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Receiving Help From The Gods: An Introduction

DTone said:
I always asked myself why they helped me, I was a guy who only drank and partied every weekend, if I got to this path it was because of the great General Satanachia and King Asmodeus, there was a Spanish speaking page that stole all the demonology section of Joy Of Satan, that's how I did my first invocation however I made that mistake of only asking for help and many times I gave nothing in return, even so they always helped me since they were in every failed love relationship, in every depression, this is hard to describe but it was something like that: "I felt my body electrified and paralyzed while a light surrounded my body, then I felt a deep comfort in my heart, I only heard electricity among other sounds, but inside me I knew it was what I had to do to face my problems, the incredible thing was that they came on occasions that I had not invoked them."

Today I am on a great path, and my life is every time aligning towards my goals, all thanks to them guiding me to you and your meditations section :,), it costs me a lot to express emotions like love but in truth I am grateful to father satan and them, the least I can do as thanks is to be in the spiritual wars, and spam daily to more spanish speakers.....

Thank you ministries of joy of satan :,) for everything.

Posts like these are also a form of thanksgiving to the Gods. Very glad to have read your reply.

Giving help back is fundamental, it's a token of appreciation and very important.
Nikois666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
To make this more plain, I have been told by Demons repeatedly that they are summoned, then people do literally nothing at all, and while the Demons keep "Pushing" to provide their solutions, people just sit there doing absolutely nothing, expecting that anything would change.

Eventually, Demons give up until a later time where a person has better understanding or living experience. Another major issue I have been told is present is that "the mind is closed", which also relates to the psychic faculties, but also to literally being closed to receiving their input.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP Cobra, I don't know why, but I have never tried to summon any Demon. I am always like, "what am I even gonna do by summoning a Demon? They are probably busy, better to not disturb them". I don' think I have any real cause to summon a God. I mean the tool to help myself are already provided in the JoS and are very effective for me.

Even though I have never summoned, I just know that I've been helped/supported/guided numerous times by Satan, my Guardian Daemon and maybe other Daemons as well.

You should try summoning to get accustomed to it. When people do this to try to establish contact or learn, the Gods understand this and act accordingly. You might also specify you want to establish some contact. If you have been helped etc, that's what you really need to know. Summoning can help some people try to get a feel for this.

If one is past the above [they know or have known], it's a good idea to summon when there is a need and a reason.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Kevin Hernandez said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Exactly, which is why working on the Soul is so important. Whenever I finish a great meditation I feel unconquerable, it's only when I enter mundane life that I can get stressed. This is an issue with my lower chakras and given that, I have been seriously focusing on my Sacral this past month and a bit.

Even then, mundane life in a way, can show you how much progress you can and/or have made sometimes. And with time and progression, you won't feel as stressed anymore. Its just a matter of wisdom and optimism.

Very wise input here. That is also where everyone is aiming at here. That's what happens after a point.

And once you get to that stage, the external, as harsh or unrelenting as they may seem, are nothing more than opportunities for one's soul to conquer it and alchemize it to become a safe haven for one's soul to grow and feel healthy and to expand. Meditation is a big reason why you can be thrown with any obstacle or challenge and you can always dissect it, learn from it and return it refined. Kinda like the relationship between human breathing and trees exchanging Co2 and oxygen. And once the environment becomes not only transformed (in a meditative state within the mind, unaffecting you and in turn, your inner power changing it), but beneficial to not just you. And that is one of the many potentials of even just one person. Imagine an entire world population.
slyscorpion said:
The enemy is only part of this equation. The other part of the equation and problem is humans in general force slavery on themselves as well I know mosly unknowing but if it were not for that most people would immediately wake up and tend to go towards the truth. The enemy literally has us forcing damnnation on ourselves and the world. You can call people Dumb but in some cases this is not true at all. Not everyone who is a slave or an npc is Dumb. There is a lot of power behind these curses and energies. In many cases the only thing you can do is give it time. Situations can change as in whoever is causing them a lot of this problem can be gone from their life on its own or the enemy curses can become weaker.

Then when it's over and they fully wake up remind them they are not a bad person for not listening because they couldn't listen. Remind them the goal is to move forward and always try to be better be a better person empower yourself and the world around you.

Yes it certainly is true there are some truly bad people who never should have existed to begin with who are gentiles. However this is a lot less than anyone would think looking at the world right now. Most people do not deserve to die (although some do and they will in the end) They deserve a chance to become great that is what Satan desires I believe.

Personally, I definitely not see "npc" people as a danger [something we will grow out of as a society rather] and they tend to be bad ONLY if there are evil people ruling them. If the people of the Gods are helping them, they can do great things, and they also grow like anyone else. Also, the gross levels of being completely ignorant are late achievements that the enemy has made so severe.
If I miss a couple days of meditation (I hate that I missed, but it happened) should I start the 40 day program over or pick up where I left off?
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You should try summoning to get accustomed to it. When people do this to try to establish contact or learn, the Gods understand this and act accordingly. You might also specify you want to establish some contact. If you have been helped etc, that's what you really need to know. Summoning can help some people try to get a feel for this.

If one is past the above [they know or have known], it's a good idea to summon when there is a need and a reason.

Although I have so many good placements in my chart for that and I had put my effort in this, I only once heard my GD when her dates were close to the date I heard her voice (I suppose her energies were still strong on astral that day). Many people have problems with clairaudience. Do you have any suggestion for this, HP?
If I miss a couple days of meditation (I hate that I missed, but it happened) should I start the 40 day program over or pick up where I left off?
Thank you writing. It's really very good writing, as several people have said.

I used to think a lot about the Second World War and Hitler one timed. And he visited me, I communicated with him astrally. I couldn't see, but I could hear. He was nice and helpls.

Is this possible?
Or did the enemy pretend to be Hitler because of my admiration?
I'll be doing void meditation.
Specific souls are further away from what others may understand even at the first day at birth.
Holy shit, that is bad.

Regardless, many people also waste their time trying to "convince" or "change" others, but the reality is, one can only show a door and nothing guarantees anything past this.
Yeah, weirdly I ended up realising this through rigorous religious discussions. A crack of opportunity in a smart mind can seed doubt but do nothing more. Most people know that people do not change their stance overnight, but they do not tend to think about the fact that they can be completely swayed over time just because of one thing you said.

Evoking logic or plain obvious Truth or common sense, can also fail, merely because of the notions of the human mind.
I try to be as fact based as I can when providing an argument in a discussion. But there are several problems. Like it was said here, people do not accept facts. But there is also the unfortunate reality that many "facts" have been corrupted. An example of this is coming from our bout with Coronavirus. Many sources we went to for facts are being exposed as unsafe, immoral and corrupted. It's so vile and makes my blood boil. Intelligent discussion will not be possible in the future if we have no definitive source of facts and information.

Over the years I have also seen that despite of what one says or anything, one can only help people up to an extent. It doesn't matter how much you "want" to help.
What I think? This really sucks. It's like you're watching people crash and burn. But at least you can say you tried to stop them from crashing and burning. For the most part, doing something is better than nothing; That's truly all that matters for me in the end.

Commonly I am asked in regards to "why don't the Gods help with this", or "why don't the Gods help with that".

For some strange reason I never understood, most people also feel on a default that they deserve this help fully, and that everything is justified in receiving any and all help they inquire. I won't comment here on the Christian undertones of this line of thought. It should become apparent to a Satanist past a point.

Let's not go very far here, just observe, have you tried to help other people or give them sound advice, only to see them 98 out of 100 times merely deny this advice and input, and continue on with self destruction or anything of the sort?
You know I think a simple answer to that question is probably "because you can do it yourself, if you'd spend even half your brain figuring out solutions". I don't understand why people feel entitled either - I did this, I did that, now gimmie gimmie gimmie. It's just human nature right - I'm more interested in the here and now, rather than the long term investment. It reminds me of that study with the kids and the marshmellows. Scientists put 1 marshmellow on their plate. If they didn't eat the marshmellow after the scientist left, they could have 2 when he came back. Nearly all the children ate the marshmellow, lol.

... I have been told by Demons repeatedly that they are summoned, then people do literally nothing at all, and while the Demons keep "Pushing" to provide their solutions, people just sit there doing absolutely nothing, expecting that anything would change.

Eventually, Demons give up until a later time where a person has better understanding or living experience. Another major issue I have been told is present is that "the mind is closed", which also relates to the psychic faculties, but also to literally being closed to receiving their input.

In effect, many of you aren't asking them for help, but to literally pick your weight up and carry it to a "destination", and just throw your dead weight there, thinking this solved anything. Demons however are rarely interested in doing this, as this defeats most of the purpose of growing you into a self reliant entity. They can still provide this kind of help, but that is not a proper type of help...

I'm not going to lie, I have been extremely spiritually lethargic over my life. I am lagging behind. But this is my fault. I will never, ever understand why people blame demons or especially Satan for this. It is always our fault. Always. Or why people expect demons to help in situations like these when it's all on you. I understand people might get cranky, that they are getting nowhere. Why not just use the cranky to get up and improve yourself.
It's really useful post, thanks for sharing your information

I am into Demonolatry. Very useful
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nikois666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
To make this more plain, I have been told by Demons repeatedly that they are summoned, then people do literally nothing at all, and while the Demons keep "Pushing" to provide their solutions, people just sit there doing absolutely nothing, expecting that anything would change.

Eventually, Demons give up until a later time where a person has better understanding or living experience. Another major issue I have been told is present is that "the mind is closed", which also relates to the psychic faculties, but also to literally being closed to receiving their input.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP Cobra, I don't know why, but I have never tried to summon any Demon. I am always like, "what am I even gonna do by summoning a Demon? They are probably busy, better to not disturb them". I don' think I have any real cause to summon a God. I mean the tool to help myself are already provided in the JoS and are very effective for me.

Even though I have never summoned, I just know that I've been helped/supported/guided numerous times by Satan, my Guardian Daemon and maybe other Daemons as well.

You should try summoning to get accustomed to it. When people do this to try to establish contact or learn, the Gods understand this and act accordingly. You might also specify you want to establish some contact. If you have been helped etc, that's what you really need to know. Summoning can help some people try to get a feel for this.

If one is past the above [they know or have known], it's a good idea to summon when there is a need and a reason.

For the summonings, I get the sigil and focus on it, read the prayer to Satan then focus on the sigil and either chant or vibrate the gods name and try to focus on the sigil as a whole, tune into it and speak telepathically.

After the prayer, you feel the Gods energy and after saying or vibrating their name you’ll feel their energy more.

Is this what a successful summoning is or is there more intensity to it?
tootimechamp said:
If I miss a couple days of meditation (I hate that I missed, but it happened) should I start the 40 day program over or pick up where I left off?

Just pick up where you left off, although the specifics of this can depend. For example, you may want to redo a chakra opening, but as far as the regular stuff like spinning, cleaning, and void, then this can be done at previous levels.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nikois666 said:
HP Cobra, I don't know why, but I have never tried to summon any Demon. I am always like, "what am I even gonna do by summoning a Demon? They are probably busy, better to not disturb them". I don' think I have any real cause to summon a God. I mean the tool to help myself are already provided in the JoS and are very effective for me.

Even though I have never summoned, I just know that I've been helped/supported/guided numerous times by Satan, my Guardian Daemon and maybe other Daemons as well.

You should try summoning to get accustomed to it. When people do this to try to establish contact or learn, the Gods understand this and act accordingly. You might also specify you want to establish some contact. If you have been helped etc, that's what you really need to know. Summoning can help some people try to get a feel for this.

If one is past the above [they know or have known], it's a good idea to summon when there is a need and a reason.

I'm in a similar situation, never tried to summon a demon, but for me it isn't that "I don't want to bother" but that "I want to do this on my own" kind of mentality. I feel like I only want to show up to the Gods being on a "decent" level, and do everything to that "decent level" without seeking a single bit of help. I rarely even talk to Satan or my GD because I want to be on that "decent" level when I do so. Even if I was to summon a demon, I wouldn't know what to ask for, or how to ask for their help, I'm like "I want to do *this* thing, and even if I might need help, I want handle this alone".

I don't think this is a healthy mentality tho, but there are Gods which came to me on their own and helped me whenever they saw needed, I know this for a fact. I feel extremely loved by the Gods, even if I am like this, be it right or wrong.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nikois666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
To make this more plain, I have been told by Demons repeatedly that they are summoned, then people do literally nothing at all, and while the Demons keep "Pushing" to provide their solutions, people just sit there doing absolutely nothing, expecting that anything would change.

Eventually, Demons give up until a later time where a person has better understanding or living experience. Another major issue I have been told is present is that "the mind is closed", which also relates to the psychic faculties, but also to literally being closed to receiving their input.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP Cobra, I don't know why, but I have never tried to summon any Demon. I am always like, "what am I even gonna do by summoning a Demon? They are probably busy, better to not disturb them". I don' think I have any real cause to summon a God. I mean the tool to help myself are already provided in the JoS and are very effective for me.

Even though I have never summoned, I just know that I've been helped/supported/guided numerous times by Satan, my Guardian Daemon and maybe other Daemons as well.

You should try summoning to get accustomed to it. When people do this to try to establish contact or learn, the Gods understand this and act accordingly. You might also specify you want to establish some contact. If you have been helped etc, that's what you really need to know. Summoning can help some people try to get a feel for this.

If one is past the above [they know or have known], it's a good idea to summon when there is a need and a reason.

Thank you for the input HP Cobra, I will soon try to summon a Daemon, :D
If I were a God then I would not into this reality and risk being erased,
The enemy has weapons that attack Vimanas aka UFOs so Gods coming into this reality just for showing people that UFO exist and losing their life is pointless.

I have a friend who told my parents in front of me: "Your son will not dive into the mud to get you out but will put his hand forward and it's up to you to accept that help without judging"

I've tried to explain to my parents' certain things since my childhood but it didn't work out, I'm cutting them off for good.
Why do we even Care?
I mean nothing matters seems like a battle over Stupidity. Rape killing Destroying and wars arguing over who’s right and who’s beliefs are right who Cares.
Why cant satan put Us all to sleep and we can all Wake up in hell and figure everything out in HELL?

Let’s say in 10 years satan gets his wish for Humanity I don’t want no part of Humanity I don’t care if people live in Harmony with the gods I have no Desire to live with Humans for Eternity I don’t like people just thinking about people makes me feel like shit and I won’t Act like I do Nothing is gonna make me like this world. So why doesn’t satan Put us all down and end the Jews and Put us back on earth to live his Wish the golden Age.
Seems our morals are getting in the way so we continue to let Fauci Live because we’re moral satanist that care about human life we’ll got news for you there not Human why are we protecting evil only reason I see we are letting evil live is because killing is not moral so we should just let Evil live because we’re moral humans and it’s not moral to Kill evil
Which maybe that’s satans thinking and maybe that’s Satanist thinking that it’s not moral to Kill lizards we let evil live because Killing Lizards is immoral It’s that the idea are we Letting the Lizards live because it’s not moral I’ll let you decide what’s moral because it doesn’t sound moral to let evil walk around breathing and destroying stealing the souls of man
ShadowDust said:
Why do we even Care?
I mean nothing matters seems like a battle over Stupidity. Rape killing Destroying and wars arguing over who’s right and who’s beliefs are right who Cares.
Why cant satan put Us all to sleep and we can all Wake up in hell and figure everything out in HELL?

Let’s say in 10 years satan gets his wish for Humanity I don’t want no part of Humanity I don’t care if people live in Harmony with the gods I have no Desire to live with Humans for Eternity I don’t like people just thinking about people makes me feel like shit and I won’t Act like I do Nothing is gonna make me like this world. So why doesn’t satan Put us all down and end the Jews and Put us back on earth to live his Wish the golden Age.
Seems our morals are getting in the way so we continue to let Fauci Live because we’re moral satanist that care about human life we’ll got news for you there not Human why are we protecting evil only reason I see we are letting evil live is because killing is not moral so we should just let Evil live because we’re moral humans and it’s not moral to Kill evil
Which maybe that’s satans thinking and maybe that’s Satanist thinking that it’s not moral to Kill lizards we let evil live because Killing Lizards is immoral It’s that the idea are we Letting the Lizards live because it’s not moral I’ll let you decide what’s moral because it doesn’t sound moral to let evil walk around breathing and destroying stealing the souls of man

Father Satan is not your servant. If you want a world free from the enemy, roll up your sleeps and make it happen. This planet belongs to human beings and you're a human who lives on it. Better start acting like it, instead of acting like you're entitled to a world without the enemy. On what grounds? Based on what merits do you deserve the Gods hand you a perfect world on a silver platter, exactly?

Read our forum and our websites to understand what exactly we are doing here, since you don't seem to have a clue. Your statement about letting 'walk around breathing and destroying, stealing the souls of man' shows exactly you have no knowledge of our mission and our actions. So, you better educate yourself on it, instead of throwing a temper tantrum and expecting 'daddy' to fix everything on your behalf while you do nothing on Du'at. Satan's Empire is not a nursery for lazy children.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thank you and very educational Master Cobra or better to say "the greatest philosopher after the ancient Greeks." I personally know many people who, even if you show them the most revealing things about the enemy, will not accept jos, because one who accepts Jewish programs without having to think about it well, it is in the opposite direction from ours and making them change direction is impossible.
Thank you so much for this as it applies very much to me in the current moment. Help can only come to a point and one cannot be helped by someone who does not wish to help themselves. Something especially important for me to remember as someone who always attracts wounded birds.
I know this is a little off topic. There's a series that has been viewing. Its called Sabrina. Sabrina Spellman is a witch. I'd like to know what you think of it. I watched an entire season and it seems Satanic but I want to know if you trust it, maybe even like it?
SamWise666 said:
I know this is a little off topic. There's a series that has been viewing. Its called Sabrina. Sabrina Spellman is a witch. I'd like to know what you think of it. I watched an entire season and it seems Satanic but I want to know if you trust it, maybe even like it?

Unfortunately I had the opportunity to watch very few series and things like this, although I like Cinema a lot. Maybe others who have can help you.

Generally, things that promote magick and open the people up to this possibility aren't bad, but don't take the messages you see from series too seriously. Try to draw inspiration and/or the necessary recreation from them, but no need to take these more seriously than necessary.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SamWise666 said:
I know this is a little off topic. There's a series that has been viewing. Its called Sabrina. Sabrina Spellman is a witch. I'd like to know what you think of it. I watched an entire season and it seems Satanic but I want to know if you trust it, maybe even like it?

Unfortunately I had the opportunity to watch very few series and things like this, although I like Cinema a lot. Maybe others who have can help you.

Generally, things that promote magick and open the people up to this possibility aren't bad, but don't take the messages you see from series too seriously. Try to draw inspiration and/or the necessary recreation from them, but no need to take these more seriously than necessary.
In the show they say Hail Satan a lot which is nice to hear but that is the only great thing about this show, it promotes a jewish view about Satanism and there is the usual leftist bullshits, Lilith is made to be a Femminist and there is a lot of this in the show. I like TV series that have occult related themes but its difficult to ignore all these bullshits they put in.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
SamWise666 said:
I know this is a little off topic. There's a series that has been viewing. Its called Sabrina. Sabrina Spellman is a witch. I'd like to know what you think of it. I watched an entire season and it seems Satanic but I want to know if you trust it, maybe even like it?

Unfortunately I had the opportunity to watch very few series and things like this, although I like Cinema a lot. Maybe others who have can help you.

Generally, things that promote magick and open the people up to this possibility aren't bad, but don't take the messages you see from series too seriously. Try to draw inspiration and/or the necessary recreation from them, but no need to take these more seriously than necessary.
In the show they say Hail Satan a lot which is nice to hear but that is the only great thing about this show, it promotes a jewish view about Satanism and there is the usual leftist bullshits, Lilith is made to be a Femminist and there is a lot of this in the show. I like TV series that have occult related themes but its difficult to ignore all these bullshits they put in.
SamWise666 said:
I know this is a little off topic. There's a series that has been viewing. Its called Sabrina. Sabrina Spellman is a witch. I'd like to know what you think of it. I watched an entire season and it seems Satanic but I want to know if you trust it, maybe even like it?

There's 2, one is from the 90's called Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and then a newer one called The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Both are the same characters, both from the Archie comics, just one is more "Halloween-themed" (as it was promoted).

The newer one, I tried to watch but couldn't even finish the first episode. Maybe for big-city Americans who are used to race mixing, they can tolerate it, but I can't. How can two sisters (the aunts) one be white and one black? And have a black cousin? I really enjoyed hearing "Praise Satan!" but I grew up in an all-white community and rarely watched tv growing up as my parents discouraged it, so the logical side of my brain was like "WTF??" But my right side brain wants to hear more "Praise Satan!"s so I might give it another shot, if others here vouch for the show.
SamWise666 said:
I know this is a little off topic. There's a series that has been viewing. Its called Sabrina. Sabrina Spellman is a witch. I'd like to know what you think of it. I watched an entire season and it seems Satanic but I want to know if you trust it, maybe even like it?

If you use the search function, I and other user have briefly mentioned this show.
SamWise666 said:
I know this is a little off topic. There's a series that has been viewing. Its called Sabrina. Sabrina Spellman is a witch. I'd like to know what you think of it. I watched an entire season and it seems Satanic but I want to know if you trust it, maybe even like it?

I don't normally respond to these things. But, I got plenty of time at work so.

The subliminal messages are endless, like most movies and series nowadays. It is not Satanic in its nature, no. But I do love how they romanticize the use of witchcraft and the astral world. Even though the portrayal of Hell and Satan is blasphemous at so many levels, they still have a tone of making the "scary" astral and witchcraft to something totally overcoming in a sense.

The blood sacrifices, not fan of. A somewhat peculiar change of scene is when they stop worshipping Lucifer, is that they start worship Hecate, which if I am not mistaken Astaroth? A greek godess. If I remember correctly, her divinity protects them and greatly amplifies the witches' powers. And the witches don't make any blood sacrifices under her worship (I think). Hecate in greek mythology is also the godess of witches.

In conclusion. Nearly, if not all movies and series are bombarded with subliminals in order to control/deceive. Just watch it at ease, and don't dive too far in the wonderland (mentally and emotionally speaking).
Lydia said:
SamWise666 said:
I know this is a little off topic. There's a series that has been viewing. Its called Sabrina. Sabrina Spellman is a witch. I'd like to know what you think of it. I watched an entire season and it seems Satanic but I want to know if you trust it, maybe even like it?

There's 2, one is from the 90's called Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and then a newer one called The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Both are the same characters, both from the Archie comics, just one is more "Halloween-themed" (as it was promoted).

The newer one, I tried to watch but couldn't even finish the first episode. Maybe for big-city Americans who are used to race mixing, they can tolerate it, but I can't. How can two sisters (the aunts) one be white and one black? And have a black cousin? I really enjoyed hearing "Praise Satan!" but I grew up in an all-white community and rarely watched tv growing up as my parents discouraged it, so the logical side of my brain was like "WTF??" But my right side brain wants to hear more "Praise Satan!"s so I might give it another shot, if others here vouch for the show.
They made Lillith a feminist... not the good type. This show is really bad. Like if you could turn off your brain for all the race mixing and other weird shits then maybe it's okay but honestly, I can't. The original Sabrina is way better but unfortunately, it does not have all the Hail Satan the new show has. And it shows Satanism as something bad with blood sacrifices and so on. I watched only the first season and it was enough.
mendezholly said:
Hello everybody! I'm glad to join your community :)

Welcome, Mendezholly! :)

If you have any questions regarding meditation, witchcraft and overall advancement, even other things, you may want to create a topic on "Joy of Satan 666" section (just an example and to guide). Using the search engine is also very helpful, a lot of valuable information is easily available. From experience, most answers are already explained in JoS' website. Patience is one of Satanisms greatest keys, so don't be hasty when studying Satanism. Take your time, and enjoy your journey!

luis said:
Lydia said:
SamWise666 said:
I know this is a little off topic. There's a series that has been viewing. Its called Sabrina. Sabrina Spellman is a witch. I'd like to know what you think of it. I watched an entire season and it seems Satanic but I want to know if you trust it, maybe even like it?

There's 2, one is from the 90's called Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and then a newer one called The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Both are the same characters, both from the Archie comics, just one is more "Halloween-themed" (as it was promoted).

The newer one, I tried to watch but couldn't even finish the first episode. Maybe for big-city Americans who are used to race mixing, they can tolerate it, but I can't. How can two sisters (the aunts) one be white and one black? And have a black cousin? I really enjoyed hearing "Praise Satan!" but I grew up in an all-white community and rarely watched tv growing up as my parents discouraged it, so the logical side of my brain was like "WTF??" But my right side brain wants to hear more "Praise Satan!"s so I might give it another shot, if others here vouch for the show.
They made Lillith a feminist... not the good type. This show is really bad. Like if you could turn off your brain for all the race mixing and other weird shits then maybe it's okay but honestly, I can't. The original Sabrina is way better but unfortunately, it does not have all the Hail Satan the new show has. And it shows Satanism as something bad with blood sacrifices and so on. I watched only the first season and it was enough.

I was already disgusted with the Sabrina before season 1 was over. After season 4,i felt angry and dirty. The shit is just so blasphemous to Satan.
luis said:
Lydia said:
SamWise666 said:
I know this is a little off topic. There's a series that has been viewing. Its called Sabrina. Sabrina Spellman is a witch. I'd like to know what you think of it. I watched an entire season and it seems Satanic but I want to know if you trust it, maybe even like it?

There's 2, one is from the 90's called Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and then a newer one called The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. Both are the same characters, both from the Archie comics, just one is more "Halloween-themed" (as it was promoted).

The newer one, I tried to watch but couldn't even finish the first episode. Maybe for big-city Americans who are used to race mixing, they can tolerate it, but I can't. How can two sisters (the aunts) one be white and one black? And have a black cousin? I really enjoyed hearing "Praise Satan!" but I grew up in an all-white community and rarely watched tv growing up as my parents discouraged it, so the logical side of my brain was like "WTF??" But my right side brain wants to hear more "Praise Satan!"s so I might give it another shot, if others here vouch for the show.
They made Lillith a feminist... not the good type. This show is really bad. Like if you could turn off your brain for all the race mixing and other weird shits then maybe it's okay but honestly, I can't. The original Sabrina is way better but unfortunately, it does not have all the Hail Satan the new show has. And it shows Satanism as something bad with blood sacrifices and so on. I watched only the first season and it was enough.

Why am I not surprised :roll:
I must say HP; every single time I read any of your writings, I find that you always answer questions I was never aware of having in the first place. I'm also reminded of what it truly means to be a Satanist.

It's definitely not an easy path at all; but it's a path that develops our character and helps each of us grow into strong, wise and independent beings; especially if we have the drive and the desire to put in the work necessary for one day becoming what Father Satan had always intended for us to become.

I also realize from reading your writings, that as much as I've already learned from reading through the JoS; there's still quite A LOT for me to unlearn and thoughts I need to ponder. I never realized how much the worthless teachings of xianity still influence some of my thoughts. It's actually really sickening for me to even THINK that I'm actually still being subconsciously influenced by this jewish program.

Although, it also makes me feel glad to recognize what I still need to work on in terms of freeing my mind and soul from a program that I absolutely hate. It's much better to know what parts of me are still being influenced by xianity, rather than ignorantly believing that there's no rewiring of the mind left for me to do.

This is the first time I've ever written anything in the forums and I just wanted to let you know that your efforts to guide and enlighten us on certain subjects are highly appreciated.
Thank you Commander Cobra.

tootimechamp said:
If I miss a couple days of meditation (I hate that I missed, but it happened) should I start the 40 day program over or pick up where I left off?

Start over. Energy levels are lost rather quickly. No big deal, starting over means even more added on.
I will never, ever understand why people blame demons or especially Satan for this. It is always our fault. Always. Or why people expect demons to help in situations like these when it's all on you. I understand people might get cranky, that they are getting nowhere. Why not just use the cranky to get up and improve yourself.

Because they don t understand who the fk is at fault at all, and no, TO BLAME ALL ON YOURSELF is not a good and bright ideea, why? Because , yes we can become the masters of our destinyes, but IN TIME, WITH A LOT OF FKING EFFORT.

And until then, planets, enviorment , ENEMYES, our own astrogram and SO ON affect our decisions.

And blaming yourself will just fk you more , BLAME the ones who start all of it, THE ENEMYES.

Regreting your past is regreting your present self.

And that is not good exactly because regreting is a bad feeling that make you to be more and more chained to the PAST and let it make your present worse.

Accept yourself , and start from there . Understanding of the Satan and Gods ways of doing things, and what they did and do , is for a lot a thing that remained with us from past lives, and the ones who don t have it will have to experience and understand things BY THEMSELVES to achieve it, evolving on this hard asfk path to evolve on especially as somebody who BLAME EVERYTHING ON HIMSELF. We all made mistakes and enemyes are all the time there waiting for you to fall again in regret and sorrow for something that you HAD NO power against.

Just wanted to point that "IT IS ALWAYS OUR FAULT" IS ALL ON YOU" , because the truth is, again, WE NEED to focus on our good sides, on what we did good and to balance ourselves in order to achieve higher levels of existence, and whith those higher levels comes of course the better and deeper understanding of WHO is really at fault and HOW MUCH Satan and the gods did for us.

I blamed the Gods too, in times where i was down and i had expectations from them to help me with things i could handle on my own,and situations where i had to LEARN a lot of things, and enemyes made me to blame them more and more, and so I DID.

And what? Now i should go and kill myself because of that right? Or i could understand that that wasn't the REAL ME, the way i am when i am not in deep in dogshit, and those were the enemyes making the situation worse and worse, and i accept it and start again to evolve , taking everything i can from each situation and fighting realizing that there will be moments when i will be "on my own" not because the gods don t want to help me, but because some pozitive reasons that i will discover later, like (i could handle it and by handleing it i gain confidence/i have to learn something important by going throught some pain and bad situations)

Enemyes really loves when our LOVE for Satan and Gods depend so much on our toughts and words, that can be so easily manipulated, because of our lack of self control and understanding.

The most important thing is not that you had a BAD thought about Satan or The gods, but that YOU , inside you really want to be helpful and to evolve and understand them , and that you put that desire into ACTIONS, which in time will solve the toughts and words problem too,

Gods understand our power over things , AND SO SHOULD WE .
Burn bibles, destroy them, you will feel great after as I do....

Take jewish companies, like all the legal drugs cartel :pfizer, Sanofi, Sandoz, groups of companies owning BioNTech, AstraZeneca, take their logos, take jewish 'witchcraft' books, like Golden Dawn, etc all their depraved debauched retards books and destroy them, burn them to our God. You will see the approval!!!!!!!

Our God is sending in this world an abomination spirit which will destroy the followers of the lies. After something else will happen, our God created us to triumph over the enemy, like Germany was rebuilt by the survivor despite the Marshall plan to starve to death and de-industrialize, People are taught in school that the Marshall plan was a reconstruction plan...

No, it was a genocidal plan that was not carried all the way, and all the institutions of Breton Woods had only one goal : that never again jewish are kicked out of their hosts. So today all the NGO are pushing our destruction again as a final push to annihilate us.
shiningpeacock666 said:
I must say HP; every single time I read any of your writings, I find that you always answer questions I was never aware of having in the first place. I'm also reminded of what it truly means to be a Satanist.

It's definitely not an easy path at all; but it's a path that develops our character and helps each of us grow into strong, wise and independent beings; especially if we have the drive and the desire to put in the work necessary for one day becoming what Father Satan had always intended for us to become.

I also realize from reading your writings, that as much as I've already learned from reading through the JoS; there's still quite A LOT for me to unlearn and thoughts I need to ponder. I never realized how much the worthless teachings of xianity still influence some of my thoughts. It's actually really sickening for me to even THINK that I'm actually still being subconsciously influenced by this jewish program.

Although, it also makes me feel glad to recognize what I still need to work on in terms of freeing my mind and soul from a program that I absolutely hate. It's much better to know what parts of me are still being influenced by xianity, rather than ignorantly believing that there's no rewiring of the mind left for me to do.

This is the first time I've ever written anything in the forums and I just wanted to let you know that your efforts to guide and enlighten us on certain subjects are highly appreciated.
Thank you Commander Cobra.


i wish i could write as good as u.

i feel the same way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Commonly I am asked in regards to "why don't the Gods help with this", or "why don't the Gods help with that".

For some strange reason I never understood, most people also feel on a default that they deserve this help fully, and that everything is justified in receiving any and all help they inquire. I won't comment here on the Christian undertones of this line of thought. It should become apparent to a Satanist past a point.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The best way to deal with this is to realise that life is a gift worth dying fore.

Think about it. The only reason life exists in this universe is because small single celled organisms decided that life is worth the strugle. This has caused evolution and is thus the key to it.

By culravating the will to life and seeing life as a gift that has to be earned instead of owed you will no longer be scared by meaningless obstacles. You wil be able to see the truly beautifull things in life and apreciate more because of the struggle you had to undergo.

This will also save you from becoming a bitter xian wondering why bad thins happen to him. Thinking the world owes you everything. Youre owed nothing you have to prove youre worth them. You are made in the image of the gods, the most beautifull beings in the universe what more vab you ask for. If that isnt enought nothing will be.

We al know society tries to keep us weak. By praising weak behavior. Every time we have a problem we are tought to complain, cry and ask for help. Those who do are rewarded. Thus its only logical for the subconcious to make you whine and cry when shit happens because in the past this might have worked to get what it wants. Why whould the gods reward this weak behavior if they want you to grow and evolve wicht only you can do and nobody for you.

The past 6 months have been a bitch to me. Many times i have been scared for my life. But because of work ive done in the past i whas suprised how i whas able to control my thoughts and thinks logically of my problems realising in the end that there where many ways to solve them and some i even whas able to turn in my benefit, although i had to take risks. This has made me realise what i truly value in live and that many of my fears and obsticalles where stupid. I have volutarely sacrifised many things i ised to value but i now realise are only time wasting.

Although at times i feared for my life i can see that i whas never in a situation i couldnt handle. Thanks to the gods. So take life as it comes, remember what is truly important to you and accept that suffering is a part of growing.

Lots of love, wisdom and strenght brothers and sister
Love you all :D
Cosmic Sailor said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Commonly I am asked in regards to "why don't the Gods help with this", or "why don't the Gods help with that".

For some strange reason I never understood, most people also feel on a default that they deserve this help fully, and that everything is justified in receiving any and all help they inquire. I won't comment here on the Christian undertones of this line of thought. It should become apparent to a Satanist past a point.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

The best way to deal with this is to realise that life is a gift worth dying fore.

Think about it. The only reason life exists in this universe is because small single celled organisms decided that life is worth the strugle. This has caused evolution and is thus the key to it.

By culravating the will to life and seeing life as a gift that has to be earned instead of owed you will no longer be scared by meaningless obstacles. You wil be able to see the truly beautifull things in life and apreciate more because of the struggle you had to undergo.

This will also save you from becoming a bitter xian wondering why bad thins happen to him. Thinking the world owes you everything. Youre owed nothing you have to prove youre worth them. You are made in the image of the gods, the most beautifull beings in the universe what more vab you ask for. If that isnt enought nothing will be.

We al know society tries to keep us weak. By praising weak behavior. Every time we have a problem we are tought to complain, cry and ask for help. Those who do are rewarded. Thus its only logical for the subconcious to make you whine and cry when shit happens because in the past this might have worked to get what it wants. Why whould the gods reward this weak behavior if they want you to grow and evolve wicht only you can do and nobody for you.

The past 6 months have been a bitch to me. Many times i have been scared for my life. But because of work ive done in the past i whas suprised how i whas able to control my thoughts and thinks logically of my problems realising in the end that there where many ways to solve them and some i even whas able to turn in my benefit, although i had to take risks. This has made me realise what i truly value in live and that many of my fears and obsticalles where stupid. I have volutarely sacrifised many things i ised to value but i now realise are only time wasting.

Although at times i feared for my life i can see that i whas never in a situation i couldnt handle. Thanks to the gods. So take life as it comes, remember what is truly important to you and accept that suffering is a part of growing.

Lots of love, wisdom and strenght brothers and sister
Love you all :D

This is a very strong comment to illustrate a proper Satanic mindset.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
