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RE-Read-It WEEKLIES: Looking back at Important Material [Week 35]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019

Hope all is well.


Article 1

Top Rabbi Admits in Video: Jews Are Alien Race
May 18, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

"The JoS is crazy, you know? With their things about how "Jews are Reptilian offspring" and from another planet stuff. With their outlandish stories of how Jews are Aliens from another Planet or Galaxy that want to take over and enslave the Goyim! haha! And how the jews infiltrate humanity, take over nations and states, to enforce a Globalist order on behalf of their alien overlords. To superimpose complete and total rulership over the Goyim and finish them off in a global dictatorship."

Well it turns out this is only hard for Gentiles to fathom. For Jews in Israel, it's everyday life... It's just most people are busy drinking kool-aid and pretending they know everything, while the jews actually formulate plans to take over the world. I have saved this video and added some captions to it, although the video is self explanatory.

In this video, it's Rabbi Laitman. Laitman is a Rabbi that knows the facts, and he is one of the top Rabbis of Judaism alltogether. He is one of the heads of Israel, all in all. In Israel, while your kids learn crap like feminism, how good multiculturalism is, whatever...they hold classes on how the Alien Jews will take over the World and enslave it. It's probably a Kabbalah Center or something. This guy is a top Kabbalistic Authority in Judaism. In sort, a pope-like guy for Judaism. He is not a junkie, nor a nobody. He is a prominent and higher up rabbi, who has studied Judaism for 40 years to reach in the deepest understanding. His mission is basically to unite jews for what he calls 'world domination' basically. And to rule the people's of this planet.

The original was forcibly removed from the internet. Many people have looked for it, to find nothing in the end. Because this video was a giant mistake. With that being stated, make sure to keep this video.

Do not skip the following video, by the way. Watch it. Don't let them make an idiot out of you.

Rabbi Laitman has been heavily criticized over the fact that he has revealed too much in the public, because the Goyim would know. And guess what, it happened. He has been scorned by top Rabbinical authority for it. However Laitman believes it's just okay, and there is no problem with it at all. Because, why not? The Goyim are too stupid, and they are too indoctrinated to not believe their own eyes when they see things. No matter what they are told, they will always defend the jews, and rule them out as 'crazy' or 'persecuted' or 'victims'. Everything it takes but to accept the sad Truth.

And if they find out, then what? They will run back to xianity, or their left brain logical overthinking, or something. Well, "accidents" happen and people aren't THAT stupid.

I tell you also something more to understand the backround, this guy is a SOFTCORE Rabbi in how he appears to the public, who has been attacked by others for being too soft-core and too open and allowing facts out. How that video made it in jewtube is a miracle really. As he specifies in the video, this is only the tip of the tip of the iceberg... The shit he says on this video are what a professor says first graders on their first days at school. Be ready for a reality check...

One person brought up in the comments, very correctly... As Amdusias told the JoS Ministry in 2003: "Just as the enemy has people who cannot see us, we cannot see them. However, they will manifest blatantly as we get closer to the climax of our cause."

Now everyone needs to watch this.

Jews Aliens From Another Galaxy


The Solution:

topic19430.html *(FINAL RTR)

Article 2

Authority and Rebellion
May 16, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Greetings to all our Satanic Comrades.

Well, Authority has become a scary word nowadays. Mainly because of the negative abuse of power those in such positions exact upon others. This mainly has to do with the Torah. As most people and 'authoritarians' today are nothing but Torah feces, covered with a big useless Ego. Formed from a soul they don't even have in the first place, big lolz.

Many people such as the anti-fa and many teenagers or people in general. They just 'rebel' for the sake of it. Rarely any thought is put in such rebellion. They can even rebel many times on what is good for them, or even liberating. The enemy knows this, and they abuse this. This is why all the teenagers all over the world are misguided to 'rebel' towards nothing, and they don't do nothing to change society aside from the worst.

"Rebellion" is only a quality when it has mature thought in it. If it doesn't, then it is equal to retardation.

Goyim logic: "Jews rule the world and I am a goyim slave animal? Come on, that's kinda fine I can live with this.

Someone disagrees with MY opinion which after all I have formed by nothing else but muh feels. Well that's a WW3, right here. Time to rebel against this biatch. I'ma kill this biatch right now!!"

Interestingly enough many 'rebels' and large 'egotists' are the first ones to cuck when real problems are at hand. Most of the time they are busy bullying grannies, young people, or other powerless individuals for no reason whatsover. This behavior is typical with many people outside.

People don't co-operate anymore, and the enemy has been successful in breaking society into 'individuals' who basically are completely powerless and unimportant. They want to go 'their way', mainly things like drugs, or other useless routes in their existence. I wouldn't call it individuality, let's call it, cornering them.

On the other hand we have those who are completely docile and obedient. This again is equally as stupid as the 'rebel without a cause'. These people always, no matter what, they always don't do the simplest rebellion. Especially so when it's most required.

Both of the above individuals can easily be turned into tools for the enemy, their agenda, and anyone else. Look at these poor antifa guys, or these christian goyim generations. And you will notice, they are both in the same level of stupidity. It doesn't matter how it goes.

Now with all the above understood, we can understand too, that Authority is not 'evil'. Many people are 'authority haters' and this is in their chart. Many people are SS too and they have these aspects in their personality. It takes a pair to be able to go against the enemy, advance, change yourself and completely 'throw your skin' so to say and take the way we take. It takes a powerful character to do this. This is probably one of the hardest paths in the world.

There are authorities that help us free ourselves, and authorities that damn us. This should be obvious. The interesting thing is that most people do not really 'revolt' against authorities that damn them, because basically, power is exacted and these people are cucked from it. They rather keep their 'rebellious' tendencies for random people, family, their own group(s), their own team(s), or people in online video games.

These are the people who are rebels for nothing really. Like the fat feminists, overly aggressive, feminists, who in their mind think they can become eye-raped by someone. There are many such types around.

We are FLOODED with "REBELS" nowadays. Obedience is becoming more and more scarce. Same as that, civilization sinks, and bright geniuses that would be produced by a cohesive civilization or help from other people too, don't appear anymore.

These people aren't doing any 'rebellion'. They are doing a Rabbi-Elyon. Which is what the Rab, of the Joo God wants them to do.

Their only 'rebellion' is to rebel against what is good to them. In the same way a slave complies and throws themselves into shit, these people 'rebel' and throw themselves in the same shit. One goes right, the other goes left, the outcome is the same.

I notice in society today, people are very fearful, so many of them just 'retreat' in their own self. This has two outcomes. On one par, people actually develop a sense of self. This is why many people are here, and that's a good thing. For many though it's not like that.

Authority and order are not bad things. If one has a communist mindset that they are 'equal' or 'above' others, while they know they are not, and all this pestillence, this is very harmful for the person thinking this first and foremost. A person who is obese thinks they are completely healthy and fine, equal to the fit people.

They die of a heart attack, nature disproves that. Someone goes to the hospital, they think they are 'above' the doctor, because we are all equal. Doctor tells them to stay for a day, they leave the hospital because they saw a movie with Bruce Lee and they think they are Bruce Lee now. Then they die by an infection or something. One goes to the pavewalk, there is a red sign, don't cross. But fuck the state and it's authority, ya know? They pass the street, dead they fall hit by a truck.

In anyway, there is NOTHING bad or disgraceful about accepting authority and being obedient. This is indeed a sign of true intelligence, if one's allegiance and one's obedience are done with correct thought and for the correct reasons. It's a disgrace however when it happens towards people like the team toilet jew.

Correct obedience and acknowledgement of authority results in many good things. Such as power that an individual could never possess on their 'own', kinship, friendship, elevated conditions of existence etc. Rebellion also when it's needed, actually breeds good fruit too, that's beyond saying. How do you all evolve here? By 'obedience' to the enemy? It's obvious this was a wise move to rebel, beyond all sayings.

Lastly I wanted to point something on the cohesion the enemy has. The enemy cares to ALWAYS, and I mean always, keep their people together and in cohesion. This can come from curses, killing half of them, and many other things professed in the bible. They are not joking, they are criminals, and they will go to all lengths to keep their necessary unity.

Satan and the Gods work in a very different way. They give people intelligence and wisdom to understand. Only if things grow over the far end, then, well, very strict measures may need to be used, depending on the situation at hand. Satanic Authority does not exist over this enemy type of negativity and terror. Because it's far more capable of doing extreme damage and therefore, mercy is amplified. I know this may sound absurd, but this is called wisdom.

The average Rabbi, if someone spits at them in the street, they are going to die from the others. Why? Because they understand that the Rabbi is useful, while the antifa brain-dead who might do this, is not. Another example is how Rabbis have their loyal people around and these do not show any 'ego' to the rabbi, at all. These people can be as many as a hundred. This is how they learn the art of 'reception' and 'learning'. When they themselves become wise, then they become the rabbis.

They certainly disagree and many other things, but these disagreements aren't for 'ego', they are rather for the furthering of power. They never do things that divide their power, or work against their own house and things like that. They have authority in their midst.

Trump gets that phone-call from the Rabbi and he does what the fuck he is told...or else. However Trump is more than happy to do this, because well, they are a team you know? What is there the hate for? No need for hate. They are all enjoying and growing for it.

Jews are strong because they remain united, they know obedience, and they can in sometimes unite to the degree of a mind-hive, totally without 'ego', being with one another. They destroy the same abilities to Gentiles. Always telling Gentiles to play the Batman on their own. The jews in their texts refer to Gentiles as "The Ego", literally.

Now if these parasites can do so much by being obedient, banding up together, respecting authority...And lastly if you pay attention, correct rebellion (such as how they overthrown *ALL* Gentiles from their own countries, for example). Look at what great deeds can be done. They were beggars and useless excrement and now they rule.

Does that leave it under any question what Satanists and other people who are of such high quality can do if they work together and try to better themselves?

I think not.

The times things like that happen we have Golden Age stuff coming up.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Article 3
Why Europe is Not Revolting? Here you go...
May 18, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

I will tell you why and put it bluntly and simply. Because of Christianity. Christianity, and these people who have been taught cultural marxism later, all account to the same people. Those who will never revolt, and always tolerate anything the jews or the Abrahamics bring in their plate.

They are more ready to condemn, attack, kill and imprison their 'own', to earn their 'right' to be raped, pillaged, and outbred by Muslims and others. These are their 'values'. The values of having no value about your existence, at all.

They enjoy it when rape happens, they enjoy murder, and more than likely, they enjoy death and the darkness that looms over Europe, which used to be a continent of light. They are filled with perversion and an instinct of destruction. They know it too, but they are allied in an unholy alliance of benefits, materialism, and corruption, that ties them with strong bonds. Then we have ignorance, stupidity, and escapism that is without equal. A retardation unparalleled in human history.

Even cavemen understood their own enemies, and the paleolithic man understood what it means to be in danger. Now, 'modern humans' understand nothing. Or even worse, pretend NOT to.

On the other hand, the Christian mass was very militant in history, when it came to Pagans and others, but right now, it's not. Why?

Because the energies clashed when it came to Pagans. They don't do now. Islam is nothing but what Christianity was a few centuries ago. It's the same thing. The Christians are only welcoming their past. With open borders, legs, wallets, streets and neighborhoods.

The energies of a Muslim and a Christian, they do not really 'clash'. They don't cleave very nice, or at all. They are too close, closely identical. One is just more radicalized. Internally, it's the same sand excrement, and psychosis, motivating more or less, similar actions. More or less, it's only the same jewish-taught, self destruction. It just externalizes on a social level.

They worship the same 'god', they have the same ideology about the world. The only difference between the hordes from the Kaaba, and the nuts of the Vatican, is that what the brutal apes of the Kaaba are doing 'now', the Christians have done centuries ago, consolidating total power through mass murder.

Therefore, when they were 'done', they turned to apologetics and becoming 'friendly', while killing the remaining those who disagreed with their jewish dogma. The Islamists are now on the same transitory phase. Let's not forget that Islam was only created a thousand years after Christianity, roughly. It still has to go through these states. And so it will. Like a jewish instilled disease, such is it's evolution and it's manifestation.

Like the Middle East has been wrecked completely and is completely uncivilized now, the place where once civilization flourished, the same thing will come to Europe. It's already coming, and it's here. But skilled politicians and deceivers, in an unholy alliance, they hide this very fact. Until death is in everyone's door- the moment where it is too late, but only for lamentations and useless prayers. After all - this is the only thing that Europe knows how to do:

Lament and dance over the corpse of it's own civilization...

Lastly, let's see the 'enslaved for nothing', self hating, and culture and civilization hating disposition of Christians. Who believe Civilization is "Sodoma and Gommorah" and needs to be destroyed. The Islamic Invasion is literally, the answer to their prayers to the criminal god they pray to. The jews whom they worship have answered their prayer in the material plane. They basically, inherently, love this, and want everyone to die and go extinct.

It's the same old revolt of the weak, the retarded, and the worthless, against the strong and those who are worthy to at least live and exist. The same psychopaths who like to rape children, are filled with corruption, enjoy seeing open borders and criminals flooding in, and the same politicians that give ass to jews, now want to give ass to Islamics. All their testament is their own retardation and evil, that they cloak under 'political beliefs'.

They just enjoy to see people die, and civilization to collapse. That's all their inner truth. There is no deception in this. They can see where all of this is going, but they march forth, for they are JEWS.

It's the same worldwide, jewish conspiracy, that starts, and that will end, with the Jews. As for their pawns, don't question why they do not 'protect' you. They are jews themselves, and Christianity was their tool of enslaving, cuckening, and instilling the foundations of communism at the soul level: the conception that all people are created equal, and all the false doctrines that made it into rules for civilization and legal system.

As Europe sinks into darkness, don't forget who was the only one who said the Truth again, and always has nudged people to wake up. Satan. Soon, Europe will be begging for the help from "God", and the jewish God they believe in, will again be absent to give any help.

The jewish JHVH and his Rabbi Son They will have already done enough to Europe: But they will not be satisfied until the last European baby is beaten in the stones (Psalm 137:9), and until the last European sinks into the claudron of Race mixing, to never exist again.

Only the rebuked, the defamed, and the falsely attacked, the Gods of the Gentiles will be here to help, for once more, those who have always made their presence known even through their own enemies, in every cathedral decorated with Demonic decoration, or in the Renaissance, through the waking up of the Ancient Philosophy, that of the European Spirit.

Their European God, who is nobody else but Satan- the defamed and rebuked "God" of the jewish dogmas and religions, whom the whole planet speaks against. The influences of the God of Civilization, Satan, is giving in, in Europe. In His place arise pedophile prophets, murderous jehova's, and rotten politicians that care for nothing but to make Europe extinct.

Enjoy the outcome of believing in jews, bending over to them, accepting their Gods, their Dogma, and their plans for your future. For this is equal to your HOLOCAUST. And no, it will not be as the fictitious jewish one. It will be one that will be very real.

The Return of the people to their Gods, and their awakening, equals to the regaining of the spirit of vigor and life. This is the only thing that can save Europe: A real re-awakening. It's reaching a radical and critical point- those who do not make this step will have to be consumed by a darkness that all generations to come will never forgive us about...This point will be reached, wether we like it, want it, accept it or not.

We will do our part in saving Civilization and the world, yet again, but unless people wake up, reality will be very brutal.

The question, the more people stay asleep and nothing happens... The question will be...: "To wake up and revolt, or to die in one's sleep".

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Come by and check Azazel's Marketplace!


Article 4

The Fighters and the Half-Cucks
May 13, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

Satan and the Gods understand us as we are their creation. They see inside and out from us. There is really no hiding, but at the same time, there is no harsh judgement over whatever we are. Unless it's outright destroyed, rotten, and spreads on others too. In Satanism one is allowed to suffer, doubt, or whatever else. But to make a negative habit and never advance out of it is frowned upon.

I notice lately normies people who are 'waking' up. They become disrespectful and form strange categories. One category is such that is led by jews, that is still a 'jew conscious' community, but goes against Satan or something, out of nowhere. Basically it's chock infested by jews, who guarantee and force this meme. And some few cucked, and bots from Israel that do this online. But they do this anyway.

Those who go against their own Gods will never be crowned with any success, and they will always be enslaved to the jews. The jews laugh at the 'christians' and the supposedly 'strongmen' that fall on their knees to Rabbi Christ in order to 'defeat the jew'. This has never worked in the past, neither it will ever work in the future. Why? Because where you believe is actually more important than you think. If you 'ask for guidance' from the jews, where can you possibly end up with this?

Some even go as far as to say negative things about Satan, or anything of that nature. They blame the Demons who are in fact...Their ancient Gods basically. You see stupid theories coming up formulated by them, which are basically byproducts of their own slavery and the war against this state of mind.

So with one foot they worship the jew, with the other foot, they try to 'fight' them. These are the worst elements, the soul is ripped in half, and someone has to make a final decision. I don't want to go to all the un-necessary details. But many of these people are stupid, weak and dumb. This is also very dangerous.

Let's not forget what Hitler said about his generals believing in Christianity. That he is surprised that grown ups do actually believe in such things. Like how one needs the blessing of a Rabbi to win against the Rabbis.

Weren't it for us to take the heat, fight the enemy at the core, and drive them back. Rest reassured these people would have been nowhere now. They don't know where it's due to give credit, and we don't want their credit. However I notice some foolish tendencies to try to 'oppose' us or try to boss us around. This is going to have the invetiable result of spiritual destruction.

"hey maaan, I know Satan is ok you know? Like the evidence is here, ok I see it? It's just that I FEEL some fear, because erm, I have been told by the jews he is a bad guy, you know? Fuck the evidence, you know? Can I call him All-Father or something becuase Satan sits heavy with me? Ye I know he is Odin man but I don't know it's kind of fearful for me to call him Satan? Ye I know it's from Sumer and is more Ancient but...I don't know man I am afraid man...? What if these rabbis said the truth man? You know christianity has a lot of followers you know? What if my lil soul burns in hell man? I think Jesus is alright for me man, he looks friendlier...

As a matter of fact I am not religious, and religion doesn't matter, man. Why do we even bother man? Can't we just be brave brothaz and fight the jews? I swear I fight the jews a lot man. Can I believe in Jesus and Satan two? The jews said it's part of the same duality man, it's ok. I read in the bible about white genocide and rape man, but it's ok, we can correct the book you know?" -Tom Cuckoldee, excuses of a Cuck, Page 6 (000.000.0)

I notice this tendency on cucked Odinists and others who think they know the 'Truth' or that they are 'powerful'. A few years ago they were blowing the Rabbis, Rabbi Yehoshua, or being in the New (Jew) Age. Now, they pretend they are strong, and even go as far as to open their nasty mouth against Satan.

Because that's all they can do, attack their own Gods in different aliases, and pretend to be 'strong' by mimicking the jews basically. And disregarding all evidence in the world because of their low IQ.

Like Satan, we are his followers. We don't have a problem with them not 'getting' it. Satan and the Gods were rebuked by these 'goyim' for thousands of years, and yet they fought for them. Therefore now we have sane elements and strong people forming.

However, they didn't do these for these stupid entities that open their mouth today, EVEN AFTER the Truth is EVERYWHERE to be seen. These people are dumb and there is no cure for this. One could excuse this in 1800's, but now? That's becoming inexcusable.

Of course, a similar behavior is taken by the 'Satanic Veterans' who did nothing but eat the cultural excrement of the jews as their own version of "Satanism". In short, retards, when they get a 'push' from the grounds we open by bloody spiritual warfare, they try to play tough. All they are is cucks and nothing else.

Of ALL these people and organizations, it always takes SATAN and the Gods, and Spiritual Satanism in a different form to do anything. Then these fools try to exploit the hard work and labor people do, and pretend they did anything to win this war. The same thing the useless and stupid nationalists did to Hitler in the Weimar Times.

It was the Nazis who did all the beating, the wars in the streets, and who suffered casualties. Then some cucka-doo came in and tried to become "President" of the Reich. To lead the Reich where? Nowhere. Other people take the blood and anguish, and others enjoy the honors? This will never work that way, sorry. The Gods oversee this war and they know who does what.

It's sensible therefore that the Gods bestow the power to their people who fight for them. All of you who do the RTR's, fight for Satan and everything else, you KNOW. You have experience, and you are IN THE WAR. Those who are not, they will not be eating the same fruit. Yes they will enjoy some 'peace' from our victory, but they should be content only at that. Those who try to snatch things, try to 'dictate' to us, and try to boss us around because 'muh feels', we are going to rightfully obliterate them.

Why I write this? Because I know many of you are feeling dissatisfied over the fact these people exist.

Whites here in that group, with fire, mortar and spiritual brimstone, we are fighting here and we liberate people, and we see these "Christendoomers" and these other "Pagan" cucks who do nothing but turn Christ into Odin and 'worship' him. Others indeed would be equally disrespectful as to open their mouth and speak against us, too. That's to be expected and tolerated, FOR NOW.

We are higher than them, and it's our obligation to do what they don't. Ie, FIGHT and do something on the higher levels, while they sit their ass here and do nothing. However don't think this will be forever. We are the most powerful of them all, and with that being said, they have to in the very least, respect us and our beliefs.

If they lie about us, or even worse 'attack' us, they will be going where the enemy goes. Simply because, we have done NOTHING to ask for it, but fight a war of liberation for them. There will be no mercy in that regard. So long they are OK and they make decent comrades and friends, we will be the elite SS they can look up to, and that will take all the heavy aspects of the war on their back. But if they raise a head to speak against us...That's over.

What are they all about? Worshiping only involves wearing a fancy necklace, and of course, taking the fastest and quickest and most peaceful route in 'fighting' the enemy. Some even have some 'confidence' and they think they are 'too important'. While all they speak is incoherent gibberish or something. We appreciate their efforts, but those who do the real efforts should never shrink themselves in front of these fools.

To name another example, people fight to liberate the Black Race, and some people show up and go with 'we wuz kangz' or stuff like that.

Sure, people who are at least awake to an extent are better than the fully cukced and slaves, and we welcome them. But that's it. We are not equals, we are Spiritual Satanists and we have taken far more brave steps than them. Most of them are with one foot in christianity, another foot in pseudo Paganism. They are AFRAID.

It's basically these people who are always hanging in the middle. If the enemy has power, well they are with them. When we have power, then they will be with us. They don't have a spirit of noblety to go against an enemy on full force. They are double agents and worthless. This is why the enemy still exists and thrives. Because these people are cucks basically. This is the perfect thing for them, as they are always ineffective to fight them.

Their opinion is irrelevant, and if they misbehave against us, *IF* our precious time allows (since we focus on the enemy unlike these idiots) they need to be cursed.

And if they do not understand this right of the bat, then they will understand it by spiritual force. However unlike these brainless fools, we are focused on actually getting the real enemy down. We fight the jews COMPLETELY and in all levels.

In the end, we will be victorious.

Article 5
A Most Common Mistake
May 13, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

I notice people do a mistake over and over again. One portion of people, severely underestimates the jews and the enemy. This comes from never having actually crossed them, and merely fighting them in one own's mind.

Then, we have overestimation of the enemy. Which is sometimes people fighting their own weaknesses, and therefore by falling in their own rut, they assume that the enemy is very powerful. Symptoms of this also make in the end people that obsess solely on the enemy.

There are also other people who instead of focusing on the Gods and Satan, they dwell a lot of on the enemy, for example. The enemy is to be attacked, defiled, destroyed. Not to be focused upon. When you are done with destroying them, shut them off like a radio.

Satan is far more powerful than the enemy, but we live in a system where the influences of the Gods show up harder, because there are blocks created by people. Sometimes the blocks are also internal in every individual. This needs yearly work (or at least persistent) until it's taken out of the self. This can take a while since indoctrination is since birth.

Then, we have false association. Many people are becoming very paranoid on some things. Their pancake falls on the floor, it must have been the greys. That's ok as the mind is trying to make sense of the new conditions and inter-connect them, but some people stay for more time in this state than necessary.

If people keep thinking in this theme, they are going to create this theme. This can quickly make someone overestimate the enemy. And can be highly damaging for themselves. Same as people who don't give one shit for the enemy, as if they do not exist. Therefore, they are destroyed by them.

There has to be a healthy balance.

"By deception thou shall wage war". This is the motto of the jews. The jews take something that would happen anyway, is Karma, or a mistake of the person, and they tell them they did it. So the person overrun by this issue, they assume that it was them.

This is for example what a hate group of brain-dead cockroaches, tried to pull out a few weeks ago, that they 'cursed the JoS'. These people cannot curse a toothpick so far I am concerned. I mean they can't do anything at all. The ones who really pull these things, remain unseen, and so they want to remain, because they know retaliation can come. This comes from how they know about the damage they try to do. This is only one example.

In closing this post, focus on the Gods and Satan. The jews have had a transient rule. They are very dangerous, and if left unattended, yes, it's over. Plain and honest in this thing. If however people keep fighting, advancing, and calling the Gods in their heart, life and mind. The jews will not succeed.

This is reaching a funny point where even the enemy knows how strong Satan is, but his own followers, they haven't really understood it. The jews avoid cursing the Gods face to face, and so many have died from it. They knew a war like this was futile, but they did whatever they could.

Instead of people focusing on the 'power' of the enemy, take most of this time to focus on your own power and on the powers of Satan. Satan is the God of "This" World, and all Worlds combined. When the mind understands it, the mind grows stronger and at ease. Confidence is grown, and this inspires action. This inspires war, and victory.

Lastly, trust in the Gods and tune in them instead. This is where most of your focus should be going. This is where one grows and become better. Your focus on the enemy should be to be aware of them and destroy them, watchful. Not anything else than that. Devotion and tuning in should happen towards the Gods and Satan. They are wonderful beings.

As for the shit and their dead flies over it, we will deal with it as we go. I know they are attention whores and they try to get your attention at all costs, but just let it go, and just fight them and don't dwell on them otherwise.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Come by and check Azazel's Marketplace!

Article 6
Christianity is Jewish Cultural Diarrhea...
Fri May 12, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

I know some may have a weak stomach, but just how can I glorify these creations in the appropriate ways they need to be glorified and explained? There are going to be some strange parellels in this post, affirmed to (((THEIR))) magnificence above all. Including how...

It's obvious in itself that jews created Christianity, but some people cannot put one and one together to see why they are 'against it'. Even if, in every church you go in all countries, you see all the jew-faces amassed there and around it, like it's some sort of nest. Because indeed, it is a nest.

But anyway, the jews are a bit clever. One of the reasons the jews attack and don't want christianity, is simply because, the jews are wiser than believing in excrement and hoaxes generated by their own 'race'. All jews are supposed to believe in the master system of Judaism, and only lead in christianity the Goyim Cattle.

If any jew is so retarded as to believe in the Cattle Control System (Christianity) of course, the jews sever them from their midst until they repent. Which never really happens, as even the 'misguided jew' and the 'christian jew' is basically, a shilling jew. Hijacking the goyim through supposedly affirming their own 'gentile culture'. Played from all sides are the 'goy'.

While the "Goyim" have very low aims for miracles and all these things, the jews can see beyond this. They basically can see where they have hid from all others, by removing Paganism. In a world where the miracles of Rabbi Jesus as turning Water into Wine are just...gibberish and worthless bullshit. Unfit for the jews who have higher aims for their civilization and seek world domination.

What is "Goyim Culture" (Christianity) again? Nothing but a crappy story of excrement about some jewish history that never existed either. That people just believe because whatever, they don't have any other culture to believe in for theirs was removed by death, murder and slavery some centuries ago. That's it.

The bottom of it is that really, the jews don't even hate jesus. They love jesus. But they cannot have a hoax within their own midst, especially one THEY created for the Goyim. Because on one hand, jesus doesn't exist. On the other, even in the hoax story they wrote, jesus is always from and for the jews. And nobody else at all in the world.

So they will do whatever it takes to make the Goyim believe that this hoax has substance. Like, attack it, speak against it, shill for it, whatever. If you pay attention all of this is for different target groups, basically, and to drive them back to the same farm.

In the bottom of it. There is nothing to hate, and nothing to feel 'threatened' from. Other than the absorbtion of their own into their own created lie. Other than that, throw bags of excrement and vomit in jesus's face and soul. It won't reply. He doesn't even exist to do so, other than in the written imagination of a rabbi.

That we had the unfortunate luck to see becoming a fact. We might as well start believing in Gollum from lord of the rings, because well, do you have a moment to speak about our savior Gollum Christ?

Because who is 'jesus' is admitted in the hoax book anyway. He who comes in the last days (where the jews are defeated) to kill all the Goyim responsible for this and finally force the 'kingdom of God', his father, Jehova, which is the representation of the jewish will as "God".

The other memes that jesus has denied the jews don't even exist. They were entirely made up by jews to justify the existence of this alien element in other civilizations. And they adjust it everywhere they go, in different ways. Jesus might have been a ninja in Asia, too. And a hippie in the 80's. He is also a African, didn't you know? He can be anything. For he is a hoax.

But the only factual book that gives info about this hoax, says it openly. That this character is simply a kike.

The bible is basically, if one studies the jews. Nothing but a worthless pipe manuscript. The only important thing is the Torah and there are more important things than this, like the Kabbalah. The Torah is nothing but a jewish curse book, that is esteemed as a basis for jews, but on the other hand, there are other things 'holier' and more filled with feces, such as the Scat Literature of the Kabbalah.

In short, they aren't going to eat their own vomit and cultural diarrhea, that many goyim do actually have as a 'godly culture'. That would be a disgrace to the hoax makers. Who does eat their own vomit and diarrhea? I know the jews do this, but even this diarrhea, is too much for the jews to eat. They just can't swallow their own hoax of vomit and pile of excrement. So they hoard this to Gentiles instead. And surprisingly so, it worked momentarily...

To explain what these things are, they are basically the expired scat of rabbis, in the cultural sense. Obsolete crap, and useless connotations that were put in front of Gentiles so they have something to be harmlessly following while Jews rape, pillage and destroy civilization.

After all what does this Yiddish crap tell us? "Leave the jews unjudged and let them rule you and kill all of you, finally, stupid goy. Fear our imaginary threats goy. Obey Goy."

Of course they cannot tolerate their own jews eating this. They care for their own, unlike many Gentiles. And they love it when the Goyim do eat this cultural diarrhea of the jews as their 'culture', 'western civilization' and even 'spiritual salvation'. Creating accordingly civilizations of excrement, stupidity and weakness. I mean that's a G-d's send solution for the jews, who always had a problem with Satanism or Gentile Cultures of power. That created the strongest civilizations.

So they found out if they pollute this, they will take over their enemies with considerable ease. As it has already happened. Because it's their core source of influence over the goy, and their mental and spiritual enslavement.

The jews openly admit that the Torah was written by jews themselves, under the influence of Ruach HaKodesh (the holy spirit or being high from booze or something, because they aren't that spiritual anyway) and basically, many scrolls like the Torah existed all over the world at the time the jews stole the idea. This was stolen from Babylon, where too the Talmud was stolen from.

Many people wonder why the jews in their own book wrote about things like the crucifixion of christ. Because it's a book of their own pseudohistory, no different than a superman comic. That has to teach jews to deny all sort of crapsters and wanna-be's, and to have high standards for leaders for their race. Rather than accepting any retard that the Goyim grovel around, because uhm...He did some 'miracles'.

The jews can see past this crap, as they have written this book. And they know all too well that these 'miracles' are a bunch of crap basically. And the character unimportant, because they know too that this is a pseudepigraphical allegory of the Serpent/Kundalini energy and nothing more. There is no reason for the jews to believe in a concept.

The jews see themselves as the 'race of the wise' and the 'only humans', and the only spiritually aware people on the planet. They aren't going to believe in FICTITIOUS concepts created by their OWN, as "REAL". That is obviously an offense and stupid. This 'religion' same as all the other programs are basically for the enslaved goy.

Lastly, of course the jews will not follow the Goyim Morality either. Because they created this, to bind, enslave, and kill the Goyim to the last man, woman, child, and cattle. Many stupid xians are confused because they cannot make any sense of the jewish actions. But the jews have no sense in their actions. And have infested their enemies with false understanding on how to 'judge them'.

(missing image)

The goyim therefore become cucked when they see the jews doing things that are beyond all normal human comprehension, let alone their programming. This has a demoralizing effect which let's "the christ killers" take their way with anything. This is a psyop. First they created an unexistant 'god', then in their pseudo-history they 'killed him' and now people are afraid of them because whatever, they killed 'god'. This scares the 'jewish god fearing' goy, who don't even know this is a hoax.

However the only God they tried to really kill was Satan and the Pagan Gods, and in that, they have failed miserably. The jews aren't against, but totally 'pro' Islam and Christianity and whatever else for the Goyim, unless it's Satanism. If you pay attention the whole books, in all their forms, and Judaism too, agree on one thing, fighting against Satan. That's their common thing.

Other than that, they are created by jews accordingly as two enslavement programs (Christianity and Islam) and the master key to both (Judaism). The jews aren't allowed to believe in what the cattle does, SIMPLY because it's a giant hoax, and they know it since they are five years old.

At best, the mission of the jew is to misguide people into these programs for the greater jewish benefit. But to really believe this is impossible, as on one hand nothing exists, on the other, the master cannot believe what the slave does. That simple.

In the end, jews are against nothing. But Satanism. Specifically, spiritual Satanism or Paganism. This is the only thing them, their slaves, and everything they stand and ever stood for, is against. Because here is the real God and here is the real power of Gentiles. And that is the master key for Gentiles to become powerful and uplift themselves.

The only way to fight the master key of the jews...And finally defeat this race of gollum-real-life, creatures, throwing them on the final mount Doom, before the funeral wreath of humanity ensues...

Is the Master Key of Spiritual Satanism.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Article 7

May 01, 2017
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

A quote from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Those are some pretty strong words. As I’ve mentioned before, “God,” in truth has several different meanings. For one, it is a code word for one’s self, for another, the chakras are “gods” and so forth.

The effects from the systematic removal of spiritual knowledge are, a dying earth and the drastic degeneration of humanity as a whole. The Jews have kept their stolen knowledge under some real tight control. It is in their Kabbalah and most of the real powerful knowledge has been passed down orally from Jewish generation to generation, under the utmost security and secrecy. Their possession of this knowledge has put them in high places of control the world over, has amassed their communities unimaginable wealth and has worked to make nearly every significant opportunity open and available to them. Not too many people are aware. Awareness is the key. Also, an extensive knowledge of who and what they are, their practices and so forth. They are an ALIEN soul.

They have dominated medicine for centuries. Healing, for one, has been under their control for profit and to completely replace anything spiritual. Given they have controlled the media, 96 percent; we hear anything spiritual is “superstition” “bunk” and so forth. We are force-fed the bible, where there is nothing spiritual, Christianity and other completely MATERIALISTIC programs where all spirituality has been systematically removed and told that true spirituality is “nonsense,” “of the Devil,” and “superstition.” But, the Jews at the top know the occult is for real. They have used this to take control of the world, which is now dying without it.

When all spiritual knowledge is removed, as was in the former communist countries, such as the USSR, the Jews with this knowledge [at the top], had control. The spiritually defenseless populace was open to any of their curses with no knowledge of anything like this and paid the price. One who is cursed and unknowing on how to defend him/herself, remove the curse and so forth will readily succumb to it.

As I mentioned before, the letters of the Hebrew alphabet are each infused with power. This is why the bible has so much power, regardless of whatever language it is in. The root of the Christian and Muslim programs is Judaism. Hebrew is the root of Judaism. Christian churches were built over Pagan temples that were destroyed. These temples were built upon powerful Ley Lines in a lot of places, especially in Europe. Unbeknownst to many, this catapulted Christianity. I remember many years ago, my son took the family on a vacation to the West Coast. He drove us deep into the Redwood Forest. We got out of the vehicle and walked around. I was totally blown away by the extreme energy there from nature. I also overheard a woman relating to friends on how she felt the same when she visited the Amazon Jungle. There are certain areas of the earth and spots that are intense with energy. This can all be scientifically explained. These areas can be used for spiritual purposes and drastically amplify workings.

Attempts over the years of various scholars in exposing certain truths has led to their being ostracized, labeled as “eccentric” or even downright “crazy” and has even ended many a career, if the scholar refused to end his/her research. This is no different from many scientists who have been attacked over the millennia for revealing scientific knowledge that proved Christianity and its twin of sick Islamic filth were outright lies.

It is a sad fact, given the Jews control 96 percent of the media, there are major lies, especially regarding history. I am sooooo fed up with the outrageous claims regarding the White Race, being “uncivilized” “ignorant” “savages” and so forth. One does not just slap a castle or a Gothic cathedral together, nor the Roman Coliseum, which after 2,000+ years is still standing.

“That the ancient Britons applied Pythagorean principles long before Pythagoras was born was a remarkable discovery.” “All we can say is it seems most unlikely that a people who possessed such a refined observational science, such as mathematical and geometrical expertise, and such engineering genus, were at the time ignorant and superstitious barbarians, as the ancient inhabitants of Britain are popularly believed to have been.” [1]
[This was passed to us from the Nordic Gods, such as Satan himself, who fathered children with human mothers].

Stonehenge was used to predict the phases of the Moon, eclipses and much more, accurately. Much of this was used in ritual magick.
Most of you here already know that the body and spirit are made of bioelectricity. Bioelectricity runs the universe. Thoughts are composed of electrical impulses. This is scientific.

“Basing his ideas on numerology and gematria, Michell puts forward the suggestion that both Stonehenge and Glastonbury were structures designed with incredible subtlety on principles accredited to traditional magic for the purpose of collecting, storing, and transmitting solar energy.” “…the actual sites should serve in some measures receiving stations for direct influences from heavenly constellations that were known and appreciated by the priesthood—especially at certain seasons of the year.” [2]

There is much, much more to the “Kabbalistic” planetary squares. I also want to add here, these are not anything the Jews invented. I have a book where it reads they are originally Sanskrit. Most of you know, the Jews did not originate in Mesopotamia, or Ancient Palestine, but in the Far East, where nearly everything in their programs has been stolen and corrupted from. Christians and Muslims were used and exploited to viciously remove and destroy this knowledge, burn libraries, Pagan Temples and torture and mass murder those who had this knowledge.

Back to the significance of Planetary Squares:
“One of the more arcane traditions of number magic is that there is associated with each planet a numerological magic square, which is the key to control of the planet’s influence and power. For example, the magic square of the Sun consists of 36 numbers. The square may appear as a random jumble of numbers, but a closer study will reveal that if one number were altered, or if two were made to change places, they symmetry of the whole square would collapse.

Add together any row, column, or diagonal: the total is always 111. Add together the corner numbers of the square, 6, 1, 36, 31: they total 74. Move inward toward the center and add the corner numbers of the smaller square formed by 11, 8, 29, 26: again the total is 74. Add the total of the 4 numbers at the very center, 16, 15, 22, 21: it is also 74. Add together the numbers around the perimeter: the total is 370. The sum of all 36 numbers in the square is 666.

From this are drawn the potent magical numbers of the Sun: 36, 111, 74, 370 and 666. Whole multiples of the magic numbers are taken to be as potent as the numbers themselves. According to Michell’s analysis, Stonehenge was laid out on a plan that incorporated these numbers, so functioning as a magical instrument for solar power.

Glastonbury, according to Michell, was also designed on a pattern dictated by the principle numbers of the magic square of the Sun. According to these calculations, it appears that Glastonbury was founded on identical principles to those employed by the people who built Stonehenge between 1500 and 2000 years before the first Christian church was erected.” [3]

“From these observations, he goes on to say that they seem to be controlled by mathematical laws that involve the number 3 in their construction and the number 7 in their spiral patterns.”

Chinese authorities forbid constructing roads and tracks through certain areas of which they deemed contained lines of force which they called “Dragon Current.”

The movie, “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” for example, has many scenes where the characters levitate and even fly though the air. This is not fiction. Upon empowering this soul [martial arts empowers the soul], levitation can be achieved. Levitation combined with powerful ley lines can give an adept the power to fly though the air. All of this can be scientifically explained.

“If rivers are becoming polluted, the solution is, we reason today, to develop stronger, and therefore costlier, anti-pollutants. Perhaps we should not dismiss the magical and psychical sciences of our forebears as readily as we do. A return to the magical view of the world might be the start of a solution. Why? Because fundamental to the old beliefs is the idea that the world is a grand design, a totality in which the parts are all interrelated, interresponsive, and interdependent, so that whatever happens to the part affects the whole and vice versa. Many of the ills of the modern world can be traced to a neglect of this fundamental principle.”

This is where we are at following centuries of enforced Christianity, Islam and being ordered about and slaves to the Jews. Yes, slaves. In most countries, the president, if not a Jew him/herself, is nothing more than a puppet of which the Jewish masters pull and control the strings.

A quote from the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

[And replace it with Christianity and Islam]


[1] Library of the Supernatural: Magic Words, and Numbers, © 1975

[2] Ibid

[3] Ibid

[4] Ibid

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Article 8
May 02, 2017
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

There's some more knowledge I'd like to share. First off, everyone here should know Satan and our Gods do not need or require slavish worship. They come to us as friends and to help us, though they are advanced beings. Satan has made it clear more than once that He does not want or need slavish worship!

Too many people are naturally servile and have been systematically indoctrinated and programmed to be that way. This does not mean anyone should be arrogant or disrespectful. But, continually trying to secure approval (I've seen this in places like working in restaurants, where approval seekers look up to some of the lowest of the low, just because there is a "manager" title involved), is not of Satan. This sort of deal is Judeo/Christian/Muslim crap. In addition, this bleeds over into Jewish communism, where Jewish masters like Lenin, Stalin and other Jewish vermin assume the position of God, and the populace, stripped of all spiritual knowledge, bow down and worship (literally), this degenerate scum, which is no different from one kneeling before a pile of fresh excrement, and praising it, flies and all.

Given the Jews have been playing God for centuries now, (I also want to add here, the universe is infinity, both the macrocosm, and the microcosm. Science proves this. There is NO supreme being.

The Jewish kabbalah has kept this secret for centuries. There IS a force that science can also explain that is within everything. Like how the planets are held together by a gravitational pull... The ether element. This is and has also been referred to as "God." And, repeating myself again, "God" is also a code word for one's self and the chakras (The Gods).

My main point for writing this article is a couple of things I ran across. So much spiritual knowledge has been removed and those who have this knowledge and know how to use it become "God" over those who do not have spiritual ability or knowledge. This is what Christianity and Islam (and of course Judaism at the lower levels has been about. The Jews have a history of exploiting and preying upon their own). Systematic removal of spiritual knowledge.

So, just how much power has been attributed to a so-called "God" over the centuries, inspiring slavish obedience and terror, when much of this has been the work of humans?

In the 2017 Witch's Almanac, there is an interesting article on poppets.
"The phrase 'to burn in effigy' as a way of destroying someone in absentia reflects the sympathetic magic used to annihilate Guy Fawkes all over again. The destruction of his poppet suggests a wish that he burns in the afterlife."

Jews have a long history of cursing their enemies, the holiday of Purim being a blatant example.

The autobiography "Unorthodox" by Deborah Feldman is a very revealing and interesting read. Feldman is the one credited with the (((three parentheses))).

In her book, she reveals much of the secret life of the Hasidim, in which she was raised. She eventually left the restrictive community in Williamsburg NYC.

Now, here is from a paragraph in the book describing what she saw:
(The shomrim are Hasidic police- they have their own and are exempt from the law outside of their communities. They don't have to answer to the law like everyone else).

From the book, page 98, she describes how the shomrim, pull up at the house next door and how three bearded men drag out a black teenager caught stealing, by his hands, he hung heavily between them.

Her grandmother who was also watching stated the boy can't be any older than fourteen.

She goes on to describe how the shomrim members crowd around the quivering boy and kick him mercilessly until he is sobbing and wailing. "The men beat him for what seems like forever."

"You think you can come in here and do what you want? Impress your friends? You think you can bring your filthy kind into this neighborhood? Oh no, not here. No, we won't call the police, but we'll take care of you like no one else can, you understand? If we catch one of you here ever again, we'll kill you, you hear? You tell your friends that, you tell them never to come near us again or we will rain hell down on their black souls." *

*Note, the word "souls" is used. I don't take that as a symbol. I'm sure, given what I've learned, it is literal.

I would also like to add a few interesting quotes from this book.

"Bubby" is Yiddish for grandmother. For centuries, many orthodox Jews have spoken Yiddish. Hebrew, especially Ashkenazi Hebrew is too sacred and when establishing the state of Israel, orthodox Jews fought atheist and nonreligious Jews over what would be the language of the new state. Orthodox Jews vehemently opposed using Hebrew, but Hebrew was instated anyway, but the Sephardic version is and has been used.

Regarding Hasidim:
"Bubby says it's convenient for us to be presumed poor and unintelligent, so as not to spark the jealousy and resentment of the gentiles."

"A Jew can never be a goy. Even if they try their hardest to become one. They may dress like one, speak like one, live like one, but Jewishness is something that can never be erased. Even Hitler knew that."

You know those fur hats those Hasidim wear? They cost $2,000.00 and up. Married Hasidic women are forbidden to show their hair. Most wear wigs or head scarves. The wigs they have are mostly made from human hair; $3,000.00 and up.

On page 205 she reveals how a Hasidic father cut the penis off of his son before murdering him for masturbating in a basement. They buried him in 30 minutes. No police, no death certificate, nothing.

Jews with their supremacy, control and occult knowledge, place themselves above the law.

So, just how much of the spiritual has been attributed to what unknowing people have called "God" for centuries? No doubt, extraterrestrials have been interfering in our world for millennia. They are not "all powerful" or they would have taken this world by now, but just how much of this sort of thing from humans?

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Article 9
Satanic Unity
May 04, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

What's a more fitting word than this to begin this?

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them."- Satan, Al Jilwah.

Now I know many people invent all sorts of fancy reasons and problems to 'isolate' themselves. Partly because of one reason or another...However this is the enemy that implies that this should be used as a false reason to completely isolate someone entirely.

This is obviously the enemy, as they basically want to corner people all the time. They will not like the fact you are a threat to them...So they try to minimize this threat by isolating Satanists. Satan, the Gods, or even you, will have no voice, no say, and no power, if his people are scattered and living in their own fantasy land alone. This is the recipe of damnation for the self and the whole accordingly.

There is a rule in nature, the rule of unity. We can see this with the enemy and their Islam and everything else. They are a cancer, eating the planet alive. Wrongly, unjustly, they don't even have common sense, logic, or any serious plan, or anything. They are a literal CANCER that lives and breathes...

But they are doing it TOGETHER and therefore, they are strong. Isolation is the most certain to drain someone down the swamp.

The human soul has 7 chakras. The "Ego" is only in the 3rd, Solar Chakra. There are other things in life. The highest forces and mightiest powers lie in unity, not in strict isolation. These people can at best, only benefit themselves. Greatest powers do not come strictly from the 'self', but from higher aspects of one's existence that deal with higher and united forces.

To do anything functional in reality, one has to band up and work by other people, and all these together, we express the power of Satan. Greatness of any 'ego' and advancement of such, is fundamentally linked to working with other beings.

One man is in the jungle, alone. They don't know crap. How 'great' are they? Maybe they have a skill for breaking coconuts, or eating bananas. What's there to glorify anyway here?

Satan shares knowledge and blessings in the group, and people who don't even bother, will not receive. This is rejection in more than one ways.

One question all people know the answer to. Just how many times one asks from help the Gods, and they guide them to a specific post, or a specific thing within the groups? This makes it easier for them to help all of you out. Otherwise, this can take a lot of time and effort for the Demons to reach someone in an environment with zero 'leads' to answer them. This is only one example...

Being around here does not imply or consist of doing things that make one uncomfortable, doesn't force association with people one doesn't want, or anything uncomfortable like this. However, it implies that one knows when the wolves are to flock and fight so to say. You do not have to like people you don't like, get along with anyone, or whatever else of that nature that may cause discomfort.

Unity does not imply taking others as your 'gods', and those idiots who try to only for their own 'self', some particular failed cases, abuse other Satanists and try to uselessly make them their 'groupies' or whatever else.

Here we understand that unity is halfway, individuality is halfway. One cannot exist without the other. We are not a mass of sheep, as sheep are dumb and useless, but wolves are also worthless if they are not working in unity, for example.

I had many people who only care about themselves, complain over why they are not receiving any help. When you make your choice to only work for YOU, and include nothing and nobody in your existence (except of course to be their parasite for personal gain, how jewish of you) from just WHO do you expect "HELP"? Aren't you working on your "own", anyway?

Those who think of this only halfway, are in for a very rude and damaging awakening. Many have taken this false route down before, and this never ends good.

Why? Because Satan's focus is to enlighten, protect, and empower his followers. This can happen only by unity on a mass level. Otherwise, say goodbye to Spiritual Satanism, and allow everything to go extinct, to name one example.

We are Satanists and it's important we are united and we stand as one. There may be some disagreements, and sometimes, incompatibilities even. This is natural, and we understand this, same as Satan understands this.

There are however some fools who refuse to work with others, because they consider themselves an isolated 'god' or something. What these people don't understand is that the "God" power can be accessesed on the mass level. Our unity here and who we are, in other words, affirms the power of Satan better than anything, let alone solitary individuals.

This does not imply friendship with mismatching or damaging individuals, or parasitic relations (as many people have serious deprogramming to do), let alone for VIPs and more advanced people to associate with people who are in the beginning stages. What it means however is co-operation, working for empowering purposes for everyone involved, and showing our power and participation, long story short.

It affirms something simple. What Satan's Will is, for his followers to be UNITED and be in the same war and in one army. This way, we are invincible, and we can never be taken down.

Lastly, for the brainless idiots (jews excluded for this is in their racial nature and they cannot help it) who call themselves "Satanists" of any "sect", but attack the biggest and most powerful bastion of Satanism, the only one that fights for Satan as a real and recognizable being, that reflects Satan Will in the most total way...

You can seriously just consider leaving behind this madness. The 'rabbinism' and all the jewish gimmick behind and finally follow Satan without jewish observation glasses. This is not Satanism. This does not advance the individual, and this does nothing but generate either atheism, or Rabbinical Judaism under a new name. Both are equally damning, and unreasonable, and will not really help a Gentile who seeks spiritual understanding and anything further than 'atheistic beliefs'.

This is not only demeaning to Satan, but this is also damning for Gentiles who go into this rut.

The jews do this purposefully to destroy people who want to follow Satan and the Pagan Gods. Let's not mention all sorts of other dangers, many of which involve destruction of the individual by stupidity espoused by these so called ((("Satanic Groups"))).

Remember, Satanism is not about 'serving' or anything like that. But Satanism is a religion of intelligence, civilized nature, and highest advancement. This cannot happen only by 'solitary' advancement, there has to be massive advancement and expressed power through focused lenses, because we have enemies to conquer if we are to exist peacefully one day.

Those "Satanists" who know nothing to do than disunite, and do anything else to Satan. Are basically following the advice of Jesus.

Matthew 12:26

25. Knowing their thoughts, Jesus said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be laid waste, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.
26. If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand?

Those who follow the path of breaking unity, and trying to parasitically damage Satanic Unity, for their own tiny 'muh feels' or anything like that, or other jewish and more sinister purposes (like jews did since time immemorial to Satan anyway), are going to invite and receive Satan's Wrath.

First of all, by isolation, these people are rendered powerless, and second off, if this phenomenon persists, the Gods decide what is to be done, which it's not in my office to conversation about. One can understand by putting one and one together.

Your individual advancement, or our advancement as a whole will never come by scattered, 'know it all' elements, and people who refuse to give back to Satan even the slightest thing he requires from his followers. Satan gives everything. The least his followers can do is actually do what he says.

Why? For our safety, empowerment, and so that we can successfully crush the enemy.

Even if you are the most selfish character of all of them, just remember, the only way to retain this 'individuality' is by banding out with others. In short, even for the most selfish pricks, it's not in their interest to play this that way. Even if your reasons are that low, still, it makes perfect sense.

Sun or lightbulb, if alone, the light can be turned out easily by parasites, enemies and black holes. It's when we come together that we are the most powerful spiritual force on the planet. Those who behave lower than animals (since all the intelligent animals in nature KNOW when it is for them to band together and fight) are on their own.

Satan, and the Gods, fight together. They are all in their level, office, and organization, and they all benefit from the mass and inconceivable power that is raised from the benefit of all. This is how real powerful individuals are born, and this is how things that nobody can ever make on their 'own' happen.

Poor are those who can't see beyond their nose, blessed and mighty those who have both a sense of self and sense of unity. This is the recipe of success.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
In regards to the first sermon, I have transcribed the video in question.
I thank you for your continued dedication to the weekly reposts, most of which I haven't seen nor read before.

Beginning at 00:07

Rabbi (Michael) Laitman: Israel means the spark the point in the heart, that is like an alien force within a hostile land. Or a hostile country. But I like to say this circle is the hostile land, and this is Israel. He writes ego, the ego. And we, found here, should really try, to conquer that ego. To correct it. So first we have to strengthen ourselves. Stengthen ourselves and, also bestow upon the ego by ourselves. Give them the light, after we correct ourselves and that's it. And that's how you correct it, that's how you correct the whole world. But our mission is in fact, we're not coming from here. We came from there. Like this. This is Israel at their root. So we went through such a route that took us inside. By what's called "the shattering of the vessels". The shattering of the collective soul. And we went in, and now at first we're broken. <Jumpcut> Their inside, and we have to become corrected, and to the extent of our correction, we correct the collective ego.

Audience: Who's that Chief of Staff that sent this commanding unit?

Rabbi (Michael) Laitman: Him, the creator. Israel is a part of him. It's called (?), vessels of (?). Vessels of (?) found within the ego, which is vessels of reception.

Audience: So, seemingly this Chief of Staff sent this commanding unit?

Rabbi (Michael) Laitman: Sent the commando, gave them strength, gave them the connections, everything. And if their connected to him-, but they have no choice. He broke them. He shattered them. What does it mean? In order to put them inside the hostile land, he had to give them the same form of that hostile land. It's like, we go into a country, as an undercover teen. And each one of us is EXACTLY like the people of the land. Say, we're being now sent somewhere. Africa, for instance. So we'll take on the same shape and form of the people in Africa. The characteristics, traits, approach, interests, everything. The same exact form, inside and out. As we are there, you know it's like uh-, it's like an undercover agent. He is there for a while, no one touches him, he has to start working, build a house, family, everything is fine, ok, for years and years. After that, he starts doing something. He gets a reminder, from outside, "you gotta start working". You know he already forgot about it. And all of a sudden, they call him, "here is your commander, this and this and that". You know, like in the movies. And, like in Jason Bourne <Translator chuckles>, and this (is) what's happening with us. We have to wake up. We have to remember that we have a special mission. And really, this isn't our place. We're coming from a completely different place. So we have to find our friends, according to this awakening. Did you get a phone call? I got a phone call, he got a phone call, and so on. And then we gather as a group. So from this entire planet we are aliens. We're coming from a different galaxy. We've received this ray of light, this awakening, individually, and now we're gathering as groups, starting to prep ourselves, to conquer Earth. That's the mission. What? You don't see it?

Audience: How do we conquer it?

Rabbi (Michael) Laitman: How do we conquer it? We're also sent the method. We're being shown everything gradually, we're being taught. Not taught but, kind of, being uh- trained, activated, and then the- in that, emotion, and mind, awakens in us. But in fact, it's new to us but in fact it's coming from our original planet. And, thanks to that original, natural force we have, we will uh, take over. We'll take over those living on Earth. <Pause> What're you looking at me like that? Y-you don't believe what I'm telling you? I'm telling you seriously. It's even more than that. It's not a different galaxy, it's a different universe. It's a different dimension altogether. That's who we are.

Finished at 07:31/09:25.

<Cuts back to an earlier segment, repeating the last part of the video.>
SATchives said:
Article 1

Top Rabbi Admits in Video: Jews Are Alien Race
May 18, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

The original was forcibly removed from the internet. Many people have looked for it, to find nothing in the end. Because this video was a giant mistake. With that being stated, make sure to keep this video.
The full lecture can be found here, posted by the National Vanguard on Thursday 15th November 2018.
Rabbi: Jews are Not of This World; We’re Sent to Conquer It
The clipped video as mentioned in the sermon, starts from 09:28.
Korpi said:
SATchives said:
Article 1

Top Rabbi Admits in Video: Jews Are Alien Race
May 18, 2017
By High Priest Hoodedcobra666

The original was forcibly removed from the internet. Many people have looked for it, to find nothing in the end. Because this video was a giant mistake. With that being stated, make sure to keep this video.
The full lecture can be found here, posted by the National Vanguard on Thursday 15th November 2018.
Rabbi: Jews are Not of This World; We’re Sent to Conquer It
The clipped video as mentioned in the sermon, starts from 09:28.

Good job, thanks.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
