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Satan Original God Of The America's

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Satan Original God Of The America's

The Hopi records and members of the Hopi Priesthood state the Hopi and the Amerindian tribes of the America's all came from the same place that of Mu and they all speak the same languages and have the same culture at the source. The Hopi's tradition state their ancient leading God was called Sotunknang who travelled in a "flying shield" through the sky. The Hopi's stated that Sotunknang once landed from the sky in his patuwvota to help two Hopi children that had become lost the ship was stated to make a roaring noise as it landed. The Hopi's stated Sotunknang left the ship and spoke: " Do not fear, I am Sotunknang, the heavenly God and because of the sympathy I have for you I have come to help you, so come and get on this patuwvota of mine and let us be on the way." The records state they embarked onto the patuwvota or flying shield and flew into the sky. The Hopi's records state that Sotunknang appeared to them: "His [Sotunknang] head and face shone like a star" he also wore a suit of silver that shone as well. The Hopi's mention their Gods or Kachina's are Star People whom they openly state are Extra Terrestrials. The Hopi's records state the Kachina's or Gods were very beautiful and had a powerful aura the light of spiritual radiance and they were loved by the Hopi's.

The Hopi's state their ancestry is from these Extra Terrestrials many of whom they state are from the constellation of Orion. Hopi Land the region the Hopi's live in and have lived within traditionally in America, the entire place is made to be a terrestrial map of the stars of the constellation of Orion the same as Egypt. The representation of Orion to the Hopi is called Sohu and is given the three stars of Orion's belt. The ancient Egyptian name for Orion is Sahu.

The Hopi's stated the Gods gave them the teachings in the sacred city of Palatkwapi [modern Sedona] the teachings were based on levels. The first level was history of the worlds or ages this relates to as well moral ethics. The second level was the knowledge of the human body and how spiritual energy worked within man. The third level was the knowledge of plants and the laws of nature this included medicine and healing arts. The fourth level was for the teachings of Astrology and the soul the Plumed Serpent and the chakra system. The crown chakra or the Kopavi they were taught is the open door [the door of Brahman in Hinduism] to converse with the Gods and the cosmos. From here they were taught the other chakras leading downwards to the base chakra. The ultimate goal being to awaken the serpent fire the Plumed Serpent and transform themselves into a Star Being and obtain immortality. The Egyptians called this transformation the same the Star Body.

The Hopi's are also found to be genetically related to the Tibetan People as well. Both Hopi's and Tibetans recognize this when the Dalai Lama visited the Hopi he was told by the Hopi Elders: "Welcome home".

The records of the Hindu's state the original homeland was called Kumara Kandam and was ruled by Sanat Kumara. This land is also called Mu. The native peoples in America also mention they are from this land.

Sotunknang is very close to the Far Eastern languages of whom share the common source with the Hopi's. Sotunknang in the east means "King Sotun" this is also Soten Kurama in Japan who is the head deity of ancient Japan and the vowels are interchangeable this Sotun is also Satan. The ancient Egyptian term for Orion is Sah as well. This is pronounced SA and was the source of the titles for the world ruler in the time of the Gods on earth. Satan means King of the World the planet earth and the Serpent King. TA is earth in ancient Egyptian and represents the earth element in Sanskrit. But Tan also means serpent the serpent is always shown as symbolizing earth as well. This shows the ruler ship of earth was connected to Orion where the Gods came from. Satan was also the title of the King of the Gods in ancient Egypt.

Sanat Kumara means Eternal Lord in Sanskrit however Satan also means Eternal in Sanskrit in another of its meanings. Its Satan, Soten, Sotun around the world. Sanat Kumara is also called Amurrukan in Sri Lanka which is stated to be one the last regions of Kumara Kandam that did not go under the waters. In the America's another title of the head God in Peru is Amurru and Amurruca which is also pronounced Amurruka which means Land of the Plumed Serpent. The ancient name for America in the eastern texts is Amurruka a title of Sanat Kumara, Satan. Its believed by scholars on the subject this is the origin of the name America and the official tale is a cover up by the secret societies that created America. The name America is from the ancient title of Satan.

Sedona City Of The Star People, Mark Pinkham
The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, Mark Pinkham
The Secret Destiny Of America, Manly P. Hall
Robert Sepehr points out accounts from conquestadores describing the Inca as "nearly indistinguishable from Spaniards"
Read Return the Serpents of Wisdom, and also The Lost Civilisation of Lemuria by Frank Joseph. Both of those books are in here, you can download them.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Look at the "Cobra folders about many things" that Sabazios shared.
Sabazios said:
This is the stuff of

And here is the folder with HC videos (I don't think they are all though)

HP Mageson666 said:
Satan Original God Of The America's

Im really glad you posted this because something was nagging me in this direction. I recently posted my findings of Quetzalcoatl on here and Hopi has really jumped out at me. Also really digging into the Freemasons as well. I can’t help but feel like there is something I need to find.
HP Mageson666 said:
Satan Original God Of The America's

The Hopi records and members of the Hopi Priesthood state the Hopi and the Amerindian tribes of the America's all came from the same place that of Mu and they all speak the same languages and have the same culture at the source. The Hopi's tradition state their ancient leading God was called Sotunknang who travelled in a "flying shield" through the sky. The Hopi's stated that Sotunknang once landed from the sky in his patuwvota to help two Hopi children that had become lost the ship was stated to make a roaring noise as it landed. The Hopi's stated Sotunknang left the ship and spoke: " Do not fear, I am Sotunknang, the heavenly God and because of the sympathy I have for you I have come to help you, so come and get on this patuwvota of mine and let us be on the way." The records state they embarked onto the patuwvota or flying shield and flew into the sky. The Hopi's records state that Sotunknang appeared to them: "His [Sotunknang] head and face shone like a star" he also wore a suit of silver that shone as well. The Hopi's mention their Gods or Kachina's are Star People whom they openly state are Extra Terrestrials. The Hopi's records state the Kachina's or Gods were very beautiful and had a powerful aura the light of spiritual radiance and they were loved by the Hopi's.

The Hopi's state their ancestry is from these Extra Terrestrials many of whom they state are from the constellation of Orion. Hopi Land the region the Hopi's live in and have lived within traditionally in America, the entire place is made to be a terrestrial map of the stars of the constellation of Orion the same as Egypt. The representation of Orion to the Hopi is called Sohu and is given the three stars of Orion's belt. The ancient Egyptian name for Orion is Sahu.

The Hopi's stated the Gods gave them the teachings in the sacred city of Palatkwapi [modern Sedona] the teachings were based on levels. The first level was history of the worlds or ages this relates to as well moral ethics. The second level was the knowledge of the human body and how spiritual energy worked within man. The third level was the knowledge of plants and the laws of nature this included medicine and healing arts. The fourth level was for the teachings of Astrology and the soul the Plumed Serpent and the chakra system. The crown chakra or the Kopavi they were taught is the open door [the door of Brahman in Hinduism] to converse with the Gods and the cosmos. From here they were taught the other chakras leading downwards to the base chakra. The ultimate goal being to awaken the serpent fire the Plumed Serpent and transform themselves into a Star Being and obtain immortality. The Egyptians called this transformation the same the Star Body.

The Hopi's are also found to be genetically related to the Tibetan People as well. Both Hopi's and Tibetans recognize this when the Dalai Lama visited the Hopi he was told by the Hopi Elders: "Welcome home".

The records of the Hindu's state the original homeland was called Kumara Kandam and was ruled by Sanat Kumara. This land is also called Mu. The native peoples in America also mention they are from this land.

Sotunknang is very close to the Far Eastern languages of whom share the common source with the Hopi's. Sotunknang in the east means "King Sotun" this is also Soten Kurama in Japan who is the head deity of ancient Japan and the vowels are interchangeable this Sotun is also Satan. The ancient Egyptian term for Orion is Sah as well. This is pronounced SA and was the source of the titles for the world ruler in the time of the Gods on earth. Satan means King of the World the planet earth and the Serpent King. TA is earth in ancient Egyptian and represents the earth element in Sanskrit. But Tan also means serpent the serpent is always shown as symbolizing earth as well. This shows the ruler ship of earth was connected to Orion where the Gods came from. Satan was also the title of the King of the Gods in ancient Egypt.

Sanat Kumara means Eternal Lord in Sanskrit however Satan also means Eternal in Sanskrit in another of its meanings. Its Satan, Soten, Sotun around the world. Sanat Kumara is also called Amurrukan in Sri Lanka which is stated to be one the last regions of Kumara Kandam that did not go under the waters. In the America's another title of the head God in Peru is Amurru and Amurruca which is also pronounced Amurruka which means Land of the Plumed Serpent. The ancient name for America in the eastern texts is Amurruka a title of Sanat Kumara, Satan. Its believed by scholars on the subject this is the origin of the name America and the official tale is a cover up by the secret societies that created America. The name America is from the ancient title of Satan.

Sedona City Of The Star People, Mark Pinkham
The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, Mark Pinkham
The Secret Destiny Of America, Manly P. Hall

Amzing post!
I'm not American but I'm touched now, I always loved the name of Amerika but did not know why.
ZmajEriksson said:
Robert Sepehr points out accounts from conquestadores describing the Inca as "nearly indistinguishable from Spaniards"
Are you sure? Back then Spaniards were -mostly- Mediterranean White while Inca and pre-columbian people were of Asian sub-races (I don't know specifically about them)
ZmajEriksson said:
Robert Sepehr points out accounts from conquestadores describing the Inca as "nearly indistinguishable from Spaniards"
That man makes good work. He has also mentions the accounts of white tribes in africa dating back thousands of years. It was him that introduced me to the cloud people in the americas. Which were multiple white tribes aswell. Modern history is filled with lies.
Its the same with the Tana Toraja tribe of Indonesia who maintain to this day that their Ancestors came from space ships and build their homes like those space ships. This tribe had no contact with outside world until this century and had no way of knowing that space travel was even possible below is an example of their houses they call them Tongkonan



sorry i meant until the 20th century the Tana Toraja tribe had no contact with the outside world until the 20th century they are quite fascinating quite similar to the Dogons...............the Gentiles Satan children.

Frank Joseph's book is important as it proves Churchward, right. Churchward the first researcher and archeologist to investigate Lemuria and he spent his life doing such and prove this true. Churchward states that Lemuria was populated by an ascended White race of humans.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
Read Return the Serpents of Wisdom, and also The Lost Civilisation of Lemuria by Frank Joseph. Both of those books are in here, you can download them.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Look at the "Cobra folders about many things" that Sabazios shared.
Sabazios said:
This is the stuff of

And here is the folder with HC videos (I don't think they are all though)

Lifeforod1n said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Satan Original God Of The America's

Im really glad you posted this because something was nagging me in this direction. I recently posted my findings of Quetzalcoatl on here and Hopi has really jumped out at me. Also really digging into the Freemasons as well. I can’t help but feel like there is something I need to find.

As far as I am concerned, Quetzalcoatl is another impersonation of the three times great God Thoth but for native americans. Others of his names are Hermes Trismegisto and Mercury in the Roman Empire. He is one of the seven Satan's son being Marduk his firstborn. As it can be appreciated, he is always depicted as the smartest God of every Pantheon (he represents all the characteristics of the Gemini sign at its pure state). He gave humnkind the ability to write, mathematics, astrology and other stuff that have to do with the mind and the intelligence. Anyway there is a disagreement, some people say it was Thoth who delivered Tarot to us in Egypt but others assert it was the Goddess Isis the one who created it and offered it to us hence her name AsTAROT. Whatever the true answer it is, it cannot be denied the fact that both Thoth and Isis belong to High Ranking Gods. Isis is even more important than Thoth as she is along with Satan, Baal and Azazel the 4 guardians of Humankind. That putrid degenerated scumbag Virgin Mary is loosely based upon the three mother Goddess Ninursag, Lilith and Isis.
I would also like to add here that there were Native Americans more advanced and smarter than others. The tribes who lived in North America were more in touch with Nature and with the principles of the Gods than those who lived in South America who are said (there are plenty of proof to ascertain this statement) to have practiced human sacrifice, cannibalism not only using the corpses of the foes of other tribes but also with their own and even when Spaniards and the Portuguese arrived they used their corpses to feed them from. To make things worse, they also are their faces, they destroyed Nature and were savages in their practices.
I highly doubt Quetzacoatl(Thoth) taught them I believe they were deluded and misguided by other evil entities or worse by our enemies
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
Lifeforod1n said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Satan Original God Of The America's

Im really glad you posted this because something was nagging me in this direction. I recently posted my findings of Quetzalcoatl on here and Hopi has really jumped out at me. Also really digging into the Freemasons as well. I can’t help but feel like there is something I need to find.

As far as I am concerned, Quetzalcoatl is another impersonation of the three times great God Thoth but for native americans. Others of his names are Hermes Trismegisto and Mercury in the Roman Empire. He is one of the seven Satan's son being Marduk his firstborn. As it can be appreciated, he is always depicted as the smartest God of every Pantheon (he represents all the characteristics of the Gemini sign at its pure state). He gave humnkind the ability to write, mathematics, astrology and other stuff that have to do with the mind and the intelligence. Anyway there is a disagreement, some people say it was Thoth who delivered Tarot to us in Egypt but others assert it was the Goddess Isis the one who created it and offered it to us hence her name AsTAROT. Whatever the true answer it is, it cannot be denied the fact that both Thoth and Isis belong to High Ranking Gods. Isis is even more important than Thoth as she is along with Satan, Baal and Azazel the 4 guardians of Humankind. That putrid degenerated scumbag Virgin Mary is loosely based upon the three mother Goddess Ninursag, Lilith and Isis.
I would also like to add here that there were Native Americans more advanced and smarter than others. The tribes who lived in North America were more in touch with Nature and with the principles of the Gods than those who lived in South America who are said (there are plenty of proof to ascertain this statement) to have practiced human sacrifice, cannibalism not only using the corpses of the foes of other tribes but also with their own and even when Spaniards and the Portuguese arrived they used their corpses to feed them from. To make things worse, they also are their faces, they destroyed Nature and were savages in their practices.
I highly doubt Quetzacoatl(Thoth) taught them I believe they were deluded and misguided by other evil entities or worse by our enemies

The races of South America are a creation of Satan like the other races in the world. Try to use your brain on why at some point in their existence they did this kind of thing ..? Have you never seen artifacts left by the Aztecs depicting Grays? Their legends speak of Reptiles emerged from the depth of the earth think about it.
Elias Sebastian said:
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:

As far as I am concerned, Quetzalcoatl is another impersonation of the three times great God Thoth but for native americans. Others of his names are Hermes Trismegisto and Mercury in the Roman Empire. He is one of the seven Satan's son being Marduk his firstborn. As it can be appreciated, he is always depicted as the smartest God of every Pantheon (he represents all the characteristics of the Gemini sign at its pure state). He gave humnkind the ability to write, mathematics, astrology and other stuff that have to do with the mind and the intelligence. Anyway there is a disagreement, some people say it was Thoth who delivered Tarot to us in Egypt but others assert it was the Goddess Isis the one who created it and offered it to us hence her name AsTAROT. Whatever the true answer it is, it cannot be denied the fact that both Thoth and Isis belong to High Ranking Gods. Isis is even more important than Thoth as she is along with Satan, Baal and Azazel the 4 guardians of Humankind. That putrid degenerated scumbag Virgin Mary is loosely based upon the three mother Goddess Ninursag, Lilith and Isis.
I would also like to add here that there were Native Americans more advanced and smarter than others. The tribes who lived in North America were more in touch with Nature and with the principles of the Gods than those who lived in South America who are said (there are plenty of proof to ascertain this statement) to have practiced human sacrifice, cannibalism not only using the corpses of the foes of other tribes but also with their own and even when Spaniards and the Portuguese arrived they used their corpses to feed them from. To make things worse, they also are their faces, they destroyed Nature and were savages in their practices.
I highly doubt Quetzacoatl(Thoth) taught them I believe they were deluded and misguided by other evil entities or worse by our enemies

The races of South America are a creation of Satan like the other races in the world. Try to use your brain on why at some point in their existence they did this kind of thing ..? Have you never seen artifacts left by the Aztecs depicting Grays? Their legends speak of Reptiles emerged from the depth of the earth think about it.

The old myths and legends are largely esoteric allegory so family liniage of the gods can't be taken literally. Even Thoth/Hermes and other sons of Satan, in the old writings, are representations of Satan himself. Quetzelcoatal is Amaru and Viracocha who are both known to be Satan. Feathured serpent. The serpent is always Satan
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
Lifeforod1n said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Satan Original God Of The America's

Im really glad you posted this because something was nagging me in this direction. I recently posted my findings of Quetzalcoatl on here and Hopi has really jumped out at me. Also really digging into the Freemasons as well. I can’t help but feel like there is something I need to find.

As far as I am concerned, Quetzalcoatl is another impersonation of the three times great God Thoth but for native americans. Others of his names are Hermes Trismegisto and Mercury in the Roman Empire. He is one of the seven Satan's son being Marduk his firstborn. As it can be appreciated, he is always depicted as the smartest God of every Pantheon (he represents all the characteristics of the Gemini sign at its pure state). He gave humnkind the ability to write, mathematics, astrology and other stuff that have to do with the mind and the intelligence. Anyway there is a disagreement, some people say it was Thoth who delivered Tarot to us in Egypt but others assert it was the Goddess Isis the one who created it and offered it to us hence her name AsTAROT. Whatever the true answer it is, it cannot be denied the fact that both Thoth and Isis belong to High Ranking Gods. Isis is even more important than Thoth as she is along with Satan, Baal and Azazel the 4 guardians of Humankind. That putrid degenerated scumbag Virgin Mary is loosely based upon the three mother Goddess Ninursag, Lilith and Isis.
I would also like to add here that there were Native Americans more advanced and smarter than others. The tribes who lived in North America were more in touch with Nature and with the principles of the Gods than those who lived in South America who are said (there are plenty of proof to ascertain this statement) to have practiced human sacrifice, cannibalism not only using the corpses of the foes of other tribes but also with their own and even when Spaniards and the Portuguese arrived they used their corpses to feed them from. To make things worse, they also are their faces, they destroyed Nature and were savages in their practices.
I highly doubt Quetzacoatl(Thoth) taught them I believe they were deluded and misguided by other evil entities or worse by our enemies

I do want to dive into deeper research because I did not interpret Quetzalcoatl as Thoth but much led me back to Satan but I’m defiantly going to be looking again. Also with the sacrificing I do not believe they originated that kind of thinking much as Vodun did not but it because corrupted as something it never was.
Elias Sebastian said:
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:

As far as I am concerned, Quetzalcoatl is another impersonation of the three times great God Thoth but for native americans. Others of his names are Hermes Trismegisto and Mercury in the Roman Empire. He is one of the seven Satan's son being Marduk his firstborn. As it can be appreciated, he is always depicted as the smartest God of every Pantheon (he represents all the characteristics of the Gemini sign at its pure state). He gave humnkind the ability to write, mathematics, astrology and other stuff that have to do with the mind and the intelligence. Anyway there is a disagreement, some people say it was Thoth who delivered Tarot to us in Egypt but others assert it was the Goddess Isis the one who created it and offered it to us hence her name AsTAROT. Whatever the true answer it is, it cannot be denied the fact that both Thoth and Isis belong to High Ranking Gods. Isis is even more important than Thoth as she is along with Satan, Baal and Azazel the 4 guardians of Humankind. That putrid degenerated scumbag Virgin Mary is loosely based upon the three mother Goddess Ninursag, Lilith and Isis.
I would also like to add here that there were Native Americans more advanced and smarter than others. The tribes who lived in North America were more in touch with Nature and with the principles of the Gods than those who lived in South America who are said (there are plenty of proof to ascertain this statement) to have practiced human sacrifice, cannibalism not only using the corpses of the foes of other tribes but also with their own and even when Spaniards and the Portuguese arrived they used their corpses to feed them from. To make things worse, they also are their faces, they destroyed Nature and were savages in their practices.
I highly doubt Quetzacoatl(Thoth) taught them I believe they were deluded and misguided by other evil entities or worse by our enemies

The races of South America are a creation of Satan like the other races in the world. Try to use your brain on why at some point in their existence they did this kind of thing ..? Have you never seen artifacts left by the Aztecs depicting Grays? Their legends speak of Reptiles emerged from the depth of the earth think about it.

First off, mind your fucking tone, asshole!!! This excerpt from your message "try to use your brain..." sounds impolite and as if you were addressing me as an imbecile. Me??? An imbecile buffoon ??? I am someone who does his research on a daily basis and studies everything from many sources before coming up to a conclusion... you'd better watch out your writing next time. Second of all, I believe I made myself clear by saying "they were deluded and misguided by other evil entities or worse by our enemies" that I was implying the fact that it was either the greys or the reptilians, or the embodied reptilians shapeshifters who have been patrolling the earth since Akhenaten's demise (because it was this tyrannical asshole along with his nefarious and dreadful wife who gave birth to them so were they born from the Dracos who are jehovah's henchmen. Dracos are even more powerful than the reptileans they are their bosses. The silly greys are just slaves) the ones who misguided them and twisted Quetzacoatl's teachings.
To make matters worse, something I would like to add is that moronic Spaniards and Portuguese used their degeneracy to their benefit as a sort of proof to label them as savages and barbarians (which they were) so in order to "civilise" and "educate" them, this stupid Spanish/Portuguese preachers/conquerors imposed on these already degenerated native americans christianity. Once they were violently forced to kneel before that dead carpenter kike on a cross they became "equal" to the Spaniards and Portuguese so then they intermingled with them bringing about the destruction of both races and hence the disaster it has been South America since those times. I ain't gonna defend what the English settlers did to native Americans but at least it was healthier than destroying two races by mixing with them. Of course, in the slaughter of native americans and in the intermingling with them there was the hand of the jew behind the scenes. As they were behind the slavery trade taking ships to Africa to enslave black people and then blame it all on white people when the majority of slave owners in America were ashkenazi kikes.
Lifeforod1n said:
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:

As far as I am concerned, Quetzalcoatl is another impersonation of the three times great God Thoth but for native americans. Others of his names are Hermes Trismegisto and Mercury in the Roman Empire. He is one of the seven Satan's son being Marduk his firstborn. As it can be appreciated, he is always depicted as the smartest God of every Pantheon (he represents all the characteristics of the Gemini sign at its pure state). He gave humnkind the ability to write, mathematics, astrology and other stuff that have to do with the mind and the intelligence. Anyway there is a disagreement, some people say it was Thoth who delivered Tarot to us in Egypt but others assert it was the Goddess Isis the one who created it and offered it to us hence her name AsTAROT. Whatever the true answer it is, it cannot be denied the fact that both Thoth and Isis belong to High Ranking Gods. Isis is even more important than Thoth as she is along with Satan, Baal and Azazel the 4 guardians of Humankind. That putrid degenerated scumbag Virgin Mary is loosely based upon the three mother Goddess Ninursag, Lilith and Isis.
I would also like to add here that there were Native Americans more advanced and smarter than others. The tribes who lived in North America were more in touch with Nature and with the principles of the Gods than those who lived in South America who are said (there are plenty of proof to ascertain this statement) to have practiced human sacrifice, cannibalism not only using the corpses of the foes of other tribes but also with their own and even when Spaniards and the Portuguese arrived they used their corpses to feed them from. To make things worse, they also are their faces, they destroyed Nature and were savages in their practices.
I highly doubt Quetzacoatl(Thoth) taught them I believe they were deluded and misguided by other evil entities or worse by our enemies

I do want to dive into deeper research because I did not interpret Quetzalcoatl as Thoth but much led me back to Satan but I’m defiantly going to be looking again. Also with the sacrificing I do not believe they originated that kind of thinking much as Vodun did not but it because corrupted as something it never was.

There is plenty of evidence to ascertain Quetzacoatl is none other but Thoth himself or Mercury or Hermes however you wish to call Him. I know it is a wide spread belief Zecharia Sitchin was a jew who is responsible for having blamed Enlil for the atrocities, crimes and the killings (even the flood) committed by yahweh but what he wrote in the Lost Book of Enki is right ( I read it many moons ago so I am unable to remember the exact chapter) it is clearly stated Thoth under the name of Quetzacoatl ordered by his father Enki, funded many civilizations in America and helped them evolve. Take a look at the drawings on the walls of their pyramids they resemble to the ones the Egyptians drew of Thoth. He might have not been represented as a bird with a long beak and wearing a toga but definitely he is very alike to Thoth more so than the way Egyptians drew Satan. In Egypt Enki was known as Ptath. Quetzacoatl doesn't look like Ptath whatsoever neither how he is described by the tribes.
Enki is Ptath, Odin, Shiva, Neptune, Poseidon Dionysius, Mirthra but not Quetzacoatl.
I read somewhere the ficticious character of Buddha who I believe is also a poweful thoughtform was loosely based upon Thoth/Hermes/Quetzacoatl 's teachings and of course twisted and corrupted to mislead gentiles.
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:

I had put a topic out in the main and teen forums that lead me a lot to Satan but now I’m really wondering why so much resonated with him if it’s Thoth. Also I never knew Neptune and Poseidon were other names of his. I knew Dionysus and also Pan but not too familiar with Mirthra.
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
Elias Sebastian said:
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:
As far as I am concerned, Quetzalcoatl is another impersonation of the three times great God Thoth but for native americans. Others of his names are Hermes Trismegisto and Mercury in the Roman Empire. He is one of the seven Satan's son being Marduk his firstborn. As it can be appreciated, he is always depicted as the smartest God of every Pantheon (he represents all the characteristics of the Gemini sign at its pure state). He gave humnkind the ability to write, mathematics, astrology and other stuff that have to do with the mind and the intelligence. Anyway there is a disagreement, some people say it was Thoth who delivered Tarot to us in Egypt but others assert it was the Goddess Isis the one who created it and offered it to us hence her name AsTAROT. Whatever the true answer it is, it cannot be denied the fact that both Thoth and Isis belong to High Ranking Gods. Isis is even more important than Thoth as she is along with Satan, Baal and Azazel the 4 guardians of Humankind. That putrid degenerated scumbag Virgin Mary is loosely based upon the three mother Goddess Ninursag, Lilith and Isis.
I would also like to add here that there were Native Americans more advanced and smarter than others. The tribes who lived in North America were more in touch with Nature and with the principles of the Gods than those who lived in South America who are said (there are plenty of proof to ascertain this statement) to have practiced human sacrifice, cannibalism not only using the corpses of the foes of other tribes but also with their own and even when Spaniards and the Portuguese arrived they used their corpses to feed them from. To make things worse, they also are their faces, they destroyed Nature and were savages in their practices.
I highly doubt Quetzacoatl(Thoth) taught them I believe they were deluded and misguided by other evil entities or worse by our enemies

The races of South America are a creation of Satan like the other races in the world. Try to use your brain on why at some point in their existence they did this kind of thing ..? Have you never seen artifacts left by the Aztecs depicting Grays? Their legends speak of Reptiles emerged from the depth of the earth think about it.

First off, mind your fucking tone, asshole!!! This excerpt from your message "try to use your brain..." sounds impolite and as if you were addressing me as an imbecile. Me??? An imbecile buffoon ??? I am someone who does his research on a daily basis and studies everything from many sources before coming up to a conclusion... you'd better watch out your writing next time. Second of all, I believe I made myself clear by saying "they were deluded and misguided by other evil entities or worse by our enemies" that I was implying the fact that it was either the greys or the reptilians, or the embodied reptilians shapeshifters who have been patrolling the earth since Akhenaten's demise (because it was this tyrannical asshole along with his nefarious and dreadful wife who gave birth to them so were they born from the Dracos who are jehovah's henchmen. Dracos are even more powerful than the reptileans they are their bosses. The silly greys are just slaves) the ones who misguided them and twisted Quetzacoatl's teachings.
To make matters worse, something I would like to add is that moronic Spaniards and Portuguese used their degeneracy to their benefit as a sort of proof to label them as savages and barbarians (which they were) so in order to "civilise" and "educate" them, this stupid Spanish/Portuguese preachers/conquerors imposed on these already degenerated native americans christianity. Once they were violently forced to kneel before that dead carpenter kike on a cross they became "equal" to the Spaniards and Portuguese so then they intermingled with them bringing about the destruction of both races and hence the disaster it has been South America since those times. I ain't gonna defend what the English settlers did to native Americans but at least it was healthier than destroying two races by mixing with them. Of course, in the slaughter of native americans and in the intermingling with them there was the hand of the jew behind the scenes. As they were behind the slavery trade taking ships to Africa to enslave black people and then blame it all on white people when the majority of slave owners in America were ashkenazi kikes.

Everyone who has studied a minimum of history knows that they made human sacrifices. What do you think they were happy to continuously sacrifice their people for the Reptilians? The Aztecs were terrified and considered them gods of the underworld. Africans still called and called the Reptilians "Chitahuri" and the Grays "Matindi". Fear for these beings created a negative influence on the lifestyle of these PAGAN populations by changing their vision of the Gods they believed. But you will know that the foundations of their Incas-like empires were based on the religion of our father Satan because the Inca empire and the Aztec pyramids were created thanks to the teachings of Satan and the gods of hell. There were no poor and hunger did not exist until the arrival of the Grays. And in addition I let you know that the Reptilians (Chitahuri) have constantly dominated blacks thanks to the arid climate of Africa, since they are cold-blooded. The real hell for the Africans and in the subsoil where the Reptilians fight for power near lava rivers and very high temperatures.
Lifeforod1n said:
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:

I had put a topic out in the main and teen forums that lead me a lot to Satan but now I’m really wondering why so much resonated with him if it’s Thoth. Also I never knew Neptune and Poseidon were other names of his. I knew Dionysus and also Pan but not too familiar with Mirthra.

I am 100% sure Quetzalcoatl is Thoth not only because I knew it before I committed myself to Satan last August because of my hard and deep reasearch I have been doing vut also because if you care to go to JoS main website and you go to High Ranking Gods (there is where Thoth is located) you will find Maxine's confirmation of what I am saying she also provides us with other names for this marvelous all knowing God. The pinnacle of intelligence
good evening everyone,

Interesting is this mention about the God Amurruka, here said as Father Satan.

In my research on Deus Paimon, among other things and mythologies, I discovered that he has the Amurru God of the Ammonites and also known as God Amun in the same region, do not confuse with God Amon Ra of Egypt.

So Jews only made an alliteration of Pai Amun's name as he was called to Paimon, causing enormous confusion with God Azazel.

I also found out by reading about THE AKAKOR CHRONICLES where we have reports about a primitive tribe of white blond and blue-eyed Indians who have no contact with civilization; none because they are afraid of it. Here in Brazil we have pyramids hidden in the upper Amazon, and we are forbidden to go there.

According to these texts, astronaut gods came from the sky giving birth to civilization, to prehistoric in Brazil.
Among these gods was Amurru or Paimon, who along with other gods including the Feathered Serpent that is part of our mythology, Paimon taught music as a way of communicating with the gods and dance;

Our carnival reportedly originated from those teachings of King Karibu one of his nicknames here. and we have here in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro a Pearibu road that crosses until [and colombia leaving in Amazonas, region of the pyramids. Pearibu means path of the gods.

I will make a post about Paimon that I thank because since I was born practically this with me.
ldeenki said:
good evening everyone,

Interesting is this mention about the God Amurruka, here said as Father Satan.

In my research on Deus Paimon, among other things and mythologies, I discovered that he has the Amurru God of the Ammonites and also known as God Amun in the same region, do not confuse with God Amon Ra of Egypt.

So Jews only made an alliteration of Pai Amun's name as he was called to Paimon, causing enormous confusion with God Azazel.

I also found out by reading about THE AKAKOR CHRONICLES where we have reports about a primitive tribe of white blond and blue-eyed Indians who have no contact with civilization; none because they are afraid of it. Here in Brazil we have pyramids hidden in the upper Amazon, and we are forbidden to go there.

According to these texts, astronaut gods came from the sky giving birth to civilization, to prehistoric in Brazil.
Among these gods was Amurru or Paimon, who along with other gods including the Feathered Serpent that is part of our mythology, Paimon taught music as a way of communicating with the gods and dance;

Our carnival reportedly originated from those teachings of King Karibu one of his nicknames here. and we have here in the mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro a Pearibu road that crosses until [and colombia leaving in Amazonas, region of the pyramids. Pearibu means path of the gods.

I will make a post about Paimon that I thank because since I was born practically this with me.

wow this is fantastic brother who knows how many pyramids will be hidden around South America! Even in Ecuador, secret agencies have discovered a pyramid made entirely of gold. Neil Armstrong and a team of researchers explored the "cueva de los tayos" where they took ancient artifacts made of gold and silver. An Italian priest "Father Crespi" was sent as a missionary to Ecuador, he made himself loved by the people and some natives gave him these ancient artifacts that I mentioned earlier. He managed to translate the writings on these artifacts by saying that many Atlanteans to escape from the universal flood took refuge in the Andes mountain range by founding ancient cities. In fact, inside the cave of "los tayos" there is talk of the existence of a metal library which has all the information on the civilizations born before the universal flood. And it is rumored that this library is protected by strange beings.
I leave you this link look with your own eyes. https://youtu.be/BD7Y-fT5rWI
NeroTheAntiChrist88 said:

I thank you and appreciate pointing this out so I can correct my research and dig deeper into more accuracy. I’ll be updating my post once I dig into more research tying it to Thoth. I don’t understand why my findings seemed to tie me to Satan though.
HP Mageson666 said:
Satan Original God Of The America's

The Hopi records and members of the Hopi Priesthood state the Hopi and the Amerindian tribes of the America's all came from the same place that of Mu and they all speak the same languages and have the same culture at the source. The Hopi's tradition state their ancient leading God was called Sotunknang who travelled in a "flying shield" through the sky. The Hopi's stated that Sotunknang once landed from the sky in his patuwvota to help two Hopi children that had become lost the ship was stated to make a roaring noise as it landed. The Hopi's stated Sotunknang left the ship and spoke: " Do not fear, I am Sotunknang, the heavenly God and because of the sympathy I have for you I have come to help you, so come and get on this patuwvota of mine and let us be on the way." The records state they embarked onto the patuwvota or flying shield and flew into the sky. The Hopi's records state that Sotunknang appeared to them: "His [Sotunknang] head and face shone like a star" he also wore a suit of silver that shone as well. The Hopi's mention their Gods or Kachina's are Star People whom they openly state are Extra Terrestrials. The Hopi's records state the Kachina's or Gods were very beautiful and had a powerful aura the light of spiritual radiance and they were loved by the Hopi's.

The Hopi's state their ancestry is from these Extra Terrestrials many of whom they state are from the constellation of Orion. Hopi Land the region the Hopi's live in and have lived within traditionally in America, the entire place is made to be a terrestrial map of the stars of the constellation of Orion the same as Egypt. The representation of Orion to the Hopi is called Sohu and is given the three stars of Orion's belt. The ancient Egyptian name for Orion is Sahu.

The Hopi's stated the Gods gave them the teachings in the sacred city of Palatkwapi [modern Sedona] the teachings were based on levels. The first level was history of the worlds or ages this relates to as well moral ethics. The second level was the knowledge of the human body and how spiritual energy worked within man. The third level was the knowledge of plants and the laws of nature this included medicine and healing arts. The fourth level was for the teachings of Astrology and the soul the Plumed Serpent and the chakra system. The crown chakra or the Kopavi they were taught is the open door [the door of Brahman in Hinduism] to converse with the Gods and the cosmos. From here they were taught the other chakras leading downwards to the base chakra. The ultimate goal being to awaken the serpent fire the Plumed Serpent and transform themselves into a Star Being and obtain immortality. The Egyptians called this transformation the same the Star Body.

The Hopi's are also found to be genetically related to the Tibetan People as well. Both Hopi's and Tibetans recognize this when the Dalai Lama visited the Hopi he was told by the Hopi Elders: "Welcome home".

The records of the Hindu's state the original homeland was called Kumara Kandam and was ruled by Sanat Kumara. This land is also called Mu. The native peoples in America also mention they are from this land.

Sotunknang is very close to the Far Eastern languages of whom share the common source with the Hopi's. Sotunknang in the east means "King Sotun" this is also Soten Kurama in Japan who is the head deity of ancient Japan and the vowels are interchangeable this Sotun is also Satan. The ancient Egyptian term for Orion is Sah as well. This is pronounced SA and was the source of the titles for the world ruler in the time of the Gods on earth. Satan means King of the World the planet earth and the Serpent King. TA is earth in ancient Egyptian and represents the earth element in Sanskrit. But Tan also means serpent the serpent is always shown as symbolizing earth as well. This shows the ruler ship of earth was connected to Orion where the Gods came from. Satan was also the title of the King of the Gods in ancient Egypt.

Sanat Kumara means Eternal Lord in Sanskrit however Satan also means Eternal in Sanskrit in another of its meanings. Its Satan, Soten, Sotun around the world. Sanat Kumara is also called Amurrukan in Sri Lanka which is stated to be one the last regions of Kumara Kandam that did not go under the waters. In the America's another title of the head God in Peru is Amurru and Amurruca which is also pronounced Amurruka which means Land of the Plumed Serpent. The ancient name for America in the eastern texts is Amurruka a title of Sanat Kumara, Satan. Its believed by scholars on the subject this is the origin of the name America and the official tale is a cover up by the secret societies that created America. The name America is from the ancient title of Satan.

Sedona City Of The Star People, Mark Pinkham
The Return Of The Serpents Of Wisdom, Mark Pinkham
The Secret Destiny Of America, Manly P. Hall

Thank you so much for this!

I love reading and rereading!
Pirate11 said:
ZmajEriksson said:
Robert Sepehr points out accounts from conquestadores describing the Inca as "nearly indistinguishable from Spaniards"
Are you sure? Back then Spaniards were -mostly- Mediterranean White while Inca and pre-columbian people were of Asian sub-races (I don't know specifically about them)

The Spaniards were probably talking about members of the white ruling caste.

It was Pedro Pizarro who wrote, “I saw in this land an Indian woman and child who did not differ from those who are white and blond. These people say that the latter were the children of the heathen gods.”

You can read a little more here:

An excerpt:
They asked the Indians to tell them who had left these enormous ruins. The well known chronicler, Cieza de Leon, was told in reply that these things had been made long before the Incas came to power. They were made by white and bearded men like the Spaniards themselves. (Heyerdahl, Aku-Aku: The Secret Of Easter Island, page 253).
I see the chomo (((Frank Joseph))) has been referenced here. You do know who he is right? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Collin

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
