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Satan Our God And Owner Of This World

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
It's so funny that we have the truth in front of our faces - quite literally - on an array of many subjects.

Moon-day, Monday, Day ruled by the Moon, self explanatory.
Tues-day, Tiwaz Day, Mars ruled Day.
Wends-day, Wodans-Day, Wodan is a Mercury ruled deity.
Thurs-day, Thurs or Thurisaz day, Thunderbolt day - Associated with the divine thunderbolt and Jupiter ie, Zeus.
Fri-day, Freya day, Venus day.
Saturday, is Saturn-Day, day of Saturn.
Sunday, I wonder which one that is, oh, the Satanic thing of the Pagans with the Sun.

Other Pagan things of Satan include: The fact we even have a calendar, divided in 12 months, which are based on the 12 Astrological signs respectably, based on their behalf on the natural star formations of signs on the heavens.

Unfortunately to our enemies, we are still living into total Paganism. They managed to only accomplish a long misdirection based on a hoax, that would never even work, had it not stole and appropriated the flesh of our own teachings, creating an imposter with clay feet of lies.

Indeed, every science, creation, or any life meaning given onto this world - everything created from Wine to painting, to beer to transportation, was actually created and invented by Pagans, all the way to the knowledge of the Atomic structure, down to clothing design, the most meaningful and superficial things, all created by Pagans.

If our enemy has any significance, this is because it's siphoned blood out of our own power and significance. With this it's to be understood that when we decide to throw the parasite away, so will it's influence wither around and die in an instant.

This world belongs to us and our enemy is a parasite that is just draining blood. When you exist you must remind yourself that we are ruling still, and we have done for quite many centuries. This has to become a consciousness, we are the creators, and not the created or the enslaved, we are not the victims of anyone, but a temporal stupidity.

Our works have remained and will remain forever, so long mankind exists, and to remove them, would effectively mean the downfall of all mankind and any form of non-dead existence.

Our persecution and damnation was gradual and even our enemies could never escape from the perfection of our creations, which they tried to subjugate in big failure. Understanding our existence in time one will also understand that the enemy is nothing but a potent infection, one without any particular meaning, not even to itself.

Our Gods are still everywhere. The enemy lives in a world where they close their eyes to this, and every-time they blink, they find themselves confronted with this terrible fact, that there will never be an escape.

Every notion of spiritual, or physical, came from us, and got created from our teachings. This world, "the next", all the worlds. An influence that we will never shake out, and that was never shaken out, even at the height of influence of the parasitic enemy. An arrogant parasite.

"Your rule is but the rule of a season, and short will by thy tyranny over us." -Asmodeus

There is no escaping. We are going into the era of the statement of Asmodeus, their tyranny is being broken. Doing high insolence to the Gods in their own created world is like going into the den of wolves and blinding them with a flashlight. It will not be long until one is consumed by the stupidity of this action, which was done in corrupted and bad intent.

Keep up the final RTR until the enemy is completely removed from all power and completely blotted out. Our world will be reclaimed.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
And yet, every xian-cuck will tell that before xianity brought its enlightenment upon the Europe, we were just a bunch of savages...
Louis Cyphre said:
And yet, every xian-cuck will tell that before xianity brought its enlightenment upon the Europe, we were just a bunch of savages...

Savages that analyzed the atomic structure like 3000 years ago.

Thankfully, xians came in and enlightened us, giving us important questions to ponder such as if the Lord loves scat or not, and if jacking off is going to send someone into everlasting brimstone.

Were it not for the civilizer xians, it terrifies one to think we might have been into space colonies now. Instead, we have to be ruled by criminal jews and related garbage like Muslims who talk about 8 year old brides, and the questions our society ponders today is the size of shoes of Kim Kardashian.
Truly beautiful sermon Commander. Thank you :) It is time I got my ass in check and started fighting harder and better. HAIL SATAN!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's so funny that we have the truth in front of our faces - quite literally - on an array of many subjects.

Moon-day, Monday, Day ruled by the Moon, self explanatory.
Tues-day, Tiwaz Day, Mars ruled Day.
Wends-day, Wodans-Day, Wodan is a Mercury ruled deity.
Thurs-day, Thurs or Thurisaz day, Thunderbolt day - Associated with the divine thunderbolt and Jupiter ie, Zeus.
Fri-day, Freya day, Venus day.
Saturday, is Saturn-Day, day of Saturn.
Sunday, I wonder which one that is, oh, the Satanic thing of the Pagans with the Sun.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

in Italian these are the days of the week:
The planets in italian are

the same thing can be seen in French and Spanish.
Italian French and Spanish derive from the Latin, in fact even in Latin the days of the seven are associated with the planets.

the only corruption is Sunday which is said in Italian DOMENICA.
The word "domenica" comes from the Latin and means the day of the lord
Constantine, who made Christianity legal in the empire change sol dies( day of sun) in domenica ( day of lord)
The Jews were arrogant to think they even had a Chance against us and the Gods and Satan himself. It makes me really happy to feel the darkness on humanity lifting the Jew curses. However these Jews need to understand even when they were in control in the Dark Ages fully in places like Europe not everyone went along. Some of us still knew the truth this is even evidenced in some of the works of art like mentioned. The only thing is they had to be secret but they never took us from our God's or each other. The Jews never even had full control over our God's like they thought in their fantasy (otherwise we would be fucked right now) The Jews were not even close to as successful as they brag they were.

I sense they are starting to realize they lost and freaking out about it. They are realizing everything I said right here.

I just hope that we get them out of Power in a more peaceful way that's what I am worried about cause they will try to take as much of the planet down with them as possible that's their game right now. They gave up on their communist dream they just want to take us down with them now.
What about the replacement by "the" pope gregorian's calendar?

[url=https://www.history.com/news/6-things-you-may-not-know-about-the-gregorian-calendar said:
6 Things You May Not Know About the Gregorian Calendar[/url]"]1 The original goal of the Gregorian calendar was to change the date of Easter.
In 1582, when Pope Gregory XIII introduced his Gregorian calendar, Europe adhered to the Julian calendar, first implemented by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C. Since the Roman emperor’s system miscalculated the length of the solar year by 11 minutes, the calendar had since fallen out of sync with the seasons. This concerned Gregory because it meant that Easter, traditionally observed on March 21, fell further away from the spring equinox with each passing year.

Now while I very much doubt the claim that the ancients had such shit abilities so that they couldn't do things correctly (plus it's also intereting to know that a "the" pope had to align "easter" (Ostara) with a particular Astrological alignment and date...), the dates, such as any holiday/festival day and Friday the 13th, for example, wouldn't align, due to this new calendar - and not forgetting that

[url=http://libguides.ctstatelibrary.org/hg/colonialresearch/calendar said:
The 1752 Calendar Change[/url]"]The Julian Calendar was replaced by the Gregorian Calendar, changing the formula for calculating leap years. The beginning of the legal new year was moved from March 25 to January 1. Finally, 11 days were dropped from the month of September 1752.

I haven't looked at it in-depth, but it seems this re-shuffling would knock things out-of-sync.

Indeed, every science, creation, or any life meaning given onto this world - everything created from Wine to painting, to beer to transportation, was actually created and invented by Pagans, all the way to the knowledge of the Atomic structure, down to clothing design, the most meaningful and superficial things, all created by Pagans.
Of course, anyone who is not a jew is a Gentile/Pagan in and of themselves. The jew is lazy and can't do shit. Speaking of shit -

  • A woman on Family Fortunes said she was an ablutions something or other, which meant she took turns with other women, to sit on the toilet and keep it warm should its "majesty" need to use it.
  • The title held by a personal servant of a monarch who had the honour of emptying its chamber pot is a Necessary Woman.
  • According to someone in a comments section, people in Ancient Korea, if I remember correctly, used to lick the shit of their emperor.
  • In, for example, Victorian times, people used to sit in/near toilets and purchase toilet users' shit so they could burn it for heat and presumably cooking/boiling food. Now I think I know where the term "dirt poor" comes from, other than from being unsanitary and living in dirt.
  • In the TGSNT.tv Twitter screenshot I have shared, a jew replying to @TGSNTtv, said that German Women used to lick shit off the souls of the jew soviet commissars, but the Goyim were not supposed to have known about that (search for TGSNT.tv in my @Le_CRIF thread).

There was also one or two other similar things which I came across before, as well. The jew doesn't give a shit (because shit is a j00 fetish) but it does take the piss, and it rubs that piss and shit in, while making you do all of the shit work (in more than one sense) while the jew rakes in all of the piss-and-shit-shined shekels, while you pay the jew repeatedly so you can live in a house, and pay more to be comfortable in that house, and pay more to have local amenities in/near that house... How many other species pay someone else repeatedly to live in their own nest, burrow, etc., to use Natural water, etc., etc., etc.?!

When you exist you must remind yourself that we are ruling still, and we have done for quite many centuries.
The jew thinks it is the master, yet it has to keep up appearances and follow protocols and retarded shit to be able to have the appearance that it is in control. Don't forget that the jew hates its mum and so is misogynistic, so it has to pretend it is "master" to big itself up. It's getting abused at home, so it has to relay that abuse to Gentiles/Pagan (non-jews), but more so, of course, not to mention that the jew has holes in its brain, with things missing in there... The brain and soul are linked, so that says a hell of a lot. Sorry - it says a jew of a lot.

At the moment, there is sexualisation or hypersexualisation. A few centuries ago, it was quite similar. The peaks and troughs are that xianity is enforced, and it slowly is broken down and away, then after a certain point or a trigger or switch is tripped, xianity must be re-enforced, lather, rinse, repeat. With the plastics raping Nature, people have been protesting about that for ages, so the jew decided to make it much worse as a punishment against us for wanting things to be better, and now after it has reached critical levels, then the jew thinks about considering to maybe be bothered eventually to get up and start to pretend to make a "fix" for the problem. Meanwhile, Nature is still being raped by plastic...but a silver lining in that is as I put in my most recent j/news thread, that bees are using plastics to build with, while at the same time, half of supermarket plastics cannot be recycled. The jew is just a spoilt brat bully who needs to be beaten up so it has something actual for it to cry, whinge and bitch about.

Heck, recently in an episode of the Simpsons jew Milhouse, and others, fell out of Bart's treehouse, and Milhouse was very happy for having scraped and bloodied elbows. He made himself look more dishevelled and said that he can get some sympathy from mummy, so he went home fake-crying to mummy, to gain more sympathy. While the jew exaggerates its shit and false muh-problems, it also must obey us - as "the royal family", it has to keep up appearances and do things to keep people interested, it has to create more shock and awe in media to keep people interested, it has to keep telling the stoopeed goyim that jewsus exists and to obey it, etc., etc., etc. In "the royal family" there was a particular time that I knew a bit about, when "the queen" and another passenger of a car had to get out of the car "in the correct order" as per "protocol". Who the fuck cares? Retards. If anything, it would make sense that the other person would get out first to check the area, but "the queen" did. Who knows who could have been nearby ready to attack it?

The jew has to keep up appearances and cause people to give it braining energy. It's fleeting. O fortuna, velut Luna, statu variabilis...

There is no escaping. We are going into the era of the statement of Asmodeus, their tyranny is being broken.
It would be way cool if this time was entitled The Statement of Lord Asmodeus, or something similar with the word "time" or "era" or something in it. The Time of the Statement of Lord Asmodeus. I think that sounds good. In a piss-taking storytelling version of it, it could begin, "solomon" with a lowercase S, "is/was just a bitch, 'wise' in wis-dumb, all for nought..." (See the artistic license here? :p) Just like I said before when the new Golden Age comes, it should be Year Zero, perhaps.

Louis Cyphre said:
And yet, every xian-cuck will tell that before xianity brought its enlightenment upon the Europe, we were just a bunch of savages...
It's amazing with the interesting and important knowledge that Greece, etc. was the height of civilisation, and only in the last few years the jew false god of "jesus" caused Greece to basically go bankrupt. Such savage Pagans, not savage xians and xian "god"! Nope! Not at all! Rather - not a toll, as in a toll charge, bribe, tithe.. to appease the jew false-god.

It's amazing that pre-xian man was so savage with this civilisation, art, culture, medicine, science, technology, etc., etc., etc, where jew raped Greece into major money problems and doing so very maliciously. It's amazing that the savage Pagans/Gentiles (non-jew) were so savage that they created fine arts, antiques and collectibles, which the jew has no idea about but just wastes so much money on to be so materialistic. It's also so amazing that the heathen, the infidel, the backslider, the rebel, the defiant decided to say "Fuck you!" to jew false-god, and instead created things with imagination and intelligence. Which brings me onto this point - xians must not use technology/computers, etc.; they are of the Devil - literally!

That is extremely

["Savage" comedian Ned from BGT.]

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
and the questions our society ponders today is the size of shoes of Kim Kardashian.
Oh, yeah. "Shoes"!
Cor, HPHC, bruv, your rudeness is also so savage!

SS66610888 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's so funny that we have the truth in front of our faces - quite literally - on an array of many subjects.

Moon-day, Monday, Day ruled by the Moon, self explanatory.
Tues-day, Tiwaz Day, Mars ruled Day.
Wends-day, Wodans-Day, Wodan is a Mercury ruled deity.
Thurs-day, Thurs or Thurisaz day, Thunderbolt day - Associated with the divine thunderbolt and Jupiter ie, Zeus.
Fri-day, Freya day, Venus day.
Saturday, is Saturn-Day, day of Saturn.
Sunday, I wonder which one that is, oh, the Satanic thing of the Pagans with the Sun.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

in Italian these are the days of the week:
The planets in italian are

the same thing can be seen in French and Spanish.
Italian French and Spanish derive from the Latin, in fact even in Latin the days of the seven are associated with the planets.

the only corruption is Sunday which is said in Italian DOMENICA.
The word "domenica" comes from the Latin and means the day of the lord
Constantine, who made Christianity legal in the empire change sol dies( day of sun) in domenica ( day of lord)
Sunday is also the first day of the week. Sunrise is also the first hour/minute/second of the day, i.e. the beginning of the day, and Spring (as opposed to Summer) is the beginning of the year. Summer is more like midday when it is too hot sometimes, but in actuality, the Earth used to have year-round temperate, Spring-like climates, which I think included the North and South Poles, as well.

Blackdragon666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Sometimes when I think of the fate that awaits the jews I just LMAO. Like who the heck attacks the Nordic Gods? :roll:
Surely you've seen Tom and Jerry?! Except for it being fictional and violently-entertaining for Children, so that now we must have "safe places" for our mollycoddled and sadz Chiwdren, the cat would catch and kill the mouse, and the dog would catch and kill the cat. The little pest can survive for only so long. The RtRs are, and the final RtR is, a mouse trap or an insecticide/pesticide...
SS66610888 said:
in Italian these are the days of the week:
The planets in italian are

the same thing can be seen in French and Spanish.
Italian French and Spanish derive from the Latin, in fact even in Latin the days of the seven are associated with the planets.

the only corruption is Sunday which is said in Italian DOMENICA.
The word "domenica" comes from the Latin and means the day of the lord
Constantine, who made Christianity legal in the empire change sol dies( day of sun) in domenica ( day of lord)

Alright, in Romanian they are:

Duminică - probably corrupted as well.

What's interesting though, is that the name for the Sun, "Soare," has the closest spelling to "Surya" than the same word in any other language of which I am aware (except, of course, the ones from the Indian subcontinent.)

I don't agree with the idea that Latin is the origin of French and Spanish. Those languages, as well as Italian have developed naturally from a root that's much older than the Roman Republic. It might not have been the language of the Dacians, but what's clear is that Latin is closer to English than to any 'romance' tongue. Italians can learn Spanish, French, or Romanian in a fraction of the time it takes for them to learn Latin. Does that make any sense?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Louis Cyphre said:
And yet, every xian-cuck will tell that before xianity brought its enlightenment upon the Europe, we were just a bunch of savages...

Savages that analyzed the atomic structure like 3000 years ago.

Thankfully, xians came in and enlightened us, giving us important questions to ponder such as if the Lord loves scat or not, and if jacking off is going to send someone into everlasting brimstone.

Were it not for the civilizer xians, it terrifies one to think we might have been into space colonies now. Instead, we have to be ruled by criminal jews and related garbage like Muslims who talk about 8 year old brides, and the questions our society ponders today is the size of shoes of Kim Kardashian.

Xianity is,obviously,an Anit-human religion that has been destroying us for the past 2000 years, and xians still fail release this-- they are slaves.
Hope it will all end with some economic collapse or something.We are living in absurdity.
Edelwise said:
SS66610888 said:
in Italian these are the days of the week:
The planets in italian are

the same thing can be seen in French and Spanish.
Italian French and Spanish derive from the Latin, in fact even in Latin the days of the seven are associated with the planets.

the only corruption is Sunday which is said in Italian DOMENICA.
The word "domenica" comes from the Latin and means the day of the lord
Constantine, who made Christianity legal in the empire change sol dies( day of sun) in domenica ( day of lord)

Alright, in Romanian they are:

Duminică - probably corrupted as well.

What's interesting though, is that the name for the Sun, "Soare," has the closest spelling to "Surya" than the same word in any other language of which I am aware (except, of course, the ones from the Indian subcontinent.)

I don't agree with the idea that Latin is the origin of French and Spanish. Those languages, as well as Italian have developed naturally from a root that's much older than the Roman Republic. It might not have been the language of the Dacians, but what's clear is that Latin is closer to English than to any 'romance' tongue. Italians can learn Spanish, French, or Romanian in a fraction of the time it takes for them to learn Latin. Does that make any sense?
Sabato(Saturday) may be a corruption as well it looks like the word Sabbath.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Other Pagan things of Satan include: The fact we even have a calendar, divided in 12 months, which are based on the 12 Astrological signs respectably, based on their behalf on the natural star formations of signs on the heavens.

But aren't we are supposed to have a lunar, 13-month calendar?

Not really a matter of astrological it might seem that way but according to what I've read there is a 13th month hidden in all other months which are further than 28. So basically 29, 30, and 31 are extensions of a 13th month hidden and removed from count.

According to what has been said all months deal with 28 days, 28 x 12 = 336, add 28 more dates and you get 364. I guess the only time we'd get a 365th date is during a leap year.

Someone on Prophp actually took the time to formulate a forum post on 13 month calender. Basically they stated this month is between December and January according to them. So it stands to reason that the Yuletide holiday celebrations are a month before the celebration of New years day. In other words those xtian songs of Merry Xmas and have a happy new year are invalid cause the New Year is a month away, much further than just simply nearly a week.

Accordingly though as much as we know the New Year is actually sometime in March with Aries, though I might be wrong. Have read some Satanists state New Years being during the end of Winter near Spring era. So I figure that sounds about right unless of course celebration of New Years is still done. My best guess it could just be some sort of worker's holiday or something if society ever reconstructs the original counting systems.

https://www.satanslibrary.org/Mp3_Library.html - Sermon 13 month year by Mageson.

(FYI off-topic HP Cobra is there a specific reason why some things on SL, are not showing up on either one(PDF) or the other(Audio) or both. For example 13 month year doesn't show up on PDF section but in Audio it does. Also the audio sermons from the Demons page is missing, the ones spoken by the sexy voiced girl both in terms of voice and emotional expression.)
luis said:
Edelwise said:
SS66610888 said:
in Italian these are the days of the week:
The planets in italian are

the same thing can be seen in French and Spanish.
Italian French and Spanish derive from the Latin, in fact even in Latin the days of the seven are associated with the planets.

the only corruption is Sunday which is said in Italian DOMENICA.
The word "domenica" comes from the Latin and means the day of the lord
Constantine, who made Christianity legal in the empire change sol dies( day of sun) in domenica ( day of lord)

Alright, in Romanian they are:

Duminică - probably corrupted as well.

What's interesting though, is that the name for the Sun, "Soare," has the closest spelling to "Surya" than the same word in any other language of which I am aware (except, of course, the ones from the Indian subcontinent.)

I don't agree with the idea that Latin is the origin of French and Spanish. Those languages, as well as Italian have developed naturally from a root that's much older than the Roman Republic. It might not have been the language of the Dacians, but what's clear is that Latin is closer to English than to any 'romance' tongue. Italians can learn Spanish, French, or Romanian in a fraction of the time it takes for them to learn Latin. Does that make any sense?
Sabato(Saturday) may be a corruption as well it looks like the word Sabbath.

Sabath is not really corrupted, nor Sabato. Sabazios or Savazios was the name of Bacchus Dionyssus, Lord of Saturday. This comes from the Shi-Va. The B became a latinized V afterwards.

This the enemy stole in Tzebaot which means Of Saturday.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Other Pagan things of Satan include: The fact we even have a calendar, divided in 12 months, which are based on the 12 Astrological signs respectably, based on their behalf on the natural star formations of signs on the heavens.

But aren't we are supposed to have a lunar, 13-month calendar?

Not really a matter of astrological it might seem that way but according to what I've read there is a 13th month hidden in all other months which are further than 28. So basically 29, 30, and 31 are extensions of a 13th month hidden and removed from count.

According to what has been said all months deal with 28 days, 28 x 12 = 336, add 28 more dates and you get 364. I guess the only time we'd get a 365th date is during a leap year.

Someone on Prophp actually took the time to formulate a forum post on 13 month calender. Basically they stated this month is between December and January according to them. So it stands to reason that the Yuletide holiday celebrations are a month before the celebration of New years day. In other words those xtian songs of Merry Xmas and have a happy new year are invalid cause the New Year is a month away, much further than just simply nearly a week.

Accordingly though as much as we know the New Year is actually sometime in March with Aries, though I might be wrong. Have read some Satanists state New Years being during the end of Winter near Spring era. So I figure that sounds about right unless of course celebration of New Years is still done. My best guess it could just be some sort of worker's holiday or something if society ever reconstructs the original counting systems.

https://www.satanslibrary.org/Mp3_Library.html - Sermon 13 month year by Mageson.

(FYI off-topic HP Cobra is there a specific reason why some things on SL, are not showing up on either one(PDF) or the other(Audio) or both. For example 13 month year doesn't show up on PDF section but in Audio it does. Also the audio sermons from the Demons page is missing, the ones spoken by the sexy voiced girl both in terms of voice and emotional expression.)

The Lunar calendar exists already within the Solar Calendar and these are just the phases of the moon and their signs.

So long the moon is observed there is no particular need for said calendar. From one moon full circle to another we have one more lunar month.

There is nothing mystical about the Lunar Calendar, it is already there in astrology.
In italian most days of the week have a planet as a prefix.
Monday- Lunedì-luna means moon
tuesday-martedì - marte is mars
and so on
SS66610888 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It's so funny that we have the truth in front of our faces - quite literally - on an array of many subjects.

Moon-day, Monday, Day ruled by the Moon, self explanatory.
Tues-day, Tiwaz Day, Mars ruled Day.
Wends-day, Wodans-Day, Wodan is a Mercury ruled deity.
Thurs-day, Thurs or Thurisaz day, Thunderbolt day - Associated with the divine thunderbolt and Jupiter ie, Zeus.
Fri-day, Freya day, Venus day.
Saturday, is Saturn-Day, day of Saturn.
Sunday, I wonder which one that is, oh, the Satanic thing of the Pagans with the Sun.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

in Italian these are the days of the week:
The planets in italian are

the same thing can be seen in French and Spanish.
Italian French and Spanish derive from the Latin, in fact even in Latin the days of the seven are associated with the planets.

the only corruption is Sunday which is said in Italian DOMENICA.
The word "domenica" comes from the Latin and means the day of the lord
Constantine, who made Christianity legal in the empire change sol dies( day of sun) in domenica ( day of lord)

In brazilian portuguese the week days have nothing to do with the planets see:


Lua(moon), Marte(Mars), Mercúrio(mercury), Vênus(venus), Saturno(Saturn), Sol(sun)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Doing high insolence to the Gods in their own created world is like going into the den of wolves and blinding them with a flashlight. It will not be long until one is consumed by the stupidity of this action
Mwahahaha. I loved the comparison
One more example, Egypt still has the name of Our Father Satan in it.

Egy(pt) - the “pt” means Ptah. Egypt gets its name from Greek “Aegyptos”, which how Greek called “Hut-ka-Ptah”.

“Hut-ka-Ptah” was the name of the temple of Ptah, in Memphis. Memphis was the main place where the Lord Ptah was worshipped.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
