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Receiving Help From The Gods: An Introduction

Cosmic Sailor said:
The best way to deal with this is to realise that life is a gift worth dying fore.

Think about it. The only reason life exists in this universe is because small single celled organisms decided that life is worth the strugle. This has caused evolution and is thus the key to it.

By culravating the will to life and seeing life as a gift that has to be earned instead of owed you will no longer be scared by meaningless obstacles. You wil be able to see the truly beautifull things in life and apreciate more because of the struggle you had to undergo.

This will also save you from becoming a bitter xian wondering why bad thins happen to him. Thinking the world owes you everything. Youre owed nothing you have to prove youre worth them. You are made in the image of the gods, the most beautifull beings in the universe what more vab you ask for. If that isnt enought nothing will be.

We al know society tries to keep us weak. By praising weak behavior. Every time we have a problem we are tought to complain, cry and ask for help. Those who do are rewarded. Thus its only logical for the subconcious to make you whine and cry when shit happens because in the past this might have worked to get what it wants. Why whould the gods reward this weak behavior if they want you to grow and evolve wicht only you can do and nobody for you.

The past 6 months have been a bitch to me. Many times i have been scared for my life. But because of work ive done in the past i whas suprised how i whas able to control my thoughts and thinks logically of my problems realising in the end that there where many ways to solve them and some i even whas able to turn in my benefit, although i had to take risks. This has made me realise what i truly value in live and that many of my fears and obsticalles where stupid. I have volutarely sacrifised many things i ised to value but i now realise are only time wasting.

Although at times i feared for my life i can see that i whas never in a situation i couldnt handle. Thanks to the gods. So take life as it comes, remember what is truly important to you and accept that suffering is a part of growing.

Lots of love, wisdom and strenght brothers and sister
Love you all :D

This was beautiful to read, a very wise first post here :)
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nikois666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
To make this more plain, I have been told by Demons repeatedly that they are summoned, then people do literally nothing at all, and while the Demons keep "Pushing" to provide their solutions, people just sit there doing absolutely nothing, expecting that anything would change.

Eventually, Demons give up until a later time where a person has better understanding or living experience. Another major issue I have been told is present is that "the mind is closed", which also relates to the psychic faculties, but also to literally being closed to receiving their input.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

HP Cobra, I don't know why, but I have never tried to summon any Demon. I am always like, "what am I even gonna do by summoning a Demon? They are probably busy, better to not disturb them". I don' think I have any real cause to summon a God. I mean the tool to help myself are already provided in the JoS and are very effective for me.

Even though I have never summoned, I just know that I've been helped/supported/guided numerous times by Satan, my Guardian Daemon and maybe other Daemons as well.

You should try summoning to get accustomed to it. When people do this to try to establish contact or learn, the Gods understand this and act accordingly. You might also specify you want to establish some contact. If you have been helped etc, that's what you really need to know. Summoning can help some people try to get a feel for this.

If one is past the above [they know or have known], it's a good idea to summon when there is a need and a reason.

Are incenses a must for a summoning? Because the nearest shop that sells good incenses is a bit too far away from my home.
Jax911 said:
Are incenses a must for a summoning? Because the nearest shop that sells good incenses is a bit too far away from my home.

It is not required, it can help to set the mood and create a more pleasant atmosphere, but one can absolutely do a summoning without it and so long as the ritual is done properly with respect for the being, etc, it is fine.
Jax911 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nikois666 said:
HP Cobra, I don't know why, but I have never tried to summon any Demon. I am always like, "what am I even gonna do by summoning a Demon? They are probably busy, better to not disturb them". I don' think I have any real cause to summon a God. I mean the tool to help myself are already provided in the JoS and are very effective for me.

Even though I have never summoned, I just know that I've been helped/supported/guided numerous times by Satan, my Guardian Daemon and maybe other Daemons as well.

You should try summoning to get accustomed to it. When people do this to try to establish contact or learn, the Gods understand this and act accordingly. You might also specify you want to establish some contact. If you have been helped etc, that's what you really need to know. Summoning can help some people try to get a feel for this.

If one is past the above [they know or have known], it's a good idea to summon when there is a need and a reason.

Are incenses a must for a summoning? Because the nearest shop that sells good incenses is a bit too far away from my home.

No, they are not a must, but they can help. Not necessary.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Jax911 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
You should try summoning to get accustomed to it. When people do this to try to establish contact or learn, the Gods understand this and act accordingly. You might also specify you want to establish some contact. If you have been helped etc, that's what you really need to know. Summoning can help some people try to get a feel for this.

If one is past the above [they know or have known], it's a good idea to summon when there is a need and a reason.

Are incenses a must for a summoning? Because the nearest shop that sells good incenses is a bit too far away from my home.

No, they are not a must, but they can help. Not necessary.

What about essential oils in a burner thingy. Basicly has a waxine light in the bottom and a bowl type of shape on the top.
You can either use water and drop a couple of drops of essential oil in it or a piece of aluminium foil and put a couple of drops onto that. The heat evaporates the scent.

Like aromatherapy.

I find this way more pleasing than the burning incense. (too much smoke/smell/overwhelming for a small room).

Also I bought a jar of incence which was made of pieces of aromatic woods, pieces of resin in it and I was told to use it in the above manner (tinfoil). The man who sold it also said that the burning of the components was wrong or something.

This is the website thats listed on that package by the way.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Over the years I have also seen that despite of what one says or anything, one can only help people up to an extent. It doesn't matter how much you "want" to help.

Commonly I am asked in regards to "why don't the Gods help with this", or "why don't the Gods help with that".

For some strange reason I never understood, most people also feel on a default that they deserve this help fully, and that everything is justified in receiving any and all help they inquire. I won't comment here on the Christian undertones of this line of thought. It should become apparent to a Satanist past a point.

Let's not go very far here, just observe, have you tried to help other people or give them sound advice, only to see them 98 out of 100 times merely deny this advice and input, and continue on with self destruction or anything of the sort?

If you have, this answers at least half of your question. Only, that is a very basic level of failure in itself, which brings us to the next question.

If you have dragged people into something wanting to help them, how has this reflected into people and how many times did that fully work? This answers the question up to 80%.

A mind as confined as this, how can they really receive "Help"? And if "Help" is received how this other person assumes they need to be "helped", will this cause anything fundamentally change in anyway? No. We are approaching 90%.

I had an acquaintance who was an SS doing online warfare, and they conversed to me regarding that their friend seems to be able to understand what is going on to some parts of the world, ie, "thinking for one's self." They are enlightened to some degree by not conforming to "fake news," and so forth.

However, when the day came of them sending the JoS website link to them anonymously, guess what they did?

This person that they were trying to enlighten told their friends in social media, and wondered who was this "lunatic" , who promoted this to them. Needless to say, they were pretty pissed off at how close-minded they still were, and could do nothing but to ignore their squabbles online. Never heard the end of it from my SS friend. They slowly loosen their contact with that friend of theirs due to obvious and personal reasons.

I think it's best if people found out the truth themselves. Thank goodness that SS I lost contact with still is trying to stay anonymous. May Father Satan bless them and all of the members here who's also doing online warfare.
hello dear all i hope everybody is doing great. i know this is a rather old thread but i browse through the forums in my free time. i wanted to know what exactly IS the Akashic principle? and what exactly does it mean to impregnate the ball with that? Hail satan forever

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
