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Van Helsing

New member
Jun 30, 2021
This is probably the last post I will make here because I will be branded a Jewish troll.

Two points I need to make in all conscience:

1. I think the whole view on the Coronavirus here is both ignorant and scaremongering by certain people to promote their psychopathic ideas here.
It has already been pointed out by security agencies, and leaked by Chinese scientists, that it was a weaponized version of the SARS Virus that got out of a lab in Wuhan, China, and spread to the greater population.

I have not seen any convincing evidence here that the Pfizer, Astrazeneca or Moderna vaccines are harmful to people, quite the contrary. If taken as advised it will drastically curtail the spreading of Covid-19 and save thousands of lives, and to suggest anything else is criminally irresponsible!

Farewell All!
I helped you there a little bit and removed your second question that called me a "Street Scrapper" among other demeaning things. However I kept the first one to show the correlation of how madly your type of excrement wants these totally irrational "decisions" to be justified as "normal".

Because we all know you are a shill here to promote your agenda. It won't be allowed that you will make this place polluted because of the fact you are here to harass people.

To answer to your question, the only crime is that your favorite jab companies, same as you, you are all claiming certainty about what will "happen" from these things, without even the least of 5 years of preliminary research.

I am sure your governmental groupie ass, doesn't care about this. 5 to 10 years is the least necessitated to air a vaccine, let alone impose it on the global population.

The JoS never claimed nobody is going to turn into a zombie, nor anything else. Nobody is going to turn to an octapus because of this. The ramifications of unknown medicine are however here, and your claims about "saving anyone" are loosely proven. Data shows that despite of the "Vaccination", the virus is still having a blast through everything and nothing really affects it.

We are opposed to more meaningful things than what your slander attempts to show. In regards to the opinions of members, each have their own.

The admittence of the virus being launched from a lab, happened only after the knowledge of it started as a "Conspiracy theory" and the establishment collapsed on it's lies and they had to accept it.

In regards to who is irresponsible, that is you and your jewish cohorts that you so adamantly support.

The fact they literally have you here trying to promote "The Jab", and also mixing in slander and disinfo around me or even HPS Maxine, is revealing in itself.

I know that this is the case for you people for a while, but it really makes me wonder why you want people so badly to keep injecting themselves ad nauseum with something that has no effectiveness at all in preventing anything in the end of the day, even if it's claimed to be safe.
I noticed this was b.s. once the obvious the lure and reel tactic was apparent. Try to push something that we know to he true and finish it up with their b.s. narrative they're trying to push. I'm glad HPHC pointed out how this guy said "will". They love their word play don't they. Wrong place buddy. Most likely some qanon tards will fall for that but not here.
Van Helsing said:
1. I think the whole view on the Coronavirus here is both ignorant and scaremongering by certain people to promote their psychopathic ideas here.
Because promoting bodily autonomy is such a “psychopathic idea” while coercing people into injecting synthetic MRNA into them isn’t. This week on Jew logic…
Van Helsing said:
I have not seen any convincing evidence here that the Pfizer, Astrazeneca or Moderna vaccines are harmful to people, quite the contrary.

Lol. Really? Do you only watch fakestream news? Because there is a huge cover up of deaths and side effects of the vaccines. All facejewk groups that were mentioning crazy side effects from jabbed people (like mothers whose breast milk turned green after getting jabbed and women's periods getting all messed up) were all shoahed. If they are safe why do they need to shut down any discussion about side effects? In VAERS there are over 10k deaths from vaccines which are underreported (the real number is probably 100k+ deaths in USA alone). All these vaccines cause huge problems to those who take them. To claim otherwise means you're either brainwashed or an enemy shill.

Van Helsing said:
If taken as advised it will drastically curtail the spreading of Covid-19 and save thousands of lives

Lol. Really? Have you seen what happened in Israel, the most vaccinated country? Scientists (real ones, not the paid shills) have admitted that the vaccines are useless because of all these variants by mutation. That's why they now promoting booster shots. If the vaccines were really effective, this wouldn't happen.

Van Helsing said:
and to suggest anything else is criminally irresponsible!

Yes, sort of like the immunologists and vaccine companies who have legal immunity and can't be sued, right? They surely aren't responsible for the lies they tell and the crimes they commit, all these vaccine deaths and side effects. Obviously, that's criminal irresponsibility to its extreme.

Overall your post should be titled ** PROPAGANDA CHECK ** because you do nothing here but parrot enemy propaganda and everyone who has done their research can see it's 100% BS. A real doctor has debunked your whole BS in this video:


Tbh I see the vaccine as un needed poison to my body.
I'm young and healthy, both physically and spiritually, so covid really wouldn't hurt me anyways. But if I did then it wouldn't stop covid, all doctors agree that it only, "makes symptoms less severe" and even then that's a lie, the vaccine just doesn't work. So if covid is infecting people regardless of Vax or unvax, but the vaccine has proven side effects, then I'm poisoning myself for no reason
Also if the vax works then don't be bothered by me not getting it. I'm healthy and ill survive covid easily, if you're vaccine is so good then don't be scared of me not having the vax
Cobra was always critical, questioned everything, pointed many possibilities out and always said that each and everyone should decide for themselves.
Van Helsing said:
This is probably the last post I will make here because I will be branded a Jewish troll.

Two points I need to make in all conscience:

1. I think the whole view on the Coronavirus here is both ignorant and scaremongering by certain people to promote their psychopathic ideas here.
It has already been pointed out by security agencies, and leaked by Chinese scientists, that it was a weaponized version of the SARS Virus that got out of a lab in Wuhan, China, and spread to the greater population.

I have not seen any convincing evidence here that the Pfizer, Astrazeneca or Moderna vaccines are harmful to people, quite the contrary. If taken as advised it will drastically curtail the spreading of Covid-19 and save thousands of lives, and to suggest anything else is criminally irresponsible!

Farewell All!

your are really stupid lying fucking (((person)))
go back to your cube in heaven
Van Helsing said:
This is probably the last post I will make here because I will be branded a Jewish troll.

Two points I need to make in all conscience:

1. I think the whole view on the Coronavirus here is both ignorant and scaremongering by certain people to promote their psychopathic ideas here.
It has already been pointed out by security agencies, and leaked by Chinese scientists, that it was a weaponized version of the SARS Virus that got out of a lab in Wuhan, China, and spread to the greater population.

I have not seen any convincing evidence here that the Pfizer, Astrazeneca or Moderna vaccines are harmful to people, quite the contrary. If taken as advised it will drastically curtail the spreading of Covid-19 and save thousands of lives, and to suggest anything else is criminally irresponsible!

Farewell All!

I believe you must have already come across these pictures. If not, take a good look at them. They are from a pro jewish website.

The very CCP that you said is responsible for weaponising this virus, the very CCP that you are against, was formed by the Jews, it consists of several jews and shabbos goys.

The very same jews who support CCP, are behind this mass vaccination drive.

I don't know about you, but I think I don't have any reason to believe the jews and their media.
Someone.something_ said:
Also if the vax works then don't be bothered by me not getting it. I'm healthy and ill survive covid easily, if you're vaccine is so good then don't be scared of me not having the vax

This is like a cult, the whole vax thing. If you don't have it, your a poisoned, insane, conspiracy theorist etc.

Personally I wouldn't take anything I didn't even remotely need. This is beyond the brains of some people. Let alone something that is literally called "EXPERIMENTAL".
Van Helsing said:
This is probably the last post I will make here because I will be branded a Jewish troll.

Two points I need to make in all conscience:

1. I think the whole view on the Coronavirus here is both ignorant and scaremongering by certain people to promote their psychopathic ideas here.
It has already been pointed out by security agencies, and leaked by Chinese scientists, that it was a weaponized version of the SARS Virus that got out of a lab in Wuhan, China, and spread to the greater population.

I have not seen any convincing evidence here that the Pfizer, Astrazeneca or Moderna vaccines are harmful to people, quite the contrary. If taken as advised it will drastically curtail the spreading of Covid-19 and save thousands of lives, and to suggest anything else is criminally irresponsible!

Farewell All!

Opposed to the fantasy in your head that these vaccines have harmed nobody, 13th Wolf and I predicted the outcomes of these vaccines based off of the first time the first person got one and everything we said was true. Right down to a minority of people experiencing clotting and strokes (fire in blood) and the short-term efficacy of the vaccines.

I have never, at any point, told people not to get vaccinated, as this is their choice, and Satan stands for choice. I merely said the dismissal of side effects, Pfizer and Moderna's mRNA method, forced vaccinations (especially of children), the draconian vax pass being forced on 'the serfs' and the wider precedent being set seems malicious.
Van Helsing said:
This is probably the last post I will make here because I will be branded a Jewish troll.

Two points I need to make in all conscience:

1. I think the whole view on the Coronavirus here is both ignorant and scaremongering by certain people to promote their psychopathic ideas here.
It has already been pointed out by security agencies, and leaked by Chinese scientists, that it was a weaponized version of the SARS Virus that got out of a lab in Wuhan, China, and spread to the greater population.

I have not seen any convincing evidence here that the Pfizer, Astrazeneca or Moderna vaccines are harmful to people, quite the contrary. If taken as advised it will drastically curtail the spreading of Covid-19 and save thousands of lives, and to suggest anything else is criminally irresponsible!

Farewell All!
A friend's close relative is suffering from advanced stage cancer that cohencidentally kicked in a couple of weeks after taking the vaccine earlier this year. The family has no history with cancer.
Blackdragon666 said:
Van Helsing said:
This is probably the last post I will make here because I will be branded a Jewish troll.

Two points I need to make in all conscience:

1. I think the whole view on the Coronavirus here is both ignorant and scaremongering by certain people to promote their psychopathic ideas here.
It has already been pointed out by security agencies, and leaked by Chinese scientists, that it was a weaponized version of the SARS Virus that got out of a lab in Wuhan, China, and spread to the greater population.

I have not seen any convincing evidence here that the Pfizer, Astrazeneca or Moderna vaccines are harmful to people, quite the contrary. If taken as advised it will drastically curtail the spreading of Covid-19 and save thousands of lives, and to suggest anything else is criminally irresponsible!

Farewell All!
A friend's close relative is suffering from advanced stage cancer that cohencidentally kicked in a couple of weeks after taking the vaccine earlier this year. The family has no history with cancer.

That is absolutely insane. However, these criminals are covered behind legal barriers, such as that they can claim "WELL WE TOLD YOU IT WAS EXPERIMENTAL AND YOU TOOK IT!" and endless other jewish lingo. Even if this person sued, finding justice would be of immense difficulty.

Cohencidentally, another person I also knew [distant family friend], got this and for three consecutive weeks she has uncontrollable tremors like people the "Conspiracy theorists" uploaded videos online. These also get into spasms. Nothing is stopping these either. They were a gym person, 35 years old, perfectly healthy, no underlying diseases. Now their life is probably ruined.

It's always never the vaccine as it's always a death from covid if someone just had covid as they died.

But yeah whatever, these are cohencidences goy.
lol bitch ass 'van helsing'. how many accts do you have u idiot? ive been watching u closely.

u think u pretend. but we know. at least 3 accs? how many yrs u have been slandering cobra? what abt ur shit u write about Maxine?

u dare to be here again. and u cry u fucking bitch? cobra knows too im sure. and he isn't banning you...

shove some vaccine up ur ass. go have ur 3 4 5 6 doses and let ppl be.

i know who u are and what liees u say. go die kike disinfo spreader
Afaik HPHC never came out and said don't take the shot. The situation was always about the loss of liberty and life under a totalitarian system.

What we do know is that these shots give protection for around 3 months. Anyone that claims they know the long term effects are liars. Be the effects good or bad. I'm of the opinion that these current shots a more placebo than anything. I have read some horror stories, but since we can't have an honest discussion from both sides. It's a coin flip.

I don't think the enemy would kill their own sheeple and energy source. But hey like in the matrix maybe they have backup plans. The thing with these infiltrators, how do we know you're not causing the problem and coming up with the "solution"?

Post a bunch of crazy anti vaccine shit, launch your vpn, use an alt email ,create another account, then call us psychos. The same could be done trying to incite violence, against certain groups, to try to get us shut down. This "tactic" has been going on for over 50 years, we're onto it now.
Meteor said:
But if people sacrifice their entire livelihood to avoid it because they thought it would kill them

Really, you prefer people getting the shot because they are coerced by their employees to take an experimental vaccine with side effects and deaths which they cover up for a virus that has 0.2% mortality rate in people under 60 and in which even then its deaths are grossly exaggerated, than resisting it? This is not a heroic mindset, it's a slave one. If they say that you have to have anal sex to get so that you can't get fired, would you accept that too? Besides, if people organize and say "ok, I resign" in mass numbers, you know that the employees can't afford to lose that many employees, right?

Meteor said:
even if I reached certain conclusions and tried my best to make sure my sources were reliable

"Reliable" like fakestream media and fakestream doctors who are either paid or coerced, you mean? Protip: Blindly believing an expert, especially if he's mainstream isn't called science, it's called a religion. And it's not fitting for a Satanist to do that.

Meteor said:
Don't let it bother you too much what others say on the internet, when they're not even official clergy, and their "intel" consists mainly of speculation and random articles they read online or rumours they heard.

You mean, instead of listening to the kikes on TV and fakestream news and kike vaccine companies and kike doctors who promote it? And who have legal immunity and can't be sued, so they can say whatever they want? How can you be against the jews yet accept their lies without questioning them?

This is also a straw man, by the way. If you read my post above, you'll see I linked a video of a doctor who debunks the whole thing and also has more scientific studies in a link in its description. There's also a link that has collected much of the evidence against the mainstream narrative (see especially the section 2:inconsistent science). My sources come from actual doctors who question the mainstream narrative and are censored in the social media and actual science. Really, the vaccine narrative is unfalsifiable pseudoscience, nothing more. That's why they keep changing their minds about it. First they said that if you take the vaccine you wouldn't catch the kike flu. Then that you would catch the kike flu but you wouldn't die. Now all this has be disproven, because the virus mutates so they all need booster shots.

Even if there is anecdotal evidence, the fact that they censor it is suspicious, like the vaccine side effects facejewk group I mentioned above.

On the contrary, most of the people who get vaccinated just do it either because the "experts" told them or because they are afraid of something happening to them. Zero critical thinking.

Henu the Great said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Damn. Infiltrators have no patience these days.
This particular one made a topic where they asked for/demanded respect.

Enough said.

They are going for the SJW skill tree.

"If you respect free speech, respect our opinions! BUT we won't respect you and will censor you in every different platform. Shut up goy/bigot, this is the true justice!"

They don't even try anymore. People don't even need to call upon their bullshit. They usually self expose themselves while achieving nothing of value. No mind boggling arguments or interesting fake evidence.

Maybe it's for the best or for the worst. Either way i, personally, miss the old infiltrators. Not because their effects(obviously) but they usually pushed us to make better arguments or research more solid resources. Maybe it's because we automated our development and don't need an active opposition anymore. Time will tell. My only concern is beneath these lackluster people, a few smart ones may be poisoning others. Let's hopeand make sure we are ready for the latter.
Van Helsing said:
This is probably the last post I will make here because I will be branded a Jewish troll.

Two points I need to make in all conscience:

1. I think the whole view on the Coronavirus here is both ignorant and scaremongering by certain people to promote their psychopathic ideas here.
It has already been pointed out by security agencies, and leaked by Chinese scientists, that it was a weaponized version of the SARS Virus that got out of a lab in Wuhan, China, and spread to the greater population.

I have not seen any convincing evidence here that the Pfizer, Astrazeneca or Moderna vaccines are harmful to people, quite the contrary. If taken as advised it will drastically curtail the spreading of Covid-19 and save thousands of lives, and to suggest anything else is criminally irresponsible!

Farewell All!

Since you already left I will post this for others that are more willing to learn and some people who have some knowledge in biology. I have been reading about this field a lot as it is a bit fascinating to me:


I am sorry for people like you that you don't have your universal report button when you cannot argue with science. JK I am not, good riddance!
Rational Satanist said:
Meteor said:
even if I reached certain conclusions and tried my best to make sure my sources were reliable

"Reliable" like fakestream media and fakestream doctors who are either paid or coerced, you mean? Protip: Blindly believing an expert, especially if he's mainstream isn't called science, it's called a religion. And it's not fitting for a Satanist to do that.

Meteor said:
Don't let it bother you too much what others say on the internet, when they're not even official clergy, and their "intel" consists mainly of speculation and random articles they read online or rumours they heard.

You mean, instead of listening to the kikes on TV and fakestream news and kike vaccine companies and kike doctors who promote it? And who have legal immunity and can't be sued, so they can say whatever they want? How can you be against the jews yet accept their lies without questioning them?

I asked this person also to provide any legitimate Data, research, links or Testimonies on my post here https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=61273 but they gave me nothing. So i just took their response as absolute nonsense.And the so called research that they said they had done just sounded like some Mainstream CNN garbage!.
Meteor thinks that no one sees her always downplaying the MRNA injections at every turn in a way of covertly promoting them by implying that there is no risk or penalty so you should just go ahead and get injected. It might as well be a snopes “fact checker” or a “journalist” from vice here telling us this.

Even if it were 100% Safe and effective you should NOT take the shot because it is never going to end even if you do. There’s now already “Boosters” that are going to be administered every 6 months, eventually they’ll get it down to a new one every few weeks, with an app on your phone acting as the passport, but I don’t think our Fact checker cares much about this fact.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Meteor thinks that no one sees her always downplaying the MRNA injections at every turn in a way of covertly promoting them by implying that there is no risk or penalty so you should just go ahead and get injected. It might as well be a snopes “fact checker” or a “journalist” from vice here telling us this.

Even if it were 100% Safe and effective you should NOT take the shot because it is never going to end even if you do. There’s now already “Boosters” that are going to be administered every 6 months, eventually they’ll get it down to a new one every few weeks, with an app on your phone acting as the passport, but I don’t think our Fact checker cares much about this fact.

i HAVE been told more abt her from some guy. friends from turkey also explain. indepth
the least she does is be fact checker
he will probably disapprove my comment. he ALWAYS say we should be patient, wait wait wait.

i have the info i don't need to wait. but i listen to him cause he has wisdom. thats verified.
siatris666 said:
lol bitch ass 'van helsing'. how many accts do you have u idiot? ive been watching u closely.

u think u pretend. but we know. at least 3 accs? how many yrs u have been slandering cobra? what abt ur shit u write about Maxine?

u dare to be here again. and u cry u fucking bitch? cobra knows too im sure. and he isn't banning you...

shove some vaccine up ur ass. go have ur 3 4 5 6 doses and let ppl be.

i know who u are and what liees u say. go die kike disinfo spreader

I'm watching you watching me! LOL!

The BIG problem this forum has always had is people here can't express their opinion unless it goes along with the majority, and the truth suffers accordingly. Some people here just cruise around looking for something to pick the shit out of.

The jew knows about Joy of Satan and doesn't give a FUCK! It's looked upon as the "funnies" on the internet. If it was any real threat, the clergy would've been killed off a long time ago. Anyone who stands in their way is soon dealt with - presidents included!

It's all about money here, Maxine and Clifford have left!

Van Helsing said:
siatris666 said:



Mr Clifford is a public personality. Maybe you could ask him yourself, ADL shill. Not that he is going to answer you, but on his Instagram and in every other profile, he is sharing things about the JoS and what he already did before, everyday. At least last time people checked he was there continuing to be a pain on the sides of your beloved tribe.

In regards to HPS Maxine, your jewish shrunken brain cannot understand what she has attained or what she has done. Are your jews confused in their offices on how that happened? Do they experience fear? Did it confuse them? Too bad...

Your jewish species and your agenda is melting away. It's already happening. As about the rest of your worthless rant about "killing" anyone, sure, your jewish tribe can attempt this. Are you communicating the plans of your jewish government?

This was solely approved so that your sorry agent ass can be kicked out without people thinking anyone did you any "wrong", but also to expose your murderous intents. You sound well informed about the plans of your racial jewish family.
Van Helsing said:
siatris666 said:
----------- Bitch talk --------------

look little jew shut ur fucking mouth. move out because: no virtual network is going to save u. no fake acct.

i know u been here bitch for yrs. ur personal beef is with cobra maxine and cliff.

i saw u lurking in another platform. then u come here. u pretend u cunt?

u wish death on Satan Clergy don't u? ill delete ur existence. weebo
Van Helsing said:
siatris666 said:
lol bitch ass 'van helsing'. how many accts do you have u idiot? ive been watching u closely.

u think u pretend. but we know. at least 3 accs? how many yrs u have been slandering cobra? what abt ur shit u write about Maxine?

u dare to be here again. and u cry u fucking bitch? cobra knows too im sure. and he isn't banning you...

shove some vaccine up ur ass. go have ur 3 4 5 6 doses and let ppl be.

i know who u are and what liees u say. go die kike disinfo spreader

I'm watching you watching me! LOL!

The BIG problem this forum has always had is people here can't express their opinion unless it goes along with the majority, and the truth suffers accordingly. Some people here just cruise around looking for something to pick the shit out of.

The jew knows about Joy of Satan and doesn't give a FUCK! It's looked upon as the "funnies" on the internet. If it was any real threat, the clergy would've been killed off a long time ago. Anyone who stands in their way is soon dealt with - presidents included!

It's all about money here, Maxine and Clifford have left!


We know our rituals work, and what they do to the enemy. We know the insanity and mental anguish it gives the enemy. These mentally and spiritually dead crazies think anyone politically right of Biden is a "Nazi".

It's starting to look like the 1900's all over again. If we have to repeat a century of bloodshed so be it. I wish it wasn't the case, but when sending a message to the whole universe some things might go off course a few degrees til it is corrected.

As to why we're not outright killed? Maybe it's because we sit in the back. Maybe it's because peoples' "moral centers" are finally opening up. Maybe it's because no sane person would kill a group of civilians to get a "nobody". Maybe they're physically incapable of accomplishing the killing. Maybe they're spiritually incapable of performing it.

As for Maxine she accomplished her goals and then some. I doubt "money" had anything to do with it. No, no, no you "beings", as you all don't qualify for the term people, get to deal with something else now.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Van Helsing said:
siatris666 said:



Mr Clifford is a public personality. Maybe you could ask him yourself, ADL shill. Not that he is going to answer you, but on his Instagram and in every other profile, he is sharing things about the JoS and what he already did before, everyday. At least last time people checked he was there continuing to be a pain on the sides of your beloved tribe.

In regards to HPS Maxine, your jewish shrunken brain cannot understand what she has attained or what she has done. Are your jews confused in their offices on how that happened? Do they experience fear? Did it confuse them? Too bad...

Your jewish species and your agenda is melting away. It's already happening. As about the rest of your worthless rant about "killing" anyone, sure, your jewish tribe can attempt this. Are you communicating the plans of your jewish government?

This was solely approved so that your sorry agent ass can be kicked out without people thinking anyone did you any "wrong", but also to expose your murderous intents. You sound well informed about the plans of your racial jewish family.

siatris666 said:
i HAVE been told more abt her from some guy. friends from turkey also explain. indepth
the least she does is be fact checker
Please mail me about the situation as another member has recently contacted me with details about the former HP.

Meteor said:
Do you have any source claiming that boosters aren't optional, mainly meant for the same category of people that get flu shots? Obviously it's just a cash grab, but it's not like they're trying to force people to get it, unlike the current vaccines.

I agree with what you said though. It's all just a game for the government to see how much they can get away with.
Common sense. They will be saying it is required in a few months when the regular flu season comes around and a bunch of people die (like usual) and they will blame it on a variant of the unvaccinated. It’s like we’re tied down to the tracks and you’re asking me for a source about wether a train is coming to run us over.

I wanted to join in on the conversation because it seemed interesting, and everyone else is speculating too based on whatever info they found, so I thought, why shouldn't I?
You were not “speculating” it was blatant damage control for these companies and their shots. I don’t remember what the name of the post was but you were treating the blood clots as if it was nothing saying that there was a 1 in a million chance of it occurring. Never mind everything that goes unreported because bad doctors will not turn against their Pharma employers and say that the shot did it.

Besides that, does it matter what the exact risk for clotting is? Do we have a risk for clotting and other deadly side effects with the flu or other “normal” vaccines? Why should this risk be tolerated at all even if it is so tiny.

On top of that many doctors have pointed out micro clotting occurring in many of their injected patients, so most of these effects are not immediately apparent.

Meteor said:
Hornet666 said:
Rational Satanist said:
"Reliable" like fakestream media and fakestream doctors who are either paid or coerced, you mean? Protip: Blindly believing an expert, especially if he's mainstream isn't called science, it's called a religion. And it's not fitting for a Satanist to do that.

You mean, instead of listening to the kikes on TV and fakestream news and kike vaccine companies and kike doctors who promote it? And who have legal immunity and can't be sued, so they can say whatever they want? How can you be against the jews yet accept their lies without questioning them?

I asked this person also to provide any legitimate Data, research, links or Testimonies on my post here https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=61273 but they gave me nothing. So i just took their response as absolute nonsense.And the so called research that they said they had done just sounded like some Mainstream CNN garbage!.

Sorry about that. I didn't realise you were talking to me back then, since the text you quoted when you asked for those things was written by another person ("Master"). I assumed you wanted to ask him but got the names mixed up somehow. Was that not the case?

Most of my sources are conversations I had in person, so I was just recalling from memory. I did see some research papers during those conversations, as well as some documents in a medical database. If you're really interested, then I can see if I can find those again when I have time, at least the ones that are publically available. All the testimonies I heard were in person, and I already mentioned my conclusions based on those, so I don't think there's a point in writing what I recall of those down in detail.

Aren't you just trying to waste my time though? If the information I have in mind is publically available in the first place, then others can look it up too if they wish to. Just do what you want, it's your own responsibility and I doubt it'll make a difference anyway.

That was aimed at both of you.
Van Helsing said:
siatris666 said:
lol bitch ass 'van helsing'. how many accts do you have u idiot? ive been watching u closely.

u think u pretend. but we know. at least 3 accs? how many yrs u have been slandering cobra? what abt ur shit u write about Maxine?

u dare to be here again. and u cry u fucking bitch? cobra knows too im sure. and he isn't banning you...

shove some vaccine up ur ass. go have ur 3 4 5 6 doses and let ppl be.

i know who u are and what liees u say. go die kike disinfo spreader

I'm watching you watching me! LOL!

The BIG problem this forum has always had is people here can't express their opinion unless it goes along with the majority, and the truth suffers accordingly. Some people here just cruise around looking for something to pick the shit out of.

The jew knows about Joy of Satan and doesn't give a FUCK! It's looked upon as the "funnies" on the internet. If it was any real threat, the clergy would've been killed off a long time ago. Anyone who stands in their way is soon dealt with - presidents included!

It's all about money here, Maxine and Clifford have left!

Finally you reveal yourself to be one of those worthless infiltrators. Same old worthless lies over and over. The JoS actually teaches people how to acquire enormous amounts of wealth, for FREE. Your 'people' wouldn't be obsessing over our forums if they were so useless. Just like the 'Satan doesn't exist' jewish meme which is why their religion is centered on waging spiritual war against Him. You probably have over five accounts and spend countless hours of your day obsessing over the forums to infiltrate and demoralize SS. But whatever goy, it's all a joke.
Van Helsing said:
siatris666 said:
lol bitch ass 'van helsing'. how many accts do you have u idiot? ive been watching u closely.

u think u pretend. but we know. at least 3 accs? how many yrs u have been slandering cobra? what abt ur shit u write about Maxine?

u dare to be here again. and u cry u fucking bitch? cobra knows too im sure. and he isn't banning you...

shove some vaccine up ur ass. go have ur 3 4 5 6 doses and let ppl be.

i know who u are and what liees u say. go die kike disinfo spreader

I'm watching you watching me! LOL!

The BIG problem this forum has always had is people here can't express their opinion unless it goes along with the majority, and the truth suffers accordingly. Some people here just cruise around looking for something to pick the shit out of.

The jew knows about Joy of Satan and doesn't give a FUCK! It's looked upon as the "funnies" on the internet. If it was any real threat, the clergy would've been killed off a long time ago. Anyone who stands in their way is soon dealt with - presidents included!

It's all about money here, Maxine and Clifford have left!


You just admitted that you are a jew, lol.
Why are you so stupid?
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Van Helsing said:



Good one!
Meteor said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
siatris666 said:
i HAVE been told more abt her from some guy. friends from turkey also explain. indepth
the least she does is be fact checker
Please mail me about the situation as another member has recently contacted me with details about the former HP.

Meteor said:
Do you have any source claiming that boosters aren't optional, mainly meant for the same category of people that get flu shots? Obviously it's just a cash grab, but it's not like they're trying to force people to get it, unlike the current vaccines.

I agree with what you said though. It's all just a game for the government to see how much they can get away with.
Common sense. They will be saying it is required in a few months when the regular flu season comes around and a bunch of people die (like usual) and they will blame it on a variant of the unvaccinated. It’s like we’re tied down to the tracks and you’re asking me for a source about wether a train is coming to run us over.

I wanted to join in on the conversation because it seemed interesting, and everyone else is speculating too based on whatever info they found, so I thought, why shouldn't I?
You were not “speculating” it was blatant damage control for these companies and their shots. I don’t remember what the name of the post was but you were treating the blood clots as if it was nothing saying that there was a 1 in a million chance of it occurring. Never mind everything that goes unreported because bad doctors will not turn against their Pharma employers and say that the shot did it.

Besides that, does it matter what the exact risk for clotting is? Do we have a risk for clotting and other deadly side effects with the flu or other “normal” vaccines? Why should this risk be tolerated at all even if it is so tiny.

On top of that many doctors have pointed out micro clotting occurring in many of their injected patients, so most of these effects are not immediately apparent.


I was just speaking my mind. I don't believe my thoughts are so dangerous that others would be harmed just by being exposed to them, but I recognize my bias in saying that. I'll be more careful.

I don't consider YouTube or random articles online to be viable sources of information on such a controversial topic where many different parties have stakes, but I suppose we'll see who's right in time.

Are you aware that 'random articles online' and 'YouTube' can have actual qualified professionals speaking and peer-reviewed research studies done by qualified professionals? Unlike the press that goes over 'opinion' and statements from one or very few individuals, material you find online can be well-researched and have important references. Online news are not always just 'opinions'. Many sources contain facts, which trump opinions every time.
Meteor said:
After looking into it, I too reached similar conclusions about the effects of that virus and the vaccines for it. But it's not like I'm a doctor, and I don't think it's particularly wrong for people to be cautious in either direction. I understand the concerns about what kind of precedents it can set, as well as why many people are frustrated with the situation and want to lash out and push back against the government, regardless of any concerns held by others.

I think that people should put their own safety first. If people are finding independence in their attempts to avoid a vaccine, then that's a good outcome. But if people sacrifice their entire livelihood to avoid it because they thought it would kill them, and it doesn't work out, then I think they made an irresponsible decision based on a lack of information. Someone once told me that's called "ignorance", and even if it's unintentional, it's not good to be ignorant of the consequences of your actions.

If you pay close attention, you'll see that the clergy has avoided taking a stance on the topic, saying that it "could" be harmless or dangerous, but that the issues lie mainly with other circumstances surrounding it. I assumed the purpose of that was to make people feel included regardless of what they believe about the virus or the vaccines. And since free speech is allowed here, you'll see some extreme opinions here and there from the non-clergy.

When it comes to things like this, it's better if people think for themselves. Don't let it bother you too much what others say on the internet, when they're not even official clergy, and their "intel" consists mainly of speculation and random articles they read online or rumours they heard. That goes for what I'm saying too; as I said, even if I reached certain conclusions and tried my best to make sure my sources were reliable, that doesn't mean I necessarily "know"; of course I'll know in time, but for now it's just my own speculation too. So please just think for yourself, as everyone ought to.

I understand why you were nervous to make a post like this. Sometimes for the sake of getting along, it can be beneficial to have the same opinions as others in a group. But it isn't wrong to stay true to your own convictions either; everyone reaches their conclusions for a reason, after all. So even if many people here are against vaccination, and you're in favour of it, and you get into arguments about it with people, I don't think that's an issue. I personally don't see a point in that, but with there being free speech here and all, that's also your freedom. But I personally think there are more important, interesting and useful topics to talk about than this. That said, we each have our own priorities, which can differ immensely from person to person.

If you're underestimating and insulting HP Hoodedcobra though, then people likely aren't going to take you seriously. At least in my opinion, he's a lot wiser than he lets on sometimes. I don't know what you wanted to say about him, but I don't really think he did anything wrong in this situation. And even if he did, I'm sure it's because his priorities lie elsewhere, and because people should think for themselves on this topic anyway instead of just following and obeying whatever he says, even when it comes to medical decisions. He's currently preparing another schedule for everyone, remember? And there's going to be lots of important spiritual information coming out too. The latest meditation helped me immensely to solve a problem I had been struggling with since I started out with meditation, as it resolved an imbalance and helped me control my mind better. So don't worry so much, I'm sure everything is going to be fine in time.

I recommend you to search for white coat summit on bitchute and watch the whole video about the doctor explaining stuff like permanent heart damage, brain inflammation and what not.

Since its said by a doctor from the summit, I assume they at least have some weight. Search Pandemic of the unvaccinated.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
