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Respectful Disagreements, Ethics when arguing.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2017
I've noticed alot of this on the forums for awhile where a small disagreement, argument progresses into a dumpsterfire clusterfuck where members call eachother names, and call eachother jews over petty arguments.

I've been guilty of not handing myself properly in some disagreements as well, I'm sure we all have at one time or another. However I want to do better at this.

I wanted to make this post as a reminder to myself and other members that we should try to conduct ourselves in arguments, debates, and disagreements in a more elegant and refined manner, for the betterment of the whole, so I was hoping starting a post on this would be a way of us discussing this, how we can better handle ourselves in these type of situations, and or just sharing thoughts on this.

I'm only saying this and posting this, because I see it enough to where I think it should be mentioned. A great majority of this forum is dedicated advancing SS.

Thankfully we are long past the days of Kai Purr, f0sterCh1ld and other degenerated types that frequently were around back in the day to just cause confusion and issues.

(Those who get the reference definitely remember... the WE ARE GODZ AND SHIEETT crowd)

Of course there's the druggie posts we see occasionally, unhinged basketcases and shitty poor attempts at jews trying to hide in the bushes, but that's about it.

I hope this post can give at least some Spiritual Satanists a few minutes to think on this, and after reflecting on it, know where to go from here when I comes to ethical disagreements.
I agree 100%.

It should generally be handled as a "correction" not a "correlation" as most of the time the latter only makes the other person more frustrated, there are ways of being witty in a argument without calling someone out directly which also creates a more productive conversation.

I have been reading works of Epictetus, and I think if any SS have the time they should read the text attached to the link above. He goes on to say not to get lost in the appearance of things for you judge without totality. Disagreements are like this, they are all about the appearance and never about the entirety of why there is a difference of opinion.

I will post just a little but of it below,

Work, therefore to be able to say to every harsh appearance,
"You are but an appearance, and not absolutely the thing you
appear to be." And then examine it by those rules which you
have, and first, and chiefly, by this: whether it concerns the
things which are in our own control, or those which are not;
and, if it concerns anything not in our control, be prepared
to say that it is nothing to you.
Agree. Remembering about respect not only with hell, but with your brothers and sisters on earth is very important. Only together without humanity broken behaviors we can win against our enemy. That's our power, that they don't have. When somebody realized, that he can become God the right reaction is feel of responsibility, not arrogance. I know sometimes is hard to hold up your proud, because we can learn arrogance by feeling higher than NPCs, are without any knowledge and weaker souls, but remember about it to save yourself.
I agree with you, most of us advancing SS are adults we shouldn't be insulting each other but apply maturity I have also observed what you have observed..Some call another dedicated advancing SS a jew because of arguments..Not trying to disrespect anyone but all am saying is that during arguments try and apply maturity and don't insult any fellow dedicated SS.
If people want to make themselves look like fools let them for all to see, I say. They will do it anyway.
People come to their own conclusions and this is a consequence of free will/thought. There will always be harsh opinions, criticism, opposition, and yes, heated debate/arguing.
While I concur calling each other jews is unnecessary, and disrespectful, I find myself laughing at overreactions/unnecessary things like this myself. I mean really, it's the internet. We've seen worse, no?
The problem with the forum is that there are not only spiritual satanist of different levels, age and maturity but even infiltrators and very immature confused people. This is obviously going to bring the level of discussion down. We can only do so much to controll this because obviously the forums need to be open and free for everyone.
What I personally find particularly shocking, is when such arguments escalate into causing one party to relinquish their affiliation with Spiritual Satanism overall. How are you going to "leave" when you've pledged yourself to lifetimes of perfecting your soul?

I understand that among the purposes of the forums is to communicate, provide inquiries and answers alike in order to learn, as knowledge has always been the key to our advancement, and power. But if communication with others is what begins to impact one's will and priorities for what we're truly meant to be doing, then perhaps it could be healthier for one to consider refraining from such, to a degree.

I have insane anger problems, but I have never been in an argument on the forums. Half of that is because I never talk, but it's precisely that, which allows me to focus on my personal goals in advancing. Had some embarrassing lash-outs back on Yahoo though.

Maximizing our personal advancement; that's what it's all about in the end, is it not? If one truly needs to, take a step back, and only come here to check for RTR schedules and Announcements, for however long one needs.

One can continue meditating and RTRing, doing yoga, workings, etc. on one's own, detached from the forums if required.

Even with the little amount of interaction I have conducted so far on the forums, I always try to convey a sense of respect towards the other person and their thoughts. I believe this is mostly why I personally have not faced any form of altercation so far, and it can benefit others as much as it has me.

If one truly wishes to convey one's contrasting opinion towards another whose thoughts they may not agree with, consider familiarising yourself with the rules and procedure of formal debate. One could potentially choose more elaborate words that possess greater politeness, words that strike less personally to minimise the chance of the other person taking it as such.

Phrase thoughts in ways that take the opposing party's opinion into consideration, with examples to express your understanding of their viewpoint, and respectfully word your own to convey what you think in opposition to what they do.

Lastly, think of how we look like to newcomers, people trying to learn. Wouldn't want to give them the wrong impression.
Over the years as I meditated I understood every Soul here [despite of personal issues, you CANNOT be liked by all and like all], is on the same path.

Everyone deserves a given level of respect, like one would respect people of their own congregation or university.

Also, older SS do instruct others by their own example here. That responsibility reflects both on the Gods and the patrons of people.

Only definite traitors and shills should be argued with negative or hostile intention. Then, we have curses. The enemy causes disputes, divides, attacks us all, and wants to turn everyone against everyone.

I do not remember of a singular infiltrator example that didn't do the above. They like to leave a mess and destruction whenever they go. Satan is crystal clear, unity is paramount.

The point of argumentation between legitimate SS is merely to elaborate on things, advance knowledge, even argue in this context and disagree, but it cannot be for mere hostility, that is NPC andrapoda goy behavior. If one also dislikes strongly someone that doesn't mean they have to attack them or something.

It's not like you are married with them you are on an forum discussing things.
luis said:
The problem with the forum is that there are not only spiritual satanist of different levels, age and maturity but even infiltrators and very immature confused people. This is obviously going to bring the level of discussion down. We can only do so much to controll this because obviously the forums need to be open and free for everyone.

Agreed, exactly. It's also up to the people who are the seasoned individuals mostly.
OhNoItsMook said:
What I personally find particularly shocking, is when such arguments escalate into causing one party to relinquish their affiliation with Spiritual Satanism overall. How are you going to "leave" when you've pledged yourself to lifetimes of perfecting your soul?

I understand that among the purposes of the forums is to communicate, provide inquiries and answers alike in order to learn, as knowledge has always been the key to our advancement, and power. But if communication with others is what begins to impact one's will and priorities for what we're truly meant to be doing, then perhaps it could be healthier for one to consider refraining from such, to a degree.

I have insane anger problems, but I have never been in an argument on the forums. Half of that is because I never talk, but it's precisely that, which allows me to focus on my personal goals in advancing. Had some embarrassing lash-outs back on Yahoo though.

Maximizing our personal advancement; that's what it's all about in the end, is it not? If one truly needs to, take a step back, and only come here to check for RTR schedules and Announcements, for however long one needs.

One can continue meditating and RTRing, doing yoga, workings, etc. on one's own, detached from the forums if required.

Even with the little amount of interaction I have conducted so far on the forums, I always try to convey a sense of respect towards the other person and their thoughts. I believe this is mostly why I personally have not faced any form of altercation so far, and it can benefit others as much as it has me.

If one truly wishes to convey one's contrasting opinion towards another whose thoughts they may not agree with, consider familiarising yourself with the rules and procedure of formal debate. One could potentially choose more elaborate words that possess greater politeness, words that strike less personally to minimise the chance of the other person taking it as such.

Phrase thoughts in ways that take the opposing party's opinion into consideration, with examples to express your understanding of their viewpoint, and respectfully word your own to convey what you think in opposition to what they do.

Lastly, think of how we look like to newcomers, people trying to learn. Wouldn't want to give them the wrong impression.

The Forums is like a big school alongside king of a University, in more than one ways. School not as in that's it's for children, but over the years it teaches you many things. Interaction is important. It's like a social situation.

Many people don't like this and it can be stressful for them, but it teaches us things through interactions with others, it's always a give and take. For one, people are different. When one is by themselves, that doesn't bother them, but social interaction is what it is.

Yahoo was really bad. That's x100 times better here. But that doesn't mean we can't go x100 times better from here too.
One of the biggest issues here is when new people come in and are obstinate about spreading ideas and other things that most people know here to be wrong or harmful, and will even push these things to the point of insult or confrontation, talking down to people and act like they know more. It happens a lot and i see it with many new accounts but not all. Because there is a lot of cases where it ends up being a troll or other people will often begin to treat them accordingly, and this can cause a lot of heated debates. Who knows though maybe most of these people are in their teens. Still no excuse.

It at times for a purpose or another, to let trolls and others through that intentionally try to sow dissent, but past a point i think it it is helpful to put a stop to them more promptly, especially if it shows they have no intention of stopping, or they may otherwise just keep wasting everyone's time. And i don't mean the new people that have a brief spat then go "oh ok", but the legitimate trolls. We have one still active as we speak in fact. There is a number who have a history of harassment even, and even have looked for other SS on other platforms, more than once looking to troll them there. It gets tiresome after a time.
serpentwalker666 said:
I've noticed alot of this on the forums for awhile where a small disagreement, argument progresses into a dumpsterfire clusterfuck where members call eachother names, and call eachother jews over petty arguments.

I've been guilty of not handing myself properly in some disagreements as well, I'm sure we all have at one time or another. However I want to do better at this.

I wanted to make this post as a reminder to myself and other members that we should try to conduct ourselves in arguments, debates, and disagreements in a more elegant and refined manner, for the betterment of the whole, so I was hoping starting a post on this would be a way of us discussing this, how we can better handle ourselves in these type of situations, and or just sharing thoughts on this.

I'm only saying this and posting this, because I see it enough to where I think it should be mentioned. A great majority of this forum is dedicated advancing SS.

Thankfully we are long past the days of Kai Purr, f0sterCh1ld and other degenerated types that frequently were around back in the day to just cause confusion and issues.

(Those who get the reference definitely remember... the WE ARE GODZ AND SHIEETT crowd)

Of course there's the druggie posts we see occasionally, unhinged basketcases and shitty poor attempts at jews trying to hide in the bushes, but that's about it.

I hope this post can give at least some Spiritual Satanists a few minutes to think on this, and after reflecting on it, know where to go from here when I comes to ethical disagreements.

Right on the money here.
There have been "High Priests" whom are no longer with Satan anymore. We are not like them, true SS will never leave Satan.

We will all someday have a great responsibility to lead our nations into spiritual growth. We should watch closely how our beloved HP communicate, and find our own path to pass down this knowledge when we are ready.

Each of us, who is true on this path, has the potential to be a HP, and considering the state of this planet, it is neccessary that many of us do rise into this responsibility.
There is an issue that some people think that anything that doesn't align with their beliefs and limited experience, is automatically an attack and they react not only by getting defensive but also by using the "attack is the best defence" tactic. So, suddenly, your forum activity comes under review and there is no longer any debate, as everything goes immediately off-topic and person.

I agree with you that respectfully arguing and disagreeing is necessary, but it's often not viable and it's often best to just abandon the conversation because the other person can become a hedgehog just because of disagreement.

Sometimes it's also not about disagreement. There are things that are plainly wrong and things that are plainly right, and the above applies either. Disagreement comes when arguing opinion, not when arguing facts like "the crown chakra is violet in colour". When a person is wrong but insists they are right and attack you for correcting you, the best one can do is leave them to their own devices, if your words cannot get through to them. This can happen because of soul incompatibility or even communication style incompatibility. Someone else who is more compatible may intervene later on and finally get the message through.
Who only Jewize their debate partner in every debate. They are underdeveloped in their way of thinking.
But I think SS is also about developing the mindset, the emotional level, in addition to meditation.
But surely the more advanced members know that.

There's no need for sociopaths who threaten murder at the slightest disagreement.
This is the lowest level.
It happens mostly around Mercury Retrograde as well, when people here should know better and should take extra care to double check their own words and make sure they're not coming across in a manner they don't want to be. A lot of people simply don't put that much thought or foresight into how they'll be perceived which causes issues. I get not everyone has that time, but a quick double read shouldn't be too difficult. Many here have always managed to stay respectful and not start arguments. I've corrected others and I've been corrected but I never let that stop me from remaining respectful.

I think many here have an understandable rebellious nature given our current planet situation, and don't know how to turn that off. A lot of especially the new people who find their way here are suddenly in a room where they're no longer the smartest one and that can be a big adjustment, that most don't even realize. They're used to being the ones always right and are therefore harder to correct delicately. If this sounds like you, realize it's a good thing to be surrounded by those smarter than you. It's the biggest relief to me knowing if I'm wrong someone will probably correct me here, I don't need to have all the answers. A simple change in perspective will make the forums run a lot smoother for everyone.
Bravera said:
There have been "High Priests" whom are no longer with Satan anymore. We are not like them, true SS will never leave Satan.

We will all someday have a great responsibility to lead our nations into spiritual growth. We should watch closely how our beloved HP communicate, and find our own path to pass down this knowledge when we are ready.

Each of us, who is true on this path, has the potential to be a HP, and considering the state of this planet, it is neccessary that many of us do rise into this responsibility.

In Ancient religions there was only one top High Priest and there were many other Priests. That was deliberate and to instate a form of order, but also because to give the title to many people, can squander a very important title. HPS Maxine has been a strict living definition of this title.

Even the jews, have the innermost top "Rabbis", and then others who run their own regards, local communities etc.

Priesthood is one of the hardest posts to follow and ascribe to in a real fashion. Just getting a title is one thing, maintaining it and not falling into the endless arrays of disasters or the enemy etc, is another.

Given there were quite a few "HP's" before when even I, as a regular member, about a decade ago or so, had issues, and watched how they never took anything seriously, I can attest that many have done way more for this community than some of them. One must honor what title they receive but not everyone does. As with any test, one can also fail it or succeed at it.

After a door is open, one must walk through and keep walking. SS, when the levels of maturity and inner understanding are reached, do naturally have a role to guide our own prospective nations and people, the masses, the list goes. That's exactly how the chain goes for the Gods too.

There will be more HPS but as I have stated before, many have already done more and have exceeded in service, compared to many who had this title and didn't walk it through with the given care. As one can understand, the Gods see this and the community too. Others don't even want any title and they understand the real meaning of what this is about.

What one does TRULY is the real factor before any title. A title without the essence of it's contribution is as if it does not exist.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SS, when the levels of maturity and inner understanding are reached, do naturally have a role to guide our own prospective nations and people, the masses, the list goes. That's exactly how the chain goes for the Gods too.

This is what Adolf Hitler means when he says in the Mein Kampf that men "shall not merely learn to obey, but shall be trained with a view to commanding at some future time." If everyone has this mindset, it makes a total difference in the whole strength of an army.
I've said before about the importance of not getting into arguments, anyone can take that into account in my previous writings.But when it comes down to it, yes, I can see that, and I need to learn exactly what everyone else has to learn to approach the situation with sophistication.
Now I know very well that I have a couple of SS's stuck with me,but there could have been more than one.
I also know that I could have chosen not to get involved in the arguments,but I had to defend myself,and to some extent,I could have taken my steps more wisely.
The truth is that there will always be a person/people who will always get into arguments, but that is only true until it is replaced by understanding, because when there is insight and understanding, that is when the relationship can truly flourish in a positive way.
You also have to take into account that when someone wants to share something because they have not yet been verbally introduced to new things and they know it is ok, they will come and start explaining.
This would only be ok if there are lies,or total bullshit on a total scale. That is why I said that we should not criticize but help each other.And then there is no problem!
Moreover, many people do not take things carefully when they read a post and immediately react to it and write their own.
That is a problem!
Of course! Not everyone is on a higher level! Not everyone has developed consciousness or anything like that.
We are here to learn! We are here to improve ourselves, and the world! We are here to fight the enemy! We are here to bring justice, order, freedom and independence to humanity (the Jsentil people).
And we are here to save our home planet Earth.
Satan has put us here in this time to bring light to the world!

The other is: Why is it that our fellow Satanists are blaspheming each other?
Because they either want to point it out, explain that -listen, this is Jewish behaviour you're doing!
Either way you look at it, you are absolutely insulting the other.
Someone should write about this to get a clear picture of the Gentile or Jewish/Reptilian psychology, so that one can easily get rid of the Jewish influence.

There are so many things that have not been mentioned,almost endless things,and no one even thinks about it.
Many people think that the world is only as much as it knows and has experienced! Well, that's not true!
It's just our level of development, nothing else! And we have to keep growing to be better.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bravera said:
There have been "High Priests" whom are no longer with Satan anymore. We are not like them, true SS will never leave Satan.

We will all someday have a great responsibility to lead our nations into spiritual growth. We should watch closely how our beloved HP communicate, and find our own path to pass down this knowledge when we are ready.

Each of us, who is true on this path, has the potential to be a HP, and considering the state of this planet, it is neccessary that many of us do rise into this responsibility.

In Ancient religions there was only one top High Priest and there were many other Priests. That was deliberate and to instate a form of order, but also because to give the title to many people, can squander a very important title. HPS Maxine has been a strict living definition of this title.

Even the jews, have the innermost top "Rabbis", and then others who run their own regards, local communities etc.

Priesthood is one of the hardest posts to follow and ascribe to in a real fashion. Just getting a title is one thing, maintaining it and not falling into the endless arrays of disasters or the enemy etc, is another.

Given there were quite a few "HP's" before when even I, as a regular member, about a decade ago or so, had issues, and watched how they never took anything seriously, I can attest that many have done way more for this community than some of them. One must honor what title they receive but not everyone does. As with any test, one can also fail it or succeed at it.

After a door is open, one must walk through and keep walking. SS, when the levels of maturity and inner understanding are reached, do naturally have a role to guide our own prospective nations and people, the masses, the list goes. That's exactly how the chain goes for the Gods too.

There will be more HPS but as I have stated before, many have already done more and have exceeded in service, compared to many who had this title and didn't walk it through with the given care. As one can understand, the Gods see this and the community too. Others don't even want any title and they understand the real meaning of what this is about.

What one does TRULY is the real factor before any title. A title without the essence of it's contribution is as if it does not exist.

I have found growth in a million different forms, I understand that even a small thing can blossom into massive understanding. When we reach to the Gods we can find our own way to assist the development of this community and the world.

I look often to my dreams in my childhood, of the man I wanted to become, this seems to be closer to my soul desire, and this I believe is where I should aspire. I enjoy very much creating characters, and have decided to develop my creative writing, I often find within my characters, valuable knowledge about what is my "purpose" and where I am meant to go. I spent a great deal of time trying to be like others, holding myself responsible for others, holding myself responsible for the fate of this world. This has been great and I have learned much things, but the weight of the world can be a great burden. I still want the Gods when they arrive to be shocked and proud of what we have accomplished. I will create myself into a Champion, greater than the hero I have become :p
SleepingWolf said:
It happens mostly around Mercury Retrograde as well, when people here should know better and should take extra care to double check their own words and make sure they're not coming across in a manner they don't want to be. A lot of people simply don't put that much thought or foresight into how they'll be perceived which causes issues. I get not everyone has that time, but a quick double read shouldn't be too difficult. Many here have always managed to stay respectful and not start arguments. I've corrected others and I've been corrected but I never let that stop me from remaining respectful.

I think many here have an understandable rebellious nature given our current planet situation, and don't know how to turn that off. A lot of especially the new people who find their way here are suddenly in a room where they're no longer the smartest one and that can be a big adjustment, that most don't even realize. They're used to being the ones always right and are therefore harder to correct delicately. If this sounds like you, realize it's a good thing to be surrounded by those smarter than you. It's the biggest relief to me knowing if I'm wrong someone will probably correct me here, I don't need to have all the answers. A simple change in perspective will make the forums run a lot smoother for everyone.

That's like a comment of big facts and Truths. I think before any argument one must ask if there is a point in conducting one.
Bravera said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bravera said:
There have been "High Priests" whom are no longer with Satan anymore. We are not like them, true SS will never leave Satan.



I look often to my dreams in my childhood, of the man I wanted to become, this seems to be closer to my soul desire, and this I believe is where I should aspire. I enjoy very much creating characters, and have decided to develop my creative writing, I often find within my characters, valuable knowledge about what is my "purpose" and where I am meant to go. I spent a great deal of time trying to be like others, holding myself responsible for others, holding myself responsible for the fate of this world. This has been great and I have learned much things, but the weight of the world can be a great burden. I still want the Gods when they arrive to be shocked and proud of what we have accomplished. I will create myself into a Champion, greater than the hero I have become :p

That's a good mentality provided it's balanced with a regular and normal outlook on life. Congratulations on all of this drive and mentality. This is how it should be. Balance is also necessary. Then any burdens can be easily managed. SS should understand how much beauty and power there is inside them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SleepingWolf said:
It happens mostly around Mercury Retrograde as well, when people here should know better and should take extra care to double check their own words and make sure they're not coming across in a manner they don't want to be. A lot of people simply don't put that much thought or foresight into how they'll be perceived which causes issues. I get not everyone has that time, but a quick double read shouldn't be too difficult. Many here have always managed to stay respectful and not start arguments. I've corrected others and I've been corrected but I never let that stop me from remaining respectful.

I think many here have an understandable rebellious nature given our current planet situation, and don't know how to turn that off. A lot of especially the new people who find their way here are suddenly in a room where they're no longer the smartest one and that can be a big adjustment, that most don't even realize. They're used to being the ones always right and are therefore harder to correct delicately. If this sounds like you, realize it's a good thing to be surrounded by those smarter than you. It's the biggest relief to me knowing if I'm wrong someone will probably correct me here, I don't need to have all the answers. A simple change in perspective will make the forums run a lot smoother for everyone.

That's like a comment of big facts and Truths. I think before any argument one must ask if there is a point in conducting one.

I hope everyone reaches your level of awareness quickly enough. I think the quickest way to avoid those toxic arguments that devolve really is just picking your battles, and knowing when an argument is worthwhile. That would cut down half the issues, and carefully chosen words would be the remaining half.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Bravera said:
There have been "High Priests" whom are no longer with Satan anymore. We are not like them, true SS will never leave Satan.

We will all someday have a great responsibility to lead our nations into spiritual growth. We should watch closely how our beloved HP communicate, and find our own path to pass down this knowledge when we are ready.

Each of us, who is true on this path, has the potential to be a HP, and considering the state of this planet, it is neccessary that many of us do rise into this responsibility.

In Ancient religions there was only one top High Priest and there were many other Priests. That was deliberate and to instate a form of order, but also because to give the title to many people, can squander a very important title. HPS Maxine has been a strict living definition of this title.

Even the jews, have the innermost top "Rabbis", and then others who run their own regards, local communities etc.

Priesthood is one of the hardest posts to follow and ascribe to in a real fashion. Just getting a title is one thing, maintaining it and not falling into the endless arrays of disasters or the enemy etc, is another.

Given there were quite a few "HP's" before when even I, as a regular member, about a decade ago or so, had issues, and watched how they never took anything seriously, I can attest that many have done way more for this community than some of them. One must honor what title they receive but not everyone does. As with any test, one can also fail it or succeed at it.

After a door is open, one must walk through and keep walking. SS, when the levels of maturity and inner understanding are reached, do naturally have a role to guide our own prospective nations and people, the masses, the list goes. That's exactly how the chain goes for the Gods too.

There will be more HPS but as I have stated before, many have already done more and have exceeded in service, compared to many who had this title and didn't walk it through with the given care. As one can understand, the Gods see this and the community too. Others don't even want any title and they understand the real meaning of what this is about.

What one does TRULY is the real factor before any title. A title without the essence of it's contribution is as if it does not exist.

I thank you for such dedication to Father Satan and the ability to guide us in times of need/ confusion and help. Praise Father Satan and all the Gods. You always provide very knowledgeable insight and keep me keen in interest. I simply enjoy it.

Hail Satan.
Among all the unnecessary arguments and disagreements. When we hold ourselves against others there's a few things I'm really proud of as an SS.

Removing all the confused individuals and infiltrators. None of us would actually hurt each other. Not only as respect to ourselves but to what we are as a whole. I've seen all thw fights and name calling but i just love how at one point of any argument each party will mention how much respect they have for SS members and their frustrations aren't towards us.

Very similar to relationships though you love your partner you do tend to off load your frustration onto them. We are all connected, brothers and sisters, children of one father.

As time goes on we will surely iron out such bad behaviour. But i believe everyone prefers to be here then to be anywhere else.
I enjoyed reading this thread and I've derived great inspiration from all of your words!

The antecedent of most (if not all) disagreements is complexity. The complexity of this world, of philosophy and of life experience. As we grow and learn from ourselves and each other we start to comprehend more.

For an example, when I was new I thought that that people here were hateful and prejudiced. It took some real waking up for me to understand who the enemy is. I used to think "well Jews are as diverse as we are. Where's the conspiracy?"
After watching many videos of their religion, values, mannerisms and micro expressions I started to see that they are all condescending and mostly pure evil. I also began to see who the ones pulling the strings and how they even create division within their own people along with our own. It was only after this that I developed a true understanding of HP Hooded Cobra's sermons.
Some Jewish people support the gay community and Iran, yet I'm starting to think this is the result of media and not genuine empathy because of the above (micro expressions and mannerisms).

Previously I also believed that "love is all you need" and "we can save the world with love", etc...

When people here attacked this idea I felt like they were attacking peace and love for life. I was close-minded and biased. We SS stand for rectification and justice. This cannot be achieved without knowledge. It is for this reason I am grateful to everyone for doing their best to bring this to our fellow members in a respectful and open-minded way.
sublimestatanist said:
For an example, when I was new I thought that that people here were hateful and prejudiced.

Perhaps this is my own perspective people are free to disagree with (of course) But I think we are hateful, and justifiably so. I've always believed true hate is born from true love. Only aware people which any SS should be of course, will have the true love for their people that true hate can be born from.

I think people see hate as purely a negative thing due to the enemy. The enemies hatred has no reason or love behind it, only love for themselves and barely that.

I think we are hateful for just reasons. The enemy has only been programmed to hate and people confuse their blind hatred with hatred born from love.

I'll glad say I hate those who are my enemy, because they made the choice to be against me and what I love, not the other way around.

Not exactly what this comment was about but some food for thought.
SleepingWolf said:
sublimestatanist said:
For an example, when I was new I thought that that people here were hateful and prejudiced.

Perhaps this is my own perspective people are free to disagree with (of course) But I think we are hateful, and justifiably so. I've always believed true hate is born from true love. Only aware people which any SS should be of course, will have the true love for their people that true hate can be born from.

I think people see hate as purely a negative thing due to the enemy. The enemies hatred has no reason or love behind it, only love for themselves and barely that.

I think we are hateful for just reasons. The enemy has only been programmed to hate and people confuse their blind hatred with hatred born from love.

I'll glad say I hate those who are my enemy, because they made the choice to be against me and what I love, not the other way around.

Not exactly what this comment was about but some food for thought.

That makes a lot of sense! I definitely agree that hatred can come from love. I don't know if it's my xianist upbringing but I was always told "don't hate the sinner, hate the sin".

I held onto this concept my entire life. It seems logical yet there are some people who are very deserving of hate, such as those abusing authority and those who oppress others.

That said, I don't think it's right to hate NPCs for petty things, such as spreading their beliefs in a respectful way. Even if their beliefs are complete BS I don't like cutting down these people too much. Making fun of them I'm down for, but calling them "worthless" or "hopeless" seems extreme to me, especially when people express how they deserve to be killed off.

I guess this can be a manifestation of people's anger toward religion and I probably shouldn't take such statements too literally. Philosophy is very complicated and I think that self discovery is the best approach. We are also very unique in our own self-expression and I should keep an open mind about these concepts.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and wisdom on this. :)

That said, I don't think it's right to hate NPCs for petty things, such as spreading their beliefs in a respectful way. Even if their beliefs are complete BS I don't like cutting down these people too much. Making fun of them I'm down for, but calling them "worthless" or "hopeless" seems extreme to me, especially when people express how they deserve to be killed off.

I guess this can be a manifestation of people's anger toward religion and I probably shouldn't take such statements too literally. Philosophy is very complicated and I think that self discovery is the best approach. We are also very unique in our own self-expression and I should keep an open mind about these concepts.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and wisdom on this. :)

Feels odd being so young and told I have any wisdom :lol:

But I think when people here at least express hatred towards NPCs it's typically the worst of them, the social media addicted people who promote the enemies agendas of trannies, communism, and endless migration and "vacinations" that people here tend to hate, with I think mostly just anger. In many ways these people are are traitors to their people, and exist in a way that promotes further dangers, especially to children. I understand most of these souls simply don't know better, and I personally would rather reserve the real hatred to the enemy, but I can't say I don't find myself when I'm in those corners thinking to myself "I won't shed a tear when you get what you deserve, only for those who you hurt"

Were I given the hammer it'd be hard not to strike such people down myself. I'd almost feel a duty to do it, just to prevent any children or our future from suffering any longer from these fools.

But the Gods are thankfully for them, far more merciful than me, a mere mortal.

When anyone says they "deserve" to be killed off, idk how many mean literally that they'd be okay with "death squads" rounding em up, but most people here I believe, refer to the karmic destiny that these people are making for themselves. These people do deserve the full consequences of their actions, and most of them are rather hopeless as it's very difficult to escape this reality. It takes a strong soul to escape that nonsense which would be hard for a strong soul to find themselves in in the first place.

I think most here are just understandably tired, but we're in the this fight to the bitter end. And it will be a glorious end.
SleepingWolf said:
Feels odd being so young and told I have any wisdom :lol:

But I think when people here at least express hatred towards NPCs it's typically the worst of them, the social media addicted people who promote the enemies agendas of trannies, communism, and endless migration and "vacinations" that people here tend to hate, with I think mostly just anger. In many ways these people are are traitors to their people, and exist in a way that promotes further dangers, especially to children. I understand most of these souls simply don't know better, and I personally would rather reserve the real hatred to the enemy, but I can't say I don't find myself when I'm in those corners thinking to myself "I won't shed a tear when you get what you deserve, only for those who you hurt"

Were I given the hammer it'd be hard not to strike such people down myself. I'd almost feel a duty to do it, just to prevent any children or our future from suffering any longer from these fools.

But the Gods are thankfully for them, far more merciful than me, a mere mortal.

When anyone says they "deserve" to be killed off, idk how many mean literally that they'd be okay with "death squads" rounding em up, but most people here I believe, refer to the karmic destiny that these people are making for themselves. These people do deserve the full consequences of their actions, and most of them are rather hopeless as it's very difficult to escape this reality. It takes a strong soul to escape that nonsense which would be hard for a strong soul to find themselves in in the first place.

I think most here are just understandably tired, but we're in the this fight to the bitter end. And it will be a glorious end.

That's funny lol! I'd suggest that there are young people here with more wisdom than some old people. I've seen some homeless people who are literally like children. Drugs will do that to people.

That's a good point too. These people are destroying themselves mentally, physically and spiritually while they promote their lifestyle to others. In a karmic sense I think you're right, they will reap what they sow.

Nearly everyone in my family is an NPC, fully jabbed and boosted. My dad even got shots for influenza, HIV among other things. It is sad but sometimes we can't help others and shouldn't waste our time.

It's like the saying goes: "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink".

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
