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Satan answers prayers!!!!!

Dec 9, 2019
I had an original post it was about my sister’s condition her liver and kidney we’re not functioning at all very well she’s been unconscious borderline coma and I’ve been here in Texas for a week. It has been really stressful emotional and things like that. Today I prayed to Father Satan/Enki for assistance in helping my sister to recover. No prayers were getting answered when my family was praying to the XIAN god. I was so emotional about the prayer, it was sincere and I also swore during my prayer that if my sister Recovers I know I will be a changed man. Sure enough. I came home to take a nap and I woke up an hour later I find out from the doctors that my sister is recovering, responding to medicine. Her kidneys functioning. I was really shocked because I was not expecting anything at all.

This tells me Satan hears Our prayers and responds! When I get experiences like this. My faith is strengthen.
beareroflightandtrth83 said:

And you didn't have to wait like 12 years for an 'accident' to be perceived as an answer like with the xian 'g*d' who does nothing for anybody.
Yeah, and the christian "god" healed your sister, according to the christians around you.
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
I had an original post it was about my sister’s condition her liver and kidney we’re not functioning at all very well she’s been unconscious borderline coma and I’ve been here in Texas for a week. It has been really stressful emotional and things like that. Today I prayed to Father Satan/Enki for assistance in helping my sister to recover. No prayers were getting answered when my family was praying to the XIAN god. I was so emotional about the prayer, it was sincere and I also swore during my prayer that if my sister Recovers I know I will be a changed man. Sure enough. I came home to take a nap and I woke up an hour later I find out from the doctors that my sister is recovering, responding to medicine. Her kidneys functioning. I was really shocked because I was not expecting anything at all.

This tells me Satan hears Our prayers and responds! When I get experiences like this. My faith is strengthen.
thats awesome I didn't know prayers can even work though prayer I read was applied psychic energy though Satan has the power to do just about anything :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
I had an original post it was about my sister’s condition her liver and kidney we’re not functioning at all very well she’s been unconscious borderline coma and I’ve been here in Texas for a week. It has been really stressful emotional and things like that. Today I prayed to Father Satan/Enki for assistance in helping my sister to recover. No prayers were getting answered when my family was praying to the XIAN god. I was so emotional about the prayer, it was sincere and I also swore during my prayer that if my sister Recovers I know I will be a changed man. Sure enough. I came home to take a nap and I woke up an hour later I find out from the doctors that my sister is recovering, responding to medicine. Her kidneys functioning. I was really shocked because I was not expecting anything at all.

This tells me Satan hears Our prayers and responds! When I get experiences like this. My faith is strengthen.

I'm happy for you! It's good that your sister is getting healthier. Father Satan truly protects us!

Hail Satan Forever!
FancyMancy said:
Yeah, and the christian "god" healed your sister, according to the christians around you.

That's the worst part of it. At least one person knows the truth though and I think that's all that truly matters.
When I was a young child, I was in the hospital one time. Actually a bunch of times, but one time was especially bad. I was right close to dying, they gave me a medicine that helped for a few minutes then it stopped working and I started getting worse. My heart and breathing were getting weak, my blood pressure got very low, and the doctor was getting scared because he didn't think that he could help me. I was sitting at the edge of the bed knowing that I might die soon, but I wasn't worried because I didn't care too much, and then I saw a bright flash of light above me. I looked up, and I saw a man and a woman above me. They reached into me with their hands, and they put some light into me like a lightning bolt. It was all Lifeforce energy that they put into me, and I immediately felt all the life returning to every part of my body. My heart rate, oxygen rate, and blood pressure immediately started becoming very strong again, and I completely recovered pretty quickly. About 30 minutes later, it was almost like nothing ever happened.

I don't think about that often, but I never forgot it either. Years later I recognized who those people were, it was Satan and Lerajie my guardian. :D They saw my lifeforce was almost gone, so they put some back into me and made me live. There have been many times in my life that I have been very close to dying, but they always protected me and kept me alive. Because they want me here working and helping.
beareroflightandtrth83 said:
I had an original post it was about my sister’s condition her liver and kidney we’re not functioning at all very well she’s been unconscious borderline coma and I’ve been here in Texas for a week. It has been really stressful emotional and things like that. Today I prayed to Father Satan/Enki for assistance in helping my sister to recover. No prayers were getting answered when my family was praying to the XIAN god. I was so emotional about the prayer, it was sincere and I also swore during my prayer that if my sister Recovers I know I will be a changed man. Sure enough. I came home to take a nap and I woke up an hour later I find out from the doctors that my sister is recovering, responding to medicine. Her kidneys functioning. I was really shocked because I was not expecting anything at all.

This tells me Satan hears Our prayers and responds! When I get experiences like this. My faith is strengthen.

Satan protects those we love. I have seen Satans miracles without even asking. He knew I would be devastated and despite all odds, like 30% survival chances, they came out unscathed.

Satan takes care of his own. I'm happy for you. Take care.
Wow man! :D
I'm go glad for your sister, please also do follow all the healing methods Jos facilitates. And remember, you promised to be a changed man!
Thank you guys for the response. Satan is amazing for sure.

I’m seeing more amazing miracles happen. Satan is fighting alongside with us. He is bringing revenge to our enemies
Thank you guys for the response. Satan is amazing for sure.

I’m seeing more amazing miracles happen. Satan is fighting alongside with us. He is bringing revenge to our enemies
Ol argedco luciftias said:
When I was a young child, I was in the hospital one time. Actually a bunch of times, but one time was especially bad. I was right close to dying, they gave me a medicine that helped for a few minutes then it stopped working and I started getting worse. My heart and breathing were getting weak, my blood pressure got very low, and the doctor was getting scared because he didn't think that he could help me. I was sitting at the edge of the bed knowing that I might die soon, but I wasn't worried because I didn't care too much, and then I saw a bright flash of light above me. I looked up, and I saw a man and a woman above me. They reached into me with their hands, and they put some light into me like a lightning bolt. It was all Lifeforce energy that they put into me, and I immediately felt all the life returning to every part of my body. My heart rate, oxygen rate, and blood pressure immediately started becoming very strong again, and I completely recovered pretty quickly. About 30 minutes later, it was almost like nothing ever happened.

I don't think about that often, but I never forgot it either. Years later I recognized who those people were, it was Satan and Lerajie my guardian. :D They saw my lifeforce was almost gone, so they put some back into me and made me live. There have been many times in my life that I have been very close to dying, but they always protected me and kept me alive. Because they want me here working and helping.
Reading this reminds me of something i experienced. I had some sort of pinched energy pathway, could have been spinal and blood related, not entirely sure.. but anyways i was laying on my back at home, feeling like i was going to die. The thoughts running through my mind were like " i cannot die before my parents, i have so much i need to do before i die, please help me, etc" then i saw this white light and felt the touch on my body , almost immediately feeling warmth and whatever the issue i was experience dissipated quickly. What actual health issue i was experiencing is a mystery to me, but the powers of hell were there to save me. I am forever grateful.
Well I'm still waiting for my prayers to Satan to be answered. I still havent had any type of spiritual experiences or anything with the gods. I havent really been in any situation where im about to literally die for any of them to step in and save me. Atleast not until about another year or 2 when I decide to give up in life if nothing changes for the better. These days I seriously doubt that Satan would care if I was about to die. I tried to do the meditations and RTRs and help spread JoS, but I could never get the hang of meditating and focusing well. I just have a too overactive mind.

I'll probably be making a new account on here and try talking with you all some more. I cant stand the way HoodedCobra kind of labeled me as an infiltrator the time I posted something. If im going through hard times and I dont have anyone else to turn to, then I come here on the forums and post about it. It doesnt mean that Im some type of infiltrator, and now with the "Am I jewish" attack driving me batshit insane, being labeled as one isnt helping at all and it just makes it worse. I havent had any bad things happen to me when I try meditations or do RTRs, so Im guessing im not a jew, but im still not for sure. I believe I know who my guardian demon is, but I never had any surefire proof that its who I think it is. I only had coincidences that led to to believe that said demon is my guardian. I've had a little help in the past a few years ago in the yahoo groups from others that also helped me out with finding my guardian. So if I did the dedication (several times in the past because I felt like it never worked) and I also have a guardian demon, then I guess im not a jew.
The silence and loneliness drives me crazy though whenever I try to talk with Satan and demons. I try to open my chakras and everything, but my mind is too damned overactive and I end up thinking about other things while trying to meditate. I only make minor progress.

Im making a new account on here so I can start talking with other members and try to advance myself finally. I always sit and think about the negatives and it only makes my life worse. Im leaving this damned account and all the negative and sad topics Ive made on it behind. I want to spiritually advance and I want to get close to Satan and my Guardian so I can learn, live and be happy. When you dont have any happiness, or anything positive in your life, you really just focus on all the bad and negative shit. I hope none of you guys here end up the same way I was, or still am at the moment. Its just awful.

Im making one last push to get myself out of this sad and sorry state that im in. We're supposed to be the 'elite' but sitting here and trying to do the RTRs and failing at meditations inside of a run down old trailer with not a penny to my name doesnt seem very 'elite' to me.

I only wish you guys would give me some support and helpful advice and stuff. I have a way to make some money for myself now, and I tried to talk with my guardian, who also is a demon that helps with money, and tried to asking for help. I asked them if they would give me a sign if they accepted to help, so I could start with repaying them. I said that I would try and send some positive energy like the Sun's energy to them, and i'll do my best to help spread JoS, and the usual stuff. I havent gotten any good sign from them yet. Its been about 2 weeks now. Im guessing the summoning and asking for help failed.
The same thing happened to me years ago when I was living off of a monthly income check. I was about to lose the money and I had to go see a judge in order to keep the monthly income. I tried to summon Abigor back then and asked for help. He seemed like the right demon to try and ask for help, since he helps with court cases and stuff, and since I had to see and talk with a judge and everything, I guessed that Abigor was the best demon to summon.
If you havent noticed from my past topics and things and my overall attitude, I think its pretty obvious that the summoning failed, and it completely and utterly ruined my life and caused everything to go straight to hell for me. I lost my monthly income and I become the lowest of the low, and still am to this day and Ive never recovered from losing my money. Mostly because of the area where I live, its hard to get any income or job at all. Poverty and misery rules over this tiny piece of America im living in at the moment.

Because of all this, my faith in Satan and the gods was greatly damaged. I dont expect them to help us with everything in our lives, but I thought that they would have seen how badly losing my money would have affected me.

Not sure what I should do anymore. I do however have a chance at making money now. I hope my guardian helps me a bit. I cant do it all on my own right now.
But im done with this account. I've posted too much negative things and whining about stuff with it. I didnt really have a choice. I dont have anywhere else to go, or anyone else to talk to whenever I feel bad. JoS is basically all I have and I tried to make Satan the center of my life and not a day goes by that I dont think about him. Its just sad that I dont get the same treatment that other SS get, even though I've been brutalized by life. I've fought for Satan and Ive tried my best with trying to advance myself and help with spreading JoS online and out in public by leaving tiny messages and papers laying around with JoS and exposingchristianity and stuff. I dont understand whats wrong with me and why I never seem to get any help from any of them, when I desperately need it the most. I try to do money spells and things for myself but its never enough.
Am I a jew and my SS path was all for nothing?
Anyways, im done with this account. I want to talk with other members about positive stuff and try to advance. Im done with being stuck with depression and negative thoughts. This account is full of nothing but sadness, so im making a new one. I dont want keep this one so people can look back on how embarrassing my past was, and see my struggles and stuff.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
