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Satan, the God of an African people


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2019
Satan's earth
Ancient Egypt was founded by White Aryans many tens of thousands of years ago. There were, however, some Blacks who settled there a few thousand years ago, who later formed some of the tribes in modern day Africa. This was especially so after the Nubian invasion of Egypt in the 25th dynasty. In East Africa for example, many tribes mention having lived in Egypt before migrating south. [1] [2]

Of particular interest is the Kikuyu tribe of East Africa. The traditional God of the Kikuyu people is Ngai. Ngai was also worshipped by several other tribes under slight variations of this title, like the Maasai tribe who called him Enkai.

Ngai is in fact Satan, as is revealed by one of his titles, 'Mwene Nyaga' which literally translates to 'Owner of the bright dazzling light' or in a more familiar term, 'the light bearer' (Lucifer). [3]

Also, notice the similarity between Enkai (a variation of his name) and Enki (Sumerian title of Satan). Enki was often depicted as a fish-man. The Kikuyu language has similar roots with Swahili and they share many words. The Swahili word for fish ('samaki') is very similar to the Kikuyu one for rulership, especially Ngai's rulership ('uthamaki'). The 's' sound in Swahili words is often a 'th' in the corresponding Kikuyu word.

Ngai's sacred tree is the fig tree, which was all over many ancient Pagan spiritual systems as it represents the soul. As the light bearer, he is said to reside on Mount 'Kirinyaga' (traditional name for Mount Kenya) which translates to 'the mountain of light'. In Kikuyu legends, he created the forebearers of the tribe, Gikuyu (translates to 'the great fig tree') and Mumbi (translates to 'the creator') who had nine daughters who gave birth to the tribe and after who the nine clans of the tribe are named. Again, this is obviously allegorical and it makes sense as these people were among the Blacks who had once lived in Egypt (fig trees were sacred in Egypt and also the feminine principle is the creative one in occult symbolism). [4] [5]

Another minor origin story of the Kikuyu people recorded by C. Cagnolo (a missionary who studied the Kikuyu culture and traditions extensively) mentions that a wandering man developed a swelling on his knee, which he cut open and out came three boys. He raised the boys as his sons and one matured and became a pastoralist, another an agriculturalists and the last one learned how to forge iron and make iron implements. [6] This we know is usually an allegory for working with the chakras. Cagnolo also recorded that the Kikuyu people called their women 'Daughters of the sun'.

Religion in Kikuyu language is called Kirira, which literally translates to 'That which has Ra'. Ra was the Egyptian sun God. Even the word for the sun is interesting, 'Riera'. The suffix 'Ra' is found in many Kikuyu words which when translated in meaning show some form of reverence for the God Amon-Ra. An example is the word for 'ground' or earth, 'mbirira' which translates to 'the ground has Ra'.

The Kikuyus also had a very interesting festival that was celebrated every thirty years called 'Ituika' (translates to 'the becoming'). This festival bears similarity to the Egyptian Heb-Sed festival. In both, the festival is about passing rulership and it occurred after approximately 30 years. Various Pharaohs and Queens like Hatshepsut celebrated Heb-Sed in their time of rulership. [7]

In doing my research on the Ituika festival, I found that it was deeper than taken by scholars on the subject. It involved a legend about the elders gathering and making preparations to collect some feathers from the tail of a long river creature called the 'ndamathia'. They would send a child (a young girl) who would be covered with protective charms as the creature was said to be very dangerous. This creature was also associated with the rainbow. The child would sing and lure out the creature, mesmerize it with her voice and collect the feathers then bring them back to the elders who would celebrate and the tribe would feast. This marked the transfer of rulership from one generation to another, which would happen again after thirty years.

Researchers like Louis Leakey have taken the creature to be a literal fish. He also noted that the festival involved ritual sex and dance. [8] William Scoresby Routledge (British anthropologist and adventurer) who visited the Kikuyu people decades before Leakey wrote in 1910 that the creature was actually some sort of serpent and that the ceremony was actually an initiation into Kikuyu mysteries. Seniors would make preparations for two years and then on the ceremony they would induct the new generation of leaders in the secret teachings which involved handling the ndamathia creature. Routledge also noted that the feathers that were to be collected from the serpent's tail were to be used for magical purposes. [9]

It is obvious that this is an awakening of the Kundalini in the incoming generation that would lead for three decades. The creature is an allegory for the Kundalini which is why it is associated with the rainbow, also why ritual sex and dance were involved. Orgasm awakens the kundalini and African dance was also used for the same, such as the Yanvalou dance which has moves that awaken the serpent. The feathers used for magic are likely an allegory for using the energy of the serpent for magical purposes. Feathers are also allegorical for the floating sensation of a bioelectricity buzz which makes sense as the Kundalini can give a powerful buzz (this is from old swemons of HPS Maxine on imagery in Egyptian depictions of the Gods).

Moving on, Jomo Kenyatta (first president of Kenya) who was from the tribe wrote extensively on their traditions and customs. He was from a family of traditional occultists and he wrote some of what he had learnt especially from his grandfather (a seer and a magician) to whom he served as an apprentice.

I found his descriptions of the various forms of magic very revealing. The magicians used affirmations, visualization (in a healing for example, there's a part where the healer would clean out the soul of the sick person and affirm that their soul was bright and therefore cleaned from the sickness) and they would at times use objects owned by someone who they intended to work magic on (like in love magic). He also wrote that the magicians had a secret language that they would speak in when performing magic. "It is very important to acquire the correct use of magical words and their proper intonations, for the progress in applying magic effectively depends on uttering these words in their ritual order." [10] It is obvious that this is a form of kabbalah, which the Kikuyu people likely got from the Egyptians during their time in Egypt.

In closing, many other tribes as earlier mentioned had been in Ancient Egypt and they learnt a lot of spirituality from the Aryan Egyptians. Some other tribes even have red, white and black as their clan color tribes and mention explicitly that they were in Egypt (the Meru tribe is an example). These are important colors in alchemy and are from Egypt. The Nazis for example (who were advanced Satanists) used these colors.

Gods like Satan and Amon-Ra were highly revered by Blacks in Africa before the enemy tore it all down and replaced it with Christianity and Islam (Whites are as much victims as Blacks are which is why it is ultimately senseless to blame Whites for Christianity or Arabs for Islam in Africa, as it all stemmed from the jews). It is important to note that Africa was already degenerating before Whites came into the picture, though everything had not been lost yet. Slavery (internal and external), wars, activity by literal Reptilians had all done a number on Africa. The arrival of Christianity dealt a final blow to what was left of the original teachings of the Gods. Blacks need to return to our original spiritual way of life and Gods, the Gods of Hell.


1. 25th Dynasty of Egypt, also known as the Nubian Dynasty (after Nubia invaded Egypt leading to many Blacks living in Egypt)
2. Misri Legend,
3. Ngai, African deity
4. The fig tree and the Kikuyu people,
5. Sycamore fig, Ancient Egypt Wiki,
6. Cagnolo, C.,1933, The Akikuyu, Their customs, Traditions and Folklore.
7. "Heb-Sed, Egyptian feast", Britannica,
8. Leakey, Louis S.B., 1977, The Southern Kikuyu before 1903.
9. Routledge, W. S., and Routledge K., 1910, With a Prehistoric People, the Akikuyu of British East Africa.
10. Kenyatta, J. , Facing Mount Kenya.
I have also found the same in my studies about the Satanic origins of the faith of the Aboriginals in Australia. They had an elaborate creation myth based on the Serpent, you may be interested in this also. Lots of sources here to seek further. Unfortunately I did not have the time to assemble these and write an elaborate topic on this.

All Gentiles started by the same myth, symbol, spiritual roots. Only the enemy declared the Serpent and Satan as evil and/or negative.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have also found the same in my studies about the Satanic origins of the faith of the Aboriginals in Australia. They had an elaborate creation myth based on the Serpent, you may be interested in this also. Lots of sources here to seek further. Unfortunately I did not have the time to assemble these and write an elaborate topic on this.

All Gentiles started by the same myth, symbol, spiritual roots. Only the enemy declared the Serpent and Satan as evil and/or negative.

Thank you, I will look into it. I apologise for the lateness of the post as work and family affairs had been piling on my plate. But I believe I'm now able to spend more time on the forums.

It's very interesting reading and learning about how much occult information Gentiles had before the enemy wiped it away. Puts a good smile on one's face.
Good post brother. Good to see you back on. I’ve been looking into the spiritual symbols of Vodun, Shannon updated the website probably after I asked her about the Veve of Vodun. I’m still looking into it as well as Vodun in regards to the gods and their sigils.
Thank you Black Dragon you have earned my respect. I enjoyed to read this and i learnt a lot!
This is wonderful, i can see you as a high priest for black people. Keep up the good work!!
This was such an informative read, thank-you.

I will make time to read the sources as well, it is always a good feeling when someone accuses me of being discriminant against other races and then I able to speak of their culture and have a shared pride for the same gods from the Aryan to the Black Gentile.

If possible can you make a post on the Dogon?

Excellent article. I have a book on the Masaai that I have been meaning to read. I will add your article to the BlacksforSatan website. Thank you!
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Thank you Black Dragon you have earned my respect. I enjoyed to read this and i learnt a lot!
This is wonderful, i can see you as a high priest for black people. Keep up the good work!!

I see this potential in him too.
Excellent thread, truly.

I find it hilarious, how Hollywood, or the BBC, or really any jew run media corporation in the first world, tries to claim how "for the blacks" they are, and they supposedly demonstrate this by constantly recasting white characters with black actors, even historical figures like Achilles or Queens of England. They're happy to do this all day and night, but for all their bluster, these are just hollow, worthless victories. They throw blacks pointless scraps of "representation" and act like they're forward thinking. The reality of the situation is, if Kikeywood was so desperate to do the blacks of America a favor, why not make a movie about traditional African legends and stories? The reality is, the Jew knows it can piss off the whites by recasting blacks into white roles, while in reality giving the blacks nothing anyway, just creating further racial tension. For how much they supposedly love blacks and diversity, they sure do very conveniently avoid anything to do with actual black heritage and culture. It's no surprise that African Americans are so knowledge devoid regarding their own racial history, when they aren't even allowed to experience the most watered down version of it.

For how badly Africa is rotting and falling apart at the seams, there are some tribes which do stand strong. Like someone referenced the Dogon in another post, as a great example. It's also worth discussing the name Vodun. A lot of people don't know that the traditional Germanic name of Odin was Vodin, which is practically identical, and that there's a Voden deity in Ancient South America also.

Blackdragon666 said:
Some other tribes even have red, white and black as their clan color tribes and mention explicitly that they were in Egypt (the Meru tribe is an example). These are important colors in alchemy and are from Egypt. The Nazis for example (who were advanced Satanists) used these colors.

The Yoruban deity Shango is also primarily represented by those colors. Honestly, for any blacks looking for additional information, it's worth doing research into Yoruban religion. No matter how much the Jews tried to destroy this faith and corrupt it, it still stands fairly strong to this day, as do some of its Haitian Voodoo offshoots.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have also found the same in my studies about the Satanic origins of the faith of the Aboriginals in Australia. They had an elaborate creation myth based on the Serpent, you may be interested in this also. Lots of sources here to seek further. Unfortunately I did not have the time to assemble these and write an elaborate topic on this.

If you want a good area of study when it comes to the Australian Aboriginals, look into "The Dreamtime" or "The Dreaming". It's one of the concepts that exist among the Aboriginals here regardless of tribe. In a lot of ways it's one of the clearest, still existent descriptions of the Astral present in modern day belief systems.
Arcadia said:
Excellent thread, truly.

I find it hilarious, how Hollywood, or the BBC, or really any jew run media corporation in the first world, tries to claim how "for the blacks" they are, and they supposedly demonstrate this by constantly recasting white characters with black actors, even historical figures like Achilles or Queens of England. They're happy to do this all day and night, but for all their bluster, these are just hollow, worthless victories. They throw blacks pointless scraps of "representation" and act like they're forward thinking. The reality of the situation is, if Kikeywood was so desperate to do the blacks of America a favor, why not make a movie about traditional African legends and stories? The reality is, the Jew knows it can piss off the whites by recasting blacks into white roles, while in reality giving the blacks nothing anyway, just creating further racial tension. For how much they supposedly love blacks and diversity, they sure do very conveniently avoid anything to do with actual black heritage and culture. It's no surprise that African Americans are so knowledge devoid regarding their own racial history, when they aren't even allowed to experience the most watered down version of it.

For how badly Africa is rotting and falling apart at the seams, there are some tribes which do stand strong. Like someone referenced the Dogon in another post, as a great example. It's also worth discussing the name Vodun. A lot of people don't know that the traditional Germanic name of Odin was Vodin, which is practically identical, and that there's a Voden deity in Ancient South America also.

Blackdragon666 said:
Some other tribes even have red, white and black as their clan color tribes and mention explicitly that they were in Egypt (the Meru tribe is an example). These are important colors in alchemy and are from Egypt. The Nazis for example (who were advanced Satanists) used these colors.

The Yoruban deity Shango is also primarily represented by those colors. Honestly, for any blacks looking for additional information, it's worth doing research into Yoruban religion. No matter how much the Jews tried to destroy this faith and corrupt it, it still stands fairly strong to this day, as do some of its Haitian Voodoo offshoots.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
I have also found the same in my studies about the Satanic origins of the faith of the Aboriginals in Australia. They had an elaborate creation myth based on the Serpent, you may be interested in this also. Lots of sources here to seek further. Unfortunately I did not have the time to assemble these and write an elaborate topic on this.

If you want a good area of study when it comes to the Australian Aboriginals, look into "The Dreamtime" or "The Dreaming". It's one of the concepts that exist among the Aboriginals here regardless of tribe. In a lot of ways it's one of the clearest, still existent descriptions of the Astral present in modern day belief systems.

Yes, I have written about the Yoruba Ife-Orisha tradition on my website. The Ifa Orisha tradition has the chakras system and more and emphasizes meditation and such. A lot of the Yoruba language and some of the gods, are egyptian in origin. In Vodun red, white and black are important colors too.

Vodun/Voodoo emphasizes the serpent power and the mercury chi power. The V does this.
The Vodun snake god Damballah is the kundalini serpent. African dance was to stimulate the serpent energy and stretch out and move the prana flow. Same as with serpentine movements and belly dancing in the east but a little different.

In Vodun, the chief god Legba represents the sun and the bioelectricity. In Africa, he is the opener of the gates (chakras). Legba is depicted with horns and the sigil of him is an equal armed cross which represents the soul and four corners of it. With the daemons, most of them have the equal armed cross in their sigil too. Actually some of the main Voodoo gods veves look similar to the Daemon sigils.

Many of the gods and the religion of spiritual satanism was wide spread throughout the ancient world no matter the race. It's a beautiful thing.
The culture of Kemet was in Kush(Ancient Ethiopia) before Kemet was founded this has been confirmed by Ancient Greek and Roman historians the hieroglyphic is Ethiopian writing Diodorus Siculus confirms this why is it that we find it difficult to accept that Blacks could have founded Kemet is it because that maybe as Blacks maybe we are not "sexy enough" especially given the current state of the race......if Satguru Subramuniyaswami is to be believed human beings came to this planet escorted by the Gods as quite highly evolved souls we didn't evolve from apes we came from Pleiades millions years ago we had reached peak evolution in our astral bodies but to go further we needed a physical body and you need a fire planet (a planet who's core is hot )for Kundalini to work optimally so the first humans where highly evolved with physical bodies that don't age this was in the Sat Yuga and we degenerated as the Yugas descended........Divine Providence doesn't create anything useless everything created has a purpose ,a plan, this plan is what the Hindus call Purusha, the Atman ,ParaSiva the male principle which contains all knowledge and is ingrained in everything that's created arcordding to its nature this male principle is static and needs Sakti the female principle to execute the plan ......Sakti is the female principle ,mother nature with the three gunas it's what creates it's dynamic without the male principle the Sakti would not know what to do and without the female principle the Siva male principle would not be able to execute it's plan to bring the Plan into fruition this was symbolised by the Ancients with the Snake coiled three times around a dead stump the stump being the male principle and the snake the female principle both are just aspects of the One God , Divine Providence and so on operating in all of creation this why a seed when planted knows to grow or a bird knows how to fly or ants know to build an ant hill without being schooled because the Siva/Shakti principle is working properly in them the point I am trying to make is in every soul the plan for it's evolution is already ingrained in it the male principle and the Kundalini the snake power, female principle executes this plan being civilised is part of this plan now the worship of the Gods and Yogic practices given to us by them accelerates the unfoldment of this Plan ,Purusha already imbedded in us by default by virtue of existing because Divine Providence doesn't create a useless thing everything in existence has a purpose and everything in one way or another serves Divine Providence now what happened with humanity is that the female principle in us was separated from the male principle in the crown chakra the snake power was dropped and fell asleep in the base chakra as a result our evolution was arrested, the Plan , Purusha in us was arrested it could not be executed because it needs the Sakti power the Kundalini to execute the plan of evolution intrinsic in all souls so the goal now becomes to awaken this snake power to unite it with her husband in the crown chakra for the Plan ,Purusha to unfold into the Magnum Opus the point I am making with all this.... is that civilisation is intrinsic in all races so to suggest that Blacks couldn't have founded Kemet with the help of the Gods of course because we are Black is false the same way you say that the Gods worked with Whites to establish their civilisations is the same way the could have worked with Blacks to establish Kemet why not......
My family are a priest, healers and spiritual people. My pops was supposed to be the priest but declined for the stupid xianity clergy. I have had apparitions and messages to take up the mantle and that was very long ago before Satan found me and directed me here by very unseen means and events. Right from childhood I have been called the special one and I knew I was but couldn't place it until recently after doing the Final RTR for a while I knew what the special was, it is the opportunity I have to be Satan's representative here, which my family can't be or see, it's the amount of power I tap from the ancestry and the previlage to raise my Serpent.
The priesthood we inherit has snakes on the staff, each time the man appeared to me, he had the staff too and then I did not know where I was from. The surname we bear means "the snake that creates" Satan owns Africa and the fact that this the most sunny continent tells me why here was really important. The attack on Africa spirituality is more heavy than any continent and that tells me we were a big threat, the kind of enemies one can't have a peace treaty with, one that must be destroyed totally.
If 30%of Africa turns to Satan, I bet with the amount of devotion we naturally have towards spirituality, This war may be easily won. For my delight in conflict I want to state that Africa was very independent in our relationship to Satan and the Demons that related with us. Our methods and our skill was the admiration of the Aryan world. I would say Africa is the first born of Satan.

Hornet666 said:
Was Haile Selassie of the enemy?

There is reason to believe he had jewish DNA. Ethiopain Jew. There are plenty of "black" jews in Ethiopia. I wrote about the Rastafarian movement on my website.
HPS Shannon said:
Hornet666 said:
Was Haile Selassie of the enemy?

There is reason to believe he had jewish DNA. Ethiopain Jew. There are plenty of "black" jews in Ethiopia. I wrote about the Rastafarian movement on my website.

Yeah I could see a bit of race mix in his appearance. And the nose...well it's very jewwy..i was also getting a Mahatma Ghandi type vibe from him also while researching. Its like they put this saint type facade up and pretend to be holy.
I get the same vibe about the singer 'The weeknd' also...from memory I think he is Ethiopian descent too. And he looks more brown skinned than black.
Good to see you too brother! I hope you're well. Vodun was also once about working with the serpent but of course the enemy happened.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

One doesn't necessarily have to be clergy to work for our cause. I also have some long way to go in my spiritual advancement before I would say I'm fit enough to be clergy. Above all, the Gods see and know these things and if there is someone they want in their clergy, they will have them appointed (unlike Magestein, the self appointed 'high priest'). Thank you for your compliment though. I hope you're well.
I believe there have been various posts over the years on the Dogon. I'll see if I can find detailed information about them, for example legends and myths as these are what contain the spiritual allegories.

Imagine how it will be when all Gentiles acknowledge that we all worshipped and revered the same Nordic Gods who created us and gave us our racial and spiritual heritage...

HPS Shannon said:
Excellent article. I have a book on the Masaai that I have been meaning to read. I will add your article to the BlacksforSatan website. Thank you!
You're welcome HPS. :)

What these Jew run platforms do is treat Blacks as apes. Giving us some worthless 'benefits' in exchange for us attacking Whites while attributing their legacy (literally the mummies of most Egyptian Pharaohs and royalty are clearly Caucasian) to ourselves.

This is Black pride out there in a nutshell. Don't forget to whine about a Wakanda that never was, that Whites are supposed to have taken down or something.

They will not talk about the rich traditional African cultures, the countless mythologies, or anything that Blacks can identify with. It's always portraying how Blacks suffered at the hands of Whites (who happen to have been jews as research shows) like it's all there is to Blacks.

Satan was much revered in Africa. In this old sermon, HPS Maxine mentions how Satan was the God of much of Africa.
"Satan/Enki was given the "Lower World." These were the lands beneath the equator. This included all of Egypt, though Egypt is north of the equator."

Thanks for the additional resources.

You're welcome, and I hope you have more pride in your roots.

Egypt was White brother. I understand where you're coming from but facts remain to be facts. One of the reasons I love researching about Black spirituality in other parts of Africa is that it dismisses the idea that we need ancient Egypt to feel proud.

Egypt was White and this will always be their legacy. It was in fact founded by the Nordic Gods as it happens to date back to the time the Gods lived physically on earth (the Zep Tepi period when Osiris was supposed to have been a Pharaoh in Egypt has been dated to over 30,000 years ago, and Egypt is probably older than that still).

Blacks having been in Egypt doesn't necessarily equate them having founded Egypt.

Keep up your racial pride :)

I never bothered to research deeply about him so I'm unaware.
Hornet666 said:
I get the same vibe about the singer 'The weeknd' also...from memory I think he is Ethiopian descent too. And he looks more brown skinned than black.

I wouldn't be surprised if he is. As Drake is also a jew. Good to remember that years of war, bloodshed for the purpose of jewish magic has caused a grid on our planet which over time has optimized jewish power and authority with little to know opposition. Almost to the point where people, those without are mere pawns and existing living in a jew created simulation. Where "death" is guaranteed and expected, and their entire life has been mapped out to serve the jewish goal.

That's not to say that gentiles can't reach the top, but there's an overwhelming presence of jews there as this grid has caused a resonance on their parasitic soul to thrive and rise with no opposition.

We on the other hand are a glitch in the matrix, the opposition erasing the grid.
This is just a cheap game they play and every Black self respecting person should understand this. Also as you say, this is only victim mentality. It does not help anyone advance.

Whites should also refuse to engage in this worthless jewish game of lying that "Other races had nothing hur hur" which is only a total lie, disproved by both science, archeology, and reality. Who is as mentally insane to say that Asia or India or Africa had none? One has to be a jew or mentally ill to say these things.

Only the jew looked upon every ancient civilization and said that these people didn't matter or that their great achievements were nothing.

Blacks also do that when they want to attack Whites, this is a subversion method of deconstruction. We know and archeology (even jewish attacked archeology) KNOWS there were cities, monuments etc. The same shit was done about Pagan civilizations, and the enemy always said it was "nothing" there. But was there nothing? Because jews lied there wasn't?

Jews do lying and anyone who follows this lying makes equal themselves to a jew.

Plus, they always take for granted that Gentiles are stupid. For example, Asians had enslaved parts of Europe before. Arabs have enslaved the Mediterranean, and kept slaves for over 300 to 400 consecutive years. All these slaves were Whites.

And they lived under Islamic law, in heavy inter generational suffering. This wasn't like the United States slavery, because there was no law and nothing else. It involved rape, murder, enslavement of villages, stealing of kids to raise them as spies and worse. For centuries. The people were never given any vindication or understanding of this. The slavery stopped only through bloodied warfare.

These things have happened to basically most humans on earth. Not only Blacks.

Blacks don't have to claim anyone else's civilization as Whites don't and nobody has to do that to nobody else. I have found rich information on these cultures, and no different than White culture, most of these have been wiped out to non existence.

Everyone has had rich, wonderful, spiritual past to draw from with strong roots. We have to keep these roots well watered and firm on the ground.

Jews always engage us in wrong conversations and emotional complexes to dissuade us from true self realization and research.

This involves fighting with others where there is no reason over jewish lies.

Blackdragon666 said:
What these Jew run platforms do is treat Blacks as apes. Giving us some worthless 'benefits' in exchange for us attacking Whites while attributing their legacy (literally the mummies of most Egyptian Pharaohs and royalty are clearly Caucasian) to ourselves.

This is Black pride out there in a nutshell. Don't forget to whine about a Wakanda that never was, that Whites are supposed to have taken down or something.

They will not talk about the rich traditional African cultures, the countless mythologies, or anything that Blacks can identify with. It's always portraying how Blacks suffered at the hands of Whites (who happen to have been jews as research shows) like it's all there is to Blacks.
HPS Shannon said:
Hornet666 said:
Was Haile Selassie of the enemy?

There is reason to believe he had jewish DNA. Ethiopain Jew. There are plenty of "black" jews in Ethiopia. I wrote about the Rastafarian movement on my website.

Ethiopian jews are really dangerous bunch. They are as dangerous as the Ashkenazim jews of Germany.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
HPS Shannon said:
Hornet666 said:
Was Haile Selassie of the enemy?

There is reason to believe he had jewish DNA. Ethiopain Jew. There are plenty of "black" jews in Ethiopia. I wrote about the Rastafarian movement on my website.

Ethiopian jews are really dangerous bunch. They are as dangerous as the Ashkenazim jews of Germany.

I can't remember where I read it. May have been an article on one of their websites. They were saying Ethiopian jews were part of the Lost tribes of Israel. And it stated that they were more jewish than the jews living in Israel.
This was really fun and educating to read, thank you for sharing this with us, brother!!

I hope to read more in the future from you!

Take care!
Has anyone studied the Aztecs?
Were they black people?
I'm an SS and I admit I've dabbled in Santeria. Is there a place in Satan for Santeria?? You know Yosuba Ogun that sht
Blackdragon666 said:

On Ancient Egypt we just have to agree to disagree the Ancient Greek Historians who were there say that Kemet was Ethiopian and hieroglyphic is Ethiopian writing. They are Black looking statues all over the place and if you have noticed most of them are disfigured the noses where shot off so obviously some people didn't expect to see Black faces all over the place as for the Gods Hinduism recognises over 330 million Mahadevas they are probably even more I don't think the Gods show racial bias to them it's about your devotion the same goes with the Supreme Sustainer of everything the Atman itself
Blackdragon666 said:
Good to see you too brother! I hope you're well. Vodun was also once about working with the serpent but of course the enemy happened.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

One doesn't necessarily have to be clergy to work for our cause. I also have some long way to go in my spiritual advancement before I would say I'm fit enough to be clergy. Above all, the Gods see and know these things and if there is someone they want in their clergy, they will have them appointed (unlike Magestein, the self appointed 'high priest'). Thank you for your compliment though. I hope you're well.
I believe there have been various posts over the years on the Dogon. I'll see if I can find detailed information about them, for example legends and myths as these are what contain the spiritual allegories.

Imagine how it will be when all Gentiles acknowledge that we all worshipped and revered the same Nordic Gods who created us and gave us our racial and spiritual heritage...

HPS Shannon said:
Excellent article. I have a book on the Masaai that I have been meaning to read. I will add your article to the BlacksforSatan website. Thank you!
You're welcome HPS. :)

What these Jew run platforms do is treat Blacks as apes. Giving us some worthless 'benefits' in exchange for us attacking Whites while attributing their legacy (literally the mummies of most Egyptian Pharaohs and royalty are clearly Caucasian) to ourselves.

This is Black pride out there in a nutshell. Don't forget to whine about a Wakanda that never was, that Whites are supposed to have taken down or something.

They will not talk about the rich traditional African cultures, the countless mythologies, or anything that Blacks can identify with. It's always portraying how Blacks suffered at the hands of Whites (who happen to have been jews as research shows) like it's all there is to Blacks.

Satan was much revered in Africa. In this old sermon, HPS Maxine mentions how Satan was the God of much of Africa.
"Satan/Enki was given the "Lower World." These were the lands beneath the equator. This included all of Egypt, though Egypt is north of the equator."

Thanks for the additional resources.

You're welcome, and I hope you have more pride in your roots.

Egypt was White brother. I understand where you're coming from but facts remain to be facts. One of the reasons I love researching about Black spirituality in other parts of Africa is that it dismisses the idea that we need ancient Egypt to feel proud.

Egypt was White and this will always be their legacy. It was in fact founded by the Nordic Gods as it happens to date back to the time the Gods lived physically on earth (the Zep Tepi period when Osiris was supposed to have been a Pharaoh in Egypt has been dated to over 30,000 years ago, and Egypt is probably older than that still).

Blacks having been in Egypt doesn't necessarily equate them having founded Egypt.

Keep up your racial pride :)

I never bothered to research deeply about him so I'm unaware.
I just want to add another thing what makes a being superior is the degree of purity not necessarily the racial form so for instance what makes Satan a Mahadeva is not because he is White it's the degree of purity that is how much of the Atman principle he is manfesting.Form can be manipulated its part of Maya,for instance Jews have mainly taken a human "white" form that doesn't make them noble someone can be white ,evil and dumb ;someone can be brown , noble and wise.The determining factor is the degree of purity. A God can appear as an elephant like Ganesha for example that's just one of His many forms,A God can appear as a Negro,an Asian and so on. That's why if you have noticed in Hinduism the Gods are depicted in light blue color indicating the Ether and their degree of purity. Also indicating Neutrality. I have seen statutes of Ganesha as a Negro very Black with thick lips and broad nose worshipped in India. I have also Ancient Roman coins depicting the God Mercury whose is Egyptian Thoth and Indian Ganesha equivalent as a Negro. They Black looking Buddhas, Asian looking Buddhas,White looking Buddhas and so on.....
Blackdragon666 said:
Good to see you too brother! I hope you're well. Vodun was also once about working with the serpent but of course the enemy happened.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

One doesn't necessarily have to be clergy to work for our cause. I also have some long way to go in my spiritual advancement before I would say I'm fit enough to be clergy. Above all, the Gods see and know these things and if there is someone they want in their clergy, they will have them appointed (unlike Magestein, the self appointed 'high priest'). Thank you for your compliment though. I hope you're well.
I believe there have been various posts over the years on the Dogon. I'll see if I can find detailed information about them, for example legends and myths as these are what contain the spiritual allegories.

Imagine how it will be when all Gentiles acknowledge that we all worshipped and revered the same Nordic Gods who created us and gave us our racial and spiritual heritage...

HPS Shannon said:
Excellent article. I have a book on the Masaai that I have been meaning to read. I will add your article to the BlacksforSatan website. Thank you!
You're welcome HPS. :)

What these Jew run platforms do is treat Blacks as apes. Giving us some worthless 'benefits' in exchange for us attacking Whites while attributing their legacy (literally the mummies of most Egyptian Pharaohs and royalty are clearly Caucasian) to ourselves.

This is Black pride out there in a nutshell. Don't forget to whine about a Wakanda that never was, that Whites are supposed to have taken down or something.

They will not talk about the rich traditional African cultures, the countless mythologies, or anything that Blacks can identify with. It's always portraying how Blacks suffered at the hands of Whites (who happen to have been jews as research shows) like it's all there is to Blacks.

Satan was much revered in Africa. In this old sermon, HPS Maxine mentions how Satan was the God of much of Africa.
"Satan/Enki was given the "Lower World." These were the lands beneath the equator. This included all of Egypt, though Egypt is north of the equator."

Thanks for the additional resources.

You're welcome, and I hope you have more pride in your roots.

Egypt was White brother. I understand where you're coming from but facts remain to be facts. One of the reasons I love researching about Black spirituality in other parts of Africa is that it dismisses the idea that we need ancient Egypt to feel proud.

Egypt was White and this will always be their legacy. It was in fact founded by the Nordic Gods as it happens to date back to the time the Gods lived physically on earth (the Zep Tepi period when Osiris was supposed to have been a Pharaoh in Egypt has been dated to over 30,000 years ago, and Egypt is probably older than that still).

Blacks having been in Egypt doesn't necessarily equate them having founded Egypt.

Keep up your racial pride :)

I never bothered to research deeply about him so I'm unaware.
I just want to add another thing what makes a being superior is the degree of purity not necessarily the racial form so for instance what makes Satan a Mahadeva is not because he is White it's the degree of purity that is how much of the Atman principle he is manfesting.Form can be manipulated its part of Maya,for instance Jews have mainly taken a human "white" form that doesn't make them noble someone can be white ,evil and dumb ;someone can be brown , noble and wise.The determining factor is the degree of purity. A God can appear as an elephant like Ganesha for example that's just one of His many forms,A God can appear as a Negro,an Asian and so on. That's why if you have noticed in Hinduism the Gods are depicted in light blue color indicating the Ether and their degree of purity. Also indicating Neutrality. I have seen statutes of Ganesha as a Negro very Black with thick lips and broad nose worshipped in India. I have also seen Ancient Roman coins depicting the God Mercury whose is Egyptian Thoth and Indian Ganesha equivalent as a Negro. They Black looking Buddhas, Asian looking Buddhas,White looking Buddhas and so on.....
Hi, just want to inform you that there is a rise of xtian mental dwarfkins going about that Satan isn't Lucifer because "durrr it wasn't mentioned in the bible." They are really THIS blind to not see that they reference the same hated being by Xtianity when they say that Lucifer is just a reference to a babylonian king and that it was not a reference for Satan. What if they looked further than xtianity themselves?

The only source they have for this one is their own bible and scriptures. Just why the hell did Lucifer get cast out of kike heaven? Because of yuckweh's autistic imbecility, if one has read that disgusting fucking book, where he does not want anyone else above him and in throwing Satan out, that just makes him an enemy to yuckweh. And also, why was Satan in judaism the concept of what causes one to sin to them(Satan in wikipedia)? And you know what else is so funny? WITCHCRAFT IS A SIN TO THEM and this where one can reason out why xtians and the abrahamic cultists say that Satan is why there is witchcraft. Welp, I think we all know the rest of the answers here. It's not like we are "bad idol worshippers" in their books, lmao.

The bible is meant to look like a poorly written and vague fanfic so there come the stupid preachers who'll try to dictate crap to the idiotic masses on what the subliminal torah for gentiles, crapped out of the jewish ass years ago is all about. Be careful of xtians trying to change their narratives, their inconsistencies are why they are a psychotic burning trash fire cult of conspiracies against humanity's original beliefs and systems.

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong, I am just trying to bust some xtian necrophilic cultists that just want to try washing their hands.
likman666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:

On Ancient Egypt we just have to agree to disagree the Ancient Greek Historians who were there say that Kemet was Ethiopian and hieroglyphic is Ethiopian writing. They are Black looking statues all over the place and if you have noticed most of them are disfigured the noses where shot off so obviously some people didn't expect to see Black faces all over the place as for the Gods Hinduism recognises over 330 million Mahadevas they are probably even more I don't think the Gods show racial bias to them it's about your devotion the same goes with the Supreme Sustainer of everything the Atman itself
Yes of course there would be Black statues after the Nubian Dynasty but what about the fact that the evidence is consistent before the 25th Dynasty that Egypt was White? The blonde mummies, genetic tests, statues with Caucasian features? How do you explain all that?

I can tell you have some hang ups. Notice how I didn't degrade Blacks at all but throughout you come from the perspective of someone who is being attacked (this post was in part meant to increase racial pride in Blacks in addition to educating). This is because of what I mentioned. We have been *programmed* to believe that Egypt is what gives us pride as a race. So when I mention that Egypt was White, you feel attacked because it goes against some programming in you.

This is just like the wakanda meme. Don't fall for it brother. The average Black out there just needs to claim Egypt and feel proud yet they don't do much for our people. Facts will remain to be facts and feelings are just that, feelings. No matter how you feel about it, it's never going to change that Egypt was a White civilization.

And lastly, no 'jealous Whites' were shooting noses on Egyptian statues of Blacks. This is a lie meant to manipulate Blacks emotionally. Even the Sphinx had its nose shot off. Statues of White Pharaohs like Ramses II (who was a redhead as tests on his hair showed) have been destroyed and so much more but you don't see Whites complaining about that do you?

You have some issues on your soul and it's sad you don't see it.
likman666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Good to see you too brother! I hope you're well. Vodun was also once about working with the serpent but of course the enemy happened.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

One doesn't necessarily have to be clergy to work for our cause. I also have some long way to go in my spiritual advancement before I would say I'm fit enough to be clergy. Above all, the Gods see and know these things and if there is someone they want in their clergy, they will have them appointed (unlike Magestein, the self appointed 'high priest'). Thank you for your compliment though. I hope you're well.
I believe there have been various posts over the years on the Dogon. I'll see if I can find detailed information about them, for example legends and myths as these are what contain the spiritual allegories.

Imagine how it will be when all Gentiles acknowledge that we all worshipped and revered the same Nordic Gods who created us and gave us our racial and spiritual heritage...

HPS Shannon said:
Excellent article. I have a book on the Masaai that I have been meaning to read. I will add your article to the BlacksforSatan website. Thank you!
You're welcome HPS. :)

What these Jew run platforms do is treat Blacks as apes. Giving us some worthless 'benefits' in exchange for us attacking Whites while attributing their legacy (literally the mummies of most Egyptian Pharaohs and royalty are clearly Caucasian) to ourselves.

This is Black pride out there in a nutshell. Don't forget to whine about a Wakanda that never was, that Whites are supposed to have taken down or something.

They will not talk about the rich traditional African cultures, the countless mythologies, or anything that Blacks can identify with. It's always portraying how Blacks suffered at the hands of Whites (who happen to have been jews as research shows) like it's all there is to Blacks.

Satan was much revered in Africa. In this old sermon, HPS Maxine mentions how Satan was the God of much of Africa.
"Satan/Enki was given the "Lower World." These were the lands beneath the equator. This included all of Egypt, though Egypt is north of the equator."

Thanks for the additional resources.

You're welcome, and I hope you have more pride in your roots.

Egypt was White brother. I understand where you're coming from but facts remain to be facts. One of the reasons I love researching about Black spirituality in other parts of Africa is that it dismisses the idea that we need ancient Egypt to feel proud.

Egypt was White and this will always be their legacy. It was in fact founded by the Nordic Gods as it happens to date back to the time the Gods lived physically on earth (the Zep Tepi period when Osiris was supposed to have been a Pharaoh in Egypt has been dated to over 30,000 years ago, and Egypt is probably older than that still).

Blacks having been in Egypt doesn't necessarily equate them having founded Egypt.

Keep up your racial pride :)

I never bothered to research deeply about him so I'm unaware.
I just want to add another thing what makes a being superior is the degree of purity not necessarily the racial form so for instance what makes Satan a Mahadeva is not because he is White it's the degree of purity that is how much of the Atman principle he is manfesting.Form can be manipulated its part of Maya,for instance Jews have mainly taken a human "white" form that doesn't make them noble someone can be white ,evil and dumb ;someone can be brown , noble and wise.The determining factor is the degree of purity. A God can appear as an elephant like Ganesha for example that's just one of His many forms,A God can appear as a Negro,an Asian and so on. That's why if you have noticed in Hinduism the Gods are depicted in light blue color indicating the Ether and their degree of purity. Also indicating Neutrality. I have seen statutes of Ganesha as a Negro very Black with thick lips and broad nose worshipped in India. I have also seen Ancient Roman coins depicting the God Mercury whose is Egyptian Thoth and Indian Ganesha equivalent as a Negro. They Black looking Buddhas, Asian looking Buddhas,White looking Buddhas and so on.....
Actually Satan's race does have to do with the level he is at. The extent to which a soul can advance is directly related to the genes. This is why eugenics is a thing among the Gods and will soon be among humanity so we can purify our races over a few generations (or maybe a lot as race mixing has happened to large degrees in some places). Now you're just preaching some form of communism and projecting insecurities and some obvious anti White sentiments cloaked in 'example'.

The jews for example will always be a worthless failed species as they are of a different genetic make-up. While Gentiles can perform the Magnum Opus and become immortal, because it is in our genes and therefore soul, the jews are a low level species that can only take down civilization.

Theoretically speaking, anyone (that is to say Nordics and humans, generally beings from our galactic family of races created by Satan and given his Kundalini) can advance to any level but practically speaking, things like time and how far one has to go do factor in. Yes, even among THE GODS Satan stands out. What I'm trying to say is it's not some one time flat level thing you just acquire and stay in but rather a linear eternal path with more and more levels along the infinite path.

You're making very many assumptions too. Time and effort one puts into advancing factor in as well. I don't know where you got this 'purity' thing from either. Superiority has to do with the level of spiritual advancement and not 'purity'. What purity are you talking about?

All I'm seeing is serious hang ups. Don't take this reply personally. I'm just being honest here.
HPS Shannon said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Thank you Black Dragon you have earned my respect. I enjoyed to read this and i learnt a lot!
This is wonderful, i can see you as a high priest for black people. Keep up the good work!!

I see this potential in him too.

Beautiful words HPS Shannon Outlaw. Elegua Yoruba Ase Dogon!!!
Turned this into this


Hail Satan!!!
likman666 said:

The form of a species ie, the race, and the metagenetic aspect of it, are one and the same.

The nasty greys that people see, are nasty physically also. They don't have eyes, individuality, genitals, nothing. This is not subjective. How they are is what they are.

Africa has had superior and more advanced races. Central Ethiopia that you mentioned, had Black people, and was on the border of Egypt. Was generally widely respected at this time, and it had warriors and organized society. But they appear to have mixed a lot and then after centuries also fell. Jews also mixed with many Ethiopians and hijacked their society.

Astral change of forms can happen, but the Gods do not take an assumed form to communicate on higher levels of communication. There is no neutrality, this is the opposite of neutrality.

Gurus who have seen Shiva face to face do agree on his so called "Racial" characteristics which fall under "Nordic" territory. I don't think Hindu Gurus have any need to promote a racial agenda, they are just saying what they saw objectively. They aren't racists nor they are biased towards anyone.

None of the Ancient People's tried to claim or whatever the civilizations of others. The lie that Africans didn't have any civilization at all, is bullshit. This lead many Africans in looking for identity, to try to claim civilizations of others. What BlackDragon explains to you, is that this is not necessary because there ARE so many things for you to look at.

The Gods are what they are, and we can become what we want through their knowledge. Of course, races can advance and people can become Gods. There are cases of this that happened in Ethiopia and elsewhere. Ethiopians having a strong civilization that was in opposition with Egypt was known in Iliad and Homer wrote about it.

Certain sub-tribes of Africans seem to have held dominance and universal respect of the region for centuries, such as Ethiopians, Dogon and Yoruba blacks, because they had organization and spiritual training, but also military aptitude. Not all were the same. The same thing happens everywhere.

The same lie that is told to Blacks that they didn't have much was also told to Europeans, which after the kikes invaded with xianity, they wiped out 85% of European civilization or possibly more, and then told them they were "Primitive junk" that only knew how to make an axe and a spear.
Blackdragon666 said:
likman666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Good to see you too brother! I hope you're well. Vodun was also once about working with the serpent but of course the enemy happened.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

One doesn't necessarily have to be clergy to work for our cause. I also have some long way to go in my spiritual advancement before I would say I'm fit enough to be clergy. Above all, the Gods see and know these things and if there is someone they want in their clergy, they will have them appointed (unlike Magestein, the self appointed 'high priest'). Thank you for your compliment though. I hope you're well.

I believe there have been various posts over the years on the Dogon. I'll see if I can find detailed information about them, for example legends and myths as these are what contain the spiritual allegories.

Imagine how it will be when all Gentiles acknowledge that we all worshipped and revered the same Nordic Gods who created us and gave us our racial and spiritual heritage...

You're welcome HPS. :)

What these Jew run platforms do is treat Blacks as apes. Giving us some worthless 'benefits' in exchange for us attacking Whites while attributing their legacy (literally the mummies of most Egyptian Pharaohs and royalty are clearly Caucasian) to ourselves.

This is Black pride out there in a nutshell. Don't forget to whine about a Wakanda that never was, that Whites are supposed to have taken down or something.

They will not talk about the rich traditional African cultures, the countless mythologies, or anything that Blacks can identify with. It's always portraying how Blacks suffered at the hands of Whites (who happen to have been jews as research shows) like it's all there is to Blacks.

Satan was much revered in Africa. In this old sermon, HPS Maxine mentions how Satan was the God of much of Africa.
"Satan/Enki was given the "Lower World." These were the lands beneath the equator. This included all of Egypt, though Egypt is north of the equator."

Thanks for the additional resources.

You're welcome, and I hope you have more pride in your roots.

Egypt was White brother. I understand where you're coming from but facts remain to be facts. One of the reasons I love researching about Black spirituality in other parts of Africa is that it dismisses the idea that we need ancient Egypt to feel proud.

Egypt was White and this will always be their legacy. It was in fact founded by the Nordic Gods as it happens to date back to the time the Gods lived physically on earth (the Zep Tepi period when Osiris was supposed to have been a Pharaoh in Egypt has been dated to over 30,000 years ago, and Egypt is probably older than that still).

Blacks having been in Egypt doesn't necessarily equate them having founded Egypt.

Keep up your racial pride :)

I never bothered to research deeply about him so I'm unaware.
I just want to add another thing what makes a being superior is the degree of purity not necessarily the racial form so for instance what makes Satan a Mahadeva is not because he is White it's the degree of purity that is how much of the Atman principle he is manfesting.Form can be manipulated its part of Maya,for instance Jews have mainly taken a human "white" form that doesn't make them noble someone can be white ,evil and dumb ;someone can be brown , noble and wise.The determining factor is the degree of purity. A God can appear as an elephant like Ganesha for example that's just one of His many forms,A God can appear as a Negro,an Asian and so on. That's why if you have noticed in Hinduism the Gods are depicted in light blue color indicating the Ether and their degree of purity. Also indicating Neutrality. I have seen statutes of Ganesha as a Negro very Black with thick lips and broad nose worshipped in India. I have also seen Ancient Roman coins depicting the God Mercury whose is Egyptian Thoth and Indian Ganesha equivalent as a Negro. They Black looking Buddhas, Asian looking Buddhas,White looking Buddhas and so on.....
Actually Satan's race does have to do with the level he is at. The extent to which a soul can advance is directly related to the genes. This is why eugenics is a thing among the Gods and will soon be among humanity so we can purify our races over a few generations (or maybe a lot as race mixing has happened to large degrees in some places). Now you're just preaching some form of communism and projecting insecurities and some obvious anti White sentiments cloaked in 'example'.

The jews for example will always be a worthless failed species as they are of a different genetic make-up. While Gentiles can perform the Magnum Opus and become immortal, because it is in our genes and therefore soul, the jews are a low level species that can only take down civilization.

Theoretically speaking, anyone (that is to say Nordics and humans, generally beings from our galactic family of races created by Satan and given his Kundalini) can advance to any level but practically speaking, things like time and how far one has to go do factor in. Yes, even among THE GODS Satan stands out. What I'm trying to say is it's not some one time flat level thing you just acquire and stay in but rather a linear eternal path with more and more levels along the infinite path.

You're making very many assumptions too. Time and effort one puts into advancing factor in as well. I don't know where you got this 'purity' thing from either. Superiority has to do with the level of spiritual advancement and not 'purity'. What purity are you talking about?

All I'm seeing is serious hang ups. Don't take this reply personally. I'm just being honest here.
Look the theory that Whites founded all the Great Dharmic Civilsations is mainly based on the "Aryan Invasion Theory". Now "Aryan" is an originally Vedic term which means "noble".This theory was mainly promulgated by early Christian missionaries particularly by a German Christian called Max Muller. The term Aryan was then applied to parent language of Greek,Sanskrit,Latin and Germanic-a people who spoke this parent language. A race of light skinned Aryans.These Aryans went around conquering "primitive" people and founded all the Great Dharmic Civilisations. This theory holds that the Vedas the core scriptures of Hinduism where brought in by these outsiders and were only partly composed in India.Now according to Sat guru Subramuniyaswami this theory was pushed for three main reasons.1.It provided a convenient precedent for Christian British subjugation of India. 2.It reconciled the Ancient Indian civilisation and Scriptures with the supposed late 4000 BCE biblical date of creation.3.It created conflict among the people of India between the lighter Indians and darker Indians the Tamil/Dravidian people making them more vulnerable to conversion by christian missionaries.Now this theory has been rejected by many Hindu scholars including Rishis and Sat Gurus like Satguru Subramuniyaswami mind you this is the first White American Satguru of the Nandinatha sect , Satan opened his private Akashic Library to give him the Lemurian Scrolls you can download the book for free here https://www.himalayanacademy.com/view/lemurian-scrolls( I mention this to show the credentials of the man).They say the Vedic culture and scriptures are native to the people of India including ancient Sanskrit and Tamil,given to them by the Gods there was no Aryan Invasion that did this and that the Aryans referred to in the Vedas are the native people of India.This I also suspect for the other Dharmic civlisations they where no invading light skinned Aryans bringing those civilisations to the native people they where given to them by the Gods.Now as earlier stated the term " Aryan" originally means noble which I suspect you must know.This is referring to the Atman,the inner perfection in all things created as it is God the Supreme Sustainer of everything its pure Awareness of which everyone is.The Swastika is symbolic of this Atman and the Divine cosmic order that comes out of IT.Aryan also refers to the Spiritual Culture that leads to the union(Yoga) or unfoldment of the Atman principle within the soul as it is the sustainer of the soul.To manifest IT like the way the Stars are doing as the Stars are considered as the Purest material manifestation of Atman, hence the Worship of the Sun by the Ancients who considered it as God Itself they were right. Everything is a manifestation of Atman from Gods to Asuric(Evil) beings and so on . This Spiritual Culture is what the Hindus call Sanatana Dharma means the Eternal Natural Way.I want to emphasis Natural because as the Hindus put it,it has no founder its of Nature and it is what every soul follows from the moment of its inception from the Atman.The Atman (Swastika) is gravitational so every soul when created seeks to mature and go back to the Source of its creation(this is Yoga).This is what every soul is seeking whether they know it or not, its only uniting with the Atman(Self Realisation) that a soul can find fulfillment.As this is the Natural Way of which we are all a part of, no one owns it and everyone owns it at the same time , if that makes some sense.So an Aryan is simply a soul who is striving or has achieved Self Realisation( Yoga).This happens of course with the help of the Gods. Now the "purity" I was referring to is based on how much of the nature of an individual soul is in relation to the inner perfection,awareness sustaining you right now the Atman(Swastika),that is the more the soul is of Atman(God) nature the purer it is. Yoga is purification process,a perfection process.To become Pure or Perfect like what the Atman of course the inner Perfection symbolised by the Swastika this happens through Union or Yoga.You are already Atman as it is the foundation of your entire being its what is giving you awareness so Yoga is more like manifesting or realising that which you already are the Atman(Swastika)
Blackdragon666 said:
likman666 said:
Blackdragon666 said:
Good to see you too brother! I hope you're well. Vodun was also once about working with the serpent but of course the enemy happened.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

One doesn't necessarily have to be clergy to work for our cause. I also have some long way to go in my spiritual advancement before I would say I'm fit enough to be clergy. Above all, the Gods see and know these things and if there is someone they want in their clergy, they will have them appointed (unlike Magestein, the self appointed 'high priest'). Thank you for your compliment though. I hope you're well.

I believe there have been various posts over the years on the Dogon. I'll see if I can find detailed information about them, for example legends and myths as these are what contain the spiritual allegories.

Imagine how it will be when all Gentiles acknowledge that we all worshipped and revered the same Nordic Gods who created us and gave us our racial and spiritual heritage...

You're welcome HPS. :)

What these Jew run platforms do is treat Blacks as apes. Giving us some worthless 'benefits' in exchange for us attacking Whites while attributing their legacy (literally the mummies of most Egyptian Pharaohs and royalty are clearly Caucasian) to ourselves.

This is Black pride out there in a nutshell. Don't forget to whine about a Wakanda that never was, that Whites are supposed to have taken down or something.

They will not talk about the rich traditional African cultures, the countless mythologies, or anything that Blacks can identify with. It's always portraying how Blacks suffered at the hands of Whites (who happen to have been jews as research shows) like it's all there is to Blacks.

Satan was much revered in Africa. In this old sermon, HPS Maxine mentions how Satan was the God of much of Africa.
"Satan/Enki was given the "Lower World." These were the lands beneath the equator. This included all of Egypt, though Egypt is north of the equator."

Thanks for the additional resources.

You're welcome, and I hope you have more pride in your roots.

Egypt was White brother. I understand where you're coming from but facts remain to be facts. One of the reasons I love researching about Black spirituality in other parts of Africa is that it dismisses the idea that we need ancient Egypt to feel proud.

Egypt was White and this will always be their legacy. It was in fact founded by the Nordic Gods as it happens to date back to the time the Gods lived physically on earth (the Zep Tepi period when Osiris was supposed to have been a Pharaoh in Egypt has been dated to over 30,000 years ago, and Egypt is probably older than that still).

Blacks having been in Egypt doesn't necessarily equate them having founded Egypt.

Keep up your racial pride :)

I never bothered to research deeply about him so I'm unaware.
I just want to add another thing what makes a being superior is the degree of purity not necessarily the racial form so for instance what makes Satan a Mahadeva is not because he is White it's the degree of purity that is how much of the Atman principle he is manfesting.Form can be manipulated its part of Maya,for instance Jews have mainly taken a human "white" form that doesn't make them noble someone can be white ,evil and dumb ;someone can be brown , noble and wise.The determining factor is the degree of purity. A God can appear as an elephant like Ganesha for example that's just one of His many forms,A God can appear as a Negro,an Asian and so on. That's why if you have noticed in Hinduism the Gods are depicted in light blue color indicating the Ether and their degree of purity. Also indicating Neutrality. I have seen statutes of Ganesha as a Negro very Black with thick lips and broad nose worshipped in India. I have also seen Ancient Roman coins depicting the God Mercury whose is Egyptian Thoth and Indian Ganesha equivalent as a Negro. They Black looking Buddhas, Asian looking Buddhas,White looking Buddhas and so on.....
Actually Satan's race does have to do with the level he is at. The extent to which a soul can advance is directly related to the genes. This is why eugenics is a thing among the Gods and will soon be among humanity so we can purify our races over a few generations (or maybe a lot as race mixing has happened to large degrees in some places). Now you're just preaching some form of communism and projecting insecurities and some obvious anti White sentiments cloaked in 'example'.

The jews for example will always be a worthless failed species as they are of a different genetic make-up. While Gentiles can perform the Magnum Opus and become immortal, because it is in our genes and therefore soul, the jews are a low level species that can only take down civilization.

Theoretically speaking, anyone (that is to say Nordics and humans, generally beings from our galactic family of races created by Satan and given his Kundalini) can advance to any level but practically speaking, things like time and how far one has to go do factor in. Yes, even among THE GODS Satan stands out. What I'm trying to say is it's not some one time flat level thing you just acquire and stay in but rather a linear eternal path with more and more levels along the infinite path.

You're making very many assumptions too. Time and effort one puts into advancing factor in as well. I don't know where you got this 'purity' thing from either. Superiority has to do with the level of spiritual advancement and not 'purity'. What purity are you talking about?

All I'm seeing is serious hang ups. Don't take this reply personally. I'm just being honest here.
Look the theory that Whites founded all the Great Dharmic Civilsations is mainly based on the "Aryan Invasion Theory". Now "Aryan" is an originally Vedic term which means "noble".This theory was mainly promulgated by early Christian missionaries particularly by a German Christian called Max Muller. The term Aryan was then applied to parent language of Greek,Sanskrit,Latin and Germanic-a people who spoke this parent language. A race of light skinned Aryans.These Aryans went around conquering "primitive" people and founded all the Great Dharmic Civilisations. This theory holds that the Vedas the core scriptures of Hinduism where brought in by these outsiders and were only partly composed in India.Now according to Sat guru Subramuniyaswami this theory was pushed for three main reasons.1.It provided a convenient precedent for Christian British subjugation of India. 2.It reconciled the Ancient Indian civilisation and Scriptures with the supposed late 4000 BCE biblical date of creation.3.It created conflict among the people of India between the lighter Indians and darker Indians the Tamil/Dravidian people making them more vulnerable to conversion by christian missionaries.Now this theory has been rejected by many Hindu scholars including Rishis and Sat Gurus like Satguru Subramuniyaswami mind you this is the first White American Satguru of the Nandinatha sect , Satan opened his private Akashic Library to give him the Lemurian Scrolls you can download the book for free here https://www.himalayanacademy.com/view/lemurian-scrolls( I mention this to show the credentials of the man).They say the Vedic culture and scriptures are native to the people of India including ancient Sanskrit and Tamil,given to them by the Gods there was no Aryan Invasion that did this and that the Aryans referred to in the Vedas are the native people of India.This I also suspect for the other Dharmic civlisations they where no invading light skinned Aryans bringing those civilisations to the native people they where given to them by the Gods.Now as earlier stated the term " Aryan" originally means noble which I suspect you must know.This is referring to the Atman,the inner perfection in all things created as it is God the Supreme Sustainer of everything its pure Awareness of which everyone is.The Swastika is symbolic of this Atman and the Divine cosmic order that comes out of IT.Aryan also refers to the Spiritual Culture that leads to the union(Yoga) or unfoldment of the Atman principle within the soul as it is the sustainer of the soul.To manifest IT like the way the Stars are doing as the Stars are considered as the Purest material manifestation of Atman, hence the Worship of the Sun by the Ancients who considered it as God Itself they were right. Everything is a manifestation of Atman from Gods to Asuric(Evil) beings and so on . This Spiritual Culture is what the Hindus call Sanatana Dharma means the Eternal Natural Way.I want to emphasis Natural because as the Hindus put it,it has no founder its of Nature and it is what every soul follows from the moment of its inception from the Atman.The Atman (Swastika) is gravitational so every soul when created seeks to mature and go back to the Source of its creation(this is Yoga).This is what every soul is seeking whether they know it or not, its only uniting with the Atman(Self Realisation) that a soul can find fulfillment.As this is the Natural Way of which we are all a part of, no one owns it and everyone owns it at the same time , if that makes some sense.So an Aryan is simply a soul who is striving or has achieved Self Realisation( Yoga).This happens of course with the help of the Gods. Now the "purity" I was referring to is based on how much of the nature of an individual soul is in relation to the inner perfection,awareness sustaining you right now the Atman(Swastika),that is the more the soul is of Atman(God) nature the purer it is. Yoga is purification process,a perfection process.To become Pure or Perfect like what the Atman of course the inner Perfection symbolised by the Swastika this happens through Union or Yoga.You are already Atman as it is the foundation of your entire being its what is giving you awareness so Yoga is more like manifesting or realising that which you already are the Atman(Swastika)
These Grays are a joke to thrmselves. And the jews are just as foolish!.. as to think that they can get away with this! 🤔🔥 . And they will pay for it dearly with every drop of their blood! And it is about time they have gotten away with this shit for eons! Curiosity question mark as to how many living planets they have destroyed throughout the eons and throughout the centuries? How many innocent Gentiles they have killed by the gazillions! Taken away human rights destroying and changing everything about human nature lying to us Gentiles replacing State and a synthetic God well they figure out some ways to play called themselves! Ruining and destroying nature killing of animals and killing of innocent people just because they think they can and think they can get away with it? When it's all going to come back to them tenfold! And these Jews will pay for it for every Gentile and every innocent animal they have killed! I have no sympathy for the fucking Jews and the things that they have done to the human race and what they have done to eons of innocent gentile people throughout the fucking centuries and throughout the eons the Jews have got a history!! And a reputation for killing, rape taking over countries and taking over kingdoms and destroying Empires by the thousands! And that is all they are famous for is murder they are the most jealous of people and yet the Jews are not even people I don't even consider them to be any form of living Humanity! I've never trusted aliens and I know that we've got more on this planet than just the greys. The 72 name that goes along with the Jews what they refer to as their God would be my guess a band of aliens that are working with them taking turns playing with the weather pattern and destroying the climates around the world they have done their share of Destruction on this Earth and many other Living Planets!! And they should be destroyed each and everyone of these aliens there tribes and there families just the same I don't even trust there children because they grow to be just the same as their parents! And the Jews will pay for this with every drop of their blood and they should be put to extinction without a word or even a drop of blood or aspect of DNA of their kinda left! I am so angry and I am angry beyond words of what did jews have done..🤬🤬 to think that our ancestors have been going through all of this shit for many years and being told that we're nothing but primitive Junkies! When we are the ones that started civilization in the first place and I recognize Satan and his works! And that we're now facing a bleak future where children are not going to know or learn anything about their ancient and their ancestors and their family bloodline not to mention the fact not even have the access to get the real information and the truth behind things anymore! Because the Jews are doing all they can to erase every drop of Truth erasing the very existence of who and what we are hiding the evidence and replacing truth with lies so that children will have a hard time following their ancient ancestors who and what they are and their pride where they come from and where they belong! When children should have every right to learn about their ancestral background❤ and to get the truth on it! In order to succeed on their path or to get anywhere in their life to know where they belong and where they fit! Children are going to have a struggle in the future if children are lucky to be alive!?
This is very interesting! 🐍🔥And I think its beautiful! Hail Satan!🔥 Father Inki!💞🐍🔥

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
