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Re-Read-It Series: Equality, The Gods, And other Questions | End Of Law And Order In Modern Clown World - Gun Rights US


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Jul 16, 2019

End Of Law And Order In Modern Clown World - Gun Rights In the US
By High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

What I always found appalling in life is a phenomenon that is happening in present day society, where law and order are essentially gone. We Satanists on a general basis, we are to be law abiding, and work against this total fallout of everything.

Symptoms of downfall of the law, aren't only lack of application of laws, and loose laws, and extremely complex laws that make no sense and prey on the unknowing, but also, application of the law to the wrong situations. That way, every crook can always escape judgement, while any innocent or simple person can be easily indicted, and go to prison.

The case of the fall of the Law is primarily defined in Christianity. In xianity, you can do any abominable crime, and all you have to do is fall on the knees, ask for so called "Forgiveness" and just go tommorow and do all the very same crimes again. The justification is that 'God forgives', and that you are a 'human being', and therefore this justifies anything you could have done.

You are also not responsible for it, some dark external force is, named "Satan". So every-time you do wrong, it's someone else's fault. Just wash your hands and go directly in committing it again. On the other hand, those who are on the receiving end of the crime, are supposed to "Turn the other cheek" and tolerate everything, and if they judge and smite you, only "God" is supposed to judge, they are going to go to "Hell".

As we can see here this gives us two things: Ultimate abuse for the abused, and ultimate freedom for the criminals. Don't ask why the Pope and many others are found in chambers boning little boys and somehow it's all discarded. As they would say, "Only God Can Judge Them" on that one. If they are ever caught, all it takes is just a statement that they are sorry, and back they are again at it. Who will judge them? One must only turn the other cheek.

The irony is that this is specifically designed to create lack of freedom, rampant misery, rampant crime, so that people run to the Jew Rabbi Jesus, begging for "salvation". All people do is cry and whine they don't have a better world, while the foundation of all their world is a criminal foundation.

Since people saw where this was going, wise people, like the Satanic old Freemasons, and others before them who were familliar with the Pagan order of things, they decided to topple this around and create new foundations of social life, new legal systems, abolish church courts, and generally, remove the church from control of public life, and instate logic as the new foundation of things. This worked a great deal, but the agents of decay behind the aforementioned xian ideals, still have influence, and they are still singing the same song. Nowadays also, they have different forms.

People who say that they are "Christians" and pro "Justice" or pro Gun laws, are just hypocrites. They carry on their pocket a tool of violence that can kill, and can exact judgement. Many Christians are aware that this is against the rules of the jewish god, as how everything that is positive for life, and makes life livable, is a sin. The idea that every person should be armed is an ideal from the Ancient Pagan ideal.

Christian ideals preach disarming, expect when it's for criminals to reign freely on top of the enslaved people. In that case, Christianity says, one is supposed to turn the other cheek, and wait for the "Second Coming" And "God's judgement" to make everything fall in place again. That is until the next ransacking gang comes and enslaves people again.

To give a recent example, in Virginia, and in many other States, "Democrat" legislators and other who try to take all our freedoms away, do something which they know should never be done in Law. The Law of the Constitution of a Nation is the highest form of law, and it cannot be bypassed or overpowered by inferior or local laws.

As Christianity says that to destroy humanity and civilization mentally, is somehow related to mental health, so do these people say that removing guns from citizens is about public safety. This has been the repetitive record of the Democrats for many decades.

In regards to Gun Laws, do you know which are the most armed to the teeth communities in the United States? Jewish Communities. Do you also read the news to see that it's most of the time Jews that preach the extreme disarming of the masses?

Jews armed to the teeth - https://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2020/01/15/us/ap-synagogue-security.html
Gentile "Goy" to be disarmed - https://www.ammoland.com/2019/01/virginias-democrat-governor-unveils-news-anti-gun-package-targeting-citizens-rights/

The same double standard gives itself out in the open again. What is next, a law that only Jews and their selected looter tribes should have arms? And after that what, a law to legalize murder such as the Talmud says where if a Gentile is killed by a Jew, it's never the Jew's fault? Unironically, all of this double standard, stems deeply from Judaism, which also gave birth to the ideals of disarming of the populace preached by Jewish Christianity as explained above.

Regardless of that, Laws are penned everyday which are blatantly antithetic or in grey areas in regards to the Constitution, which for example, explicitly allows people to have firearms, or Free Speech. Especially the Free Speech aspect is universally important and recognized in the most advanced countries worldwide. Simply put, if the Constitution says you can speak your mind, then you CAN speak your mind, and no inferior or lower law can tell you to do otherwise.

Recently reading on the decriminalization of petty theft in California is very revealing. The enemy has protected classes that they protect and they know what kind of crimes these are going to do, such as for example, theft. When the enemy is in power, if they cannot go full way and instate Soviet type of legislation, which allows their lackeys to conduct full crimes without ever being touched by the hand of the law again, they work slowly and systematically.

One example is the legalization of powerful psychotropic drugs, removal of punishments like theft, but also, how the State turns a total blind eye in obvious terrorist organizations such as the Anti-Fa. The Anti-Fa let us know explicitly and it's part of Communist ideology what they are going to do, take the United States over by force. After all the model they follow is not really an electoral one, but a violent one.

The above are all situations where there are cracks in the law, or purposeful ignorance, to protect specific classes. Another situation is how people are forbidden from calling Illegal Migrants, what they actually are. In this case the moment one passes a State border without any paper and hijacks, they are illegal, since there are laws which decide the National Border of a Nation.

The case in the fall of the Law is also when it's applied brutally over cases such as in China. In China, all it takes for one to find themselves in a jail cell and in an electric chair that measures one's "degree of truth" is just a mere loose canon statement online. The people are then arrested immediately, within a few hours. This happens especially fast if the statement is against Soviet China and it's State authority, or some sort of protected class of the Communist regime, such as for example, a person complaining about being mistreated by the Police.

This is a video about this so that people understand that this is not a joke and actually it happens. The person is on the "Truth revealing chair" over something they wrote on Twitter, where they have to plead guilty for it. Cops are shooting it for fun and extra humiliation. There is a translated version of the video that leaked in the web.

https://twitter.com/ningxianhua/status/ ... 5908631552

Depending on the degree of offence (By degree of "Offence" we solely mean how much this has offended the Communist powers that be) we have punishments ranging from complete total humiliation and unpersoning, all the way down to someone disappearing in the middle of the night, leaving no trace that they ever existed.

If we don't want this to be us really soon, we have to spread information, be vigilant, defend our rights like rabid dogs, and be ready to take it full on fitting means. What we see in China isn't something really strange, it's what these sirens that speak of removing rights today are going to do if they are allowed with further removal of rights.

Destruction of the concept of "Innocent until proven guilty" is very frequently discarded, especially today in the mass surveillance era. This isn't for Muslims and ISIS militants coming in Europe, it's rather for a random granny or a kid posting mean things online however. Now a debate is slowly emerging if people need to be imprisoned or confined based on mere statements and before they even do any action. While people think this is legal and justified, this puts our legal system back into the 15th century and earlier, where people would just get indicted in church courts without hearings and just based on suspicion and no evidence.

On the other hand, when a civilization drops, we have another manifestation as stated above. The protected classes such as looting tribes on behest of the enemy, are given free reign and are given free grounds to exercise whatever they see fit on the innocent populace. Such as decriminalization of petty theft, narcotics, and other things.

A sane mind would ask here, but why is this happening? Should these things ever happen? The answer is no, they should never happen. But these things do happen when those in power have in mind to create such a devastating situation for the people that live beneath them, that they do not protect their rights to life and prosperity, and want them to lose their security, and rights. This allows subjects to be further bossed out in even worse types of enslavement, without any choice.

It's a circulating statement that the so called "Illuminati" is based on the concept of Chaos in order to bring a "New World Order". This chaos involves land invasions, demographic replacement, laws that make people lose their sanity, such as to state an example, how a child molestor with many victims can walk out free easily, and a person who simply called someone with the wrong pronoun can get 5 years in prison, looters and invaders being entitled to more rights than any working and legitimate citizen, and the list goes. These things shatter the mind and they shatter the faith of people into their Nation.

Now, all of the above is also why dis-empowering people by removing their guns and firearms, makes things even worse for a society. Those who are in power can put the most brutal and savage laws, and people will never be able to defend themselves.

What has also happened which is a legally recent phenomenon is also criminalizing the defense of someone, a girl that uses a pepper spray in the eyes of a rapist, may get punished instead of the person attempting rape. The person attempted to be killed which broke the little toe of a murderer, may face more charges than the murderer. People who make jokes online may end up with years in prison, while people who steal billions of wealth from Nations just walk around freely and unscathed. Circus courts where those "Of wrong ideas" are just made into a worldwide parody, while criminals, cartels, sex traffickers, and all sorts of other vermin, enjoys great freedom.

Society can turn into a Joker type of society, and nobody will have any ability for self defense. This allows any power that is to go full forward with any agenda they see fit, and also, the normal people are defenseless against being preyed upon by any criminal.

In order for the Legal system to correct itself, the moral system behind it also has to be better. This is where Satanism and the restoration of the Pagan ideals of justice comes, which could really save this world from this fallout into nothingness under jewish pseudomorality, which leads to jewish created Communist lawlessness and permanent enslavement.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


Equality, The Gods, And other Questions

By High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Greetings to our Satanic Comrades and Family.

The purpose of this post is to address some questions asked here and there about our standing. First of all, the Joy of Satan has reached the core of the issues, which is the Torah and the spiritual attacks of the jews. Those who have open eyes and elevated consciousness, you can clearly understand how these things work. We have completely explained these. For that reason, the most important thing one can do, is attack the enemy through magick and spiritual means and then, educate the people. Education and spiritual means can be as powerful and as actual as any physical aciton, only far, far worse. This is evident, since the enemy did take over by force only as a last resort and when they thought they had totality in power.

Another thing. Its been stated, Satan has Won. Yes, Satan has won the spiritual and the war "out there" with the enemy, but the thing is, the Earth is still under the conditions we readily see. The future is NOT set and is fluid, until it arrives. Yet, one can have this "pre determined" but where there is no total power, there is no totality in this. This has to do with the time/gravitational grid of the Earth, which is what it is and can't change. Outside it might have already changed, on the inside, events still go and we are all under this fluidity.

In other words, different conditions are "out there" and different conditions are down here.

For those who have elevated themselves, they can see the enemy has no spiritual power (other than harassment etc), other than the power they are given by your beliefs or your fear or lack of mediation. In other words, they are gone on this department from here below. This shows the enemy spiritually has lost. But down there, on the physical plane, their spiritual effort has brought them rotten fruits. And the physical is the last and slowest moving of all levels. Meanwhile as the physical comes, the enemy, if they left unimpeded, they will try to re-achieve spiritual power. This is why we must wage full and total spiritual and intellectual warfare.

And these do not change overnight. Physical power is what it is, and although its derived from spiritual power, when its established, its "hard" to bring down. For this reason, we must compensate with more Willpower. Also, the enemy is actively down here trying to push things, no matter what, to their final end. Even if they have lost they will push until the last moment. Satan has incarnated people to fight in this time/space grid from the inside, as spiritual attacks carried here manifest more blatantly. This is identical to wanting to move something with telekinesis. If you are on the other end of the universe, you will need to exact maybe hundreds of times more force. If you are able to physically touch the item, you can move this right away.

The Gods are currently helping and will forever help us, but this is our Earth and this responsibility we cannot escape, no different than any other being in the universe cannot escape from the responsibility to mind their environment, fate and self. Its just simple, if you don’t do anything, this is again left on its own luck. Yet, always something, guides this process and is responsible over it. Surely, when one is struck to the ground by a fatal blow, they need powerful allies to get them up. The Gods did that and did do and will forever do titanic efforts to make us understand, see and finally, guide us to fight and destroy the enemy. This isn't the easiest thing, because Humanity has degenerated spiritually. This is definitely fully reversible.

IF you look at your physical life, you will see, that long story short there is TOTAL disconnection from anything spiritual whatsoever, before you joined Spiritual Satanism (except of those who had some fake watered down spiritual practice before). Even if you are a teenager, your past years have been nothing but spiritual. The brain and body have adjusted to this and therefore need to re-adjust. The notion of spirituality in itself has been bastardized to no end and people have been programmed to approach anything in certain ways, so they will fail spiritually. Hocus pocus, fast solutions, farting out fairy dust, shitting gold, your own personal rainbow horse, all these “magic expectations” are included here.

This is why the JoS at first might strike a bit strange to someone who is clueless or pretty much programmed by the powers that be. The key is to approach things with an open mind.

Read, evaluate, study, do your research. And seriously, FUCK your comfort zone. For your own sake and for the sake of your own happiness. Re-examine this and be ready to “kill” your comfort zone, so you can transcend higher. “Comfort zone” is simply a programming that has been put inside your mind, for better or for worse. For worse in that case, as this is the enemy. Nowadays “Comfort zone” is the zone where you completely give up to your own vision, where you give up to the laws nature indicates and forces you to abide and pretty much kill your common sense and ability to see for yourself.

If the Truth degraded itself to everyone's comfort zone, it would not be Truth, it would be lies. And this is what the enemy does. Rabbi jewsus, Hippie Jewsus, Drug promoting Jewsus, Roman Jewsus, Cyborg Jewsus, Pimpster Jewsus (nails mary the magdalene), Half Pagan Jewsus, Pokemon Jewsus, Communist Jewsus, Far Right Wing Jewsus, Gay Jewsus, ET

Jewsus, Pornstar Jewsus, Warrior Jewsus, Buddhist Jewsus, Meditating Jewsus, Ascended Mustard Jewsus and the list goes etc etc. For every insanity, person and idea, voila, one Jewsus. Lies apply everywhere, Truth is what it is.

Inside your mind except of the JoS information or anything else that had substance

spiritually, there is probably 95% trash that poses as false spirituality or outright delusional imagination, whatever, or even worse, nothing. Many people have even lost the ability to imagine or dream nowadays. It’s the developed world, you see. For instance, all people know the brain adjusts to conditions, same with the body. Re-adjusting the brain and bringing it again to a state of equilibrium between the male and female parts of it, takes time and maybe years even. This is like anything else in the Soul (which impacts the physical body) and how advanced one is. No matter where you are, it will take a while to re-elevate yourself. This is like entering a whole different life and a different environment and you need to adjust, which you will, because these things are not really alien, but living merely physically like drones is.

This brings us to another point, which is the point of magick. Successful magick requires a strong and powerful Soul, which is also a powerful, focused will and brain. This is why you need to take care of your body. In order to be able to do magick, you have to tap to the other part of your brain, and direct it with the left side of the brain. This will happen in time.

To most other alien Races out there, this is common sense. This part of the mind can do miracles, change lives, is the seat of all power- the Divine Mother. In order to aweaken this, meditation must be done daily and this will happen. This again, was common knowledge in the Ancient World.

Due to spiritual practice, people will after a point one will be very blissful. This is gradual and builds over time. Living blissfully and without suffering, without being dependent to external circumstances for your own well-being, this is a revolution. The enemy doesn’t want this in anyway. They always want you to be dependent, especially to them. What power will they have if people can be happy? None. The programs and everything the enemy has created, is based on and reinforces endless suffering. Then, no different than marketing, sells fake solutions, creates fake problems and then solves them. Then repeat this again. When the product doesn't sell, change it or morph it. If it still doesn't, change product. Xianity and the enemy programs are testament of that. The enemy profits, thrives and lords over a society of people that are damned by them and go to them to be “saved”. Misery is the stadium where they pull their big game. Misery that THEY themselves inflict. They would not survive a day inside a sane and healthy society.

Reverting this all and re-ascending to a whole different way of existence, this takes time and patience. This is beyond any selfish, materialist or whatever other types of “goals”, or “wants” or “needs”. Humans rush everything because of our mortality. Our mortality pushes everything to happen fast. We built a whole society around this mortality and rushing your whole life. Life is a race, get there, do this, then this, then that, then enter your coffin and go meet the big lie on the sky. This is very bad for the human mind and many can’t take this.

This is why so many people are depressed, suicidal and feel like trash. But there is good news. You do NOT have to live that way or ever should. With enough power, you can put your "law" to your personal life so to say. No matter what type of life you live, meditation, wherever, you have access to yourself. This is the time where you have fun, slow down, become lazy and shut down the external drama world.

Now another thing. Many people do complain and constantly ask about the Third eye and how to know if it’s activated. Many people do meditate, but they do not take some time to see what they have accomplished. In other words, after you are done with your meditation program, sit some minutes to see, passively, what you have accomplished. Do not expect.

Just sit there and see. There is no right or wrong here. Just give and pay attention. By seeing, we don’t always mean a visual experience. 3rd eye vision extends past this and involves all the senses, plus the so called 6th sense, or simply feeling. You need to be open with this and give it time. This is the Eye of Satan. The enemy hates this beyond anything and they curse it all the time. When this eye is properly empowered and the mind is properly cleansed of dross, this eye is the gateway for higher consciousness and understanding. Everything requires persistence, practice and breaking your limitations.

Then, I always see another thing in the groups. People are advancing spiritually, and physically, but mentally, they do not force this advancement to catch up. In other words, you must realize and change your mentality. You are someone else now, you have changed and after every meditation session your change positively for the better. As you grow and this will happen automatically, your old mindsets will be thrown out of the window. Not the base of your character or who you are, but what is dross accumulation definitely will give way to greater potential. You are actually more and more powerful after every meditation session. Keeping around a xian mentality, this can be of severe consequence when you have power.

Nature creates everything unequal. I am so thankful that the Gods are so much higher than us and therefore, we have our guides, we can receive help and make relations with other more prominent and powerful beings. They can show us the way, like a father to child relation. The fingers on your hands are not equal in length, yet this is the spirit of cooperation. Everyone to one’s own, your position and always, with the ability to grow.

Equality is NOT justice, as many idiots do believe. Justice is what is needed and altruism, not fake ass “equality”. Equality kills the potential of everything and anyone and is the recipe for disaster for all creation.

Equality also always relates to equality with those in the bottom. When one has hit rock bottom there are countless equals. As one goes and advances, there is justice, not equality.

Equality sucks and is a deathly plague that wears a fake beautiful dress for those who are too blind to see beyond this. Equality means death. Only inanimate things and dead are “equal”. Not adhering to the notion of "equality" doesn't make one a bigot, bad person or whatever else in that stupid pseudo-ethical dilemma made up by the enemy. Equality forces many people to go really outside of what they can do, even if this seems like a paradox. One instance of that is how everyone is forced to go to college for instance, or how many people who aren't made for certain jobs are pushed into this "baseline" of anyone else.

So long someone lives, someone excels somewhere, is bad somewhere. Someone else is good on this thing. I am a terrible painter, yet, I am very thankful there are good artists and painters so I can enjoy their creations which I can't make, for instance. Nature gives us collectively skills and spreads gifts to anyone. The more this process is followed and the more people are push to collectively and personally excell, there is upbringing for the whole, which then again pulls up the individual and this goes and goes. The jews constantly rant and rave about "equality", yet they themselves say they are masters of the universe, that you are goyim etc. Equality and assimilation for you, not for them. They know this is all a big crock of shit. For them, racial, cultural and religious purity. Purity at all costs even at the expense of other members of their race. Because as all the Ancients knew, this is how everyone survives. The jews have taken this completely out of context, yet, they apply the basic rules with cutthroat adherence. The jews are vastly different than them, but their inability and unwillingness to advance, evolve and catch up, has been their greatest weapon. And even if the rot can make it so high by applying these laws, what we Gentiles could do.

Nature gives us all abilities, paths and works by her will, makes us unequal, so we can all strive to better our blueprint of self, which is one and only in the universe. The enemy is a communist and wants everyone to become a selfless amassment, destroying any and all will of nature, which indicates we should expand our ego and our whole at the same time. The enemy is not part of this. They are a literal accident that is constantly trying to impose their law through exploitation of the nature of others and in general. Equality is degeneration.

Humanity goes forward by personal genius and not by mass "genius". Mass genius would only exist if the "baseline" for people constantly got raised and raised and this can never happen through equality and lack of justice, as things are today. Nature indicates the way to personal and collective success. The Gods are about JUSTICE, *NOT* equality.

The enemy lies and keeps lying, that supposedly if such order existed, the higher beings would execute the weaker or this crock of filth. This is their fear and they project it, as they know when Gentiles find out what they have committed, they will definitely grow violent.

This is their own criminal complex and how they see power. Power to them is not for help and elevate, but rather, always a tool to enslave, conquer and kill the host. Any parasite thinks that way, same does the enemy. This has NOTHING to do with us though, or the essence of power in itself.

Power is a neutral concept. Yet the enemy teaches people to love weakness and hate power.

They are making it seem like one their abuse of any power they possess, so that people, obviously disgusted, will hate power. This is clever and prohibits anyone else from the pursuit of power, leaving space for the powerless jews to become powerful and as thus, continue their actions. This is definitely what THEY would do if they found themselves at the heights of power. The USSR and Communist regimes testify to that. Because we are alien to them, and totally unrelated to them.

Claiming this is a case for Gentiles is definitely a fallacy. Cats or Dogs supposedly are "below" us, one would say. Yet, we live together, love them, they are no different than family members in most cases. While the fact is that Dogs and Cats cannot be compared to us or us to them, our "inequality" or "difference" is not a reason for any aggressive behavior, but mutual respect and affection. This is in fact the beauty of creation. The enemy wants to assimilate everything, destroy all that is "different" and then use this remaining clump as slaves.

They are preaching "pro" diversity, while in fact, this diversity will kill ALL living diversity, beyond to the point of recovering. They are promoting diversity to kill any diversity.

This is the same as when they are promoting love through the senseless and deathly hoax of xianity, which kills and maims the ability of humanity to love, and translates love to the worst form of victimization and slavery.

On a final note, the enemy wants everyone to be "equals" so they can lord over them.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
SATchives said:
People who say that they are "Christians" and pro "Justice" or pro Gun laws, are just hypocrites. They carry on their pocket a tool of violence that can kill, and can exact judgement. Many Christians are aware that this is against the rules of the jewish god, as how everything that is positive for life, and makes life livable, is a sin. The idea that every person should be armed is an ideal from the Ancient Pagan ideal.

A short question: how do I respond to Xians who claims that the Bible supports weapon ownership?

They use Matthew 10:34 and another verse which says to sell all of your possession for a sword.
Nimrod33 said:
SATchives said:
People who say that they are "Christians" and pro "Justice" or pro Gun laws, are just hypocrites. They carry on their pocket a tool of violence that can kill, and can exact judgement. Many Christians are aware that this is against the rules of the jewish god, as how everything that is positive for life, and makes life livable, is a sin. The idea that every person should be armed is an ideal from the Ancient Pagan ideal.

A short question: how do I respond to Xians who claims that the Bible supports weapon ownership?

They use Matthew 10:34 and another verse which says to sell all of your possession for a sword.


it really says
Matthew 10: 34-36
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
36 And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.


you don't really need to do anything but tell them they don't even know their own shit, the sword is a metaphor in the bible for breaking apart families, and that it's a really revealing verse that shows the evil of jewhova and jewsus, ask them if they love their family they and if they are they are going against the teachings of their jew god.

I don't argue with xians anymore, I'll post if i get a reply i 90% of the time ignore it.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
