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reincarnation of jews, aryans and people in general


New member
Apr 6, 2019
I have some doubts related to reincarnation
1- Can an aryan person be reincarnated as a black person or vice versa?
2- Can an aryan or black person be reincarnated as a jew?
3- Can a jew be reincarnated as a ''normal'' person, like a black or aryan? or is there any ''law'' or condition that oblige them to able to reincarnate just as a jew person? I would be grateful if someone explains it to me. Spirituality is a new thing to me.
Hitleriano1440 said:
I have some doubts related to reincarnation
1- Can an aryan person be reincarnated as a black person or vice versa?
2- Can an aryan or black person be reincarnated as a jew?
3- Can a jew be reincarnated as a ''normal'' person, like a black or aryan? or is there any ''law'' or condition that oblige them to able to reincarnate just as a jew person? I would be grateful if someone explains it to me. Spirituality is a new thing to me.

No, they cannot. We reincarnate only into our own racial lines. This is because we can only be expressed there and therefore exist, as the soul has to manifest itself through a body where it can do it.

Whites cannot reincarnate into "Jews".
The Alchemist7 said:
Egon said:
Reposting a recent anwer by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich on this subject:

There was a liberal woman I knew years ago. She always ripped on me for my beliefs, though we were friends. She race mixed with many different men. She died and was on the astral wandering for some 10 years. She died a Christian. She had very little energy, like a shell or flake. She came to me. I called for Azazel to help.

Azazel immediately reincarnated her. He reincarnated her into a nonwhite. He stated there are not enough White bodies to go around and how when she was alive, she disrespected her race. He was thoroughly disgusted with her. I won't even repeat what he said.

So she was white but reincarnated into a non-white body.

Also I heard Anton LaVey was a gentile soul reincarnated by Satan in a jewish body to open the gates for Satanism (paganism), but because he had a jewish body, you can see for yourself what garbage he created.

As for the jews in gentile bodies, I'm not very sure about this. On one hand I can say they are parasitic and alien souls so they can't be reincarnated in a gentile body because they are totally different, but on the other hand I can say as whites can be reincarnated into non-whites, maybe the jews also can be reincarnated in gentile bodies.
I think The one about a gentile soul riencanating in Anton laveys body is thorough bullshit,why would Satan riencanate a gentile soul in a Jewish body to make satanism to be known
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Your name remind me of someone else :D :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Aquarius said:
Lol rambom oceano, italoamericano, rocky all the same guy

Somehow he doesn't remind me of him. The english of Oceano was so bad. You don't know Italian but his name Hitleriano it's not a "real" word but it would mean that he is a follower of Hitler like a religion.

Just like Hitlernesim or something like this lol we'll see in the next post of him but honestly to me he doesn't feel like a troll or like that guy Oceano.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hitleriano1440 said:
I have some doubts related to reincarnation
1- Can an aryan person be reincarnated as a black person or vice versa?
2- Can an aryan or black person be reincarnated as a jew?
3- Can a jew be reincarnated as a ''normal'' person, like a black or aryan? or is there any ''law'' or condition that oblige them to able to reincarnate just as a jew person? I would be grateful if someone explains it to me. Spirituality is a new thing to me.

No, they cannot. We reincarnate only into our own racial lines. This is because we can only be expressed there and therefore exist, as the soul has to manifest itself through a body where it can do it.

Whites cannot reincarnate into "Jews".

So let's imagine a scenario that aryan people suddenly stop having children, while black people increase in birth rate at a point that they become 100% of the earth population. What would happens to the aryan souls? Since one can only reincarnate into their own racial lines, they will no longer be able to reincarnate??
Hitleriano1440 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hitleriano1440 said:
I have some doubts related to reincarnation
1- Can an aryan person be reincarnated as a black person or vice versa?
2- Can an aryan or black person be reincarnated as a jew?
3- Can a jew be reincarnated as a ''normal'' person, like a black or aryan? or is there any ''law'' or condition that oblige them to able to reincarnate just as a jew person? I would be grateful if someone explains it to me. Spirituality is a new thing to me.

No, they cannot. We reincarnate only into our own racial lines. This is because we can only be expressed there and therefore exist, as the soul has to manifest itself through a body where it can do it.

Whites cannot reincarnate into "Jews".

So let's imagine a scenario that aryan people suddenly stop having children, while black people increase in birth rate at a point that they become 100% of the earth population. What would happens to the aryan souls? Since one can only reincarnate into their own racial lines, they will no longer be able to reincarnate??

They die. That's what happens. And this is why the jews push miscegenation and racial intermixing to kill them.

This is a murder operation.
luis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Your name remind me of someone else :D :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Somehow he doesn't remind me of him. The english of Oceano was so bad. You don't know Italian but his name Hitleriano it's not a "real" word but it would mean that he is a follower of Hitler like a religion.

Just like Hitlernesim or something like this lol we'll see in the next post of him but honestly to me he doesn't feel like a troll or like that guy Oceano.

This is probably why "Rambo" also commented on this thread, but I don't think it's a second account.

Rambo is busy thinking he is a God now, and that we suppress him from writing about it. So he like comes once in a while to attack based on this fact and he goes away.

The other time he gave us more wisdom on how he almost went insane from doing too much meditation and lost his mind, but he advised everyone to do it. My boy Rambo really went Rambo, going nuts or losing your mind is the Nu IntelliGence.
shinninglight said:
I think The one about a gentile soul riencanating in Anton laveys body is thorough bullshit,why would Satan riencanate a gentile soul in a Jewish body to make satanism to be known

This is what I read back on the SS forum from my country. Since nobody corrected nobody regarding this, I took it as true information. Now is the first time when I see someone saying that this is bullshit.
The Alchemist7 said:
shinninglight said:
I think The one about a gentile soul riencanating in Anton laveys body is thorough bullshit,why would Satan riencanate a gentile soul in a Jewish body to make satanism to be known

This is what I read back on the SS forum from my country. Since nobody corrected nobody regarding this, I took it as true information. Now is the first time when I see someone saying that this is bullshit.

"Why would Satan reincarnate a Gentile Soul in a Jewish Body to make Satanism be known" - the awkward moment when you self answer your own question but deny your own answer.

LaVey was a Gentile, but yes, he was reincarnated as a jew to push back a very important purpose of making Satanism a thing. However, he did a lot of things off because of his experienced large inner conflict. It was impossible for him to be otherwise. After he died, his soul made it again into hell.

It's not bullshit. Only a jew could back then push a thing forward for new avenues to open up. This is a singular case and was never again repeated, as it is dangerous, it backfires, but it was the only plausible solution at the time. The jews left LaVey be because he was Jewish himself. This backfired onto them later.
Retard alert we have a retard, you can be male, female, white, black, ugly, etc. idiot. Kys. Retarded white fucks justify their superiority out of an inferior internal conflict, moron. I have to wash my eyes out now
Maddcat said:
Retard alert we have a retard, you can be male, female, white, black, ugly, etc. idiot. Kys. Retarded white fucks justify their superiority out of an inferior internal conflict, moron. I have to wash my eyes out now


Educate yourself White kiddo, because you're White for a reason, and you need to stop self hating.
Maddcat said:
Retard alert we have a retard, you can be male, female, white, black, ugly, etc. idiot. Kys. Retarded white fucks justify their superiority out of an inferior internal conflict, moron. I have to wash my eyes out now
Wow, you can’t even have a discussion with somebody this brain washed.
FancyMancy said:
yermother said:
Ummm...Lol did you people forget about the enslavement of the black race and them being raped by their slave owners, hence creating these mixed hybrid races?
I mean I get white people are suffering right now, and that some whites and blacks have fallen victim to this race mixing mentality, but that meme is complete bull! lol

It is the jew who did slavery, and the jew is not White; it is jewish.

One of the first Black slave owners in America was Black.

African Moors enslaved Whites for 1000 years.

Blacks in Africa enslave Blacks today.

It was Whites who put an end to slavery, so now the jew has to continue it, which includes sex trrafficking, surreptitiously. See also this video by a Black man speaking about "the" lol, of course* (he also mentions Black slavery) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6E4TTggKRA



Of course, slaves are not persons or people (in the eyes of the owners and jewish "legal" "definition"); they are property.


We know christianity is not White; it is jewish.


It is White peoples' fault that they don't want to be destroyed in their own White countries. This diane abbott is either a jew or a jew agent.


It's OK to be Black and proud of that; it's OK to be Gay and proud of that; it's OK to be Asian and proud of that; but it's not OK to be White and proud of that.


It was the jew who initiated Black (and all forms of) slavery, and now ignorant people blame Whites for that - the jew is not White; it is jewish. These people, some who are christians which doesn't make sense because the church used "pre-Adamite man" as a reason to enslave Blacks, are so upset with what Whites actually did not do, that they feel justified in coming to White countries and taking them over...then crying that they are still being oppressed and hated, etc.




Wow. I am better than you because I have "privilege". Bown down and worship me, Black slaves...


You are most very welcome.

*maybe I'll start a meme here - just like the 3 pairs of parentheses to signify "the system" and jewish things and corruption, etc., maybe I'll use 2 pairs of chevrons for "the" holocaust, but as lol, of course; i.e. <<lol, of course>>. I realise that is too much descrption for people to understand...
Maddcat said:
Retard alert we have a retard, you can be male, female, white, black, ugly, etc. idiot. Kys. Retarded white fucks justify their superiority out of an inferior internal conflict, moron. I have to wash my eyes out now

Shut the fuck up, Libtard.
The awkward moment where the white race has invented most of the things that make life in any way advanced and in any way meaningful and some random hobo comes and tells you about libturded arguments.

This just proves our race really needs trimming, we have a lot of idiots to clear up.
shinninglight said:
The Alchemist7 said:
Egon said:
Reposting a recent anwer by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich on this subject:

There was a liberal woman I knew years ago. She always ripped on me for my beliefs, though we were friends. She race mixed with many different men. She died and was on the astral wandering for some 10 years. She died a Christian. She had very little energy, like a shell or flake. She came to me. I called for Azazel to help.

Azazel immediately reincarnated her. He reincarnated her into a nonwhite. He stated there are not enough White bodies to go around and how when she was alive, she disrespected her race. He was thoroughly disgusted with her. I won't even repeat what he said.

So she was white but reincarnated into a non-white body.

Also I heard Anton LaVey was a gentile soul reincarnated by Satan in a jewish body to open the gates for Satanism (paganism), but because he had a jewish body, you can see for yourself what garbage he created.

As for the jews in gentile bodies, I'm not very sure about this. On one hand I can say they are parasitic and alien souls so they can't be reincarnated in a gentile body because they are totally different, but on the other hand I can say as whites can be reincarnated into non-whites, maybe the jews also can be reincarnated in gentile bodies.
I think The one about a gentile soul riencanating in Anton laveys body is thorough bullshit,why would Satan riencanate a gentile soul in a Jewish body to make satanism to be known
Because if a Goy (non-jew) tried creating an open, above-ground Satanism - either genuine, or corrupt like jew shit - then it would never happen; if, however, a jew introduced it, then it would have jew support and jew corruption into it. With the Gentile Soul in the jew body, the work was secret so as to bring Satan into common knowledge in a positive light or a less-negative light, but bring Satan more into the real-life conscious of people, instead of the lies of Satan from jew bible shit. This was a precursor or predecessor for something which Satan had planned/knew would happen later - JoSM, founded by HPS Maxine and a few others.

Previous to LaVey, Hitler and the Nazis tried stopping the jew's shit. After Hitler and the Nazis, everything boomed - the UN was created with its false "laws" against the crime of genocide; National Parks, open to the public, were begun; Science and Technology has exploded; Race-mixing has exploded; attacks against sexuality have exploded; SPB (sensationalist propaganda bullshit)/false truths have exploded... Hitler and the Nazis interrupted the jew's cruising so the jew had to pick up the pace now. The Gentile Soul in the jew body was an opportunity to ride this runaway train and bring some good out of all of the jew shit...and now the RtRs have been giving the jew a taste of its own medicine by raping the jew back for the many centuries of anti-Human, anti-Natural, anti-Spiritual, anti-Scientific shit which the jew has done against Earth and Her Inhabitants - and the medicine is tasting more and more bitter all the time and it won't stop. These lyrics are quite apt -

Runaway train never going back
wrong way on a one-way track
it seems like I should be getting somewhere
somehow, I'm neither here nor there...

Poor, demented jew.

Aquarius said:
Maddcat said:
Retard alert we have a retard, you can be male, female, white, black, ugly, etc. idiot. Kys. Retarded white fucks justify their superiority out of an inferior internal conflict, moron. I have to wash my eyes out now
Wow, you can’t even have a discussion with somebody this brain washed.
I came across a christian once who said that they actually wanted/enjoyed being brainwashed with jewsus crap. To them, the term "brainwash" means to clean the brain/mind of evil, sinful things... oy gevalt.

Ol argedco luciftias said:
You quoted me? Should I assume "QfE; QfT"?

Brdredr said:
Maddcat said:
Retard alert we have a retard, you can be male, female, white, black, ugly, etc. idiot. Kys. Retarded white fucks justify their superiority out of an inferior internal conflict, moron. I have to wash my eyes out now

Shut the fuck up, Libtard.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The awkward moment where the white race has invented most of the things that make life in any way advanced and in any way meaningful and some random hobo comes and tells you about libturded arguments.

This just proves our race really needs trimming, we have a lot of idiots to clear up.

Decide which you prefer -
plants need pruning for better everythingness, or
the nice fruit, prunes, help pass stinky, horrible waste, so...!
Rambo, is really into drugs and is the reason why drugs and spiritual practices don't mix. These types always push their drugs and they always end up going crazy for it.
Maddcat said:
Retard alert we have a retard, you can be male, female, white, black, ugly, etc. idiot. Kys. Retarded white fucks justify their superiority out of an inferior internal conflict, moron. I have to wash my eyes out now
You wuz qween?
FancyMancy said:
Runaway train never going back
wrong way on a one-way track
it seems like I should be getting somewhere
somehow, I'm neither here nor there...
FancyMancy said:
You quoted me? Should I assume "QfE; QfT"?
Although I understand most of your FancyMancy Language that you write in, I don't know the meaning of "QfE; QfT". I quoted you because I remembered you made that comment with all those pictures before, and I thought they were needed in this topic too.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
FancyMancy said:
Runaway train never going back
wrong way on a one-way track
it seems like I should be getting somewhere
somehow, I'm neither here nor there...
Err...yeh, lol.

"It's better to..."

FancyMancy said:
You quoted me? Should I assume "QfE; QfT"?
Although I understand most of your FancyMancy Language that you write in, I don't know the meaning of "QfE; QfT". I quoted you because I remembered you made that comment with all those pictures before, and I thought they were needed in this topic too.
QfE = Quoted for Emphasis.
QfT = Quoted for Truth.
HP Mageson666 said:
Rambo, is really into drugs and is the reason why drugs and spiritual practices don't mix. These types always push their drugs and they always end up going crazy for it.
Big Don ho commesso un errore. Peró le mie meditazioni sono sempre state oneste e sincere. Peró questo è per me la prova decisiva adesso. Gli Dei sanno tutto su ognuno di noi. E chi cerca di fare il doppio gioco se ne pentirá amaramente. Io non mi sento un Dio, quindi fammi avanzare...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hitleriano1440 said:
I have some doubts related to reincarnation
1- Can an aryan person be reincarnated as a black person or vice versa?
2- Can an aryan or black person be reincarnated as a jew?
3- Can a jew be reincarnated as a ''normal'' person, like a black or aryan? or is there any ''law'' or condition that oblige them to able to reincarnate just as a jew person? I would be grateful if someone explains it to me. Spirituality is a new thing to me.

No, they cannot. We reincarnate only into our own racial lines. This is because we can only be expressed there and therefore exist, as the soul has to manifest itself through a body where it can do it.

Whites cannot reincarnate into "Jews".

This is why I'm super paranoid about "white genocide" because if white people die out or are slaughtered into extinction, I've said several times "Just don't reincarnate me at all."
Brdredr said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Hitleriano1440 said:
I have some doubts related to reincarnation
1- Can an aryan person be reincarnated as a black person or vice versa?
2- Can an aryan or black person be reincarnated as a jew?
3- Can a jew be reincarnated as a ''normal'' person, like a black or aryan? or is there any ''law'' or condition that oblige them to able to reincarnate just as a jew person? I would be grateful if someone explains it to me. Spirituality is a new thing to me.

No, they cannot. We reincarnate only into our own racial lines. This is because we can only be expressed there and therefore exist, as the soul has to manifest itself through a body where it can do it.

Whites cannot reincarnate into "Jews".

This is why I'm super paranoid about "white genocide" because if white people die out or are slaughtered into extinction, I've said several times "Just don't reincarnate me at all."

The same types of people who protest any advancement and all sorts of other dumb fools and friendly who want to turn the planet into a universalist toilet, they will not exactly like what will come to them.

I do not want lives on the planet of the apes either. There is no point.

If Whites go what will just happen is we will return to a perpetual state of nothingness. Some last countries like India or Japan will try to hold until they are also massacred or they turn like dominated ants from places like China.

Israel will be knocking up people like pottery, and mo0nkeys will be just remembering the great times where they cried about whitey being the world's problem.

The world will just become eternal palestine. So uhmm we got fucked by jews, what to do? Uhmm, take down those who are fighting them, dumbo, cuz we should!

And what will happen from dis? Hmmm, we may all get enslaved st00pid, but at least we'll have fun for a lifetime and punish the wheet 00pressur.

They won't enjoy the earth they are trying to create. But if this reached this end, let them all burn really for all that's deserved.
Rambo said:
HP Mageson666 said:
Rambo, is really into drugs and is the reason why drugs and spiritual practices don't mix. These types always push their drugs and they always end up going crazy for it.
Big Don ho commesso un errore. Peró le mie meditazioni sono sempre state oneste e sincere. Peró questo è per me la prova decisiva adesso. Gli Dei sanno tutto su ognuno di noi. E chi cerca di fare il doppio gioco se ne pentirá amaramente. Io non mi sento un Dio, quindi fammi avanzare...
Big Don mai piú droghe... neanche per fare sesso... anche se la tentazione per il sesso prima o poi sará molto grande...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The same types of people who protest any advancement and all sorts of other dumb fools and friendly who want to turn the planet into a universalist toilet, they will not exactly like what will come to them.

I do not want lives on the planet of the apes either. There is no point.

Would the Gods even bother with the planet anymore? What would they do to the Earth region of the Sol solar system?

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
If Whites go what will just happen is we will return to a perpetual state of nothingness. Some last countries like India or Japan will try to hold until they are also massacred or they turn like dominated ants from places like China.

I recall a thread whereby someone posted information on Mein Kampf in one of the editions. It states "If the White(Aryan) race where to go extinct, Asians would only be able to hold out for another 30-40 years before we enter a new dark ages."

Eventually the Asians will collapse no matter how hard they try and with external pressure make it 15-20 years especially with crazy samson option shit going on. I mean just recently Russia continuing in cold war fashion just finish their "Vengeance" nuclear-powered, nuclear warhead systems. Seems like everything is just going to be nuked on orders.
luis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Your name remind me of someone else :D :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Somehow he doesn't remind me of him. The english of Oceano was so bad. You don't know Italian but his name Hitleriano it's not a "real" word but it would mean that he is a follower of Hitler like a religion.

Just like Hitlernesim or something like this lol we'll see in the next post of him but honestly to me he doesn't feel like a troll or like that guy Oceano.

*Excuse me for the OT*
Lol - Oceano faded in deep water, in so many years I have really seen whatever kind of personality, troll or programmed intruder, that I could write a book on it!
Gerecht Ror said:
luis said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Your name remind me of someone else :D :lol:
Somehow he doesn't remind me of him. The english of Oceano was so bad. You don't know Italian but his name Hitleriano it's not a "real" word but it would mean that he is a follower of Hitler like a religion.

Just like Hitlernesim or something like this lol we'll see in the next post of him but honestly to me he doesn't feel like a troll or like that guy Oceano.

*Excuse me for the OT*
Lol - Oceano faded in deep water, in so many years I have really seen whatever kind of personality, troll or programmed intruder, that I could write a book on it!
Hai veramente ragione :lol: :lol: :lol: !!!
Continua tu a fare il tuo lavoro in modo sempre onesto e sincero verso L'Inferno perchè loro sanno e vedono tutto. E ogniuno di noi riceverá da Satana quello che si merita. Sia in bene che in male :twisted:!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
