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Salem Burke 5/14/11

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
I was notified today that people are still confused and some are complaining about the deal with Salem Burke. What he posted in two posts alone in the http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSatan666/ group speaks for itself:

Messages # 36478 and 36479

I do not approve of gossip, nor will I write anything here bashing him. This will not go on here or be available for the enemy to use to create more problems.

I don't have any doubts it was him. This very same thing happened before, a few years ago and this was why he was removed from the ministry. The enemy has tried to use former JoS ministry members before to try to get them back in to infiltrate for them and cause problems. This is glaringly apparent, along with some other issues that did not make it to the groups that revealed his true purpose. This issue is to be dropped.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
<td val[/IMG]High Priestess

I think your post is a sign of how right you are being a High Priestess to the group, (I can't say or feel your mine as we are unknown to each other &even though I am new to Father Satan I have a feeling that a pledging of sorts needs to be done before I can call you my High Priestess (hopefully that feeling is correct) I mean no disrespect and I am still trying to find my footing here) I keep getting feeling's and images of rituals but I find it hard to get the whole picture and why do they have to be so cryptic? Is it because I still can't relax my mind? I think as a group we need to rise above such pettiness with non-believers who then try to cause rifts or even harm to us believers, Father Satan states he will deal with them in due course & by whatever means he so chooses. I admire your writings High Priestess and look forward to reading more in due course.

Hail Satan, Hail the true believers

--- On Sun, 15/5/11, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:
From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Salem Burke 5/14/11
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Date: Sunday, 15 May, 2011, 5:32

I was notified today that people are still confused and some are complaining about the deal with Salem Burke. What he posted in two posts alone in the http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSatan666/ group speaks for itself:

Messages # 36478 and 36479

I do not approve of gossip, nor will I write anything here bashing him. This will not go on here or be available for the enemy to use to create more problems.

I don't have any doubts it was him. This very same thing happened before, a few years ago and this was why he was removed from the ministry. The enemy has tried to use former JoS ministry members before to try to get them back in to infiltrate for them and cause problems. This is glaringly apparent, along with some other issues that did not make it to the groups that revealed his true purpose. This issue is to be dropped.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Aron De- you are correct on a lot though I am not sure what you mean about High Priests/Priestesses they in my opinion are not needing a bunch of pledges and rituals to this is not xtianity, its not like its a sin to question or do your own research about something a HP says if anything if you are in doubt why not ask Satan and his demons, some will encourage people to further research things and give links to support what they say, but realize many things have been very corrupted so its hard to come by some of the info but doing my own research I have found literally 100% of what HP Maxine says to be correct (on what I do do my own research on), although it usually takes going below the surface on things and really doing research deep into them often, cause of all the corruptions the kikes promote, they are speaking truth trust me, I am a blind follower of no one, really they should just be honored and respected for their work for Satan and contributions to your understanding of things be grateful they are here to help us most this earth is still sadly without ANY guidance or knowledge whatsoever thanks to the kikes, thats all really, the other thing if most of us would just ignore or be like I don't care if someone tries to cause problems meaning not respond on the groups with anger even if you feel it, what a lot of people don't realize is yes there is a reason to be angry at infiltrators but by posting it on the groups it will further escalate the problem often (though not always) the reason for this is often times the anger is not unanimous meaning felt by everyone so someone might come to that persons defenses who is legitimate unknowingly and further escalate the situation, or someone else might not get angry over the same types of things another does, we are all different, I have even seen people get angry over others getting angry (its just stupid in my mind rarely if ever do I waste emotional energy on things like this in this group, on any group, website or offline in the real world usually if I feel anger its cause someone has DONE not said something that causes problems for me there is a difference in my mind like I just think why should I bother with what ingrates or society in general thinks of me at all) I have seen it happen many times, just so you know this isn't refering just to the Salem Burke thing its refering to several things I have seen (its up to the HP's and moderators to Ban that person or prevent them from posting again or whatever they choose to do if the post gets through if they deem it truly is causing a problem) if we would just ignore people who post to cause problems (often its quite obvious who is doing so) they would stop. Realize what they are doing is seeking attention if they are truly an infiltrator they will be laughing and feeding off of the attention they are getting, especially insults and angry sounding posts, if they are a kike, or infiltrator they will like that cause they realize it is causing problems for the group, yes I also know most if not all of you honestly are not anywhere near as aggressive or angry sounding or acting in real life too to things, just think like you are in real life, not on the internet, think how unstoppable we would be if we all banded together no infighting at all, clearly focused on bringing the enemy down, and ignoring infiltrators and stupid people who are just posting to CAUSE responses and distractions. Think how pissed off the infiltrators and problem makers would be if we did it too, they would realize they cannot gain ANY foothold if none of us replied to them.
Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Aaron De'avalon" <lordaaronbdsm@... wrote:

High Priestess

I think your post is a sign of how right you are being a High Priestess to the group, (I can't say or feel your mine as we are unknown to each other &even though I am new to Father Satan I have a feeling that a pledging of sorts needs to be done before I can call you my High Priestess (hopefully that feeling is correct) I mean no disrespect and I am still trying to find my footing here) I keep getting feeling's and images of rituals but I find it hard to get the whole picture and why do they have to be so cryptic? Is it because I still can't relax my mind? I think as a group we need to rise above such pettiness with non-believers who then try to cause rifts or even harm to us believers, Father Satan states he will deal with them in due course & by whatever means he so chooses. I admire your writings High Priestess and look forward to reading more in due course.

Hail Satan, Hail the true believers

--- On Sun, 15/5/11, High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

From: High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@...
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Salem Burke 5/14/11
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sunday, 15 May, 2011, 5:32


I was notified today that people are still confused and some are complaining about the deal with Salem Burke. What he posted in two posts alone in the http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSatan666/ group speaks for itself:

Messages # 36478 and 36479

I do not approve of gossip, nor will I write anything here bashing him. This will not go on here or be available for the enemy to use to create more problems.

I don't have any doubts it was him. This very same thing happened before, a few years ago and this was why he was removed from the ministry. The enemy has tried to use former JoS ministry members before to try to get them back in to infiltrate for them and cause problems. This is glaringly apparent, along with some other issues that did not make it to the groups that revealed his true purpose. This issue is to be dropped.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:
I was notified today that people are still confused and some are complaining about the deal with Salem Burke. What he posted in two posts alone in the http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSatan666/ group speaks for itself:

Messages # 36478 and 36479

I do not approve of gossip, nor will I write anything here bashing him. This will not go on here or be available for the enemy to use to create more problems.

I don't have any doubts it was him. This very same thing happened before, a few years ago and this was why he was removed from the ministry. The enemy has tried to use former JoS ministry members before to try to get them back in to infiltrate for them and cause problems. This is glaringly apparent, along with some other issues that did not make it to the groups that revealed his true purpose. This issue is to be dropped.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
Is the information he posted concerning types valid? Meaning is it useful and correct?
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Steven Savage" <liveharddiefree101@... wrote:
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I was notified today that people are still confused and some are complaining about the deal with Salem Burke. What he posted in two posts alone in the http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSatan666/ group speaks for itself:

Messages # 36478 and 36479

I do not approve of gossip, nor will I write anything here bashing him. This will not go on here or be available for the enemy to use to create more problems.

I don't have any doubts it was him. This very same thing happened before, a few years ago and this was why he was removed from the ministry. The enemy has tried to use former JoS ministry members before to try to get them back in to infiltrate for them and cause problems. This is glaringly apparent, along with some other issues that did not make it to the groups that revealed his true purpose. This issue is to be dropped.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Is the information he posted concerning types valid? Meaning is it useful and correct?

Not really. Because you must learn to visualize and feel at the same time! The one with natural where you naturally absorb energy; that's true. But it's wrong at the same time because this has nothing to do with meditations...
surreptitious read my above post why waste emotion on things like this, i have found out that change kind of begins with the person there is no code spoken of in Satanism that people have to treat me like as far as I know. I GET TO CHOOSE what I think is right or wrong in the way others interact with me online and offline (well offline I pretty much let my friends be completely themselves there is no social code), I get to choose not to invest emotions I like balance Anger, joy, hate, love, happiness, and sadness etc, none of these emotions do put in petty things, or bother with what people say or think about me that I don't even know I am just saying it feels very freeing to me (everyone else can make their own choices on these things as well one way or the other)
In simple terms- Small things don't matter at all that much other than conversations, pretty much, well I just appreciate and enjoy people contributions and choose to almost always repond in a calm manner regardless of what I see (when I do reply to things and when I am not trying to inspire people to fight the enemy) if I see something that I can't to that I know is from a legitimate Satanist I just stay silent. Infighting is kind of boring to be honest with you, yawn what purpose does it serve other than to divide us, and distract us from the main goal, what is it usually about, something someone said or thought about something that usually isn't that big of a deal (at least when I have seen it) Well thats what I see as a good way of doing things. I don't know about anyone else. I had a conversation on Yahoo Messanger several times with a Satanist and they thought I should really let out my true feelings about this kind of stuff so I am, no longer will. There you go. Hate it or love it doesn't matter to me this is who I am.
Hail Satan

<surreptitious.serpent88@... wrote:
Your feeling was right? I've watched you backtrack several times, as almost everyone has called you out about this.

You should rather keep quiet about the things you don't know, rather than posing like you do. You stood-up for the traitor and lashed-out at members who opposed what you were saying, but, when he posted the crystal meth' post you very suddenly changed your tune and wrote a "sermon" about recognizing infiltrators, even though you fell for - and stoop up for one, even being so egotistical as to call yourself a "natural".

Keeping up a front as if you "know" when you do not, is a sure-way to never gain knowledge at all. People on this group could learn a lot more from each other if everyone weren't lying and trying to one-up each other's experiences.

This group's purpose is diluted with liars and exaggerators.

That's quite a "unique" name, I wonder how our High Priest feels about this kind of theft, or were you hoping people would mistake you for Him.

Rather earn knowledge and use it, than pretend to have knowledge and be brought down by it.

- Surreptitious Serpent

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Yoyo" <kung_fukistas_real@ wrote:
My feeling was right.It was him and he came back to infiltrate,I had a sense he would be back for a reason,and not a good reason.Personally I feel justified.Thanks a lot Maxine for telling us and reassuring us.

-Vovin Luciftian

Good for you, stave your emotions with a good ego-stroke about how some people told you over yahoo messenger to let out your feelings in a message where you say that you never do. - Self-contradiction in a post that doesn't concern you.

"This group's purpose is diluted with liars and exaggerators"

- Surreptitious Serpent

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Indigo Nation" <gutterrainbow@... wrote:

surreptitious read my above post why waste emotion on things like this, i have found out that change kind of begins with the person there is no code spoken of in Satanism that people have to treat me like as far as I know. I GET TO CHOOSE what I think is right or wrong in the way others interact with me online and offline (well offline I pretty much let my friends be completely themselves there is no social code), I get to choose not to invest emotions I like balance Anger, joy, hate, love, happiness, and sadness etc, none of these emotions do put in petty things, or bother with what people say or think about me that I don't even know I am just saying it feels very freeing to me (everyone else can make their own choices on these things as well one way or the other)
In simple terms- Small things don't matter at all that much other than conversations, pretty much, well I just appreciate and enjoy people contributions and choose to almost always repond in a calm manner regardless of what I see (when I do reply to things and when I am not trying to inspire people to fight the enemy) if I see something that I can't to that I know is from a legitimate Satanist I just stay silent. Infighting is kind of boring to be honest with you, yawn what purpose does it serve other than to divide us, and distract us from the main goal, what is it usually about, something someone said or thought about something that usually isn't that big of a deal (at least when I have seen it) Well thats what I see as a good way of doing things. I don't know about anyone else. I had a conversation on Yahoo Messanger several times with a Satanist and they thought I should really let out my true feelings about this kind of stuff so I am, no longer will. There you go. Hate it or love it doesn't matter to me this is who I am.
Hail Satan
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dan roy" <b_da_mon@... wrote:
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Steven Savage" <liveharddiefree101@ wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I was notified today that people are still confused and some are complaining about the deal with Salem Burke. What he posted in two posts alone in the http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSatan666/ group speaks for itself:

Messages # 36478 and 36479

I do not approve of gossip, nor will I write anything here bashing him. This will not go on here or be available for the enemy to use to create more problems.

I don't have any doubts it was him. This very same thing happened before, a few years ago and this was why he was removed from the ministry. The enemy has tried to use former JoS ministry members before to try to get them back in to infiltrate for them and cause problems. This is glaringly apparent, along with some other issues that did not make it to the groups that revealed his true purpose. This issue is to be dropped.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Is the information he posted concerning types valid? Meaning is it useful and correct?

Not really. Because you must learn to visualize and feel at the same time! The one with natural where you naturally absorb energy; that's true. But it's wrong at the same time because this has nothing to do with meditations...
That confused me a little bit, i thought that all energy relates to meditation somehow. or do you mean that regardless of whether you meditate or not you still absorb energy and it's therefor only semi-related?
im really disappointed w/ all this infiltrators
people acting that they re something , which they re not!
wtf is he thinking? seriously i'm really piss me off
betraying Satan after all he did? I hope he gets wt he really deserves
fake ppl playing w/ fire WILL get burn!
Satan and our Gods is not to be mess with!
All this infiltrators really pisses me off, nothing but stupid distractions, while the real satanist (faithful) ones is trying to get the job done and grow!
may the loyal ones be rewarded!


And was this before or after "ilms" churned you and a few others into willing slaves? A long time has certainly lost its meaning. Allow me to let you in on something; it is an enemy tactic in itself to call everyone who opposes your actions a "jew". It enforces the stereotype that all Nazi's are paranoid, crazy and quick to violence. A level headed approach to criticism will go a lot further than what you have posted.

You and several others are throwing your "weight" n these groups with such sayings as "I have been here a long time" (though clearly you have not) these actions are the same that lured you into an enemy trap. If everyone were more honest, most infiltrations wouldn't happen, but people like you are too busy trying to keep up a facade of power and ultimate knowledge that you just do not have.

Take this as a warning and a lesson be honest or you will be caught out, and it will destroy any credibility you may have had. And it will certainly destroy and connection between those who sought to share the trust and knowledge with you.

- Surreptitious Serpent

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Yoyo" <kung_fukistas_real@... wrote:
I will tell You once. Not twice . If You don't really know My motives , then shut it. No,its not about being rude . Its about using Your mind against infiltrators . If we all stood down and bashed like crazy , would he reveal Himself ? Use Your mind as You would use it on war , and don't get deceived by what You see and just see.

I don't ask for apologies,as far as Satan knows what I am doing I am not even concerned about what most of You think - and more over if some of You don't get it instantly.I am less than concerned.

Vovim Baghie is not offended at all.He doesn't search for uniqueness in a name,he is unique and there is no word for Dragon or Serpent that I could Use.

Now,check the time of posts.In due to Your feeling of "unmasking" Me,You have did a huge mistake.The post about infiltrators was posted before the "SALEM BURKE". I didn't say that SALEM BURKE WELCOME BACK TO JOS. So wake up or turn on the side. You are free to try to contradict Me or prove whatever You want. I just welcomed the infiltrator with an open hug. I didn't catch right away that he was with the enemy,but I got that later,and sadly for people that want to...think of Me as less, at the right time to change My mind.

I possibly see two things here . Either I offended some koshers or I hurt You little ego . Both ways I am not going to stop . Those who know Me know My motives . And they are above attacking people on the groups or answering things to you and any else buddy who acts like that .

Satan knows Me above everyone , so get your weak ego in and play with puffy bears. I would say that You should focus on evolving rather than taking care in here . You blantantly give out things that reveal one thing : What You accuse Me You are Yourself .

As about for Me having knowledge.Your comment here was hillarious.But then again You can't realize what I was doing to that infamous Salem burke,as You most possibly are blinded by being too busy to "unmask" Me.
You're not the only one here that doesn't like Me and My attitude.Those who want something to be done, they like it. Those who do not - Search for excuses.

-Vovin Luciftian

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Steven Savage" <liveharddiefree101@... wrote:
--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dan roy" <b_da_mon@ wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Steven Savage" <liveharddiefree101@ wrote:

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I was notified today that people are still confused and some are complaining about the deal with Salem Burke. What he posted in two posts alone in the http://groups.yahoo.com/group/JoyofSatan666/ group speaks for itself:

Messages # 36478 and 36479

I do not approve of gossip, nor will I write anything here bashing him. This will not go on here or be available for the enemy to use to create more problems.

I don't have any doubts it was him. This very same thing happened before, a few years ago and this was why he was removed from the ministry. The enemy has tried to use former JoS ministry members before to try to get them back in to infiltrate for them and cause problems. This is glaringly apparent, along with some other issues that did not make it to the groups that revealed his true purpose. This issue is to be dropped.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Is the information he posted concerning types valid? Meaning is it useful and correct?

Not really. Because you must learn to visualize and feel at the same time! The one with natural where you naturally absorb energy; that's true. But it's wrong at the same time because this has nothing to do with meditations...

That confused me a little bit, i thought that all energy relates to meditation somehow. or do you mean that regardless of whether you meditate or not you still absorb energy and it's therefor only semi-related?
yep, it's semi-related.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
