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RTRs are Working

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Founder Of The Joy Of Satan
Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
The RTRs are hitting the Catholic Church HARD. The Catholic Church is the bulwark of Christianity, being the original Christian church. It's the foundation of Christianity. The root. After it collapses, the Protestant splinter groups will follow.

Everyone, please stay on the final RTR.

Aug 26, 2018
Pope Francis helped cover up ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick's sex abuse, former Vatican ambassador claims in extraordinary letter

The Vatican’s former ambassador to the United States has purportedly written an explosive letter claiming that Pope Francis knew about sex abuse allegations against disgraced ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick for years but chose to cover up the charges and elevate the cardinal’s position within the church before accepting his resignation last month.


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I literally danced after hearing about it. No joke.
Great news! They crimes and discusting actions revealed. Christianity must die and fall apart finally. Final RTR! :D
That's awesome. I can't wait til the smaller Christian religions follow suit. Like the pasty JW's, creepy Mormons or even the snake waving, body shaking Pentecostals. People are finally getting tired of them

I long for the day the media has to face up as well. Maybe it's just me, but the arrogance and condescending attitudes they speak with in their daily propaganda hit pieces gets me so worked up. Really the only thing that get's me angry or emotionally uncontrolled (other than auto correct and summer utility bills :mrgreen: ). I direct it into the Final RTR, though, which makes a nice cathartic. Just wish they had some accountability not to treat the average person like a brainless moron who can't think for themselves without being spoon fed manipulative BS from the glorified and overly protected media.

But I look at the facial features of the media higher-ups and after a long, tight cringe I realize why things are so...
For any christians reading this -

You should pay a bribe of 10% to "god" every Sunday. All of your "the" bibles tells you to.

See how many christians there are in the world. According to Wikipaedia and InfoPlease, there are about 2 200 000 000 (2.2 billion). Get your maths cap on.

2 200 000 000 christians * £€$¥10 * 52 weeks =
1 144 000 000 000 (1 trillion 144 billion) £€$¥ per year.

"No, I give 30 every Sunday."

OK. It's 1 144 000 000 000 * 3 =
3 432 000 000 000 (3 trillion 432 billion) £€$¥ per year, then.








Check my posts for more, and if you're one who thinks your current "the" pope is not yours and is evil, then before you try to argue that - why does "god" not stop blaming Satan, and instead put this current "the" pope on TV in view of most of the world and cause it to explode in a most spectacular and disgusting fashion, removing it from that position? Does it not work like that? How convenient. Read Judges 1:19 and Isaiah 45:7, and also count the amount of evil Satan did vs the amount of evil "god" did, as documented (which is your falsely-infallible proof) in all of the many "the" infallible-yet-contradictory bibleses (which is your falsely-infallible "god's" own "word").

Another "argument" from you might be, that if we worship Satan (which is not necessary; i.e. we don't, because Satan does not want nor need nor demand slavish worship, like your kike-on-a-kross does), then why does Satan allow these things to happen. Visit the 'JoSM Links' link in my signature, go through it all, and learn that Satan hates all forms of abuse and so-called "sacrifice", both Human and Animal; whereas, on the other hand, your jew evil "god" jehovah - which means "god of evil", in fact, - not only allows it but demands it, and takes perverse pleasure in such smells and sights and events.


Satan is not the devil; your jew fake-god is, and so are you for paying money into Human and Animal abuse; torture; murder/"sacrifice"; etc. Satan also doesn't want, need, nor demand money. The information that we share is free, and will be forever. "In the beginning was the word." That is not "the word of 'god'". It is words, which are spoken, i.e. vibrations that you utter. Vibration makes things become - "'god' said..."

Use your brain. Satan came to give you knowledge, as you know, while your jew "god" of evil told you to remain ignorant, so you could be its slave, which you also know. Your "god" gave you a brain then told you not to use it. Satan wants you to use your brain.
Yes, these should be done everyday for sure.

The fact that we are struggling and financially enslaved, held back from success, watching our earth fall apart and the fact that millions of people are suffering is motivation enough. Everyday my blood boils at the thought of their filthy existence.

Spam the RTRs and make them suffer. And if you're having a bad day or witnessed anything tragic or unfortunate, do the ritual because in one way or the other, the jews are to blame.
HPS Shannon said:
Yes, these should be done everyday for sure.

The fact that we are struggling and financially enslaved, held back from success, watching our earth fall apart and the fact that millions of people are suffering is motivation enough. Everyday my blood boils at the thought of their filthy existence.

Spam the RTRs and make them suffer. And if you're having a bad day or witnessed anything tragic or unfortunate, do the ritual because in one way or the other, the jews are to blame.
They litteraly have to be bleamed even for the wether... They can be bleamed for everything.

Let's destroy them with more RTR!
HPS Shannon said:
Yes, these should be done everyday for sure.

The fact that we are struggling and financially enslaved, held back from success, watching our earth fall apart and the fact that millions of people are suffering is motivation enough. Everyday my blood boils at the thought of their filthy existence.

Spam the RTRs and make them suffer. And if you're having a bad day or witnessed anything tragic or unfortunate, do the ritual because in one way or the other, the jews are to blame.

Nicely said HPS!!! :!:
Runic curses can be done after doing the final RTR too. Like:


Thaur x 9

Affirm with full intent: "The Catholic church and all other Jewish institutions have ceased to exist in every way" << One can try changing the affirmations for total death and erasure of the Jewish race from existence there.

Hagalaz x 9

Affirm with full intent: "The Catholic church and all other Jewish institutions have ceased to exist in every way"

Uruz x 9

Affirm with full intent: "The Catholic church and all other Jewish institutions have ceased to exist in every way"


This was from way before but right now, I believe it must be brought back if we want the kikes to die faster in all levels, had to modify it a bit also. The runes can be done in multiples of 9 like 18, 27, 36 reps or even 108 if one can do it.

Mars is soon coming to Aquarius when I checked this, so anyone has brighter ideas?
When ever I do the FINAL RTR I feel Satan signature on me, is very excellent ritual.
Islam is just another branch of Xianity. The Koran promotes jesus as divine being born of a virgin who will return at the end of time and judge the world. Its also is made of the general Torah most of the Koran is the old testament of the Xian bible. This all ties into Hebrew. Islam, Christianity and Judaism is called the religion of the book because they all share the same book. And that book is wrote in the Hebrew alphabet. Mohammed was a Jew who claimed to be the Jewish messiah.

SatanLove said:
Glad to see our efforts are paying.

What about Islam?
The former Pope was forced to leave the office because of his role as cardinal in covering up the sex abuse scandals for years as part of his office. I wonder what will happen to this pope who was put into office as the PR stunt to try and put a fake friendly face on this criminal institution the Jewish media always praises this Jesuit who himself is probably one of their tribe. He spent most of his time in the synagogues and was approved of by the major Jewish organizations in his native country. But then again what pope has not been a Jew.....
Just do the Final RTR again instead this removes all the enemies power. The reason the Catholic Church is falling apart is the Final RTR.

Wildfire said:
Runic curses can be done after doing the final RTR too. Like:


Thaur x 9

Affirm with full intent: "The Catholic church and all other Jewish institutions have ceased to exist in every way" << One can try changing the affirmations for total death and erasure of the Jewish race from existence there.

Hagalaz x 9

Affirm with full intent: "The Catholic church and all other Jewish institutions have ceased to exist in every way"

Uruz x 9

Affirm with full intent: "The Catholic church and all other Jewish institutions have ceased to exist in every way"


This was from way before but right now, I believe it must be brought back if we want the kikes to die faster in all levels, had to modify it a bit also. The runes can be done in multiples of 9 like 18, 27, 36 reps or even 108 if one can do it.

Mars is soon coming to Aquarius when I checked this, so anyone has brighter ideas?
I was listening to the video series on silver called Silver Bullet Silver shield that was posted a week or longer ago on the forum and I decided to look up if I could find any places that traded that here where I live.. and the websites I looked at all showed that for one coin of silver you do not spend as much as previous months. In other words, the price on them went down.. quite a bit.
I have to say it was last year around the beginning of the year I lived with a girl that was muslim and that bring around a lot of people that were muslim. I remember I talked to a guy my age and somehow jews came up. So he was like "Yo we don't like jews either. You are the first white person I heard say that. I am suprised." Which I was surprised as well knowing that all these people in the house with me didn't like jews."
My landlord was also muslim, I brought up communism and the jews run it and I was frustrated talking. I thought I was just talking to another unaware person as well. Well he didn't know about communism obviously I mean most people don't get into politics or deep into things....as we have all figured out loool He mentioned Islam to me "What do you think of Islam."
I said "Muhammad is totally screwed up( i'm not gonna write what I said) lol
We had a whole conversation about Jews he pulled over in the car and showed me the dancing israelis video and other videos about 9/11 he even stated the Jews pulled it off.
I remember reading in our forums that the jews creation the people that believe in the quran will turn against them... lol Hence why people like assad ( he is a muslim ) are dangerous to the jews.
So all in all this is all kind of common knowledge but the experience was rather great reminder just hearing a bunch of people say they don't like jews. Just kind of a shocker.
I also remember reading someone said that obama was a certain sect of the muslim religion...but he helped the Jews especially their military wherever that 600,000 billion went right...lahl What sect was that kike in exactly.
I remember hearing of the pope front last year. Was that the one with about 20 priests? I think it was. That is really something is hear he was kicked out.
HP Mageson666 said:
Just do the Final RTR again instead this removes all the enemies power. The reason the Catholic Church is falling apart is the Final RTR.

Wildfire said:
Runic curses can be done after doing the final RTR too. Like:


Thaur x 9

Affirm with full intent: "The Catholic church and all other Jewish institutions have ceased to exist in every way" << One can try changing the affirmations for total death and erasure of the Jewish race from existence there.

Hagalaz x 9

Affirm with full intent: "The Catholic church and all other Jewish institutions have ceased to exist in every way"

Uruz x 9

Affirm with full intent: "The Catholic church and all other Jewish institutions have ceased to exist in every way"


This was from way before but right now, I believe it must be brought back if we want the kikes to die faster in all levels, had to modify it a bit also. The runes can be done in multiples of 9 like 18, 27, 36 reps or even 108 if one can do it.

Mars is soon coming to Aquarius when I checked this, so anyone has brighter ideas?

Oh, right. Thank you.

I'll just keep repeating the final RTR. I just cannot stand the existence of the kikes any longer too.
I've never done a RTR before. Would it be wise to do them even if I'm not mentally stable often? I have self acceptance issues and rapidly changing deep states of emotion.
alek said:
I have to say it was last year around the beginning of the year I lived with a girl that was muslim and that bring around a lot of people that were muslim. I remember I talked to a guy my age and somehow jews came up. So he was like "Yo we don't like jews either. You are the first white person I heard say that. I am suprised." Which I was surprised as well knowing that all these people in the house with me didn't like jews."
My landlord was also muslim, I brought up communism and the jews run it and I was frustrated talking. I thought I was just talking to another unaware person as well. Well he didn't know about communism obviously I mean most people don't get into politics or deep into things....as we have all figured out loool He mentioned Islam to me "What do you think of Islam."
I said "Muhammad is totally screwed up( i'm not gonna write what I said) lol
We had a whole conversation about Jews he pulled over in the car and showed me the dancing israelis video and other videos about 9/11 he even stated the Jews pulled it off.
I remember reading in our forums that the jews creation the people that believe in the quran will turn against them... lol Hence why people like assad ( he is a muslim ) are dangerous to the jews.
So all in all this is all kind of common knowledge but the experience was rather great reminder just hearing a bunch of people say they don't like jews. Just kind of a shocker.
I also remember reading someone said that obama was a certain sect of the muslim religion...but he helped the Jews especially their military wherever that 600,000 billion went right...lahl What sect was that kike in exactly.

The Muslims acceptance of race mixing ideology is proof that they are actually leftist Jew enablers. Race mixing while not proven to cause disease is associated with the left in Europe and America and world wide in general. The Jews have championed it when they associate with Christianity and they championed it when they promote Liberalism/Leftism. They (the Muslims) will all continue to say they hate Jews but will not become Satanists the only true way to defeat the Jews. Islam and Christianity have the ideology of submission or acceptance of abuse as it's core ideology too. Additions to Christianity and Islam were from Gentiles seeking to advance on the left hand path and Christians and Muslims only distract them from this path via giving ignorant advice and spreading their ignorant teachings. The Jews in these programs and the Jewish champions - think the Saudi kings or Obama - know this and will create pseudo-science to throw them off the path and distract them. This is Christianity and Islam in a nutshell. The core of Christianity and Islam will still be submission or universal brotherhoodism.
I'm sorry to be negative here, but I can't see how the fall of catholic religion means the fall of xtianity.
Although they both basically worship the same jewish crap, they do not really RELATE to one another.

When I had told my xtian mother about the catholic pedophile crimes she didn't really care. Well, this on its own is an abnormal response but anyway.... When xtians hear about catholic crimes they never think "oh, we have the same religion"... But even if THAT were the case....... why do you people think that the pedophile crimes of these beasts will ever make a difference????
People ALREADY know about these crimes! Nothing changes!!!

"God will punish them" and whatever..... It fucking outrages me.
But it still doesn't change things.

I don't see the catholic religion going down because their pedophile crimes are coming to the surface; even more so I don't see xtianity going down for that reason.

The devout followers won't be moved by this.
Legionare666 said:
I've never done a RTR before. Would it be wise to do them even if I'm not mentally stable often? I have self acceptance issues and rapidly changing deep states of emotion.

Yes. Do the Final RTR and only that one since that's what the instruction is. This frees your soul from any curses that the enemy might have put onto human's souls. Many times the cause of said curses are the result of many current complications a person might have.

Also I highly recommend doing void mediation everyday to be in control of your thoughts and even emotions.

this sermon should help a lot as well. https://ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=12177
HP Mageson666 said:
The former Pope was forced to leave the office because of his role as cardinal in covering up the sex abuse scandals for years as part of his office.
I was hoping you was going to say,



I wonder what will happen to this pope who was put into office as the PR stunt to try and put a fake friendly face on this criminal institution the Jewish media always praises this Jesuit who himself is probably one of their tribe. He spent most of his time in the synagogues and was approved of by the major Jewish organizations in his native country.
In the last couple of years, one of "the" popeses said it apologised for the way "god" mistreated people, homosexuals, in history. So "god" is evil, as per "jehovah" meaning "god of evil", and it did shit against people, telling each "the" pope to tell the sheeple to do shit; but now, being "the same yesterday, today, and forever" changed its mind and said, "Sorry, 'I am' was wrong for choosing to not stop priests from raping children in history, and I am sorry that 'I am', your 'god', told my previous 'the' popeses to tell the zidiot sheeple to stone you to death, burn you alive on a stake, etc. Now I, 'the same yesterday, today, and forever' 'god' tell this pope to say sorry for me. 'I am', the 'lord' your 'god', is wrong, and 'I am' apologises, and I repent. No longer shall 'I am', who is supposed to be 'the same yesterday, today, and forever', blame Satan, your true, actual Pagan God". With it being "the same yesterday, today, and forever", but then changing its mind, there must be some sense in there somewhere...

(I just realised this minute. The jew god-of-evil "god" is an anti-White rapper. It is full of itself, bigging itself up in all its...music...and promotions and merchandise. Then it gets caught with its hand in the cookie jar and pretends to be sorry while doing community service. The current "the" pope is its defence, and you might say probation officer. Holy shiznit, G (G for "god" in this sense!). When I was a christian, I used to like that K-rap music! There was at least one White or White-looking jew rapping band, as well. Oy, vey...)

Then in another news article, "the" pope said to homosexuals that "'god' made you like this and loves you". So why did not "the same yesterday, today, and forever" god-of-evil "god" either change its mind, or not tell the retard sheeple in history to stop being evil devils...all the while blaming Satan for things?

Oh, I so wish christians would come here and explain this to me!

then again what pope has not been a Jew.....
Peter - who never existed. :lol:
Something of interest, I know Nostradamus was a racial jew, but he did state in his prophesies that after pope John Paul II, there would be only 2 more popes and then all of christianity would fall. Current pope Francis is the 2nd pope after JPII, making him the last in the prophecy.

Just thought I would mention that.
Yagami Light said:
I'm sorry to be negative here, but I can't see how the fall of catholic religion means the fall of xtianity.
Although they both basically worship the same jewish crap, they do not really RELATE to one another.

The way I see it is that catholic and orthodox xianity are the strongest versions of xianity. Lutherans and protestants don't really go to church often and they can't even keep their doctrines like they used to be. In the Nordic countries protestants are the majority of population but almost no one reads the bible or attends church services, most people don't even identify as religious in surveys. Many churches are closing due to Europeans not giving a single fuck about what is going on with the church. Protestants have also been separated into a shit ton of different cults and sects unlike the stronger versions of xianity.

Protestants have accepted female priesthood and homosexual marriage along with other non-xian stuff since their version of xianity is the weakest out of the three.

Catholic church has stayed similar to what it always has been and people living in 3rd world countries go to churches in massive amounts. Protestant churches are fighting against time as most people who are members in those are getting old and dying out... Protestants can't really attract any young people into their sect. Same with the amount of babies getting baptized has been hitting a low point in Europe.

Catholic church probably gives enemy way more energy to work with than the dying protestant equivalent. Majority of xians world wide are catholic.
Legionare666 said:
I've never done a RTR before. Would it be wise to do them even if I'm not mentally stable often? I have self acceptance issues and rapidly changing deep states of emotion.

The final rtr should actually help you with this. Make sure to raise only as much energy as youre comfortable though. And lower the number of reps at first if youre unsure. Also make sure to do this https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=11566 after and keep/start a daily aura of protection.
Yagami Light said:
I'm sorry to be negative here, but I can't see how the fall of catholic religion means the fall of xtianity.
Christianity is just one giant pedophile meme. If you defend christianity or believe in it then you are siding with the pedophiles.
I don't think it matters what the average christard thinks or believes, because they are worthless and nothing depends on them anyway. What matters is who is in power.

I think xians are hopeless, they don't believe the truth even if they see it with their own eyes. For example, i've heard a story recently about two xian chics who went into a orthodox monastery. The Hegumen of the monastery (high rank priest, head of a monastery, similar to Abbot) got drunk and groped the one of them. She told about it to her friend (the other chick) but despite that she went to the same monastery, to the same Hegumen to pray. And of course he got drunk again, invited her to his room (and she agreed, even though her friend told her the previous day how the same priest harassed her sexually) and of course when she went to his room he groped her, and tried to have sex with her as well. She was genuinely surprised and astonished about what happened, even though her friend told her that the same Hegumen did the same thing to her the previous day. This is mental retardation to me, but in Europe they are less than 1% of the population. Most Christians don't actually follow the Christian teachings etc, they go to churches for weddings and funerals only, and look at Christianity as some kind of tradition or something.

But my point is those people are not the ones who decide what is going to happen to us tomorrow. It is the opposite, they are just a herd of retards. And what is typical for them is that they are always on the side of those in power, so when the Jews lose power they will stop worship them very quickly.

Yagami Light said:
I'm sorry to be negative here, but I can't see how the fall of catholic religion means the fall of xtianity.
Although they both basically worship the same jewish crap, they do not really RELATE to one another.

When I had told my xtian mother about the catholic pedophile crimes she didn't really care. Well, this on its own is an abnormal response but anyway.... When xtians hear about catholic crimes they never think "oh, we have the same religion"... But even if THAT were the case....... why do you people think that the pedophile crimes of these beasts will ever make a difference????
People ALREADY know about these crimes! Nothing changes!!!

"God will punish them" and whatever..... It fucking outrages me.
But it still doesn't change things.

I don't see the catholic religion going down because their pedophile crimes are coming to the surface; even more so I don't see xtianity going down for that reason.

The devout followers won't be moved by this.
Yagami Light said:
I'm sorry to be negative here, but I can't see how the fall of catholic religion means the fall of xtianity.
Although they both basically worship the same jewish crap, they do not really RELATE to one another.

When I had told my xtian mother about the catholic pedophile crimes she didn't really care. Well, this on its own is an abnormal response but anyway.... When xtians hear about catholic crimes they never think "oh, we have the same religion"... But even if THAT were the case....... why do you people think that the pedophile crimes of these beasts will ever make a difference????
People ALREADY know about these crimes! Nothing changes!!!

"God will punish them" and whatever..... It fucking outrages me.
But it still doesn't change things.

I don't see the catholic religion going down because their pedophile crimes are coming to the surface; even more so I don't see xtianity going down for that reason.

The devout followers won't be moved by this.

About the xian mother, I told my xian mother that too, and quoted the Torah, she was unfazed, didn't care AND LITERALLY said this to me: "The less I know, the longer I'll live." She was referring to herself btw.

I hate my parents, they are the WORST things in my life... After asshole (dad....Ugh, he's no father to me), accused me of starting an argument HE BEGAN, things went on and on and then I snapped and told him that I hate him. After that, asshole (dad) and bitch (mom) are not talking to me. A blessing to me actually.

This Final RTR really helps me let out repressed anger that I have for my family..... I hope they fucking rot.....
Yagami Light said:
I'm sorry to be negative here, but I can't see how the fall of catholic religion means the fall of xtianity.
Although they both basically worship the same jewish crap, they do not really RELATE to one another.

When I had told my xtian mother about the catholic pedophile crimes she didn't really care. Well, this on its own is an abnormal response but anyway.... When xtians hear about catholic crimes they never think "oh, we have the same religion"... But even if THAT were the case....... why do you people think that the pedophile crimes of these beasts will ever make a difference????
People ALREADY know about these crimes! Nothing changes!!!

"God will punish them" and whatever..... It fucking outrages me.
But it still doesn't change things.

I don't see the catholic religion going down because their pedophile crimes are coming to the surface; even more so I don't see xtianity going down for that reason.

The devout followers won't be moved by this.

Also, one more thing about this...

Not everyone is gonna wake up,some are lost without a second thought... We just have to focus on those, who are waking up and CAN wake up...
To Yagami Light:

In my opinion, the devout followers who don't wake up after all the things that are and will come to light don't really matter. Many more are waking up, breaking free from the spell.
T.A.O.L. said:
I was listening to the video series on silver called Silver Bullet Silver shield that was posted a week or longer ago on the forum and I decided to look up if I could find any places that traded that here where I live.. and the websites I looked at all showed that for one coin of silver you do not spend as much as previous months. In other words, the price on them went down.. quite a bit.

They were videos posted on the thread 'Your financial slavery explained'.

The series I mentioned I was watching/listening keeps encouraging to buy physical silver like all the time. I just found out that if you have physical silver as an investment in my country you have and are legally required to file the worth of your silver coins with the tax collectors, in box 3 which is basicly your savings or what goes as such.

If you go over a limit of saved wealth, I think its like 20.000 or a bit above here, this money is taxed. They purposedly want you to keep your money low and at the same time it is encouraged to only pay with your creditcard. Bills, coins and the like are becoming scarcer, and less people have these in their houses.

Considering these, on a short time, if economics change, a system not based on silver or gold, nor the current system (which I've heard say is based on the petrodollar) will have to rise.

I am not comfortable with having people I've never met or seen know what I have for valuables, let alone that you're told to even pay over those things.
A bought house is seen as wealth.
A car is seen as luxurious and yet everyone owns one because otherwise they have to spend over 3 hours daily in the public transit, plus you can't exactly reach certain places very well without.

It is no one outsiders business (obviously) how much one owns. At this point you may as well try to keep your savings in a sock or something, at least, where no outside source can directly see it.

Not to mention that the inflation or even bank cost is higher than what you can pay with rent over savings alone..
Yagami Light said:
I'm sorry to be negative here, but I can't see how the fall of catholic religion means the fall of xtianity.
Although they both basically worship the same jewish crap, they do not really RELATE to one another.

When I had told my xtian mother about the catholic pedophile crimes she didn't really care. Well, this on its own is an abnormal response but anyway.... When xtians hear about catholic crimes they never think "oh, we have the same religion"... But even if THAT were the case....... why do you people think that the pedophile crimes of these beasts will ever make a difference????
People ALREADY know about these crimes! Nothing changes!!!

"God will punish them" and whatever..... It fucking outrages me.
But it still doesn't change things.

I don't see the catholic religion going down because their pedophile crimes are coming to the surface; even more so I don't see xtianity going down for that reason.

The devout followers won't be moved by this.
It is true that many won't give a fuck but the main psychic centre will go down once with the Golden Coated jew in Rome - they are the main investors in spreading the shit virus and also the ones who'll gladly share shekels with political golems - simply said - once decentrelized the control panel ,minisects will just remain without infrastructure to continue the sucking - shit buildings of slavish worship will become dependent on state funds to function / and with the next mistake or fault they will stop receveing such funds- asking the populance for charity instead - the charity they never offered during wartimes , pestilances .... Only the retarded will offer money (hopefully So they die of hunger or illness), and the rest will proceed as ignoring beggars on the street.

Clashes between those that work and those that lived ecclesiastic life-styles will occur -/ they're hunger for money will become so nagging people would gladly report them to authorities ...
The "faith" will surely show its retarded true face as some people put all their lives on this crooked lie and will become more and more desperate , shitheads will show up talking about the "Hend of thehe wearld" just for some grub ... Yeah some afro-ratofjudasbrotha comunities might end seccluding themselves even more or desplay desperate retardness .... You know - cut the route - whatch the weed as it slowly dies.
Lydia said:
Something of interest, I know Nostradamus was a racial jew, but he did state in his prophesies that after pope John Paul II, there would be only 2 more popes and then all of christianity would fall. Current pope Francis is the 2nd pope after JPII, making him the last in the prophecy.

Just thought I would mention that.

I believe that Nostradamus is a fictional character that the Jews invented and his image was copied from great alchemists were at that time as John Dee or Leonardo da Vinci.
His prophecies are only the agenda of the Jewish world order that they try to materialize with their Torah.
Thank you everyone who responded to me.
Man, I was really looking at this situation in a linear perception.
As I am surrounded by all these orthodox xtians, I thought that the world would be waking up when THEY would abandon their religious beliefs... but you made me realize, that's not really how it goes.

These people are nothing but sheep. They will indeed follow their masses like one of you said.

Thank you so much again.

So yaaaay the catholic church is losing power! :lol: :lol:

It's about time for us to be in charge. :cool: :twisted: :twisted:
High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
The RTRs are hitting the Catholic Church HARD. The Catholic Church is the bulwark of Christianity, being the original Christian church. It's the foundation of Christianity. The root. After it collapses, the Protestant splinter groups will follow.

Everyone, please stay on the final RTR.

Aug 26, 2018
Pope Francis helped cover up ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick's sex abuse, former Vatican ambassador claims in extraordinary letter

The Vatican’s former ambassador to the United States has purportedly written an explosive letter claiming that Pope Francis knew about sex abuse allegations against disgraced ex-Cardinal Theodore McCarrick for years but chose to cover up the charges and elevate the cardinal’s position within the church before accepting his resignation last month.


High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I hope killing xianity will bring improvements in other areas as xianity should be the biggest source of energy for the matrix.

Economically speaking capitalism is heading towards communism. Those are 2 systems made to alternate in history. As of now the economical situation in my country is getting horrible. And it has been getting worse and worse for 3 years.

Jws indians chinese and arabs buy hundreds of apartments and only use them for renting. This is increasing the apartment prices like hell. It should be an affordable asset but they are more expensive than the solar system. Also the biggest pig farm was infested with a disease and all the pigs need to be killed. This will sky rocket the meat peices and we will start importing from spain and germany ... yay for western europe...

This couldn t have happened at a worst time. The budget deficient is a disaster.
If this keeps up it paves the way for communism. And people always fight eachother over nothing...

I hope the rtr hits the economy fast.
Good to hear xianity falling though.

I am not sure how energy manifests... i hope it doesn t take from a bix to fill another
Lydia said:
Something of interest, I know Nostradamus was a racial jew, but he did state in his prophesies that after pope John Paul II, there would be only 2 more popes and then all of christianity would fall. Current pope Francis is the 2nd pope after JPII, making him the last in the prophecy.

Just thought I would mention that.
Hi, Lydia. It's always nice to see you here.

I might regurgitate this ad nauseam (hehe) until everyone is sick (hehe) of hearing (reading) me say it - the best way to prophesy the future is to make it yourself. The names of each of the last "the" popses was "prophesied"...alternatively, the real names of each of "the" popses are changed to conform with this "prophesy".

- The final "the" pope will be named thusly! Verily! I stand before ye here and shout it aloud for all of Earth and "heaven" to hear. Here me, here me; here ye, here ye - the name of the final "the" pope shall be...Ronald...
- Err, Honey.
- Yes?
- What is the name of our beloved baby boy?
- Bradley, silly. Why do you ask such a question?
- No reason. I just had a blonde moment. (Damn it. Well, it's OK. The board will rename him to "the" pope Ronald.) Phew!
- ...and she shall be a trans-girl! "the lord" spoke unto me, the final "the" pope shall be a MtF girl named Ronald!
- Erm... Hey, baby. I think we should try for a girl.
- ...
- It's not right for poor Bradley to be lonely, and you know one of each is always pleasant...
Lydia said:
Something of interest, I know Nostradamus was a racial jew, but he did state in his prophesies that after pope John Paul II, there would be only 2 more popes and then all of christianity would fall. Current pope Francis is the 2nd pope after JPII, making him the last in the prophecy.

Just thought I would mention that.

Did that like really know sh**, or he just wrote that book to delude the masses?
Lydia said:
Something of interest, I know Nostradamus was a racial jew, but he did state in his prophesies that after pope John Paul II, there would be only 2 more popes and then all of christianity would fall. Current pope Francis is the 2nd pope after JPII, making him the last in the prophecy.

Just thought I would mention that.

Did that kike really know sh**, or he just wrote that book to delude the masses?

(to the mod: please delete previous message as it had a typo)
Larissa666 said:
Lydia said:
Something of interest, I know Nostradamus was a racial jew, but he did state in his prophesies that after pope John Paul II, there would be only 2 more popes and then all of christianity would fall. Current pope Francis is the 2nd pope after JPII, making him the last in the prophecy.

Just thought I would mention that.

Did that kike really know sh**, or he just wrote that book to delude the masses?

(to the mod: please delete previous message as it had a typo)

Who knows .... Maybe after all that alcholl and bucket smoking ,a kike might be able to see it's own inferiority and eventual death ...

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
