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Recent revelation ,


New member
Dec 10, 2024
About recent Revelations,

If Zeus is the creator of the universe,is he still limited,?
And the tripartite nature of God,so Christian were right only their names are wrong?
If the core deity in most pagan faiths has always been Zeus,and those who still call to or serve their ethnic pagan God served Zeus,what relevance has JOS been to him?
If the previous clergies were functioning in a rather limited/lesser level of understanding,why didn't the Gods make such revelations to them earlier since this would have been effective in converting most Gentiles since if am correct,the current advanced knowledge already resonates to them just on a different lense
Am I wrong since I get this idea temple of Zeus is approaching the current advancement via Abrahamics lenses minus the names,
Heaven to Elysian fields
Hell to Hades and Tartarus,

Yahweh, Christ/Samael to Zeus/Dionysius/Hades

Is our knowledge truly superior in any way or just a distinct cultural interpretation
About recent Revelations,

If Zeus is the creator of the universe,is he still limited,?
And the tripartite nature of God,so Christian were right only their names are wrong?
If the core deity in most pagan faiths has always been Zeus,and those who still call to or serve their ethnic pagan God served Zeus,what relevance has JOS been to him?
If the previous clergies were functioning in a rather limited/lesser level of understanding,why didn't the Gods make such revelations to them earlier since this would have been effective in converting most Gentiles since if am correct,the current advanced knowledge already resonates to them just on a different lense
Am I wrong since I get this idea temple of Zeus is approaching the current advancement via Abrahamics lenses minus the names,
Heaven to Elysian fields
Hell to Hades and Tartarus,

Yahweh, Christ/Samael to Zeus/Dionysius/Hades

Is our knowledge truly superior in any way or just a distinct cultural interpretation

20 years ago, Zeus would not have worked because 20 years ago the mentality was either Jesus Christ or anti-Jesus Christ (Gothic Satan). If anyone had thought of Zeus he would have been a "backward fool left to a strange Greek dead cult." Today we can have such a discourse where we consider Zeus without people saying "lol I still understand believing in Jesus and Muhammad, but are there still people who believe in Zeus?" (People actually said these things. In fact, a question on Quora was just that, identical words). But JoS has always worshipped Zeus. He never said "Zeus doesn't exist, it's the Jewish grimoires that are right," JoS always said that the Jewish grimoires are blasphemous. Regarding the nature of Zeus:

20 years ago, Zeus would not have worked because 20 years ago the mentality was either Jesus Christ or anti-Jesus Christ (Gothic Satan). If anyone had thought of Zeus he would have been a "backward fool left to a strange Greek dead cult." Today we can have such a discourse where we consider Zeus without people saying "lol I still understand believing in Jesus and Muhammad, but are there still people who believe in Zeus?" (People actually said these things. In fact, a question on Quora was just that, identical words). But JoS has always worshipped Zeus. He never said "Zeus doesn't exist, it's the Jewish grimoires
Am sorry,but your reply answers which question exactly?

Also 20 yrs ago was literally 2005 ,how would have 'Zeus'not worked
20 years ago, Zeus would not have worked because 20 years ago the mentality was either Jesus Christ or anti-Jesus Christ (Gothic Satan). If anyone had thought of Zeus he would have been a "backward fool left to a strange Greek dead cult." Today we can have such a discourse where we consider Zeus without people saying "lol I still understand believing in Jesus and Muhammad, but are there still people who believe in Zeus?" (People actually said these things. In fact, a question on Quora was just that, identical words). But JoS has always worshipped Zeus. He never said "Zeus doesn't exist, it's the Jewish grimoires that are right," JoS always said that the Jewish grimoires are blasphemous. Regarding the nature of Zeus:

Oh,,I think I see what you mean,
If am correct if we were to introduce temple of Zeus earlier on it would have just been another representation of a dead relic religion to the enmass,

Satanism gave it a new breath but the core was still the same,
20 yrs ahead Abrahamics influence has dwindled and seeing Zeus from a Satanic lense would be more relevant than the pagan approach,
But my concern was mostly on the superiority of the current knowledge,
It's just seem like a different cultural distinction of an already deeply rooted knowledge,
Christianity is right,their names are all wrong,names seems to have a key part in misdirection of energy,
My previous understanding was there's more speciality to it,but I guess it's true to a degree,
I also think monotheism is a misused word,
Abrahamics shows no true monotheism,in comparison to something like Atenism,it's more tripartite as I see with TOZ,,
When Christians pray to a heavenly father,they pray to Zeus,that in itself is a greatly grey topic,
It's like praising Zeus In a cave of your own making,

Man,to think at some level a Christian was more right than me while I was still in a caved mindset of Satan and his Demons
20 years ago, Zeus would not have worked because 20 years ago the mentality was either Jesus Christ or anti-Jesus Christ (Gothic Satan). If anyone had thought of Zeus he would have been a "backward fool left to a strange Greek dead cult."

Not true. In the 2000s, Neo-Paganism was all the rage. In fact it all began in the 1970's with Wicca that introduced Pagan Gods to the Anglosphere, to people outside academic scholars and occultists. The 2000s was the golden age of neo-Paganism, there were even Pagan-themed Hollywood movies and series. There weren't as many Hellenic Pagans, but people who worshipped Pagan Gods or called themselves Pagan or Wiccan were nothing unusual. It would be unusual if you were referring to the 60's or 70's before Wicca became popular.

As about xians who think the Greek Gods are dead and weird to worship them, that's still most of them now. Nothing changed in that regard because xians are xians, but that doesn't mean they represent the general opinion.
One thing that wasn't adressed in the answer was is Zeus limited? If He had to evolve and develop at one time, even if it was billions of years ago let's say, that would still mean He is limited, even if He's the most powerful being alive.

That would mean He is ultimately subject to nature like all of us rather than above it. Being on Nature's good side and even being able to work with its laws isn't the same as being in charge of it. Nature would then be "God". This would leave the question of what set the laws of nature if it wasn't Zeus. Is all just an emanation of the "One"?

Another sort of related question I have regarding our cosmology of the universe always existing is how do we address entropy? Are physicists wrong when they say all matter and even atoms at some point will decay into disordered chaotic states? How does that make sense in a universe that has always existed?

Shouldn't everything have decayed to maximum an infinity ago? It doesn't sound coherent, I must have misunderstood something. It's not explained in detail other than Mother Lilith telling HPS Maxine that the Big Bang is false and the universe was always there. What does that mean exactly, and how does it account for entropy, which suggests a beginning of the universe at some point?
what relevance has JOS been to him?
JoS, now ToZ, is an extension of His will. Priesthood, Guardians, and other high-level individuals are completely aligned with His will and work under Him and others. The relevance could not be more relevant than this.
That's not the xian trinity. The xians don't recognize such a trinity. The xian trinity is the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
Either way,there are lines of thought that present Samael/Satan as the dark side of Yahweh, Chthonic side,
Jesus the manifested side,
YHWH the non manifested aspect,

The holy spirit is considered as an energy ,an inverse of what the Kundalini is ,the dove is a prey,an inverse of the Kundalini as a predator, serpent,

You can replace it as you see but that doesn't answer it well
JoS, now ToZ, is an extension of His will. Priesthood, Guardians, and other high-level individuals are completely aligned with His will and work under Him and others. The relevance could not be more relevant than this.
Of what difference is it to a Jesuit embodying the will of the Nazarene,sorry if I come of as uneducated on this matter,
Am just trying to see what's different from the previous mindset I had as a Christian,
20 years ago, Zeus would not have worked because 20 years ago the mentality was either Jesus Christ or anti-Jesus Christ (Gothic Satan).
Not true. In the 2000s, Neo-Paganism was all the rage. In fact it all began in the 1970's with Wicca that introduced Pagan Gods to the Anglosphere, to people outside academic scholars and occultists.

This book was originally written in 1979, by the way:


So, at that time Neo-Paganism was growing as a social phenomenon and that book was the first published academic study about it.
One thing that wasn't adressed in the answer was is Zeus limited? If He had to evolve and develop at one time, even if it was billions of years ago let's say, that would still mean He is limited, even if He's the most powerful being alive.

That would mean He is ultimately subject to nature like all of us rather than above it. Being on Nature's good side and even being able to work with its laws isn't the same as being in charge of it. Nature would then be "God". This would leave the question of what set the laws of nature if it wasn't Zeus. Is all just an emanation of the "One"?

Another sort of related question I have regarding our cosmology of the universe always existing is how do we address entropy? Are physicists wrong when they say all matter and even atoms at some point will decay into disordered chaotic states? How does that make sense in a universe that has always existed?

Shouldn't everything have decayed to maximum an infinity ago? It doesn't sound coherent, I must have misunderstood something. It's not explained in detail other than Mother Lilith telling HPS Maxine that the Big Bang is false and the universe was always there. What does that mean exactly, and how does it account for entropy, which suggests a beginning of the universe at some point?
I think the mainstream approach of science towards entropy pays no consideration to the ether,and only addresses matter which makes up a miniscule percentage of the universe ,
Perhaps entropy can be acted upon by a conscious and Intelligent being,since it acts within the constraints of what the triskelion symbolises, Creation, Destruction and rebirth and that's only in the manifested universe , Gods seems above that,so I don't see how one would be subjected to that,

My question of Zeus being limited is on the ideas of him being supreme, Creator,The One(really hate the contemporary connotation this carry especially among new agers,or are they right too by calling him Source?)
is he omnipresent, Omniscient or Omnipotent,
The only question i would love an answer is what's set JOS/TOZ apart or its relevance to a cosmic/universal God and encompassing God.
The answer by @Henu the Great of it being the manifested Will of Zeus then we can say just about the same for Hellenics,/Odinists or other pagan adherent,
They too serve his will,and am not talking about the forest cabin larpers,they are just a part of that spectrum, similarly you'll find very advanced ones,
Whats was the need for the effort of the previous clergy,their struggles or attacks if they were just inadvertently leading towards the mainstream universal and common truth of a supernal Heavenly/Sky father the only difference was the name they have for him,,

I mean,it just seems like the typical theurgical knowledge intended for the 90%,
It doesn't feel anymore like a rediscovery of old truths but a re-interpretation of current ones,
Mind you Abrahamics have their own branches of mysticism,

I don't intend to troll or downplay anything,I am just looking for something to convince myself my belief systems aren't turning into a similar spectacle of diluted understanding,
What sets Temple of Zeus apart in terms of knowledge in comparison to what I had previously come to believe, a world heavily corrupted and degenerated by the enemy?
Another sort of related question I have regarding our cosmology of the universe always existing is how do we address entropy? Are physicists wrong when they say all matter and even atoms at some point will decay into disordered chaotic states? How does that make sense in a universe that has always existed?
Yes, they are wrong. Their whole theory assumes that there's just dumb, inert matter that behaves in a dumb, mechanical way and only creates things by chance. That's the stupid materialistic/mechanistic worldview that plagues mainstream science.

When you consider that there's a higher intelligence, a cosmic mind in everything that directs everything, then entropy need not apply.

An intelligence is ordered and directs everything in order. It's not chaotic and doesn't allow chaos. There is what seems like chaos, but it's just higher order that we cannot understand with our limited mind.
Of what difference is it to a Jesuit embodying the will of the Nazarene,sorry if I come of as uneducated on this matter,
Am just trying to see what's different from the previous mindset I had as a Christian,
In essence, not much. You choose a master and follow accordingly, either into a certain doom as it is with Christianity, or to Heroic deeds and beyond as Truth mastering ourselves.

Yes, I can see from your original post that you have a Christian background. No, ToZ does not adhere to that filter of matters, as we predate it and other abominations. If that is not enough, then I welcome you to set aside a time period where you get into meditation in a manner that should not leave any doubts about the validity of this Path. However, at the end of the day, everyone makes their own choices whether they are ill-informed or not. And carry the consequences as a result. Choose your destiny kind of stuff, potentially.
This sermon that you linked touches upon the topic, but a lot of the questions in the comments are related to the questions here and were left unanswered. This seems to be a specific area of confusion for many.
About recent Revelations,

If Zeus is the creator of the universe,is he still limited,?
And the tripartite nature of God,so Christian were right only their names are wrong?
If the core deity in most pagan faiths has always been Zeus,and those who still call to or serve their ethnic pagan God served Zeus,what relevance has JOS been to him?
If the previous clergies were functioning in a rather limited/lesser level of understanding,why didn't the Gods make such revelations to them earlier since this would have been effective in converting most Gentiles since if am correct,the current advanced knowledge already resonates to them just on a different lense
Am I wrong since I get this idea temple of Zeus is approaching the current advancement via Abrahamics lenses minus the names,
Heaven to Elysian fields
Hell to Hades and Tartarus,

Yahweh, Christ/Samael to Zeus/Dionysius/Hades

Is our knowledge truly superior in any way or just a distinct cultural interpretation
Lord Zeus is not the creator of the universe in the sense of how we humans perceive creation. The Universe has not time and space, and at the same time it is infinite and it has always existed and will always exists. These are higher order spiritual topics, one cannot simply sit before a laptop and understand it.

Judaism, Cristianity and Islam have based their occult practices on Egyptian and Pagan mistiries, but at the same time they have sabotaged these. It is not a mere thing of "names".

I don't know what you mean by previous clergies, but all the previous years, efforts in research of spiritual information and actual meditations, have led to were we are now. It's been a decade of RTR workings to remove jewish filth, and it has led to removing the veil that was hiding the true essence of our Gods.

Yes, you are wrong in considering that the Temple of Zeus is approaching anything under abramatic lenses. It is clear that you didn't spend much time reading the massive amount of information HPHC wrote to explain this shift. If you know some basic history, you should know that abramatic religions came thousand of years after our Gods. So maybe you should question, is heaven based on the Elysium fields? Is Hell based on Tartarus? Is the cristian trinity copied from Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, or Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma?

Please go read what HPHC wrote in the last 20 sermons
If Zeus is the creator of the universe,is he still limited,?
He did not create the Universe; the Universe/Nature created Him. Think about this - if Satan/Zeus created the Universe, then where did He/They both come from; who/what created Him/Them? In this line of thinking we can keep regressing backwards eternally (infinite regression); "What came before that which came before that which came before that which... ad infinitum ...that created the Universe or that created Humans?". Going as far back as our minds might allow us, and further back when we keep considering it, it is impossible - impossible - for nothing to exist. Nothing is still something; it is still a state. The full, complete, total, entire, absolute lack of things is impossible because nothing is still something (regardless of whether it can be perceived and understood or observed, or not) - and the fact that things exist means perhaps the most-fundamental... thing there is is potential. Potentiality always was (and is and will be). Again, even nothing is still a thing, so the potential that things exist was always there.

Potential also means that, as the JoS/ToZ says, advancement is eternal; even the Gods and Goddesses are still advancing. It also helps explain that a "creator god" is fake - just where was "god" to create the Universe? Where, exactly, is "heaven"? "creator god", in this sense, is more a description, an allegory which creationists take literally and then cherry-pick and contradict themselves with. If any supposed "creator god" does exist, then the potentiality for it to come into existence was there before it was; potential exists outside of "creator god"; therefore, "creator god" is not the ultimate source. Where would Satan/Zeus be floating around in nothingness or the lack of -ness, the lack of things and the Universe, to create -ness, to create things and the Universe?

No matter how powerful He is (and the Gods and Goddesses are), He is (and the Gods and Goddesses are) still limited even though those limits are massively above ours. The fact that we have to contend with the jew raping Earth and Humans for a number of centuries, with its reptillian overlords bouncing around about things, sort of shows that He is not all-powerful, which means He is limited, even if those limits far exceed our best capabilities. This is not to upset us and it is not to say that we are shit or anything, but it is simply sensible to realise it.
He did not create the Universe; the Universe/Nature created Him. Think about this - if Satan/Zeus created the Universe, then where did He/They both come from; who/what created Him/Them? In this line of thinking we can keep regressing backwards eternally (infinite regression); "What came before that which came before that which came before that which... ad infinitum ...that created the Universe or that created Humans?". Going as far back as our minds might allow us, and further back when we keep considering it, it is impossible - impossible - for nothing to existwerful, which means He is limited, even if those limits far exceed our best capabilities. This is not to upset us and it is not to say that we
I didn't mean existence,I was specifically referring to the manifested and order universe,not the unmanifested chaos

Lord Zeus is not the creator of the universe in the sense of how we humans perceive creation. The Universe has not time and space, and at the same time it is infinite and it has always existed and will always exists. These are higher order spiritual topics, one cannot simply sit before a laptop and understand it.

Judaism, Cristianity and Islam have based their occult practices on Egyptian and Pagan mistiries, but at the same time they have sabotaged these. It is not a mere thing of "names".

Yes, you are wrong in considering that the Temple of Zeus is approaching anything under abramatic lenses. It is clear that you didn't spend much time reading the massive amount of information HPHC wrote to explain this shift. If you know some basic history, you should know that abramatic religions came thousand of years after our Gods. So maybe you should question, is heaven based on the Elysium fields? Is Hell based on Tartarus? Is the cristian trinity copied from Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, or Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma?
The distortion basing on recent understanding don't seem that significant,and I was specifically inquiring on it being a different cultural distinction not the source of this knowledge,pagan history is much older than that,but the distortion Christianity offered was subverting the names and crediting it to Judeo filth,
If Zeus is unlimited according to the priests, then you can point out the same inconsistencies as in Christianity.

But this is clearly not the case, if you read carefully what the priest writes, the Universal Mind or God is as described in Aristotle's first machine.

Arguments against the Creator only work if that Creator has preferences and morality.

The *God* Creator has no morals or preferences, His creation is His nature expanding outward.
Both good and evil are His, and He doesn't externalize Himself like Jehovah, because He is the ultimate nature, i.e. if everything is within Him, nothing needs to be seen outside of Him.

He doesn't make demands, he doesn't do miracles, his only miracles are in creation He doesn't throw you into Tartarus or the solar fields for your actions Think of it as a binary system that calculates your energy, then it takes that energy and takes it to an identical place with the same patterns But this being does not do justice because it is non-judgmental and amoral.

If someone under it goes to the Elysian Fields, it's not because they had the warm recognition of the First Mover, because the First Mover simply calculates and adds up the energy in a place compatible with it.

Zeus, on the other hand, thinks, externalizes, has morality built into him, and does justice according to what he thinks is right.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
