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Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
The situation is going to heat up considerably, and we will see things that we have "never seen" before.

This thread is open for conversation about how any sort of problem that may arise during this time. We are going to also open another thread if necessary.

The external world is going on a very chaotic situation. However, Satanists do also have an internal world.

And when this internal world is in order, none of this is going to scare you or phase you, and in fact, you might enjoy a little action: Because you keep in your mind the good news and the good tidings that will arrive after this whole thing is over with.

Certainly we are not there yet, but every moment deeper into the darkness, also brings us closer to the final light of it.

The enemy is getting exposed, and even-though it all looks rather scary, problematic, or the worst people have experienced, the reality is, this is the setting up of the perfect foundations for a future net increase of quality of existence for our world.

Speaking of pandemics, all they are doing now is like a virus, going rampant, which is in effecting kicking up the immune system to learn to adjust to this danger of the enemy. Before that, the infection was really latent and hiding. Now, it's actually fighting with the immune system.

In the eyes of a patient this is terrible news, but in the eyes of a doctor, it's actually good news. The outlook I want to keep everyone focused, is that of the doctor, and not the patient. We are not patients here.

We know what is going on, and we have been immunized through information about what is going on, such as about freedoms for example.

Humanity has had quite a lot of ignorant time for the last few decades, and this hasn't helped. As Jefferson said, the well of freedom has to be refreshed with new blood every so often [paraphrasing here big time].

With that being stated, this was something that was going to arrive and everyone here knew that. I know it may be extremely weird to actually see it happening, but everyone here has been prepared.

What HPS Maxine has also stated, was a very serious statement about how all of this is going to unfold. Things will go as she said, but we are a few years behind of the positive things for now. First, the negatives are going to be experienced.

According to the planets, which rarely lie about that phenomena, this will last a while. Everyone here has to be mentally, spiritually, and in other ways, prepared. Some countries will have it far worse than others, but all will be strangulated by the Jewish freemasonic clique [until humanity reacts] to all sorts of freedom crushing practices.

Currently, the ongoing rape of freedoms is going to be at the highest. Saturn will also retrograde and continue the damage. Heavy damages to freedoms will keep occurring worldwide, until at least the June of next year.

I know this sounds like a lot of time, but that's what this is. There is also going to be violence, restrains, abuse of power, and all sorts of other negativity. This will cause major reactions in the populace.

Both the "unvaccinated" and the "vaccinated" will experience their own end of suppression, and none will be exempt from what is coming. It's a convenient lie that the enemy is using that neither will have it better, because in one way or another, everyone will have their rights shrunk.

Co-Vid as a pandemic "In itself" will have few things to do with this, as most of this is going to be just a using of the opportunity for powers that be and the jewish agenda to promote itself. At the same rate, this is the foundation on which future resistance will be built. Many have been waking up, but these things that will happen, will wake up many sleepers more.

Keeping optimal mental and spiritual health through this is necessary, and meditation will provide this for everyone. This is NOT the end of the world or anything like this, but many of these measures can be crushing to many people worldwide. Nobody is exempt, and billions are undergoing the same condition.

Much of this is warfare for the mind, so that people comply to the "New Reality". It's therefore necessary for everyone to know how to ignore these things, and focus on other aspects of life for the time being. There's no use focusing your next three years doing skiing or whatever, if you know that it won't be the case.

Stay strong and simply try to do your best within your ability. Many people will be at their wits end with the enemy soon, and this is only the beginning of it all.

Also, some of us may also have to act in one way or another, and our rituals will bolster morale for people to fight back while they desynthesize and destroy the enemy.

Taio said:

Usually I don't make posts like that and I don't like to seem that I'm bitching and complaining. BUT the situation is heating up in some countries and Europe, mine is no exception..

Today I saw a disturbing video on tik tok platform how police in Australia are stopping random people IN THE HIGHWAY to see "the doctor".. Person is refusing to go but policemen are saying "No you need to see a doctor" ..

Mine country is no exception they are planning from Monday to don't allow not vaccinated people in almost any places like hospital, restaurant and even use public transportation..

So I was thinking is this really it? Is this how it's going to be? It seems like there is no solution I don't have enough money to just go and live alone in small village or something.. BUT if I take this nasty as dirty filthy ass bullshit I probably wont recover of all depression and sadness that would come with this, I would feel like I submitted and (("they")) won.. And I'm not like that I want to fight (doing my rtr part and so on..)


When all hope seems to be lost is Satan and Demons will assist and things like that..?

And is there any chance to Satanic soul to heal from this ..?

Those who have communication and be on the astral tell me what's the situation out there.. Does better energy's or something is coming along the way to wake up more people or expose jews..? thank you..

I don't know what I'm even writing I just feel very sad and more then ever Angry about all of this bullshit..



I love then with all my heart and I believe that something happen and this mess will be better for at least some time..

Usually I don't make posts like that and I don't like to seem that I'm bitching and complaining. BUT the situation is heating up in some countries and Europe, mine is no exception..

Today I saw a disturbing video on tik tok platform how police in Australia are stopping random people IN THE HIGHWAY to see "the doctor".. Person is refusing to go but policemen are saying "No you need to see a doctor" ..

Mine country is no exception they are planning from Monday to don't allow not vaccinated people in almost any places like hospital, restaurant and even use public transportation..

So I was thinking is this really it? Is this how it's going to be? It seems like there is no solution I don't have enough money to just go and live alone in small village or something.. BUT if I take this nasty as dirty filthy ass bullshit I probably wont recover of all depression and sadness that would come with this, I would feel like I submitted and (("they")) won.. And I'm not like that I want to fight (doing my rtr part and so on..)


When all hope seems to be lost is Satan and Demons will assist and things like that..?

And is there any chance to Satanic soul to heal from this ..?

Those who have communication and be on the astral tell me what's the situation out there.. Does better energy's or something is coming along the way to wake up more people or expose jews..? thank you..

I don't know what I'm even writing I just feel very sad and more then ever Angry about all of this bullshit..



I love then with all my heart and I believe that something happen and this mess will be better for at least some time..
I was happier before red pills by JoS. But I know if I had happier at these hard times, I would cry later. It is best to take red pills and cry now, laugh eternally later.
Bright Truth said:
I was happier before red pills by JoS. But I know if I had happier at these hard times, I would cry later. It is best to take red pills and cry now, laugh eternally later.

The information the JoS communicates is nothing compared to the enlightenment the path itself the JoS leads to. What you describe is happiness, is only a cloak of ignorance. You just think you would feel better by understanding less.

One would be weaker if they knew less, or understood less. Unlike xians who learn more just to be at the pity of fate, Satanists learn more to become masters of this fate with time and conscious effort.

But it's when you understand more and more of things, that joy attains more meaning and essence to itself. And then, you learn how to use this wider understanding to focus more on joy.

This path leads to joy of a very elevated kind. The world can all go to shit, but one retains this, because one finally owns their soul. Just keep advancing with meditation and with the Demons and you will understand...

I really like the analogy you used where the final rtr is like the cure while the other rtrs are like a pill treating the symptoms like a pain pill or something. And so even though those other rtrs won’t solve the situation at large they will greatly ameliorate the pain as symptoms arise through next year and on as you said.

IMO, yes things are getting bad and freedoms are being stripped and it’s quite alarming, but if you watch videos and read comments on social media and other platforms it’s insane how much people are wise to what’s going on. Polls show higher numbers than ever of people not trusting their governments or the media. This is like never before. This is because of the rtrs of course, but the main thing is that point needs to be highlighted. Yes the astrology isn’t looking great but it’s not set in stone and the spiritual efforts we’re doing will play a role in how those energies manifest so, as stated, it’s just more reason to keep our feet on the ground, stay wise and be diligent with spirituality.

For people who are scared, realize this, every act of control the jews and their cohorts do is not actually helping them, but rather it’s digging their grave.

With smart phones and people having cameras with them at all times, with the internet and social media and all these things, people can’t hide anymore. It’s impossible. Too many eyes. They’re exposing themselves at an alarming rate and actually they’re helping us defeat them.

My gratitude goes to the steady members here and our ministry who provide excellent timing for attacking our enemies because that’s what’s going to get us out of this mess alive. Nothing else.
I almost wonder if the Asians in Australia will be especially resistant after seeing the Chinese getting anal swabbed. Because stuff like that is next on the menu after forced vaccines.
jrvan said:
I almost wonder if the Asians in Australia will be especially resistant after seeing the Chinese getting anal swabbed. Because stuff like that is next on the menu after forced vaccines.

China is going simply out of control during this period. I read to where recently, the phones of Chinese people do read their faces and scan them.

If they are found to be lower than a specific age, games that they play shut down, to impose a 1 hour daily playing of games, and 2 hours at weekends. The impositions Chinese are going through, are brutal and many without any real use, it's just them going for total power over their populace in a Communist style government. Slowly, this will turn into a full blown USSR.

Many Chinese are having every human right violated. And maybe many don't care, but quite a few seem to care. This might cause an exodus from China in the future.

Not sure how this dystopia is going to end there. The only ways these types of things end, is through external war, or internal rebellion or collapse.

The whole system of China is what many jewish assholes here are trying to emulate and create here, but they have considerable problems with laws, Constitutions, public sentiment, and the populace resisting.

I am not sure how it is really in China. Maybe it's "Mostly normal", since most people there hardly know anything else. But part of it might be like legitimately living in a Borg movie. This will intensify after China also creates it's digital currency.

I am sure everyone who is Chinese and goes into China, and defies these "values" that the Government is imposing, is going to be into very deep waters already. Tolerance has to be below zero, especially for cases like them.
Taio said:

When all hope seems to be lost is Satan and Demons will assist and things like that..?

And is there any chance to Satanic soul to heal from this ..?

Those who have communication and be on the astral tell me what's the situation out there.. Does better energy's or something is coming along the way to wake up more people or expose jews..? thank you..

I don't know what I'm even writing I just feel very sad and more then ever Angry about all of this bullshit..



I love then with all my heart and I believe that something happen and this mess will be better for at least some time..

When it seems like there is no way out, That all doors have closed in front of you barring your way to move forwards, Realize that there will always be a door that will open up. There is no such thing as losing all hope, At least not for any SS. We have all the information we need to know what it is that's going on, and what it is that's going to get us out of this battle.

The gods will be right beside you when you need them, They will never leave you unless you leave them, No matter how dire the situation they will be there to guide you.

Take for an example Adolf Hitler, We all know what happened in Germany after the first world war. Times were extremely dire, People were starving, Living in ditches, Having to beg or whore themselves for money etc. Adolf Hitler experienced all of it first hand. I am sure that he to felt helpless at moments, But whatever came his way he kept his back straight and moved forwards.

Take inspiration in him and do the same, You have the information at your disposal and all the help that you could ever dream of. Believe in the gods and you brothers and sisters, For we will have the last laugh, Mark my words.
A simple advice , people should try sit in a crossed legged position preferably the lotus pose. Get into a trance and meditate on Divine Providence/ Siva within themselves. This is visualized as an eternal bright light within yourself. Do this preferably in a dark room. The Saivites call this Siva Dhyana ( Siva Meditation). Do this after a meditation session, especially after a Hatha yoga session it's good way to conclude a meditation session. This is a simple very powerful meditation,it withdraws the senses and soon makes you realize you're actually a Superconsious being. You are not the physical body. This is important,body Consciousness is of the intellectual/Instictive mind;fear, jealousy, hatred,anger and so on are of the Instictive/emotional mind. The intellectual mind is mainly analytical and arrogance. The fear people feel is because they are just in body awareness and think they are the physical body. You are not,you are the Soul body whose immanent nature is Satchidananda that is Pure Light God Superconsciousness. This is your true immanent nature and is closer to you than your breathe. If you are God aware you won't have fear. Part of the yoga process is to merge the Soul body which is in Superconsiousness and the physical body. This makes one Consciously Superconsious in the physical body,which is the way we are meant to live. You need to start to "feel " Divine Providence within you. The more you do ,the less fear. As Siva Meditation ( meditating on the eternal light within) subjugates the Instictive/intellectual mind which is of the sensory physical body Consciousness. Sitted in lotus pose and meditating on Divine Providence within actually raises the serpent power within. This is a prime meditation in Saivism . Monks even reach the point where there is an actual physical manifestation of the light within. Even tho other thoughts keep coming up while doing it , don't mind them just keep visualizing the light within. Some days will be easier than others but keep doing. Satchidananda is the buzz you feel after an effective meditation session,it's this buzz you should visualize as the Eternal light within and meditate on it and try and "feel" it manifesting in the physical body, while sitted in the lotus pose or any crossed leg position. I highly recommend Siva Dhyana ( God Meditation). Thou art That.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
China is going simply out of control during this period. I read to where recently, the phones of Chinese people do read their faces and scan them.
Wait, don’t most phones do this? Mine scans my face. It’s an iPhone.

As far as the Chinese go, I recently befriended some Chinese immigrants here in America and asked them many questions. They are very appalled by what’s going on and count themselves as lucky to have safely escaped and moved to America. They carry a lot of worry for their families and what will happen.

Then you see some Chinese people like the famous movie star Jackie Chan who recently stated his frustrations with being unable to join the communist party cause he admitted infidelity in his past which means he can’t join I guess? But nonetheless after his comments the backlash showed how brainwashed many of the natives there are. And how blindly they support communism. The reason people are content is because the changes happen slowly I imagine. That’s how it’s happening in the US and now other countries. Freedoms aren’t stripped at once, but slowly and you don’t notice. But the only problem is they aren’t going that slowly now. They’re going too fast and that’s why there’s madness now. People notice sudden change and they react and that’s why I have hope.
In New York mayor de Blasio is requiring a vaccination passport soon this month I think on the 12th even though people in France are revolting this very same behavior with less restrictions compared to the NY mandate. Honestly I do believe things are about to get really crazy since I just learned that the vaccine does wear off after some time and people will be required to get booster shots while still wearing mask (which don’t work anyway) I work in the airport and all you here on the trains and in the terminals are covid announcements and how you can be fined for not complying to wear a mask all times and how you can face charges as well.

For now people are complying (not everyone) but in due time I see people going ape shit. A lot of people are walking on eggshells and the slightest annoyance is causing them to flip. I hear a lot more arguing in my neighborhood, though it isn’t daily but still more then before. Since today was my first day back at work I don’t know if any verbal fights took place today. With all that’s going on I see in the near future larger amounts of people waking up and pushing back because people are financially hurting, losing their homes, unable to feed themselves, and now being told what they must do with their body instead of suggesting the best course of action to protect one’s self.

These abusive measures of jews carried out by their goy lackeys is coming to bite them in the ass hard and fast. That’s why they’re trying to “shut it down” as soon as possible which is exposing them even more. Lastly next June does seem like a long time away (lol) to keep having to deal with this shit even though it isn’t that far away at all.
Taio said:

Whatever happens, we will be fine. Keep up your meditations, RTR's, and of course yoga/pranayama in regards to its direct physical benefits.

A strong immune system can neutralize the vaccine before it "implants" in the tissue. Now looking at the breath of fire, for example, what do you think happens to your immune system when you supercharge your body with a ton of oxygen, plus revving up the solar chakra?

Furthermore, don't forget about doing workings for improved vitality. Sun square can be done now or next Spring. Mars square can be done around November. Regular workings with these energies, such as Sowilo or Uruz, can be started at least once a month.

If one has serious health issues, create a health forum thread, and/or start seeing a TCM or other holistic doctor.


Remember to also use runes for mental strength. Sun energy for willpower and raw energy. Uruz for both fire and earth. Nauthiz for unshakeable earth-style resistance.




HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
jrvan said:
I almost wonder if the Asians in Australia will be especially resistant after seeing the Chinese getting anal swabbed. Because stuff like that is next on the menu after forced vaccines.

China is going simply out of control during this period. I read to where recently, the phones of Chinese people do read their faces and scan them.

If they are found to be lower than a specific age, games that they play shut down, to impose a 1 hour daily playing of games, and 2 hours at weekends. The impositions Chinese are going through, are brutal and many without any real use, it's just them going for total power over their populace in a Communist style government. Slowly, this will turn into a full blown USSR.

Many Chinese are having every human right violated. And maybe many don't care, but quite a few seem to care. This might cause an exodus from China in the future.

Not sure how this dystopia is going to end there. The only ways these types of things end, is through external war, or internal rebellion or collapse.

The whole system of China is what many jewish assholes here are trying to emulate and create here, but they have considerable problems with laws, Constitutions, public sentiment, and the populace resisting.

I am not sure how it is really in China. Maybe it's "Mostly normal", since most people there hardly know anything else. But part of it might be like legitimately living in a Borg movie. This will intensify after China also creates it's digital currency.

I am sure everyone who is Chinese and goes into China, and defies these "values" that the Government is imposing, is going to be into very deep waters already. Tolerance has to be below zero, especially for cases like them.

It saddened me seeing how many were falling for the jewish scapegoating of China. I bet there's ignorant people who would blame the "Chinese people" entirely rather than their Communist government. The jews just wear China like a mask like any communist nation, and some people don't think that communism has anything to do with jews. I know public personalities say phrases like "globalists" and "communists" without naming the jew because they have to, but anyone who isn't broadcasting has no excuse for being ignorant of the connection. The weasel arguments I've seen are so stupid like "Oh Karl's dad wasn't a rabbi, he was xian." So full of it. That's like when I was a teenager and the jew I was friends with at the time told me he was only "half jewish" when I made fun of him for being a jew. It's ridiculous. It wasn't real communism guys because the goyim weren't perfectly enslaved, and Karl was totally innocent! I'm telling you 100% of the truth ya gotta believe me so we can try more of that communism which wasn't communism. Jewish lies are so stupid and see-through now that it's starting to hurt my brain.

Exodus from China huh? I like the sound of that. I hope something like that happens because those people deserve better. They're nothing more than lab rats without human rights at this point, and it's disgusting to watch. Humanity should never be put in that state. Human pride and dignity are sacred. The only obstacle to an exodus that I see is that most people don't know how to organize and survive outside of a structure these days, it seems. But if they're feeding on bugs to survive then they might be better prepared for such a thing compared to the people of the West. How cool would it be if a large body of people emigrated from China to join forces with Taiwan? China's got about 5 times the population of the United States so if a huge number of people became citizens of Taiwan then it would strengthen Taiwan while simultaneously weakening the power of the CCP. They could take a coastal strip of the mainland for expansion of territory. Taiwan would first need allies though, powerful allies. I guess none of this is really feasible anyway unless governments of the world first get out from under the jewish heel, and by then it wouldn't matter. Hmm... what if they emigrated "in spirit." So they're in mainland China, but all of them like a gigantic swarm colony throughout China all publicly claim they are now Taiwanese, and that their wills are aligned with Taiwanese national interests and they won't accept a communist government anymore. Ahhh... maybe it's a pipe dream. That would be so satisfying though. There's a reason why the CCP is so afraid of their own people. They number so many. If their wills were aligned then they would be unstoppable. 1.5+ billion against the will of a few. They just need a way to organize. That path to organizing seems to be prevented right now.
I basically agree with JoS stance on Covid-19 and the vaccine, but there is some misinformation about Australia.

There is a lot of talk, mainly from people who don't live in Australia, that serious violations of rights and freedoms is going on here. Sure, there are lockdowns going on, but that is happening everywhere around the world.

I went to the supermarket the other day without a mask on, and although everyone I saw was wearing a mask, not one person said anything to me. Scott Morrison has continuously said that vaccination will not be made mandatory: "...that is a violation of people's rights, and is not what Australia is about!".

I live in a major capital city in Australia and life is more or less normal.

Watch the ABC news in the morning, or get on the official government websites, and you'll be brought up to date about Australia.


Whats even scarier is that the USA is starting to pull what France and Italy are doing and forcing people to get their vaccines in order to "rejoin society". I'm grateful for living in the south because our governors are actually fighting back on the mandates. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1275807
Speaking as an Australian, or more acutely, someone who is actually within the current lockdown area, all I can really say is this. If only you knew how bad it really is.

Someone was standing alone, in the middle of a field, miles from anyone. The police found him and charged him thousands of dollars for, guess what, not wearing a mask. Try to fathom what sense that makes. There are dozens, if not hundreds of arbitrary rules and regulations which don't make sense. Like only one person from any household can go do the grocery shopping, nevermind two would be quicker. Every day there's new rules, to the point where I've lost track. I literally have no conception of what's legal or illegal anymore. The vaccine is being pushed and pushed, at this point they're contemplating ideas that you'll only be allowed basic human freedoms if you are vaccinated. But, right now it doesn't even matter if you are anyway. Even if you ARE vaccinated you still have to comply with the lockdown anyway, meaning its pointless.

The media has absolutely lost control. A single person dies, someone who died not of the virus, but with it, due to unrelated illnesses, and the media flogs it for days and days on end, how "deadly" the virus is, supposedly. Our health minister got up on stage, with a straight face, claiming that the weaker yet more contagious Delta strain WILL kill you and kill your whole family within hours. All as our state premiere was seen at a café, sipping coffee with her boyfriend, without a mask, when the rest of us can't even go out to get the essentials without a million rules bogging us down, then she goes to extend the lockdown for another month at least. One rule for them, and one rule for us. None of us can even leave a 100 mile radius, and yet the Prime Minister let some Xian cultist freak fly out of the country and go to the US so he could shill his sect overseas, because he is part of said cult himself (I'd like to add this aforementioned freak just got prosecuted with concealing child abuse imagery, just to make this even more stupid).

Business here is simply doomed, most family owned businesses will never come back from this. If I actually took the time to sit here and list all the little regulations we have to live by, I would be here for hours. We're all locked into specific, entirely arbitrary regional zones. People are encouraged to spy on and report their neighbors "sins" if they dare not obey. Police helicopters routinely fly over residential suburbs, calling out over megaphones that the police are coming if groups in public do not disperse. And yet in spite of this communist nightmare, the cases keep going up, supposedly. Now mind you, the case numbers are in the low hundreds. The lockdowns began when they were still double digits. There's been countries with a hundred thousand cases and not a lockdown in sight. We can't even have ten without the iron curtain falling on us.

I don't think it's as bad anywhere else in the western, first world, as it is here. So to everyone else I say, beware. We're nothing except the guinea pigs for what the powers that be intend on installing elsewhere. Australians as a people are too apathetic and laid back and easygoing, and the government has trod all over us for it.

I could also rant and rave all day how our ruling government is entirely in the hands of the corporations, and corporate owned business right now is absolutely thriving, because they're the only businesses who've been able to stay operating under the guise of being essential. I should also state this is all coming off the back of some recent laws and changes to journalism that have effectively put the power over free speech in the hands of the government.

I'm not one for fearmongering, but I see no good end for this nation. If ever I get the financial situation to flee elsewhere, which is unlikely, but one can hope, I'm leaving. Because even if none of the above stuff was happening, we're still being entirely bought out by China anyway. So I'm starting to see little other choice, for the long term.
Yea there definitely stepping up there tyranny i heard on the news there going to attempt force vaccination in the way of where you can't go into any store without proof of vaccination me personally i don't think there going to get there way with this at least in the united states
or maybe they will, who knows hopefully they dont..... i really feel sorry for the people of Australia or any other country where this kind of tyranny is happening i gotta bad feeling things are about to get really crazy with the enemy
What about the people stating coof-19 vaccines are meant to kill people in the coming 3 years? Is the great culling coming? Are these just plans by the jews to hide out in their safe havens let the goyim WW3 each other and then glorious victory for team communism?

To be fair some people state extreme when it comes to the vaccine, there's some lunatic stuff. But as time has come some if not many conspiracy theories have become conspiracy facts.

There is CDC information stating vaccinated people = more spreading, more contagious to others and themselves, increased suffering of illness and symptoms and even increased mortality. There's also information that people who are too young or too fat, the vaccine can kill them.

It seems like a huge joke played on humanity. And if it's happening like this then when is the next big scare, are people gonna be scared for the next one.

There's also the whole Iran and China issue of the push towards WW3.

As for Australia to be on topic. I've ran into stories of the military locking-down especially in the Sidney area.

Australia is like a giant sub-continent concentration camp. And on top of that New York had a speaker on CNN stating we've been nice, we've offered free injects, offered rewards. It's time to stop being nice and make vaccine mandatory.
Bright Truth said:
I was happier before red pills by JoS. But I know if I had happier at these hard times, I would cry later. It is best to take red pills and cry now, laugh eternally later.

Keep going through magnum opus. You never need to cry.
Misinformation, then posting a Government Website. WIll the government website say anything but extoll itself about how wonderful and how rights protective Australia is? I never seen a government website admitting it's own rights removal mistakes before, will this one do it? Certainly not.

Do you still have the QR code system in Australia? Because, if this continues, you might need it even for the supermarket.

But yeah, it won't be mandatory, because someone said so? Needless to say, please don't rely on the word of politicians who are on board largely with a globally destructive agenda for human freedoms. Many are shills. Not sure about Scott Morisson specifically, but many cannot do much despite of having different views.

Van Helsing said:
I basically agree with JoS stance on Covid-19 and the vaccine, but there is some misinformation about Australia.

There is a lot of talk, mainly from people who don't live in Australia, that serious violations of rights and freedoms is going on here. Sure, there are lockdowns going on, but that is happening everywhere around the world.

You were lucky that you didn't get caught, others have been in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Also, don't take this lightly. It's not like it happens everywhere. There have been video incidents of some really crazy things happening over there.

Australia is up there in the violence of lockdown, with Greece, Italy, and ongoing with France. In most countries, things are at least 50% lighter than these Nations experience it. In the US, everything is far calmer by almost 100%.

Van Helsing said:
Watch the ABC news in the morning, or get on the official government websites, and you'll be brought up to date about Australia.



For example, you say it won't be mandatory...But it will be enforced on people indirectly. Most people know how the case is, and this is how they enforce it worldwide, while claiming it's not mandatory.

Please don't spam CDC tier propaganda in the forums, we can easily see through it.
Taio said:

The Rituals must be done so that people wake up and revolt against the governments in physical struggle, otherwise there will be no freedom.

But the SS groups will have to join in, whoever can, of course.
likman666 said:

Yes, enough with the pseudospiritual mumbo jumbo on how everything is justified because "Siva", according to some skin and bone asshole, "made all of it" and other mental trickery to present causality where it shouldn't exist for people who are primarily christians and mentally fucked up but happen to be in "Shivaism".

No enemy really exists, you aren't a body, and all the rest of these defiled creatures made up. Enough of this unrealistic and unnatural garbage, this is a board for actual reality.

You are a body, as much as you are a soul. Yes, the enemy exists too. All the language used about Siva is figurative, not literal, and all of these allegories to relay spiritual concepts, and not strict reality.

Your body is your manifestation in the finite realm. And no, sitting in the lotus is not going to raise your Serpent, for which you clearly have no clue.

If you want to remain in a coma go sit in Lotus somewhere and let everyone else do what they need to do, while you think "it's all from Siva". This incessant spamming of nonsense is not helping anywhere. Plus, it blames Shiva/Satan, for things that they have nothing got to do with.
Ariton 666 said:
Taio said:

The Rituals must be done so that people wake up and revolt against the governments in physical struggle, otherwise there will be no freedom.

But the SS groups will have to join in, whoever can, of course.

Anyone can lift a rock to just throw it, but not everyone can really do a FRTR and Tetra Shattering in a major precision to literally ruin all the backwork of the enemy so that anything comes out of it. All people are at shortage of spiritual warriors. We compensate for this shortage.

The enemy has tens of thousands everywhere doing this type of work to keep people docile. And it has always worked on every historical interval more than any rock.

No Spiritual Satanist can ever be advised to visit a lower ranking level of the war where they will be least effective in doing anything. Everyone must do what they can do best.

The people from Gentiles who can do these things now are a minority. The people who can go ape mode are quite a few and most countries are at no shortage. Be aware and do your best.
likman666 said:

His is not "new ages" and other such cloaked Christian pseudo-spiritual Jewish crap...

We also deal with Anger, We deal with Hate, We deal with Black Magic, We deal with Curses, and We deal with Killing with Black Magic when we have to.
Arcadia said:

Simply enraging.

However, yes, all the same situations are happening in the same exact way in other countries in Europe also, where this is going out of control. All this insanity mirrors itself as if the countries were the same, even the Chinese buyout.

As you describe it, many measures are extremely severe though. They also seem to tell Australians that everything is "How it happens in every other Nation", but it's really NOT the case. Many other Nations like Sweden or Poland are faring with this with the absolute minimal measures, even less in paper, and way way less in how much is enforced.
Ariton 666 said:
likman666 said:

His is not "new ages" and other such cloaked Christian pseudo-spiritual Jewish crap...

We also deal with Anger, We deal with Hate, We deal with Black Magic, We deal with Curses, and We deal with Killing with Black Magic when we have to.

Basically this is what most guru books are in a nutshell. Endure it all goyim, because Siva made it, and now get into the Lotus and do nothing, blah blah blah.

They are trying to make Satan/Siva into a christ, that's all, because they are weak and disconnected from reality. This in itself is the symptom of the lowest level of consciousness. None of them are spiritual. It's just a corrosion method that was brought to India by external forces to do mental warfare in the native people.

Since they never really fell to the full program of xianity, xianization of their culture was put in full force by the local shills.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ariton 666 said:
likman666 said:

His is not "new ages" and other such cloaked Christian pseudo-spiritual Jewish crap...

We also deal with Anger, We deal with Hate, We deal with Black Magic, We deal with Curses, and We deal with Killing with Black Magic when we have to.

Basically this is what most guru books are in a nutshell. Endure it all goyim, because Siva made it, and now get into the Lotus and do nothing, blah blah blah.

They are trying to make Satan/Siva into a christ, that's all, because they are weak and disconnected from reality. This in itself is the symptom of the lowest level of consciousness. None of them are spiritual. It's just a corrosion method that was brought to India by external forces to do mental warfare in the native people.

Since they never really fell to the full program of xianity, xianization of their culture was put in full force by the local shills.

And they eat some kind of wood matter to dry out and achieve "nirvana"... :D :lol:
Van Helsing said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

HP, you're in fine form today! 🤣🤣😂

Check this out, and check where Australia is. This is from a legitimate source. What they say about this being "normal" is not normal, and Australia seems to have been on the constant hammer. Compare also with China, for example.

In the NL everyone receives a letter with the call to vaccinate. They even plan the date for you. I am pretty sure that on national level they know whos vaccinated and whos not. This is concerning, to be fair.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ariton 666 said:
Taio said:

The Rituals must be done so that people wake up and revolt against the governments in physical struggle, otherwise there will be no freedom.

But the SS groups will have to join in, whoever can, of course.

Anyone can lift a rock to just throw it, but not everyone can really do a FRTR and Tetra Shattering in a major precision to literally ruin all the backwork of the enemy so that anything comes out of it. All people are at shortage of spiritual warriors. We compensate for this shortage.

The enemy has tens of thousands everywhere doing this type of work to keep people docile. And it has always worked on every historical interval more than any rock.

No Spiritual Satanist can ever be advised to visit a lower ranking level of the war where they will be least effective in doing anything. Everyone must do what they can do best.

The people from Gentiles who can do these things now are a minority. The people who can go ape mode are quite a few and most countries are at no shortage. Be aware and do your best.

I wrote it so that only those who can, should join.

The Ritual is important as I have said before, but I also consider physical warfare important, I personally will participate in physical warfare, but I don't want to do it in the disorganized mob "monkey" way of throwing stones and such nonsense, but in organized combat.

I'm also developing my physical strength, learning martial arts and other things I don't want to describe here, and i using Siddhi in combat.

Don't think of me as a mindless barfly "skinhead" who starts to heat rant when the beer runs out.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
In the NL everyone receives a letter with the call to vaccinate. They even plan the date for you. I am pretty sure that on national level they know whos vaccinated and whos not. This is concerning, to be fair.

No doubt, they are making literal lists.
Ariton 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ariton 666 said:

I'm also developing my physical strength, learning martial arts and other things I don't want to describe here, and i using Siddhi in combat.

Don't think of me as a mindless barfly "skinhead" who starts to heat rant when the beer runs out.

Wish you great luck, I wrote this for precautions.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Van Helsing said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

HP, you're in fine form today! 🤣🤣😂

Check this out, and check where Australia is. This is from a legitimate source. What they say about this being "normal" is not normal, and Australia seems to have been on the constant hammer. Compare also with China, for example.


>>The Oxford team is not currently collecting any sub-national data, meaning that the index does not perfectly capture local measures in large or federal countries. A measure only in force in one or two regions contributes less to the stringency index than a nationwide policy, but rules in force in only one or two regions can also inflate a whole country’s overall score.<<

Australia is a democratic federation of states and territories with sovereign power shared under a monarchical constitution. It's the state's that decide on border control and disease quaranting. The federal government has NO say over it, except financial and resource aid. It must be taken into account that although Sydney and Melbourne have had multiple lockdowns, Perth, Adelaide and Hobart have had none or few of very short duration. This anecdotal evidence is not reflected in the chart and the multiple lockdowns in Sydney and Melbourne have actually biased the data.

HP. Cobra, all countries are different by many contributing factors. I'm sure a man of your intelligence and knowledge knows this. As I said, I have not noticed it much where I live - This might change according to predictions made here concerning other influences, but I'm only commenting on what I have seen so far. I'll leave it at that.
Blitzkreig said:
A strong immune system can neutralize the vaccine before it "implants" in the tissue.

Please don´t make something up. The situation is to serious.
People just don´t vaxx, it is this simple.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ariton 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I'm also developing my physical strength, learning martial arts and other things I don't want to describe here, and i using Siddhi in combat.

Don't think of me as a mindless barfly "skinhead" who starts to heat rant when the beer runs out.

Wish you great luck, I wrote this for precautions.

Thank you very much!

If you give me an e-mail address, we can discuss what I have in mind in a calm atmosphere.

I have a protonmail e-mail address.

Or should I give you I e-mail address?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
likman666 said:

Yes, enough with the pseudospiritual mumbo jumbo on how everything is justified because "Siva", according to some skin and bone asshole, "made all of it" and other mental trickery to present causality where it shouldn't exist for people who are primarily christians and mentally fucked up but happen to be in "Shivaism".

No enemy really exists, you aren't a body, and all the rest of these defiled creatures made up. Enough of this unrealistic and unnatural garbage, this is a board for actual reality.

You are a body, as much as you are a soul. Yes, the enemy exists too. All the language used about Siva is figurative, not literal, and all of these allegories to relay spiritual concepts, and not strict reality.

Your body is your manifestation in the finite realm. And no, sitting in the lotus is not going to raise your Serpent, for which you clearly have no clue.

If you want to remain in a coma go sit in Lotus somewhere and let everyone else do what they need to do, while you think "it's all from Siva". This incessant spamming of nonsense is not helping anywhere. Plus, it blames Shiva/Satan, for things that they have nothing got to do with.

You have clearly misunderstood what I am saying. When the physical body dies ,that doesn't mean you as an individual soul ceases to exist. One can also posses anothers body. From that context you are not the physical body. The soul needs to manifest a physical body to have the first experience of Parasiva. Creation of the entire being doesn't happen all at one go,the soul body ego is conceived and then as it evolves the other bodies come into being,the mental, astral and so on. Until finally the physical body. As for Siva ,the Saivites define Him as God best understood in his three main Eternal Aspects the first aspect is Him as Parasiva -the Absolute Reality ,which is timeless,spaceless and formless beyond Consciousness and is indefinable. The second is the his manifested eternal aspect of Satchidananda which is Superconsciousness , Eternal Light ,ParaShakti the Kundalini is of this nature and as uncreated Primal Soul Maheshvara or Siva Nataraja Cosmic Dancer with his five main Powers of creation(Brahma) , preservation ( Vishnu) and destruction (Rudra). Concealing Grace for immature souls and Revealing Grace for when one is mature. As for the meditation suggestion it's fine if you disagree,it's a meditation ontop of the practices that I do including of course JOS meditations. It has been an immense help for me,it just wanted to share it to help others also derive benefits from it. I have been a Spiritual Satanist for 10 and half years that of course doesn't mean that one is automatically advanced,it's the work you put in meditation that counts. Which I am sure most already know, I am not trying to mislead people here and if maybe in some way I have it's definitely not deliberate or my intention to do so. I am a genuine devotee of Satan/Murugan and whether some here doubt this or not or maybe think I am an infiltrator, doesn't really matter that much to me. I love Satan ,I pray to him every day. They are times on the path that you come to some deeper understanding of something and would like to share it with people of a similar inclination. As for raising the serpent power,which I haven't raised in my case and I have never claimed I have ,from what I know and have understood all these years is a combination of different spiritual practices. Meditation on the Atman ,is just among the methods,which has to be combined with others. Moral conduct is also part of this and so on. The 8 fold path as it is called,most here know this. Siva meditation is something I read from Satgurus like Yogaswami from Sri Lanka,who was well known and was visited upon by many kinds of people from Ambassadors , politicians and so on. His yogic powers where well proven,his life is well documented. Coming from the Nandinatha Sampradaya Kailasa Parampara lineage,the lineage of Tirumular. He is the guru that intiatied Peter Hansen as Satguru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya. A lineage in which one only gets intiatied if one is Self Realised,that is initial serpent rising.Subramuniya is also gotten from Subramanya which is a name of Satan. He gave him that name because Lord Murugan/Subramanya is white and he is white. This Saivism is mainly Dravidian,where Satan /Murugan is a main God,with Siva and Ganesha being the others. Siva being the Primal uncreated Soul and is distinct from Murugan and the rest of the Gods. They are six main Schools of Saivism,so I am sure there has been infiltration, Satguru Subramuniyaswami talks about it in his master course books,where some even have images of Nazarene and claim to be Saivites and so on. Any way I don't mean to mislead anyone and I am not yet Self Realised so I can't speak with much authority on many of these issues, I am a student. I get the hint ,I will stop contributing to the Forums. I will participate in the background.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
likman666 said:

Yes, enough with the pseudospiritual mumbo jumbo on how everything is justified because "Siva", according to some skin and bone asshole, "made all of it" and other mental trickery to present causality where it shouldn't exist for people who are primarily christians and mentally fucked up but happen to be in "Shivaism".

No enemy really exists, you aren't a body, and all the rest of these defiled creatures made up. Enough of this unrealistic and unnatural garbage, this is a board for actual reality.

You are a body, as much as you are a soul. Yes, the enemy exists too. All the language used about Siva is figurative, not literal, and all of these allegories to relay spiritual concepts, and not strict reality.

Your body is your manifestation in the finite realm. And no, sitting in the lotus is not going to raise your Serpent, for which you clearly have no clue.

If you want to remain in a coma go sit in Lotus somewhere and let everyone else do what they need to do, while you think "it's all from Siva". This incessant spamming of nonsense is not helping anywhere. Plus, it blames Shiva/Satan, for things that they have nothing got to do with.

You have clearly misunderstood what I am saying. When the physical body dies ,that doesn't mean you as an individual soul ceases to exist. One can also posses anothers body. From that context you are not the physical body. The soul needs to manifest a physical body to have the first experience of Parasiva. Creation of the entire being doesn't happen all at one go,the soul body ego is conceived and then as it evolves the other bodies come into being,the mental, astral and so on. Until finally the physical body. As for Siva ,the Saivites define Him as God best understood in his three main Eternal Aspects the first aspect is Him as Parasiva -the Absolute Reality ,which is timeless,spaceless and formless beyond Consciousness and is indefinable. The second is the his manifested eternal aspect of Satchidananda which is Superconsciousness , Eternal Light ,ParaShakti the Kundalini is of this nature and as uncreated Primal Soul Maheshvara or Siva Nataraja Cosmic Dancer with his five main Powers of creation(Brahma) , preservation ( Vishnu) and destruction (Rudra). Concealing Grace for immature souls and Revealing Grace for when one is mature. As for the meditation suggestion it's fine if you disagree,it's a meditation ontop of the practices that I do including of course JOS meditations. It has been an immense help for me,it just wanted to share it to help others also derive benefits from it. I have been a Spiritual Satanist for 10 and half years that of course doesn't mean that one is automatically advanced,it's the work you put in meditation that counts. Which I am sure most already know, I am not trying to mislead people here and if maybe in some way I have it's definitely not deliberate or my intention to do so. I am a genuine devotee of Satan/Murugan and whether some here doubt this or not or maybe think I am an infiltrator, doesn't really matter that much to me. I love Satan ,I pray to him every day. They are times on the path that you come to some deeper understanding of something and would like to share it with people of a similar inclination. As for raising the serpent power,which I haven't raised in my case and I have never claimed I have ,from what I know and have understood all these years is a combination of different spiritual practices. Meditation on the Atman ,is just among the methods,which has to be combined with others. Moral conduct is also part of this and so on. The 8 fold path as it is called,most here know this. Siva meditation is something I read from Satgurus like Yogaswami from Sri Lanka,who was well known and was visited upon by many kinds of people from Ambassadors , politicians and so on. His yogic powers where well proven,his life is well documented. Coming from the Nandinatha Sampradaya Kailasa Parampara lineage,the lineage of Tirumular. He is the guru that intiatied Peter Hansen as Satguru Subramuniyaswami Sivaya. A lineage in which one only gets intiatied if one is Self Realised,that is initial serpent rising.Subramuniya is also gotten from Subramanya which is a name of Satan. He gave him that name because Lord Murugan/Subramanya is white and he is white. This Saivism is mainly Dravidian,where Satan /Murugan is a main God,with Siva and Ganesha being the others. Siva being the Primal uncreated Soul and is distinct from Murugan and the rest of the Gods. They are six main Schools of Saivism,so I am sure there has been infiltration, Satguru Subramuniyaswami talks about it in his master course books,where some even have images of Nazarene and claim to be Saivites and so on. Any way I don't mean to mislead anyone and I am not yet Self Realised so I can't speak with much authority on many of these issues, I am a student. I get the hint ,I will stop contributing to the Forums. I will participate in the background.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
In the NL everyone receives a letter with the call to vaccinate. They even plan the date for you. I am pretty sure that on national level they know whos vaccinated and whos not. This is concerning, to be fair.

I'm in Europe and have gotten a similar letter about half a year ago, but without a planned appointment on it. Still, I'm definitely on the list of naughty goyim.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Ariton 666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I'm also developing my physical strength, learning martial arts and other things I don't want to describe here, and i using Siddhi in combat.

Don't think of me as a mindless barfly "skinhead" who starts to heat rant when the beer runs out.

Wish you great luck, I wrote this for precautions.

Thank you very much!

If you give me an e-mail address, we can discuss what I have in mind in a calm atmosphere.

I have a protonmail e-mail address.

Or should I give you I address?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
