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Reverse Torah Ritual Schedule: Dec 7 to Dec 12

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Greetings to all of our Satanic Warriors,

I am posting below the schedule for the next 5 days from December 7th. After this schedule, we will not be doing any more warfare for quite a while and only blessing Rituals.

It's preposterous that anyone, any human society, any Nation, anyone, has to constantly defend itself from the jewish negativity, curses, and as we can see, warmongering policies. The whole world stands at shock to have to witness all of this, yet the world is also aware of what is going on now.

The so called mask of the "oppressed" jewish people has fell on the floor, broken and shattered. Now they are seen as the oppressors they have always been at their striking majority. As Israeli officials mention, they won't stop until they have wiped out everyone who is... a terrorist.

That likely involves women, children, everyone at all. It's all Hamas after all including the little children they shoot or they keep in camps in all these leaked videos. As we know, anyone who isn't a jew and not on board with them, is of course, a terrorist, an anti-semite, is always wrong, and they are always right. We know all their false narratives by now.

Gaza looks increasingly by the day as more and more of one giant blood sacrifice. As the enemy has their Hakkunah [Yes it's reversed in how I wrote it] in the next days, we will have to make sure that we remain shielded while we give them a return of their own karmic death medicine that they are inflicting on humanity on a constant basis.

In regards to what "Hannukah" is, it's another celebration of more wars that supposedly had to do with liberating the little, eternally oppressed, always wronged, never evil, always good, always justified in all genocides and perversions, jewish people.

They will likely sign rockets and bullets against on this day to send to everyone, in the usual peaceful religion of peace that they are.

Anyhow, the paleolithic warmorgering of the jews aside, we will do what we have to do spiritually for this and move on with our lives as Israel keeps stacking more and more onto it's own large backlog of sins and falsehoods in front of the Gods.

After this we will continue with the beauty they have stolen from the world. Of course, inside the Schedule there will be God Rituals to also have a powerful result.

May the Gods be with us all, and may peaceful days arrive where the insanity of the enemy will be a thing of the past.

Ritual Schedule:

7. Andras Power Ritual, Reverse Blood Sacrifice Ritual, Curse Israel RTR.
8. Andras Power Ritual, Reverse Blood Sacrifice Ritual, Curse Israel RTR.
9. Orobas Power Ritual, Justice Against Enemy Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
10. Marbas Power Ritual, Justice Against Enemy Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
11. Beelzebul Power Ritual, Destroying Jewish World Domination Part 2 RTR, Curse Israel RTR
12. Beelzebul Power Ritual, Destroying Jewish World Domination Part 2 RTR, Curse Israel RTR

Links to the Rituals [CLASSIC FORMAT]

Andras Power Ritual: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Andras_Power_Ritual.html
Reverse Blood Sacrifice Ritual: https://old.josrituals.org/Rtrs/Reverse195Ritual.html
Curse Israel RTR: https://old.josrituals.org/Rtrs/CurseIsraelRitual.html
Orobas Power Ritual: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Orobas_Power_Ritual.html
Marbas Power Ritual: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Marbas_Power_Ritual.html
Destroying Jewish World Domination #2: https://old.josrituals.org/Rtrs/D298.html
Beelzebul Power Ritual: https://old.josrituals.org/Demons/Baalzebul_Power_Ritual.html
Justice Ritual: https://old.josrituals.org/Rtrs/I5417.html

Links to the Rituals [NEW FORMAT]

Andras Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/andras-power-ritual
Reverse Blood Sacrifice Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/reverse-blood-sacrifice-genesis-95
Curse Israel RTR: https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/curse-israel-genesis-122-3
Justice Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/restoring-justice-isaiah-5417
Orobas Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/orobas-power-ritual
Marbas Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/marbas-power-ritual
Destroying Jewish World Domination #2: https://josrituals.org/ritual/rtr/destroying-jewish-rule-domination-2
Beelzebul Power Ritual: https://josrituals.org/ritual/demon/beelzebul-power-ritual
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
After this schedule, we will not be doing any more warfare for quite a while and only blessing Rituals.

i think saying this is taboo and i might be frowned upon, but finally.

i’ve never seen so much dense and varied work since 2021 that i was fighting in just one year on the agenda.

please. :cry:
This is a great schedule to see. I can't wait to begin in a couple days.

Also, it seems so apparent to me just how much progress we have made with the Gods at our side in just wrecking the enemy. They are absolutely getting hammered beyond belief and failing at absolutely everything.

It will continue to just get worse and worse for them. We have made such a wonderful amount of progress in punishing these maggots. We won't stop until our world is free of these monsters and their endless warmongering bullshit.

Hail Satan!
Hell yes!! Hail Hell’s Army!! Hail Satan!! Hail Victoria!!! Hail Our Final Victory!!
Yeah things in the usa are getting interesting. Both the white house and a town in virgina have had to remove the menorah and the star of david from the yule celebrations. The white house cancelled the hanakah celebration all together. So things are definetly odd but in a good way as I see it. Hopefully this will be a great push for more positive things to come! :D

Hail Father Satan
Thank you HPHC,
May the Gods be with us all, and may peaceful days arrive where the insanity of the enemy will be a thing of the past.
Great HP, I'm just afraid that these Jews might use all the deadly energy of the Gaza war for their own purposes as they do with their constant blood sacrifices. What do you think about it? A lot of people die and that means a lot of ritualistic energy for them.
Its good to watch israel get bombed with rockets and artillery fire back though their nation is in utter chaos and shambles and their stock market has crashed substantially and now all the crazy Arab terrorist organisations are all going mental on them the islamic world is about ready to declare total Jihad on the jews they have been massively sanctioned especially with oil they have taken billions of dollars in damage and military losses thousands of jews have died fighting against the arabs its quite obvious at this point that israel cant fight for shit as i thought when they arent firing at children throwing stones at their tanks for driving them out if their homes with a 50 cal sniper rifle they arent as amazing and invincible as they think they are i personally think we should use our mars squares on turkey and drive turkey to war with israel they have the power to obliterate israel off the map but thats just my opinion.

Hazebollah is on the brink of waging all out war with israel they have over 100,000 missiles rockets and the like at their disposals and over 100,000 soldiers.

Yemeni houthis have a lot of high grade military equipment including fighter jets which they have already been using to fight israel occupation forces not to mention attack international trade with israel as well.

Turkey has declared a naval excercise in the sea region around israel to prevent the USA from sending war ships into the area for those who dont know if you declare military excercises in an area or war games then if you sail into this area your free game essentially it prevents the deployment of the USA fleet other arab nations have joined this naval excercise too.

Algerian parliament voted 100/100 to be prepared to wage war on israel only a couple of weeks ago alegira has about the same military force size as israel with israel having slightly more ground troops available mind you though thats in reservists and not actually active serving military personnel.

Egypt has tried to be amicable about the situation but with several "accidental attacks" from israel and the constant invasion of egyptian air space from israel aircraft egypt has mobilised its entire military force towards the border the egyptian military is massive.

Iran has over 100,000 missiles not rockets missiles ready and can be mass lanuched to flatten israel in their entirety never mind irans military and revolutionary guard forces.

All these factions put together will obliterate israel its hard to watch and many nore civilians of gaza will die but it will be there nations end it wont be the end of the jews but it will be the end of their nation greatly weaking their foot hold here.
Well, I thought today was 7th. I already started. Going to do Amon Ra's Ritual now. Lol.
SeguaceDiSatana said:
Great HP, I'm just afraid that these Jews might use all the deadly energy of the Gaza war for their own purposes as they do with their constant blood sacrifices. What do you think about it? A lot of people die and that means a lot of ritualistic energy for them.
The Reverse Blood Sacrifice ritual will take care of this. Any blood sacrifices they attempt to do will be null and void.
I will obliterate them!

As soos as a im fully heal for what they did to me I'm healing and they gonna get whats coming to them one way or another
Thank you, Commander!

Onward, to the total destruction of the enemy!

Hail Satan! Hail all the true Gods and Goddesses of humanity!
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=475978 time=1701850457 user_id=57]
SeguaceDiSatana said:
Great HP, I'm just afraid that these Jews might use all the deadly energy of the Gaza war for their own purposes as they do with their constant blood sacrifices. What do you think about it? A lot of people die and that means a lot of ritualistic energy for them.
The Reverse Blood Sacrifice ritual will take care of this. Any blood sacrifices they attempt to do will be null and void.

I sincerely thank you, Wonderful HPS Lydia, for your kind response. I will really put a lot of effort into this program of RTRs and reverse this typical Jewish crap!
Ancient Africa said:
I will obliterate them!

As soos as a im fully heal for what they did to me I'm healing and they gonna get whats coming to them one way or another
good to know that you're starting to feel better...you have the right mindset now ^

yes indeed, it's time to deal some additional damage, on top of all the warfare already done in the past... with AMON-RE-PTAH fully on our side now, that should become even easier ^
Thank you :)

Hail Satan!
Awesome! rituals that bless the gods are my favorite the incredible energy you feel afterwards is such an intense reward, its also a great way to start building a deeper connection and relationship with the gods.

I have done the Andras empowerment ritual before while trying to figure out if he was my GD (I think he is) but either way I have found his energy to be very calming and gives a great sense of satisfaction so I strongly recommend anybody who hasnt done a JoS ritual yet because of fears or concerns reading this to get engaged and stick to this schedule as best you can!

If you cant feel the energy yet, dont worry I didn't for a long time but make no mistake keep on the path and you will, when you can its a wonderful experience and make no mistake the gods know who are helping them, the human race and their fellow satanists and those who are only concerned with themselves, dont forget its a war and its all hands on deck!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
After this schedule, we will not be doing any more warfare for quite a while and only blessing Rituals.

You've mentioned sometime ago(1-2+ years ago).

That current schedule and the way things are doing nearing the end of the decade late-2020s we'll be doing rituals against the enemy.

Does this mean, above, that your seeing improvements in the war effort and our actions taking into rituals into the future is more limited. Due to improvements in reality? i.e. we did such a good job harming the enemy it might not be necessary to go that many years.

I've noticed over the last few years solid 5 years or so. Mention of ERAR(Enhanced Race Awakening Rituals), RIR/RKR(Reverse Islamic/Koranic rituals). And as well as a number of years ago you mentioned a "vibration" ritual, I believe the ritual is to improve the Earth's energies and vibrations to improve reality, also a factor in powering off the Earth from the damning forces of the enemies low-vibration/energy.

Also shouldn't we be doing the Hakkanuah rituals till Dec.15 i.e. 9-days?

Can we get the ritual extended or do you feel comfortable with the amount of RTR/RNTR of the past that our 6-day ritual will be enough?

@HP.Cobra if possible and not a violation of the Gods. Mind sharing with us how the war effort has been going. If not cool and you wish to keep certain things secret that is fine all the better.
*RTR M-666 Vulcan chaingun machine whirring can be heard behind a crowd of armed SS* Oh boy, time for me to go spring-cleaning again. :D

Very recently, a large stream of thoughts related to the God Mars came to my mind.

Thanks for the ritual and the schedule! I will do it! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
9. Orobas Power Ritual, Justice Against Enemy Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
10. Marbas Power Ritual, Justice Against Enemy Ritual, Curse Israel RTR

@Everyone, it's this ritual. HPHC emailed and confirmed:

Restoring Justice
The enemy will burn in the fires of our assault!

Curses* to israel!
Today I did works rituals rtrs for 5 hours
Venus square
Ganapataya mantra suggested by NakedPluto
Andras power ritual
3 parts FRTR
Curse Israel ritual x3
Reverse blood sacrifice ritual x3
Cleaning with SURYA

So basically today I just want to work after that did works all the time with little break to eat

And i want to mention that there is a powerful power supporting us the gods are watching, so please everyone do take this seriously, notice that you will be blessed and rewarded for your great work.

Hail Andras
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476197 time=1701973532 user_id=57]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
9. Orobas Power Ritual, Justice Against Enemy Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
10. Marbas Power Ritual, Justice Against Enemy Ritual, Curse Israel RTR

@Everyone, it's this ritual. HPHC emailed and confirmed:

Restoring Justice

Thank you HPS Lydia
AusarMelekTausHeruShango said:
[HPS said:
Lydia" post_id=476197 time=1701973532 user_id=57]
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
9. Orobas Power Ritual, Justice Against Enemy Ritual, Curse Israel RTR
10. Marbas Power Ritual, Justice Against Enemy Ritual, Curse Israel RTR

@Everyone, it's this ritual. HPHC emailed and confirmed:

Restoring Justice

Thank you HPS Lydia

All specified now on the schedule, thanks for bringing it up.
I thought the other rtrs other than the final we didn’t need to do? Are they just for power dates? And how can I get a schedule of every year of power dates and rituals so I don’t miss coming to the forms?
Hail Satan! Hail Hitler! Hail Lilith! Hail Azazel! Hail Astarte! Hail Marba! Hail Beelzebub! Hail Amon!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
After this schedule, we will not be doing any more warfare for quite a while and only blessing Rituals.

We still should do everyday, at least once FRTR+Tetra+Shattering right?

To new people always clean after doing RTRs.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
