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Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....


New member
Jun 16, 2010
HP Maxine has spoken before about the fact that some writers who are sympathetic to Christianity and just refuse to understand how bogus it is—will write books that attempt to "explain" how Christianity and the Pagan religions "united" (as if it were a friendly merger rather than a forced invasion that culminated in torture and murder of the Pagans and especially their spiritual leaders by the Christians)—and introduce such atrociously absurd and blasphemous (to Satan) notions as that "Jesus Christ" was some kind of extension of Pagan spirituality—such as an Egyptian Phaoroah, or (and I choke as I relate this) "the Greatest Arch-Druid of them all," or a "Master of Hebrew Serpent Wisdom"---yes, choke alright—on my own vomit.

I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the book—called "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkham—was mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"—which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostly—pervaded so many ancient cultures all around the world—from Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.—and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is true—or I did, until I got to Chapter 13.

Then here we go…according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"—whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources

According to this drivel:

--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILL—what nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLO—Jewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)

and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:

--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOL—you seem to have got it in reverse!)

J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.

We know that "Saul of Tarsus"—a Jew—was the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originally—so the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).

And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, no—"He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)—NOT to help further it!

This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murdered—so he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!

Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdom—it was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.

Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?

Therefore—this author truly has his head you-know-where—and I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.

At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information…which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.

So the point here is…it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sources—but just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.

And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for him—and he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making ventures—which is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).

AND, they have their own "religious order" based on—the Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.

Christianity and Satanism do not mix—PERIOD.

(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13—trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).
Jewsus the "Arch-Druid"? "Hebrew Serpent wisdom"?

I just lost my appetite.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@... wrote:

HP Maxine has spoken before about the fact that some writers who are sympathetic to Christianity and just refuse to understand how bogus it is—will write books that attempt to "explain" how Christianity and the Pagan religions "united" (as if it were a friendly merger rather than a forced invasion that culminated in torture and murder of the Pagans and especially their spiritual leaders by the Christians)—and introduce such atrociously absurd and blasphemous (to Satan) notions as that "Jesus Christ" was some kind of extension of Pagan spirituality—such as an Egyptian Phaoroah, or (and I choke as I relate this) "the Greatest Arch-Druid of them all," or a "Master of Hebrew Serpent Wisdom"---yes, choke alright—on my own vomit.

I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the book—called "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkham—was mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"—which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostly—pervaded so many ancient cultures all around the world—from Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.—and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is true—or I did, until I got to Chapter 13.

Then here we go…according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"—whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources

According to this drivel:

--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILL—what nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLO—Jewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)

and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:

--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOL—you seem to have got it in reverse!)

J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.

We know that "Saul of Tarsus"—a Jew—was the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originally—so the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).

And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, no—"He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)—NOT to help further it!

This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murdered—so he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!

Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdom—it was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.

Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?

Therefore—this author truly has his head you-know-where—and I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.

At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information…which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.

So the point here is…it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sources—but just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.

And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for him—and he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making ventures—which is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).

AND, they have their own "religious order" based on—the Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.

Christianity and Satanism do not mix—PERIOD.

(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13—trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).
As we have been taught by our trusted clergy,diluted truth makes all BS.  Hail Satan
"I will crush Christianity under my boot like a poisonous toad." - Adolf Hitler
From: kokabiel24 <moonshadow48@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 3:34 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

  HP Maxine has spoken before about the fact that some writers who are sympathetic to Christianity and just refuse to understand how bogus it is—will write books that attempt to "explain" how Christianity and the Pagan religions "united" (as if it were a friendly merger rather than a forced invasion that culminated in torture and murder of the Pagans and especially their spiritual leaders by the Christians)—and introduce such atrociously absurd and blasphemous (to Satan) notions as that "Jesus Christ" was some kind of extension of Pagan spirituality—such as an Egyptian Phaoroah, or (and I choke as I relate this) "the Greatest Arch-Druid of them all," or a "Master of Hebrew Serpent Wisdom"---yes, choke alright—on my own vomit.

I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the book—called "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkham—was mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"—which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostly—pervaded so many ancient cultures all around the world—from Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.—and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is true—or I did, until I got to Chapter 13.

Then here we go…according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"—whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources

According to this drivel:

--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILL—what nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLO—Jewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)

and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:

--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOL—you seem to have got it in reverse!)

J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.

We know that "Saul of Tarsus"—a Jew—was the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originally—so the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).

And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, no—"He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)—NOT to help further it!

This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murdered—so he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!

Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdom—it was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.

Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?

Therefore—this author truly has his head you-know-where—and I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.

At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information…which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.

So the point here is…it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sources—but just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.

And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for him—and he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making ventures—which is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).

AND, they have their own "religious order" based on—the Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.

Christianity and Satanism do not mix—PERIOD.

(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13—trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).
Good sch-peel Kokabiel, thanks for sharing!~
~ Hail Enki!~ Hail Father Satan!~ Heil Hitler!~ Heil Heinrich Himmler!~ Hail the Mighty Gods of Duat!~ Heil the Ascended Master St. Germaine!~ 

On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 4:37 PM, lydia_666@... <lydia_666@... wrote:
  Jewsus the "Arch-Druid"? "Hebrew Serpent wisdom"?

I just lost my appetite.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@... wrote:

HP Maxine has spoken before about the fact that some writers who are sympathetic to Christianity and just refuse to understand how bogus it is—will write books that attempt to "explain" how Christianity and the Pagan religions "united" (as if it were a friendly merger rather than a forced invasion that culminated in torture and murder of the Pagans and especially their spiritual leaders by the Christians)—and introduce such atrociously absurd and blasphemous (to Satan) notions as that "Jesus Christ" was some kind of extension of Pagan spirituality—such as an Egyptian Phaoroah, or (and I choke as I relate this) "the Greatest Arch-Druid of them all," or a "Master of Hebrew Serpent Wisdom"---yes, choke alright—on my own vomit.

I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the book—called "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkham—was mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"—which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostly—pervaded so many ancient cultures all around the world—from Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.—and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is true—or I did, until I got to Chapter 13.

Then here we go…according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"—whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources

According to this drivel:

--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILL—what nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLO—Jewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)

and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:

--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOL—you seem to have got it in reverse!)

J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.

We know that "Saul of Tarsus"—a Jew—was the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originally—so the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).

And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, no—"He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)—NOT to help further it!

This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murdered—so he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!

Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdom—it was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.

Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?

Therefore—this author truly has his head you-know-where—and I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.

At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information…which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.

So the point here is…it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sources—but just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.

And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for him—and he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making ventures—which is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).

AND, they have their own "religious order" based on—the Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.

Christianity and Satanism do not mix—PERIOD.

(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13—trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).

<[/IMG]<font>~ Hail Enki!~ Hail Father Satan!~ Heil Hitler! ~ Heil Himmler!~ Hail the Mighty Gods of Duat!~    ~ Heil the Ascended Master St. Germaine! ~[/I]
Just saying, but... If Satanism and xianity (won't even give it the respect of a capital x) don't mix, why do we continue to use the name Satan knowing it was invented by jews and the lying ass bible. I use the name Enki, or any other name that is not affiliated with lies.
  http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/157   As many of you are aware, "Satan" translates as TRUTH in Sanskrit, the original
language of humanity.

The Sanskrit root word "Sat", also sometimes "Satya" means Truth. "An" is also a
shortening of "Ananta" which means Eternal/Infinite/Never ending, etc. The name
"Satan" as a whole can also therefore be translated as "Truth Eternal" or "The
Infinite and Never Ending Truth". Our God Satan IS the Eternal, Infinite and
Never Ending Truth!

The enemy kikes stole this, incorporating it into their filthy forged "language"
they call hebrew, changing the meaning of this Sacred Name to "adversary". What
they are blatantly saying is that the Eternal and Never Ending Truth, Satan, is
their adversary. Truth is their worst enemy, as they are nothing but lies.

As well as this, Satan is also a name and word of great Spiritual Power and
Enlightenment. As High Priestess Maxine Dietrich says on the Joy of Satan site,
"Satanama", also a longer version of Satan, is an extremely Powerful Sanskrit
Mantra which has been used for thousands of years to reach a state of Spiritual

"Satan" can also be found in many other Powerful Sanskrit words. Here are a few
-The "Four Kumaras" or great Spiritual Powers were called Sanaka, Sanatana,
Sanandana and Sanatkumara. The Four Kumaras were called the "Sons of Brahma".
Brahma here appears to be a name for the infinite Energy and Power called
"Ether" from which all was created, and the "Four Kumaras" seem to represent the
Four All Powerful Elements, Ether being the Fifth and the originator of the
others. The Elements are vital to all existence and form the Soul. Satan gave us
our Soul, and Satan is a Master over the Elements.
-The Sanskrit word Sanaatan or Sanataana which means eternal, fixed, perpetual,
ever present, the fixed creation and also Ancient and everlasting.
-The term "Sanatan Dharma" which means "The Eternal Law" or "Eternal teaching of
Truth" which was the original name given to the religion followed by the people
of the Indu's Valley.
-Santa which in Sanskrit means peaceful, calm and stilled, i.e. the state of
Meditation where the mind is cleared and focused on one point. It can also mean
"complete" and also "equilibrium".
-SatNam which means "the True Name".
-Satsang which means "the wise".

The Sanskrit word for "lineage", "race" or "descending from" is also SaMtaana,
and this was used as a term for Gentile People in Sanskrit. It's interesting
that the word for Race or Lineage contains the name Satan within it, as this is
yet more proof of the Gentile People being descended from Satan and so deeply
connected to our True God Satan. SaMtaana also means "continuous flow",
"connection to", "family" and "children".

The name "Satan" has always been associated with great Power and Importance.

All of this proves even further that it is Satan/Enki that is Truth, Power and
Knowledge. Satan is the True God of the Gentile People!

Hail Beelzebub!!
Hail Astaroth!!
Hail Azazel!!
Hail Lilith!!
Hail All the Mighty Gods of Hell!!

Heil Hitler and the True Heroes!!

-High Priestess Zildar Raasi


Joy of Satan Ministries

=====================================   The jews stated Satan [/IMG]</var>
From: Jonathan <phenex_the_fallen@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 11:21:17 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

  Just saying, but... If Satanism and xianity (won't even give it the respect of a capital x) don't mix, why do we continue to use the name Satan knowing it was invented by jews and the lying ass bible. I use the name Enki, or any other name that is not affiliated with lies.

From: kokabiel24 <moonshadow48@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 4:34:42 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

  HP Maxine has spoken before about the fact that some writers who are sympathetic to Christianity and just refuse to understand how bogus it is—will write books that attempt to "explain" how Christianity and the Pagan religions "united" (as if it were a friendly merger rather than a forced invasion that culminated in torture and murder of the Pagans and especially their spiritual leaders by the Christians)—and introduce such atrociously absurd and blasphemous (to Satan) notions as that "Jesus Christ" was some kind of extension of Pagan spirituality—such as an Egyptian Phaoroah, or (and I choke as I relate this) "the Greatest Arch-Druid of them all," or a "Master of Hebrew Serpent Wisdom"---yes, choke alright—on my own vomit.

I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the book—called "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkham—was mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"—which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostly—pervaded so many ancient cultures all around the world—from Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.—and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is true—or I did, until I got to Chapter 13.

Then here we go…according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"—whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources

According to this drivel:

--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILL—what nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLO—Jewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)

and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:

--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOL—you seem to have got it in reverse!)

J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.

We know that "Saul of Tarsus"—a Jew—was the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originally—so the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).

And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, no—"He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)—NOT to help further it!

This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murdered—so he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!

Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdom—it was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.

Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?

Therefore—this author truly has his head you-know-where—and I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.

At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information…which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.

So the point here is…it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sources—but just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.

And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for him—and he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making ventures—which is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).

AND, they have their own "religious order" based on—the Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.

Christianity and Satanism do not mix—PERIOD.

(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13—trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).

LOL !! fantastic penning and exposing the man who misses
the toilet 'cause his head's up his ass. Your fiction's
gotta be killer cause your essay's the bomb !!
Thanks Moonshadow !!
hail Enki who inspires !!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@... wrote:

HP Maxine has spoken before about the fact that some writers who are sympathetic to Christianity and just refuse to understand how bogus it is—will write books that attempt to "explain" how Christianity and the Pagan religions "united" (as if it were a friendly merger rather than a forced invasion that culminated in torture and murder of the Pagans and especially their spiritual leaders by the Christians)—and introduce such atrociously absurd and blasphemous (to Satan) notions as that "Jesus Christ" was some kind of extension of Pagan spirituality—such as an Egyptian Phaoroah, or (and I choke as I relate this) "the Greatest Arch-Druid of them all," or a "Master of Hebrew Serpent Wisdom"---yes, choke alright—on my own vomit.

I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the book—called "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkham—was mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"—which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostly—pervaded so many ancient cultures all around the world—from Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.—and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is true—or I did, until I got to Chapter 13.

Then here we go…according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"—whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources

According to this drivel:

--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILL—what nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLO—Jewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)

and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:

--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOL—you seem to have got it in reverse!)

J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.

We know that "Saul of Tarsus"—a Jew—was the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originally—so the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).

And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, no—"He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)—NOT to help further it!

This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murdered—so he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!

Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdom—it was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.

Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?

Therefore—this author truly has his head you-know-where—and I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.

At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information…which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.

So the point here is…it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sources—but just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.

And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for him—and he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making ventures—which is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).

AND, they have their own "religious order" based on—the Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.

Christianity and Satanism do not mix—PERIOD.

(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13—trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).
B/c it wasn't Invented by Jews--it means "Truth" in Sanscrit. Just b/c they wish it to have a different meaning, doesn't mean WE have to agree. When I get messages from Satan he either refers to himself as Satan or Ea...my GD refers to him by those names too. The Xians and Jews did not invent a damned thing--they steal.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Jonathan" <phenex_the_fallen@... wrote:

Just saying, but... If Satanism and xianity (won't even give it the respect of a capital x) don't mix, why do we continue to use the name Satan knowing it was invented by jews and the lying ass bible. I use the name Enki, or any other name that is not affiliated with lies.
Thanks--I give all the credit to Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kittyahawk3@..." <kittyahawk3@... wrote:

LOL !! fantastic penning and exposing the man who misses
the toilet 'cause his head's up his ass. Your fiction's
gotta be killer cause your essay's the bomb !!
Thanks Moonshadow !!
hail Enki who inspires !!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

HP Maxine has spoken before about the fact that some writers who are sympathetic to Christianity and just refuse to understand how bogus it is—will write books that attempt to "explain" how Christianity and the Pagan religions "united" (as if it were a friendly merger rather than a forced invasion that culminated in torture and murder of the Pagans and especially their spiritual leaders by the Christians)—and introduce such atrociously absurd and blasphemous (to Satan) notions as that "Jesus Christ" was some kind of extension of Pagan spirituality—such as an Egyptian Phaoroah, or (and I choke as I relate this) "the Greatest Arch-Druid of them all," or a "Master of Hebrew Serpent Wisdom"---yes, choke alright—on my own vomit.

I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the book—called "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkham—was mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"—which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostly—pervaded so many ancient cultures all around the world—from Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.—and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is true—or I did, until I got to Chapter 13.

Then here we go…according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"—whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources

According to this drivel:

--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILL—what nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLO—Jewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)

and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:

--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOL—you seem to have got it in reverse!)

J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.

We know that "Saul of Tarsus"—a Jew—was the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originally—so the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).

And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, no—"He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)—NOT to help further it!

This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murdered—so he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!

Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdom—it was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.

Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?

Therefore—this author truly has his head you-know-where—and I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.

At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information…which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.

So the point here is…it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sources—but just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.

And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for him—and he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making ventures—which is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).

AND, they have their own "religious order" based on—the Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.

Christianity and Satanism do not mix—PERIOD.

(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13—trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).
It's obvious, isn't it Don--also, that fool author dares to insist "Jesus" was some kind of "master of serpent wisdom" and he calls his religious order something to do with the Templars--Jacques de Molay was tortured for 7 years and then burnt at the stake by the king of France in collusion with the Pope--b/c he owed money but MOSTLY b/c the Pope didn't like the fact the Knights knew the truth...that guy even daring to relate his group to the Templars while praising Jeebus, he's talking out of both sides of his mouth, obviously a liar and deceiver--Molay must be spinning in his grave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

This nu age sect of xianity has been in the works for awhile it started with theosophy and just changed it up here and there as new infomation came into the public. The enemy needs to keep this program going yoking everything under their program and corrupting it as much as possible.
All the jewish characters are fakes and where created by stealing the images of Gentile Gods and corrupting them into jewish fictions. This fact has been noted by more then one honest scholar on the subject.

From: kokabiel24 <moonshadow48@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 4:34:42 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

HP Maxine has spoken before about the fact that some writers who are sympathetic to Christianity and just refuse to understand how bogus it isâ€"will write books that attempt to "explain" how Christianity and the Pagan religions "united" (as if it were a friendly merger rather than a forced invasion that culminated in torture and murder of the Pagans and especially their spiritual leaders by the Christians)â€"and introduce such atrociously absurd and blasphemous (to Satan) notions as that "Jesus Christ" was some kind of extension of Pagan spiritualityâ€"such as an Egyptian Phaoroah, or (and I choke as I relate this) "the Greatest Arch-Druid of them all," or a "Master of Hebrew Serpent Wisdom"---yes, choke alrightâ€"on my own vomit.

I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the bookâ€"called "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkhamâ€"was mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"â€"which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostlyâ€"pervaded so many ancient cultures all around the worldâ€"from Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.â€"and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is trueâ€"or I did, until I got to Chapter 13.

Then here we go…according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"â€"whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources

According to this drivel:

--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILLâ€"what nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLOâ€"Jewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)

and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:

--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOLâ€"you seem to have got it in reverse!)

J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.

We know that "Saul of Tarsus"â€"a Jewâ€"was the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originallyâ€"so the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).

And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, noâ€""He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)â€"NOT to help further it!

This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murderedâ€"so he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!

Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdomâ€"it was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.

Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?

Thereforeâ€"this author truly has his head you-know-whereâ€"and I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.

At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information…which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.

So the point here is…it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sourcesâ€"but just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.

And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for himâ€"and he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making venturesâ€"which is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).

AND, they have their own "religious order" based onâ€"the Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.

Christianity and Satanism do not mixâ€"PERIOD.

(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13â€"trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).
Yeah, it's a really good read, isn't it (I refer to the post, not the book).I'd say that dude (the book author) is simply playing all sides of the fence for money, not the first and definately, not the last one of them.And I'd like some good read about ancient times, I can't really find anything jew-crap-free, as I've no idea where and what for to look...
One thing keep intriguing me about Knight Templars: how is that possible that such a strong, rich organization was destroyed so quickly and almost totally? Somehow I can't believe that Grand Master didn't know or suspect of what was coming. Having so much wealth and knowledge, they could afford best spies in the world.And still, they were taken like lambs to slaugther...
 Hail Satan and all the true Gods!
Hail Gods of War! 
From: kokabiel24 <moonshadow48@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 4:46 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

  It's obvious, isn't it Don--also, that fool author dares to insist "Jesus" was some kind of "master of serpent wisdom" and he calls his religious order something to do with the Templars--Jacques de Molay was tortured for 7 years and then burnt at the stake by the king of France in collusion with the Pope--b/c he owed money but MOSTLY b/c the Pope didn't like the fact the Knights knew the truth...that guy even daring to relate his group to the Templars while praising Jeebus, he's talking out of both sides of his mouth, obviously a liar and deceiver--Molay must be spinning in his grave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

This nu age sect of xianity has been in the works for awhile it started with theosophy and just changed it up here and there as new infomation came into the public. The enemy needs to keep this program going yoking everything under their program and corrupting it as much as possible.
All the jewish characters are fakes and where created by stealing the images of Gentile Gods and corrupting them into jewish fictions. This fact has been noted by more then one honest scholar on the subject.

From: kokabiel24 <moonshadow48@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 4:34:42 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

HP Maxine has spoken before about the fact that some writers who are sympathetic to Christianity and just refuse to understand how bogus it isâ€"will write books that attempt to "explain" how Christianity and the Pagan religions "united" (as if it were a friendly merger rather than a forced invasion that culminated in torture and murder of the Pagans and especially their spiritual leaders by the Christians)â€"and introduce such atrociously absurd and blasphemous (to Satan) notions as that "Jesus Christ" was some kind of extension of Pagan spiritualityâ€"such as an Egyptian Phaoroah, or (and I choke as I relate this) "the Greatest Arch-Druid of them all," or a "Master of Hebrew Serpent Wisdom"---yes, choke alrightâ€"on my own vomit.

I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the bookâ€"called "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkhamâ€"was mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"â€"which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostlyâ€"pervaded so many ancient cultures all around the worldâ€"from Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.â€"and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is trueâ€"or I did, until I got to Chapter 13.

Then here we go…according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"â€"whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources

According to this drivel:

--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILLâ€"what nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLOâ€"Jewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)

and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:

--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOLâ€"you seem to have got it in reverse!)

J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.

We know that "Saul of Tarsus"â€"a Jewâ€"was the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originallyâ€"so the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).

And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, noâ€""He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)â€"NOT to help further it!

This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murderedâ€"so he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!

Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdomâ€"it was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.

Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?

Thereforeâ€"this author truly has his head you-know-whereâ€"and I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.

At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information…which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.

So the point here is…it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sourcesâ€"but just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.

And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for himâ€"and he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making venturesâ€"which is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).

AND, they have their own "religious order" based onâ€"the Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.

Christianity and Satanism do not mixâ€"PERIOD.

(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13â€"trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).

You really would lose your appetite if you read the twisted things he said--I didn't even come close to telling it all. The entire 2nd half is like a nightmare, an LSD trip--I perused it and after seeing "Christ" here and quotes from the buybull there, I just gave it up. Not gonna read anymore of that tripe. Shame too, the first half of the book was great--but that's how they suck you in, truth first, then come the lies...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:

Jewsus the "Arch-Druid"? "Hebrew Serpent wisdom"?

I just lost my appetite.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

HP Maxine has spoken before about the fact that some writers who are sympathetic to Christianity and just refuse to understand how bogus it is—will write books that attempt to "explain" how Christianity and the Pagan religions "united" (as if it were a friendly merger rather than a forced invasion that culminated in torture and murder of the Pagans and especially their spiritual leaders by the Christians)—and introduce such atrociously absurd and blasphemous (to Satan) notions as that "Jesus Christ" was some kind of extension of Pagan spirituality—such as an Egyptian Phaoroah, or (and I choke as I relate this) "the Greatest Arch-Druid of them all," or a "Master of Hebrew Serpent Wisdom"---yes, choke alright—on my own vomit.

I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the book—called "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkham—was mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"—which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostly—pervaded so many ancient cultures all around the world—from Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.—and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is true—or I did, until I got to Chapter 13.

Then here we go…according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"—whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources

According to this drivel:

--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILL—what nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLO—Jewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)

and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:

--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOL—you seem to have got it in reverse!)

J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.

We know that "Saul of Tarsus"—a Jew—was the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originally—so the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).

And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, no—"He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)—NOT to help further it!

This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murdered—so he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!

Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdom—it was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.

Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?

Therefore—this author truly has his head you-know-where—and I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.

At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information…which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.

So the point here is…it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sources—but just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.

And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for him—and he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making ventures—which is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).

AND, they have their own "religious order" based on—the Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.

Christianity and Satanism do not mix—PERIOD.

(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13—trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).
They d[/IMG]</var>   http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoSNewsletter/message/231

From: Mike <misza2@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 1:33:54 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

  Yeah, it's a really good read, isn't it (I refer to the post, not the book). I'd say that dude (the book author) is simply playing all sides of the fence for money, not the first and definately, not the last one of them. And I'd like some good read about ancient times, I can't really find anything jew-crap-free, as I've no idea where and what for to look...
One thing keep intriguing me about Knight Templars: how is that possible that such a strong, rich organization was destroyed so quickly and almost totally? Somehow I can't believe that Grand Master didn't know or suspect of what was coming. Having so much wealth and knowledge, they could afford best spies in the world. And still, they were taken like lambs to slaugther...
  Hail Satan and all the true Gods!
Hail Gods of War! 
From: kokabiel24 <moonshadow48@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 4:46 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

  It's obvious, isn't it Don--also, that fool author dares to insist "Jesus" was some kind of "master of serpent wisdom" and he calls his religious order something to do with the Templars--Jacques de Molay was tortured for 7 years and then burnt at the stake by the king of France in collusion with the Pope--b/c he owed money but MOSTLY b/c the Pope didn't like the fact the Knights knew the truth...that guy even daring to relate his group to the Templars while praising Jeebus, he's talking out of both sides of his mouth, obviously a liar and deceiver--Molay must be spinning in his grave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

This nu age sect of xianity has been in the works for awhile it started with theosophy and just changed it up here and there as new infomation came into the public. The enemy needs to keep this program going yoking everything under their program and corrupting it as much as possible.
All the jewish characters are fakes and where created by stealing the images of Gentile Gods and corrupting them into jewish fictions. This fact has been noted by more then one honest scholar on the subject.

From: kokabiel24 <moonshadow48@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 4:34:42 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

HP Maxine has spoken before about the fact that some writers who are sympathetic to Christianity and just refuse to understand how bogus it isâ€"will write books that attempt to "explain" how Christianity and the Pagan religions "united" (as if it were a friendly merger rather than a forced invasion that culminated in torture and murder of the Pagans and especially their spiritual leaders by the Christians)â€"and introduce such atrociously absurd and blasphemous (to Satan) notions as that "Jesus Christ" was some kind of extension of Pagan spiritualityâ€"such as an Egyptian Phaoroah, or (and I choke as I relate this) "the Greatest Arch-Druid of them all," or a "Master of Hebrew Serpent Wisdom"---yes, choke alrightâ€"on my own vomit.

I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the bookâ€"called "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkhamâ€"was mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"â€"which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostlyâ€"pervaded so many ancient cultures all around the worldâ€"from Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.â€"and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is trueâ€"or I did, until I got to Chapter 13.

Then here we go…according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"â€"whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources

According to this drivel:

--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILLâ€"what nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLOâ€"Jewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)

and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:

--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOLâ€"you seem to have got it in reverse!)

J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.

We know that "Saul of Tarsus"â€"a Jewâ€"was the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originallyâ€"so the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).

And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, noâ€""He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)â€"NOT to help further it!

This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murderedâ€"so he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!

Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdomâ€"it was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.

Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?

Thereforeâ€"this author truly has his head you-know-whereâ€"and I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.

At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information…which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.

So the point here is…it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sourcesâ€"but just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.

And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for himâ€"and he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making venturesâ€"which is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).

AND, they have their own "religious order" based onâ€"the Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.

Christianity and Satanism do not mixâ€"PERIOD.

(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13â€"trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).

Through infiltration that is how they got like that? What do you think? What really happened?
I'm glad that you brought this to the groups. It shows just how desperate and sad the jewish species really is. With the recent knowledge about the Kundalini coming into the Light, it was only a matter of time until the kikes tried to claim something of the Serpent as their own. Their just playing their jew games as usual, trying to throw their own bullshit in the mix so that when people start to talk about the Kundalini, there will be confusion about it. Like: "Who owns Kundalini Knowledge?" It's all about confusion. Misinformation, confusion and Lies; What else has a kike Ever been good for?  Hail Father Satan!!
Forever in the Service of Satan.
[From The Al Jilwah Chapter IV]
"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them. Now, then, all ye who have followed my commandments and my teachings, reject all the teachings and sayings of such as are without." -Satan

From: kokabiel24 <moonshadow48@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 1:49 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

  You really would lose your appetite if you read the twisted things he said--I didn't even come close to telling it all. The entire 2nd half is like a nightmare, an LSD trip--I perused it and after seeing "Christ" here and quotes from the buybull there, I just gave it up. Not gonna read anymore of that tripe. Shame too, the first half of the book was great--but that's how they suck you in, truth first, then come the lies...

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "lydia_666@..." <lydia_666@... wrote:

Jewsus the "Arch-Druid"? "Hebrew Serpent wisdom"?

I just lost my appetite.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

HP Maxine has spoken before about the fact that some writers who are sympathetic to Christianity and just refuse to understand how bogus it is—will write books that attempt to "explain" how Christianity and the Pagan religions "united" (as if it were a friendly merger rather than a forced invasion that culminated in torture and murder of the Pagans and especially their spiritual leaders by the Christians)—and introduce such atrociously absurd and blasphemous (to Satan) notions as that "Jesus Christ" was some kind of extension of Pagan spirituality—such as an Egyptian Phaoroah, or (and I choke as I relate this) "the Greatest Arch-Druid of them all," or a "Master of Hebrew Serpent Wisdom"---yes, choke alright—on my own vomit.

I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the book—called "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkham—was mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"—which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostly—pervaded so many ancient cultures all around the world—from Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.—and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is true—or I did, until I got to Chapter 13.

Then here we go…according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"—whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources

According to this drivel:

--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILL—what nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLO—Jewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)

and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:

--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOL—you seem to have got it in reverse!)

J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.

We know that "Saul of Tarsus"—a Jew—was the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originally—so the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).

And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, no—"He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)—NOT to help further it!

This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murdered—so he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!

Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdom—it was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.

Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?

Therefore—this author truly has his head you-know-where—and I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.

At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information…which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.

So the point here is…it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sources—but just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.

And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for him—and he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making ventures—which is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).

AND, they have their own "religious order" based on—the Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.

Christianity and Satanism do not mix—PERIOD.

(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13—trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).

Hail Satan! Hail Beelzebub! the ones who care and have the decency to AT LEAST ACKNOWLEDGE US when we are at our lowest and weakest!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

They did know, hence why the majority of them escaped with their material wealth and knowledge and formed the societies that became known as the Free Masons.etc

From: Mike <misza2@...
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 1:33:54 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

Yeah, it's a really good read, isn't it (I refer to the post, not the book).
I'd say that dude (the book author) is simply playing all sides of the fence for money, not the first and definately, not the last one of them.
And I'd like some good read about ancient times, I can't really find anything jew-crap-free, as I've no idea where and what for to look...

One thing keep intriguing me about Knight Templars: how is that possible that such a strong, rich organization was destroyed so quickly and almost totally? Somehow I can't believe that Grand Master didn't know or suspect of what was coming. Having so much wealth and knowledge, they could afford best spies in the world.
And still, they were taken like lambs to slaugther...

Hail Satan and all the true Gods!
Hail Gods of War! 

From: kokabiel24 <moonshadow48@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 4:46 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

It's obvious, isn't it Don--also, that fool author dares to insist "Jesus" was some kind of "master of serpent wisdom" and he calls his religious order something to do with the Templars--Jacques de Molay was tortured for 7 years and then burnt at the stake by the king of France in collusion with the Pope--b/c he owed money but MOSTLY b/c the Pope didn't like the fact the Knights knew the truth...that guy even daring to relate his group to the Templars while praising Jeebus, he's talking out of both sides of his mouth, obviously a liar and deceiver--Molay must be spinning in his grave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

This nu age sect of xianity has been in the works for awhile it started with theosophy and just changed it up here and there as new infomation came into the public. The enemy needs to keep this program going yoking everything under their program and corrupting it as much as possible.
All the jewish characters are fakes and where created by stealing the images of Gentile Gods and corrupting them into jewish fictions. This fact has been noted by more then one honest scholar on the subject.

From: kokabiel24 <moonshadow48@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 4:34:42 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

HP Maxine has spoken before about the fact that some writers who are sympathetic to Christianity and just refuse to understand how bogus it isâ€"will write books that attempt to "explain" how Christianity and the Pagan religions "united" (as if it were a friendly merger rather than a forced invasion that culminated in torture and murder of the Pagans and especially their spiritual leaders by the Christians)â€"and introduce such atrociously absurd and blasphemous (to Satan) notions as that "Jesus Christ" was some kind of extension of Pagan spiritualityâ€"such as an Egyptian Phaoroah, or (and I choke as I relate this) "the Greatest Arch-Druid of them all," or a "Master of Hebrew Serpent Wisdom"---yes, choke alrightâ€"on my own vomit.

I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the bookâ€"called "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkhamâ€"was mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"â€"which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostlyâ€"pervaded so many ancient cultures all around the worldâ€"from Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.â€"and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is trueâ€"or I did, until I got to Chapter 13.

Then here we go…according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"â€"whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources

According to this drivel:

--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILLâ€"what nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLOâ€"Jewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)

and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:

--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOLâ€"you seem to have got it in reverse!)

J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.

We know that "Saul of Tarsus"â€"a Jewâ€"was the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originallyâ€"so the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).

And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, noâ€""He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)â€"NOT to help further it!

This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murderedâ€"so he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!

Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdomâ€"it was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.

Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?

Thereforeâ€"this author truly has his head you-know-whereâ€"and I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.

At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information…which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.

So the point here is…it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sourcesâ€"but just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.

And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for himâ€"and he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making venturesâ€"which is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).

AND, they have their own "religious order" based onâ€"the Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.

Christianity and Satanism do not mixâ€"PERIOD.

(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13â€"trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).
I was Raised as a christian. and my life has known nothing but suffering throughout this time. prayer never helped me with my problems. it go to the point where when i tried to pray i didnt even know what to say anymore. its like noone was listening. more misfortune would happen and id "pray" but all i could do was look up and say: REALLY!!??? REALLY!!??? COME ON!!! ITS LIKE THIS???.... REALLY!!!!!!!?????????

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

They did know, hence why the majority of them escaped with their material wealth and knowledge and formed the societies that became known as the Free Masons.etc

From: Mike <misza2@...
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 1:33:54 PM
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

Yeah, it's a really good read, isn't it (I refer to the post, not the book).
I'd say that dude (the book author) is simply playing all sides of the fence for money, not the first and definately, not the last one of them.
And I'd like some good read about ancient times, I can't really find anything jew-crap-free, as I've no idea where and what for to look...

One thing keep intriguing me about Knight Templars: how is that possible that such a strong, rich organization was destroyed so quickly and almost totally? Somehow I can't believe that Grand Master didn't know or suspect of what was coming. Having so much wealth and knowledge, they could afford best spies in the world.
And still, they were taken like lambs to slaugther...

Hail Satan and all the true Gods!
Hail Gods of War! 

From: kokabiel24 <moonshadow48@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 4:46 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

It's obvious, isn't it Don--also, that fool author dares to insist "Jesus" was some kind of "master of serpent wisdom" and he calls his religious order something to do with the Templars--Jacques de Molay was tortured for 7 years and then burnt at the stake by the king of France in collusion with the Pope--b/c he owed money but MOSTLY b/c the Pope didn't like the fact the Knights knew the truth...that guy even daring to relate his group to the Templars while praising Jeebus, he's talking out of both sides of his mouth, obviously a liar and deceiver--Molay must be spinning in his grave.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@ wrote:

This nu age sect of xianity has been in the works for awhile it started with theosophy and just changed it up here and there as new infomation came into the public. The enemy needs to keep this program going yoking everything under their program and corrupting it as much as possible.
All the jewish characters are fakes and where created by stealing the images of Gentile Gods and corrupting them into jewish fictions. This fact has been noted by more then one honest scholar on the subject.

From: kokabiel24 <moonshadow48@
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Sunday, February 26, 2012 4:34:42 PM
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Satanism and Xianity DO NOT MIX! An ugly rant....

HP Maxine has spoken before about the fact that some writers who are sympathetic to Christianity and just refuse to understand how bogus it isâ€"will write books that attempt to "explain" how Christianity and the Pagan religions "united" (as if it were a friendly merger rather than a forced invasion that culminated in torture and murder of the Pagans and especially their spiritual leaders by the Christians)â€"and introduce such atrociously absurd and blasphemous (to Satan) notions as that "Jesus Christ" was some kind of extension of Pagan spiritualityâ€"such as an Egyptian Phaoroah, or (and I choke as I relate this) "the Greatest Arch-Druid of them all," or a "Master of Hebrew Serpent Wisdom"---yes, choke alrightâ€"on my own vomit.

I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the bookâ€"called "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkhamâ€"was mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"â€"which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostlyâ€"pervaded so many ancient cultures all around the worldâ€"from Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.â€"and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is trueâ€"or I did, until I got to Chapter 13.

Then here we go…according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"â€"whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources

According to this drivel:

--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILLâ€"what nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLOâ€"Jewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)

and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:

--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOLâ€"you seem to have got it in reverse!)

J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.

We know that "Saul of Tarsus"â€"a Jewâ€"was the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originallyâ€"so the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).

And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, noâ€""He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)â€"NOT to help further it!

This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murderedâ€"so he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!

Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdomâ€"it was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.

Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?

Thereforeâ€"this author truly has his head you-know-whereâ€"and I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.

At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information…which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.

So the point here is…it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sourcesâ€"but just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.

And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for himâ€"and he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making venturesâ€"which is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).

AND, they have their own "religious order" based onâ€"the Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.

Christianity and Satanism do not mixâ€"PERIOD.

(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13â€"trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
