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RE-Read-It WEEKENDS: Looking back at Important Material [Week 14]


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2019
I am having techinical issues. my software was using to make the audio clips went to shit, I'll get that fixed and post the mp3's later, also I hit enter on my previous attempt to create this post for formatting purposes and it posted, with only one article, apologies if you see that, Idk what happened. bug or maybe I hit alt or something. HP HoodedCobra666 Will probably catch it, and you'll most likely only see this one. Thanks in advance HP Hoodedcobra666

Here are the articles. The articles below are by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich, and are from Sermons-of-Satan-Volume-1-2002-2005-3-11-15.pdf

about the videos my thoughts and future plan:
I had to reteach myself adobe premiere, but I'll start making videos soon, Thanks to who helped me. I now have some media to work with for the recordings, I had a few offer me help but only one did, again thanks Eannatum.

The hardest part will be subtitling. but I think with practice I can subtitle a video in an hour or two. all attempts to get some software to do it quickly turned out shit. as I want quality subtitles that pop throughout the video. not some shitty srt file but embedded a new frame every sentence.

and to be honest I've been a bit lazy this past month with my online activity. There's much in my personal life i've had to sort and am still sorting through. I've had setbacks.

Alright thanks for understanding. here are the articles

Lucifer's New Aeon
by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

We are going into a new aeon, the Age of Aquarius. Aquarius is the 11th sign of
the Zodiac.

This is the “Aeon of Satan.” Here are some of the signs:

· 1999, inverted, is 1666 [one-666]. 666x3=1998.

· 2000, in numerology is number 2; 11, [1+1=2] Two and eleven are
important numbers of Lucifer.

· 2000 was Year of the Dragon [the Dragon is one of the symbols of Satan
that represents the kundalini serpent that gives wisdom, knowledge,
enlightenment, and power] which marked the commencement of the 21st

· 666- 6 x 6 x 6 = 216. 2,160 years is the approximate time it takes for the
synetic vernal point to travel backwards from one constellation to another.
Aquarius, the sign of a man [the water bearer] represents the coming new
age where humanity will advance. Ea/Enki also known as Satan is
symbolized by the Water Bearer of Aquarius.

The Gods placed much emphasis on the movement of the planets, stars, and
constellations. They left images in stone, as can be seen in the Egyptian Sphinx,
which was constructed during the age of Leo [10,500 years ago]. The scarab,
representing the ancient Egyptian sign of and the Age of Cancer, the rows of
ram's heads [Age of Aries] and the monolithic sculptures of the twins [Gemini] are
seen in numerous places throughout Egypt and Middle East.

In 1962, the planets lined up- Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and
Saturn all in the sign of Aquarius and ushered in the computer age, which
emerged worldwide 28 years later following the Saturn cycle. Technology has
advanced at an unprecedented pace in the past century.

Atheist, Dr. Madalyn Murray O'Hair succeeded in removing the Judeo/Christian
bible and compulsory prayer from the public schools in 1963.
Anton LaVey established the first above ground Church of Satan on the Eve of
Beltane, April 30th, 1966.

During the late 1960's the Catholic Church, which is the original Christian church
and the foundation of Christianity, began to crumble. Catholic nuns and priests
gradually shed their vestments. Today, the wearing of formal vestments by the
Catholic clergy in many parts of the world, especially in the United States is rare.
The Catholic clergy has dwindled to where the lay people have been taking over
the former duties of Catholic priests and nuns. The remaining priests, most of
whom are aging, are being exposed and brought to justice for the sexual abuse
and exploitation of children and other revolting crimes that have occurred for
centuries. The resulting lawsuits and scandals are breaking the Catholic Church.

The Protestants have their share of crimes against humanity as well. We are now
in the age of information and communication, which will result in many of these
Christian sects being exposed along with the Catholic Church.

The 1970's band "Black Sabbath," paved the way for heavy metal, death/black
metal. The metal scene openly blasphemes the Christian "God" and Satanic
lyrics are very popular, especially among the youth. This music is an expression
of pent up rage. Look around you- Satanic music, movies, books, role playing
games, video games, the internet with thousands of Satanic websites,
Satanic tshirts, Baphomet jewelry, and more. Satan is becoming very popular. Satan

definitely has the youth, as Satan reveals the truth. “Satan” in Sanskrit, one of the
world’s most ancient languages, means “truth.” The kids are fed up with being
lied to.

During the 1990's, thousands of Christian churches were burned worldwide. The
Christian churches are rapidly losing their credibility and their reputations, and as
a result, many followers are lost and looking for answers. The Christian religion
was built upon murder, lies, injustice, and appalling crimes against humanity and
it is now facing the consequences. Knowledge is readily available and the lies
and promises of these programs, passing themselves off as “religions” are no
longer effective as they once were.

In the Al-Jilwah, Satan states that those who are without "do not know the state
of things that is to come. For this reason, they fall into many errors." We are
reaching the end of the age of Pisces. It has been written that in the end, the
truth will come out and many will want to join at the last minute, but it will be too
late to do so.

Yaweh/Jehova, the REAL "Prince of Lies" is not going after the small stakes,
because he has had the Judeo/Christian/Muslim programs for centuries. The
bible bangers are in for a rude awakening.
The Truth About Satan's Power
by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

I don't know how many times I have heard Christian claims concerning the
Nazarene or his angels banishing Satan from an area or "Casting out Demons."
My own opinion regarding this is the "Demons" aren't really "Demons" but angels
impersonating what Christians believe to be "Demons." Why? Because it makes
Satan appear to be under the control of the Nazarene and in many cases
frightens those who lack knowledge. Fear is used by these nefarious programs
for control.

I was watching the movie "The Exorcist." For those of you who are unfamiliar
with this 1973 flick, the plot concerned a 12-year-old girl who was possessed by
the Mesopotamian Demon "Pazuzu." This movie topped the charts for years,
designated as the ultimate in frightening the public. There have been few actual
claims concerning cases of "possession." Accounts included sketchy reports of
victims "vomiting objects" and performing other senseless acts.

Everyone knows souls are important to Satan; humanity is his creation. When we
dedicate our souls to Satan, we become a part of a massive vortex of energy that
we can tap into to accomplish our desires and objectives. This additional energy
not only benefits humanity, but also benefits Father Satan and the Original Gods,
and gives everyone concerned more power. [The Christian churches have
exploited souls and their energy for centuries]. Now, as we know souls are
important to Satan, why would he or his Demons do anything to frighten people
away, or make people try to avoid him at all costs?

When looking at this analytically, one can see the truth, as there is a motive
behind nearly everything. The only motive here is the greedy entity Jehovah and
ilk frightening ignorant human beings back into his energy bank of souls. [This
Jehovah character is really enemy extraterrestrial Greys and enemy Nordics, not
an individual entity]. Of course, Satan and his Demons are blamed as usual.
Since Christians are forbidden to practice any magick or become knowledgeable
about the occult, this ends with Jehovah and ilk having a full supply of energy all
to themselves to use as they see fit. The Greys call this amalgam of energy “The

For people who use the traditional methods of summoning spirits as instructed in
the popular grimoires, which use the names of Jehovah and his angels, how do
they really know exactly who or what they are contacting? Everyone I ever heard
from who went through Satan directly to summon a Demon respectfully, has had
positive experiences. I know I have.

The followers of the Christian “God” and his foul Nazarene are forever crowing
that this entity has power over Satan. In reality, this is not true.

When I was new to Satanism, [this was before I performed the initiation rite], I
experienced much confusion. I was very upset one night and COMMANDED the
foul holy spirit of Jehovah to leave my body forever IN THE NAME OF
SATAN/LUCIFER. I felt a weak, battered energy leave me through my feet.
Afterwards, I felt a deep sense of peace, and much of the confusion and turmoil I
was experiencing was gone.

When I was twelve years old, Satan came to me in a Catholic Church, when an
important Christian sacrament was being performed. The Christian "God" was
powerless to stop him. Satan had the spiritual authority to be there. On the other
hand, I will bet one will never see Christian entities visit a Black Mass.
A couple of years ago, I initiated a friend in a city park around 4 am, because
there was no privacy for a religious rite at home. Driving there, she was fearful
and hesitant about dedicating her soul to Father Satan. When I was reading the
prayers, afterwards, she told me, she saw a foggy white apparition that was an
enemy spirit. Some Demons promptly appeared and chased it away. These
Demons I might add were on the lower end of the Demonic hierarchy. They were
the ones with the red eyes, gargoyle like with rubbery wings. This order of
Demons mainly carries out tasks as messengers and protectors. I saw them
quickly clear the path when Azazel approached the area they were in, out of
respect. It didn't take much to get rid of the enemy spirit, afterwards, my friend
felt much better.

In the biblical tale where Satan approached the Nazarene in the desert, HE DID
worship an equal or a lesser being. Satan's offering to the Nazarene, right there,
blatantly indicated that he had much more power than the Nazarene fool. He
talked down to the Nazarene. Most Christians are fearful of Satan. Satanists can
blaspheme foul Jehovah, his worthless "holy spirit,” and his pedophile son,* but
few Christians will actively invite the wrath of Satan. Many are even fearful of usso much for their faith in a cowardly impotent "God."

-High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

*We believe the Nazarene to be a fictitious character, created from various myths
and legends predating Christianity from hundreds to thousands of years. The
sole purpose of this entity is to create a distraction. Unknowing followers are
fooled into believing "Jesus Saves" when in truth, we save our own souls. Human
beings have the power to heal and perform many other spiritual feats dubbed as
"miracles." The Nazarene has been used over the centuries to strip humanity of
all spiritual power and knowledge. This has placed humanity as a whole at the
mercy of advanced enemy beings to be viciously exploited and victimized. A
weak soul not only experiences physical illness, but also is spiritually a pawn
both in the hands of fate and in the hands of the enemy [The Christian entity and
The All
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Many people who call themselves "Satanists," and this particular point of view is
very strong in the Church of Satan, believe they are already "Gods." Some
people even go as far as to claim that humanity is "God."

Well, "God," then why is humanity in such a mess? Do you know your future,
EXACTLY? What will happen tomorrow or a year from now? Can you accurately
foretell the futures of your loved ones? Do you have the power ALONE to
determine your own destiny? Can you heal yourself? Can you stop yourself from
aging or from feeling pain? Can you move or levitate physical objects or yourself
for that matter? Can you control the results of the actions and the decisions you

Thanks to Father Satan, we all have within ourselves the ability to achieve
Godhead, but how many people REALLY know how? Extreme discipline and
dedication are required every day.

Unfortunately, humanity misses the boat in this matter. Most humans, thanks to
Christianity and related programs are at square one. Few people have enough
REAL knowledge and power to determine their own destinies by themselves.
Once a decision is made, or an action is taken, one has no real control over the
outcome. We can often choose our actions, but not the results of those actions.
We are also at the mercy of the actions and reactions of others, of governments,
acts of nature, our physical selves, and so forth.

Most people have not empowered their third eye, crown chakra and other
psychic centers to see and experience the astral realm and the beings that dwell
therein. There is much we do not experience through our five senses that directly
influences our lives and the world around us.

As a professional Astrologer, psychic and Tarot card reader for over 25 years, I
am VERY familiar with "fate." An atheist walks a very lonely road; I did so for 15
years. Although I practiced mind training and attempted to influence matters by
myself, the results were always less than what I had expected. Fate always
intervened in one way or another. A friend of mine, who was also into the occult;
we got to talking one day- "well, why is it that things are hit and miss?" There was
no explanation… "we don't know." He was an atheist as well. Life was
meaningless and unpredictable. Futility and depression were always on our tails
so to speak. Oh, I fought back and hurt some of my enemies on sheer willpower
and mind control alone, but this did nothing to improve my life, other than provide
me with some pleasure in knowing that they got what they deserved.

I don't know how many times, we hear the word "force." There are many different
"forces." Light is a force, composed of tiny particles called photons. Then we
have x-rays, gamma rays, infrared rays, and so on. An earthquake or volcano, or

tornado, generates a tremendous amount of "force." Then there is the "life force,"
also known as “bioelectricity,” this is also a "force." These "forces" do not think,
feel, have emotions, or make decisions by themselves. A "force" is impersonal.
No "force" is a separate living being with reasoning, emotion, decision-making
capabilities, nor does it act in various manners according to conscious choosing
by itself. Any idiot with even a vestige of extra-sensory ability knows Satan and
his Demons are not "forces" but are real beings.

Here I sit, dumbfounded again. Two Days ago, my eldest son came to me
worried sick. He lost his job unjustifiably over two months ago [the manager who
canned him is REALLY paying for this, Thank you, Father Satan!!]. He is
thousands of dollars in debt and making only half of his former salary. It was
early in the morning, after 7 am [we both work third shift]. Needless to say, I was
worried sick- utility shut offs, etc. I got down on my knees before the altar I made
for Father Satan; I was still in my street clothes. I asked him to help and told him I
trusted him to work it out in his own way. My son now has several thousand
dollars cash in his hand, more than enough to pay all of the bills in full. All of this
was obtained legally, with no payback expected.

The first book I read about Satanism was the Satanic Bible. I did this out of
extreme upset that Christians had caused me. Where can I get away from these
totally inconsiderate and harassing idiots?? I was still an atheist. One night on
the internet, while visiting a Satanic website, I read- "light a candle, sit and ask is
Satanism for me?" I was an atheist, I didn't light a candle, I just said it in my
head. Things started to change all right. Over this time period, Satan has worked
to establish a strong, trusting relationship with me. Satan is NOT "just a force."
He is a very compassionate, caring, loving, and benevolent being with those who
are dedicated to him.

Satan has shown me love; He is the only one I have found whom I can totally
trust. I have seen his miracles. He has calmed me when I was upset, and has
comforted me. I have felt his beautiful love. I came home chilled one morning. I
had to walk home from work in the mornings, which was about a mile and the
temperatures in the winter were well below zero, along with a harsh wind-chill.
This was nothing new. Going to sleep normally, I would warm up gradually. He
put a warm aura all around me, head to toe as I was going to sleep and I felt his
warmth and love. I have had so many experiences; too many to mention here.
Satan is a literal being; he is NOT a "force." There are very highly evolved beings
in this universe, they are known to us as “Gods.

Under the direction of Yaweh/Jehova, knowledge of the original Gods and the
methods for humanity to achieve equality with the Gods was destroyed. Many
ancient libraries, millions of scrolls, tablets and books were burned. The Christian
church has worked overtime at suppressing the truth, through intense
indoctrination and through resorting to torture and mass murder when

proselytizing and coercion failed. Humanity is nowhere near Godhead. These
nefarious human-hating programs for enslavement have prevented us from
evolving in the area of mind ability and power. Most extra-terrestrials are highly
adept as they were born this power already manifest.

Very few people have the ability to manipulate their environments using only the
powers of their mind. The human race is at a major disadvantage that renders us
helpless against other beings and entities that are highly evolved and adept in
the uses of the powers of their minds and souls.

These skills can only be achieved through guidance from Satan and his Demons
who are the original Gods. We all have a long way to go.

What really upsets me is how many of our own people treat our God, Satan. We
have the strongest, most beautiful, loving, generous, and caring God there is.
Christians create beautiful churches, cathedrals, sing beautiful hymns, Muslims
bow down before "Allah" 5 times a day, Buddhists construct beautiful elaborate
temples, worship and burn incense. What do these "Gods" do? The Christian
"God" shits on all of his followers, as does Mr. "Allah." Buddha does nothing. In
addition, worshippers, especially Christians and Muslims focus their energies
upon death and tie into very ugly, murderous and destructive negative energy
that has acted to damn all of humanity and this earth as a whole.

Here we have with Father Satan- many psychically incompetent people claim,
"Oh, he's just a force." We have very little praise and thanksgiving rituals. It's
always me, me, me! I want this! I want that! People receive things of which they
ask from Satan and they never even stop to say thank you. They foolishly make
demands and commands. These teachings come from the old Judeo/Christian
authored grimoires that have been for centuries, advocating spiritual abuse and
promoting extreme disrespect for Satan and his Demons.

Some fools go as far to try to "conjure" Lucifer. Some ignorant next to nothing in
importance, tries to summon him like a servant to fix a sorry love life. This
extreme disrespect has gone on for centuries. Like the character in the movie,
"The Ninth Gate" said- "Orgies of aging flesh, conducted in the Master's Name."
On a video tape of an Anton LaVey ritual, a woman rubs her genitals on a
religious icon. Anyone who calls himself or herself a Satanist should be long past
acting out sexual hang-ups. Save the orgies for afterwards.

Satan appeared to a journalist in 1960 and stated that he did not like the way he
was being worshipped. He went on to mention "a lunatic in his basement with the
shades down." He stated that he had already won the fight for the earth. There
are things that need to change in the way people relate to him. He and the

Demons have been subjected to such insulting and disrespectful treatment that
has gone on for centuries. "Oh, he's just a force."

As for those people who believe they are already "gods” and do little or nothing to
empower themselves," try doing your magick as a total atheist, by yourself. I find
it so hypocritical how so-called "Satanists" who refuse to acknowledge Satan as
a real being call upon him and his Crowned Princes of Hell in their rituals.
NOTE* The sermon above was written many years ago. The enemy knows
Satan and our Original Pagan Gods are very real. The enemy tries to convince
the populace that Satan is only “a force.” Satan knows everything about the
enemy, and can destroy the enemy. This is why the enemy works relentlessly to
try to remove all spiritual ability and knowledge from the populace and replace it
with lies, and above all, keep people from Satan. “The All is One” is another
slogan of the enemy. This slogan has infested many New Age articles and is the
root of communism. Christianity and Islam lead followers to accept communism.
The sole purpose of Christianity and Islam is to prepare followers for total
obedience and to readily accept slavery. Communism [which is nothing more
than a slave state] has mass-murdered, tortured, and destroyed innocent human
lives totaling over the hundred-million mark. This is no different from the
Inquisition. The names and the faces change, but it is still the same people who
are of the enemy. Satan stands for freedom, individuality, diversity, and rebellion
against tyranny.
The Tree of Knowledge, the Apple and the Serpent
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

Edward Kelly's "Vision of the Round House"¹ adds further credibility to the texts
written by scholars supporting the concept of the creation of humanity
by extraterrestrials through genetic engineering. There is no way Dr. John Dee and

Edward Kelly had any knowledge of this in the 16th century. The "Vision of the
Round House" is identical: Humanity was created by extra-terrestrials who
needed slave laborers in the mines. By taking the ovum from a Cro-Magnon
primate and using artificial insemination with a sperm from one of the Nephilim,
we were created.

The one known as Satan created us and designed us. He intended to bring us
knowledge and make us as the Gods, but he was prevented from doing so and
cursed by some of the other Gods. We did not evolve naturally, as opposed to
animals who have overall better health and immunity. Satan wished to bring us to
perfection, but some of the other Gods wanted for us to be destroyed after the
mission was over and since we were becoming an issue, they attempted to let us
all drown in the flood.

Satan went against the other Gods and gave us more advanced genetics. The
"breath of God" is the soul. The chakras are the psychic energy centers that are
activated by breathing in certain ways to enable the Kundalini Serpent to ascend.
When the Kundalini Serpent ascends, enlightenment/Godhead is achieved. This
is a major step in the working for the Magnum Opus, which gives both psychical
and spiritual perfection, along with immortality.
The Tree of Life is Ancient Egyptian in origin.
It is actually a pattern, either upright or
upside-down for the genetics of life. It plugs
into the Flower of Life that has been inscribed
upon so many walls in Egyptian temples and
also in the pyramids. The Flower of Life is the
blueprint for every living thing. In addition, the
"Tree of Life" is a map of the human soul,
with the trunk symbolizing the spine, the
branches the 144,000 nadis, and the fruits
symbolizing the rewards

of meditation- working on one's soul. One lives from the "fruits" of one's soul.
Fools claim Satan is a "Christian invention." All of the Old Gods were made into
Devils and Demons in order to destroy their relations with humans. These are the
Gods who have been present throughout the life of the human race and have
attempted to give us knowledge and to help us in our times of need. Cities were
destroyed; libraries and other places where books were kept were burnt and
destroyed. Every culture, such as the Philistines, that worshiped other Gods was
made war upon and genocide ensued. The Philistines worshiped Beelzebub.
Beelzebub was the God of the Philistine city of Ekron and Zebulon. [Baal [Lord]
Zebulon. There are few if any traces of the truth concerning these Gods.
This excerpt quote from the Catholic Encyclopedia is very revealing:

In the same way the Greeks and Romans may have worshipped their divinities,
fondly believing them to be good. But the Christian Scriptures declare that all the
gods of the Gentiles are demons.
Catholic Encyclopedia: Devil Worship
[See the third paragraph in the article for proof].

The Old Gods have remained as Devils and Demons just to survive. The
Judeo/Christian "God" wishes for the destruction of humanity. Everything that the
Bible accuses Satan of is really what the Judeo/Christian "God" truly is... "A
Murderer and a Liar from the Beginning." True evil deceives. Most of the "Holy
Bible" is comprised of bloodbath after bloodbath, hatred, genocide and
exceptional cruelty. This influence can be seen in the Inquisition, anti-life
teachings, especially where the abstinence of sexual intercourse is concerned, to
stop us from procreating. Moses went on a rampage of war and slaughter when
he descended from the mount under the direction of "Jehovah." The incident at
Fatima with the virgin bitch revealed the alien contempt for humanity in the
hopeful anticipation of our blowing ourselves to bits with nuclear weapons, if one
can read between the lines.

With the opening of the watchtowers a small increment, humanity has been
flooded with knowledge in the last 100 years that has been unparalleled in the
whole of history. We have not had time to adapt. This was the sole intention by
the angels who communicated the information to Dr. John Dee and Edward
Kelly. That the knowledge would act to destroy humanity in a short period of time.
100 years is nothing to the Gods. The fact that they were angels is portrayed by
their arrogance and condescending attitude towards the two men. Demons are
very friendly and understanding when treated with respect. I have never known
Demons to be arrogant. Most people either study physical science or the occult
knowledge. Not very many study both. This is where people would benefit, by
studying both, for in the end, it all comes together. Satanism strongly supports
and advocates the advancement of the physical sciences. Everything of the
socalled "supernatural" and the occult can be scientifically explained. Unfortunately,

the physical sciences have not advanced far enough to fully explain the spiritual
as of yet. This is why the Christian Churches have vehemently attacked science
for centuries. Humanity has been held back dangerously.
Francis Crick, Nobel Prize Winner for the discovery of DNA and his hypothesis of

¹ Enochian Magic by Donald Tyson, First Edition, Second Printing, 2002
Pages 353-364
I've been enjoying reading these weekly threads, sometimes I come across good reminders that I needed to see, often times its from articles that I've never seen before. I appreciate the effort you put in these threads.
SATchives said:
The hardest part will be subtitling. but I think with practice I can subtitle a video in an hour or two. all attempts to get some software to do it quickly turned out shit. as I want quality subtitles that pop throughout the video. not some shitty srt file but embedded a new frame every sentence.

Hello. What I used to do when subtitling videos (and wanted them embedded) was to use two programs.
1. Use Subtitle Edit to create the subtitles (an .srt file). Since you have the text ready, you just copy paste it and add the appropriate timings.
2. Use XviD4PSP program to hardsub the subtitles.

I've also heard of the program Aegisub for hardsub, but I found it too complicated to use... I was already familiar with Subtitle Edit, and XviD4PSP hardsubs without any effort on my part.
I have the .exe files if you want me to send them to you if you can't find an .exe of those files to be working properly... I remember I had some difficulty finding the right XviD4PSP .exe file.

Subtitle Edit also requires of you to download LAVFilters, otherwise it won't work (it will prompt you to the download page when you open the program).
Finally, I had also managed to hardsub a video with the program Wondershare Video Converter. I didn't actually use this program to hardsub - I would use it when I had a video that I had to cut in half in order to upload it on YouTube, but it would also hardsub my .srt file (so yes, you still need to have an .srt file, as Wondershare is not a program for creating subtitles).

I believe it'd be too much effort and time wasting to use Premiere Pro or other programs just to insert subtitles (unless of course you wanted to do some fancy stuff).

On another note, if you JUST want someone to insert the subtitles into a video and hardsub them, I can do them for you if you'd like. I actually just finished studying Premiere Pro, but no way in hell am I gonna use such a heavy program to hardsub! :p
I can do it with the method I mentioned to you above.
Since you're busy, I'm also busy, but it'd be nice if I can help you out a bit.
I don't know how many videos you intend to make on a weekly basis, but I probably won't be able to do too many (even if the process is simple, it still requires time). Three videos a week would be good I believe.

If you want me to help you out with the subs, what do you say?
Note: I've noticed that the XviD4PSP program automatically decreases the video's quality. It IS still viewable and it doesn't show pixels or anything like that. It just won't be as high as it'll be in the original.
Yagami Light said:
SATchives said:
The hardest part will be subtitling. but I think with practice I can subtitle a video in an hour or two. all attempts to get some software to do it quickly turned out shit. as I want quality subtitles that pop throughout the video. not some shitty srt file but embedded a new frame every sentence.

Hello. What I used to do when subtitling videos (and wanted them embedded) was to use two programs.
1. Use Subtitle Edit to create the subtitles (an .srt file). Since you have the text ready, you just copy paste it and add the appropriate timings.
2. Use XviD4PSP program to hardsub the subtitles.

I've also heard of the program Aegisub for hardsub, but I found it too complicated to use... I was already familiar with Subtitle Edit, and XviD4PSP hardsubs without any effort on my part.
I have the .exe files if you want me to send them to you if you can't find an .exe of those files to be working properly... I remember I had some difficulty finding the right XviD4PSP .exe file.

Subtitle Edit also requires of you to download LAVFilters, otherwise it won't work (it will prompt you to the download page when you open the program).
Finally, I had also managed to hardsub a video with the program Wondershare Video Converter. I didn't actually use this program to hardsub - I would use it when I had a video that I had to cut in half in order to upload it on YouTube, but it would also hardsub my .srt file (so yes, you still need to have an .srt file, as Wondershare is not a program for creating subtitles).

I believe it'd be too much effort and time wasting to use Premiere Pro or other programs just to insert subtitles (unless of course you wanted to do some fancy stuff).

On another note, if you JUST want someone to insert the subtitles into a video and hardsub them, I can do them for you if you'd like. I actually just finished studying Premiere Pro, but no way in hell am I gonna use such a heavy program to hardsub! :p
I can do it with the method I mentioned to you above.
Since you're busy, I'm also busy, but it'd be nice if I can help you out a bit.
I don't know how many videos you intend to make on a weekly basis, but I probably won't be able to do too many (even if the process is simple, it still requires time). Three videos a week would be good I believe.

If you want me to help you out with the subs, what do you say?
Note: I've noticed that the XviD4PSP program automatically decreases the video's quality. It IS still viewable and it doesn't show pixels or anything like that. It just won't be as high as it'll be in the original.

Sorry I don't want to embed srt files, or use srt files at all. because they won't look as good as if I use adobe premiere and add titled lines for each sentence.


here's a simple video kinda explaining how i want them to look, but obviously not the same format, because they're obviously not gaming videos. this way i can control the subtitles in every aspect, and give pop to important words and use whichever font/shadowing/etc that I want. don't worry I've got it figured out. I'd rather have quality over quantity.
Yagami Light said:
SATchives said:
The hardest part will be subtitling. but I think with practice I can subtitle a video in an hour or two. all attempts to get some software to do it quickly turned out shit. as I want quality subtitles that pop throughout the video. not some shitty srt file but embedded a new frame every sentence.

Hello. What I used to do when subtitling videos (and wanted them embedded) was to use two programs.
1. Use Subtitle Edit to create the subtitles (an .srt file). Since you have the text ready, you just copy paste it and add the appropriate timings.
2. Use XviD4PSP program to hardsub the subtitles.

I've also heard of the program Aegisub for hardsub, but I found it too complicated to use... I was already familiar with Subtitle Edit, and XviD4PSP hardsubs without any effort on my part.
I have the .exe files if you want me to send them to you if you can't find an .exe of those files to be working properly... I remember I had some difficulty finding the right XviD4PSP .exe file.

Subtitle Edit also requires of you to download LAVFilters, otherwise it won't work (it will prompt you to the download page when you open the program).
Finally, I had also managed to hardsub a video with the program Wondershare Video Converter. I didn't actually use this program to hardsub - I would use it when I had a video that I had to cut in half in order to upload it on YouTube, but it would also hardsub my .srt file (so yes, you still need to have an .srt file, as Wondershare is not a program for creating subtitles).

I believe it'd be too much effort and time wasting to use Premiere Pro or other programs just to insert subtitles (unless of course you wanted to do some fancy stuff).

On another note, if you JUST want someone to insert the subtitles into a video and hardsub them, I can do them for you if you'd like. I actually just finished studying Premiere Pro, but no way in hell am I gonna use such a heavy program to hardsub! :p
I can do it with the method I mentioned to you above.
Since you're busy, I'm also busy, but it'd be nice if I can help you out a bit.
I don't know how many videos you intend to make on a weekly basis, but I probably won't be able to do too many (even if the process is simple, it still requires time). Three videos a week would be good I believe.

If you want me to help you out with the subs, what do you say?
Note: I've noticed that the XviD4PSP program automatically decreases the video's quality. It IS still viewable and it doesn't show pixels or anything like that. It just won't be as high as it'll be in the original.

Apologies for my previous baseless assumptions that your subtitling method was not good. I just remembered watching/uploading your videos in the past, and your subtitles looked pretty alright. This was your video correct, https://www.bitchute.com/video/MIBy7O9hvWZL/ which I uploaded a year ago? the subtitles don't look too bad, I suppose if I can change the font It'll be fine, as I see you did. Will I also be able to move the positioning of the subtitle anywhere I want? the only downside I probably won't have as much control over every individual word/sentence, or any popping effects/fade effects but should be fine. however I'll take a look over into the things you mentioned, and make a decision. thanks for posting it might be very helpful.
Here are the audio files, for week 14,

I'll try to get week 15 done today, if not it will definately be done tomorrow.

Lucifer's New Aeon
by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

The Truth About Satan's Power
by High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

The All
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

The Tree of Knowledge, the Apple and the Serpent
By High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
SATchives said:
Anton LaVey established the first above ground Church of Satan on the Eve of
Beltane, April 30th, 1966.


This is confusing, Anton Lavey was a Jew who founded a Jewish Satanic church. His church corrupted true Satanism. So why is this deemed as good? And why his Satanic bible should be respected? Thanks

Hail Satan
Hail Lucifer
Hail Hitler
SATchives said:
Can someone please explain to me the part of the opening of the towers.
On another note, is Enochian magic good?

Hail Satan
Hail Astarte
Hail Hitler


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
