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regarding selling the soul

I wanted to ask this as everybody's personal opinion.

Regarding Hollywood, is it even realistic to become an actor without being fucked?

Hail Satan!
So they are jew a fucking jew thats right curse them .i hate them . Hail father satan

On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 8:00 AM PDT nick_vabzircnila@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote:

Lady Gaga is in love with Jewdas.

Lady Gaga - Judas (Lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y7ACSyxWS0


Lady Gaga - Judas (Lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y7ACSyxWS0 Lady Gaga - Judas (Lyrics)

View on www.youtube.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9y7ACSyxWS0
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Thats right they are the worst. Hey brother my first lang isnt english so would you explain kike word to me i couldnt find its definition

On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 7:44 AM PDT Yog Sothoth yogsothoth666999@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote:

Take a good look at their disgusting faces, they are kikes. 

On Saturday, March 28, 2015 7:05 AM, "denniswhicher@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  I don't think Madonna or Lady Gaga are kikes.  However, I believe both are idiots and work with kikes in Project Distraction of the Gentiles.  In the end, it does little to no good to be a Gentile if one is an idiot and works alongside the kikes to destroy the Gentiles.
And, their music sucks.  Madonna had some worthwhile music back in the 1980s if you can get past some of the xian material (particularly on the Like a Prayer album), but her latest albums are nothing worth the plastic they are printed on.  Lady Gaga belongs in the trash, as her CDs are not even worth the electricity it takes to play them.  Anyone going to see them, kike or not, would be better off taking the money instead and investing in a couple of rolls of silver quarters or halves.  You will get more value that way.
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I would think that only a born jew would be capable of such psychopathy. A Gentile person would never be so spiteful, and evil. Although, as I stated, I don't really know about celebrities as I don't pay attention to the tabloids.

No its not realistic to become in an actor in Hollywood without being predicted, controlled, manipulated and suppressed by antisocial psycho's.  However it is very realistic to become an artist that doesn't take any shit from retarded wanna be antisocial scumbags.

---In [email protected], <johnrobsons@... wrote :

I wanted to ask this as everybody's personal opinion.

Regarding Hollywood, is it even realistic to become an actor without being fucked?

Hail Satan!
I dont think so otherwise you should work on your own you should act. Direct. Film it. Write it . And everything lol

On Sat, Mar 28, 2015 08:34 PDT johnrobsons@... [JoyofSatan666] wrote:

I wanted to ask this as everybody's personal opinion.

Regarding Hollywood, is it even realistic to become an actor without being fucked?

Hail Satan!
No, unless you pulled what Micheal Jackson did. Crafty bastard. He actually cheated the kikes and won. Or, so that is the story.

The jews run much like a forest in their information network. They're so paranoid they typically know what move you're going to make before you do. Plus, you primarily be advocating their agenda if not entirely.

Best bet is to take Enemyofjezzuz's advice. Get into Real Estate, or Money management for corporation.
A desciple,explain more on the micheal jackson thing.
On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 8:46 PM, descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  No, unless you pulled what Micheal Jackson did. Crafty bastard. He actually cheated the kikes and won. Or, so that is the story.

The jews run much like a forest in their information network. They're so paranoid they typically know what move you're going to make before you do. Plus, you primarily be advocating their agenda if not entirely.

Best bet is to take Enemyofjezzuz's advice. Get into Real Estate, or Money management for corporation.
I think he's talking about how Micheal Jackson molested children and got off scott free if I'm not mistaken.
Well basically. Those videos are disgusting propaganda bullshit from xians. It's all some cover up I'm sure. But if you're worried, put it this way. If the xians are right which no one thinks they are, then whether you're a satanist, or just a normal human being their loving "god" will send you to an eternal torment of hell anyway! Just for not actively looking for his "son".
It's a subliminal, and a play on fear. Yes, xianity, and this complacent life the jews have instigated on we Pagans have made a lot of cowards. So, they give their psychic energy for fear of death. It's terrorism.

Yes, the jewish psychopathic god(enemy ET's in reality) and it's rotten son(the jewish thoughtform meant to ensure communism is never opposed) are forced onto the populace under threat of death, for real in certain countries, just like the inquisition.

We have to work to rid this sewer scum from the world.
If the xians are right which no one thinks they are, then whether you're a satanist, or just a normal human being... Ha. Ha
Things that make me laugh..or wait..am i laughing.
Bad joke. I know you ment no offense..but plis be careful not to insult Satanists are normal human beings too.
Then regarding the rest your text..idk what you mean.
On Apr 2, 2015 1:25 AM, "walkerofskwog@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Well basically. Those videos are disgusting propaganda bullshit from xians. It's all some cover up I'm sure. But if you're worried, put it this way. If the xians are right which no one thinks they are, then whether you're a satanist, or just a normal human being their loving "god" will send you to an eternal torment of hell anyway! Just for not actively looking for his "son".
dude im Satanist myself I love satan and the gods I would die for them if they will it. but I want to make sure of everything I hear so

On Thursday, April 2, 2015 5:40 PM, "devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  If the xians are right which no one thinks they are, then whether you're a satanist, or just a normal human being... Ha. Ha
Things that make me laugh..or wait..am i laughing.
Bad joke. I know you ment no offense..but plis be careful not to insult Satanists are normal human beings too.
Then regarding the rest your text..idk what you mean.
On Apr 2, 2015 1:25 AM, "walkerofskwog@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Well basically. Those videos are disgusting propaganda bullshit from xians. It's all some cover up I'm sure. But if you're worried, put it this way. If the xians are right which no one thinks they are, then whether you're a satanist, or just a normal human being their loving "god" will send you to an eternal torment of hell anyway! Just for not actively looking for his "son".

@Mohamad: Why do you want to make sure about enemy lies? Actually if you love our Gods, then you will just dismiss what negative things and other nonsense you hear about them. There's nothing to make sure about that, it's just disrespectful slander. It's pretty much like emailing me and asking me "hey, is that true you're an idiot? I was watching a video saying that you are, I want to make sure about that". Obviously you wouldn't really ask that to a person you respect, and that person would definitely get angry or upset if you asked him that.
I am new and have recently performed the Dedication Ritual. In no way does this involve selling your soul. If you pay attention to the wording it means you're rejecting the false abrahamic jehovah and accepting and recognizing Father Satan as the true Creator God. It is my understanding that your soul is yours. I felt very empowered afterwards. I felt like I gained control of my Soul.
I really meant, it's ruined a lot of we Pagans. We were once a noble race, fearless, proud, and powerful. Now, we're slaving in the goddamn mud afraid of imaginary things that go "fuck you, you were human today, I'm gonna burn you alive" from the sky. That's basically the point I was trying to get across before.

I would seriously love to see an end to this bullshit. It's shock collar, Guerrilla style terrorism.
but seriously guys if it wasn't for these metal bands I wouldn't even know such thing (Satanism) exist . as we are living in muslim country that removes all the things regarding this so I thank them somehow and of course thank the father satan and gods for accepting me.hail father satan and the gods

On Sunday, April 5, 2015 2:18 AM, "descipleofthegods13@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I really meant, it's ruined a lot of we Pagans. We were once a noble race, fearless, proud, and powerful. Now, we're slaving in the goddamn mud afraid of imaginary things that go "fuck you, you were human today, I'm gonna burn you alive" from the sky. That's basically the point I was trying to get across before.

I would seriously love to see an end to this bullshit. It's shock collar, Guerrilla style terrorism.

I, for one, am glad to see Truth spreading. I'm sure most of us formerly xian also need to understand the different paradigm.

Father Satan and Hitler are maligned.

Hail Father Satan forever!
The following reveals how the jews run the music industry, and how they may be also using witchcraft, using their slaves(celebrities) an outlet, to influence the minds of people as they have done extremily with xtianity & promote their agenda:

Hi everyone,
I'm just posting this so that our brothers and sisters in Satan, can see what the jews are now desperately doing in using their slaves(celebrities) of the mainstream media to promote their agenda's, which further increases ignorance of true satanism. Those of us who have ever seen those "illuminati" videos on youtube "exposing" artists, actors, politicians...(those that have some influence in the JEWISH RUN MEDIA) should know these videos only further spread the lies and keep them alive as these only confuse people, and keeps them away from Satan. Those who make the videos are either deluded christians or jews themselves and some of theses videos range in 6 digit views. Many probably know jewish rapper Drake, he has an obsession with the number 6, here's a link where Maxine talks extensively about the saturnine influence of the number 6.
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/490

http://www.bustle.com/articles/64238-dr ... ually-mean

http://theboombox.com/drake-6-god-heat- ... -bout-now/ THIS IS THE ONE OF THE POPULAR ALBUM ART. 6 with "prayer" hands(stolen mudra used by christians) , also with songs like 6god, this is just blatant for those who can see the christian connection. His newly released album is titled "If You Reading This It's Too Late" , we can make the connection of this title with something HP Don posted the about the Stock Market Crash & economic bad times...
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/662

Also there's Kanye West, I don't know if someone wrote about this before, but I will mention this aswell... 2 years ago while Kanye West was promoting his album "Yeezus" , he premiered his single "New Slaves" (note the jewish symbolism & their goals of communism) screening it on "66" Walls Worldwide again with the "6" connection.
http://www.okayplayer.com/news/kanye-we ... album.html
This really shows the subliminals of the promotions, just as Maxine wrote about bible numerology on www.exposingchristianity.com , this is very similar, and note that millions of people listen to this crap, I must admit ever since I dedicated I have seen much of the blatant subliminals used, being a former fan of this artist, thanks to Joy of Satan , & SATAN'S TRUTH.

This next one, also a rapper is Kendrick Lamar, quite popular aswell, his newly released album To Pimp a Butterfly, is quite similar to the artists albums mentioned above. With the album cover showing shirtless black people holding money and and judge who seems to be dead. This relates directly to a system that has failed and a new system needed. It's very similar to what Maxine has said before : "the jew creates the PROBLEM & they bring THEIR SOLUTION". Also if anyone knows about MK-ULTRA MIND CONTROL & MONARCH PROGRAMING, the butterfly refference (monarch programing) is blatant. IMO ... the "Pimp" being the jew and these celebrities being the "Butterflies" victims of mk-ultra. Even further is the jew goal of making us their "victims" slaves , thus the term "butterfly"(hypnotized & programmed) the jews desire for control and making us their slaves. This may also be pushing the rfid chip *subliminally* HP Don has written about and how this chip could work to control the minds of people. This further proves the JEWISH(ENEMY) INFLUENCE BEHIND MANY OF THESE CELEBRITIES AND ARTISTS, ALSO THEIR ATTEMPTS TO SUBLIMINALLY MAKE PEOPLE ASK FOR THE CHIP AFTER THEY THEMSELVES FAIL THE SYSTEM THEY'VE BEEN RUNNING.

Here's a few videos for those that don't know about MK-ULTRA.

I just wanted to post this for peoples awareness, people that have an open mind about this and those that would like to follow up on what I wrote in the above and further expose. As millions follow the christian dogma(that is dying by our efforts) many follow these "stars" CELEBRITIES.... TRULY exposing them would further help our cause in bringing people to Satan, even those that are claiming to expose them aren't by still promoting lies increasing the ignorance of those that are searching for the TRUTH but don't know where to look. Many of these so called "stars" many of which are miserable and controlled & influenced by the jews, to promote THEIR AGENDA(blatantly seen above) & IT'S REAL PROBLEM that many think is the "Devil" Satan's Agenda. Here's where one could fight(WARFARE FOR SATAN AND THE GODS OF HELL) & OUR CAUSE... wherever & whenever their is promotion of these lies, aswell as christian lies... SAY SOMETHING! DON'T ALLOW THEM TO PROMOTE WHAT THEY CLAIM IS SATANIC!!!! WE MUST FIGHT ON ALL LEVELS!!!!


http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt ... adedFile(1).jpeg&imgrefurl=http://aasman.ca/blog/does_madonnas_face_reflect_an_evolution_of_her_brand/&h=183&w=275&tbnid=8Y4Qi6c9BIxDtM:&zoom=1&docid=PHKoAdyoQ10KhM&hl=en&ei=GEQjVbTtOorfsAXQiIH4Ag&tbm=isch&ved=0CF4QMygoMCg

http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt ... C8QMygEMAQ

They both have that dead look in their eyes and the dumb rabbit teeth, and their faces look like they were lumps slopped together by some drunk. Pretty Jewy looking, no matter how much weird shit Lady Gaga slaps on her face..

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
