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satan is a hebrew word why not just refer to krishna?


New member
Mar 26, 2024
its like saying nicknames but not nice one yeah flip it on its head, and fuck them but its not making perfect sense, iss aimed at jews u hit me i hit u, what u calll it?, but santana darma/Hinduism is everything all ready. no jews in east so totally different
If you know about Krishna and that type of stuff, how come you don't know that Satya in Sanskrit, from where Satan comes later to be called by Hebrews as the "Source of all evil", means Eternal Truth?

Even in the Sanatana Dharma you have the anagram for Satan. It's literally in front of you.

You have too hidden jews in the east and they have made sure to create Islam with which you are besieged constantly. India was attempted to be besieged by this jewish program named Islam and Christianity is also constantly trying to infiltrate India on the daily. Do not forget that Islam is their creation, that came from this hoax that calls Satya "evil".
its like saying nicknames but not nice one yeah flip it on its head, and fuck them but its not making perfect sense, iss aimed at jews u hit me i hit u, what u calll it?, but santana darma/Hinduism is everything all ready. no jews in east so totally different
Hinduism was corrupted by jews as well. There are still jewish celebrities in India and in far east as well.
If you know about Krishna and that type of stuff, how come you don't know that Satya in Sanskrit, from where Satan comes later to be called by Hebrews as the "Source of all evil", means Eternal Truth?
Even in the Sanatana Dharma you have the anagram for Satan. It's literally in front of you.
You have too hidden jews in the east and they have made sure to create Islam with which you are besieged constantly. India was attempted to be besieged by this jewish program named Islam and Christianity is also constantly trying to infiltrate India on the daily. Do not forget that Islam is their creation, that came from this hoax that calls Satya "evil".
If you know about Krishna and that type of stuff, how come you don't know that Satya in Sanskrit, from where Satan comes later to be called by Hebrews as the "Source of all evil", means Eternal Truth?

Even in the Sanatana Dharma you have the anagram for Satan. It's literally in front of you.

You have too hidden jews in the east and they have made sure to create Islam with which you are besieged constantly. India was attempted to be besieged by this jewish program named Islam and Christianity is also constantly trying to infiltrate India on the daily. Do not forget that Islam is their creation, that came from this hoax that calls Satya "evil".
To many, a connection between Judaism and Hinduism may seem impossible, but something very interesting is also how Judaism has incorporated traits of Zoroastrianism which in turn derives from a split within Hinduism.

Furthermore, there must be an underlying history that has escaped the pen of historians of a relationship between India and the West, evidenced for example by the mudras that are seen in early depictions of Christ, or that are still used today.

Or from the illustrations in Bohme's books depicting the chakras and the Aum mantra.

And the Christian Rosary which appears to be a linguistic calque of the Sanskrit word japa mala quoting from Italian Wikipedia:
A possible etymology of the word "rosary" can be found in the Sanskrit word japa-mālā (जपमाला), literally "garland" (mālā) "for prayers" (japa). The word japa-mālā has been in use for millennia to indicate the crown for prayers among the populations of India. As indicated by the scholar of Indian languages A. F. Weber (1825-1901), changing the short "a" of japa (जप) with the long "ā", we obtain japā (जपा), which no longer means "prayer", but " rose". Therefore japā-mālā comes to mean garland or crown of roses, of which the Latin rosarium could represent a model. However, since Sanskrit has only been known in the West since the 18th century, while the term rosarium is at least of late medieval origin, it is unlikely that the supposed calque was made directly from Sanskrit.

This is the definition of linguistic calque:
A linguistic calque is a process of word formation which consists in coining new terms by taking up the structures of the language of origin.

To be clear, from my point of view it is practically impossible for it to be true that Sanskrit has only been known in the West since the 18th century.
well give some links proving that ive studed how lanage develops ironly lol. just cause they sound simuir is pos hox.bro if what ur saying is true thats has to be tons of prove, theres no way. bro how is it an anagram is a total different langrage
I have written about all of these matters and it happens in many languages not only on Sanskrit. Even in Ancient Greek. You must research the Joy of Satan library, and look into the evident reality in front of you too, besides the information.

To be clear, from my point of view it is practically impossible for it to be true that Sanskrit has only been known in the West since the 18th century.

Sanskrit is also a sensation because of it's ancient character, Ancient Greek which is also correlated with it has more than enough proof about the cryptic meanings behind the origin of the name "Satan". I have explained how Satanas [how it's mentioned in Ancient Greek] has a hidden meaning about the resurrection of the human soul into the state of light.

Jews use stolen terms verbatim for many things, like "El" from the Akkadian word of light, or Shaddai which is from Sanskrit from Shiva, or many other titles and epithets from many languages. And Satan is not different, it's stolen as well and it's meaning perverted and transferred over. "Tzabaoth" is stolen from the Ancient Greek Sabbaton which means Saturday, and also goes all the way back to Sumerian. There is not a single thing that is in their occult literature that wasn't carried over from something else.
I have written about all of these matters and it happens in many languages not only on Sanskrit. Even in Ancient Greek. You must research the Joy of Satan library, and look into the evident reality in front of you too, besides the information.
Our brother over there thinks that words in Hebrew, Sanskrit and English should be written and pronunced in the exact same way lol.
Our brother over there thinks that words in Hebrew, Sanskrit and English should be written and pronunced in the exact same way lol.

The situation with language is that two people from the same tribe, a few villages apart, can pronounce exactly the same thing a little differently. I guess that invalidates everything with language.

Meanwhile as certain things carry out almost exactly the same via millenia [proving how important they are], yeah, that doesn't mean anything really.
well give some links proving that ive studed how lanage develops ironly lol. just cause they sound simuir is pos hox.bro if what ur saying is true thats has to be tons of prove, theres no way. bro how is it an anagram is a total different langrage

Yes, until you read about actual Yoga and understand why SATAN-AMA is like the most important mantra, you can then summon the top Yogi's and Brahmins to explain to you, and get some Rabbis around too to answer you why they pulled out of their asses that "Satan" is actually "evil" after a point and made all of humanity hate what all of the Ancient culture considered top spirituality and sacred.

Your people are doing SATANAMA mantra everyday, follow SANATANA Dharma, and worship SATYAN as the ultimate Truth, but you want to listen to the jews.

You do you my friend, the facts are sometimes only for those who can see the obvious. I will not become your personal linguist here to prove anything to you besides of what I have already written, which you can obviously study or learn from experimental knowledge.

I know the hoax that "Satan started with hebrews" but that nonsense is not for my level of education or anything, nor anyone else's here. They know the Truth.
its like saying nicknames but not nice one yeah flip it on its head, and fuck them but its not making perfect sense, iss aimed at jews u hit me i hit u, what u calll it?, but santana darma/Hinduism is everything all ready. no jews in east so totally different

Satya means truth

Sata-nama means the name of the truthful God or the embody of truth aka Sata is a shorter form of Satya and it was also shortened more to simply Sat and it was used as a prefix for everything that is holy, unchangeable, etc. Satanama was also shortened to Satnam

Satya ananta, means eternal truth, in a short and merged form : Sat-an.

Wodan is also Satan and we can trace back how the name Satan became Wodan which HPHC have already written about.

Satan was always associated with the serpent and light. See: Lucifer meaning the bearer of light, or Enki, the serpent God, etc.
Actually nowadays you can learn a lot from even wikipedia. Read our stuff, than read the references if there is any mentioned.
The situation with language is that two people from the same tribe, a few villages apart, can pronounce exactly the same thing a little differently. I guess that invalidates everything with language.

Meanwhile as certain things carry out almost exactly the same via millenia [proving how important they are], yeah, that doesn't mean anything really.

Yes, until you read about actual Yoga and understand why SATAN-AMA is like the most important mantra, you can then summon the top Yogi's and Brahmins to explain to you, and get some Rabbis around too to answer you why they pulled out of their asses that "Satan" is actually "evil" after a point and made all of humanity hate what all of the Ancient culture considered top spirituality and sacred.

Your people are doing SATANAMA mantra everyday, follow SANATANA Dharma, and worship SATYAN as the ultimate Truth, but you want to listen to the jews.

You do you my friend, the facts are sometimes only for those who can see the obvious. I will not become your personal linguist here to prove anything to you besides of what I have already written, which you can obviously study or learn from experimental knowledge.

I know the hoax that "Satan started with hebrews" but that nonsense is not for my level of education or anything, nor anyone else's here. They know the Truth.
Jehovah in English, Geova in Italian, Jehová in Spanish, Yehuwa in Indonesian. Entity also called Yaweh, or YHWH יהוה in Hebrew, and it's all OK, but when it comes to Satan, he has to be spelled and pronunced the same way in all languages across different millenia ahah.
Some seek academic answers and demand them from a religious organization, which in itself does not make much sense.

Linguistics from historical data tries to define certain laws that determine the evolution of languages, however these laws are not principles of physics, they are only the result of cataloguing and tend to have many exceptions this one should remember.

It is certainly not possible to establish with mathematical certainty the origin of the term Satan. However, this is a spiritual organization and here it is permissible to rely even on the sixth sense of the High Priest, if one wants to rely on Illuminist thinking one can freely do so elsewhere.
Jehovah in English, Geova in Italian, Jehová in Spanish, Yehuwa in Indonesian. Entity also called Yaweh, or YHWH יהוה in Hebrew, and it's all OK, but when it comes to Satan, he has to be spelled and pronunced the same way in all languages across different millenia ahah.

When jews want to prove about their nonsense, you can call it Hakuna Matata and they will say it's literally the one and only god of the hebrews. Yaveh, Yahveh, Yau-Eh, Yahye, whatever shit under the earth, "it's all the same". Jesus is jehovah but he is not but he is, but he isn't, whatever.

Hakuna Matata = JHVH all of them will agree on this, doesn't matter if you explain it or not.

Meanwhile if you have a 99% obvious accuracy of something, it's always something else.

Programming the mind has these consequences.
Some seek academic answers and demand them from a religious organization, which in itself does not make much sense.

Linguistics from historical data tries to define certain laws that determine the evolution of languages, however these laws are not principles of physics, they are only the result of cataloguing and tend to have many exceptions this one should remember.

It is certainly not possible to establish with mathematical certainty the origin of the term Satan. However, this is a spiritual organization and here it is permissible to rely even on the sixth sense of the High Priest, if one wants to rely on Illuminist thinking one can freely do so elsewhere.

You are giving a wrong answer here because that is not based on the reliance of any "6th sense", it's a very elaborate reasoning presented based on accurate information and about the cultural inversions and reality as it is presented, for what it is.

The literal answers of the actual sourcing, do exist very clearly and they are not the result of a sixth sense, unless one needs sixth sense to add the conclusive evidence to itself.

If I have written about these subjects and they are widely known, researched and so on, and pretty obvious, I cannot be explaining daily why the sky is blue or something similar. Clearly also people like to "Ask questions":

1. Before studying
2. When they want to promote something else (Ie Krishnaism in this example)
3. Sometimes when it is important of them to rehearse the hearsay that "Satan is something Hebrews invented", to validate emotional points they have that are based on reactive fear.

Not even "Jehovah" is something the hebrews invented. Not even Jesus Christ. Yet, how can Lucifer/Satan be something that "THEY" invented?

Beelzebul for example, is widely known as a Middle Eastern Head God. The same goes for a myriad of other examples. Still, these people are in a coma saying these are "Hebrew Demons", while they literally undig statues which predate the existence of the jews themselves. That's because people are purely retarded on these subjects and emotions will override any form of evidence.

The same goes for the terms like Demons, who are pure Ancient Greek without any changes, and yet have been changed in their meaning by the jews to mean "evil", but they meant good things before. People still will use them as "negatives".

Hebrew itself? It's also all stolen from every other language around them and other Ancient languages. It has nothing original in it.

Not even the 6 pointed star of the hebrews belongs to them.

But Satan does originate in there? Where even the story of the Snake in the Garden is literally a more Ancient story as well?

A remaining bias is not asking for any academic inquiry or logic, it's just emotional garbage people carry inside them because they are NPC borgs that cannot process fairly obvious information, and the emotional level of being in a constant reactive tendency.

As to why this phenomenon occurs, It's explained here:

If people are cucking around this precise data and information, that is merely based on emotional failure and logical failure of processing.
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Extremely well said. Now the people (jews) who literally stole everything, never created anything are the ones who created Satan, or his name, God himself?

Like you also said it is extremely easy to prove that the Demons in the Goetia are Ancient Pagan Gods. Like it's literally the easiest thing ever. Demon that literally means "God, godlike" in Ancient Greek. Shiva literally being represented so often with a Trident, and with a Snake. These symbols ring a bell? Oh wait, it's how the enemy always describes Satan. The Serpent being an extremely common symbol in basically every ancient pagan culture. We can go on forever.

The funny thing is that followers of the abrahamic religions when it comes to this topic are much smarter than "neo-pagans", "hindus" and the like. If you ask someone who actually really studied those abrahamic religions, they will all tell you that the ancient pagan Gods were Demons, that Yoga is Satanic, that Satan rules over the occult and so on. While the supposedly "smart", "open minded" pagans are too scared or too retarded to see it.
Jehovah in English, Geova in Italian, Jehová in Spanish, Yehuwa in Indonesian. Entity also called Yaweh, or YHWH יהוה in Hebrew, and it's all OK, but when it comes to Satan, he has to be spelled and pronunced the same way in all languages across different millenia ahah.
Saint in English, Santo/Santa in Spanish and Italian I think. A bit odd that they would use the the same letters as the diety they try to impose as evil to equate with their holiest.
Satan means truth. And its Sanskrit.
And no...its not really Hebrew..even thow the jews took the idea appon ththemselves to make that up. For ther amusement because they wanted to take over and change everything for themselves and twisted things out of control to make us and this world seem bad. By giving the name Satan a stigma lol...no the name Satan is NOT Jewish at all... it is Hindu Sanskrit meaning truth
its like saying nicknames but not nice one yeah flip it on its head, and fuck them but its not making perfect sense, iss aimed at jews u hit me i hit u, what u calll it?, but santana darma/Hinduism is everything all ready. no jews in east so totally different

Why not Hinduism? Because...

Satanism allows to eat meat freely and doesn't forbid it.

You are free to be angry and use that anger in black magick in Satanism. You are free to do RTRs and curse the jews. The Bhagavad Gita says anger is bad.

As a Satanist, you can just practice a yoga technique or chakra meditation you saw on the Internet, it's a normal thing and recommended. In Hinduism, you have to find a guru first and do what he tells you, and after being cloistered in an ashram for 20 years being your guru's bitch, he may teach you a spiritual technique that is vastly inferior to the ones you find on JoS. Indian guys come to America to learn about chakras and yoga because of that bullshit they have to go through. They don't teach common people about important things like chakras and yoga in Hinduism.

Satanists develop their soul spiritually every day with power meditation and use magick and are guided by Satan and the Demons. Hindus aren't allowed to do such things, they just worship a being like slaves. They don't even know how to correctly vibrate a mantra, they just sing it as if it is a song.

For these reasons, Hinduism is bullshit and inferior to Satanism.
You are giving a wrong answer here because that is not based on the reliance of any "6th sense",
For me, the use of the mantra Satanama in kundalini yoga and the name Satan associated with the serpent in the Garden of Eden story, has always been more than enough "coincidence," and I have never even thought of having to scientifically prove that there is a direct derivation between the two terms. Also in academia no one thinks that the astral plane can affect the physical plane, and in astral the like always attracts the like, but I challenge you to explain that to an academic.

And because it occurred to me that there was an enemy site complaining that it is not academic to say that Satan is derived from Sanskrit or something like that, I was trying to be diplomatic with these big brains.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Hinduism was corrupted by jews as well. There are still jewish celebrities in India and in far east as well.
Hmmm... Among many Brahmin communities there are Jews inside it.. esp Chitpavan Brahmins were Jews of origin...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
