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HP Maxine has spoken before about the fact that some writers who are sympathetic to Christianity and just refuse to understand how bogus it iswill write books that attempt to "explain" how Christianity and the Pagan religions "united" (as if it were a friendly merger rather than a forced invasion that culminated in torture and murder of the Pagans and especially their spiritual leaders by the Christians)and introduce such atrociously absurd and blasphemous (to Satan) notions as that "Jesus Christ" was some kind of extension of Pagan spiritualitysuch as an Egyptian Phaoroah, or (and I choke as I relate this) "the Greatest Arch-Druid of them all," or a "Master of Hebrew Serpent Wisdom"---yes, choke alrighton my own vomit.
I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the bookcalled "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkhamwas mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostlypervaded so many ancient cultures all around the worldfrom Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is trueor I did, until I got to Chapter 13.
Then here we go according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources
According to this drivel:
--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILLwhat nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLOJewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)
and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:
--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOLyou seem to have got it in reverse!)
J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.
We know that "Saul of Tarsus"a Jewwas the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originallyso the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).
And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, no"He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)NOT to help further it!
This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murderedso he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!
Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdomit was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.
Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?
Thereforethis author truly has his head you-know-whereand I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.
At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.
So the point here is it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sourcesbut just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.
And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for himand he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making ventureswhich is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).
AND, they have their own "religious order" based onthe Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.
Christianity and Satanism do not mixPERIOD.
(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).
I read one such book, and all was fine for awhile. The author's bibliography contained some impressive books, and I assumed the bookcalled "The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom" by Mark Amaru Pinkhamwas mainly meant to show how the "serpent cult"which had to do with raising the kundalini serpent power mostlypervaded so many ancient cultures all around the worldfrom Egypt, Sumeria, Mesopotamia, Asia, N. America, Mesoamerica, etc.and in that respect it seemed like a really good book, full of important information. I do believe that is trueor I did, until I got to Chapter 13.
Then here we go according to this seriously deluded author, "a Dragon Culture was founded by initiates from the mystery school traditions of the Mesopotamian Annunaki and the Egyptian Djedhi"whose synthesis supposedly created a "new progeny" of the "Hebrew Order of Serpents." Supposedly, "initiates" included: Abraham, Moses, the Levites, the Prophets, the Essenes, and finally Jesus Christ." (FACT: Jesus Christ never EXISTED, Mr. Pinkham, it is a CONCEPT!) Okay and if you've read the JOS sermons, you know also that "Abraham" and "Moses" and all the rest were stolen and re-created into Jewish patriarchs who were stolen from ancient sources
According to this drivel:
--"Jesus Christ" traveled to Egypt and was initiated as an Egyptian Djedhi and became an adept and "Master of Serpent Wisdom"
--"Jehovah" was the one who seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and produced Cain (allegory, but STILLwhat nerve!!)
--Yod He Vau He (Yahweh) was both "spirit and dragon"
--The Primal Serpent Goddess was "Chokmah" and "Shekinah" (HELLOJewish Kabala was stolen from Egyptian kabalah)
--"Jesus Christ" was a "renowned ascended adept who was both a Christian Master and the greatest of all Arch Druids" (!)
and the one that made me slam the book shut and literally heave it across the room:
--"Ziasudra, the Sumerian king before the flood, is a carbon-copy of the last pre-deluge Hebrew patriarch, Noah" (excuse me, FOOLyou seem to have got it in reverse!)
J.C. and the "Hebrew Serpent Cult" are not just another stitch in the fabric of ancient serpent wisdom, which is FROM SATAN---this filthy Alien, J.C., was introduced in order to PERVERT and SUPPRESS ancient serpent wisdom! This author really needs to pull his head out of his COLON.
We know that "Saul of Tarsus"a Jewwas the one who wrote all those damn epistles and shoved "Jesus Christ" down the throats of the Gentiles originallyso the Jews cannot claim they are not behind Christianity (and we know the Vatican is in their hip pocket as well).
And how was this "Jesus" used---to promote "serpent wisdom"? To help people to understand about raising the kundalini, obtaining knowledge, etc.? Un, no"He" was used to promote lies, to subvert and suppress true ancient wisdom ("serpent wisdom" is from Satan)NOT to help further it!
This author carefully avoids bringing up a little thing called the Inquisition, where ancient Druids and such were murderedso he thinks J.C. is the "greatest Arch Druid of them all"? THE DRUIDS WERE SLAUGHTERED IN "HIS" NAME!
Christianity clearly did not do anything to "promote" ancient truth and wisdomit was invented to destroy it. That's why they destroyed so much ancient wisdom in the form of libraries, books, pagan sacred groves and temples, etc. That's why they tortured to death and murdered millions of Pagans. Native Americans, for instance, although it occurred later, was very much Genocide perpetrated by Christians. And Native Americans had ancient wisdom.
Have you ever heard of a Christian who isn't afraid of the very idea of the serpent?
Thereforethis author truly has his head you-know-whereand I find it hard to believe he is truly so blind; he surely must be spreading this disinformation on purpose.
At any rate, the rest of the book truly has some great information which he got from reputable texts (in my opinion). But he dropped the ball utterly in Chapter 13.
So the point here is it is possible to get good knowledge even from corrupted sourcesbut just be discerning, and remember that mixing truth with lies is something that purveyors of Xianity are unfortunately adept at.
And this author and his wife give guided tours, expensive affairs I'm sure, to "dragon lairs" and such. I suppose in the end it's all about money for himand he just doesn't want to alienate the Christians or "New Agers" who might otherwise reject his money-making ventureswhich is why people like him spread these disgusting lies. Or else he's secretly a Christian, or else he is just really pig-ignorant (and that's insulting the pig).
AND, they have their own "religious order" based onthe Knights Templars! Really. I "wish" I was making that up. Personally, I wouldn't trust this man to know how to sit the right way on a toilet.
Christianity and Satanism do not mixPERIOD.
(If you ever read this book, SKIP Chapter 13trust me, it will raise your blood pressure).