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Satanic Bands and Music


Jul 28, 2022
So everybody here knows about The Eagles and Hotel California, but how about Alan Parsons Project with songs like Games People Play and Eye in the Sky? :)
There’s also an obscure 80s metal band literally named Odin with a song called shining love featuring a guitar riff that gives me chills and I imagine father Satan himself stepped into the shoes of the Guitarist its so good.
Any brothers and sisters on her know of some more Satanic Bands?
And about that Guitar riff mentioned above
ValiantVance88 said:
So everybody here knows about The Eagles and Hotel California, but how about Alan Parsons Project with songs like Games People Play and Eye in the Sky? :)
There’s also an obscure 80s metal band literally named Odin with a song called shining love featuring a guitar riff that gives me chills and I imagine father Satan himself stepped into the shoes of the Guitarist its so good.
Any brothers and sisters on her know of some more Satanic Bands?
And about that Guitar riff mentioned above

there is something called Black metal ..Google it ,,U will find thousands of metal bands ..In short heavy metal itself comes from satan as only satan is the god of MUSIC ..Black metal is very much satanic and very much anti christian ..Listen to songs of slayer,gorgoroth and such
phi3.14infinity said:
ValiantVance88 said:
So everybody here knows about The Eagles and Hotel California, but how about Alan Parsons Project with songs like Games People Play and Eye in the Sky? :)
There’s also an obscure 80s metal band literally named Odin with a song called shining love featuring a guitar riff that gives me chills and I imagine father Satan himself stepped into the shoes of the Guitarist its so good.
Any brothers and sisters on her know of some more Satanic Bands?
And about that Guitar riff mentioned above

there is something called Black metal ..Google it ,,U will find thousands of metal bands ..In short heavy metal itself comes from satan as only satan is the god of MUSIC ..Black metal is very much satanic and very much anti christian ..Listen to songs of slayer,gorgoroth and such

Most of the Black metal bands are just reverse christian, and has nothing to do with us besides they don't like Christianity/Chirstians. Most people who are big fan of certain black metal bands, are the ""Satanists"'" who Jews describe as what "Satanists" are.
AFODO said:
phi3.14infinity said:
ValiantVance88 said:
So everybody here knows about The Eagles and Hotel California, but how about Alan Parsons Project with songs like Games People Play and Eye in the Sky? :)
There’s also an obscure 80s metal band literally named Odin with a song called shining love featuring a guitar riff that gives me chills and I imagine father Satan himself stepped into the shoes of the Guitarist its so good.
Any brothers and sisters on her know of some more Satanic Bands?
And about that Guitar riff mentioned above

there is something called Black metal ..Google it ,,U will find thousands of metal bands ..In short heavy metal itself comes from satan as only satan is the god of MUSIC ..Black metal is very much satanic and very much anti christian ..Listen to songs of slayer,gorgoroth and such

Most of the Black metal bands are just reverse christian, and has nothing to do with us besides they don't like Christianity/Chirstians. Most people who are big fan of certain black metal bands, are the ""Satanists"'" who Jews describe as what "Satanists" are.

actually from the black metal band songs that I have heard,,they are really anti christians because of the enraged lyrics against christianity and bible they have written..While it is true that they are nowhere even close to spiritual satanism ,Nor they actually know what actually true satanism is ..Since most of them hate christianity and bible which is obvious from their lyrics ,one can listen to black metal stuffs ..anything that is anti christian is satanism
Obviously people whom are fully awake and with SS are best, but especially when it comes to music, media and such half awake is better than fully asleep. In my opinion if someone spends a lot of time tying themselves into any aspect of true Spiritual Satanism enough it’s only a matter of time before they’re fully awake. Father Satan once told me once he’s got his foot in the door there’s no force in Heaven, Hell, or Earth that can close it.
I've been a big Black Metal fan for a long time, I don't listen to any other music, but the problem with current Black Metal bands is that they are far from the Truth. For example, Satanic Warmaster, who are big "Satanist" but choose the "Satanism" that the enemy preaches. He does not know the true identity of Gods and Satan and just digs his own hole.

In my opinion, the closest to the Truth is Burzum [Varg], or Goatmoon. Although Goatmoon also seems like he doesn't fully understand National Socialism - National Socialism is about love of life, development, etc. Goatmoon also interested in Ancient Mythology and Wisdom, but I think he presents a much weaker picture of National Socialism.

The desire and curiosity for the Gods, Mythology and Ancient Doctrines and Wisdom is present in Varg.

There are also Black Metal bands that are not so concerned with Satanism, such as Nargaroth. Nargaroth's music has a more melancholic feel, with some depression. Sure, Nargaroth has Satanic Music, but in a much smaller proportion.

Or for example one of my big favourites, Beherit, who are interested in Satanism and Paganism, but I don't know how much they've been brainwashed by the enemy.

But the fact is that Black Metal is about Paganism, Ancient Things, love of Animals/Nature, but there are a lot of brainwashed bands in Black Metal. Black Metal is Satanic in nature, but a lot of brainwashed bands take the genre in a different direction.

As I said, Burzum is the closest to the Truth in my opinion, but there is a lot of negative stuff being spread about it, but that's nothing new from the enemy side against those who are enlightened about something.

That said, Goatmoon [especially in the early 2000s, his demos - fucking good] is still at the top of my list, as is Werwolf's music, you just have to know the difference between them.

Sieg Heil!
Deicide is a brilliant Satanic band
When it comes to Satanic music I like pagan Germanic, Scandinavian music.
Such bands like


If we talk about some serious music Vangelis is pretty Satanic.
For example "Vangelis - Mythodea - for the NASA Mission Mars Odyssey 2001" is actually the official JoS Anthem for Baalzebub.
Example of an unsurpassable song for Zeus/Beelzebul: Vangelis, Mythodea, Hymn To Zeus -

That will be Zeus’s/Beelzebul’s Anthem for the Joy of Satan upon my decision.

Anyone with musical taste and understanding, will understand the grandiosity of this Anthem to the Gods.

Every song that matters will become something for the Joy of Satan.

From Black Metal I listened to very few-
Inquisition - Luciferian Rays (pretty good Satanic lyrics)
Inquisition - Astral Path to Supreme Majesties (also pretty Satanic)

Besides I also listen to a Hindu song that is very Satanic- (I can't find this on youtube I listen to it on spotify)

Chant Sahaja, Mooju Mala - Satnam
Satnam Satnam Satnam ..... Wahe guru Wahe guru .... Satnam Satnam.... Ek Ong Kara Satnam Ek Ong Kara Satnam ..... ...... ... . ..
Basically this is the lyrics its pretty good for doing Hatha yoga or crying :lol: .
The fact that electric wizard didn't got mentioned here is a shame, do yourself a favor a listen to the album "dopethrone".
There is no specific genre that is inherently Satanic, as music was given to us by Father Satan, so every genre is Satanic per se. The only things one should stay away is from negative lyrics, as they easily go into the subconscious and become dross for you to deal. Better is to find instrumental music and music with positive, empowering lyrics.
You guys hate the degeneracy of this world but then proceed to listen to the same Negermusik that helped to degenerate this world.

Listen to the folk music of your ancestors and to classical music (not jewish jazz, pure classical music from the baroque period, or the romantic period)

Not only it's more nourishing to the soul, it is also better for your mental health. It's not like rock or metal that forces and overstimulates the parts of your brain related to anger and excitement, causing mental problems at the long run.

The same I can say related to Anime (the style is good, and there are virtuous anime like the Moomins or Heidi, but unfortunately every modern anime is kiked and degenerate, no wonder why so many weebs end up becoming trannies).
sspxchud said:
You guys hate the degeneracy of this world but then proceed to listen to the same Negermusik that helped to degenerate this world.

Listen to the folk music of your ancestors and to classical music (not jewish jazz, pure classical music from the baroque period, or the romantic period)

Not only it's more nourishing to the soul, it is also better for your mental health. It's not like rock or metal that forces and overstimulates the parts of your brain related to anger and excitement, causing mental problems at the long run.

The same I can say related to Anime (the style is good, and there are virtuous anime like the Moomins or Heidi, but unfortunately every modern anime is kiked and degenerate, no wonder why so many weebs end up becoming trannies).

"You guys hate the degeneracy of this world but then proceed to listen to the same Negermusik that helped to degenerate this world."

What do you refer exactly?

Baroque for example is actually a degenerated period, it's actually when the Jews pushed their agenda back, after Renaissance. With that, Renaissance was the first big step to break free from the Jews, and other good things like romanticism, enlightenment, nationalism came few hundred years after. Arts in these periods were good. I listen a lot to classical music, operatic etc.

Here is the main music thread:
AFODO said:
What do you refer exactly?

Heavy metal, Rap music and Jazz. There are exceptions of course, but generally modern music genres are full of negative messages. Meanwhile listening to a song of heavy metal and such stuff once in a while it's not bad per se (same with eating fast food), considering a lot of songs have messages about nihilism, despair and unjustified hate (try to read the lyrics of a song from Slayer, S.O.D., Suicide Tendencies or Lifelover), people who listen too much can be mentally affected. Also considering that metal touches the parts of your brain related to anger and excitement, stimulating that part too much can't be good. Music is actually very powerful.

In my case, I used to be a metal fan, but the culture is full of old people trying to be rude and negative, thinking it looked awesome and cool. I really enjoyed black metal, doom metal and RAC in my teenage years because it felt authentic, not like the commercialized trash you could see nowadays. But seeing the culture inside extreme metal/skinheads I notice they're the same nihilist misanthropic trash like the left is, the only difference is that some of them like Hitler instead of a socialist wordcel and want to kill black people instead of white people.

Now I try to limit those kinds of music to my weekends (Black metal and Post-punk is too good for me to discard unfortunately), I used to be pretty aggressive and emotional, not anymore. I know there are lots of different people though, and my case is not the same to the cases of other people.

AFODO said:
Baroque for example is actually a degenerated period, it's actually when the Jews pushed their agenda back, after Renaissance.

The music of the Baroque period is very good. In my case I prefer the Impressionist and Romanticist periods of classical music, but I can hardly see why the Baroque period is bad.

Do you have a favorite composer?
sspxchud said:
AFODO said:
What do you refer exactly?

Heavy metal, Rap music and Jazz. There are exceptions of course, but generally modern music genres are full of negative messages. Meanwhile listening to a song of heavy metal and such stuff once in a while it's not bad per se (same with eating fast food), considering a lot of songs have messages about nihilism, despair and unjustified hate (try to read the lyrics of a song from Slayer, S.O.D., Suicide Tendencies or Lifelover), people who listen too much can be mentally affected. Also considering that metal touches the parts of your brain related to anger and excitement, stimulating that part too much can't be good. Music is actually very powerful.

In my case, I used to be a metal fan, but the culture is full of old people trying to be rude and negative, thinking it looked awesome and cool. I really enjoyed black metal, doom metal and RAC in my teenage years because it felt authentic, not like the commercialized trash you could see nowadays. But seeing the culture inside extreme metal/skinheads I notice they're the same nihilist misanthropic trash like the left is, the only difference is that some of them like Hitler instead of a socialist wordcel and want to kill black people instead of white people.

Now I try to limit those kinds of music to my weekends (Black metal and Post-punk is too good for me to discard unfortunately), I used to be pretty aggressive and emotional, not anymore. I know there are lots of different people though, and my case is not the same to the cases of other people.

AFODO said:
Baroque for example is actually a degenerated period, it's actually when the Jews pushed their agenda back, after Renaissance.

The music of the Baroque period is very good. In my case I prefer the Impressionist and Romanticist periods of classical music, but I can hardly see why the Baroque period is bad.

Do you have a favorite composer?

There are or was some really great metal or rock band that could be considered to be more on our side of view. It is very rare though. There are also lirics that can mean different things depending on who listening to it.

Baroque essentially was "very xian" as they wanted to hold back the mass from "leaving" the xian mentality, "culture", so they made very expensive "fancy temples". They showed off how rich they were and that somehow worked. Although they might have been musics that were created in this era, and is still very good. I did not meant the degeneracy in the musical industry.
Especially that other directions were also popular, and these are pretty good, like enlightenment.

I like Beethoven, Vivaldi, Smetana, and basically I only listen to them right now. I'm a newbie with musical music so I couldn't even pick who is my favorite. First I must get to know them. Romanticism pretty much came with nationalism and it is sort of the art of nationalism. It is deffinitely the most based classical era. Who is your favorite composer? if you have recommendations than let me know.
AFODO said:
There are or was some really great metal or rock band that could be considered to be more on our side of view. It is very rare though. There are also lyrics that can mean different things depending on who listening to it.
You mean subjective lyrics, right? Yes, I do agree that there are songs with subjective lyrics that are pretty good, Hotel California is a song I go to sometimes because of their subtle references to the struggles against addiction. BONES also made a lot of good cloud rap. But I don't know about other extreme genres like Thrash metal and Black metal, even their drama was really concerning, like that guy Dead from Mayhem who shot himself, he clearly was a very disturbed person who needed mental help, he shouldn't had been let into that band, Euronymous was a pretty disgusting person and I'm glad Varg defended himself against that loony. I've seen lots of metalheads who look really tired and stressed too.

But well, I try to say that most of the spirit of these sorts of music is mocking and defiling everything and making everything ugly and dark. I listened to Grindcore, Brutal Death Metal and Goregrind when I was 11 (I got very scared by that at first due to the sounds and the covers with gore but then I got used to it because I thought it sounded very powerful and chaotic, a very foolish behavior from my part) and most of these genres are pretty disgusting, pessimistic and nihilistic, and they paint the world as a way that I noticed is no way near how things really are. I discarded those genres after getting more into Black metal, Folk and Doom metal.

In the other side, things like Shoegaze or Indie rock (D>E>A>T>H>M>E>T>A>L by Panchiko is a good album with an interesting story) can be pretty good and comforting, maybe I'm attacking stuff for being new or using just a few bad apples, but one can never trust anything in these times I guess.

I used to had pretty bad music habits so I'm pretty biased, but now I think maybe it's not the music, but the people listening to it too much as a coping mechanism like I used to do, I don't know, what do you think?

AFODO said:
Baroque essentially was "very xian" as they wanted to hold back the mass from "leaving" the xian mentality, "culture", so they made very expensive "fancy temples". They showed off how rich they were and that somehow worked. Although they might have been musics that were created in this era, and is still very good. I did not meant the degeneracy in the musical industry.
Especially that other directions were also popular, and these are pretty good, like enlightenment.
If you like the Enlightenment I would recommend you Classicism in the musical period and Neoclassicism. It was one of my favorite styles, considering they also saw the Roman society as an ideal as well, so a lot of art works and architecture are related to the Roman Empire.

AFODO said:
I like Beethoven, Vivaldi, Smetana, and basically I only listen to them right now. I'm a newbie with musical music so I couldn't even pick who is my favorite. First I must get to know them. Romanticism pretty much came with nationalism and it is sort of the art of nationalism. It is definitely the most based classical era. Who is your favorite composer? if you have recommendations than let me know.
From the Baroque period I would recommend Bach and Scarlatti. For the Renaissance period I would recommend Thomas Tallis and William Byrd (I would recommend checking out the Follies from that period too), in the Classicist period I only know Mozart (The Jupiter Symphony is good), Beethoven and Antonio Salieri. The Romantic period has a lot of good composers, like Richard Wagner (a must know, Tristan und Isolde is very good), Franz Schubert, Frédéric Chopin, Gustav Mahler, Johannes Brahms, Camille Saint-Saens, Franz Liszt and Tchaikovsky (His work called The Nutcracker is a well known work).

The contemporary I don't really like it, because some composers used Atonal music or were inspired by Jazz, but Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber (specially Op. 11) is a beautiful work, and I like Alexander Nevsky (the Battle on Ice segment is the best) by Sergei Prokofiev.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
