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RE-Read-It WEEKENDS: Looking back at Important Material [Week 17]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
I've been struggling with things some things in my life lately. Apologies for being late.

This week I am re-reading a some articles from

Sermons and Writings Volume 1.
By High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'll make recordings of the below articles later today or tomorrow.
Raising the Kundalini, a message.
By High Priest HoodedCobra666

06 Nov, 2011

If You want to Rise as far as the Kundalini goes, don't wait for Satan to deem you worthy. Deem yourself
worthy by daily practice and constant meditation. Deem yourself worthy for the right of every gentile.
The Aweakening of Satan's blood. Kill the lie in you, kill obstructions, accept yourself and accept the
Truth as it is, without restrictions. Find who you are, without any must or if. Find what is of the Gods and
of Yourself in you, keep it, weep out the rest. What remains? You and the Gods. To become as the Gods
and become immortal the first step is to kill what won't last forever. Truth lasts, lies don't . Additionally,
lies don't concern anyone. Those who are in the truth see right through. Satan won't punish anyone for
lying to himself, simply because the torment of self lying is enough to punish you alone by your own
actions. Stop being a lost soul that will come back over and over again, in the cycle of nothingness.
Become your own God and become as our Father Satan created us all to become. Take responsibility
about who you are, stop blaming the enemy and anyone else. Kill ignorance and the enemy is dead on
your feet. Kill stupidity and unreasonability and the enemy can't see you. The enemy is relatively weak
to what we can do to ourselves.

A still and controlled Satanic mind has no enemy able to detort to any falsehood. Take the descision
today if you want to escape the cycle of reincarnation and become as the Gods. Fight against the lie
inside and kill it. Once the lie is dead inside,the Truth of Satan can bloom freely,in your life,reality,soul
and being. See your past selves, observe them, don't tie in. Take the leap to the Truth. Satan will be
there to guide your every step. Kill the walls in your mind. Kill your past lying selves. Kill what you have
learned to cling upon and deny the transient. What remains? Take it for this will make you a God and
create the new you; the Satan you. Satan is in every one of Us. Our core, Us. Satan wants you to free
yourself more than anyone. An entagled you means and entagled Satan. When your wills both fuse and
you desire freedom so much; this is when you will Rise and escape the lies of anything, anyone and
everyone. This is when you will become a God, an Ascended Master of yourself.

Clean your mind. Face yourself and cause the last card before the world in the Tarot, the Judgement.
Cause it yourself and you're steps ahead. You already complete level 99/100. Face your scars, heal them,
Satan will free you on the last steps if you take yourself there. The world is yours only when the Truth is
yours. I wrote the above after a very powerful Kundalini experiance which really transformed me fully.
Thanks for reading.

-HoodedCobra666 ,

The Merkaba Meditation and your thoughts
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
Jul 3, 2012

Development is good, but not knowing how to handle your mind consciously and subconsciously with
power can prove fucked up.

The negatives are, you are what you think. Your thoughts have a lot more power than the ordinary ones,
a lot more, so you need to seriously pay attention into what you think and your emotions as what has
been written a lot of times. Emotions and personality have to be kept in check. Lashing out on someone
or having uncontrollable depression, etc... This can lead to serious shit, as you attract things you dwell
and Merkaba multiplies your power for this. Additionally, the soul needs to be completely clean.

Let me explain to you that way. You have a needle and you throw it at a window. Will it break? Hell no.
Now you have a needle vibrating at the speed of light. Possibly, the same needle can shatter a mountain
or do a great deal of damage. Higher speed in physics equals in Higher power, same with Merkaba. On
the other hand you being on a Higher vibrational level, you skip a lot of lag times in magick. Long story
short, be careful, but not fear. Now Merkaba is even more serious, because it uses the Octagon. Many
things in creation are based upon the Octagon and its important for a reason that I know by feeling, but I
can't write it without evidence.

When the Merkaba field spins around you, one pyramid clockwise one anti-clockwise, where these
meet, you have a creation of energy out of something like friction. Much energy. Its like spinning two
metal plates on opposite directions, there is some sort of energetical friction that is made because of
the heat, thus creating a disc of energy, this disc is connected through the light tube you raise in this
meditation and chakra system, thus it amplifies that energy of your chakras too. All this is geometry and
has a direct link on why the chakras are in Pyramid Shape... This is again very powerful from its nature
and one who can feel energy will feel your bioelectric field, like I did for persons I knew.
Gods are Geniuses for inventing such knowledge. One has to just dive into it.

Right now, away from the science. What you dwell upon will materialize a lot quickly. Don't mind
understanding why. But you must know that if your thoughts and emotions are out of control, this can
prove a disaster. Since you have increased power, the enemies of Father Satan will look onto you
differently, because you're an astral source of light and this is what they thrive for. Keep an aura of
protection and use the increased power you have on this level to keep them the fuck away.

I've noted that you post about all of your experiances. You seem like a talkative person and thats good.
But know that for your own safety and calmness, you should be better investigate more into them and
know that we have lurkers here, not only just Brothers and Sisters.

Satanic Guidance – Healing
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
May 23, 2012

I wanted to heal my skin from some stuff and I tried many methods, it USED TO hamper my self esteem
a bit. Other stuff I had, is completely healed as Satan and His Demons which I really love guided me to
the correct info. I just kept on with my meditations and I have asked my GD's to generally guide me to
Magnum Opus and they have been doing so, I feel really thankful they devote their time.

I tried and tried again about healing methods, but truth is that what I did was sporadic but giant [energy
wise]. I didn't see any change that way. In most stuff I tried, I got it one shot. I don't try on many things
and many desires as I devote all my energies in meditations and attaining power.

But what happened yesterday night was magnificent. I was reading a book I was instructed by the Gods
of Hell to read lately. I never had much success with it, but growing through meditation and awareness
now it all makes total sense. Slowly I just started gathering my knowledge [I didn't even had knowledge
of why I read what I read at times, about spirituality]. Then I found the correct knowledge to solve the

I have papers I wrote the meditations I do daily and I placed them on a book I have printed, Franz
Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics. Which is a book I really adore, despite of the fact about the 2000 year
old jew posing as a "Master". Such far-fetched bullshit. All this book seems to have been written by
Satan and the Demons themselves, as such knowledge in Satanic eyes can be life-changing.

So I sat down and applied that knowledge on a health problem I had for like 4 years with my skin.
Nothing major, but it was there and I got pissed because visually its not nice to see, yet nothing major. I
knew this certain solution would work as I felt it. And if totally fucking did. The Gods of Hell are Amazing.
Its only day 1 and I noticed a lot of change on this problem, ALREADY. Share all your wishes and
objectives/desires with Father Satan and the Gods of Hell. They will and totally guide you to where you
have a complete solution to your problem, without 'halfisms' like the enemy and without any lack of
knowledge whatsover.

Another experiance I wanted to share is with Goddess Maat. The last time I saw Her she gave me a
meditation. I used to do this past year but I had forgot. She told me the importance of it and that I
should do it again. The problem was mental and had to do with emotions. I didn't do it right away. I did
it about a month after when I felt ready. The change was BLANTANT. It only needed 2 days and the
emotional problem was SOLVED.



By High Priest HoodedCobra666
May 20, 2012

This is so powerful. I am not kidding. Satan is the Greatest and I love HIM for guiding me to understand
much of the Necronomicon as this is very valuable! Its full of allegories as it has been said a million
times. While it claims to be 'against' the Serpent, its actually all about the Serpent Kundalini, but most
probably to avoid the destruction of the book it claims the exact opposite. Thats how it would survive in
the Future as I believe Satan knew it would survive even to today that way. I try to study it and its very
nice. Amon-Ra [Marduk] Is my Guardian and I feel so nice about it. These names are all Powers
corresponding to Marduk. Marduk is very powerful, moreso than most know.

"The Gods forget. They are distant. They must be reminded. If they are not watchful, if the
gatekeepers do not watch the gates, if the gates are not kept always locked, bolted and
barred, then the One who is always ready, the Guardian of the Other side, IAK
SAKKAK, will enter and bring with him the hordes of the armies of the Ancient Ones,
XASTUR, and IAK KUTULU, the Dog Gods and the Dragon Gods, and the Sea
Monsters, and the Gods of the Deep."

The Gods being the chakras, they must be REMINDED. That means meditation. The gatekeepers are us
actually and the Gates [Pathaways of energy] must be kept OPEN. As long as we meditate and keep our
selves pure we will never face the 'hordes', Or Mad arab here mentions the cleansing process that takes
place? The Necronomicon seems kinda messed, but messed up in a distinct order for us to understand.
As for instance in this paragraph it goes against the 'Dragon Gods'. These are Positive. While the 'sea
monsters' are actually the dross of the subconscious. Now what this IAK means, I will have to find out as
it probably relates somewhere.

I am so amazed and,


Concerning the concepts and pursuits of godhead.
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
Jul 19, 2012

The Gods do meditate, but in different terms and with a lot of different methods than we do. Some
meditations we are using are applied by them too, this is what I believe. Your consciousness, will reach
its intended Higher state once you're a God, the hyper conscious State that was Satan's intention. The
differences come from complete contact with one's subconscious and total control over this part of the
mind, as well as the soul in all its levels. Explaining this in linear terms is really hard, but I try to do my
best. Things you want today and are a creation of destiny, or others, or bad fate or whatever, because
one will have knowledge over WHY these have occurred, He/She will be free to alter/change/ or deny
their 'past' desires. Enlightment brings a lot of skills from past lives, knowledge etc. Thus making one
extremely wise about this given reality we live. The self one is after has achieved Godhead is what you
are today, without dross and far more expanded and wise. It doesn't erase your personality, just weeds
out dross from one's soul and what desires are 'fake', like embed in a soul from others etc. Many people
don't realize that what 'they are' is the result of a lot of dross, indoctrination, programming of others

The True Self state is when all these are gone, the so called 'karma' is gone and there is no saturn to
cope with. In my awareness, when one reaches this state he will truly realize how fallen back in time is
Humanity right now. Even I, myself get this feeling everyday. Since one is more aware of the natural
order, He works better with nature etc. Not to mention the Hyper awareness of the different levels of
reality, the siddhis and how closer one becomes with the Gods. All this goes far more than being untold.
We just write it here in the most possibly logical, understood and linear terms. There is no 'loss of self' in
this road to Godhead. Just realization of the self.

Its very complex really, better to be experianced rather than to write this. Better to strive there and see
it happen because only then one will realize the true process. Writtings are minimal. Since it would take
50 posts to make this obvious, better to work there. But again, the 'True self' concept is the fully
empowered person, with their brain fully operational and under their control, being hyper-aware of
their enviroment in both the astral and the physical level, with Siddhis, intense wisdom and direct
connection and mastery of the elements and akasha principle. Knowledge over the natural laws, the
how's and why's of the chakras, how they work and operate with the universe, the how's behind reality
be it physical or whatever, soul and different subtle bodies. And the list goes on. All these abilities are
brought to surface by Satan's Kundalini combined with one's personal effort in meditation. Thats why it
happens gradually. Yea its a long path but a well deserved one, if not the most beautiful path. Makes life
worth it.

Hope I made it easier to understand.


Never Quit, Keep Striving
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
Jul 24, 2012

This is for new members, but I'm posting this here too, maybe someone will benefit.
I am writting this post for a reason. The reason is, anything in Satanism and anything of worth in life
comes in time and after dedication to it. When people join in Satanism they have great expectations but
due to lack of knowledge they want instant realization and gratification of those. In many who are able
to feel it, Satan sends the messages of His existance blantantly when they start. But as a matter of fact,
Satanism needs time. Most people come from a backround of spiritual slavery, that keeps the mind
repressed and parasitizes the soul. Because of this and because everyone carries a lot of unfullfilled
desires, being on such a slave-like religion, people come to Satan waiting for gratification. Which will
come, but only through effort. When one does the dedication ritual, asks for Father Satan's help to
complete one's endeavors. This has to be understood and you have to get the True meaning out of it.
Not a meaning that will later on make you sad, because you misunderstood.

When someone is new, the Powers of Hell handle things for them. Although not everything, they handle
as much as one needs to evolve further, in other words, nessescary needs that one needs to work on.
We are expected like kids to grow and become compentent adults. Satan is loving and nurtuing and He
is going to help someone a million times, if they try a million times. Do not expect favors from Hell, work
hard on attaining these and the Gods of Hell will notice how much you try, therefore helping you. Don't
be a lazy boomer. Since new people lack knowledge, they go on recklessly into using magick and think
that if they fail, are failures. Magick is a science and everything is mentioned in the JoS. For instance,
people come from a fucked up backround where their self esteem and powers of the mind and soul
were atrophied. Doing a spell right away, has a big chance of failure. If one doesn't change their minds
soon enough, they do this all the time and in turn fuck their self esteem more. Lack of knowledge sets
one for failure. EVERYTHING in the JoS has to be applied and worked out, not just the page about the
love spell or the evil eye. Its widely known that this relies on how your mind works, and how powerful
you are.

Constant meditation should be practiced and never be quitted. When one quits before a 40 day cycle,
he is back at square one. This has to be avoided. When one starts meditation, the mind from its slumber
wakes up. In many cases if not all, the mind is reacting like a total bitch. Emotions, thoughts, feelings,
terrorism by one's own mind, have to be skipped and meditation has to be continued, despite of any
mental feeling. When this happens you have to stay as cool as possible and don't let go. Just continue
with it and this will go away. Even advanced meditators have this and this is normal, as this is a cleansing
process. After a certain degree of time, one will feel relieved and cleansed. Meditating constantly will in
turn increase your bioelectricity, get you away of depression, give you the mental edge above others
and grant over time powers of the mind. People saying the have no time for meditation are just avoiding
facing themselves through it. Who doesn't have 15 minutes? Sleep 15 minutes after than your normally
do, thats easy. Or wake up 15 minutes earlier in the morning. Or both. The benefits are priceless.
Remember that its a 'normal' desire to want to skip or avoid meditation, as the mind cowers. You have
to be past this and face whats burried within. In a matter of days, you will feel instant relief. Since the
mind doesn't recognize what the fuck you're doing to it, it will react in the most chaotic ways. You have
to keep moving despite any and all setbacks.

You are not a quitter. Seriously. You had the guts to reach Satan and dedicate your soul and this was of
the hardest steps that most others won't ever take. You already excell as a Human being, so don't let
yourself down. Don't accept to quit. Fall a billion times, come up a trillion times. Everything is within
your grasp to fix. Father Satan and your Guardian Demons will teach you. Those who never quit will
receive Satan's Promises. Take your time and take it easy with Satanism, easy on yourself and be
understanding towards yourself. Don't be over judgemental and things will find their place on their own.
HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!
astrally flame said:
Thank you, That was really amazing post's to read by the way can please try to find an old post by hp cobra in that post he wrote about meeting a ghost of a child that died in an accident if i'm correct, the child ask him why does he have so much light..i really wish i can read that post again, please do post it if you get in into it, Thanks for all of this old sermons you bring it back here because some of us were not part of jos in those times.we really appreciate this.

I know which article you're talking about, its not in the pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20160506025546/http://dawn666blacksun.angelfire.com/Hphoodedcobra666vol1.pdf

you can double check, when I come across it i'll make sure to post it immediately. Maybe someone who reads this remembers the article title.
Thank you for this so much brother. I'm somewhat new so I don't yet have the ability to meet with our Father face to face but all of these felt like Satan his self was speaking to me because all of them touched on things I've been dealing with recently. I shudder to think where I would be without my Satanic family that puts in all this work just for the benefit of others. I love you guys.
The True Self state is when all these are gone, the so called 'karma' is gone and there is no saturn to
cope with. In my awareness, when one reaches this state he will truly realize how fallen back in time is
Humanity right now. Even I, myself get this feeling everyday. Since one is more aware of the natural
order, He works better with nature etc. Not to mention the Hyper awareness of the different levels of
reality, the siddhis and how closer one becomes with the Gods. All this goes far more than being untold.
We just write it here in the most possibly logical, understood and linear terms. There is no 'loss of self' in
this road to Godhead. Just realization of the self.

Its very complex really, better to be experianced rather than to write this. Better to strive there and see
it happen because only then one will realize the true process. Writtings are minimal. Since it would take
50 posts to make this obvious, better to work there. But again, the 'True self' concept is the fully
empowered person, with their brain fully operational and under their control, being hyper-aware of
their enviroment in both the astral and the physical level, with Siddhis, intense wisdom and direct
connection and mastery of the elements and akasha principle. Knowledge over the natural laws, the
how's and why's of the chakras, how they work and operate with the universe, the how's behind reality
be it physical or whatever, soul and different subtle bodies. And the list goes on. All these abilities are
brought to surface by Satan's Kundalini combined with one's personal effort in meditation. Thats why it
happens gradually. Yea its a long path but a well deserved one, if not the most beautiful path. Makes life
worth it.

So it similar to a lucid dream in where you wake up in a dream and remember who you are, but it not like you suddenly change who you are as much as you merely remember the forgotten. Or it can be better describe to when you wake up from your dreams, you don't suddenly have a full change of personality because who you are in your dreams are vastly different to how you could act in reality but rather go, hmm nice dream even with your set of memory from a dream, or even have an existential crisis when you debating whatever you are the reality self that woke up with carried over dream memory or you are dream self that woke into reality with carried over reality memory.
It's great to see such early posts again. They come across short and direct to the point.

What I found before when I was really into meditating was it was like I couldn't sleep. It's like I was aware of the astral and not out and asleep.

I think that's what HP Cobra was saying when he mentioned acute hyper awareness on both the physical and astral planes.
Just to add to before about the awareness like not sleeping when trying to sleep. I think it's called 'witnessing'. Don't know but it was like you don't get any deep sleep anymore. Each time you try sleep you're still aware.

Also I don't know about meditating before going to sleep. If you're tired the trance and meditation seems to go easier but you can fall asleep.

Also I think meditating before going to sleep raises your bio electricity that keeps you awake.

What really came in handy here was the tip on continuing on with meditation through the out of control emotions. Spiralling and intense. That's where I stopped because I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle myself.

That's the cleaning process. When they rise up you're supposed to face the bad emotions so that they can get closure and heal.

Not just fight against and try repress them again.

Once again great old posts.
SATchives said:
I've been struggling with things some things in my life lately. Apologies for being late.

This week I am re-reading a some articles from

Sermons and Writings Volume 1.
By High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'll make recordings of the below articles later today or tomorrow.
Raising the Kundalini, a message.
By High Priest HoodedCobra666

06 Nov, 2011

If You want to Rise as far as the Kundalini goes, don't wait for Satan to deem you worthy. Deem yourself
worthy by daily practice and constant meditation. Deem yourself worthy for the right of every gentile.
The Aweakening of Satan's blood. Kill the lie in you, kill obstructions, accept yourself and accept the
Truth as it is, without restrictions. Find who you are, without any must or if. Find what is of the Gods and
of Yourself in you, keep it, weep out the rest. What remains? You and the Gods. To become as the Gods
and become immortal the first step is to kill what won't last forever. Truth lasts, lies don't . Additionally,
lies don't concern anyone. Those who are in the truth see right through. Satan won't punish anyone for
lying to himself, simply because the torment of self lying is enough to punish you alone by your own
actions. Stop being a lost soul that will come back over and over again, in the cycle of nothingness.
Become your own God and become as our Father Satan created us all to become. Take responsibility
about who you are, stop blaming the enemy and anyone else. Kill ignorance and the enemy is dead on
your feet. Kill stupidity and unreasonability and the enemy can't see you. The enemy is relatively weak
to what we can do to ourselves.

A still and controlled Satanic mind has no enemy able to detort to any falsehood. Take the descision
today if you want to escape the cycle of reincarnation and become as the Gods. Fight against the lie
inside and kill it. Once the lie is dead inside,the Truth of Satan can bloom freely,in your life,reality,soul
and being. See your past selves, observe them, don't tie in. Take the leap to the Truth. Satan will be
there to guide your every step. Kill the walls in your mind. Kill your past lying selves. Kill what you have
learned to cling upon and deny the transient. What remains? Take it for this will make you a God and
create the new you; the Satan you. Satan is in every one of Us. Our core, Us. Satan wants you to free
yourself more than anyone. An entagled you means and entagled Satan. When your wills both fuse and
you desire freedom so much; this is when you will Rise and escape the lies of anything, anyone and
everyone. This is when you will become a God, an Ascended Master of yourself.

Clean your mind. Face yourself and cause the last card before the world in the Tarot, the Judgement.
Cause it yourself and you're steps ahead. You already complete level 99/100. Face your scars, heal them,
Satan will free you on the last steps if you take yourself there. The world is yours only when the Truth is
yours. I wrote the above after a very powerful Kundalini experiance which really transformed me fully.
Thanks for reading.

-HoodedCobra666 ,

The Merkaba Meditation and your thoughts
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
Jul 3, 2012

Development is good, but not knowing how to handle your mind consciously and subconsciously with
power can prove fucked up.

The negatives are, you are what you think. Your thoughts have a lot more power than the ordinary ones,
a lot more, so you need to seriously pay attention into what you think and your emotions as what has
been written a lot of times. Emotions and personality have to be kept in check. Lashing out on someone
or having uncontrollable depression, etc... This can lead to serious shit, as you attract things you dwell
and Merkaba multiplies your power for this. Additionally, the soul needs to be completely clean.

Let me explain to you that way. You have a needle and you throw it at a window. Will it break? Hell no.
Now you have a needle vibrating at the speed of light. Possibly, the same needle can shatter a mountain
or do a great deal of damage. Higher speed in physics equals in Higher power, same with Merkaba. On
the other hand you being on a Higher vibrational level, you skip a lot of lag times in magick. Long story
short, be careful, but not fear. Now Merkaba is even more serious, because it uses the Octagon. Many
things in creation are based upon the Octagon and its important for a reason that I know by feeling, but I
can't write it without evidence.

When the Merkaba field spins around you, one pyramid clockwise one anti-clockwise, where these
meet, you have a creation of energy out of something like friction. Much energy. Its like spinning two
metal plates on opposite directions, there is some sort of energetical friction that is made because of
the heat, thus creating a disc of energy, this disc is connected through the light tube you raise in this
meditation and chakra system, thus it amplifies that energy of your chakras too. All this is geometry and
has a direct link on why the chakras are in Pyramid Shape... This is again very powerful from its nature
and one who can feel energy will feel your bioelectric field, like I did for persons I knew.
Gods are Geniuses for inventing such knowledge. One has to just dive into it.

Right now, away from the science. What you dwell upon will materialize a lot quickly. Don't mind
understanding why. But you must know that if your thoughts and emotions are out of control, this can
prove a disaster. Since you have increased power, the enemies of Father Satan will look onto you
differently, because you're an astral source of light and this is what they thrive for. Keep an aura of
protection and use the increased power you have on this level to keep them the fuck away.

I've noted that you post about all of your experiances. You seem like a talkative person and thats good.
But know that for your own safety and calmness, you should be better investigate more into them and
know that we have lurkers here, not only just Brothers and Sisters.

Satanic Guidance – Healing
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
May 23, 2012

I wanted to heal my skin from some stuff and I tried many methods, it USED TO hamper my self esteem
a bit. Other stuff I had, is completely healed as Satan and His Demons which I really love guided me to
the correct info. I just kept on with my meditations and I have asked my GD's to generally guide me to
Magnum Opus and they have been doing so, I feel really thankful they devote their time.

I tried and tried again about healing methods, but truth is that what I did was sporadic but giant [energy
wise]. I didn't see any change that way. In most stuff I tried, I got it one shot. I don't try on many things
and many desires as I devote all my energies in meditations and attaining power.

But what happened yesterday night was magnificent. I was reading a book I was instructed by the Gods
of Hell to read lately. I never had much success with it, but growing through meditation and awareness
now it all makes total sense. Slowly I just started gathering my knowledge [I didn't even had knowledge
of why I read what I read at times, about spirituality]. Then I found the correct knowledge to solve the

I have papers I wrote the meditations I do daily and I placed them on a book I have printed, Franz
Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics. Which is a book I really adore, despite of the fact about the 2000 year
old jew posing as a "Master". Such far-fetched bullshit. All this book seems to have been written by
Satan and the Demons themselves, as such knowledge in Satanic eyes can be life-changing.

So I sat down and applied that knowledge on a health problem I had for like 4 years with my skin.
Nothing major, but it was there and I got pissed because visually its not nice to see, yet nothing major. I
knew this certain solution would work as I felt it. And if totally fucking did. The Gods of Hell are Amazing.
Its only day 1 and I noticed a lot of change on this problem, ALREADY. Share all your wishes and
objectives/desires with Father Satan and the Gods of Hell. They will and totally guide you to where you
have a complete solution to your problem, without 'halfisms' like the enemy and without any lack of
knowledge whatsover.

Another experiance I wanted to share is with Goddess Maat. The last time I saw Her she gave me a
meditation. I used to do this past year but I had forgot. She told me the importance of it and that I
should do it again. The problem was mental and had to do with emotions. I didn't do it right away. I did
it about a month after when I felt ready. The change was BLANTANT. It only needed 2 days and the
emotional problem was SOLVED.



By High Priest HoodedCobra666
May 20, 2012

This is so powerful. I am not kidding. Satan is the Greatest and I love HIM for guiding me to understand
much of the Necronomicon as this is very valuable! Its full of allegories as it has been said a million
times. While it claims to be 'against' the Serpent, its actually all about the Serpent Kundalini, but most
probably to avoid the destruction of the book it claims the exact opposite. Thats how it would survive in
the Future as I believe Satan knew it would survive even to today that way. I try to study it and its very
nice. Amon-Ra [Marduk] Is my Guardian and I feel so nice about it. These names are all Powers
corresponding to Marduk. Marduk is very powerful, moreso than most know.

"The Gods forget. They are distant. They must be reminded. If they are not watchful, if the
gatekeepers do not watch the gates, if the gates are not kept always locked, bolted and
barred, then the One who is always ready, the Guardian of the Other side, IAK
SAKKAK, will enter and bring with him the hordes of the armies of the Ancient Ones,
XASTUR, and IAK KUTULU, the Dog Gods and the Dragon Gods, and the Sea
Monsters, and the Gods of the Deep."

The Gods being the chakras, they must be REMINDED. That means meditation. The gatekeepers are us
actually and the Gates [Pathaways of energy] must be kept OPEN. As long as we meditate and keep our
selves pure we will never face the 'hordes', Or Mad arab here mentions the cleansing process that takes
place? The Necronomicon seems kinda messed, but messed up in a distinct order for us to understand.
As for instance in this paragraph it goes against the 'Dragon Gods'. These are Positive. While the 'sea
monsters' are actually the dross of the subconscious. Now what this IAK means, I will have to find out as
it probably relates somewhere.

I am so amazed and,


Concerning the concepts and pursuits of godhead.
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
Jul 19, 2012

The Gods do meditate, but in different terms and with a lot of different methods than we do. Some
meditations we are using are applied by them too, this is what I believe. Your consciousness, will reach
its intended Higher state once you're a God, the hyper conscious State that was Satan's intention. The
differences come from complete contact with one's subconscious and total control over this part of the
mind, as well as the soul in all its levels. Explaining this in linear terms is really hard, but I try to do my
best. Things you want today and are a creation of destiny, or others, or bad fate or whatever, because
one will have knowledge over WHY these have occurred, He/She will be free to alter/change/ or deny
their 'past' desires. Enlightment brings a lot of skills from past lives, knowledge etc. Thus making one
extremely wise about this given reality we live. The self one is after has achieved Godhead is what you
are today, without dross and far more expanded and wise. It doesn't erase your personality, just weeds
out dross from one's soul and what desires are 'fake', like embed in a soul from others etc. Many people
don't realize that what 'they are' is the result of a lot of dross, indoctrination, programming of others

The True Self state is when all these are gone, the so called 'karma' is gone and there is no saturn to
cope with. In my awareness, when one reaches this state he will truly realize how fallen back in time is
Humanity right now. Even I, myself get this feeling everyday. Since one is more aware of the natural
order, He works better with nature etc. Not to mention the Hyper awareness of the different levels of
reality, the siddhis and how closer one becomes with the Gods. All this goes far more than being untold.
We just write it here in the most possibly logical, understood and linear terms. There is no 'loss of self' in
this road to Godhead. Just realization of the self.

Its very complex really, better to be experianced rather than to write this. Better to strive there and see
it happen because only then one will realize the true process. Writtings are minimal. Since it would take
50 posts to make this obvious, better to work there. But again, the 'True self' concept is the fully
empowered person, with their brain fully operational and under their control, being hyper-aware of
their enviroment in both the astral and the physical level, with Siddhis, intense wisdom and direct
connection and mastery of the elements and akasha principle. Knowledge over the natural laws, the
how's and why's of the chakras, how they work and operate with the universe, the how's behind reality
be it physical or whatever, soul and different subtle bodies. And the list goes on. All these abilities are
brought to surface by Satan's Kundalini combined with one's personal effort in meditation. Thats why it
happens gradually. Yea its a long path but a well deserved one, if not the most beautiful path. Makes life
worth it.

Hope I made it easier to understand.


Never Quit, Keep Striving
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
Jul 24, 2012

This is for new members, but I'm posting this here too, maybe someone will benefit.
I am writting this post for a reason. The reason is, anything in Satanism and anything of worth in life
comes in time and after dedication to it. When people join in Satanism they have great expectations but
due to lack of knowledge they want instant realization and gratification of those. In many who are able
to feel it, Satan sends the messages of His existance blantantly when they start. But as a matter of fact,
Satanism needs time. Most people come from a backround of spiritual slavery, that keeps the mind
repressed and parasitizes the soul. Because of this and because everyone carries a lot of unfullfilled
desires, being on such a slave-like religion, people come to Satan waiting for gratification. Which will
come, but only through effort. When one does the dedication ritual, asks for Father Satan's help to
complete one's endeavors. This has to be understood and you have to get the True meaning out of it.
Not a meaning that will later on make you sad, because you misunderstood.

When someone is new, the Powers of Hell handle things for them. Although not everything, they handle
as much as one needs to evolve further, in other words, nessescary needs that one needs to work on.
We are expected like kids to grow and become compentent adults. Satan is loving and nurtuing and He
is going to help someone a million times, if they try a million times. Do not expect favors from Hell, work
hard on attaining these and the Gods of Hell will notice how much you try, therefore helping you. Don't
be a lazy boomer. Since new people lack knowledge, they go on recklessly into using magick and think
that if they fail, are failures. Magick is a science and everything is mentioned in the JoS. For instance,
people come from a fucked up backround where their self esteem and powers of the mind and soul
were atrophied. Doing a spell right away, has a big chance of failure. If one doesn't change their minds
soon enough, they do this all the time and in turn fuck their self esteem more. Lack of knowledge sets
one for failure. EVERYTHING in the JoS has to be applied and worked out, not just the page about the
love spell or the evil eye. Its widely known that this relies on how your mind works, and how powerful
you are.

Constant meditation should be practiced and never be quitted. When one quits before a 40 day cycle,
he is back at square one. This has to be avoided. When one starts meditation, the mind from its slumber
wakes up. In many cases if not all, the mind is reacting like a total bitch. Emotions, thoughts, feelings,
terrorism by one's own mind, have to be skipped and meditation has to be continued, despite of any
mental feeling. When this happens you have to stay as cool as possible and don't let go. Just continue
with it and this will go away. Even advanced meditators have this and this is normal, as this is a cleansing
process. After a certain degree of time, one will feel relieved and cleansed. Meditating constantly will in
turn increase your bioelectricity, get you away of depression, give you the mental edge above others
and grant over time powers of the mind. People saying the have no time for meditation are just avoiding
facing themselves through it. Who doesn't have 15 minutes? Sleep 15 minutes after than your normally
do, thats easy. Or wake up 15 minutes earlier in the morning. Or both. The benefits are priceless.
Remember that its a 'normal' desire to want to skip or avoid meditation, as the mind cowers. You have
to be past this and face whats burried within. In a matter of days, you will feel instant relief. Since the
mind doesn't recognize what the fuck you're doing to it, it will react in the most chaotic ways. You have
to keep moving despite any and all setbacks.

You are not a quitter. Seriously. You had the guts to reach Satan and dedicate your soul and this was of
the hardest steps that most others won't ever take. You already excell as a Human being, so don't let
yourself down. Don't accept to quit. Fall a billion times, come up a trillion times. Everything is within
your grasp to fix. Father Satan and your Guardian Demons will teach you. Those who never quit will
receive Satan's Promises. Take your time and take it easy with Satanism, easy on yourself and be
understanding towards yourself. Don't be over judgemental and things will find their place on their own.
HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!

Thanks A lot.
Necrorifter said:
The True Self state is when all these are gone, the so called 'karma' is gone and there is no saturn to
cope with. In my awareness, when one reaches this state he will truly realize how fallen back in time is
Humanity right now. Even I, myself get this feeling everyday. Since one is more aware of the natural
order, He works better with nature etc. Not to mention the Hyper awareness of the different levels of
reality, the siddhis and how closer one becomes with the Gods. All this goes far more than being untold.
We just write it here in the most possibly logical, understood and linear terms. There is no 'loss of self' in
this road to Godhead. Just realization of the self.

Its very complex really, better to be experianced rather than to write this. Better to strive there and see
it happen because only then one will realize the true process. Writtings are minimal. Since it would take
50 posts to make this obvious, better to work there. But again, the 'True self' concept is the fully
empowered person, with their brain fully operational and under their control, being hyper-aware of
their enviroment in both the astral and the physical level, with Siddhis, intense wisdom and direct
connection and mastery of the elements and akasha principle. Knowledge over the natural laws, the
how's and why's of the chakras, how they work and operate with the universe, the how's behind reality
be it physical or whatever, soul and different subtle bodies. And the list goes on. All these abilities are
brought to surface by Satan's Kundalini combined with one's personal effort in meditation. Thats why it
happens gradually. Yea its a long path but a well deserved one, if not the most beautiful path. Makes life
worth it.

So it similar to a lucid dream in where you wake up in a dream and remember who you are, but it not like you suddenly change who you are as much as you merely remember the forgotten. Or it can be better describe to when you wake up from your dreams, you don't suddenly have a full change of personality because who you are in your dreams are vastly different to how you could act in reality but rather go, hmm nice dream even with your set of memory from a dream, or even have an existential crisis when you debating whatever you are the reality self that woke up with carried over dream memory or you are dream self that woke into reality with carried over reality memory.
Its because our mind have been brainswashed, our soul is filled with these negative affirmations and karma. You belive this is *you* but when you clean your soul it goes away and you start to see your true self.
luis said:
Necrorifter said:
The True Self state is when all these are gone, the so called 'karma' is gone and there is no saturn to
cope with. In my awareness, when one reaches this state he will truly realize how fallen back in time is
Humanity right now. Even I, myself get this feeling everyday. Since one is more aware of the natural
order, He works better with nature etc. Not to mention the Hyper awareness of the different levels of
reality, the siddhis and how closer one becomes with the Gods. All this goes far more than being untold.
We just write it here in the most possibly logical, understood and linear terms. There is no 'loss of self' in
this road to Godhead. Just realization of the self.

Its very complex really, better to be experianced rather than to write this. Better to strive there and see
it happen because only then one will realize the true process. Writtings are minimal. Since it would take
50 posts to make this obvious, better to work there. But again, the 'True self' concept is the fully
empowered person, with their brain fully operational and under their control, being hyper-aware of
their enviroment in both the astral and the physical level, with Siddhis, intense wisdom and direct
connection and mastery of the elements and akasha principle. Knowledge over the natural laws, the
how's and why's of the chakras, how they work and operate with the universe, the how's behind reality
be it physical or whatever, soul and different subtle bodies. And the list goes on. All these abilities are
brought to surface by Satan's Kundalini combined with one's personal effort in meditation. Thats why it
happens gradually. Yea its a long path but a well deserved one, if not the most beautiful path. Makes life
worth it.

So it similar to a lucid dream in where you wake up in a dream and remember who you are, but it not like you suddenly change who you are as much as you merely remember the forgotten. Or it can be better describe to when you wake up from your dreams, you don't suddenly have a full change of personality because who you are in your dreams are vastly different to how you could act in reality but rather go, hmm nice dream even with your set of memory from a dream, or even have an existential crisis when you debating whatever you are the reality self that woke up with carried over dream memory or you are dream self that woke into reality with carried over reality memory.
Its because our mind have been brainswashed, our soul is filled with these negative affirmations and karma. You belive this is *you* but when you clean your soul it goes away and you start to see your true self.

Heh, funny enough I actually have the last sentence afterward that mentions that we are neither of those because we never truly woke up our true self. But decide to erase it afterward as I felt it too silly or something like that to post it.
SATchives said:
I've been struggling with things some things in my life lately. Apologies for being late.

This week I am re-reading a some articles from

Sermons and Writings Volume 1.
By High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I'll make recordings of the below articles later today or tomorrow.
Raising the Kundalini, a message.
By High Priest HoodedCobra666

06 Nov, 2011

If You want to Rise as far as the Kundalini goes, don't wait for Satan to deem you worthy. Deem yourself
worthy by daily practice and constant meditation. Deem yourself worthy for the right of every gentile.
The Aweakening of Satan's blood. Kill the lie in you, kill obstructions, accept yourself and accept the
Truth as it is, without restrictions. Find who you are, without any must or if. Find what is of the Gods and
of Yourself in you, keep it, weep out the rest. What remains? You and the Gods. To become as the Gods
and become immortal the first step is to kill what won't last forever. Truth lasts, lies don't . Additionally,
lies don't concern anyone. Those who are in the truth see right through. Satan won't punish anyone for
lying to himself, simply because the torment of self lying is enough to punish you alone by your own
actions. Stop being a lost soul that will come back over and over again, in the cycle of nothingness.
Become your own God and become as our Father Satan created us all to become. Take responsibility
about who you are, stop blaming the enemy and anyone else. Kill ignorance and the enemy is dead on
your feet. Kill stupidity and unreasonability and the enemy can't see you. The enemy is relatively weak
to what we can do to ourselves.

A still and controlled Satanic mind has no enemy able to detort to any falsehood. Take the descision
today if you want to escape the cycle of reincarnation and become as the Gods. Fight against the lie
inside and kill it. Once the lie is dead inside,the Truth of Satan can bloom freely,in your life,reality,soul
and being. See your past selves, observe them, don't tie in. Take the leap to the Truth. Satan will be
there to guide your every step. Kill the walls in your mind. Kill your past lying selves. Kill what you have
learned to cling upon and deny the transient. What remains? Take it for this will make you a God and
create the new you; the Satan you. Satan is in every one of Us. Our core, Us. Satan wants you to free
yourself more than anyone. An entagled you means and entagled Satan. When your wills both fuse and
you desire freedom so much; this is when you will Rise and escape the lies of anything, anyone and
everyone. This is when you will become a God, an Ascended Master of yourself.

Clean your mind. Face yourself and cause the last card before the world in the Tarot, the Judgement.
Cause it yourself and you're steps ahead. You already complete level 99/100. Face your scars, heal them,
Satan will free you on the last steps if you take yourself there. The world is yours only when the Truth is
yours. I wrote the above after a very powerful Kundalini experiance which really transformed me fully.
Thanks for reading.

-HoodedCobra666 ,

The Merkaba Meditation and your thoughts
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
Jul 3, 2012

Development is good, but not knowing how to handle your mind consciously and subconsciously with
power can prove fucked up.

The negatives are, you are what you think. Your thoughts have a lot more power than the ordinary ones,
a lot more, so you need to seriously pay attention into what you think and your emotions as what has
been written a lot of times. Emotions and personality have to be kept in check. Lashing out on someone
or having uncontrollable depression, etc... This can lead to serious shit, as you attract things you dwell
and Merkaba multiplies your power for this. Additionally, the soul needs to be completely clean.

Let me explain to you that way. You have a needle and you throw it at a window. Will it break? Hell no.
Now you have a needle vibrating at the speed of light. Possibly, the same needle can shatter a mountain
or do a great deal of damage. Higher speed in physics equals in Higher power, same with Merkaba. On
the other hand you being on a Higher vibrational level, you skip a lot of lag times in magick. Long story
short, be careful, but not fear. Now Merkaba is even more serious, because it uses the Octagon. Many
things in creation are based upon the Octagon and its important for a reason that I know by feeling, but I
can't write it without evidence.

When the Merkaba field spins around you, one pyramid clockwise one anti-clockwise, where these
meet, you have a creation of energy out of something like friction. Much energy. Its like spinning two
metal plates on opposite directions, there is some sort of energetical friction that is made because of
the heat, thus creating a disc of energy, this disc is connected through the light tube you raise in this
meditation and chakra system, thus it amplifies that energy of your chakras too. All this is geometry and
has a direct link on why the chakras are in Pyramid Shape... This is again very powerful from its nature
and one who can feel energy will feel your bioelectric field, like I did for persons I knew.
Gods are Geniuses for inventing such knowledge. One has to just dive into it.

Right now, away from the science. What you dwell upon will materialize a lot quickly. Don't mind
understanding why. But you must know that if your thoughts and emotions are out of control, this can
prove a disaster. Since you have increased power, the enemies of Father Satan will look onto you
differently, because you're an astral source of light and this is what they thrive for. Keep an aura of
protection and use the increased power you have on this level to keep them the fuck away.

I've noted that you post about all of your experiances. You seem like a talkative person and thats good.
But know that for your own safety and calmness, you should be better investigate more into them and
know that we have lurkers here, not only just Brothers and Sisters.

Satanic Guidance – Healing
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
May 23, 2012

I wanted to heal my skin from some stuff and I tried many methods, it USED TO hamper my self esteem
a bit. Other stuff I had, is completely healed as Satan and His Demons which I really love guided me to
the correct info. I just kept on with my meditations and I have asked my GD's to generally guide me to
Magnum Opus and they have been doing so, I feel really thankful they devote their time.

I tried and tried again about healing methods, but truth is that what I did was sporadic but giant [energy
wise]. I didn't see any change that way. In most stuff I tried, I got it one shot. I don't try on many things
and many desires as I devote all my energies in meditations and attaining power.

But what happened yesterday night was magnificent. I was reading a book I was instructed by the Gods
of Hell to read lately. I never had much success with it, but growing through meditation and awareness
now it all makes total sense. Slowly I just started gathering my knowledge [I didn't even had knowledge
of why I read what I read at times, about spirituality]. Then I found the correct knowledge to solve the

I have papers I wrote the meditations I do daily and I placed them on a book I have printed, Franz
Bardon's Initiation into Hermetics. Which is a book I really adore, despite of the fact about the 2000 year
old jew posing as a "Master". Such far-fetched bullshit. All this book seems to have been written by
Satan and the Demons themselves, as such knowledge in Satanic eyes can be life-changing.

So I sat down and applied that knowledge on a health problem I had for like 4 years with my skin.
Nothing major, but it was there and I got pissed because visually its not nice to see, yet nothing major. I
knew this certain solution would work as I felt it. And if totally fucking did. The Gods of Hell are Amazing.
Its only day 1 and I noticed a lot of change on this problem, ALREADY. Share all your wishes and
objectives/desires with Father Satan and the Gods of Hell. They will and totally guide you to where you
have a complete solution to your problem, without 'halfisms' like the enemy and without any lack of
knowledge whatsover.

Another experiance I wanted to share is with Goddess Maat. The last time I saw Her she gave me a
meditation. I used to do this past year but I had forgot. She told me the importance of it and that I
should do it again. The problem was mental and had to do with emotions. I didn't do it right away. I did
it about a month after when I felt ready. The change was BLANTANT. It only needed 2 days and the
emotional problem was SOLVED.



By High Priest HoodedCobra666
May 20, 2012

This is so powerful. I am not kidding. Satan is the Greatest and I love HIM for guiding me to understand
much of the Necronomicon as this is very valuable! Its full of allegories as it has been said a million
times. While it claims to be 'against' the Serpent, its actually all about the Serpent Kundalini, but most
probably to avoid the destruction of the book it claims the exact opposite. Thats how it would survive in
the Future as I believe Satan knew it would survive even to today that way. I try to study it and its very
nice. Amon-Ra [Marduk] Is my Guardian and I feel so nice about it. These names are all Powers
corresponding to Marduk. Marduk is very powerful, moreso than most know.

"The Gods forget. They are distant. They must be reminded. If they are not watchful, if the
gatekeepers do not watch the gates, if the gates are not kept always locked, bolted and
barred, then the One who is always ready, the Guardian of the Other side, IAK
SAKKAK, will enter and bring with him the hordes of the armies of the Ancient Ones,
XASTUR, and IAK KUTULU, the Dog Gods and the Dragon Gods, and the Sea
Monsters, and the Gods of the Deep."

The Gods being the chakras, they must be REMINDED. That means meditation. The gatekeepers are us
actually and the Gates [Pathaways of energy] must be kept OPEN. As long as we meditate and keep our
selves pure we will never face the 'hordes', Or Mad arab here mentions the cleansing process that takes
place? The Necronomicon seems kinda messed, but messed up in a distinct order for us to understand.
As for instance in this paragraph it goes against the 'Dragon Gods'. These are Positive. While the 'sea
monsters' are actually the dross of the subconscious. Now what this IAK means, I will have to find out as
it probably relates somewhere.

I am so amazed and,


Concerning the concepts and pursuits of godhead.
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
Jul 19, 2012

The Gods do meditate, but in different terms and with a lot of different methods than we do. Some
meditations we are using are applied by them too, this is what I believe. Your consciousness, will reach
its intended Higher state once you're a God, the hyper conscious State that was Satan's intention. The
differences come from complete contact with one's subconscious and total control over this part of the
mind, as well as the soul in all its levels. Explaining this in linear terms is really hard, but I try to do my
best. Things you want today and are a creation of destiny, or others, or bad fate or whatever, because
one will have knowledge over WHY these have occurred, He/She will be free to alter/change/ or deny
their 'past' desires. Enlightment brings a lot of skills from past lives, knowledge etc. Thus making one
extremely wise about this given reality we live. The self one is after has achieved Godhead is what you
are today, without dross and far more expanded and wise. It doesn't erase your personality, just weeds
out dross from one's soul and what desires are 'fake', like embed in a soul from others etc. Many people
don't realize that what 'they are' is the result of a lot of dross, indoctrination, programming of others

The True Self state is when all these are gone, the so called 'karma' is gone and there is no saturn to
cope with. In my awareness, when one reaches this state he will truly realize how fallen back in time is
Humanity right now. Even I, myself get this feeling everyday. Since one is more aware of the natural
order, He works better with nature etc. Not to mention the Hyper awareness of the different levels of
reality, the siddhis and how closer one becomes with the Gods. All this goes far more than being untold.
We just write it here in the most possibly logical, understood and linear terms. There is no 'loss of self' in
this road to Godhead. Just realization of the self.

Its very complex really, better to be experianced rather than to write this. Better to strive there and see
it happen because only then one will realize the true process. Writtings are minimal. Since it would take
50 posts to make this obvious, better to work there. But again, the 'True self' concept is the fully
empowered person, with their brain fully operational and under their control, being hyper-aware of
their enviroment in both the astral and the physical level, with Siddhis, intense wisdom and direct
connection and mastery of the elements and akasha principle. Knowledge over the natural laws, the
how's and why's of the chakras, how they work and operate with the universe, the how's behind reality
be it physical or whatever, soul and different subtle bodies. And the list goes on. All these abilities are
brought to surface by Satan's Kundalini combined with one's personal effort in meditation. Thats why it
happens gradually. Yea its a long path but a well deserved one, if not the most beautiful path. Makes life
worth it.

Hope I made it easier to understand.


Never Quit, Keep Striving
By High Priest HoodedCobra666
Jul 24, 2012

This is for new members, but I'm posting this here too, maybe someone will benefit.
I am writting this post for a reason. The reason is, anything in Satanism and anything of worth in life
comes in time and after dedication to it. When people join in Satanism they have great expectations but
due to lack of knowledge they want instant realization and gratification of those. In many who are able
to feel it, Satan sends the messages of His existance blantantly when they start. But as a matter of fact,
Satanism needs time. Most people come from a backround of spiritual slavery, that keeps the mind
repressed and parasitizes the soul. Because of this and because everyone carries a lot of unfullfilled
desires, being on such a slave-like religion, people come to Satan waiting for gratification. Which will
come, but only through effort. When one does the dedication ritual, asks for Father Satan's help to
complete one's endeavors. This has to be understood and you have to get the True meaning out of it.
Not a meaning that will later on make you sad, because you misunderstood.

When someone is new, the Powers of Hell handle things for them. Although not everything, they handle
as much as one needs to evolve further, in other words, nessescary needs that one needs to work on.
We are expected like kids to grow and become compentent adults. Satan is loving and nurtuing and He
is going to help someone a million times, if they try a million times. Do not expect favors from Hell, work
hard on attaining these and the Gods of Hell will notice how much you try, therefore helping you. Don't
be a lazy boomer. Since new people lack knowledge, they go on recklessly into using magick and think
that if they fail, are failures. Magick is a science and everything is mentioned in the JoS. For instance,
people come from a fucked up backround where their self esteem and powers of the mind and soul
were atrophied. Doing a spell right away, has a big chance of failure. If one doesn't change their minds
soon enough, they do this all the time and in turn fuck their self esteem more. Lack of knowledge sets
one for failure. EVERYTHING in the JoS has to be applied and worked out, not just the page about the
love spell or the evil eye. Its widely known that this relies on how your mind works, and how powerful
you are.

Constant meditation should be practiced and never be quitted. When one quits before a 40 day cycle,
he is back at square one. This has to be avoided. When one starts meditation, the mind from its slumber
wakes up. In many cases if not all, the mind is reacting like a total bitch. Emotions, thoughts, feelings,
terrorism by one's own mind, have to be skipped and meditation has to be continued, despite of any
mental feeling. When this happens you have to stay as cool as possible and don't let go. Just continue
with it and this will go away. Even advanced meditators have this and this is normal, as this is a cleansing
process. After a certain degree of time, one will feel relieved and cleansed. Meditating constantly will in
turn increase your bioelectricity, get you away of depression, give you the mental edge above others
and grant over time powers of the mind. People saying the have no time for meditation are just avoiding
facing themselves through it. Who doesn't have 15 minutes? Sleep 15 minutes after than your normally
do, thats easy. Or wake up 15 minutes earlier in the morning. Or both. The benefits are priceless.
Remember that its a 'normal' desire to want to skip or avoid meditation, as the mind cowers. You have
to be past this and face whats burried within. In a matter of days, you will feel instant relief. Since the
mind doesn't recognize what the fuck you're doing to it, it will react in the most chaotic ways. You have
to keep moving despite any and all setbacks.

You are not a quitter. Seriously. You had the guts to reach Satan and dedicate your soul and this was of
the hardest steps that most others won't ever take. You already excell as a Human being, so don't let
yourself down. Don't accept to quit. Fall a billion times, come up a trillion times. Everything is within
your grasp to fix. Father Satan and your Guardian Demons will teach you. Those who never quit will
receive Satan's Promises. Take your time and take it easy with Satanism, easy on yourself and be
understanding towards yourself. Don't be over judgemental and things will find their place on their own.
HAIL SATAN!!!!!!!!!
You seem to have a pretty good understanding of the Necronomicon so maybe you can answer a question I have since I've asked in other spots and been looked over. Can you tell me what the sigil on the front of the book is? I want to know if it's "the sigil of the gateway" like every link I find tells me or have you found something different? My main concern is if it is a sigil of one of the gods because I have it encircled just like it is on the cover on a tattoo and I remember that the Gods don't like their sigils encircled as that is part of the process those dirty Jews used to trap the 72. I consider it a integral part of my spiritual journey but also am still curious as to it's exact meaning. If you don't know for sure I'm at least interested in your opinion since you seem to be quite a bit more advanced than me (I don't even know who my guardian Demon is yet :( ) If I can't get an answer from you I guess I'll just have to wait until I'm more advanced and learn for myself what it is. Thanks in advance for any info you are willing to share.

Hail Satan and the Gods!
Perfect timing. Just the other day I had been doing an aop and I kept seeing energy flowing energy up as I was doing mantras with surya.

I tried to focus on a downward flow instead because of recent advice, and began doing them both simultaneously. I immediately noticed the two fields conjoin in this strange way that I couldn’t describe as either slower or faster, but it created a plate that had some kind of a silence to it. I noticed the power of it and kept doing this. It was impenetrable.

Someone could do an aura of protection just simply focusing on energy flowing through yourself first upward and for a few vibrations, and then downward for the same amount just until they feel the energy fields “click” and then tune into that, and empower it with the mantra you use for aop if anyone feels this method may be okay for them and if they didn’t want to go towards the full merkaba meditation yet.
6Catawampusly6Satanic6 said:
SATchives said:
You seem to have a pretty good understanding of the Necronomicon so maybe you can answer a question I have since I've asked in other spots and been looked over. Can you tell me what the sigil on the front of the book is? I want to know if it's "the sigil of the gateway" like every link I find tells me or have you found something different? My main concern is if it is a sigil of one of the gods because I have it encircled just like it is on the cover on a tattoo and I remember that the Gods don't like their sigils encircled as that is part of the process those dirty Jews used to trap the 72. I consider it a integral part of my spiritual journey but also am still curious as to it's exact meaning. If you don't know for sure I'm at least interested in your opinion since you seem to be quite a bit more advanced than me (I don't even know who my guardian Demon is yet :( ) If I can't get an answer from you I guess I'll just have to wait until I'm more advanced and learn for myself what it is. Thanks in advance for any info you are willing to share.

Hail Satan and the Gods!

HP. Hoodedcobra666" said:
I am not the author of these Articles, I quoted our High Priest Hooded Cobra, who is the one you are aiming your questions at.
I've been focusing on making the videos, Don't worry i'll have the audio for these made before next week.
SATchives said:
I've been focusing on making the videos, Don't worry i'll have the audio for these made before next week.
Thank you for your hard work in doing these. The audio especially is great for listening while doing housework etc :)
SATchives said:
I've been focusing on making the videos, Don't worry i'll have the audio for these made before next week.

Audio sermons were always my favorite. Being able to hear important info while on the move is amazing. Just wanted to share my thanks as well for your hard work.
SATchives said:
6Catawampusly6Satanic6 said:
SATchives said:
You seem to have a pretty good understanding of the Necronomicon so maybe you can answer a question I have since I've asked in other spots and been looked over. Can you tell me what the sigil on the front of the book is? I want to know if it's "the sigil of the gateway" like every link I find tells me or have you found something different? My main concern is if it is a sigil of one of the gods because I have it encircled just like it is on the cover on a tattoo and I remember that the Gods don't like their sigils encircled as that is part of the process those dirty Jews used to trap the 72. I consider it a integral part of my spiritual journey but also am still curious as to it's exact meaning. If you don't know for sure I'm at least interested in your opinion since you seem to be quite a bit more advanced than me (I don't even know who my guardian Demon is yet :( ) If I can't get an answer from you I guess I'll just have to wait until I'm more advanced and learn for myself what it is. Thanks in advance for any info you are willing to share.

Hail Satan and the Gods!

HP. Hoodedcobra666" said:
I am not the author of these Articles, I quoted our High Priest Hooded Cobra, who is the one you are aiming your questions at.
Well shit... That's why I try not to get on here when I'm tired because then I usually make a mistake as I've done here¯\_(ツ)_/¯ thanks for the response anyways and hopefully HP.Hoodedcobra666 can help a brother out then...
Yeah sorry for being late on the audio sermons here they are.

Raising the Kundalini


Merkaba and your thoughts

Satanic Guidance, Healing

Concerning the pursuits and concepts of Godhead

Never Quit, Keep Strivin
audo sermons are posted, apologies for being late, appreciate everyone's thanks, I'll keep up the work

past few days I have been turning the articles into videos, Here is an example video, after I make all the videos for the articles I'll hardcode subtitles into each one, for now there are no subtitles.

file size of the video is a bit big 889.2 MB

hailourtruegod said:
SATchives said:
I've been focusing on making the videos, Don't worry i'll have the audio for these made before next week.

Audio sermons were always my favorite. Being able to hear important info while on the move is amazing. Just wanted to share my thanks as well for your hard work.

Lydia said:

The tree of Knowledge the apple and the serpent video

I've made over 10 videos but they take awhile to render and a few of them have mistakes so i wll have to go in and fix by remaking them, however let me know your thoughts.
I'll start adding subtitles after i get caught up with the videos, then I'll be posting these to sites like LBRY and Bitchute

hailourtruegod said:
SATchives said:
I've been focusing on making the videos, Don't worry i'll have the audio for these made before next week.

Audio sermons were always my favorite. Being able to hear important info while on the move is amazing. Just wanted to share my thanks as well for your hard work.

Lydia said:

also tomorrow I'll be continuing the same timeline of sermons Vol. 1 of High Priest Hoodedcobra's posts
If anyone can criticize the video I posted above and tell me what you think, it would be helpful, don't hold anything back, let me know if anything / what you think honestly
SATchives said:
If anyone can criticize the video I posted above and tell me what you think, it would be helpful, don't hold anything back, let me know if anything / what you think honestly

Hey. :)
To start off, I really like the visual! I like the 3D letters and the small animation throughout the entire video.

I believe your "Hail Satan" at the end was a bit too passionate! :lol:
I totally get how you feel - I feel it too 100% and whenever I hail Satan (in my mind, unfortunately), I do it with the utmost passion and power. But I do wonder if it can prove to be "inconvenient" if outsiders or teens SS listen to such audio (even with headphones) and your hail Satan actually "gets out" of the headphones, if you know what I mean. :?

One final note would be the sources at the end of the video (that you can also read at the end of the according sermon). Wouldn't it be better to just list them on the screen, and say something along the lines "All sources of information are included on screen, as well as in the video description"? (this could also be mentioned in the beginning of the video) If I was an outsider and wanted to find the resource of this information, I'd prefer to know without needing to watch until the end (and this is me being hyperactive and wishing to find things quicker and easier. :p ).

Anyway, all in all I believe the audio was good. Your intro was also short and to the point (which is important for people on short time nowadays).
Yagami Light said:
SATchives said:
If anyone can criticize the video I posted above and tell me what you think, it would be helpful, don't hold anything back, let me know if anything / what you think honestly

Hey. :)
To start off, I really like the visual! I like the 3D letters and the small animation throughout the entire video.

I believe your "Hail Satan" at the end was a bit too passionate! :lol:
I totally get how you feel - I feel it too 100% and whenever I hail Satan (in my mind, unfortunately), I do it with the utmost passion and power. But I do wonder if it can prove to be "inconvenient" if outsiders or teens SS listen to such audio (even with headphones) and your hail Satan actually "gets out" of the headphones, if you know what I mean. :?

One final note would be the sources at the end of the video (that you can also read at the end of the according sermon). Wouldn't it be better to just list them on the screen, and say something along the lines "All sources of information are included on screen, as well as in the video description"? (this could also be mentioned in the beginning of the video) If I was an outsider and wanted to find the resource of this information, I'd prefer to know without needing to watch until the end (and this is me being hyperactive and wishing to find things quicker and easier. :p ).

Anyway, all in all I believe the audio was good. Your intro was also short and to the point (which is important for people on short time nowadays).A

Good point on the Hail Satan perhaps I shouldn't shout it. for the videos I've made already what do you think would be the best action, remake the videos but that would take another week, hours and hours of rendering, or maybe I'll just cut it out and for future audio I make I will keep it at the same level.

The reason I do the sources the way I do it, is because when I make the audio clips I make them for the purposes of being audio clips, and the vidoes are a bonus mainly to intrigue and bring attention to SatansLibrary and JoyofSatan to further get the truth out, I don't really have time to make two sets of audio, and I am trying to be as efficient in my time with this as possible as well as do as well as i can. also in the past I remember there has been SS who are difficult with sight who use special software to use the internet, I figure it wouldn't be to annoying to put the link's and sources in the audio, when I do post the videos, I think I will incorporate all sources into the description as well, if someone is interested enough in the video they will actively look to the description for the information as well. also if i were to just say all sources are listed at the end, without a notation being added to the audio, which i really don't wanna add audio notations to the sermon i'd like it to be clean, those might not know which sources go with what information, hence i think its best to dictate the sources when and where they lie in the article itself, like its written. I could then in the description simply post the links and if they are confused about what the links pertain to they can simply rewind the video simply enough.

Thanks for your input, i'd like to hear more from you about what i wrote above, on what your opinions are
big special thanks to Eannatum who did the animation for me.

Also I was just let known I made a mistake in the audio, ill be fixing it by next week

Big thanks for helping me with this
SATchives said:
big special thanks to Eannatum who did the animation for me.

Also I was just let known I made a mistake in the audio, ill be fixing it by next week

Big thanks for helping me with this

And many thanks to you brother for helping our community. You’re really appreciated

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
