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Satan And The Demonic Agenda: To Make Man God

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Frequently some people will ask about how is this place any different when it comes to many other places where people believe in Aliens. The answer is, we are the ONLY place online that was and will ever be, that will have these beliefs, and this ideology combined.

No other ideology gives the Truth injection like we do, and nobody would even dare to every try to make a fake ass wiped out version of this, because even being close around these subjects is a terrible fear for the status quo and the enemy, and this is well known.

All of society they have formed to condemn our teachings, the morals we teach, our life and existence ideology, abolish all natural understanding, and so forth.

This ideology is the only consistent ideology about advanced extraterrestrials. As it should be obvious, highly ADVANCED RACES OF ALIENS, do practice and have RACIAL POLICY unto themselves, and they rule RACIALLY.

Satan and the Gods, have been open to us. This was common knowledge to our primordial ancestors, all the way from the Veda, even through the Middle Ages. The Gods communicated always the same message about the people, the blood, the race, long story short, the species and it's civilization, and to continue existing until we are immortal.

They set forth these aims even to what we call as prehistoric people, to motivate them. All Indo-European cultures just overlap on the same literal message. The simplicity with which they laid out these stories, holds the universe's deepest wisdom. We were able to therefore remember it and carry it with us.

Only lately with jewish advent did all of this get so corrupted that it was grossly hijacked and suddenly people are instructed to literally kill themselves and practice all the reverse of what was existential tradition to our species.

Even more ironic is how in this stage of humanity being a totally oblivious vegetable, as even the enemy books state, the "Daimones" or "Demons", beings of knowledge, came and started teaching things to what the enemy wanted to be an eternal vegetable race. For this they were condemned in this story.

Somehow we remaining vegetables is considered today to be "Good" and "Moral Virtue", or "Destiny", and the "mishap" was the somehow along the way some beings actually gave us meaningful existence and common sense, called Satan and the Demons.

Humans are forced to live in some way as to appease the jewish gang that penned some leprotic jewish books. And somehow also humanity tuned back and under jewish commands, attacked verbally and spiritually, and banished these "Daimones" from our life and our relation was attempted to be villified and put to a deadly end.

The enemy wanted us to be vegetables without a mind, and jews told us that somehow this was a really good and moral thing to do. Go figure. But the jew only came as an earthly agent of another force that hides behind them, which of course they had the usual arrogance to admit publicly. Greys and Reptilians.

Greys and all these aliens all of UFOlogy constantly talks about, or Reptilians which we know defacto to be enemies and destroyers of mankind, do this on a racial and species basis. Idiots who talk to them and call them literally by racial names, such as "Greys" [related to their slender grey color and ugly worthless mugs], or "Reptilians" [a name given to them by us to parellelize them with what we call reptiles in our earthly species], these affirm RACIAL qualities and SPECIES.

Of course thanks to brainwashed idiots and an inversion of all natural values, the life damning values these aliens promote ad nauseum, are even thought to be "good" and "moral", in promoting the reverse values - deny race, deny species, deny development, what have you.

You will understand about the enemy by what they promote, not by what they CLAIM to be.

What they promote on the New Age and people who see these greys, is just some superficial dogshit garbage about frying your brain with drugs, destroying your life with pacifism, race mixing to the ultimate extent, pointless hallucination, extremely low key and dependency based pseudo-spiritual knowledge [such as when the bug headed fuckers do some superficial healing once in a while so that the humanoids are impressed and enslave further into their cults], a lot of pathological love, abolishing of all notions of logic, promoting diets that make us literally die and fall apart. This leads nowhere. Nobody really develops out of this, nobody gets empowered in anyway.

Politically they preach the melting pot of all races, the domination of negative science of mankind [turning us in their own image of damned slaves], the dissolving of Nations and Races into "one mankind", even if this takes war and endless bloodshed to achieve, and so forth.

The religions they instated for the masses are nothing of use but making people ants in a literal way. These religions are really dumb. One is a worshiper in these religions, and "sinful crap" that has to pay eternal debt to some alien thing called Allah or Jesus eternally in fear of being burned in hell or something.

Satanism is so distant from these programs of enslavement that most people are shocked. One no longer has to worship, one has to live, and not die, and also one has to care about this world with extreme care when we are here, and so onward to and fro, we may transition to some other form of life, then we will have to again care about this world.

Our relations, even those with animals, define our existence deeply, and our actions have meaning and consequence. The higher the personal power and spiritual level, the more this is the case.

Traditional Paganism never believed in mumbo jumbo escapism, otherworldly "salvation", and all this garbage. The Astral Laws were well known. One dies, one reincarnates, and one has to further the betterment of their species. Pagans accepted the existence of other worlds, but reincarnation puts the coffin to all ideas about other worlds.

This process only ends with immortalizing of an individual [Magnum Opus], or the whole species. After this, we can live enough to finally have a larger perspective, not forget our incarnations and have amnesia, and start becoming more like the more advanced beings from other worlds who have achieved this. One will always be born where their level of development is, ie, HERE.

We have to care for our earth because it's our home, point blank. We have therefore to take ourselves really seriously, stop wasting our life, stop fucking up our civilization, stop killing our own people, as one will always pay the price of damnation, as a bad leaf falls of a tree, and goes to meet a poisonous soil, rather than good soil that will absorb it and give it's life back to the tree. The strong person is like a good root that gives life to the tree.

The idea of Reincarnation is directly the idea of Race. For Reincarnation to matter, ie, for a soul on a specific level of development in the delicate balances of being human, to exist again, this happens from the mirror of the astral physical existence: The racial body.

The finalizing of this process causes a personal Godhead both for the individual and the aim is for all of one's people to reach this State [or at least those who are interested], before we die, and attain eternal life so that we can exist in this eternal and unending universe, filled with boundless possibilities, to explore it and be part of it as other species are.

"Eternal Life" and "Tree of Knowledge" aren't jokes these are really deeply embed histories since the dawn of the Pagan Civilizations [stolen by jews], which the Gods left us here from Sumeria and before, to remind us what we are here to do. We aren't here to waste our existence and be biohazards.

Enemy aliens keep us at the level of blind germs and that is for also very natural reasons, we may pose a threat and kick back on them. That's all there is to it really.

Lastly, the reason we reincarnate is because when the Gods were driven away, we remained in a half state between what is essentially a very advanced hominid but not yet immortal and fully achieved spiritually and physically to the perfection standard. We had a lot of spiritual advancement, but the Magnum Opus is a procedure that is both spiritual and material, and a consciousness procedure.

Satan has explained to me before on this question, years ago, that the reason we were not left immortal and ascended is because this process takes time. Genetically and as far as our bodies are concerned, all the abilities are there. This body was and has been constructed with genetic engineering. The human body, male and female, is a creation masterpiece.

But this type of creature that the Gods called "Man", is ultimately important because of his ability to think and meditate, and use the advanced and higher powers onto himself [meditation], and this is the only way to maintain one's self or to realize the importance of one's existence.

No matter what genes the Gods may have passed us or any handiwork, it's only the individual consciousness that can ascend itself, to understand itself. This is because the consciousness is supposed to be the major teaching of why we are humans in the first place, and through this, and after, we attain also biological immortality. Think of how when one understands the laws of electricity, one can make inventions, when we understand consciousness in a deeper way and it's material effects, we will understand also immortality. This only happens through meditation.

This was passed down in the enemy's story in how humanity ate from in the "Garden of Edin" which is a stolen Sumerian Creation Myth. But we were banished before we ate from the "Tree of Life", we ate only on the Tree of Knowledge, which in turn leads after to the Tree of Life. This is when the enemy was scared shitless, and intervened in our planet.

That is because the Tree of Life is immortality, but the only way to access this is from the "Tree of Knowledge" first.

But in order for this to mean anything, ie, for immortality to matter and for humans to cope with it, a spiritual level had to first be achieved, because otherwise everything is vain and futile. Biological immortality cannot exist on a spiritually ignorant state, the Gods couldn't make us "biologically immortal" [which was known to be the case in the Ancient times, with people living 700 or 800 years, documented in all Ancient Religions], as the genetics are known to change, deform, mutate, and fall out of place.

Epics exist of people such as Gilgamesh and others who have attained this. There are also cases of Egyptian Pharaohs who have attained this state, and more modern stories.

Satan has always been honest and everything the Gods set in front of us is consistent and real. As we advance scientifically we observe all of this on our own. Their eternal teachings are valid. This should build trust.

Look at teh worthless greys on the other hand that tell us that doing a lot of booze and drugs is going to be good for us when all our teeth fall off and we exist in miserable states, and you will understand a bit about who is bullshitting whom.

Most new agers put the mug of a grey and the infamous 420 to give credence to these life damning aliens, all while they go ever down the alien road of existing as a human abomination. They worship this evil. Our Gods on the other hand who have been all but honest and helpful, and taught us important things, are banished from this world by the same fools such as the above, and the living agents of the enemy, the jews.

In Hebrew Seraphim means "Reptilian Angels" as the infamous Rabbi from Ancient Alien has admitted. The Seraphim are the Gods of the Jews. In regards to what they do let us surmise this as, they do everything in their ability so that humanity is either wiped off or doesn't get more spiritually advanced than a donkey.

Modern Quantum science on the behavior of the particles, vibration resonance, sound, and dimensions bending into one another, all give hints straight into this. While the New Age has merely ruined many of these concepts, these eternal spiritual truths of the Gods are consistent with the reality of the cosmos, and we are scientifically observing this now, too.

On our deepest level, and physically also, we are made out from formations of light and from vibration, exactly in the same way every other particle in the universe. The physical body is as much the same.

From a scientific standard the idea that we are a flab of useless meat with nothing in it is just worthless bullshit. It's dishonest to say this and promote denial of the Truth, our very bodies, the material ones, are composed out of particles, which in turn goes to light, and light goes into vibration, and we have the visible and the non visible spectrum. The non visible aspect of this, is the astral aspect [to be seen by the inner eyeball the Gods left as an organ inside our every skulls, the Pineal Gland] and the obvious, observed by our eyes, is the material body.

This is all very real, it's not theoretical, and not intellectual mumbo jumbo. While this process is secretive, it's known for a fact to exist, and our whole civilization was built around this from day one. All Pagan Civilizations were.

The physical body is depending on the soul as the soul depends to the body. One needs the other as such when one dies, another body gives life, and the soul goes into it or a soul is born, reincarnation and birth. The soul can be in broad and present day scientific terms be defined as the light compartment of the actual body that one lives in, part of it, but also independent from it.

The body just falls apart without this inner light as the flame of a candle dies without the candlewick and oxygen. Gradually the lifespan also decreases, until it shrinks more and more. Changes like this in races and in people are reflected in their material existence of light, what we call the person, and more broadly, the race. The last resort of this is then for the Soul, to enter a forced state of reincarnation, hop back into the line from where it left, and try again in a rejuvenated and renewed body.

The potential for the Soul and having a mind are direct proof of the hand of the Gods in our development, these do not exist in the same form or same abilities in any other animal on earth. This is however half the job of what the Gods were aiming at, and the story of the Human Fall by the enemy garbage is just very well known.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
What they promote on the New Age and people who see these greys

I'm was a new ager i used to see and talk with ton of greys and i studied the grey alien species in depth. and I'm was disgusted.

Frequently some people will ask about how is this place any different when it comes to many other places where people believe in Aliens. The answer is, we are the ONLY place online that was and will ever be, that will have these beliefs, and this ideology combined.

No other ideology gives the Truth injection like we do, and nobody would even dare to every try to make a fake ass wiped out version of this, because even being close around these subjects is a terrible fear for the status quo and the enemy, and this is well known.

I think one of the most stunning differences between JOS and any New Age organization is how ACTIVE JOS tells you to be in your advancement, and it just straight up gives you everything you need and says get to work. Contrasting this, New Age leaders will tell you to do your yoga and then sit and wait for your vibrations to increase. I remember reading one site saying to ignore Siddhis, and that seemed pretty strange to me, as their reasoning was that it was almost greedy to use them. They want you like a neutered retard and nothing more.

Modern Quantum science on the behavior of the particles, vibration resonance, sound, and dimensions bending into one another, all give hints straight into this. While the New Age has merely ruined many of these concepts, these eternal spiritual truths of the Gods are consistent with the reality of the cosmos, and we are scientifically observing this now, too.

On our deepest level, and physically also, we are made out from formations of light and from vibration, exactly in the same way every other particle in the universe. The physical body is as much the same.

From a scientific standard the idea that we are a flab of useless meat with nothing in it is just worthless bullshit. It's dishonest to say this and promote denial of the Truth, our very bodies, the material ones, are composed out of particles, which in turn goes to light, and light goes into vibration, and we have the visible and the non visible spectrum. The non visible aspect of this, is the astral aspect [to be seen by the inner eyeball the Gods left as an organ inside our every skulls, the Pineal Gland] and the obvious, observed by our eyes, is the material body.

I have become a big fan of Dr. Jack Kruse for his work going from a traditionally trained neurosurgeon to a quantum-based clinician. He has giant blogs online demonstrating how the body can use sunlight and the earth's energy to completely heal itself. He also talks about the dangers of blue light and non-native EMF on the body and he frames all discussion on physiology in terms of electrons and protons.

He mentions how the body actually transmits energy not through chemical means with ATP molecules, but it actually uses superconducting lines of electrons that function in a nonlinear relation, meaning some energy in one spot can result in a much larger magnitude change elsewhere. In addition, he describes how the more energy a cell has, the more it can do the processes it needs to do, hence it will be healthy.

He practices in his own clinic and his patients do a 180 from their modern diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, multiple sclerosis - all diseases of energy and the mitochondria. He does this by boosting their abilty to generate more energy by themselves instead of "leaking light out" as he describes it.

Of course, he is not a Satanist, but his work sets the implication that we really are just beings of light and energy, and therefore that is all we need to heal us. Here on JOS we know that we can manipulate energy directly to heal us, and he gives that idea more scientific credence every day, as his practice is based entirely on known scientific literature. He always tells people he doesn't have anything to sell them, either, he just wants them naked in the sun.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The idea of Reincarnation is directly the idea of Race. For Reincarnation to matter, ie, for a soul on a specific level of development in the delicate balances of being human, to exist again, this happens from the mirror of the astral physical existence: The racial body.

These David Icke types literally promote the individual self dissipating into nothingness without realizing it, they say we are all one big consciousness and return to the one consciousness when our body dies, somehow doing so without realizing this is effectively the same thing as promoting atheism and disguising the death of the individual self and soul as somehow being a good thing. And if they don't think your soul dies, they always think all humans are interchangable skin-sacks. These same people then say there is a Reptillian race which is genetically evil and hates humans along wtih the Greys who biologically have zero emotions and are just mindless killers exactly like the Reptillians who have no concept of empathy and feel nothing but perhaps psychotic rage, yet these people don't realize the contradiction between those beliefs. They say all humans are perfectly equal despite the well known facts proving otherwise on a level that can easily be seen when comparing different types of humans to apes.

HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
No other ideology gives the Truth injection like we do, and nobody would even dare to every try to make a fake ass wiped out version of this, because even being close around these subjects is a terrible fear for the status quo and the enemy, and this is well known.

It's hard to distort the ideas here when you get close enough to the truth. What are they going to do, say "By the way, Goyim, you should pursue Immortality and advance your knowledge as much as possible but you'd better racemix yourselves into oblivion or Rabbi Jesus is going to torture you forever in hell!"? It would just be too obvious. At a certain point if you give people too much truth you activate their survival instinct and make them realize what they really want. Even if they tried to copy the truth and give out fake and non-functional meditations instead of the real ones, the mindset promoted by the truth would lead people to quickly find the real source and figure out what actually works. That's why historically they've always needed to destroy the real source and replace it with BS, but that's not working so much anymore now that the Internet exists.

HPHoodedcobra666 said:
From a scientific standard the idea that we are a flab of useless meat with nothing in it is just worthless bullshit. It's dishonest to say this and promote denial of the Truth, our very bodies, the material ones, are composed out of particles, which in turn goes to light, and light goes into vibration, and we have the visible and the non visible spectrum. The non visible aspect of this, is the astral aspect [to be seen by the inner eyeball the Gods left as an organ inside our every skulls, the Pineal Gland] and the obvious, observed by our eyes, is the material body.

These same people who say this have zero idea how the human body is even able to stand upright via mere 'random chemical reactions', but declare beyond doubt that the soul does not exist and that there is no unified system moving the body. Of course there is, there has to be for it to work whatsoever without falling down like a rock. It's not magic, it's just bio-electric currents or 'light' moving nerves with its power, going through the nervous system which acts like a continuous circuit that allows the light to move it around along with moving the blood flow and air and so on to get things moving properly. These scientists literally just state it is tiny ATP molecules reacting randomly due to purely passive forces and getting their energy released, and that this is somehow enough to get the body moving in an organized fashion, even though they don't even know how that energy actually manages to move things. Obviously this is incorrect and while the energy gained from physical oxygen when breathing is part of it, what matters is that the oxygen and energy from food and etc is converted into electrical currents which can powerfully move the body around.

But logic is not to be expected from the atheist mainstream, it is just a violent reaction to the Christian oppression which is incredibly slow to adapt to the new discoveries in quantum physics, it'll be a good while before they finally understand any of this.

Overall I liked the article, while there were a lot of different paragraphs you were quick to explain the most important parts for those who might skim. The JOS goal of immortality and advancement is incredibly simple yet somehow unfathomable to most of these 'spiritualists'. It really always amazes me how none of them are even close to having a clue.
Does 420 mean 4 kills and 20 makeouts ?
Jack said:
Does 420 mean 4 kills and 20 makeouts ?

This 420 shit is authored by greys primarily. Potheads use it everytime they smoke weed. Sometimes they aim for 4:20 at night which is a time of opening the mind. This allows for maximum brainwashing.

Of course these slaves are oblivious.

This is subconscious programming and magick based on the enemy's 42 Letter Name or the Ana Bekoach. This is also powerfully instilled in jewish movies and in hollywood for mental programming.

On our end the 420 and 42 has important signficiance which they attack in the above. 4 20 is Hitler's birthday. So somehow this date went from Hitler's birthday to a pot celebration related number during which is a just a farce, since 420 culture is related to Race mixing and other abominations.
Our uniqueness as a movement is really apparent, when you consider the logistics of the path of Godhood. The inconvenient truth some forget is, we're the first movement in our world's history since the arrival of the enemy in this world that has access to the Final RTR and the like

Even in the rare case you say, find a single Hindu performing non-corrupted spiritual advancement techniques among the billion, the reality is, they're still mostly ignorant of the curses besetting them, even in the case they can somewhat feel their presence. I think of spiritual progression without the benefit of removing the enemy's curses off oneself as trying to run a marathon with one's legs broken, or trying to summit a mountain without a single breath of air.

The enemy gloats all the live long day about how they have "cursed" us to die. And the metaphors for this are practically limitless in the "Torah", the literal named "wheel of death". And such things come in two forms. The removal of spiritual knowledge and practice from the majority of the world, and then the actual curses themselves that exist upon us, that have been discussed to limitless extents here on our forums.

I think people forget how fortunate we truly are as a movement. Quite literally, nobody else has been afforded the chance we have. Not only do we have the information on how to meditate and progress, but we're getting rid of the curses that hold us back from doing so. It's only through the mixture of both do we have our chance to go all the way. After all, its been stated cleaning is just as, if not more important, than empowerment. In the context of this world as it currently is, Godhood was always going to remain out of reach unless we purged this YHVH filth from our souls in its absolute entirety. After all, its stated the ravages of time affect us so, and prevent us from immortal lives while our kundalini sleeps in the root chakra. Remember well the very Torah and its "angels" that have cursed it to sleep.

Penultimate point is, remember your fortune. As a movement, we're closer to any movement has been to Godhood since the Jew has been in this world. We're pioneers, rediscovering what'd been lost. And the end result of participating in this spiritual war of ours, may be a greater gift than what one may be currently imagining.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jack said:
Does 420 mean 4 kills and 20 makeouts ?

This 420 shit is authored by greys primarily. Potheads use it everytime they smoke weed. Sometimes they aim for 4:20 at night which is a time of opening the mind. This allows for maximum brainwashing.

Of course these slaves are oblivious.

This is subconscious programming and magick based on the enemy's 42 Letter Name or the Ana Bekoach. This is also powerfully instilled in jewish movies and in hollywood for mental programming.

On our end the 420 and 42 has important signficiance which they attack in the above. 4 20 is Hitler's birthday. So somehow this date went from Hitler's birthday to a pot celebration related number during which is a just a farce, since 420 culture is related to Race mixing and other abominations.
I see,thnx for clarifying.
ConsistentMeditator said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The idea of Reincarnation is directly the idea of Race. For Reincarnation to matter, ie, for a soul on a specific level of development in the delicate balances of being human, to exist again, this happens from the mirror of the astral physical existence: The racial body.

These David Icke types literally promote the individual self dissipating into nothingness without realizing it, they say we are all one big consciousness and return to the one consciousness when our body dies, somehow doing so without realizing this is effectively the same thing as promoting atheism and disguising the death of the individual self and soul as somehow being a good thing. And if they don't think your soul dies, they always think all humans are interchangable skin-sacks. These same people then say there is a Reptillian race which is genetically evil and hates humans along wtih the Greys who biologically have zero emotions and are just mindless killers exactly like the Reptillians who have no concept of empathy and feel nothing but perhaps psychotic rage, yet these people don't realize the contradiction between those beliefs. They say all humans are perfectly equal despite the well known facts proving otherwise on a level that can easily be seen when comparing different types of humans to apes.

HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
No other ideology gives the Truth injection like we do, and nobody would even dare to every try to make a fake ass wiped out version of this, because even being close around these subjects is a terrible fear for the status quo and the enemy, and this is well known.

It's hard to distort the ideas here when you get close enough to the truth. What are they going to do, say "By the way, Goyim, you should pursue Immortality and advance your knowledge as much as possible but you'd better racemix yourselves into oblivion or Rabbi Jesus is going to torture you forever in hell!"? It would just be too obvious. At a certain point if you give people too much truth you activate their survival instinct and make them realize what they really want. Even if they tried to copy the truth and give out fake and non-functional meditations instead of the real ones, the mindset promoted by the truth would lead people to quickly find the real source and figure out what actually works. That's why historically they've always needed to destroy the real source and replace it with BS, but that's not working so much anymore now that the Internet exists.

HPHoodedcobra666 said:
From a scientific standard the idea that we are a flab of useless meat with nothing in it is just worthless bullshit. It's dishonest to say this and promote denial of the Truth, our very bodies, the material ones, are composed out of particles, which in turn goes to light, and light goes into vibration, and we have the visible and the non visible spectrum. The non visible aspect of this, is the astral aspect [to be seen by the inner eyeball the Gods left as an organ inside our every skulls, the Pineal Gland] and the obvious, observed by our eyes, is the material body.

These same people who say this have zero idea how the human body is even able to stand upright via mere 'random chemical reactions', but declare beyond doubt that the soul does not exist and that there is no unified system moving the body. Of course there is, there has to be for it to work whatsoever without falling down like a rock. It's not magic, it's just bio-electric currents or 'light' moving nerves with its power, going through the nervous system which acts like a continuous circuit that allows the light to move it around along with moving the blood flow and air and so on to get things moving properly. These scientists literally just state it is tiny ATP molecules reacting randomly due to purely passive forces and getting their energy released, and that this is somehow enough to get the body moving in an organized fashion, even though they don't even know how that energy actually manages to move things. Obviously this is incorrect and while the energy gained from physical oxygen when breathing is part of it, what matters is that the oxygen and energy from food and etc is converted into electrical currents which can powerfully move the body around.

But logic is not to be expected from the atheist mainstream, it is just a violent reaction to the Christian oppression which is incredibly slow to adapt to the new discoveries in quantum physics, it'll be a good while before they finally understand any of this.

Overall I liked the article, while there were a lot of different paragraphs you were quick to explain the most important parts for those who might skim. The JOS goal of immortality and advancement is incredibly simple yet somehow unfathomable to most of these 'spiritualists'. It really always amazes me how none of them are even close to having a clue.
It is about completely opposite things. Truth and lie. Reality and illusion. Freedom and slavery. Life and death. These are the differences between in Satanism and jewish slavery programs such as islam and xianity. It is very sad the fact that most people are not interested in real things that they can confirm personally with their own experience. They do not use logic at all and blindly accept jewish programs because they are famous and because the jewish pastor strikes with his stick.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"Reptilians" [a name given to them by us to parellelize them with what we call reptiles in our earthly species], these affirm RACIAL qualities and SPECIES.

Does that mean the Gods call them something else or is Reptillian the moniker even they choose to be called by?

I recall your recent sermon stating a sub-species of the Reptillians, Chitauri when you discussed on them in the sermon someone posted Credo's Reptard picture saying this is their God.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

The idea of Reincarnation is directly the idea of Race. For Reincarnation to matter, ie, for a soul on a specific level of development in the delicate balances of being human, to exist again, this happens from the mirror of the astral physical existence: The racial body.

The finalizing of this process causes a personal Godhead both for the individual and the aim is for all of one's people to reach this State [or at least those who are interested], before we die, and attain eternal life so that we can exist in this eternal and unending universe, filled with boundless possibilities, to explore it and be part of it as other species are.

"Eternal Life" and "Tree of Knowledge" aren't jokes these are really deeply embed histories since the dawn of the Pagan Civilizations [stolen by jews], which the Gods left us here from Sumeria and before, to remind us what we are here to do. We aren't here to waste our existence and be biohazards.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The soul of a man is directly connected to the astral racial collective soul, do I seem to have understood or not? In case you understood correctly, I asked myself a question ... can the collective astral soul become extinct? What happens to the individual soul if the collective soul becomes extinct? Would the risk of physical biological extinction extend to the astral one?
soulfortruth said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

The idea of Reincarnation is directly the idea of Race. For Reincarnation to matter, ie, for a soul on a specific level of development in the delicate balances of being human, to exist again, this happens from the mirror of the astral physical existence: The racial body.

The finalizing of this process causes a personal Godhead both for the individual and the aim is for all of one's people to reach this State [or at least those who are interested], before we die, and attain eternal life so that we can exist in this eternal and unending universe, filled with boundless possibilities, to explore it and be part of it as other species are.

"Eternal Life" and "Tree of Knowledge" aren't jokes these are really deeply embed histories since the dawn of the Pagan Civilizations [stolen by jews], which the Gods left us here from Sumeria and before, to remind us what we are here to do. We aren't here to waste our existence and be biohazards.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The soul of a man is directly connected to the astral racial collective soul, do I seem to have understood or not? In case you understood correctly, I asked myself a question ... can the collective astral soul become extinct? What happens to the individual soul if the collective soul becomes extinct? Would the risk of physical biological extinction extend to the astral one?

You have understood correctly. Physical existence is related to Astral existence, and yes, this can happen.

The line is basically linear, these connect, but there are few exceptions and other modes of existence, but these are of no importance. They are mostly dreamy and useless things to the pertinent issues at hand.

The individual dies when the collective dies. That's it. One exception here, is for example a person who is spiritually immortalized which is a part of the Magnum Opus.

Our existence as a people is not a joke, and there is no salvation to the next world, nor an actual "species wide" Escape if people keep ignoring realities.

If the Sun goes, so do its rays.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"Reptilians" [a name given to them by us to parellelize them with what we call reptiles in our earthly species], these affirm RACIAL qualities and SPECIES.

Does that mean the Gods call them something else or is Reptillian the moniker even they choose to be called by?

I recall your recent sermon stating a sub-species of the Reptillians, Chitauri when you discussed on them in the sermon someone posted Credo's Reptard picture saying this is their God.

Not sure how the Gods would call them, probably something akin to "Disgusting Garbage" in their own language.

Reptilians is a human term, because we have associated their appearance with reptiles that live on earth. Before this they may have went in phrases like unclean spirits, enemies, what have you.

Different cultures called these differently. In Pagan religions they did not really have a prescence in the pantheon of the Pagans, as they ignored them, but they recognized them as enemies. Egyptian hieroglyphs depict them on the total bottom, to show this fact of how worthless these things are.

The Reptilians are not like these random reptiles here, but they resemble them visually. How people have named them is a normal thing. Gray also comes from "Grey" which is merely the color Grey, because they have this dead skin they have.

This IS the AGE OF AQUARIUS...This is THE GENERATION where humanity begins to fix up , WE are living in a time of wonders and glory to the true inheritors of the kingdom of god(SHIVA-SATAN) , and that is the general population (the gentiles) Which I call the "gentle gentiles" because compared to jews which are simply freaks , killing/torturing animals/and so help them-children ,,, when the average gentile is an animal lover.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I see interesting unfortunately it seems like thanks to a certain trouble maker they expose them as a Godlike thing. i.e. they use the statues and pantheon of disgust and disrespect to prove that they are Gods of mankind.

Kinda like inverse-reverse your pantheon i.e. the schlock of shit is king while the most high is stupid.
Master said:
ConsistentMeditator said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The idea of Reincarnation is directly the idea of Race. For Reincarnation to matter, ie, for a soul on a specific level of development in the delicate balances of being human, to exist again, this happens from the mirror of the astral physical existence: The racial body.

These David Icke types literally promote the individual self dissipating into nothingness without realizing it, they say we are all one big consciousness and return to the one consciousness when our body dies, somehow doing so without realizing this is effectively the same thing as promoting atheism and disguising the death of the individual self and soul as somehow being a good thing. And if they don't think your soul dies, they always think all humans are interchangable skin-sacks. These same people then say there is a Reptillian race which is genetically evil and hates humans along wtih the Greys who biologically have zero emotions and are just mindless killers exactly like the Reptillians who have no concept of empathy and feel nothing but perhaps psychotic rage, yet these people don't realize the contradiction between those beliefs. They say all humans are perfectly equal despite the well known facts proving otherwise on a level that can easily be seen when comparing different types of humans to apes.

HP Hoodedcobra666 said:
No other ideology gives the Truth injection like we do, and nobody would even dare to every try to make a fake ass wiped out version of this, because even being close around these subjects is a terrible fear for the status quo and the enemy, and this is well known.

It's hard to distort the ideas here when you get close enough to the truth. What are they going to do, say "By the way, Goyim, you should pursue Immortality and advance your knowledge as much as possible but you'd better racemix yourselves into oblivion or Rabbi Jesus is going to torture you forever in hell!"? It would just be too obvious. At a certain point if you give people too much truth you activate their survival instinct and make them realize what they really want. Even if they tried to copy the truth and give out fake and non-functional meditations instead of the real ones, the mindset promoted by the truth would lead people to quickly find the real source and figure out what actually works. That's why historically they've always needed to destroy the real source and replace it with BS, but that's not working so much anymore now that the Internet exists.

HPHoodedcobra666 said:
From a scientific standard the idea that we are a flab of useless meat with nothing in it is just worthless bullshit. It's dishonest to say this and promote denial of the Truth, our very bodies, the material ones, are composed out of particles, which in turn goes to light, and light goes into vibration, and we have the visible and the non visible spectrum. The non visible aspect of this, is the astral aspect [to be seen by the inner eyeball the Gods left as an organ inside our every skulls, the Pineal Gland] and the obvious, observed by our eyes, is the material body.

These same people who say this have zero idea how the human body is even able to stand upright via mere 'random chemical reactions', but declare beyond doubt that the soul does not exist and that there is no unified system moving the body. Of course there is, there has to be for it to work whatsoever without falling down like a rock. It's not magic, it's just bio-electric currents or 'light' moving nerves with its power, going through the nervous system which acts like a continuous circuit that allows the light to move it around along with moving the blood flow and air and so on to get things moving properly. These scientists literally just state it is tiny ATP molecules reacting randomly due to purely passive forces and getting their energy released, and that this is somehow enough to get the body moving in an organized fashion, even though they don't even know how that energy actually manages to move things. Obviously this is incorrect and while the energy gained from physical oxygen when breathing is part of it, what matters is that the oxygen and energy from food and etc is converted into electrical currents which can powerfully move the body around.

But logic is not to be expected from the atheist mainstream, it is just a violent reaction to the Christian oppression which is incredibly slow to adapt to the new discoveries in quantum physics, it'll be a good while before they finally understand any of this.

Overall I liked the article, while there were a lot of different paragraphs you were quick to explain the most important parts for those who might skim. The JOS goal of immortality and advancement is incredibly simple yet somehow unfathomable to most of these 'spiritualists'. It really always amazes me how none of them are even close to having a clue.
It is about completely opposite things. Truth and lie. Reality and illusion. Freedom and slavery. Life and death. These are the differences between in Satanism and jewish slavery programs such as islam and xianity. It is very sad the fact that most people are not interested in real things that they can confirm personally with their own experience. They do not use logic at all and blindly accept jewish programs because they are famous and because the jewish pastor strikes with his stick.

Yeah, I agree. Everyone's too brainwashed. The atheists basically have had their ability to think removed and so have all the religious nuts. Meanwhile the 'alternative' people usually try to funnel those grasping for some kind of meaningful truth into life destroying drugs or other bullshit. Nobody can understand the simplest wants like just wanting to live and be better than you were before or wanting that to happen on a racial or cultural level too.

I hope this can change. I really do. More people need to just see the truth and try to advance themselves when shown the way or we could all be doomed.
Blitzkreig said:
Frequently some people will ask about how is this place any different when it comes to many other places where people believe in Aliens. The answer is, we are the ONLY place online that was and will ever be, that will have these beliefs, and this ideology combined.

No other ideology gives the Truth injection like we do, and nobody would even dare to every try to make a fake ass wiped out version of this, because even being close around these subjects is a terrible fear for the status quo and the enemy, and this is well known.

I think one of the most stunning differences between JOS and any New Age organization is how ACTIVE JOS tells you to be in your advancement, and it just straight up gives you everything you need and says get to work. Contrasting this, New Age leaders will tell you to do your yoga and then sit and wait for your vibrations to increase. I remember reading one site saying to ignore Siddhis, and that seemed pretty strange to me, as their reasoning was that it was almost greedy to use them. They want you like a neutered retard and nothing more.

Modern Quantum science on the behavior of the particles, vibration resonance, sound, and dimensions bending into one another, all give hints straight into this. While the New Age has merely ruined many of these concepts, these eternal spiritual truths of the Gods are consistent with the reality of the cosmos, and we are scientifically observing this now, too.

On our deepest level, and physically also, we are made out from formations of light and from vibration, exactly in the same way every other particle in the universe. The physical body is as much the same.

From a scientific standard the idea that we are a flab of useless meat with nothing in it is just worthless bullshit. It's dishonest to say this and promote denial of the Truth, our very bodies, the material ones, are composed out of particles, which in turn goes to light, and light goes into vibration, and we have the visible and the non visible spectrum. The non visible aspect of this, is the astral aspect [to be seen by the inner eyeball the Gods left as an organ inside our every skulls, the Pineal Gland] and the obvious, observed by our eyes, is the material body.

I have become a big fan of Dr. Jack Kruse for his work going from a traditionally trained neurosurgeon to a quantum-based clinician. He has giant blogs online demonstrating how the body can use sunlight and the earth's energy to completely heal itself. He also talks about the dangers of blue light and non-native EMF on the body and he frames all discussion on physiology in terms of electrons and protons.

He mentions how the body actually transmits energy not through chemical means with ATP molecules, but it actually uses superconducting lines of electrons that function in a nonlinear relation, meaning some energy in one spot can result in a much larger magnitude change elsewhere. In addition, he describes how the more energy a cell has, the more it can do the processes it needs to do, hence it will be healthy.

He practices in his own clinic and his patients do a 180 from their modern diseases, such as diabetes, obesity, multiple sclerosis - all diseases of energy and the mitochondria. He does this by boosting their abilty to generate more energy by themselves instead of "leaking light out" as he describes it.

Of course, he is not a Satanist, but his work sets the implication that we really are just beings of light and energy, and therefore that is all we need to heal us. Here on JOS we know that we can manipulate energy directly to heal us, and he gives that idea more scientific credence every day, as his practice is based entirely on known scientific literature. He always tells people he doesn't have anything to sell them, either, he just wants them naked in the sun.

Kruse is jewish and pushing the paleo/keto cancer diet. Not advisable
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"Reptilians" [a name given to them by us to parellelize them with what we call reptiles in our earthly species], these affirm RACIAL qualities and SPECIES.

Does that mean the Gods call them something else or is Reptillian the moniker even they choose to be called by?

I recall your recent sermon stating a sub-species of the Reptillians, Chitauri when you discussed on them in the sermon someone posted Credo's Reptard picture saying this is their God.

Not sure how the Gods would call them, probably something akin to "Disgusting Garbage" in their own language.

Reptilians is a human term, because we have associated their appearance with reptiles that live on earth. Before this they may have went in phrases like unclean spirits, enemies, what have you.

Different cultures called these differently. In Pagan religions they did not really have a prescence in the pantheon of the Pagans, as they ignored them, but they recognized them as enemies. Egyptian hieroglyphs depict them on the total bottom, to show this fact of how worthless these things are.

The Reptilians are not like these random reptiles here, but they resemble them visually. How people have named them is a normal thing. Gray also comes from "Grey" which is merely the color Grey, because they have this dead skin they have.

Do you have any links to pictures of the (((reptilians))) on hieroglphics? Do you think akhnaton was a reptilian hybrid/jew?
loki88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
Does that mean the Gods call them something else or is Reptillian the moniker even they choose to be called by?

I recall your recent sermon stating a sub-species of the Reptillians, Chitauri when you discussed on them in the sermon someone posted Credo's Reptard picture saying this is their God.

Not sure how the Gods would call them, probably something akin to "Disgusting Garbage" in their own language.

Reptilians is a human term, because we have associated their appearance with reptiles that live on earth. Before this they may have went in phrases like unclean spirits, enemies, what have you.

Different cultures called these differently. In Pagan religions they did not really have a prescence in the pantheon of the Pagans, as they ignored them, but they recognized them as enemies. Egyptian hieroglyphs depict them on the total bottom, to show this fact of how worthless these things are.

The Reptilians are not like these random reptiles here, but they resemble them visually. How people have named them is a normal thing. Gray also comes from "Grey" which is merely the color Grey, because they have this dead skin they have.

Do you have any links to pictures of the (((reptilians))) on hieroglphics? Do you think akhnaton was a reptilian hybrid/jew?
Yes akhenaton was a disgusting hybrid.
loki88 said:
Kruse is jewish and pushing the paleo/keto cancer diet. Not advisable

Source on him being Jewish? He only called himself German, to my knowledge. Yeah he does say to do Keto/Paleo, but I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

Given that he explains how to heal yourself for free, I don't think he is Jewish.
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"Reptilians" [a name given to them by us to parellelize them with what we call reptiles in our earthly species], these affirm RACIAL qualities and SPECIES.

Does that mean the Gods call them something else or is Reptillian the moniker even they choose to be called by?

I recall your recent sermon stating a sub-species of the Reptillians, Chitauri when you discussed on them in the sermon someone posted Credo's Reptard picture saying this is their God.
These are known as the seraphim. In the earliest existing jewish literature,the dead sea scrolls they are recorded(angels) as being reptiles infesting the levant area and the jewish people trying to appease them with various sacrificial rituals.
I made this article into an ebook video if you want to share or check it out it's on the Bitchute in my signature
loki88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Gear88 said:
Does that mean the Gods call them something else or is Reptillian the moniker even they choose to be called by?

I recall your recent sermon stating a sub-species of the Reptillians, Chitauri when you discussed on them in the sermon someone posted Credo's Reptard picture saying this is their God.

Not sure how the Gods would call them, probably something akin to "Disgusting Garbage" in their own language.

Reptilians is a human term, because we have associated their appearance with reptiles that live on earth. Before this they may have went in phrases like unclean spirits, enemies, what have you.

Different cultures called these differently. In Pagan religions they did not really have a prescence in the pantheon of the Pagans, as they ignored them, but they recognized them as enemies. Egyptian hieroglyphs depict them on the total bottom, to show this fact of how worthless these things are.

The Reptilians are not like these random reptiles here, but they resemble them visually. How people have named them is a normal thing. Gray also comes from "Grey" which is merely the color Grey, because they have this dead skin they have.

Do you have any links to pictures of the (((reptilians))) on hieroglphics? Do you think akhnaton was a reptilian hybrid/jew?

Akhenaton was already documented in a sermon, which you'd know about if you read the sermons...
What I cannot put up with is the empty headed average person that is so de-evolved , they have the attitude that says whatever will happen will happen its out of our hands , and continue in the way of ignorance and delusion , I would like to say to these individuals that WE do have the power to change our society and our wonderful world! Everyone needs to stop being a part of the problem and be part of the solution , Sure I wont deny that it will be very difficult to the average person to accept these crucial changes that must be made , the way we live , the way we travel , the way we eat , but once the initial changes are made it will be a good thing. I do see that our world in certain parts have made strides in the right direction , very small strides but none the less we are seeing many people begin to think positively , especially younger generations. As stated this is our only world , and it happens to be one of a kind , it is a precious blue jewel , why are we so content on destroying it , the 'few' at the top , the jewish subhuman filth have no problem destroying earth and corrupting/oppressing humanity in the worst ways to keep there pcokets full and to feel powerful , but they are not powerful , humanity is just weak right now , that's why I have realized the grave importance in spiritual warfare , and getting people to embrace change , and first embrace the path of meditation ,which will give a TRUE SPIRITUAL TRANSFORMATION , unlike the "transformation of the Nazarene" if a spiritual transformation is drug addiction and the most vile human behavior imaginable and a devolved depraved mindset (theres simply no word in all the universe that can define this filth) if you call that a transformation of the soul , then these people need serious evaluation and education. But it is SO important to stay positive through out these times and know we can make it work , as a people , against the -non-people (mainly-jews) Think of how many lives the jews and there programs have ruined , how much suffering , pain strife , its endless , unimaginable .. I belive in Satan and The Gods , I trust them , and I thank them , I was drowning in the ocean if ignorance and delusion for so long , If I can come out of that ocean and recover and become enlightened , believe me anyone can!

Daily meditation and Daily studies will keep any inspired looking forward to the future!!

Hail Satan!
Hail Azazel!
Hail Lilith!
Hail The Gods!
Stormblood said:
loki88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Not sure how the Gods would call them, probably something akin to "Disgusting Garbage" in their own language.

Reptilians is a human term, because we have associated their appearance with reptiles that live on earth. Before this they may have went in phrases like unclean spirits, enemies, what have you.

Different cultures called these differently. In Pagan religions they did not really have a prescence in the pantheon of the Pagans, as they ignored them, but they recognized them as enemies. Egyptian hieroglyphs depict them on the total bottom, to show this fact of how worthless these things are.

The Reptilians are not like these random reptiles here, but they resemble them visually. How people have named them is a normal thing. Gray also comes from "Grey" which is merely the color Grey, because they have this dead skin they have.

Do you have any links to pictures of the (((reptilians))) on hieroglphics? Do you think akhnaton was a reptilian hybrid/jew?

Akhenaton was already documented in a sermon, which you'd know about if you read the sermons...

JOS has alot of content its difficult to sort through. I have it printed off and in binders. Do photos exist of sanskrit being present in egpyt (eg. a written form of the language)?
Blitzkreig said:
loki88 said:
Kruse is jewish and pushing the paleo/keto cancer diet. Not advisable

Source on him being Jewish? He only called himself German, to my knowledge. Yeah he does say to do Keto/Paleo, but I don't think there is anything wrong with that.

Given that he explains how to heal yourself for free, I don't think he is Jewish.

Keto is a death diet. I did it for 2 years and got scurvy like symptoms and had probably jaundice and liver problems. What sources from the ancient world do you have for dietary recommendations? I'm pretty sure the acid/alkaline ph balance claim is legit.
loki88 said:
Keto is a death diet. I did it for 2 years and got scurvy like symptoms and had probably jaundice and liver problems. What sources from the ancient world do you have for dietary recommendations? I'm pretty sure the acid/alkaline ph balance claim is legit.

I think of it from a seasonal perspective. Carbs, such as fruits and grains, only grow during the longer light cycles of the year, and so at some point the populace would only have animal sources for food. Based off this, you could claim that it could be done for a certain period of time, but not all the time. Jack Kruse says that the extra electrons from the fat-based diet offset the lack of sunlight plus EMF exposure that cause you to leak more energy than someone 200 years ago. I should also acknowledge that it is true that JOS members would likely be able to avoid this through healing work, unlike normies.

Thank you for sharing your experience, I will try to do more research through that perspective. I don't mean to sound insulting, but were you intaking enough Vitamin C? While fat metabolism requires less Vit. C than using carbs, it is still possible to not eat enough of it through vegetable sources. Also, I assume the liver/jaundice problems developed near the end of the 2 years? Would you mind specifying when your symptoms developed?

Thanks again. I think I will have to wait long enough until I can communicate with my GD directly to ask for guidance on it.
loki88 said:
Stormblood said:
loki88 said:
Do you have any links to pictures of the (((reptilians))) on hieroglphics? Do you think akhnaton was a reptilian hybrid/jew?

Akhenaton was already documented in a sermon, which you'd know about if you read the sermons...

JOS has alot of content its difficult to sort through. I have it printed off and in binders. Do photos exist of sanskrit being present in egpyt (eg. a written form of the language)?
Use the search function on this forum.

The Egyptian ruler Akhenaton has been noted for his strange appearance and bizarre destructive political movement to destroy the spiritual knowledge of Egyptian culture.

Akhenaton's actual appearance we can know from the fact the body of his son King Tut has been found. Tut did have the elongated skull that his sisters and father were shown to have. Which means the facial features of Akhenaton are his actual ones. Akhenaton demanded there was to be no symbolism in art only show things as they were and that included him. Lloyd Pye the researcher was famous for the "Star Child Skull" which was found buried in an ancient burial ground in the America's in away that suggested something. He had DNA tests and other tests done on the skull. The body was that of a Grey human hybrid.

If one looks at the images of this skull you can see the truth. Akhenaton was a Grey, Human hybrid. His son King Tut who died when he was young put next to the Star Child Skull they look identical.




Note their three daughters the same skulls:

Akhenaton destroyed Egypt from within and caused a civil war to erupt against him. Which was the Egyptian royal house and people against Akhenaton and his foreign mercenary forces. Which he used to impress his will on the People. The Egyptian culture was divine and handed down from our Gods in the time when they were on earth as the Egyptians stated. Any deviation of the cultural teachings was not allowed as it would alter this information for future generations and cause loss of true knowledge of humanity its origins and the cosmic, spiritual teachings of the light body the magnum opus how to become perfected. The Egyptian People were all taught this knowledge the entire nation was initiated into the teachings and People would in the off season of farming spend six weeks in the Temples being taught different levels of it. With the Priests being called the "Serpents" and the Pharaoh the head Serpent. Who once a year would personally initiate the new candidates with Shakti pat transmission to help awaken their spiritual centers and kundalini power. The Pharaoh could only make a decree based upon natural spiritual law for his People. And the Pharaoh was the guardian of the cultural teachings of the enlightenment methods. The point of the Egyptian religion was to spiritually ascend into a star which is the eight pointed star the symbol of the perfected soul and thus become a perfected being a Neter or divine being and join the Gods in the Daut the milky way galaxy in the belt of Orion. The Egyptians in their texts that are properly translated only mention the serpent energy and the light body symbolized as the Ankh as the point of their religion. To raise the fire up the spine and open the inner eye of Osiris and obtain gnosis. There is a chapel found under the sands of Egypt built by a Serpent Priest who finished the Light Body process and became an immortal divine being. He left the Chapel as a place of teaching and a monument for future generations. This is why the ancients left spiritual instructions on their tomb walls. They had a conscious understanding of things and knew the day might come when these tombs are all that are left to transmit the instructions of history, spiritual knowledge and culture to lost generations. There was a time in the golden age it was stated when humans didn't die they just entered the light of immortality the light body.

Now why would this Akhenaton regime want to remove and destroy all this. Akhenaton order the images of the Gods smashed apart and desecrated had the Temples shut down and destroyed and the Priests persecuted and not allowed to teach the knowledge. This is outright violent cultural genocide of the most sacred teachings and places. Akhenaton built a new capital which he made the center of his violent cult. The bodies found buried there are shown to have died by brutal violence and suffered hideous punishments by this regime. This place was a prison for the Royals to keep them under control and to enforce his new insane and violent cult on the populace. After the civil war and uprising was over the Egyptians removed any mention of this regime from history. Because they wanted to erase the teachings of this insane cult from existence as pestilence so it could never return and threaten the world. This cult destroyed the entire Egyptian culture and spiritual teachings and imposed a monotheistic political cult on the populace were Akhenaton was now the supreme ruler of this fake monotheistic god of Aton. This is the same cult of the Christian Church of Rome the same behaviour the same actions and the same purpose. Same with Zoroaster cult of Persia.

Note there is a lot of ancient evidence suggesting the Jews actually got their start in this regime in Egypt. The Jews call their "god" Adon and Adonai which is the T and D are double letters ATON and ATONAI. Even the name Levite was popular term of Egyptian Priests at this time. Judaism might just be the morphing of what started in Akhenaton's regime. The Persian Zoroaster cult is totally full of Jewish ideology which is mentioned by many experts on the subject. And Christianity is the later version of both the Aton cult the Zoroaster cult and the Jewish ideology. Judaism brags about the influence the Jews had in the Persian courts and Empire. They even had a whole city to themselves in Persia. Alexander the Great fought his war against the Persian Empire as a spiritual war to destroy the Zoroaster cult. The only cultural he ordered destroyed was the Zoroaster cult. As a destructive and evil program against the spiritual teachings of the Gods. Just like they fought a civil war in the Persian Empire to stop this Zoroaster cult centuries before and a civil war was fought in the Roman Empire to stop the Christian cult just like in Egypt as well.

What this shows is the enemy ET's the Grey-Reptilians have been trying to take over this planet since at least the time of Akhenaton's regime. And they have been doing it by creating hybrids and then working behind the scenes to use this Trojan Horse movement of infiltration and subversion to take over the planet. What the victory of the leaders of Egypt and Alexander against them show is why they need to remove spiritual knowledge to succeed in this as the document they ordered their "Chosen People" their hybrids to construct and directed them in doing so. That of the Bible orders them the key to enslaving humanity is the removal of spiritual knowledge and erasing of the true origins of humanity. Which is what the Akhenaton, Zoroaster, Islamic, Christian and Jewish cult and Communist cult is all about doing.

Alexander was a highly ascended master he was made Pharaoh of Egypt by the decree of the Gods for this reason. He also had a risen serpent. His family where the Serpents of the Dionysus tradition which is also Egyptian. And he worked to destroy the Zoroaster cult and bring a rebirth of the original spiritual teachings. Hence he made his capital Babylon the ancient head of the Enki teachings who was Oannes to the Babylonians and Ioannes to the Greeks whom they also called Dionysus.

The enemy programs were defeated by individuals and organized groups of spiritually advanced humans working with our Gods from the Serpents of Egypt to that of Greece.


When "Adonai" didn't hide behind hybrids.

"They tell how Quetzlcoatl departed. It was when he refused to obey the sorcerers about making the human payment, about sacrificing humans. Then the sorcers deliberated among themselves, they whose names were Tezcatlipoca, Ihuimetcatl, and Toltecatl. They said, "He must leave his city. We shall live there."

Codex Chimalpopoca of the Aztecs.

From the Aztec codex Chimalpopoca: "The Toltecs were engaged in battle at a place called Netalpan. And when they had taken captives, human sacrifice also got started as Toltecs sacrificed their prisoners. Among them and in their midst the evil YAOtl followed along. Right on the spot he kept inciting them to make human sacrifices. And then, too, he started and began the practice of flaying humans...Then he made one of the Toltecs named Ziuhcozcatl wear the skin and he was the first to wear a Toltec skin. Indeed, every kind of human sacrifice that there used to be got stared then. For it is told and related that during the and under his authority, the first Quetzalcoatl, whose name was Ce Acatl, absolutely refused to perform human sacrifice. It was precisely when Huemac was ruler that all those things that used to be done got stared. Huemas sacrificed a human streamer, thus making payment."

The original culture the Gods installed in South America banned all blood sacrifices. And only stated fruits and flowers this is the same custom that was offered to the Gods in Hinduism as well if one studies. The later animal sacrifices are deviations from this. We see this again right in the Jews Bible the Pagan God Baal refuses the blood sacrifice of animals but Yahweh accepts. Cain offering of fruits and plants was refused by Yahweh but Abel's offering of blood and animals was accepted by Yahweh. In the Torah Abraham tells his fellow Jews not to offer the animal sacrifices in Egypt. As the Egyptians will punish them drastically for this is a serious offense to them. The Egyptians civilization also came from the same Gods as did Quetzlcoatl our Gods the Nordics. Who as humans who have interaction with the Nordic ET's mention they look like this:


Which is how the ancients described them as well.

In the surviving religious records and artifacts of the America's we have a story that comes together in South America we can see around the world. The above passage is reference in the descriptions to the overturning of the culture of the Gods which Quetzlcoatl is the symbol and also the name of the offices of the leaders of. And the replacement of this culture with a new religion that is based upon human sacrifice to appease the new divinities. The records state the King Huemac made such a deal with the god Yaolt the LT is a title its Yao which is the ancient name of Yahweh in the Hebrew texts. This led to the imposing of a new religion which the sorcerers lead. The ones in contract with Yao.

What is noted is the change in the religion here the language becomes the exact same one finds in the Jewish Torah that of making payments in blood sacrifices to Yao and the concept of debt payments as blood sacrifice this is the language only found elsewhere in the Jewish Torah which forms the Christian Bible. The blood sacrifices of the new cult of Yao was massive hundreds of thousands were murdered every year. And they were done along powerful lay line positions to influence the energy grid around our planet.

From the Popol Vuh:

"It has turned out well, your lordships, and this is her heart. It's in the bowl."

"Very well. So I'll look." said One Death, and when he lifted it up with his fingers, its surface was soaked with gore, its surface glistened red with blood.

"Good. Sir up the fire, put it over the fire, said One Death. After that they dried it over the fire, and the Xibalbans savored the aroma. They all ended up standing here, they leaned over it intently. They found the smoke of the blood to be truly sweet.!"

In the Jewish Torah in the book of Genesis:
And Noah built an alter unto the Lord: and took of every Clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the Lord SMELLED A SWEET SAVOR."

Note the Popol Vuh:

"And this is the sacrifice of little Huanhpu by Xiblanque. One by one his legs, his arms were spread wide. His head came off, rolled far away outside. His heart, dug out, was smothered in a leaf, and all the Xibalbans went crazy at the site."

These new Gods are feeding on the energy of humans. They literally went crazy with delight and ecstasy from feeding on this death energy. Note these new Gods are even called "Deaths" and referred by numbers as they are a hive such as "One Death."

The ancient South American's all mentioned the racial traits of the original Gods as being Nordic when the Spanish arrived they thought Quetzlcoatl had returned. And the same cultures recorded the physical appearance of the new Gods Huemac imposed on them and chased out the previous religion of the old Gods.

And we know now what the new Gods of the Aztec's and Mayan's who imposed this culture on South America look like as well from the religious finds of the images of their Gods in their Temples and religious sites.

Behold Yao, Yahweh:



What did the elite Rabbi Michael Latiman tell his fellow Jews in Israel:

"We [Jews] came here [to earth] to put things in order like in our home planet and now were gathering in groups to prep ourselves to conqueror earth that's the mission [of the Jews].

How do we do it? We are also sent the method its coming from our original planet and thanks to that original natural force we have. We will take over those living on earth. "

The Jews state they are genetically from this Yahweh and are literally alien. We known Yahweh is a collection of Reptilian aliens. The Jewish Cohen their racial gene has reptilian DNA in it.

The Grid Of The Gods, Joseph P. Farrell, Scott D. de Hart
HP Mageson666 said:

Thanks for the post. I always thought it was rather strange that the alleged natsoc savitri devi was pushing akhnaton as some sort of god-man. I always suspected her of being a disinfo agent and she was bound up with serrano pushing hinduism and vegetarianism. Are you familiar with Bill White the former commander of the NSM who is apparently now incarcerated? His books are interesting:

Bill White turned out to be a Jewish infiltrator who attempted to take over the NSM and destroy it with the same tactics Kike Enoch and the Jews that run the anti right use. As for Devi she was not an infiltrator in the time she was around Akhenaton was and still is highly praised. Calling someone an infiltrator for not having all the information is foolish. She was also a literal Hindu and animal rights activist and vegetarianism for her was because of that. Serrano was also not an infiltrator he was just wrong on things and could never drop his Christianity.
loki88 said:
Keto is a death diet. I did it for 2 years and got scurvy like symptoms and had probably jaundice and liver problems. What sources from the ancient world do you have for dietary recommendations? I'm pretty sure the acid/alkaline ph balance claim is legit.

Keto and paleo are two different diets. Somehow you branded them together, which shows you're either trolling or don't understand how they work on basic level. Most people jump to whatever specific diet without first eliminating processed foods and without increasing vegetables and fruits in their diet. This in turn creates myth of how some diets are miraculous or whatever, but everyone knows paleo and veganism are extremes. Jews rule extremes, both sides. Satanism is in the middle.

Eating a diet based on >60% carbs like most of the world population does is what's deadly instead, because it's another extremism. Dumping too much carbs in the body, especially carbs with a high glycemic index, without an appropriate amount of protein and fats together, causes a peak in insulin in blood which stores everything as body fat, making essentially everyone fat, excluding Vata/ectomorph types, who have a very high metabolism. In the long run (we're talking years and decades), this causes insulin resistance which is type-2 diabetes. This also causes carb addiction, since you don't get enough energy because it gets stored as nutritional fat instead of being used to fuel you.

What is needed is a balance. A balanced diet is organic, local, seasonal and genetic. It's unique like spirituality.

A keto diet is advisable SHORT-TERM for treating chubby, overweight and obese people, as those were considered illnesses in the past and should be considered illnesses now as well. It has also been used successfully to treat Alzheimer and other diseases, even cancer. As I stated, it's a treatment. It's SHORT-TERM. You're not supposed to stay 2 years on it, just like you don't take corticosteroids for more than a certain period of time.
Stormblood said:
loki88 said:
Keto is a death diet. I did it for 2 years and got scurvy like symptoms and had probably jaundice and liver problems. What sources from the ancient world do you have for dietary recommendations? I'm pretty sure the acid/alkaline ph balance claim is legit.

Keto and paleo are two different diets. Somehow you branded them together, which shows you're either trolling or don't understand how they work on basic level. Most people jump to whatever specific diet without first eliminating processed foods and without increasing vegetables and fruits in their diet. This in turn creates myth of how some diets are miraculous or whatever, but everyone knows paleo and veganism are extremes. Jews rule extremes, both sides. Satanism is in the middle.

Eating a diet based on >60% carbs like most of the world population does is what's deadly instead, because it's another extremism. Dumping too much carbs in the body, especially carbs with a high glycemic index, without an appropriate amount of protein and fats together, causes a peak in insulin in blood which stores everything as body fat, making essentially everyone fat, excluding Vata/ectomorph types, who have a very high metabolism. In the long run (we're talking years and decades), this causes insulin resistance which is type-2 diabetes. This also causes carb addiction, since you don't get enough energy because it gets stored as nutritional fat instead of being used to fuel you.

What is needed is a balance. A balanced diet is organic, local, seasonal and genetic. It's unique like spirituality.

A keto diet is advisable SHORT-TERM for treating chubby, overweight and obese people, as those were considered illnesses in the past and should be considered illnesses now as well. It has also been used successfully to treat Alzheimer and other diseases, even cancer. As I stated, it's a treatment. It's SHORT-TERM. You're not supposed to stay 2 years on it, just like you don't take corticosteroids for more than a certain period of time.

I would disagree with keto for fat loss. I did both vegan and keto diets and super high carb vegan (starch solution and fruitarian) and had no bodyfat on super high carb but was skinny fat on keto. See here:

HELL-TH: the 'hell-th' and [un]fitness industry exposed

HP Mageson666 said:
Bill White turned out to be a Jewish infiltrator who attempted to take over the NSM and destroy it with the same tactics Kike Enoch and the Jews that run the anti right use. As for Devi she was not an infiltrator in the time she was around Akhenaton was and still is highly praised. Calling someone an infiltrator for not having all the information is foolish. She was also a literal Hindu and animal rights activist and vegetarianism for her was because of that. Serrano was also not an infiltrator he was just wrong on things and could never drop his Christianity.

Thanks for the info on Bill White, he seems a bit of a hypertense christian and disinfo agent possibly. What concrete info do you have to refute his legitimacy. He seems to bash dionysianism et al. a lot in his "tradition of the mother" which I feel for. Nietzsche was also propounding dionysianism but seems to have been ambivalent on the jewish issue being associated with them at one point (paul ree). Definitely a confusion to be sure. Without wishing to be a pest would you be supportive of Niezsche? I had been a fan of his for many years but in recent years research into him has raised red flags for me.
Back in the day when White was attempting to destroy the NSM along with another Jew named Levins. There was White Nationalist blogs showing Whites, Jewish ancestry including his Jewish parents.

White was attempting to push White Nationalists into criminal actions so his tribe could then declare pro-Whites as domestic terrorists. White and his fellow Jews always promote Christianity because this keeps Whites under the Jewish curses. If you can't understand Christianity your not Jew wise.

loki88 said:
Thanks for the info on Bill White, he seems a bit of a hypertense christian and disinfo agent possibly. What concrete info do you have to refute his legitimacy. He seems to bash dionysianism et al. a lot in his "tradition of the mother" which I feel for. Nietzsche was also propounding dionysianism but seems to have been ambivalent on the jewish issue being associated with them at one point (paul ree). Definitely a confusion to be sure. Without wishing to be a pest would you be supportive of Niezsche? I had been a fan of his for many years but in recent years research into him has raised red flags for me.
HP Mageson666 said:
Back in the day when White was attempting to destroy the NSM along with another Jew named Levins. There was White Nationalist blogs showing Whites, Jewish ancestry including his Jewish parents.

White was attempting to push White Nationalists into criminal actions so his tribe could then declare pro-Whites as domestic terrorists. White and his fellow Jews always promote Christianity because this keeps Whites under the Jewish curses. If you can't understand Christianity your not Jew wise.

loki88 said:
Thanks for the info on Bill White, he seems a bit of a hypertense christian and disinfo agent possibly. What concrete info do you have to refute his legitimacy. He seems to bash dionysianism et al. a lot in his "tradition of the mother" which I feel for. Nietzsche was also propounding dionysianism but seems to have been ambivalent on the jewish issue being associated with them at one point (paul ree). Definitely a confusion to be sure. Without wishing to be a pest would you be supportive of Niezsche? I had been a fan of his for many years but in recent years research into him has raised red flags for me.

I assume siege culture is a psyop given that james mason claims to be a christian.. What strategy would you advocate? Is there no political solution only an occult one? Which organizations are legit?
loki88 said:
Stormblood said:
loki88 said:
Keto is a death diet. I did it for 2 years and got scurvy like symptoms and had probably jaundice and liver problems. What sources from the ancient world do you have for dietary recommendations? I'm pretty sure the acid/alkaline ph balance claim is legit.

Keto and paleo are two different diets. Somehow you branded them together, which shows you're either trolling or don't understand how they work on basic level. Most people jump to whatever specific diet without first eliminating processed foods and without increasing vegetables and fruits in their diet. This in turn creates myth of how some diets are miraculous or whatever, but everyone knows paleo and veganism are extremes. Jews rule extremes, both sides. Satanism is in the middle.

Eating a diet based on >60% carbs like most of the world population does is what's deadly instead, because it's another extremism. Dumping too much carbs in the body, especially carbs with a high glycemic index, without an appropriate amount of protein and fats together, causes a peak in insulin in blood which stores everything as body fat, making essentially everyone fat, excluding Vata/ectomorph types, who have a very high metabolism. In the long run (we're talking years and decades), this causes insulin resistance which is type-2 diabetes. This also causes carb addiction, since you don't get enough energy because it gets stored as nutritional fat instead of being used to fuel you.

What is needed is a balance. A balanced diet is organic, local, seasonal and genetic. It's unique like spirituality.

A keto diet is advisable SHORT-TERM for treating chubby, overweight and obese people, as those were considered illnesses in the past and should be considered illnesses now as well. It has also been used successfully to treat Alzheimer and other diseases, even cancer. As I stated, it's a treatment. It's SHORT-TERM. You're not supposed to stay 2 years on it, just like you don't take corticosteroids for more than a certain period of time.

I would disagree with keto for fat loss. I did both vegan and keto diets and super high carb vegan (starch solution and fruitarian) and had no bodyfat on super high carb but was skinny fat on keto. See here:

HELL-TH: the 'hell-th' and [un]fitness industry exposed


Sorry, but I read many studies that support my point and I also heard from SS comrades who found it effective. No video from haters is going to change the facts. A wooden chair will always burn even if someone tries to explain from whatever nonsensical standpoint that it doesn't burn because the wood used is sturdy or whatever.
Stormblood said:
loki88 said:
Stormblood said:
Keto and paleo are two different diets. Somehow you branded them together, which shows you're either trolling or don't understand how they work on basic level. Most people jump to whatever specific diet without first eliminating processed foods and without increasing vegetables and fruits in their diet. This in turn creates myth of how some diets are miraculous or whatever, but everyone knows paleo and veganism are extremes. Jews rule extremes, both sides. Satanism is in the middle.

Eating a diet based on >60% carbs like most of the world population does is what's deadly instead, because it's another extremism. Dumping too much carbs in the body, especially carbs with a high glycemic index, without an appropriate amount of protein and fats together, causes a peak in insulin in blood which stores everything as body fat, making essentially everyone fat, excluding Vata/ectomorph types, who have a very high metabolism. In the long run (we're talking years and decades), this causes insulin resistance which is type-2 diabetes. This also causes carb addiction, since you don't get enough energy because it gets stored as nutritional fat instead of being used to fuel you.

What is needed is a balance. A balanced diet is organic, local, seasonal and genetic. It's unique like spirituality.

A keto diet is advisable SHORT-TERM for treating chubby, overweight and obese people, as those were considered illnesses in the past and should be considered illnesses now as well. It has also been used successfully to treat Alzheimer and other diseases, even cancer. As I stated, it's a treatment. It's SHORT-TERM. You're not supposed to stay 2 years on it, just like you don't take corticosteroids for more than a certain period of time.

I would disagree with keto for fat loss. I did both vegan and keto diets and super high carb vegan (starch solution and fruitarian) and had no bodyfat on super high carb but was skinny fat on keto. See here:

HELL-TH: the 'hell-th' and [un]fitness industry exposed


Sorry, but I read many studies that support my point and I also heard from SS comrades who found it effective. No video from haters is going to change the facts. A wooden chair will always burn even if someone tries to explain from whatever nonsensical standpoint that it doesn't burn because the wood used is sturdy or whatever.

just letting you know my experience. check out "the only answer to cancer" by leonard coldwell and his website: high alkaline is the way to go
HP Mageson666 said:
Back in the day when White was attempting to destroy the NSM along with another Jew named Levins. There was White Nationalist blogs showing Whites, Jewish ancestry including his Jewish parents.

White was attempting to push White Nationalists into criminal actions so his tribe could then declare pro-Whites as domestic terrorists. White and his fellow Jews always promote Christianity because this keeps Whites under the Jewish curses. If you can't understand Christianity your not Jew wise.

loki88 said:
Thanks for the info on Bill White, he seems a bit of a hypertense christian and disinfo agent possibly. What concrete info do you have to refute his legitimacy. He seems to bash dionysianism et al. a lot in his "tradition of the mother" which I feel for. Nietzsche was also propounding dionysianism but seems to have been ambivalent on the jewish issue being associated with them at one point (paul ree). Definitely a confusion to be sure. Without wishing to be a pest would you be supportive of Niezsche? I had been a fan of his for many years but in recent years research into him has raised red flags for me.

Hi. Sorry to revive an old post but could you provide some more proof that Bill White was a jew and an operative? Apparently he is still incarcerated(allegedly). Specific blogs or detailed evidence would be great.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
