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Redpillers FAQ: Why Do We Use The Name "Satan"?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Many people will ask why the Joy of Satan uses the name Satan.

A question below is a typical question where an interested individual who has an open mind, is conflated because of lack of information and understanding, or very simply, just knowledge.

RedpilledSchizo said:
Then why use a Jewish/Christian name for the deity? If I understand this forum and your beliefs correctly, you're simply advocating for a return to pre-jewish or pre-judeo/christian religion aka paganism. Why not just call yourselves pagans instead of satanists? Is it just an edgy thing to be more provocative and get more attention?

In a hierarchical order, there are many reasons. Although I could be writing a hundred of these, these five ones should elaborate the main core reasons why Spiritual Satanism is of Satan.

On top of the hierarchy order, this is reason one: Because Satan/Satanas, was the word jews considered most important to villify. Why? Because all of this relates to the core language of Indo-Aryans, Sanskrit, which refers to Satyan [the y is pronounced as Yan so it's literally Satan], meaning Eternal Truth, Truthful, Real, and so on.

Any word with the prefix Sat is related to Truth, true realization, reality etc.

At the same rate, the jews only reveal the importance of it. Yogis in the East who hold secret knowledge for thousands of years based on the true Sanatana Dharma or True Path of Meditation, like Yogi Bhajan, also revealed that SATANAMA is the most important mantra of Serpent [Kundalini Yoga], and the Kundalini is to raise the consciousness of a human being to Truth Realization.

Anagrams of the letters S-T-N-A, are always appearing in everything profoundly spiritual.

The age of Truth and Enlightenement in the primordial Aryan religion, was called "Satya Yuga", or the age of Satya.

What is bad about this name?

Reason two: Because if one wants to really go against the jews, their notions of affairs and what things mean, need to be thrown in the pit of fire, in the light of proper knowledge and evidence.

The correct question is this: Why should we NOT use Satan? Because jews included this in their book? Are we to abolish the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Assyrians, and every other culture of Gentiles, simply because they were villified in the jewish books?

Reason three: Satan, while knowledge has been desecrated in the centuries, still relates etymologically and culturally to the Serpent Worship religion, that all Gentiles had in the past. An example, even "Wodan", is related to Satan, through analysis.

The "W" glyph people are using to write "Wodan", was used in Ancient Greek [from where this came] to symbolise the Digamma letter, which was a hissed S sound, for example.


This is reason four: Because the jews are afraid of this term, attempted to curse it for thousands of years, and used this to villify us collectively [based on the above] and therefore this reminds them based on their own language, that we are their enemies.

We are also their masters and the source of all spiritual knowledge. Them knowing this, constantly tried to defame, attack, revile and denigrate Satan in anyway possible, same as all the Serpent and Satanic culture. And we are not going to allow this to succeed.

In hebrew, "Satan" means "Adversary" and enemy. And yes, we are adversaries by default to them.

Jews have stolen and attempted to discredit everything important from Pagan civilizations, and the center of their arch enemy, is no different. In fact, it's a very well researched plot by the "people of the book" to both destroy our core knowledge, while defaming the most integral parts of it.

This is reason five: Satan's modern assosciation with the "dark" and all of this, acts as deterrent for many weak idiots and other servile humans, and therefore, is a good way to divide the gold from the dust when it comes to people following Satan.

It takes courage to approach Satan within the midst of all enemy disinformation, and this courage is a necessary warrior value as Spiritual Satanism is the original warrior's way approach to life, not a universalist, jewish goyim like approach to existence and life.

In conclusion:

Lastly, here is a documentary explaining the fact that people worldwide have been programmed, no different than with Hitler, to have negative responses and hate "Satan" out of the blue. This is really just pavlovian brainwashing done by jews in the minds of weak people, based on emotional reactions.

If one "fears" Satan, that's THEIR problem, not the problem of information or not well founded sources. We are the Truth and we know it. The emotions of people who cannot control their jewish pavlovian brainwashing, are of no importance to us in the light of superior knowledge and information.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
RedpilledSchizo said:


I want to proofs of that Hitler was a satanist. We can clearly see he was not christian. Maybe he was paganist or had polytheistic beliefes but did really believe in your mean "satanism" i should see signs of it.
SATAN the name also sounds beautiful to me
Kadisiye said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
RedpilledSchizo said:


I want to proofs of that Hitler was a satanist. We can clearly see he was not christian. Maybe he was paganist or had polytheistic beliefes but did really believe in your mean "satanism" i should see signs of it.

Please go watch the videos in my documentaries channel, and there is copious proof in there. Read also the Library.

Also, this: https://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Third_Reich.html
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
This is reason five: Satan's modern assosciation with the "dark" and all of this, acts as deterrent for many weak idiots and other servile humans, and therefore, is a good way to divide the gold from the dust when it comes to people following Satan.

It takes courage to approach Satan within the midst of all enemy disinformation, and this courage is a necessary warrior value as Spiritual Satanism is the original warrior's way approach to life, not a universalist, jewish goyim like approach to existence and life.

Why did this reason just kick some hope about myself back?
Kadisiye said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
RedpilledSchizo said:


I want to proofs of that Hitler was a satanist. We can clearly see he was not christian. Maybe he was paganist or had polytheistic beliefes but did really believe in your mean "satanism" i should see signs of it.

There are Historians who discovered that Hitler did a dedication ritual to satan search for it on google please, and besides if he hated jews he is related to the devil by all means, satan the devil is the eternal enemy of the monolythic kike aliens.
Kadisiye said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
RedpilledSchizo said:


I want to proofs of that Hitler was a satanist. We can clearly see he was not christian. Maybe he was paganist or had polytheistic beliefes but did really believe in your mean "satanism" i should see signs of it.
They used satanic symbols, like Blac Sun and Iron Cross. NatSoc iron cross is on most Demon sigils


HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people will ask why the Joy of Satan uses the name Satan.

A question below is a typical question where an interested individual who has an open mind, is conflated because of lack of information and understanding, or very simply, just knowledge.

RedpilledSchizo said:
Why not just call yourselves pagans instead of satanists?

The problem with the name "Pagan" is that it carries a strictly exoteric meaning that refers to worshiping certain deities and participating in certain cerremonies and living in harmony with nature. It doesn't include the concept of Spiritual transformation or occult power and knowledge. It doesn't emphasize the point of fighting against Abrahamic religions and especially the jews.

So, in one sense we are Pagans, but we are much more than that. Hence the title "Satanism".
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because Satan/Satanas, was the word jews considered most important to villify.
What I find interesting, in my language christians are using `Satan` as an adjective to label people who do bad things.
„These people who rule the world are Satans”. That's something a popular woke person from there is saying when reffering to the jews who rule the planet. He is calling them `Satans` because he knows they are doing bag things. This `apellative` is not very popular though and is mostly used by some christians. But that's just a confirmation of how the name Satan was slandered to have a negative connotation.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
SATAN the name also sounds beautiful to me

Never doubt your feelings for Father Satan.
Stating this as you, how can you possibly think you might be a jew?

Satan is the most beautiful and powerful name in the entire universe.

His name echoes in eternity and across the entire world, Satan the most beautiful, Satan the most powerful.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Kadisiye said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I want to proofs of that Hitler was a satanist. We can clearly see he was not christian. Maybe he was paganist or had polytheistic beliefes but did really believe in your mean "satanism" i should see signs of it.

Please go watch the videos in my documentaries channel, and there is copious proof in there. Read also the Library.

Also, this: https://www.satanslibrary.org/666BlackSun/Third_Reich.html

The Heinrich Himmler documentary was amazing too. I just watched that one, and I have a whole new level of respect for him. It's very well put together, and in my opinion, a VERY suitable replacement for Dennis Wise's garbage documentary. Dennis' documentary has its place I suppose as an introduction, but the xian component of it is disgusting. As well as the loads of misinformation like the Fuhrer allowing kikes to become "honorary Aryans" and being allowed in the Reich and even the army, and counted among Hitler's best friends. It's bunk. I don't know how anyone can watch "The Greatest Story Never Told" from an enlightened perspective without wanting to rip their eyes out. Hellstorm is much better for introduction.

I know you included bits from Dennis' documentary, and I'm not saying that's bad. You did an amazing job putting "The Aryan Knight" together. I enjoyed it very much.

For the other person's question, there is also the JoS websites which explain all of that in detail. It's been explained many times on the forums here and the JoS websites how xianity and communism are identical in their goals, and share the common theme of giving everything you have to the poor and destitute, uplifting the weak at the expense of the strong. There should be a safety net provided by society for people in certain circumstances perhaps if one CAN be provided, but overall it's not in the best interest of society to glorify the poor while hating the strong. Xianity and communism are both very "anti-competition." Nature loves competition, and the jews hate it because jews are weak.

You also have to ask yourself why Hitler would be fighting against the bolshevik communists who took over Russia in 1917 if he wasn't Pagan or Satanic. Satanists oppose lies and corruption by nature. That's why jews call Satan and Truth their enemy. Because the jews are liars by nature. The jewish communists in Russia back then had plans to invade all of Europe and spread their communist dystopia. They took over Russia, then they tried to spread south and do the same to Germany. This would have continued until all of Europe was under their jewish heel. That was the plan, world domination. The same goal the jews have always fought for - global enslavement of humanity. Hitler stopped them from conquering all of Europe.

Also consider that the Swastika symbol comes from India, and as HP HoodedCobra has already pointed out, the name Satan comes from Hindu Sanskrit. The Swastika is the symbol of the Sun which was a central focus of Aryan Pagan worship throughout all cultures just like the Dragon/Serpent. The Norse sun cross, the Egyptian worship of the sun, etc...

And the word the xians use, soul, comes from the Norse word for the sun, Sol. There's an obvious link between Norse myths and Hindu myths. In the Eddas and the Vedas, there is the same myths of the Soma elixir which is also known as the water of eternal life. The mead of honey is the same.

The swastika is also comparable to the Norse sun cross. It's no coincidence. The Swastika and the Sun cross are solar symbols. Even the word solar. Sol-ar. Sol, soul. Our souls are made up of light. The Swastika on the German uniforms and on their flag came from Indian and Norse culture. Odin and Satan. Sun cross and Swastika.

Even "hell" was taken from the name of the Norse underworld, Hel. The bible is cultural appropriation by the jews, and they turned our own Satanic culture and myths into a weapon against us.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Beautifully said.
I have myself sometimes questioned why we shouldn't go for a different name, like "Shiva" whom the Hindu openly worship, or a more popularly accepted one, like "Poseidon"... but it wouldn't make THIS much sense if we did.

Hence, we are "Satanists".
Every other depiction of "satanism", as seen in movies, fantasy books, the xian Bible, or delusional people who embraced damaging principles and concepts and call themselves "satanists", is false and should be disregarded as enemy propaganda ..or the effect of enemy propaganda on the weak minded who cannot think and question enough to realize what the only Truth is.

Those who HAVE KNOWN Father Satan personally, through meditation and exploration of their Soul, looking for Truth, realize how this name is the most fitting one for Him.
I always had with this name problems by feelings. I always associated this name and decor of some of your sites with doom ("roc" in russian or bad fate) subconsciously and later by next thinking - it is from bible. Yes, I know and knew that it had roots from Sanskrit and means truth, but may be this people meaned under truth next sentence (?): less you know - better your sleep (меньше знаешь, крепче спишь). May be Indians connected this word with evil? By the way I do not like indians, it is the most amorfed country, and this guys are looking like gypsy - this the most doomed things. But of course among gipsy and indians can be something beautiful. But looking on gipsy - it is mostly not. Why they are doomed? Because they are living mostly on the streets.

Look on bafomet: it is real doom (im just looking on this torch in head and something strange feel. Symbolic, yeah, but it is still better to compose symbols in more beautiful way).

We are still alive because we associate this name with true god but i am sure that if we will use Egypt names it will be a lot better. Just energies are going in not right ways i mean (i hope that you will understand my english). That is why when i was listening doom, i had pain in finger of left hand. What means that i had help from being that you call satan. Because i had sacrament for this name satan. You can try this experience too if you will find video of doom, because you had sacrament too. This pain means that we are very sensitive to what is making us good or bad. Stop delete posts about this, I'm saying interesting things.

And look on reaction of common atheistic people on this name - it is always strange for them. This is why, i'm sure, we have now corruption in culture among some russian satanists in social network. And having bad popularity. What you guys afraid by changing this name on something more decent - because we will become more xian? Science of hedonism explains on how xian country will produce greys. So true hedonists always know when you are becoming a parasite and when - not.

Truth must make only pleasure, not fear.

Why we must to hide our progress? I don't mean that we must use the photo's, but why hiding is so dangerous? Later i had paranoia with satan name. I thought that everyone wants to kill me because i following for this name. Don't you think that we are making a problems to us using the doom?

Now, after i refused bible's heaven and hell, i feel only peace in my soul. Because i feel that i am right.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people will ask why the Joy of Satan uses the name Satan.

A question below is a typical question where an interested individual who has an open mind, is conflated because of lack of information and understanding, or very simply, just knowledge.

RedpilledSchizo said:
Then why use a Jewish/Christian name for the deity? If I understand this forum and your beliefs correctly, you're simply advocating for a return to pre-jewish or pre-judeo/christian religion aka paganism. Why not just call yourselves pagans instead of satanists? Is it just an edgy thing to be more provocative and get more attention?

In a hierarchical order, there are many reasons. Although I could be writing a hundred of these, these five ones should elaborate the main core reasons why Spiritual Satanism is of Satan.

On top of the hierarchy order, this is reason one: Because Satan/Satanas, was the word jews considered most important to villify. Why? Because all of this relates to the core language of Indo-Aryans, Sanskrit, which refers to Satyan [the y is pronounced as Yan so it's literally Satan], meaning Eternal Truth, Truthful, Real, and so on.

Any word with the prefix Sat is related to Truth, true realization, reality etc.

At the same rate, the jews only reveal the importance of it. Yogis in the East who hold secret knowledge for thousands of years based on the true Sanatana Dharma or True Path of Meditation, like Yogi Bhajan, also revealed that SATANAMA is the most important mantra of Serpent [Kundalini Yoga], and the Kundalini is to raise the consciousness of a human being to Truth Realization.

Anagrams of the letters S-T-N-A, are always appearing in everything profoundly spiritual.

The age of Truth and Enlightenement in the primordial Aryan religion, was called "Satya Yuga", or the age of Satya.

What is bad about this name?

Reason two: Because if one wants to really go against the jews, their notions of affairs and what things mean, need to be thrown in the pit of fire, in the light of proper knowledge and evidence.

The correct question is this: Why should we NOT use Satan? Because jews included this in their book? Are we to abolish the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Assyrians, and every other culture of Gentiles, simply because they were villified in the jewish books?

Reason three: Satan, while knowledge has been desecrated in the centuries, still relates etymologically and culturally to the Serpent Worship religion, that all Gentiles had in the past. An example, even "Wodan", is related to Satan, through analysis.

The "W" glyph people are using to write "Wodan", was used in Ancient Greek [from where this came] to symbolise the Digamma letter, which was a hissed S sound, for example.


This is reason four: Because the jews are afraid of this term, attempted to curse it for thousands of years, and used this to villify us collectively [based on the above] and therefore this reminds them based on their own language, that we are their enemies.

We are also their masters and the source of all spiritual knowledge. Them knowing this, constantly tried to defame, attack, revile and denigrate Satan in anyway possible, same as all the Serpent and Satanic culture. And we are not going to allow this to succeed.

In hebrew, "Satan" means "Adversary" and enemy. And yes, we are adversaries by default to them.

Jews have stolen and attempted to discredit everything important from Pagan civilizations, and the center of their arch enemy, is no different. In fact, it's a very well researched plot by the "people of the book" to both destroy our core knowledge, while defaming the most integral parts of it.

This is reason five: Satan's modern assosciation with the "dark" and all of this, acts as deterrent for many weak idiots and other servile humans, and therefore, is a good way to divide the gold from the dust when it comes to people following Satan.

It takes courage to approach Satan within the midst of all enemy disinformation, and this courage is a necessary warrior value as Spiritual Satanism is the original warrior's way approach to life, not a universalist, jewish goyim like approach to existence and life.

In conclusion:

Lastly, here is a documentary explaining the fact that people worldwide have been programmed, no different than with Hitler, to have negative responses and hate "Satan" out of the blue. This is really just pavlovian brainwashing done by jews in the minds of weak people, based on emotional reactions.

If one "fears" Satan, that's THEIR problem, not the problem of information or not well founded sources. We are the Truth and we know it. The emotions of people who cannot control their jewish pavlovian brainwashing, are of no importance to us in the light of superior knowledge and information.

You are clearly either for the mental institution, or you are severely deluded. Stop slandering the Gods, and start some serious meditation. I won't even comment on your unmoderated topics in which I read the most nutcase things in weeks.

Stop slandering the Gods, because on your crazy train, it's going to be really bad for you.

What do you think this is, your own personal video game? Did Set just rip some jew another one, and you feel affected?

Abi_and_Sterling said:
please contact either of us at ***@gmail.com or ***@gmail.com, again our names are Abi and Sterling and we need to talk to you! And again, until we can, ALL INFORMATION ON ALL JOS PLATFORMS ABOUT LOKI/SET/SITRI MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY! And Bathin does not want to be associated with him anywhere ever again. She just yesterday was finally able to get away safe and free from his abuse, finally.


OpenMind said:
I want my account deleted for security measures , thank you a lot

Sure, it will be scheduled for deletion fully. If there has been something else that is the reason, feel free to let us know in another thread. Or make another one in a safer way.
Wodanaz = Satanas = Satan
Kundalini in the Egyptian book of the dead = Serpent sata
Zeus = Shiva = Wotan
The Bible states in Apocalypse that Zeus is Satan.
Rational Satanist said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people will ask why the Joy of Satan uses the name Satan.

A question below is a typical question where an interested individual who has an open mind, is conflated because of lack of information and understanding, or very simply, just knowledge.

RedpilledSchizo said:
Why not just call yourselves pagans instead of satanists?

The problem with the name "Pagan" is that it carries a strictly exoteric meaning that refers to worshiping certain deities and participating in certain cerremonies and living in harmony with nature. It doesn't include the concept of Spiritual transformation or occult power and knowledge. It doesn't emphasize the point of fighting against Abrahamic religions and especially the jews.

So, in one sense we are Pagans, but we are much more than that. Hence the title "Satanism".

'Pagan' is also a much younger term, coming from Late Latin and not even used before the Renaissance. It was created by xtards, so there's no reason to use it. Even 'Hellene' is much younger than Satan as a word, dating to the 4th century.

If someone wants to call themselves anything other than Satanist, Heathen is probably the best option because of it's similarities to ethnic, gentile, kin, etc. and it comes from Old Norse and Gothic. Still, I don't see any reason to use anything other than Satanist. Nothing is as ancient and powerful as that.
Charmes said:
I always had with this name problems by feelings. I always associated this name and decor of some of your sites with doom ("roc" in russian or bad fate) subconsciously and later by next thinking - it is from bible. Yes, I know and knew that it had roots from Sanskrit and means truth, but may be this people meaned under truth next sentence (?): less you know - better your sleep (меньше знаешь, крепче спишь). May be Indians connected this word with evil? By the way I do not like indians, it is the most amorfed country, and this guys are looking like gypsy - this the most doomed things. But of course among gipsy and indians can be something beautiful. But looking on gipsy - it is mostly not. Why they are doomed? Because they are living mostly on the streets.

Look on bafomet: it is real doom (im just looking on this torch in head and something strange feel. Symbolic, yeah, but it is still better to compose symbols in more beautiful way).

We are still alive because we associate this name with true god but i am sure that if we will use Egypt names it will be a lot better. Just energies are going in not right ways i mean (i hope that you will understand my english). That is why when i was listening doom, i had pain in finger of left hand. What means that i had help from being that you call satan. Because i had sacrament for this name satan. You can try this experience too if you will find video of doom, because you had sacrament too. This pain means that we are very sensitive to what is making us good or bad. Stop delete posts about this, I'm saying interesting things.

And look on reaction of common atheistic people on this name - it is always strange for them. This is why, i'm sure, we have now corruption in culture among some russian satanists in social network. And having bad popularity. What you guys afraid by changing this name on something more decent - because we will become more xian? Science of hedonism explains on how xian country will produce greys. So true hedonists always know when you are becoming a parasite and when - not.

Truth must make only pleasure, not fear.

Why we must to hide our progress? I don't mean that we must use the photo's, but why hiding is so dangerous? Later i had paranoia with satan name. I thought that everyone wants to kill me because i following for this name. Don't you think that we are making a problems to us using the doom?

Now, after i refused bible's heaven and hell, i feel only peace in my soul. Because i feel that i am right.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people will ask why the Joy of Satan uses the name Satan.

A question below is a typical question where an interested individual who has an open mind, is conflated because of lack of information and understanding, or very simply, just knowledge.

RedpilledSchizo said:
Then why use a Jewish/Christian name for the deity? If I understand this forum and your beliefs correctly, you're simply advocating for a return to pre-jewish or pre-judeo/christian religion aka paganism. Why not just call yourselves pagans instead of satanists? Is it just an edgy thing to be more provocative and get more attention?

In a hierarchical order, there are many reasons. Although I could be writing a hundred of these, these five ones should elaborate the main core reasons why Spiritual Satanism is of Satan.

On top of the hierarchy order, this is reason one: Because Satan/Satanas, was the word jews considered most important to villify. Why? Because all of this relates to the core language of Indo-Aryans, Sanskrit, which refers to Satyan [the y is pronounced as Yan so it's literally Satan], meaning Eternal Truth, Truthful, Real, and so on.

Any word with the prefix Sat is related to Truth, true realization, reality etc.

At the same rate, the jews only reveal the importance of it. Yogis in the East who hold secret knowledge for thousands of years based on the true Sanatana Dharma or True Path of Meditation, like Yogi Bhajan, also revealed that SATANAMA is the most important mantra of Serpent [Kundalini Yoga], and the Kundalini is to raise the consciousness of a human being to Truth Realization.

Anagrams of the letters S-T-N-A, are always appearing in everything profoundly spiritual.

The age of Truth and Enlightenement in the primordial Aryan religion, was called "Satya Yuga", or the age of Satya.

What is bad about this name?

Reason two: Because if one wants to really go against the jews, their notions of affairs and what things mean, need to be thrown in the pit of fire, in the light of proper knowledge and evidence.

The correct question is this: Why should we NOT use Satan? Because jews included this in their book? Are we to abolish the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Assyrians, and every other culture of Gentiles, simply because they were villified in the jewish books?

Reason three: Satan, while knowledge has been desecrated in the centuries, still relates etymologically and culturally to the Serpent Worship religion, that all Gentiles had in the past. An example, even "Wodan", is related to Satan, through analysis.

The "W" glyph people are using to write "Wodan", was used in Ancient Greek [from where this came] to symbolise the Digamma letter, which was a hissed S sound, for example.


This is reason four: Because the jews are afraid of this term, attempted to curse it for thousands of years, and used this to villify us collectively [based on the above] and therefore this reminds them based on their own language, that we are their enemies.

We are also their masters and the source of all spiritual knowledge. Them knowing this, constantly tried to defame, attack, revile and denigrate Satan in anyway possible, same as all the Serpent and Satanic culture. And we are not going to allow this to succeed.

In hebrew, "Satan" means "Adversary" and enemy. And yes, we are adversaries by default to them.

Jews have stolen and attempted to discredit everything important from Pagan civilizations, and the center of their arch enemy, is no different. In fact, it's a very well researched plot by the "people of the book" to both destroy our core knowledge, while defaming the most integral parts of it.

This is reason five: Satan's modern assosciation with the "dark" and all of this, acts as deterrent for many weak idiots and other servile humans, and therefore, is a good way to divide the gold from the dust when it comes to people following Satan.

It takes courage to approach Satan within the midst of all enemy disinformation, and this courage is a necessary warrior value as Spiritual Satanism is the original warrior's way approach to life, not a universalist, jewish goyim like approach to existence and life.

In conclusion:

Lastly, here is a documentary explaining the fact that people worldwide have been programmed, no different than with Hitler, to have negative responses and hate "Satan" out of the blue. This is really just pavlovian brainwashing done by jews in the minds of weak people, based on emotional reactions.

If one "fears" Satan, that's THEIR problem, not the problem of information or not well founded sources. We are the Truth and we know it. The emotions of people who cannot control their jewish pavlovian brainwashing, are of no importance to us in the light of superior knowledge and information.


We don´t use the doom, the doom / musik/art uses satanic themes because people deep down recognize this as something important and listen watch read it. It´s about symbolism, if you have bad feelings about the name Satan or related imagenery you have not fully deprogrammed or some greys play with you.

There is no logical reason to be afraid of any symbol etc it can´t harm you if you don´t fokus/ connect with it for a longer time like enemy symbols. Like fokussing several min solely on a jewish star.

Also HPHC did explain, it is a test of courage, we need strong, brave spiritual warriours.

Reading the JOS is like training.
DarkSwan said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
SATAN the name also sounds beautiful to me

Never doubt your feelings for Father Satan.
Stating this as you, how can you possibly think you might be a jew?

Satan is the most beautiful and powerful name in the entire universe.

His name echoes in eternity and across the entire world, Satan the most beautiful, Satan the most powerful.


The day i made that post i was really really worried. I opened up to the possibility that i might be and boom i was my own worst enemy but im relaxed now and can see clearly that i am not and after watching some of HP Cobra's documentary i can see i am nothing like the jews at all not even a little bit.
I love this planet with gentile love and i treat people and nature with care and i can see the beauty of it.I mean if i see someone treating a dog or a cat or even a inocent human with cruelty it hurts me a deeply which means im nothing like the jews or a retard christian. I have love for Father Satan i can feel it.

Thank you
Hail Satan
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Many people will ask why the Joy of Satan uses the name Satan.

A question below is a typical question where an interested individual who has an open mind, is conflated because of lack of information and understanding, or very simply, just knowledge.

RedpilledSchizo said:
Then why use a Jewish/Christian name for the deity? If I understand this forum and your beliefs correctly, you're simply advocating for a return to pre-jewish or pre-judeo/christian religion aka paganism. Why not just call yourselves pagans instead of satanists? Is it just an edgy thing to be more provocative and get more attention?

In a hierarchical order, there are many reasons. Although I could be writing a hundred of these, these five ones should elaborate the main core reasons why Spiritual Satanism is of Satan.

On top of the hierarchy order, this is reason one: Because Satan/Satanas, was the word jews considered most important to villify. Why? Because all of this relates to the core language of Indo-Aryans, Sanskrit, which refers to Satyan [the y is pronounced as Yan so it's literally Satan], meaning Eternal Truth, Truthful, Real, and so on.

Any word with the prefix Sat is related to Truth, true realization, reality etc.

At the same rate, the jews only reveal the importance of it. Yogis in the East who hold secret knowledge for thousands of years based on the true Sanatana Dharma or True Path of Meditation, like Yogi Bhajan, also revealed that SATANAMA is the most important mantra of Serpent [Kundalini Yoga], and the Kundalini is to raise the consciousness of a human being to Truth Realization.

Anagrams of the letters S-T-N-A, are always appearing in everything profoundly spiritual.

The age of Truth and Enlightenement in the primordial Aryan religion, was called "Satya Yuga", or the age of Satya.

What is bad about this name?

Reason two: Because if one wants to really go against the jews, their notions of affairs and what things mean, need to be thrown in the pit of fire, in the light of proper knowledge and evidence.

The correct question is this: Why should we NOT use Satan? Because jews included this in their book? Are we to abolish the Greeks, the Egyptians, the Assyrians, and every other culture of Gentiles, simply because they were villified in the jewish books?

Reason three: Satan, while knowledge has been desecrated in the centuries, still relates etymologically and culturally to the Serpent Worship religion, that all Gentiles had in the past. An example, even "Wodan", is related to Satan, through analysis.

The "W" glyph people are using to write "Wodan", was used in Ancient Greek [from where this came] to symbolise the Digamma letter, which was a hissed S sound, for example.


This is reason four: Because the jews are afraid of this term, attempted to curse it for thousands of years, and used this to villify us collectively [based on the above] and therefore this reminds them based on their own language, that we are their enemies.

We are also their masters and the source of all spiritual knowledge. Them knowing this, constantly tried to defame, attack, revile and denigrate Satan in anyway possible, same as all the Serpent and Satanic culture. And we are not going to allow this to succeed.

In hebrew, "Satan" means "Adversary" and enemy. And yes, we are adversaries by default to them.

Jews have stolen and attempted to discredit everything important from Pagan civilizations, and the center of their arch enemy, is no different. In fact, it's a very well researched plot by the "people of the book" to both destroy our core knowledge, while defaming the most integral parts of it.

This is reason five: Satan's modern assosciation with the "dark" and all of this, acts as deterrent for many weak idiots and other servile humans, and therefore, is a good way to divide the gold from the dust when it comes to people following Satan.

It takes courage to approach Satan within the midst of all enemy disinformation, and this courage is a necessary warrior value as Spiritual Satanism is the original warrior's way approach to life, not a universalist, jewish goyim like approach to existence and life.

In conclusion:

Lastly, here is a documentary explaining the fact that people worldwide have been programmed, no different than with Hitler, to have negative responses and hate "Satan" out of the blue. This is really just pavlovian brainwashing done by jews in the minds of weak people, based on emotional reactions.

If one "fears" Satan, that's THEIR problem, not the problem of information or not well founded sources. We are the Truth and we know it. The emotions of people who cannot control their jewish pavlovian brainwashing, are of no importance to us in the light of superior knowledge and information.


Is Satanama his original name / birth name?
Abi_and_Sterling said:
please contact either of us at ***@gmail.com or ***@gmail.com, again our names are Abi and Sterling and we need to talk to you! And again, until we can, ALL INFORMATION ON ALL JOS PLATFORMS ABOUT LOKI/SET/SITRI MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY! And Bathin does not want to be associated with him anywhere ever again. She just yesterday was finally able to get away safe and free from his abuse, finally.



Did you jews come up with this new material for your "Marvelous" jew show called "Loki?" Set is not Loki. Loki is the Norse God of Tricksters and playful mischief, and doesn't have to do with the planet Mercury despite what Marvel thinks. Set is the God of Chaos, Wild Storms, Rebellion, Anarchy, Freedom, Darkness and more. Someone of your level will never understand him so don't even try. His wife is a Goddess and doesn't require your help to escape from "abuse", and she's not concerned with what humans think of her own personal life.

Don't forget next time that it takes a brain to properly defame people. Fools.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You are clearly either for the mental institution, or you are severely deluded. Stop slandering the Gods, and start some serious meditation. I won't even comment on your unmoderated topics in which I read the most nutcase things in weeks.

Stop slandering the Gods, because on your crazy train, it's going to be really bad for you.

What do you think this is, your own personal video game? Did Set just rip some jew another one, and you feel affected?

Abi_and_Sterling said:
please contact either of us at ***@gmail.com or ***@gmail.com, again our names are Abi and Sterling and we need to talk to you! And again, until we can, ALL INFORMATION ON ALL JOS PLATFORMS ABOUT LOKI/SET/SITRI MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY! And Bathin does not want to be associated with him anywhere ever again. She just yesterday was finally able to get away safe and free from his abuse, finally.



I have only good experiences with God Sitri, and also with Goddess Bathin. Both of them have been very helpful and kind to me at all times. Goddess Bathin explained me many things about kundalini. She explained things very well and it was understandable to me. It was a great conversation.

So I take it quite badly when someone says bad things about them. But that's true of any other god. I hope there won't be any more of that.
Kurat said:
Kadisiye said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I want to proofs of that Hitler was a satanist. We can clearly see he was not christian. Maybe he was paganist or had polytheistic beliefes but did really believe in your mean "satanism" i should see signs of it.
They used satanic symbols, like Blac Sun and Iron Cross. NatSoc iron cross is on most Demon sigils



From what I have read about the great Hitler I know that he used satanic symbols such as the swastika ... I would have given Kadisye a similar answer, but you beat me on time ... Anyway, nice image what you put as a signature, I like it a lot :)
If we use those names for said reasons as to our Gods but also as to evolutionary tools through simple and advanced spiritual phenomena.

Then why is it that people who are mentally ill(Gentiles) and in many cases the enemy(Jews/Xtians/Shabbos/Islamites). Why do many people enter states of psychotic and now a days with schizophrenia being rampant like Aspergers and Autism due to corrosion of humanities faculties with plastics, vaccines, metals, heavy metals, aluminum etc.etc.

Why is it that many people who experience certain debilitation of the mind. Why do they state things in fits of outburst being Satan or Jesus or being a XYZ Demon or being possessed(Whether actually being possessed or merely off the rails)(I understand greys and reptards don't give a shit about wasting time and doing non-sense to people but I doubt a grey or a reptilian is affecting every single person 100% 24/7/365 at some point even they realize it's pointless unless they are THAT stupid).

So why do all these people state they are the devil or Satan or some God/Demon/Hero or for example in India many cults exists around people like the Theosophites Mahavatar Babaji who is considered by them the Jesus Christ of India. Or for example certain people believe they are someone else like a Saint or some Holy man or literally become xtianistic and become preachers of the bible and rabba krast and then get arrested or brought to a hospital to be pumped by drugs.

Seems like there's even a number of atheistic people who believe all religions need to be destroyed because it creates a mental health imbalance/issue. Reminds me of reading a group wanting to abolish 1A/Freedom of Religion because it's a public health crisis and it seems more and more as time goes on people are needed to be pumped with medicine to fix their brain and they are a drain on societal resources according to them.

If you study some South/Central American places and some places in Africa and out in the boonies. There's people like the famous Peruvian jail cells of schizophrenics tied down to jail cells or tied into some sort of inquisition era like board bound for their legs and some of these people live their entire lives jailed for being possessed and the people seemingly believe they are under Demonic control which is funny because it begs the question how stupid people know that if they posses no knowledge on spirituality.

It seems like more and more World-Wide mentally ill people become "possessed" or show signs of "spirituality affecting them" and more and more it seems like jews/christians/muslims and other anti-Satanic forces are proven that religion and people are too mentally ill to even have an opinion. If anything from delving into mental health research on my own issue with psychosis and schizophrenia it begs the question.

Are people who believe religions are a cause of mental health illnesses correct? And in the eyes of the establishment and people who want atheism and not spirituality nor especially religion the fact of the matter is on a realistic factor they are proven correct.

I don't wish to disrespect the JoS but there are people on here like Maxine's statement in one sermon that basically "A spiritually open person is Halloween all day, every day". There are people in the medical community that would pump you full of drugs to fix you. Or the military comes in and performs experiments on you just to find out how spirituality works which is pathetic. It shows how lazy people are not doing spiritual practices. Hello military fuckheads did you not know you can accomplish the same thing by doing yoga and or meditation of different kinds, why must you vivisection my stomach to test out how telekinesis works or perform implants on my brain to figure out how to use grey communist technology.

Anyways why do people go into enraptured states mental illness delving into religion and or spirituality?
jrvan said:
Abi_and_Sterling said:
please contact either of us at ***@gmail.com or ***@gmail.com, again our names are Abi and Sterling and we need to talk to you! And again, until we can, ALL INFORMATION ON ALL JOS PLATFORMS ABOUT LOKI/SET/SITRI MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY! And Bathin does not want to be associated with him anywhere ever again. She just yesterday was finally able to get away safe and free from his abuse, finally.



Did you jews come up with this new material for your "Marvelous" jew show called "Loki?" Set is not Loki. Loki is the Norse God of Tricksters and playful mischief, and doesn't have to do with the planet Mercury despite what Marvel thinks. Set is the God of Chaos, Wild Storms, Rebellion, Anarchy, Freedom, Darkness and more. Someone of your level will never understand him so don't even try. His wife is a Goddess and doesn't require your help to escape from "abuse", and she's not concerned with what humans think of her own personal life.

Don't forget next time that it takes a brain to properly defame people. Fools.

just some loonies who escaped the asylum
The Alchemist7 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Because Satan/Satanas, was the word jews considered most important to villify.
What I find interesting, in my language christians are using `Satan` as an adjective to label people who do bad things.
„These people who rule the world are Satans”. That's something a popular woke person from there is saying when reffering to the jews who rule the planet. He is calling them `Satans` because he knows they are doing bag things. This `apellative` is not very popular though and is mostly used by some christians. But that's just a confirmation of how the name Satan was slandered to have a negative connotation.

Well it comes from the same culture that has the proverb: revenge is for stupid people. In other words you are smarter if you attack for no reason than if you defend yourself. I have a friend who told me i am racist for doing the italian hand gesture... for fucks sake even they love those jokes.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Did Set just rip some jew another one, and you feel affected?

It's hard to explain, but just this one line reminds me of Set's personality in my own experience. I really love him.
Kadisiye said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
RedpilledSchizo said:
If you look into it you can clearly see Hitler had a lot of occult knowledge I been studying this with a freind the other week. I believe he was not killed in Europe he got away and took much of his temple objects and artifacts with him to America. He later went to Argentina after setting up hes work in America there are definitely underground secret society's that have Carried on this work . Hitler what he was doing was building a new civilisation much like ancient Egyptians. As with any radical change it's going to start out messy. If I look at the same time the British government was heavily involved with various occultists of the day . I'm sure they were on for stealing Hitlers knowledge. That war was all about the occult and the spiritual truths .


I want to proofs of that Hitler was a satanist. We can clearly see he was not christian. Maybe he was paganist or had polytheistic beliefes but did really believe in your mean "satanism" i should see signs of it.
One Wire Phenomenon said:
DarkSwan said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
SATAN the name also sounds beautiful to me

Never doubt your feelings for Father Satan.
Stating this as you, how can you possibly think you might be a jew?

Satan is the most beautiful and powerful name in the entire universe.

His name echoes in eternity and across the entire world, Satan the most beautiful, Satan the most powerful.


The day i made that post i was really really worried. I opened up to the possibility that i might be and boom i was my own worst enemy but im relaxed now and can see clearly that i am not and after watching some of HP Cobra's documentary i can see i am nothing like the jews at all not even a little bit.
I love this planet with gentile love and i treat people and nature with care and i can see the beauty of it.I mean if i see someone treating a dog or a cat or even a inocent human with cruelty it hurts me a deeply which means im nothing like the jews or a retard christian. I have love for Father Satan i can feel it.

Thank you
Hail Satan

I'm glad you figured that out and are now feeling better. Way to go :)
hello ignore my name :D
so ive read a pretty good chunk of the joy of satan site and ive lurked on here plenty of times but i mainly just lurk on 4chan.
but anyways straight to the point i think i am ready to perform the dedication to Satan ritual however there are some inconsistency's that are making me uncomfortable and causing me to hesitate in doing so...
first things first is im sure that the world is run by satanic people that do consist of jews however don't jews belong to Satanism?? and aren't there numerous references to Satan hidden everywhere in popular culture? i'm sure the genocidal vaccine that was pushed was pushed by Satanists... the love of my life is vaccinated and perhaps i will never meet them because it will be too dangerous, perhaps if i even kiss them i will contract prions disease. i was vaccinated as a baby and i'm sure my autism is caused by this from the mercury poisoning.(autistic people are known for having extremely high levels of heavy metals in the blood brain barrier) (fluoride opens the blood brain barrier) i have been completely destroyed and dumbed down by Satanists and jews my entire life and on top of all of this i am circumcised. why should i dedicate my self to someone who won't show himself to me? ive asked to no avail. i am broken i am completely hopeless and depressed but i'm willing to try this....

second thing is why is it that in the dedication ritual half of the paragraph is dedicated to denying and refuting jesus christ? i'm not Christian why should this matter? i thought that he didn't even exist and was a fraud? so why waste the breath, the dedication should be about SATAN:!:

:arrow: i am saying this all with great respect if you have made it this far thank you for reading i appreciate it :p
side note i haven't done much power meditations but i do enjoy meditation from time to time
retard said:
second thing is why is it that in the dedication ritual half of the paragraph is dedicated to denying and refuting jesus christ? i'm not Christian why should this matter? i thought that he didn't even exist and was a fraud? so why waste the breath, the dedication should be about SATAN:!:


It's ok if you are circumcised anything else, almost all of America is. This is because the jews imposed this strange practice since they do it in Judaism, and Americans wanted to act like them to be "Good Christians". This hebrew practice will be outlawed in the future unless it's medically necessary.

You can adjust the prayer, but the core of it must be kept intact.

The spitting out this jewish hoax is a necessity to show bravery. Because you might know it's a hoax, but emotional affiliation in one's heart is a no-go if one wants to become a Satanist. The knowledge of this large hoax and the application of this in a rejection statement, shows you are rejecting this out of one's soul forever.

If one cannot kick out this lie, then this means that they are still in an ignorant situation. We don't play mediocre here, all the jewish affiliations have to be removed if one is to become a Satanist.
retard said:
hello ignore my name :D
so ive read a pretty good chunk of the joy of satan site and ive lurked on here plenty of times but i mainly just lurk on 4chan.
but anyways straight to the point i think i am ready to perform the dedication to Satan ritual however there are some inconsistency's that are making me uncomfortable and causing me to hesitate in doing so...
first things first is im sure that the world is run by satanic people that do consist of jews however don't jews belong to Satanism?? and aren't there numerous references to Satan hidden everywhere in popular culture? i'm sure the genocidal vaccine that was pushed was pushed by Satanists... the love of my life is vaccinated and perhaps i will never meet them because it will be too dangerous, perhaps if i even kiss them i will contract prions disease. i was vaccinated as a baby and i'm sure my autism is caused by this from the mercury poisoning.(autistic people are known for having extremely high levels of heavy metals in the blood brain barrier) (fluoride opens the blood brain barrier) i have been completely destroyed and dumbed down by Satanists and jews my entire life and on top of all of this i am circumcised. why should i dedicate my self to someone who won't show himself to me? ive asked to no avail. i am broken i am completely hopeless and depressed but i'm willing to try this....

second thing is why is it that in the dedication ritual half of the paragraph is dedicated to denying and refuting jesus christ? i'm not Christian why should this matter? i thought that he didn't even exist and was a fraud? so why waste the breath, the dedication should be about SATAN:!:

:arrow: i am saying this all with great respect if you have made it this far thank you for reading i appreciate it :p
side note i haven't done much power meditations but i do enjoy meditation from time to time

Jewsus was imposed on our ancestors for thousands of years. It's an insult to our people and to ourselves, and to our own Gods that we were ever forced to worship a jew on a stick who told us to give them all our money (If xians give all their worldly riches to the poor... then the poor are now rich, and must do the same right? The buck stops with jews because jews have no problem taking and keeping money). So rejecting this filthy fictional jew in a declarative fashion is necessary both on a personal level and to show our Creator our courage and willingness to take our life into our own hands instead of being slaves.

The Knights Templar were tortured and interrogated by the jews long ago, and confessed to doing similar things where they spit and pissed on the cross and other items associated with the nazarene, and formally rejected him out loud.

It's not like a frat ceremony. You're in the privacy of your own home with a candlelit backdrop. If you can't even do this in front of the Gods of your ancestors such as Thor and Odin/Satan then you probably won't be able to handle anything else that we do like with group rituals. Satan needs warriors. This path is not for everyone.

And please don't interpret this as pressure. No one should dedicate their soul to our Creator because of influence from others. It is a very beautiful and personal thing between Father Satan and you. It's meant to be a personal choice. Your relationship with Satan is your own, and no one should ever force it on you.

As for your depression, I hear you. I was lost, confused, depressed, and didn't have any idea what to do with my life. I didn't know how to fight the jews, and to get out from under their slave grid. I was also forced on medication for most of my childhood, and it was like being put in a comatose state. I actually had a weird sort of identity shift when I came off the drugs which was extremely bizarre, and like I was snapped back into my 5-year old perception. I honestly thought my brain development was fried, and that my whole life was ruined. I was in despair at what the jews had done to me, an innocent child, and profited from my suffering. However, I persevered and I kept going, I kept looking for answers, for a way out of this mess. Finding the JoS was the best thing that ever happened to me. So many others have healed from their depression, and healed their bodies and souls using the spiritual methods found here from Father Satan. I never thought I would ever be this much healthier and just plain happy. My spirituality practice has saved my life in so many ways. So no matter how bleak or grim it seems, and no matter how much insurmountable damage it looks like has been done to you, there is a way to heal and turn your life around. Others have done it, I've done it, and you can too. If you feel like the jews have taken everything from you then what do you have left to lose anyway? You can start with certain meditations on the JoS if you want, and see how those affect your life. Then later if you decide it's what you want then you can dedicate your soul to Satan. No one said you have to do it right now, and no one said you have to do it in the first place. It's your own decision, and must always be one's own decision.

If you're still worried that there is even the slightest chance of jewsus being real, you shouldn't be. Just remember that jews always accuse others of their own crimes. For example, the jews and their puppet xians try to convince kids that Santa Claus isn't real (Santa is an anagram for Satan), and desperately try to get them to think of the Yule holiday as being about jewsus instead. The jews/xians are pushing the reality of jewsus being their own fake invention onto Santa, and claiming that Santa is the one who isn't real.
retard said:

Hi, I think this post (which I might have already seen) https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=274341#p274341 from HP HoodedCobra might answer a few questions and make you realize that the jews are definitely not Satanic in any way.

Also, if you do enjoy meditating from time to time, this is already a very positive thing as a lot of people just disregard this as useless and give up right away. My advice is that you try meditating every day, as long as you're comfortable, and try to focus on the inside, don't look for answers from outside of you. Shut the world out and focus on the within. This helped me a lot and I was a desperate case lol.

Most of all, try listening to your own breathing and breath slowly filling your lungs comfortably. Sometimes, the easiest things are the ones we end up never trying, and they are a game changer.

There are a lot more things you can do other than focusing and controlling your breathing ( https://www.satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/ASHTAR.html ) but don't try everything at once. Try some stuff you feel most positive about and then go for something else if you don't see results for a week or so. Don't be frustrated if you don't IMMEDIATELY see results.. this isn't a videogame where you suddenly unlock abilities by filling the EXP bar. :p

Keep it comfortable and gentle on yourself. Ignore thoughts that will arise, save them for later and be mindful of any signs that may come to you (things like visions or sounds may be the case).
retard said:
first things first is im sure that the world is run by satanic people that do consist of jews however don't jews belong to Satanism??

First of all, what does the word "Satan" mean and which language is it from? Quick, do a jewgle search. Ok so you find that Satan means enemy or adversary in Hebrew, the language of jews. What does that mean other than He is the enemy of the jews? The conclusion is inescapable. A lot of people come here and ask "why do we call him enemy?" and I reply, that we don't, the jews do and we just accept it. Satan is their nemesis and he will kick their ass. Gentiles don't speak Hebrew. But as it's been mentioned it goes far beyond that to Sanskrit, where Satan (with its variations Satya, Sat) means truth.

Also read this page:

What the jewish rabbis have to say about Satan

Also, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson said that the soul of the jews comes from holiness while the soul of the Gentiles comes from the three Satanic spheres.

Overall, if you read what jews themselves write you will see that they believe in a clear separation between jews and non-jews who belong to two different gods, jews belong to the jewish/christian god "yahweh" while gentiles come from Satan.

That's right, christarded people worship a fake jewish god, a jew on a stick who, by the way, never existed historically, read a "holy" book written by jews in which jews brag how they killed millions of non-jews, follow a religion which was full of jewish popes and mass murdered non-jews and which now is the biggest supporter of israel. Christinsanity is 100% jewish, and jews like Marcus Eli Ravage have admitted that.

Jews are also behind all slander against Satan and the Gods and the enemy grimoires like the Lesser Key of Solomon which are about abusing, threatening, and coercing our Gods/Demons in the name of the fake jewish god and enemy angels.

Read these websites for more information:
The Black Sun 666
Exposing Christianity

retard said:
why should i dedicate my self to someone who won't show himself to me?

Nobody said that you should do the dedication if you aren't ready and sure you want to be a Spiritual Satanist forever. You should do it when you no longer need any more convincing.

And what do you mean "show himself to me"? See him with your eyes? This won't happen. You can see Satan and the Gods astrally if you develop your astral senses which takes a long time, more than a year for most people. All these are "supernatural" abilities and it makes sense you won't have them instantly. If you are new, most of your communication with Satan and the Gods will come as signs and coincidences and not in real time. Ask a question and be on the lookout through the day for a sign or a synchronicity. You may read something somewhere that gives what you need, a friend may call you, you may stumble against a number like 666 e.t.c.

retard said:
second thing is why is it that in the dedication ritual half of the paragraph is dedicated to denying and refuting jesus christ? i'm not Christian why should this matter? i thought that he didn't even exist and was a fraud? so why waste the breath, the dedication should be about SATAN:!:

I have answered that question in the FAQ link in my signature, please read it. As a matter of fact, read both links in my signature as they explain most basic things.
Some more logic for all you nonbelievers out there ;)

First of all, if jews are your enemy... then shouldn't you side with the enemy of the jews which is Satan? If you're against Satan then you're siding with the jews because it would mean that you and the jews have a common enemy in Satan.

Second: Santa Claus is an anagram for Satan. Claus comes from Klaus as in Niklaus or Nicholas. The name Nick comes from the name Victoria, the Goddess of Victory. In Norse mythology, one of the aliases of Odin was Sigtyr which is Sig = victory + Tyr = God of war/justice. And also, Santa Claus is always associated with his helper Elves. Elves are from Norse Mythology, the Alfar. Alf got changed to Elf and Elves for plural. So Santa Claus is Odin from Norse mythology, and Santa is an anagram for Satan.

Therefore, Satan is the Creator God of your European ancestors, Odin. You have every reason to return to the God of your ancestors and fight against his enemies, the jews, who murdered your ancestors and subverted your religion given to you by your Gods and replaced it with christianity. They forced you and your ancestors to worship jewsus the king of the jews. You should be enraged about that, and you should seek revenge what the jews did to your ancestors and how they blasphemed your Creator Satan. They turned you against your own Creator. And now they plot the murder of your people once again in this age now that science has developed out of the dark ages which they imposed on your people in the first place. The jews want to enslave you and everyone you love and care about, and the one thing they don't want you to do is return to your Creator God to fight against his enemy, the jews. They would much prefer it if you returned to christianity to be a slave to their king of the jews on the cross, and enslave your children within christianity too.

Get angry and fight. Fight for your freedom and the freedom of your descendants. Never return to christianity. Never return to slavery. Be free, and fight.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
