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Redpillers FAQ: Do Satanists Run The World?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
retard said:
first things first is im sure that the world is run by satanic people that do consist of jews however don't jews belong to Satanism?? and aren't there numerous references to Satan hidden everywhere in popular culture?

A common thing that people ask when they come into the boards, is if those running the world are "Satanists". Due to popular misconceptions, they think that because these people have sometimes adopted "Satanic" symbols [Pagan Symbols] that they are also "Satanists" or "Pagans".

The reality is, that these people are only using these few stolen symbols, to make Satanism look like a threat, negative, and to cover up the main reality: They are all practicing Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

This using of symbols in a confusing manner, is part of the greater agenda of attacking "Satan".

Jews belong only there: in Judaism. Even the hoax of Christianity that they exported on the ignorant masses, is just the story of a Judaic Rabbi, Jesus, and his arguments that he had about the Torah, with his fellow Racial Tribe. Jews also consider this the schizophrenic tale of one of their patriotic Jews, that really went out of control, and discarded it from their culture. But they exported this to Gentiles to deceive them and brainwash them to worship one jew, which was to great benefit in their tribe.

As Rabbis imply, this would be the excrement of their own culture, which apparently, the "Goyim" actually deified. Rabbis make jokes on the goyim being "Christians", ie, those who have taken this hebrew hoax seriously. Christian is used as a term to denigrate them for believing in such a stupid hoax.

The above should be a reality if people simply opened their eyes. The church, is within the jurisdiction, symbols, and "faith" of "Jesus Christ". Jesus himself, as our knowledge shows, is nothing but a ripoff of many Pagan Gods, assembled together to create confusion in the masses. Inside this whole thing of literally every christian and jewish thing that was ever conceived, some are still idiotic and tell themselves that these people are "Satanists".

This is because people who see the rotten program of xianity for what it is, try to blame everything to the devil to avoid facing reality for what all the followers of the jewish cult of "Christ" are, which is monsters, pedophiles, betrayers to all things but their mafia, and so on.

Freemasonic Lodges, the "Illuminati" and everything else have also been credited by disinformation agents, of being "Satanists". These organizations use core teachings that are based on using, reading, chanting and analyzing the Bible [Jewish manuscript]. Their meditations, are all based on their "Hebrew Kabbalah" [Jewish Spirituality], and in all these organizations, the main "Holy Texts" are texts of Jews, Rabbis, Christianity and so on.

What about the Taliban, ISIL and all these organizations of terror? All of these abide strongly by the Quran, Islam, and Islamic literature, all of which is again rooted in the "Abrahamic" [Jewish] theology and faith, being only a different branch.

To add insult to injury, many of these "people" that people are "accusing" of being "Satanists", are all racial jews, infiltrating Satan's side. Racial jews, by default, are this: a people that assembled itself, and created a false culture of theft by Gentile/Pagan elements to fight "Satan" with.

Satan in Hebrew means "Enemy". Their whole existence is based on wiping out Pagan Gods, cultures and knowledge.

A fast way to make this happen, is for them to adopt these symbols of their enemies, and use them for the worst portrayals possible. As any infiltrator would, to make Satanism appear like the most negative thing on earth.

The same thing they do for example with "Neo Nazis", or any other group they want to villify. First, they infiltrate, and then, they character murder everything from the inside. This is called infiltration, and is a very common way of operation of jews for as long as they existed.

Now, some of those in power, have been Satanists, but those who have been truly allied with Father Satan, never did any of these depraved things. Most of the time, these real Satanists, would not even really admit this or present any of this. In a sense, they gave a positive name to Satan, which is exactly the contrary of what jews did. These "Satanists" were adoptees of Satanic/Ancient faiths, and were people of the Gods.

Satan and our Demons has been really famous, and many prominent people in this world, have silently or even a little vocally followed Satan.

An example here, is the singer Dio, or Benjamin Franklin, or George Washington, or others. These people have spread positive messages behind the guise of the Satanic imagery, or promoted positive and uplifting social change away from the Abrahamic social confines.

You would also notice, that most of these people, never really did anything negative or deprived. In fact, many were loved by the masses worldwide, and spread only positivity through this using of Satanic imagery.

Jews do exactly the opposite. They just adopt the same symbols to put the blame for their jewish crimes, on Satan.

An living example that doesn't get more blatant here, is "Madonna". This jewish Kabbalistic witch, that practiced Judaism and Judaic Kabbalah for basically all her life, made sure in many of her video clips to include a lot of "Satanic" imagery.

The foolish Christians who have no knowledge, seen these and blamed Madonna of being a "Satanist". However, Madonna is nothing else, but a Jewish Talmudic witch. Madonna is the most frequent Kabbalah School visting student in Israel, she is a Messianic Jew, and so on. She is definitely sworn her life in this war against the "Ha-Satan", or the enemy of the Jewish people.

Madonna, in itself, means "Holy Mary". The hoax based mother of "Jesus", was called "Madonna". She is also a mother for Judaism and has pioneered many things, like the jewish rabbi Christ's rebel mother, the "Holy Mary".

At the same rate, the jews knew this would make many ignorants running to Christianity. As the jews have created Christianity to program and deceive the Goyim through it, this was a perfect thing they could do. This reassures:

1. Satanism [ie their enemies] is blamed for everything depraved they do.
2. Christianity is empowered by fearful fools who can't see the plot.
3. Judaism, while in plain goddamn site, remains "hidden" and Satan takes the blame.

On a higher level this ensures:

1. The goyim pray against "Satan" from the deprived things they see, therefore, attacking the enemies of the Jews and weakening them. This allows jews to be more powerful in the world, since the Gentiles are deceived in attacking their VERY OWN GODS!
2. The lie of Christianity is perpetuated through fear and ignorance.
3. People think all the Pagan and Satanic symbols are "evil", and therefore, nobody looks into the faith of their ancestors anymore.

As a closing note, imagine this: If this hoax that "Satanists" do all this existed, how it would be? Jews do all this, and Judaism does all that.

And where jews would have been without this hoax? Probably destroyed a very long time ago, with Christianity and Islam not even existing.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Recently I saw a video of the rapper Lil Uzi Vert being interviewed from a while back. He rolled out a poster of the metal band Slayer. He says "at age 27 Im going to give my life to this man right here and he shows the poster and the video cuts right before he straightens it out and the next shot is a zoom in of the baphomet the band likes to use (right before the cut the words Slayer is visible under the baphomet along with the usual small print of their CD promotion you see in these posters ) and then the video started breaking down how it's tied to Satanism and implied Lil Uzi is a Satanists. Like holy shit not only was he joking but it was a goddamn Metal poster and the man he was referring to was the lead singer of Slayer.

I couldn't believe it wasn't satire but the longer I sat there and read the comments I realized these people are serious...

I couldn't read the title without laughing out loud...I knew exactly where you would go with this.

I laugh because it is almost like Christian Identity in Reverse. Much like how these chistkikes (poor souls) actually think they are "jews", or that "jews" are aryan; they believe their own god is actively obsessed with destroying them, all the while daddy yaya is up in heaven saving the very races he vowed to destroy in his holy book.

This whole "The World is Run by evil Satanist" is one of their greater psychological tools. The cognitive distance is so great one can not even begin to correct their assumptions. Its like a mental damn within these folk.
Projection is the name of the game for jews, muslims and christians. Make Satan out to be some diabolical entity causing the trouble in the world, when it is them. Promote quasi spirituality with some pagan iconography to disturb and turn off the masses from Satanism.

Don't forget that the Quran speaks about Jewsus 25 times. In fact in the Quranic end times Jewsus is to return and fulfill the prophecies.

We stand with no muslim, jew or christian.
It is brilliant though if you think of it. This has been a long standing psyop for Millenia. I've often had the conversation about how real spirituality puts you "at cause" over your life and most religions put you "at effect". In fact, most people come to the occult because they want to have more power in their lives. Many religions that got people on the right path to more power eventually change, are infiltrated or get a new leader that flips this idea and people become less powerful. I remember when I first started using youtube when it came out and all of a sudden there was illuminati this, Satanist that and of course coming from a magical background I could see right through it. Going back further I remember the strong born again Xtian movement in the early 1980's that led to the Satanic Panic, the burning of occult books and so called Satanic music. Hard core churches praying against Satan and using hypnotic techniques to create a blank slate through fear and then implant the Xtian Hoax. Any healings were a placebo, but worked enough in the moment to make believers. Then the Satanists on shows like Geraldo, the real ones were always so rational compared to the Xtian audience.

The Matrix is very thick and pervasive.... and although I know many talk of Masons being Jewish and Xtian, I've had very good conversations about magick with some....a few....who understand. It has an old Goetia bent to it, but they were quite clear that there were people who knew the old ways....and that Hitler was correct and it was about Aryan blood. I don't think the full organization was aware, but there were a few and like you said Ben Franklin and George Washington, both Masons and Deists were quite aware (as were many founding fathers) that this was not to be a Xtian nation but a new place where even pagan religions and spirituality could thrive.
I always like to point out as well that the jewish soviets did the same thing during WW2. They disguised themselves as Nazis using stolen uniforms from fallen German soldiers. This was even admitted by the Soviet Union, iirc.
Captain666 said:
The Matrix is very thick and pervasive.... and although I know many talk of Masons being Jewish and Xtian, I've had very good conversations about magick with some....a few....who understand. It has an old Goetia bent to it, but they were quite clear that there were people who knew the old ways....and that Hitler was correct and it was about Aryan blood. I don't think the full organization was aware, but there were a few and like you said Ben Franklin and George Washington, both Masons and Deists were quite aware (as were many founding fathers) that this was not to be a Xtian nation but a new place where even pagan religions and spirituality could thrive.

Masonry has had been an organization with big history, but for the last hundreds of years, it has served jews exclusively, since it was taken over. Much of the "Masonic" knowledge, did revolve around Ancient Civlizations, and on the early years of it, the lodges wanted to create a Hellenistic revival of new values and to destroy Abrahamism.

This is also why some people like Pike have found some "Luciferian roots" to these ideals. These are leftovers from when Freemasonry actually served Satan, and this is when they created the United States, destroyed the Papacy, promoted science and common sense as important values, tended to Hellenistic thinking, were pro Paganism and so on.

Jews seeing this, went insane over the lodges, and in their quest to take over the West, infiltration of these lodges was put as an integral goal for them. By Hitler's time, the lodges were completely overtaken by jews. The jews were very aware of these things, and later on decided to erode these organizations, infiltrate them, and subvert any positive element these had.

Inside the Masons, there were many people who were there they had access to all sorts of other knowledge. This knowledge, led some of the Gentiles in the lodges to Luciferian understanding and Satanism.

People of the Enlightenment, eventhough all the knowledge that was available to them was highly controlled by jews, were still in a questionable territory until the jews cemented their power in these secret societies. The full takeover from jews took centuries to occur fully. By now, these organizations are completely gone and have nothing got to do with Satan. Even in Hitler's time, they were completely taken over.

In Ben Franklin's time and Washington's time, things were quite different. There were major texts from Pythagoreans and others circulating the lodges, and many were already influential Gentiles in the lodges, and jews were only secondary or hijackers of an non decisive nature.

Even nowadays, not every "Mason" is a jew.

However, at this point, the Freemasonic organizations are so corrupt and so overtaken by jews, that any Gentiles or sane minded individuals, are completely lost in the sea of hebrew angelic magick, disinfo, biblical study, and every other jewish infiltration poison that the lodges were poisoned with. And these have for about 2-3 centuries, have been serving the enemy.
It might have been here that I heard it, but before they made the cross which later they blasphemed into the crucifix (and yes I do know that lots of our pagan gods were crucified including Satan to which he gained knowledge of the ruins and in turn gave it to the other gods and us but I really doubt any were nailed to them) the pentagram was supposed to be the symbol for xianity but it was just too tied with Satan that they had to scrap that plan.

Even in their own made up story of moses when he was leading the kikes out of Egypt and some got sick, they were told to make a staff with a serpent on it, (think the symbol for medics, which to go on a bit of tangent, they are trying to say that the Caduceus, the Staff of Hermes, was not part of the medical community even though it has been used for years and you can still see it on a lot of medical buildings and whatnot) and prayed to it to make them better. So even in their own stories where they have free reign to to whatever they wanted, they still had to steal something. Fuckers didn't even have the foresight to say something as simple as, 'they prayed to yahwah and were healed', or whatever.
retard said:
hello ignore my name :D
so ive read a pretty good chunk of the joy of satan site and ive lurked on here plenty of times but i mainly just lurk on 4chan.
but anyways straight to the point i think i am ready to perform the dedication to Satan ritual however there are some inconsistency's that are making me uncomfortable and causing me to hesitate in doing so...
first things first is im sure that the world is run by satanic people that do consist of jews however don't jews belong to Satanism?? and aren't there numerous references to Satan hidden everywhere in popular culture? i'm sure the genocidal vaccine that was pushed was pushed by Satanists... the love of my life is vaccinated and perhaps i will never meet them because it will be too dangerous, perhaps if i even kiss them i will contract prions disease. i was vaccinated as a baby and i'm sure my autism is caused by this from the mercury poisoning.(autistic people are known for having extremely high levels of heavy metals in the blood brain barrier) (fluoride opens the blood brain barrier) i have been completely destroyed and dumbed down by Satanists and jews my entire life and on top of all of this i am circumcised. why should i dedicate my self to someone who won't show himself to me? ive asked to no avail. i am broken i am completely hopeless and depressed but i'm willing to try this....

second thing is why is it that in the dedication ritual half of the paragraph is dedicated to denying and refuting jesus christ? i'm not Christian why should this matter? i thought that he didn't even exist and was a fraud? so why waste the breath, the dedication should be about SATAN:!:

:arrow: i am saying this all with great respect if you have made it this far thank you for reading i appreciate it :p
side note i haven't done much power meditations but i do enjoy meditation from time to time

Reading for you:

What The Jewish Rabbis Have To Say About Satan

The Truth About the "New World Order"

Illumination on the Illuminati

Black Sun 666

I have one question for you. Where did you first time hear about JoS?
The Jews can be a hard eye-sore, and they have been dragging it out for a long time!

But such meanness will break sooner or later!
hailourtruegod said:
Recently I saw a video of the rapper Lil Uzi Vert being interviewed from a while back. He rolled out a poster of the metal band Slayer. He says "at age 27 Im going to give my life to this man right here and he shows the poster and the video cuts right before he straightens it out and the next shot is a zoom in of the baphomet the band likes to use (right before the cut the words Slayer is visible under the baphomet along with the usual small print of their CD promotion you see in these posters ) and then the video started breaking down how it's tied to Satanism and implied Lil Uzi is a Satanists. Like holy shit not only was he joking but it was a goddamn Metal poster and the man he was referring to was the lead singer of Slayer.

I couldn't believe it wasn't satire but the longer I sat there and read the comments I realized these people are serious...
Can I revive more info about the “27 club”.. why is it so important???
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Captain666 said:
The Matrix is very thick and pervasive.... and although I know many talk of Masons being Jewish and Xtian, I've had very good conversations about magick with some....a few....who understand. It has an old Goetia bent to it, but they were quite clear that there were people who knew the old ways....and that Hitler was correct and it was about Aryan blood. I don't think the full organization was aware, but there were a few and like you said Ben Franklin and George Washington, both Masons and Deists were quite aware (as were many founding fathers) that this was not to be a Xtian nation but a new place where even pagan religions and spirituality could thrive.

Masonry has had been an organization with big history, but for the last hundreds of years, it has served jews exclusively, since it was taken over. Much of the "Masonic" knowledge, did revolve around Ancient Civlizations, and on the early years of it, the lodges wanted to create a Hellenistic revival of new values and to destroy Abrahamism.

This is also why some people like Pike have found some "Luciferian roots" to these ideals. These are leftovers from when Freemasonry actually served Satan, and this is when they created the United States, destroyed the Papacy, promoted science and common sense as important values, tended to Hellenistic thinking, were pro Paganism and so on.

Jews seeing this, went insane over the lodges, and in their quest to take over the West, infiltration of these lodges was put as an integral goal for them. By Hitler's time, the lodges were completely overtaken by jews. The jews were very aware of these things, and later on decided to erode these organizations, infiltrate them, and subvert any positive element these had.

Inside the Masons, there were many people who were there they had access to all sorts of other knowledge. This knowledge, led some of the Gentiles in the lodges to Luciferian understanding and Satanism.

People of the Enlightenment, eventhough all the knowledge that was available to them was highly controlled by jews, were still in a questionable territory until the jews cemented their power in these secret societies. The full takeover from jews took centuries to occur fully. By now, these organizations are completely gone and have nothing got to do with Satan. Even in Hitler's time, they were completely taken over.

In Ben Franklin's time and Washington's time, things were quite different. There were major texts from Pythagoreans and others circulating the lodges, and many were already influential Gentiles in the lodges, and jews were only secondary or hijackers of an non decisive nature.

Even nowadays, not every "Mason" is a jew.

However, at this point, the Freemasonic organizations are so corrupt and so overtaken by jews, that any Gentiles or sane minded individuals, are completely lost in the sea of hebrew angelic magick, disinfo, biblical study, and every other jewish infiltration poison that the lodges were poisoned with. And these have for about 2-3 centuries, have been serving the enemy.

I would say this is very spot on. Masonry has been in my family for hundred's of years, all the way back to before it was called Masonry....deep roots in Scotland. As my dad used to say when I asked him about the spiritual aspects..."The thing is these guys help you in business" and that was the end all for him. But for me the family history was fascinating because we fought directly with George Washington and helped start the country along side him, my wife's family as well.

However, even when he said the business quote it became clear to me that not everything is out in the open. And yes I have read about the infiltration, illuminati, etc. The York Rite seems to be more Xtian than the Scottish Rite. But even the York Rite alludes to hidden writings below King Solomon's temple and these were clearly not Xtian....more gnostic. Not too many catch this when they go through the degrees. Scottish Rite was said to be more Old Testament, but I never found that to be true. It was more about Egypt, Scottish Clans, separation of church and state (and you need to sign an oath that you will fight to the death over this), Rosicrucianism, and stamping on the Papal hat to symbolize being against the Catholic Church and all it stands for. There are elements of a Priesthood of sorts within those rites, but very occultic. (not really revealing any secrets here at all)

Now, there is a clear break point in age of members in Masonry. Many who are older are dying off and the people I spoke to in their 80's were clearly magickians. I even knew one person who was in his 30's who took his Masonic oath on Crowley's "Book of The Law", so there is awareness. It's just 2 level, those who are there and think of it as theater and an alternative to going to church for friendship and those that have a deeper understanding. I'd say the latter is a very small percentage.

Anyway, I'm not poo poo-ing anything said here. Just saying we should be careful of lumping everything in as a generality. I'm not denying that some people at the top are also involved with government and are movers and shakers (Washington DC has a special lodge just for Congress members) but a majority of these guys (non movers and shakers) can barely run a bake sale, much less the world.

As usual, YMMV. And for the record I am a 32nd degree which was mostly about following tradition in my family. I rarely if ever go to meetings. Last one was like 20 years ago. I say this for full disclosure.
Jews, when they took over these organizations, their first move was to remove any Pagan tentative knowledge and make these organizations just social clubs and mockery. They do this to every spiritual organization. Then, these are rendered empty shells.

You are not unwelcome here because you might be a "Freemason" in this manner, provided you are a non jew. Many have went into these lodges, which in the case of modern ones, it's just a social gathering. The striking majority are just nonsense social clubs that don't really do much if anything but have gatherings and random lectures.

From your description, you are part of these "lodges". These don't even count as "Freemasons" at the core of this.

Freemasonry of the present day is closely entirely jewish infested, and where it's not jewish NWO infested garbage, it's just a little club where people help each other in business and nothing else, without any particular purpose or any superior purpose.

Any random "superior" purpose has been replaced by bogus nonsense that merely revolves around jews. Any lodges that have had any better purpose or aim, this was replaced by bogus Jewish nonsense.

The influence of some of these people however is real, and despite of what some random bogus self proclaimed offshots of them appear to do [which is most of them], are overruled by others who are actual "Freemasons" who are in league with Jews and are there to run operations for jews.

And they do so in command of the jews, either directly, or just as remote puppets. The danger that these heap upon society and their force of enforcing jewish dictates is very serious, and not to be underestimated.

Captain666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Captain666 said:

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Captain666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I'm not arguing with any of that actually. And not a Jew. I've been an occultist in some form or another since age 9 when I dropped being in a Scottish Presbyterian Church. I am now **yo, so there is that, lol. Of course when I told my dad I wanted to become a warlock and proudly proclaimed that at a restaurant dinner in a Catholic neighborhood, it became an issue for a minute...so I just kept it to myself.

No the personal Masonic link was something I did as tradition and because it brought my dad and I closer in his last years. It was important to him. I'm just saying that there is not just a cabal there and sometimes it gets oversimplified filled with generalities. There are occultists and pagans as well....just not as well versed and understanding of our true roots as stated here at JoS.

Anyway, I'm not here to disrupt...just read, understand and practice. We have a common enemy for sure.
I’m so glad that this has become a series. It would have helped me a lot go have these posts when first coming here.
Thank you for the politeness and your input. I understand where you are coming from with this. I hope at this time you have found the answers you needed and were seeking.

My replies are meant for a general readership as well, so I have to be really accurate in everything I write. Every answer therefore is towards both a poster and a potential reader when it comes to matters requiring instructions. It's just that clarity is required for readers to read, and may not be all that in awareness of the subject.

If you could, please don't share very personal information as in locations, age etc, because the enemy is like reading here too.

You will find endless information of your particular interest in this place, and new knowledge arrives all the time.

Captain666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Captain666 said:

I'm not arguing with any of that actually. And not a Jew. I've been an occultist in some form or another since age 9 when I dropped being in a Scottish Presbyterian Church. I am now **yo, so there is that, lol. Of course when I told my dad I wanted to become a warlock and proudly proclaimed that at a restaurant dinner in a Catholic neighborhood, it became an issue for a minute...so I just kept it to myself.

No the personal Masonic link was something I did as tradition and because it brought my dad and I closer in his last years. It was important to him. I'm just saying that there is not just a cabal there and sometimes it gets oversimplified filled with generalities. There are occultists and pagans as well....just not as well versed and understanding of our true roots as stated here at JoS.

Anyway, I'm not here to disrupt...just read, understand and practice. We have a common enemy for sure.
956GOD said:
hailourtruegod said:
Recently I saw a video of the rapper Lil Uzi Vert being interviewed from a while back. He rolled out a poster of the metal band Slayer. He says "at age 27 Im going to give my life to this man right here and he shows the poster and the video cuts right before he straightens it out and the next shot is a zoom in of the baphomet the band likes to use (right before the cut the words Slayer is visible under the baphomet along with the usual small print of their CD promotion you see in these posters ) and then the video started breaking down how it's tied to Satanism and implied Lil Uzi is a Satanists. Like holy shit not only was he joking but it was a goddamn Metal poster and the man he was referring to was the lead singer of Slayer.

I couldn't believe it wasn't satire but the longer I sat there and read the comments I realized these people are serious...
Can I revive more info about the “27 club”.. why is it so important???

The fact that they did that specific video because a rapper was holding up a heavy metal poster is hilarious and cringey.

Yeah pretty much what they mentioned. I personally just left it at that it's just famous people with really bad Saturn Returns since that transit can happen close to 30 depending on the individual and xians making connections that aren't there since they lack this info.
These redpilled FAQ are such a great idea
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Thank you for the politeness and your input. I understand where you are coming from with this. I hope at this time you have found the answers you needed and were seeking.

My replies are meant for a general readership as well, so I have to be really accurate in everything I write. Every answer therefore is towards both a poster and a potential reader when it comes to matters requiring instructions. It's just that clarity is required for readers to read, and may not be all that in awareness of the subject.

If you could, please don't share very personal information as in locations, age etc, because the enemy is like reading here too.

You will find endless information of your particular interest in this place, and new knowledge arrives all the time.

Captain666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I'm not arguing with any of that actually. And not a Jew. I've been an occultist in some form or another since age 9 when I dropped being in a Scottish Presbyterian Church. I am now **yo, so there is that, lol. Of course when I told my dad I wanted to become a warlock and proudly proclaimed that at a restaurant dinner in a Catholic neighborhood, it became an issue for a minute...so I just kept it to myself.

No the personal Masonic link was something I did as tradition and because it brought my dad and I closer in his last years. It was important to him. I'm just saying that there is not just a cabal there and sometimes it gets oversimplified filled with generalities. There are occultists and pagans as well....just not as well versed and understanding of our true roots as stated here at JoS.

Anyway, I'm not here to disrupt...just read, understand and practice. We have a common enemy for sure.

No worries....sorry about that on the age thing. I see that you edited it.

I completely get it. Actually we (my wife and I) are quite excited to find the pages of JoS. I don't think we've stopped reading since we got here. (Also I watched all of your videos btw when she was off to see family.) And of course one can only take so much of the atheistic version of Satanism. Reading some of Michael Aquino's writings about the Church of Satan by Lavey, Mike specifically said that during their rituals they had contact with otherworldly beings and everyone knew of it. It was one of the reasons he broke away and started the Temple of Set. Still the COS just continued with its atheism anyway...so denied what they knew.

But Lavey was clear that in magick one had to be in league with demons and not curse them to get what you want. So there is that.

I feel welcomed here. It's stable info and many things in the occult are so all over the place. In mediation today I got several messages about being safe and a friend who was just diagnosed with a terminal illness. I tend to work with people who need healing or to at least help in their passage. Kind of a calling.

OK, I'll post if I have anything worth saying. Back to hitting the books (site).
honestly i found this website thru another one that was a list of "creepy websites" or something like that xd i did however get obsessed and took the websites contents very seriously
There is one person who really push the "Satanists run the world" narrative: David Icke.
I find it ironic how he on one hand disses/mocks religion and christianity, and on the other hand tells everyone how evil "Satanism" is, which according to him is connected to the planet Saturn as some "evil force". He do bring up reptillians and greys, praise meditation, but the problem is he is still deep down effected by christianity (like so many others) and comes to wrong conclusions, while sounding extremely sure of what he's saying. Is he a disinformation agent or just a fool who's fooling others?

I also wonder about this quote from the Bible:
I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan

There is also a book with that title (The Synagogue of Satan) about jewish world domination. Some seem to suggest that this click of elite "Satanist jews" are fake jews, like mentioned in the Bible. Is this yet another way for jews to rid themselves of accusations?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
and where it's not jewish NWO infested garbage, it's just a little club where people help each other in business and nothing else, without any particular purpose or any superior purpose.

So, does that implies it be fine to join those who are not jewish-infested, since there would be no religious nonsense to do?
Stormblood said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
and where it's not jewish NWO infested garbage, it's just a little club where people help each other in business and nothing else, without any particular purpose or any superior purpose.

So, does that implies it be fine to join those who are not jewish-infested, since there would be no religious nonsense to do?

Nothing is implied here, let alone about joining. This just describes the general state of the participants, many of which are just random people [and many times jewish] looking for a get ahead in their businesses. Even these promises in this type of stuff, never come to be anything, it's just bogus.

This doesn't mean they don't do strange rituals stills, like weird initiation rituals. But they don't seem to have any large or any spiritual awareness at all.

I don't know what all of them do, since at this point, there are even all sorts of clubs that are called "Freemasonic" and it's just random people who call themselves this over nothing.

Also, with all the jewish magick and general jewish freaks in there, the chances of getting anything out of this are not only slim, but not worthwhile.
xlnt said:
There is one person who really push the "Satanists run the world" narrative: David Icke.
I find it ironic how he on one hand disses/mocks religion and christianity, and on the other hand tells everyone how evil "Satanism" is, which according to him is connected to the planet Saturn as some "evil force". He do bring up reptillians and greys, praise meditation, but the problem is he is still deep down effected by christianity (like so many others) and comes to wrong conclusions, while sounding extremely sure of what he's saying. Is he a disinformation agent or just a fool who's fooling others?

I also wonder about this quote from the Bible:
I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan

There is also a book with that title (The Synagogue of Satan) about jewish world domination. Some seem to suggest that this click of elite "Satanist jews" are fake jews, like mentioned in the Bible. Is this yet another way for jews to rid themselves of accusations?

This has been answered in video: https://odysee.com/@Commander.Cobra.666:5/_Synagogue-of-Satan_---Myth-Debunked:4

The idiotic xians are so low IQ, they didn't even read their own "Bible".

This piece they cite, it's just Rabbi Jesus, posing himself as the "True Jewish Messiah", blaming other jews are shills because they were studying or adopting "Pagan Norms" or simply not accepting his jewish preaching.

All of the "New Testament", is the book where Rabbi Jesus enforces his own viewpoints about a new form of Judaism. He calls those who reject him basically, traitorous shills [fake jews]. That's all.

The hoax story goes that the Judaic Rabbi Jesus, therefore calls them "Fake Jews". This is for betraying their jewish culutral tradition. He accuses them of being fake jews, because they are jewish in tradition and blood, but they read into Pagan stuff and deny Rabbi Jesus's message as him being their "True Messiah".

Jesus poises himself as a judge to them, and basically calls them to return back to Judaism, and to stop doing "Pagan things" like their racial brothers. After this he also says he will save only the true jews [those who do Torah] and those who do Pagan stuff, will be punished.

The "Satanic Jews" really just means jews who have went astray, and therefore, they are slurred of being in league with Satan [for opposing their own tribe and Israel like Satan, the God of Pagans is known to do].

That's all there is to this lie.
Everything gentiles know to be good and holy is Satanic. That's why the jews hate it. The jews hate freedom because freedom is Satanic. That's why the jews want to destroy America so badly. They want everyone to return to being christian slaves like during the middle ages before science.

The jews who wrote the bible lied to everyone and said that this fictional rabbi jewsus was the "truth, the way, and the light." Well how can he be the Truth when Satan means Truth, and he resists Satan? How can jewsus be the light when he resists Lucifer, and Lucifer literally means "Light bringer." And where is "the way" of jewsus going to lead you to other than jewish slavery like it always has? Look at people who go to church. Do they look free to you? They look like meek, passive slaves who will roll over to an invasion instead of fighting to protect themselves and their people. Just like the king of the jews intended them to be.
Frinnis said:
It might have been here that I heard it, but before they made the cross which later they blasphemed into the crucifix (and yes I do know that lots of our pagan gods were crucified including Satan to which he gained knowledge of the ruins and in turn gave it to the other gods and us but I really doubt any were nailed to them) the pentagram was supposed to be the symbol for xianity but it was just too tied with Satan that they had to scrap that plan.

Even in their own made up story of moses when he was leading the kikes out of Egypt and some got sick, they were told to make a staff with a serpent on it, (think the symbol for medics, which to go on a bit of tangent, they are trying to say that the Caduceus, the Staff of Hermes, was not part of the medical community even though it has been used for years and you can still see it on a lot of medical buildings and whatnot) and prayed to it to make them better. So even in their own stories where they have free reign to to whatever they wanted, they still had to steal something. Fuckers didn't even have the foresight to say something as simple as, 'they prayed to yahwah and were healed', or whatever.

That is one thing very few people know about. In the old church like as in the beginning of it they were using a pentagram as the symbol of xtianity they believed it would ward off evil.
retard said:
honestly i found this website thru another one that was a list of "creepy websites" or something like that xd i did however get obsessed and took the websites contents very seriously
xlnt said:
There is one person who really push the "Satanists run the world" narrative: David Icke.
I find it ironic how he on one hand disses/mocks religion and christianity, and on the other hand tells everyone how evil "Satanism" is, which according to him is connected to the planet Saturn as some "evil force". He do bring up reptillians and greys, praise meditation, but the problem is he is still deep down effected by christianity (like so many others) and comes to wrong conclusions, while sounding extremely sure of what he's saying. Is he a disinformation agent or just a fool who's fooling others?

I also wonder about this quote from the Bible:
I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan

There is also a book with that title (The Synagogue of Satan) about jewish world domination. Some seem to suggest that this click of elite "Satanist jews" are fake jews, like mentioned in the Bible. Is this yet another way for jews to rid themselves of accusations?

David Ice is also supporting communist Venezuela
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
retard said:
first things first is im sure that the world is run by satanic people that do consist of jews however don't jews belong to Satanism?? and aren't there numerous references to Satan hidden everywhere in popular culture?

A common thing that people ask when they come into the boards, is if those running the world are "Satanists". Due to popular misconceptions, they think that because these people have sometimes adopted "Satanic" symbols [Pagan Symbols] that they are also "Satanists" or "Pagans".

The reality is, that these people are only using these few stolen symbols, to make Satanism look like a threat, negative, and to cover up the main reality: They are all practicing Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

This using of symbols in a confusing manner, is part of the greater agenda of attacking "Satan".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

This is the very same enemy narrative that actually made me research Satanism in the first place around 2013. At that time I was pretty into all the conspiracy theories stuff on the internet and my line of thought became something similar to : "---Illuminati--- has power because of Satanism, therefore if these assholes are so into it , ---and everybody(sheep) says so--- why not study Satanism??? If they have power , why shouldn't I also?"..
Here I am happily dedicated for 7 years now. :lol:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
xlnt said:
There is one person who really push the "Satanists run the world" narrative: David Icke.
I find it ironic how he on one hand disses/mocks religion and christianity, and on the other hand tells everyone how evil "Satanism" is, which according to him is connected to the planet Saturn as some "evil force". He do bring up reptillians and greys, praise meditation, but the problem is he is still deep down effected by christianity (like so many others) and comes to wrong conclusions, while sounding extremely sure of what he's saying. Is he a disinformation agent or just a fool who's fooling others?

I also wonder about this quote from the Bible:
I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan

There is also a book with that title (The Synagogue of Satan) about jewish world domination. Some seem to suggest that this click of elite "Satanist jews" are fake jews, like mentioned in the Bible. Is this yet another way for jews to rid themselves of accusations?

This has been answered in video: https://odysee.com/@Commander.Cobra.666:5/_Synagogue-of-Satan_---Myth-Debunked:4

The idiotic xians are so low IQ, they didn't even read their own "Bible".

This piece they cite, it's just Rabbi Jesus, posing himself as the "True Jewish Messiah", blaming other jews are shills because they were studying or adopting "Pagan Norms" or simply not accepting his jewish preaching.

All of the "New Testament", is the book where Rabbi Jesus enforces his own viewpoints about a new form of Judaism. He calls those who reject him basically, traitorous shills [fake jews]. That's all.

The hoax story goes that the Judaic Rabbi Jesus, therefore calls them "Fake Jews". This is for betraying their jewish culutral tradition. He accuses them of being fake jews, because they are jewish in tradition and blood, but they read into Pagan stuff and deny Rabbi Jesus's message as him being their "True Messiah".

Jesus poises himself as a judge to them, and basically calls them to return back to Judaism, and to stop doing "Pagan things" like their racial brothers. After this he also says he will save only the true jews [those who do Torah] and those who do Pagan stuff, will be punished.

The "Satanic Jews" really just means jews who have went astray, and therefore, they are slurred of being in league with Satan [for opposing their own tribe and Israel like Satan, the God of Pagans is known to do].

That's all there is to this lie.

Interesting. I may have read this before but forgotten it somehow. This info should definetly be mentioned when talking about this notion of "Satanists run the world", in order to clear up things more.
I always thought with these sacrifices an pentacles jewlywood shows us, that their probably a kaballic tree on the other side,we just don't see it, an no christards are going to want to know cause (it's all bes evilses an from devilses brainses bes bad you know they no sacrifice to jew god) another way is, they can use a green screen an all you will see is what they want you to see
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
retard said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I have a question that has been bothering me for a few years. I could always see in Dio this "Spiritual Satanism". In his lyrics, he always seemed to me to be a wise person and different from other vocalists of the same segment. But I always wondered why he died of stomach cancer. Because he worked for Satan he should have had a natural death, no?! Not that it's a rule, of course. But if you can clarify this for me I will be grateful.
Renascendo das cinzas said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
retard said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I have a question that has been bothering me for a few years. I could always see in Dio this "Spiritual Satanism". In his lyrics, he always seemed to me to be a wise person and different from other vocalists of the same segment. But I always wondered why he died of stomach cancer. Because he worked for Satan he should have had a natural death, no?! Not that it's a rule, of course. But if you can clarify this for me I will be grateful.

This is karmic. How one will die, and even when, is subject to one's personal fate. Only with very serious meditation this date can be altered. With all Dio has done, no wonder the Gods have supported him extremely much. But fate remains still the most potent force for humans and human life.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Renascendo das cinzas said:

I have a question that has been bothering me for a few years. I could always see in Dio this "Spiritual Satanism". In his lyrics, he always seemed to me to be a wise person and different from other vocalists of the same segment. But I always wondered why he died of stomach cancer. Because he worked for Satan he should have had a natural death, no?! Not that it's a rule, of course. But if you can clarify this for me I will be grateful.

This is karmic. How one will die, and even when, is subject to one's personal fate. Only with very serious meditation this date can be altered. With all Dio has done, no wonder the Gods have supported him extremely much. But fate remains still the most potent force for humans and human life.

What about people who have mars in the 8th house? it is said it is possible for them to suffer a violent sudden death. ie an accident or even murder. Is this set in stone or can't this be changed or offset with squares or workings like other bad placements in the chart?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
retard said:
first things first is im sure that the world is run by satanic people that do consist of jews however don't jews belong to Satanism?? and aren't there numerous references to Satan hidden everywhere in popular culture?

A common thing that people ask when they come into the boards, is if those running the world are "Satanists". Due to popular misconceptions, they think that because these people have sometimes adopted "Satanic" symbols [Pagan Symbols] that they are also "Satanists" or "Pagans".

The reality is, that these people are only using these few stolen symbols, to make Satanism look like a threat, negative, and to cover up the main reality: They are all practicing Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

This using of symbols in a confusing manner, is part of the greater agenda of attacking "Satan".

Jews belong only there: in Judaism. Even the hoax of Christianity that they exported on the ignorant masses, is just the story of a Judaic Rabbi, Jesus, and his arguments that he had about the Torah, with his fellow Racial Tribe. Jews also consider this the schizophrenic tale of one of their patriotic Jews, that really went out of control, and discarded it from their culture. But they exported this to Gentiles to deceive them and brainwash them to worship one jew, which was to great benefit in their tribe.

As Rabbis imply, this would be the excrement of their own culture, which apparently, the "Goyim" actually deified. Rabbis make jokes on the goyim being "Christians", ie, those who have taken this hebrew hoax seriously. Christian is used as a term to denigrate them for believing in such a stupid hoax.

The above should be a reality if people simply opened their eyes. The church, is within the jurisdiction, symbols, and "faith" of "Jesus Christ". Jesus himself, as our knowledge shows, is nothing but a ripoff of many Pagan Gods, assembled together to create confusion in the masses. Inside this whole thing of literally every christian and jewish thing that was ever conceived, some are still idiotic and tell themselves that these people are "Satanists".

This is because people who see the rotten program of xianity for what it is, try to blame everything to the devil to avoid facing reality for what all the followers of the jewish cult of "Christ" are, which is monsters, pedophiles, betrayers to all things but their mafia, and so on.

Freemasonic Lodges, the "Illuminati" and everything else have also been credited by disinformation agents, of being "Satanists". These organizations use core teachings that are based on using, reading, chanting and analyzing the Bible [Jewish manuscript]. Their meditations, are all based on their "Hebrew Kabbalah" [Jewish Spirituality], and in all these organizations, the main "Holy Texts" are texts of Jews, Rabbis, Christianity and so on.

What about the Taliban, ISIL and all these organizations of terror? All of these abide strongly by the Quran, Islam, and Islamic literature, all of which is again rooted in the "Abrahamic" [Jewish] theology and faith, being only a different branch.

To add insult to injury, many of these "people" that people are "accusing" of being "Satanists", are all racial jews, infiltrating Satan's side. Racial jews, by default, are this: a people that assembled itself, and created a false culture of theft by Gentile/Pagan elements to fight "Satan" with.

Satan in Hebrew means "Enemy". Their whole existence is based on wiping out Pagan Gods, cultures and knowledge.

A fast way to make this happen, is for them to adopt these symbols of their enemies, and use them for the worst portrayals possible. As any infiltrator would, to make Satanism appear like the most negative thing on earth.

The same thing they do for example with "Neo Nazis", or any other group they want to villify. First, they infiltrate, and then, they character murder everything from the inside. This is called infiltration, and is a very common way of operation of jews for as long as they existed.

Now, some of those in power, have been Satanists, but those who have been truly allied with Father Satan, never did any of these depraved things. Most of the time, these real Satanists, would not even really admit this or present any of this. In a sense, they gave a positive name to Satan, which is exactly the contrary of what jews did. These "Satanists" were adoptees of Satanic/Ancient faiths, and were people of the Gods.

Satan and our Demons has been really famous, and many prominent people in this world, have silently or even a little vocally followed Satan.

An example here, is the singer Dio, or Benjamin Franklin, or George Washington, or others. These people have spread positive messages behind the guise of the Satanic imagery, or promoted positive and uplifting social change away from the Abrahamic social confines.

You would also notice, that most of these people, never really did anything negative or deprived. In fact, many were loved by the masses worldwide, and spread only positivity through this using of Satanic imagery.

Jews do exactly the opposite. They just adopt the same symbols to put the blame for their jewish crimes, on Satan.

An living example that doesn't get more blatant here, is "Madonna". This jewish Kabbalistic witch, that practiced Judaism and Judaic Kabbalah for basically all her life, made sure in many of her video clips to include a lot of "Satanic" imagery.

The foolish Christians who have no knowledge, seen these and blamed Madonna of being a "Satanist". However, Madonna is nothing else, but a Jewish Talmudic witch. Madonna is the most frequent Kabbalah School visting student in Israel, she is a Messianic Jew, and so on. She is definitely sworn her life in this war against the "Ha-Satan", or the enemy of the Jewish people.

Madonna, in itself, means "Holy Mary". The hoax based mother of "Jesus", was called "Madonna". She is also a mother for Judaism and has pioneered many things, like the jewish rabbi Christ's rebel mother, the "Holy Mary".

At the same rate, the jews knew this would make many ignorants running to Christianity. As the jews have created Christianity to program and deceive the Goyim through it, this was a perfect thing they could do. This reassures:

1. Satanism [ie their enemies] is blamed for everything depraved they do.
2. Christianity is empowered by fearful fools who can't see the plot.
3. Judaism, while in plain goddamn site, remains "hidden" and Satan takes the blame.

On a higher level this ensures:

1. The goyim pray against "Satan" from the deprived things they see, therefore, attacking the enemies of the Jews and weakening them. This allows jews to be more powerful in the world, since the Gentiles are deceived in attacking their VERY OWN GODS!
2. The lie of Christianity is perpetuated through fear and ignorance.
3. People think all the Pagan and Satanic symbols are "evil", and therefore, nobody looks into the faith of their ancestors anymore.

As a closing note, imagine this: If this hoax that "Satanists" do all this existed, how it would be? Jews do all this, and Judaism does all that.

And where jews would have been without this hoax? Probably destroyed a very long time ago, with Christianity and Islam not even existing.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Whats your say on Michael Jackson, he really had a big influence and seem to later avoid Madonna
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Renascendo das cinzas said:

I have a question that has been bothering me for a few years. I could always see in Dio this "Spiritual Satanism". In his lyrics, he always seemed to me to be a wise person and different from other vocalists of the same segment. But I always wondered why he died of stomach cancer. Because he worked for Satan he should have had a natural death, no?! Not that it's a rule, of course. But if you can clarify this for me I will be grateful.

This is karmic. How one will die, and even when, is subject to one's personal fate. Only with very serious meditation this date can be altered. With all Dio has done, no wonder the Gods have supported him extremely much. But fate remains still the most potent force for humans and human life.

Thank you very much for the clarification. I thought about it for a long time and you gave me a completely logical answer.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
