understand this in full. I would argue that it isn’t unanswerable questions that are the issue, but how much capacity ones mind has to understand those answers given. Almost like paradoxes would exists if this goes beyond this dimension and the limits of this physical plane, but is ones mind able or ready to understand these potential paradoxes? This is a bit of speculation, but I hope you get the point here.

My thought is that though one would want to understand certain things, the limits are only how far one is at in their spiritual advancement. The same reason why it would be extremely overwhelming and I would say dangerous to present the steps of the magnum opus to someone who hasn’t meditated in an entire or multiple lifetimes, or reached a level where this information would be handled maturely and responsibly. Such a limit is based on readiness and the comprehension of ones place in the cosmos.

The same reason why, if I walked up to some stranger down the street, telling them about the truth we know here, this will in most if not all cases immediately result in resistance and even total rejection, and dissonance. That limit is based on the current unfortunate downward spiral of their soul.

As someone of Satan in the past, would and might immediately understand the tune of what you’re telling them, making it click instantly for them. Hope that sheds light.

Yeah, knowledge of this magnitude, if there even is, cannot simply be comprehended in a few sentences.
Fanboy said:
serpentwalker666 said:
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
If i may ask, how did you do this? Just regular satanic meditation on your crown chakra?

The kundalini is supposed to be a shocking scream of blinding lightning power that brings you to new life supplying all the raw effortlessly self renewing energy that one would ever need to awaken the super powers.

It is not doing this necessarily. It can have experiences like this, but most of this that you will suddenly become Superman is improper stimulation and it can even cost one's sanity in the process. There can be really powerful experiences but many work gradually.

I read all the things you describe here but the above reflects my personal opinion.

I have found out through extensive efforts this to be a lie. For one, it would cost people their sanity. The Mad Arab in the Necronomicon is a verbatim warning story for this. This can occur through accidents etc but anything can be temporary, except of lingering insanity that may follow after and/or not knowing anything of what to do.
Bright Truth said:
Manofsatan said:
Lol, I think it's majorly the lack of your understanding that's the main thing to address.
There's no incompetence with the Demons of Hell. Understand that first. Other in depth answers will be given to you by more advanced members and our guardians and High Priest.

What I mean to say is not that. I mean "universe is deeper than I thought". Also, I didn't say they can't master everything. I understand what HPHC refers is "true mastership, knowing the domain %100". I mean this. If they can't know %100 a domain and gets help from other demons or Father Satan to get more knowledge, this means the domains in the universe are more deeper than I thought. Of course they have mastership in every domain, compared to us. But not %100 unlike Father Satan.

Other Gods do go to Him and other Gods for answers or to accelerate their progress.

Refering this part.

There are many levels of existence, not just one. This is not disimmilar than what people refer to today in modern science as "Dimensions", which we know to be proven to exist. Astral, Physical etc, is names we have for this now.

Knowing 100% of something is a very serious statement, let alone it requires a lot of effort. For all our modern physics have went, we even know we don't know 10% of the material dimension that we are into right now. This expands outwards. The universe is existing in beautiful complexity.
Bravera said:

This is my own understanding of this poem, though I would trust HP Cobras explanation more than my own xD

There are indeed many interpretations. When I first read this I was like "That's a very nice poem, I love it". Not much past this.

As we grow, everything we know grows with us.

Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fanboy said:
The kundalini is supposed to be a shocking scream of blinding lightning power that brings you to new life supplying all the raw effortlessly self renewing energy that one would ever need to awaken the super powers.

It is not doing this necessarily. It can have experiences like this, but most of this that you will suddenly become Superman is improper stimulation and it can even cost one's sanity in the process. There can be really powerful experiences but many work gradually.

I read all the things you describe here but the above reflects my personal opinion.

I have found out through extensive efforts this to be a lie. For one, it would cost people their sanity. The Mad Arab in the Necronomicon is a verbatim warning story for this. This can occur through accidents etc but anything can be temporary, except of lingering insanity that may follow after and/or not knowing anything of what to do.

I'm already insane and already don't know anything of what to do. Im paranoid and anxious and everyone around me figures I'm an autistic rape victim. If this is me with a risen serpent then I'm doomed. The old woman who told me I would awaken enough energy to melt lead didn't even say goodbye and my mind goes to the most rotten places.

I'm sick of choking down pills, and crying myself to sleep because everyone sticks their rotten shit "energy" into me and I cant get it out. I'm gradually being corrupted into something disgusting and unworthy and I don't have the power or the rights to fight back at all. I'm sick of every single creature I glance at or walk within 20 feet of being stuck inside me.

My only hope has been that my true kundlaini will save me from this bullshit, if all that I am with a risen kundalini is just an energy recycling supply for kikes and niggers to abuse then I don't know what I'm going to do with myself.

I possess more strength than ever, but I'm not strong at all and I can't get pure. I'm doing everything I can but I feel like a useless mistake. Is it possible that someone who raises their kundalini could still fail and die? And is there anything I can do to get my heart and spirit back?

This does not reflect a "risen serpent" whatsoever, at best, this is an improperly affected one. If it's stimulated past an extent it can create over-sensitivity, but still, these are not indicative symptoms. Sounds more like an overcharge and nothing much past this.

If this is the case then you really need to get down to that cleaning and aura of protection, but deep internal cleaning at your own soul. That's necessary before expecting anything serious. Do intensive efforts in that regard in meditation.
I am a giraffe said:
So if we listen to 963hz and draw (( that is what I do)) would that help with the pineal gland?...

No. Only meditation will. Anything else you do can only help, but not much past this.
I am a giraffe said:
So if we listen to 963hz and draw (( that is what I do)) would that help with the pineal gland?...

Well music can stimulate the pinal gland when combined with mediation I have done it but just by listening to a boring frequency will do the opposite than help thats my opinion because the pineal gland is associated with pleasure.
I believe all those YouTube frequencies for healing and stuff is bullshit.
I am a giraffe said:
So if we listen to 963hz and draw (( that is what I do)) would that help with the pineal gland?...

This is why I don't trust anything about artificial frequencies generated and used for attracting money or healing or whatever because they are all rip offs. I can see this even in my research people want to make money and make false claims that it works and was what the pioneers like Tesla and Rife did. I really doupt all of it even some of Tesla's patents about this I mean who knows If they altered it or not.
That's also partly why I am hoping to find the missing piece of the puzzle and build a device so that I can remove a astral parasite from my soul. And also I plan to openly share it to all SS so that the truth will be out about it because 90% of people get ripped off due to a lack of knowledge.
Fanboy said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fanboy said:
I'm already insane and already don't know anything of what to do. Im paranoid and anxious and everyone around me figures I'm an autistic rape victim. If this is me with a risen serpent then I'm doomed. The old woman who told me I would awaken enough energy to melt lead didn't even say goodbye and my mind goes to the most rotten places.

I'm sick of choking down pills, and crying myself to sleep because everyone sticks their rotten shit "energy" into me and I cant get it out. I'm gradually being corrupted into something disgusting and unworthy and I don't have the power or the rights to fight back at all. I'm sick of every single creature I glance at or walk within 20 feet of being stuck inside me.

My only hope has been that my true kundlaini will save me from this bullshit, if all that I am with a risen kundalini is just an energy recycling supply for kikes and niggers to abuse then I don't know what I'm going to do with myself.

I possess more strength than ever, but I'm not strong at all and I can't get pure. I'm doing everything I can but I feel like a useless mistake. Is it possible that someone who raises their kundalini could still fail and die? And is there anything I can do to get my heart and spirit back?

This does not reflect a "risen serpent" whatsoever, at best, this is an improperly affected one. If it's stimulated past an extent it can create over-sensitivity, but still, these are not indicative symptoms. Sounds more like an overcharge and nothing much past this.

If this is the case then you really need to get down to that cleaning and aura of protection, but deep internal cleaning at your own soul. That's necessary before expecting anything serious. Do intensive efforts in that regard in meditation.

Thank goodness, I was hoping it wasn't true. I went outside for a walk and all the bad feelings went away.

My next big step is circulating the elements in my chakras, I figure then when I can really handle some fire my Serpent will start to come out. I've been basically betting everything on this and what you said scared me. I try to stay clean and protected but Sometimes I end up doing a 15 minute meditation for like 3 hours and I still can't get pure. Rtr helps alot but it takes alot too. I'll get there eventually

Im Sorry for the ranting, trying not to be a screw up with fanboy so If I say something retarded please hit the delete button. I appreciate your record speed reply 🙏. I'm getting put in a new program and I'm gonna have my own place to stay, I think it will help alot, gn :)
You do not understand, you have to leave all the advanced meditations until you're completely clean and stable minded, your kundalini will
Never rise because if it actually rises it will amplify all the dirt and shit that is already making you mentally unstable, and the same goes when you try to stimulate it. Start a deep cleaning routine and get on with it for months and months and stop looking at the advanced meditations. This if you want to actually advance.
Fanboy said:
do we have another word i might borrow? I seem to have misplaced the last one you gave us.
Surya, Vishuddi, Raum for cleaning

Algiz, Sowilo, Tiwaz for protection

There is some overlapping, like Algiz has cleaning properties and Surya works for protection just fine.
Henu the Great said:
Fanboy said:
do we have another word i might borrow? I seem to have misplaced the last one you gave us.
Surya, Vishuddi, Raum for cleaning

Algiz, Sowilo, Tiwaz for protection

There is some overlapping, like Algiz has cleaning properties and Surya works for protection just fine.

Eiws and Berkano are also helpful for protection.
HoodedCobra world video 666 Poem one, cleaning protection, still anything, end up hours misplaced acting power makeup clown thanks

Body seconds entire fault serpent wrote sleep energy

Overcome, back meditation, away really Satan's gradually myself energy, mistake nothing this away meditation simulate mentally, poem me hours been save Mad Arab
Wrote Arab knowing do feet stuck sick stick bullshit thats poem, do it empowering of it,
Understanding cultures extra attempt existence being physical, such death certain knowledge physical plane ansewring this religious mind understand ones creator in full understanding exists knowing all hearing this knowing all universe completely solid Satan focusing human things cosmos
Walked thread universe going thank you those Satan one hidden powerful case
Understand individual soul individual souls Gods God always all knowing children emotional root mental feeling physical body doing work hidden messages way this might growing opportunity Satan waterfall amazing ground worship enemies

This level purity worship destroy hordes, and universe on top Satan scary but these poetry knowledge higher getting sucked,
Get serious purity, years case powerful

Reply super concious of it
Years Satan enemies powerful sucked
Fanboy said:
Aquarius said:
Fanboy said:
Thank goodness, I was hoping it wasn't true. I went outside for a walk and all the bad feelings went away.

My next big step is circulating the elements in my chakras, I figure then when I can really handle some fire my Serpent will start to come out. I've been basically betting everything on this and what you said scared me. I try to stay clean and protected but Sometimes I end up doing a 15 minute meditation for like 3 hours and I still can't get pure. Rtr helps alot but it takes alot too. I'll get there eventually

Im Sorry for the ranting, trying not to be a screw up with fanboy so If I say something retarded please hit the delete button. I appreciate your record speed reply 🙏. I'm getting put in a new program and I'm gonna have my own place to stay, I think it will help alot, gn :)
You do not understand, you have to leave all the advanced meditations until you're completely clean and stable minded, your kundalini will
Never rise because if it actually rises it will amplify all the dirt and shit that is already making you mentally unstable, and the same goes when you try to stimulate it. Start a deep cleaning routine and get on with it for months and months and stop looking at the advanced meditations. This if you want to actually advance.

make clean pure power all day and night for weeks Enjoy existing for 15 minutes, then use the power on an rtr, waste it to some horror house alien rapist enemies who never go away, or lose it to drug addict attackers or passerbys with no concept of manners or personal space. Then I'm stuck with their face, their shit thoughts, their worthless corrupt minds, their stench oozing out of my skin. Slowly ruining my body and voice and feelings, And an absurd difficulty in doing the most easy meditations, or focusing for 10 seconds of yoga. Can't sleep and can't focus when I'm awake.

.Then if I'm lucky days later, weeks later I can be some new barely clean version of myself for 15 minutes again . Get a couple hours of nightmares and repeat process until I get attacked and manhandled by orcs that my ancestors let run lose in my homeland. Entire civilizations of enemy aliens are frying me with black magic and mind controlling the retards around me to attack me and deliver the curses directly. How does one win against such infinite magnitudes of kikery?

The earth and the sky and the sun and the aether are more on my side than ever. It's not the world or myself that wants me destroyed, the seeds of failure are gone, Its this creepy humanity that expects us to enjoy getting blended like a chocolate milkshake. I'm trying to be a delicious strawberry milkshake here its not my fault they don't lIke it

Ive gradually awakened, risen, and merged multipe different serpents according to and going beyond the instructions on the jos page.. So to say I have "a poorly affected serpent" is just you saying you don't care enough to use your intuition on me. nobody here knows how to Effect or identify "THE" serpent. We just have to guess. So I'm just guessing. I guess you are guessing as well. Seeing a baby and his life before he even exists is quite an intuitive ability. I must be a Clown in thick makeup if you can't see me.

I can't let the pigs own the house and just keep cleaning up after them. Theres 1 trillion pigs, and my thoughts are all bacon..Telling me to be a better battery is not sound advice. I need wisdom and preventative measures, secrets, special techniques and invincible power to overcome these problems. I don't even remember my own name anymore all I know is suryayae. do we have another word i might borrow? I seem to have misplaced the last one you gave us.

This is all the work of your own mind, you let it so this to you. You are mentally unstable as I have already pointed out, now you can play the "I've risen my kundalini multiple times" game or accept your situation and work hard to stabilize your mind with grounding meditations, especially void meditation.
What/Where is the source of the Satanic Doctrines? I can find the Al Jilwah easy enough at Sacred texts but as for the rest they are nowhere to be found.
Fanboy said:
Aquarius said:
Fanboy said:
make clean pure power all day and night for weeks Enjoy existing for 15 minutes, then use the power on an rtr, waste it to some horror house alien rapist enemies who never go away, or lose it to drug addict attackers or passerbys with no concept of manners or personal space. Then I'm stuck with their face, their shit thoughts, their worthless corrupt minds, their stench oozing out of my skin. Slowly ruining my body and voice and feelings, And an absurd difficulty in doing the most easy meditations, or focusing for 10 seconds of yoga. Can't sleep and can't focus when I'm awake.

.Then if I'm lucky days later, weeks later I can be some new barely clean version of myself for 15 minutes again . Get a couple hours of nightmares and repeat process until I get attacked and manhandled by orcs that my ancestors let run lose in my homeland. Entire civilizations of enemy aliens are frying me with black magic and mind controlling the retards around me to attack me and deliver the curses directly. How does one win against such infinite magnitudes of kikery?

The earth and the sky and the sun and the aether are more on my side than ever. It's not the world or myself that wants me destroyed, the seeds of failure are gone, Its this creepy humanity that expects us to enjoy getting blended like a chocolate milkshake. I'm trying to be a delicious strawberry milkshake here its not my fault they don't lIke it

Ive gradually awakened, risen, and merged multipe different serpents according to and going beyond the instructions on the jos page.. So to say I have "a poorly affected serpent" is just you saying you don't care enough to use your intuition on me. nobody here knows how to Effect or identify "THE" serpent. We just have to guess. So I'm just guessing. I guess you are guessing as well. Seeing a baby and his life before he even exists is quite an intuitive ability. I must be a Clown in thick makeup if you can't see me.

I can't let the pigs own the house and just keep cleaning up after them. Theres 1 trillion pigs, and my thoughts are all bacon..Telling me to be a better battery is not sound advice. I need wisdom and preventative measures, secrets, special techniques and invincible power to overcome these problems. I don't even remember my own name anymore all I know is suryayae. do we have another word i might borrow? I seem to have misplaced the last one you gave us.

This is all the work of your own mind, you let it so this to you. You are mentally unstable as I have already pointed out, now you can play the "I've risen my kundalini multiple times" game or accept your situation and work hard to stabilize your mind with grounding meditations, especially void meditation.

I have been toiling over the serpent meditations every single day since I turned 16. 5 years of hard work and you think I have accomplished nothing?

My experiences are not imaginary.

I will raise my true kundalini and then I'll flaunt myself like a peacock and smile every second of every day. I've been here since before I could properly read or say the word kundalini, and I have grown so much. Don't talk to me about grounding, I was literally a man before I was me.

I will get what I want because I will take it, your condescending insults are not what I want so I will not be taking it. Keep your name off my screen
You're literally mentally sick, be honest with yourself.
This was, So beautiful!!🔥🙏 I enjoyed reading this. Thank you for sharing this!💗 HAIL SATAN!!🐍🍷💖
A very beautiful and empowering poem that filled me with pride and inspiration like the Yezidi texts.
Fanboy said:
Lucifuge said:
HoodedCobra world video 666 Poem one, cleaning protection, still anything, end up hours misplaced acting power makeup clown thanks

Body seconds entire fault serpent wrote sleep energy

Overcome, back meditation, away really Satan's gradually myself energy, mistake nothing this away meditation simulate mentally, poem me hours been save Mad Arab
Wrote Arab knowing do feet stuck sick stick bullshit thats poem, do it empowering of it,
Understanding cultures extra attempt existence being physical, such death certain knowledge physical plane ansewring this religious mind understand ones creator in full understanding exists knowing all hearing this knowing all universe completely solid Satan focusing human things cosmos
Walked thread universe going thank you those Satan one hidden powerful case
Understand individual soul individual souls Gods God always all knowing children emotional root mental feeling physical body doing work hidden messages way this might growing opportunity Satan waterfall amazing ground worship enemies

This level purity worship destroy hordes, and universe on top Satan scary but these poetry knowledge higher getting sucked,
Get serious purity, years case powerful

Reply super concious of it
Years Satan enemies powerful sucked

Привет, у меня есть гигантский петух
И я люблю иностраниц
ты говоришь английский, или русский?
Мы стать друг?

Ni Hei shou Han yu? Ni Zhong gou ren?

Wo shi zui Hai de lei. Xie xie


Wrote because sleep awake
Egypt be honest yourself FanBoy exists poorly you my screen
Anymore risen gave us thoughts
Remember hidden messages understanding Satan our God more reality him Priest 666 All Satan against him
More knowledge revelation droplet know ocean greater spirit

Unique Satan this poem these

Know droplet in it priest hidden also Satan All concepts 666 him faster Satan is reality exist people

Know droplet relax already known clown
Powerful places most myself back
These spirit thoughts droplet
Even you oneself wrote super powers
Arab my mind goes places Joy of Satan everything Satan us poem past
Satan hidden messages explaination

Beautiful poem or won't revolt humanity outward physics universe

Serious existence physical etc
How your grows Satan wrote power anything
Past Satan supplying awaken powers super

Opinion do anything, this can Necronomicon Arab rotten energy places physical

Physics spirit messages Satan Satan universe Satan energy places physical

Having fucking shame power serpent light
They will young specter
Religious HoodedCobra Samadhi solid wrong Satan many wrong insight solid Arab energy rotten All Hearing, but Satan aspects gradually whole time here some questions about growing

Places advanced, crown anything energy
Correctly young messages without energy places Satan them being knowledge

Meditation over imaginary talk screen
Shame insight Satan Hearing growing energy Arab rotten light energy,
but crown knowledge
Solid Hearing energy
Young some growing all time knowledge energy Satan
Them being knowledge
Them Satan growing Hearing energy
Fault poem one, entire fault Mad Arab talk screen Satan energy growing All
holy cow this was a good post. i felt the power of gods through this.

love u high priest THANK YOU!!!!!
Fanboy said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
What/Where is the source of the Satanic Doctrines? I can find the Al Jilwah easy enough at Sacred texts but as for the rest they are nowhere to be found.

When we do the dedication and open our senses, our minds become linked and our knowledge is actually shared. No doctrine xD buuuut....

The satans library basically and Maxine sermons. And Cobras book, and the witchcraft section has Satanic philosophy. Take what you deserve, have respect, love deeply, do justice, stay safe, be free.. etc. Joyofsatanministries on YouTube

On sacredtexts.com you can also find everything from scrolls and hieroglyphics in Egypt. And there's a cool thing called the smaragdine tablet translated by Isaac Newton written by a direct disciple of thoth.
It is basically the story line of the first "dark souls" game. One of my favourite games :)

From book store basically you can find the Norse Eddas, the greek legends, and the Roman Pantheon.

My uncle got me the Norse mythology by a lady named guerber and classical roman+Greek mythology also by the guerber lady.

There is a big story called the titanomachy which you have to find separately, then there is something called Jason and the argonauts with a kraken which is also separate. And then a perceus story where he kills my favourite character Medusa, And goes to Atlantis I think can't remember.

And then there's a guy named herakles or Hercules and he accidentally kills his family and to redeem his soul he has to do 13 impossibly scary tasks. It's called the 12 labour's.

Then there's a story about king Arthur and his friend lancelot, who his golden eyed wife cheats on him with because Arthur is never around.

Generally the God's names were compiled in a list in the Torah called the "key of solomon" Solomon was a kike pyromancer wizard that probably didn't exist.
This inspired the necronomicon, and the neconomicon inspired Anton lavey/Levi

Keep an open heart and open mind. The Gods sometimes possess story writers and have them put powerful messages in other places like TV and movies aswell. I really like dragon ball with the GT ending all in english It's so inspiring goku is the greatest character ever, also I like Spiderman with toby and starwars.

Then if you really wanna get bored you can read Homer's odysse, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates and tons of other Greek guys knew what the world was like when it was just us and the statues thw gods left us.
I think they might know a thing or two. An interesting thing to note is you can tell alot about a person by who their favourite God is. The Greeks said that Zeus was the mightiest, and they lived in the crazy age of Aries. And their souls probably came from an even stranger age of Taurus where men were born to die on some random hill or some random valley, where they though the rain was Thor crying and the sun was Apollo on a horse.

I don't know if you're gonna get Satanic doctrine but there's definitely some stuff if you like to bookworm <(*-*)>

I plan to read heroditus on scythians aswell,

There is also a book translated from the walls of a hidden temple in Malaysia called like "vedic texts" or something like the black script. Then obviously sitchin did a book called the 12th planet where he and a competitor decoded the sumerian tablets. I think the gods stopped that movie from being animated thank goodness. Old video games from 2007 still have the posters "Nephilem coming soon"

Anyways I'm sure you know all this already, I also want to see what Cobras favourite myths are. I'm gonna use the search function and try and find his old post on it but I do hope he responds.

Do you have any favourite series or anything like that ?

what do you think about the lost book of enki if youve read or heard oof it it was in the old yahoo groups. im halfway through and I've been warned prior that there are lies but i think there's like you said some truths.
Fanboy said:
serpentwalker666 said:
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
If i may ask, how did you do this? Just regular satanic meditation on your crown chakra?

Through focusing on guiding the kundalini energy to the crown, through guidance from the Gods. They let me know specific days and times when to do this, and I do it.

I'm certain they will do the same for other SS who are at that point, I'm sure they already do this for those who are at that point.

My advice to you would to be prioritise cleaning the soul and empowering, as it can be a difficult experience, because of the side effects, and things that happen to the mind, body, and soul because of it.

The biggest thing I've noticed with kundalini is its a gradual thing. It takes alot of time. Some SS expect to have siddhis and very extreme things manifest when the serpent hits the crown, the truth is, this depends on alot of factors.

It can sometimes be very gradual after this happens and this point is reached. Or it can be like som expect, however it's important to throw most expectations out the window.

Just keep advancing and you will get there my friend.

Have you done the single serpent and twin serpent meditations? Have you pinned the twins and made the orb of special energy in the middle of their mouths. Then brought the single serpent to bite over them?

Then did you raise another serpent from the Base of the spine and merge it with the single serpent?

Which serpent are you guys talking about? You can't just expect people to get anywhere by telling Then to clean more. Like wtf we all do hours of meditation everyday like how much more cleaning can I do?

You have to do super specific techniques like why are you saying "just focus on empowering and cleaning"? It doesn't help anybody. Everybody is already empowering and cleaning the most they possibly can. Tell us a real technique to help!
You need more cleaning if you still think that transgender is a valid gender.
Fanboy said:
serpentwalker666 said:
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
If i may ask, how did you do this? Just regular satanic meditation on your crown chakra?

Through focusing on guiding the kundalini energy to the crown, through guidance from the Gods. They let me know specific days and times when to do this, and I do it.

I'm certain they will do the same for other SS who are at that point, I'm sure they already do this for those who are at that point.

My advice to you would to be prioritise cleaning the soul and empowering, as it can be a difficult experience, because of the side effects, and things that happen to the mind, body, and soul because of it.

The biggest thing I've noticed with kundalini is its a gradual thing. It takes alot of time. Some SS expect to have siddhis and very extreme things manifest when the serpent hits the crown, the truth is, this depends on alot of factors.

It can sometimes be very gradual after this happens and this point is reached. Or it can be like som expect, however it's important to throw most expectations out the window.

Just keep advancing and you will get there my friend.

Have you done the single serpent and twin serpent meditations? Have you pinned the twins and made the orb of special energy in the middle of their mouths. Then brought the single serpent to bite over them?

Then did you raise another serpent from the Base of the spine and merge it with the single serpent?

Which serpent are you guys talking about? You can't just expect people to get anywhere by telling Then to clean more. Like wtf we all do hours of meditation everyday like how much more cleaning can I do?

You have to do super specific techniques like why are you saying "just focus on empowering and cleaning"? It doesn't help anybody. Everybody is already empowering and cleaning the most they possibly can. Tell us a real technique to help!

Hate to break it to you, but you're very confused. The kundalini is none of those serpents, and you clearly have no experience of the kundalini. Otherwise, you wouldn't be doing anything transgender. Your ida and pingala are also quite damaged.

How much cleaning do you need to do? A huge lot more, since you have all these unresolved issues and, instead of sorting them out, you are expanding them and inviting more enemy dirt into it.
Stormblood said:
Fanboy said:
serpentwalker666 said:
Through focusing on guiding the kundalini energy to the crown, through guidance from the Gods. They let me know specific days and times when to do this, and I do it.

I'm certain they will do the same for other SS who are at that point, I'm sure they already do this for those who are at that point.

My advice to you would to be prioritise cleaning the soul and empowering, as it can be a difficult experience, because of the side effects, and things that happen to the mind, body, and soul because of it.

The biggest thing I've noticed with kundalini is its a gradual thing. It takes alot of time. Some SS expect to have siddhis and very extreme things manifest when the serpent hits the crown, the truth is, this depends on alot of factors.

It can sometimes be very gradual after this happens and this point is reached. Or it can be like som expect, however it's important to throw most expectations out the window.

Just keep advancing and you will get there my friend.

Have you done the single serpent and twin serpent meditations? Have you pinned the twins and made the orb of special energy in the middle of their mouths. Then brought the single serpent to bite over them?

Then did you raise another serpent from the Base of the spine and merge it with the single serpent?

Which serpent are you guys talking about? You can't just expect people to get anywhere by telling Then to clean more. Like wtf we all do hours of meditation everyday like how much more cleaning can I do?

You have to do super specific techniques like why are you saying "just focus on empowering and cleaning"? It doesn't help anybody. Everybody is already empowering and cleaning the most they possibly can. Tell us a real technique to help!

Hate to break it to you, but you're very confused. The kundalini is none of those serpents, and you clearly have no experience of the kundalini. Otherwise, you wouldn't be doing anything transgender. Your ida and pingala are also quite damaged.

How much cleaning do you need to do? A huge lot more, since you have all these unresolved issues and, instead of sorting them out, you are expanding them and inviting more enemy dirt into it.
How does the Kundalini snake rise? Does it pierce the chakras in the spine,the throat chakra, and then the sixth and crown chakra?
Fanboy said:
Lucifuge said:
Fanboy said:
Привет, у меня есть гигантский петух
И я люблю иностраниц
ты говоришь английский, или русский?
Мы стать друг?

Ni Hei shou Han yu? Ni Zhong gou ren?

Wo shi zui Hai de lei. Xie xie


Wrote because sleep awake
Egypt be honest yourself FanBoy exists poorly you my screen
Anymore risen gave us thoughts
Remember hidden messages understanding Satan our God more reality him Priest 666 All Satan against him
More knowledge revelation droplet know ocean greater spirit

Unique Satan this poem these

Know droplet in it priest hidden also Satan All concepts 666 him faster Satan is reality exist people

Know droplet relax already known clown
Powerful places most myself back
These spirit thoughts droplet
Even you oneself wrote super powers
Arab my mind goes places Joy of Satan everything Satan us poem past
Satan hidden messages explaination

Beautiful poem or won't revolt humanity outward physics universe

Serious existence physical etc
How your grows Satan wrote power anything
Past Satan supplying awaken powers super

Opinion do anything, this can Necronomicon Arab rotten energy places physical

Physics spirit messages Satan Satan universe Satan energy places physical

Having fucking shame power serpent light
They will young specter
Religious HoodedCobra Samadhi solid wrong Satan many wrong insight solid Arab energy rotten All Hearing, but Satan aspects gradually whole time here some questions about growing

Places advanced, crown anything energy
Correctly young messages without energy places Satan them being knowledge

Meditation over imaginary talk screen
Shame insight Satan Hearing growing energy Arab rotten light energy,
but crown knowledge
Solid Hearing energy
Young some growing all time knowledge energy Satan
Them being knowledge
Them Satan growing Hearing energy
Fault poem one, entire fault Mad Arab talk screen Satan energy growing All

I woke up just to write to you Fanboy. You are not of Egypt, be honest and dissapear from my screen!

Don't give reincarnation a thought, remember the hidden knowledge of our god. knowing the final chaotic step is to know the greater spirit of the sea.

Hooded Cobra is not explaining the most important concepts of this Satanic poem, and for this you know these poems are real and written by Satan himself.

Hooded Cobra soothes us with superficial analysis of the poem, pleasing the clowns with mere droplets of water.

But he retains the strongest sea of knowledge for himself. He reveals he has the mind powers like the Mad Arab of the necronomicon.

My heart goes out to the joy of Satan for all the work they have done.

Satan's hidden knowledge shows us a beautiful world of poetry and science that doesn't offend the human mind. But instead makes perfect sense to us.This is how Satan uses the kundalini beyond awakening super powers.

The lies of the necronomicon are decaying and the truth of Satan is illuminating our understanding of the Serpent.

With the wrong powers guiding meditators to the serpent, many have fallen victim and become young ghosts. Hooded Cobras insights about the samhadi state are completely wrong, it is not all hearing, but gradually more questions do arise as to whether it is possible.

With enough energy we can move forward, but without enough power, Satan's wisdom is just plain knowledge.

Knowing Satan only through his writing will provide shamefull insights that decay your light. But the crown chakra is the key to hearing Satan. And so those who know the crown, can know the knowledge of all time.

And so they ARE Satan's knowledge, and they empower his voice. Cobra if you misuse this voice, you will end up just like the Mad arab.

Shows out necronomicon and science serpent knowledge
Key time fallen serpent power
Arab time just you will end up like the Mad Arab
Fanboy said:
Kebabguy said:
Stormblood said:
Hate to break it to you, but you're very confused. The kundalini is none of those serpents, and you clearly have no experience of the kundalini. Otherwise, you wouldn't be doing anything transgender. Your ida and pingala are also quite damaged.

How much cleaning do you need to do? A huge lot more, since you have all these unresolved issues and, instead of sorting them out, you are expanding them and inviting more enemy dirt into it.
How does the Kundalini snake rise? Does it pierce the chakras in the spine,the throat chakra, and then the sixth and crown chakra?

From the base of the spine where it's coiled

up through the rear chakra extensions. And then through the brain stem hitting the rear 6th chakra then up out the crown

I think.

My advice to you is still the same as it was. Please, focus on aura and soul cleaning. Do a deep cleaning working, keep up the meditations, void meditation and go from there.

The serpent rises when its time, the reason I stress the importance of cleaning is that it makes the process a whole lot easier when the serpent starts jolting the body, as the kundalini will bring up unresolved issues and dross in the soul, like experienced members Aquarius, and Stormblood described, and also why they continued to emphasize the importance of cleaning the energetic bodies and chakras of dross.

We aren't trying to mislead you or anything. We are just seriously being honest, you need to do a whole bunch of soul cleaning to prepare for the kundalini awakening, and ascension.

That and it doesn't have to be like, an all day thing.

Just have a consistent meditation routine, cleaning routine, some yoga, and the warfare.

In fact, meditating too much can cause issues with the body, mind and soul adjusting, balance is crucially important.

As for what you said about the serpents, I advise you to continue research. It's like a force of energy energy with it's own form of conciousness. It's very hard to describe unless someone experiences it directly.

That and it's hard for me to put into words honestly.

The kundalini is like a part of Satan, an aspect of him, that is locked deep inside us.

The more we perfect and work on ourselves. The more we become a better vessel to hold this godly essence, and it works through us more and more as a result.

There is also alot of exaggerated shit you will find that people when they raise the serpent, they think they made super saipan or something, they let it completely go to their head and go crazy.

The serpent can indeed catapult someone spiritually, but we are all individual.

After it's risen sometimes work still has to be done, to become a good conduit, vessel for this force.
I just don't have the knowledge yet to understand, as I progress I will understand more for sure.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
