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repel drugs

I do drugs but hey I'm quitting. They are bad and they do nothing for the spiritual body, we are to advance not dis advance!

Hail Satan
One of the members recommended "beating the crap out of her," I think she's right to have some reservations about that. Those kinds of posts get free rein here, but rational inquiry and criticism gets blocked. This is something I'm also disappointed with. Given that most of us wouldn't be here without inquisitive minds, it's something I think more people should be, or maybe even are, disappointed about.

---In [email protected], <j.l3mm0n@... wrote :

@Bunneh: Good. Because this sort of thing sounds notoriously like what liberals do. "OOH NAZIS HATERS BIGOTS!"
@ Bunneh Fufu Why are you so angry? You complain about the group being negative but you're being pretty negative...
It seems that this thread attracts lots of people who are not serious Spiritual Satanists at all (and like jewish music too...) and who are influenced by jewish bullshit. Guys, you're free to leave if you don't like, click on the "leave group" button and go away. Nobody wants or needs you, in fact I think we'd be much better without you. Leave it to those who are serious and strong SS's. We're in difficult times, what we need is warriors to fight in the Spiritual Warfare. We don't need those wishy-washy people who think we should "tolerate" others. No, thanks.
Like I said before, Spiritual Satanism is a strong Warrior path. It has no use for weak people, pacifist idiots or others who tolerate the enemy or enemy nonsense.
I'm finally off of the jew trap of drugs. It was difficult at first but having a few bucks on me and a clearer mind is wonderful. Dealers around here who overhear me saying I've quit the life are pushy and disrespectful to those quitting drugs.

I hate them.

A few days back I chimed in towards Yog Sotthoth for dressing someone down and now, I realize my error. He just cares, is all. This is a good thing.

Drugs ARE terrible. And I have suffered much due to them. Those who've cared about me have suffered much from me using, too.

Looking back, it was those who cared the most who expressed the most anger at my behavior.

I've still so much to learn.

Hail Father Satan, the bearer of all Truth and Knowledge.
If you're assuming I'm angry it's probably because of the fact that you don't know me.. and all you have to go on is my text. Which can be interpreted several ways. My intentions here are to learn and advance. I will not fight or bicker just because someone disagrees. I simply noticed that I am seeing more and more negativity.. and behavior that -I- personally believe to be changing for the worse.  No matter the opinion of my words, my words were said, considered..and that's all. I know my relationship with father Satan is real and strong. I know who I am.. it's much easier to assume that I'm an infiltrator.. because I refuse to flock with any sheep. I'm sorry if your interpretation was negative.. but not for what I said.
On Apr 30, 2015 1:32 AM, "j.l3mm0n@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  It seems that this thread attracts lots of people who are not serious Spiritual Satanists at all (and like jewish music too...) and who are influenced by jewish bullshit. Guys, you're free to leave if you don't like, click on the "leave group" button and go away. Nobody wants or needs you, in fact I think we'd be much better without you. Leave it to those who are serious and strong SS's. We're in difficult times, what we need is warriors to fight in the Spiritual Warfare. We don't need those wishy-washy people who think we should "tolerate" others. No, thanks.
Like I said before, Spiritual Satanism is a strong Warrior path. It has no use for weak people, pacifist idiots or others who tolerate the enemy or enemy nonsense.
Last time I checked personally, millions and closely billions were stating the same shit that you do about drugs, have tried or would consider trying in the future. How is this about not being in any "flock". You haven't even studied anything concrete or have any evidence to base your "opinion", other than the magnificence of your opinion. Maybe you want to disregard this, as you disregard your own inherited ability to achieve higher consciousness without chemo-juice from jews, as well as throwing the whole lot of science and years of hard evidence, countless institutions, hospitals and prisons being full of people who are victims of "opinions" protecting drugs or indirectly advising them as something "good", such as yours in regards to drug use. The media is under the same pattern. After all, chemo-jewisng is something very important. For some minutes or hours. Because later its chaos broke loose.

Thing is in nature, some flocks go to the good and on the way of living, some go to the bad. In the latter folk as it seems, your captain jew isn't getting you anywhere but in the cliffs, as millions of others Gentiles whom they enslave through this illegal drug bussiness. We are in another "folk" that wants to live in accordance to life and is pro-life, completely against that sort of pestillence. Nobody can entirely survive on their own, or live on their own. Your "anti folk" awareness is also quite challenged, in that you cannot see the self evident.

The lives of countless destroyed don't even bother you. Your "opinion" is the highest thing. Opinion, testimony and proof from other Satanists doesn't matter. This starts stopping to stand as an opinion but starts being the denial of all of reality due to being stubborn. We have specified: Nothing illegal is to be advised to any groups and also, last and above all, anything agaisnt life will not be tolerated. An opinion versus hard reality is nothing but an asswipe unfortunately. I can believe the Star belongs to me but it simply doesn't. Its just what it is.

Satanism will never deny hard reality over "opinion". Despite of title, position and work, Nature stays fortunately above of us all and governs us all with her laws. We have explained to you again and again, that you should give up this diseased bullshit. Many people understand and then they regain the control of themselves which is True liberation that is eternal, not some chemical imbalance that lasts for some hours or minutes for a high price to your local drug slaver trader. NATURE HAS GIVEN YOU ALL THE MEANS AND LIGHTS TO BE HAPPY IN WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOU ARE, WITHOUT ANYTHING BUT WHO YOU ARE. And this applies to anyone. This is the meaning of Spiritual Liberation and meditation. Without a single fucking buck and without placing yourself in the wheel of eternal destruction, neither anyone else. Life isn't "Bad" and isn't "cruel" in this regard.

Natural law is what is highest of us all. Based on your overall escapism, you don't even bother with the evidence or such, so keep this last line about bans and getting booted. We don't want anyone endorsing into this destructive behavior. You are working with the enemy and advising corruption in the most crucial turn of this World, which is full of pestillence and in great danger. Don't mistake my reply as intended to be personal, after all, the opinion of reality and other SS stands as nothing in front of your magnificence. This is for anyone to see our stance in regards to this accursed shit you are preaching, which is part of a higher and more common destructive ideal. Which we will never tolerate.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Not to be rude but are you Dedicated? I have asked you this multiple times and this is the final time I will ask, and state this.

If you are NOT Dedicated then you should NOT fight whatsoever. Even if you wanted to and a reverse ritual, or a cursing ritual came up you wouldn't be able to perform it because you are undedicated and the enemy would harass you endlessly probably to the point of insanity.

If you want to fight, and have read Joy of Satan
and Dedicated then be patient, but if not then read and study more and think about Dedicating. This isn't a game that you can pick up jus' cuz you thought so. I say this for your own good. Your enthusiasm is good but not if you are not Dedicated.

think about it..
@Etryell91, having sympathy for the enemy, or forgetting what they have done is not something we condone, and with that attitude you wouldn't even be sitting in front of your computer at all.

People fought for these rights you and I take advantage of today. Without a fight our enemies in space would be on this planet in an unconquerable communism.

Pussy footing, and saying how "negative" the group is for "stating the truth" kudos on that one lolz, is NOT something we will tolerate.

Think about what tolerance against such crime "the jews" would mean. We're not negative, to understand love you must understand and have a rational and healthy hatred for that which you don't like. One who doesn't hate anything is not a well balanced individual. Now I'm not pointing any fingers on the last sentence so don't make presumptions I'm just making a general statement.
@descipleofthegods13, I wasn't talking about supporting the enemy agenda, I was talking about the ability to have discussion on our own. I have no idea which of the group's policies come directly from Satan, and which are ideas thought up by the group, so I think it's important to be able to talk about our own ideas. Take the race mixing thread, there were a couple of points I made on there that never saw the light of day, and I don't know if I can even say what they were for fear of having this post blocked. That's the lack of dialogue that has me and others frustrated.
@Etryell91. All of our rules come from Father Satan. if you had read High Priest Hooded Cobra 666's posts then you would gather that. Call me what you will but I am trying to help you with this post. Maybe you should look at yourself to see the problem.

I've had a few reality checks here as well. We do NOT tolerate liberal discussion. Having an opinion of your own is fine as long as it's not too far out there. Sometimes we just don't see that our opinion is actually influenced by jewish scum who have brainwarped us that damn good. Or mabye your posts just didn't go through, some of mine haven't either. The groups are being attacked you know. A lot of the knowledge that goes through here, although not all(some comes from new people and those inflicted by enemy filth) of it is based on discussion of what we have studied from all website affiliated with the JoS, and the JoS itself. That is what it means to have direct experiences with a God(Satan, and other Gods/Goddesses) and not a kike or... "free thought".

 Listen, xianity was set up directly to make Satanism(What we do here) look bad an unappealing, and like atheism is the best damn thing in the world. Because(and I had this problem as well man) When you return to your roots Spiritual Satanism, then all of the horrifying memories of xianity return, among other shit. It can seem a little scary when you first getting used to it. Because Jewhova, and Satan have been mismatched through kike brainwashing. Satan naturally being our TRUE GOD, we think that the shit is going to happen again due to said brainwashing and bad memories. And then we go for the free for all(so to speak) of "free thought" when we get scared to accept True Satanic Responsiblity which is exactly what High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 was talking about above. That so called... *cringes* "free thought" is ALL DETERMINED BY JEWS, THEY MAKE IT UP, and brainwash those who are gullible enough into following it. It's why the politics are the way they are in this country communism.

Think about cigarettes, how deadly they truly are, and how undermined they are everyday until someone has cancer, or other problems like the hole in the throat etc.. Jews promote cigarettes even by smoking them to get Gentiles buying and killing themselves with them all the while not noticing until it's too late.

This is why I sound harsh to you, because I speak the TRUTH in my own realizations from being a Satanist, and from Father Satan himself. The very name Satan means TRUTH, or Eternal Way. Sanat Kumara, or Sanatana Dharma all mean Eternal Truth.

As best I can I don't follow jew crap which seems like free thought but it's psychological programming. I still have a lot more realizations to gain.

We are the ONLY Family/Group of Satanists period. I have been around to about 4 other groups. I've been in other groups before who claimed to be Pagans/Satanists. When they didn't even know the most basic thing of cleaning your aura and chakras or void meditation all of this so called Satanism is just RHP bullshit, or corrupted LHP filth meant to delude and ruin whoever encounters it. One group got mad at me for talking about the kikes, another group's leader tried to literally kill me for "disagreeing" with it by saying that a kike cannot be Satanic. It was a half Gentile half kike brat. Others were primarily lost anyway. So..I've been around.

These so called LHP types think this is some kind of free for all fun thing that they can learn a little, move here, and apply multiple corrupted practices to their... following or just learn entirely if not interested they also think because they have studied book after book and thousands of pages of material that they are supremely intelligent and all other are stupid or inferior somehow I'll just bet they don't even know some of the most basic things a lot of beginner's know and they've wasted years of their life getting "smart" and reading hundreds of articles to "seem" smart like some pompous college professor full of him/herself. I remember one girl in a group who has an angel as it's... overseer and she was being tormented by it and she thought it was just "tough love". These entities are mean an vicious as she desribed but not to the point that they will leave it just enough to play good cop, bad cop.

She has an experience once when she tapped into a leyline of natural earth energy and it played the xian lie when she did, and portrayed the typical jewhovan lies about Satan and the other Gods/Goddesses. After the event she was told by the very SAME entity(little did she know) She had tapped into "the fallen" and that she should stay away from them... All followers of neo Paganism or are professed Satanists which is called LHP are just following the enemy, greys angels, reptilians, and or possibly even draconians or worse or nothing.

The leader of one place I was in said that the LHP is the RHP in another guise.  That we are destroyed to  be transformed into a new being. Basically a corrupted version of transformation of the ego into superconsciousness. She meant that ones old self is literally slaughtered or worse. No I was in the know of things they were clueless about when they were posting corrupted knowledge about the Kundalini and other things They called it the Dragon Current or something like that but were totally ignorant about what it is and a lot of other useless rehashed Paganism hundreds of pages over the years of useless allegorical knowledge they will never understand. Another so called actual professed "Satanist" didn't even know that Satan is chief I did long before Dedicating, and he claimed to be "summoning" the Gods/Goddesses every Wednesday lolz. I knew these things prior to Dedicating because I studied the JoS and knew it was correct, but had a backlash with the kike idea of freedom and subliminals from xianity which is like blowing with the wind to whatever idealogy suits your whims and if you got a broken toenail doing it don't Dedication is a huge no-no in the liberal world.

I mean and it's so much other stuff they were totally clueless about I can't even remember now, yet they're "Satanists" riiiight...

So yes, you can call us egalitarians fine. But we are not a bunch of pompous big wigs who sit at the sky scrapper window with a news paper in our hands saying m'yes... indeed. We happen to be connected to the one true God Satan who gives us rules and knowledge to live by just like he did 2,000 years ago before the kikes gained power. This seems scary to some, it did to me I believe because of xian subliminals those being that since our God is Satan and we remember that subconsciously when we get brainwashed into xianity we get deceived into thinking that our God Satan is actually jewhova then it throws it's crimes through blame shifting on Satan and we think Satan is the bad guy because of this intense brainwashing. I just figured that out recently thanks to a post made by High Priest Hooded Cobra 666. He said that kikes, and their Jews and their jewhova were the first to teach that God is about suffering decay, and poverty. Our "God" is Satan so with subliminals through xianity we get turned against our own Father worse than it would be normally if we were not raised a xian.

So being connected to a REAL GOD SATAN is offensive? Tch... We are the ONLY Satanists alive. We work to spread the truth and help whoever we can in the process when they come here.


@descipleofthegods13: LOL That's exactly pretty much with my experience when I went to find "other" "Satanic" groups. A group itself literally worshiped the jews and called itself "Satanic". The leader that was a self-proclaimed HP believed in the kike god and was afraid of the kike god's punishment, saying that Satan couldn't save him from the ficititious jewish god!
Another one tried to pretend to be Spiritual Satanists, they followed everything from the JoS but except from the being against the jews part and the Spiritual Warfare. Then even though they got all their info from JoS they proceeded to say that the JoS is wrong and only they have the ultimate truth and that Satan loves everyone!
Another group condoned disgusting things like eating your shit and drinking piss, human and animal sacrifices as well as summoning our Gods with grimoire crap and praying to the kike god and angels and would ban you if you disagreed with that BS.

@Bunneh FuFu.

Yes things have been rather tense lately it's true. I'm not sure as to the cause :/

I did take certain aspects of your words into account whether you know it or not. The enemy may very well be responsible for this shit. I've noticed the same pattern as well. This typically happens when the enemy is fucking with us in one form or another. This contention is what they want. Although we will NOT condone drugs and the allowance for someone to just jump off the deep end without a fight. If they utterly refuse then they will just have to learn their lesson. I jumped the gun badly when I called JamesMarshall an infiltrator which is not something I do, I believe I misinterpreted his message and it came out like that in my message, it was also because I am under heavy spiritual attack by the enemy to the point of misinterpreting things and not seeing what they are that day my vision wasn't clear not was my head. They cause this shit by fucking with us.

Father Satan has been helping me with that.

I wouldn't have normally done that. You're not an infiltrator either man. Just take it easy. You've made a good point. you actually helped ME to come to my Satanic senses.
@HP Hooded Cobra
Well said HP, I know I wrote a few posts about drugs and how they can completely destroy your life and how enemy angels take advantage of this, or jews for that matter, in my case it was angels... I've been a recovering meth addict and was on meth for about 5 to 7 years, and also 5 to 7 years I can't get back... before I got hooked on the drug, doing magick, visualization meditations, void, and everything else was very easy... but when I started doing meth, after a while all of that went to shit... I've almost died a few times on that drug. I really wish those of my Satanic Brothers and Sisters were able to know just how much pain and suffering I endured because of that drug, AND the pain and suffering I STILL endure because of it... Not fun, not fun at all...
For those of you Brothers and Sisters that are hooked on any drugs, I advise you to watch this video down below... and certainly I keep you ALL in my prayers to Father Satan, may he and the Gods of Duat help you all... Truly, I wish they will... Hail Satan and the Gods and Goddesses of Duat.
Drugs are Materialist and Superficial  

@ The_Fire_Starter_666, and I thought mine were out there with almost getting killed a half kike, half Gentile playing Spiritual Satanist. i almost have to wonder if his "death spells" actually were as bad as I thought. To the best of my knowledge they were following actual jewhovanites. So... maybe..

Thanks for putting your channel up. I'll give it a look sometime. You gave a very real, and enlightening testimony about the fake, and very harsh reality of drugs. I'm just glad in the two months from your last comment on the video you have improved.

Good on ya. Keep it up.


Lmao! Whoa, you got it wrong bother. :) That is not me talking on the video and also not my YouTube channel, but the comment written on the video by the user Satanic Truth is mine. You know, the one about meth. Unless you already knew this? Then my bad...
Also, I have improved... but I don't want to jinx myself. :) Meth is a VERY addicting drug... Once you're on it, it's very very VERY hard to get off. It's a trap very FEW people get out of. I'm just lucky to have Satan and the Gods of Duat in my life.
Hail Satan!
Hey, I'm sorry for misinterpreting your message--I agree that a lot is lost in communication by text. I haven't checked this thread for a long time, but I'm sorry for my mistake
Hail Satan!
Hey everyone, I haven't wrote on this topic in a long time, I was the one to first start this as I was asking for the help of my brothers and sisters. This was a very personal situation for me and so I decided to give this a go. A lot of people replied to my statement and to me, this is a true meaning of brotherhood, knowing that each one of my brothers and sisters have my back, and I am proud to say I would return the favor. I just would like to thank everyone of you, and a special thanks to our HP's mageson and Hooded Cobra. HP Hooded Cobra's book "The Satanic Revelation" has inspired me, and I wanted to thank you for that as well. Thank you for all of your support my brothers and sisters.-HAIL SATAN AND THE GODS OF DUAT!!!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
