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Race question

 Next on the list. 
 Oneness and Peace. 
 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1188 

 Aww now come on where did all my Brave Champions for Race mixing go? You have to keep fueling this thread, see I have a lot of posts I can find. Amazing how you dim wits always phase out so fast. You put up such a nice little facade and then as soon as I come on the scene you run like the little cowards you are. Well come on, SAY SOMETHING. I can keep doing this for the next two years if you wish. All Day Baby. No not gonna say anything? Just gonna WHUN AWAY. How Pathetic. Of course Race Trading Trash like you wouldn't have the Huevos to Stand up to an Aryan Man would you? I just expected....Well MORE. 

 "Oneness" is a concept for the Soul who has connected Ida and Pigala. Oneness does not imply "Race Mixing", "Cultural Oneness", or accepting the Jews as universal saviors, and accepting the "One and Only" BordAllah or Rabbi Emmanuel Jewsus Krayst. Oneness does not imply "One World Goverment", or does give ANY justification for slavery of all under "One". Oneness doesn't imply Communism ("Equality" and flattening on the political level and individual life) either. Oneness does not imply there must be only one type of heritage, "God" or Nationality. This also has nothing to do with "Equality". The reasons why are easily self-observed by anyone with a pair of eyes and a brain that functions. 
Oneness is just a spiritual concept that has to do with how the whole universe is in relationship with the whole in itself. "Oneness" can only be explained as "Wholeness" in these lower levels. One Race is a "Whole". A "Whole" can have the same culture, the same beliefs, the same system, the same religion and the list goes. Mixing "Wholes" is not "Oneness". For something to be a "Whole", there have to be the same "members" of the same "kind" in it. The same goes for instance for all your cells that constitute your body, for instance. If these were uneven, problems arise. Cells are not "equal" and they are not the "same", however they create (in desirable situations) a healthy and happy whole.

Like Karma and all other spiritual concepts, the jews are reeking these over in society to misguide the "Goyim" into thinking that the actions of the jews, their ideas and their depravity are somehow backed up by universal rules. The same goes for their pseudo-dualism. "Satan cannot exist without "God" and the rest of the garbage. "God" if anything cannot exist without Satan, because he was made thousands of years after Paganism, only so the jews can have an enemy. Satan did exist thousands upon thousands of years before they even existed, and Satan will forever exist after even everything is said and done on this so called "Planet" with its fancy beliefs of nowadays. The same goes for Satanism, which as the enemy openly states as well, existed long before the Abrahamic Programs.

Its desired and wanted by the Gods that Humanity does not fall on this disease and wrongdoing, and that we fight back, however. The Gods fight for this too, so we can be saved.

In the same way any animal gets rid of unwelcome fleas, in the same way some things have to be removed. In the same way there are "natural enemies" and "natural antagonism" in all Natural species, the same is the case with the "Jews" and the Gentiles. There is no "Oneness" in that sense. "Oneness" is just the first and most primal state of "Existence" upon which everything is on "Square one". Oneness is just the natural law that all "Creation" is connected in some way, and this is the Aether and spiritual, this is the understanding of "Non Duality" in Yoga, when one understands the creative way of fusion of male and female. 

This is not enemy garbage of "Oneness" as one can readily see in nature, nature intends division in the same way it wants "connections", or it severs these. For instance, bodies of humans are seperate. You are not "One" with your table or desk, and you are happy when you are not "One" with some deadly virus or cancer. "One" can only happen in consciousness, and is a concept that has been bastardized.

There is no evolution or de-evolution here, and absolute "Nothingness" if we can say this, in this "level". There is only potentiality. This is the same as sperm. Sperm is useless, unless it is fertilized. It carries information and power, but if its not fertilized, then it becomes nothing worthwhile. This is why Satan's Number is 2 and 11 and not "One" as the enemy "Oneness" garbage preaches. One evolves and becomes a worthwhile being that advances and expands after they are born, they grow up, and advance from this "Potentiality" into something decent. This is the way of the Cosmos and not the reverse. The enemy is preaching this crap in reverse, in order to get people to regress back to a prior stage of existence.

"Oneness" is also behind "Race Mixing", "Globalization" and everything else. These have nothing to do with the spiritual/natural concept, and they are just bluffs to deceive the blind Goyim slaves. Race Mixing is the degeneration of Nature's blueprints into a more primitive and "same" state, where there is actually a backwards movement from natural evolution. Its de-evolving incarnate to engage into this practice. 

This if recurrs over too many generations, all humans on earth will become completely "One Humanity" with the baseline of everything set as low as ever before, since all original blueprints detoriate accordingly from admixture. Both the "lower" and the "higher" too detoriate.

Then we have the notion of "Peace" the enemy talks about all the time. "Peace" can only come from when someone is safe and sound, and in this natural environment, there is always warfare, more or less obvious. One can only be safe within their "Own", be this the family, or the "Whole" they belong to, or any other unit that protects all members etc. This is why the enemy has forced people into herds and accepting social hoaxes such as "Christianity". 

This is exploitation of this rule of life. Peace can never come without power. While for everyone else "peace" means pacification, marijuanna, deadly beliefs such as "non violence" and all this garbage, the jews are waging relentless, visibly or not visible warfare to undermine everyone. One needs to look no further than "Islam" who always talks about "Peace". Then "Pieces" the way out of everybody. Peace when the enemy speaks of this, means pacification, living in one's fake bubble, ignoring reality, and disregarding all meaning and purpose bestowed by nature. 

All Human beings like peace, because peace is a beautiful and welcome state in where life can advance, evolve and flourish. The enemy wants none of this for their enemies. Peace is also a spiritual concept, and peace is attained when one flushes out their negative Karma and mental problems, through meditation, and they achieve enlightenment. Which literally means, the filling of the Soul with light. This manifests into mental serenity, clearness of thought, and an elevated state of existence where one is no longer bothered by the problems of a disobedient and problematic "mind".

The enemy loves "war" and they are warmorgers, but because they are few and they are afraid of straight up warfare (or being revelead to Gentiles), they just blind others with "Peace" so they can exploit them while they roam undisturbed. There are actual passages in the bible, where all "Nations" of Gentiles, do all revolt and attack Israel together. They know this is a grave danger for their agenda, as everyone of the Gentiles is extremely exploited.

"Multiculturalism" and all the other trends the enemy forces upon Humanity, looking to gradually weaken its livestock down beyond the level of retardiation, are many times based on pseudo-philosophical and pseudo-spiritual concepts, which the enemy bases off on the spiritual ignorance of the masses, caused to them by the programms that the jews created.

The jews literally curse all of Humanity with rituals and blood sacrifice, the Hebrew "Bible", in order that all Souls will remain without any "peace" or "light" whatsover. Since spirit is matter and matter is spirit, they also take physical actions such as causing wars, fanning ignorance, promoting death etc. They curse everything and damn everything. The same goes for knowledge, life necessities, undermining of civilization and everything else that makes life worthwhile and possible. 

The climax of this hatred is when they curse Satan, which as we all here know is the Father of Humanity, Truth and also, relates to the Serpent which is the advanced genetic blueprint Satan implanted in Humanity, so that we can advance and evolve throughout our whole existence. 

None of these concepts are spiritual, or based into "Spirituality", or Truth, in any way, shape or form. Truth can only mean life, and the best for life, and these are deadly and all are in tune with death, desolation, destruction and degeneration of Human life, all of which are against Nature's Will.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666 

 Oh come on no smart ass replies? No more Mixed Children are good? No more I fuck my dog in the ass? Where did you all go? Aww Don't run away now. 

 The "Magical Systems" of the Jews - One and the Same

 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1179

 Greetings to all our people and Satanic Comrades.
The enemy endlessly creates a supply for lies. People instead of using their creativity into finding ways into the Truth, because they have taught to hate it, or value comfort above Truth, they use their so called "creativity" in order to create all sorts of lies. This is especially True in spirituality. In order to clean this one cannot but get a very strong sweeper.

With so many jewish cucked-outs, "Christendoomer" Racial and Global Sellouts, people who have been only living and existing thanks to the hoax of christianity, or many others who are just born to be weak and slaves (thank jews), the enemy always has a literally endless supply of people that will make up, invent and create lie after lie to hide, and hide the tracks of the jews for them. Because let's admit it, at the current point of humanity, much of it is only meant to end up as slaves. So like good slaves, they wash the feet of the jews, they hide their tracks, and they kiss their hands for every deadly blow they get into their face from the (rotting) "authority" rod of the jews.

Now for the people who are unfit to be slaves, this is in the Soul. I don't mean you average idiot outside the street who "denies the status quo", joins the FBI (Sorry, meant "Anonymous Hacker Group") and talks about the next "Revolution of Bitcoin", while masturbating to Alex Jones, or how bad the Jews treat "Palestine" while at the same time, Hails Karl Marx the Jew, as the superior source of Social and Economic Wisdom... 

We are talking about individuals who are on their sane brain and don't want to accept this silly game going on around. The halflings and those who fence-hop on the fence of "revolting", are worst than the slaves themselves. These people are plain idiots and they don't have insight in themselves or anyone else. In these categories go the "Anti-Jewish Christen Doomers" and anyone else kike or lackey of theirs that blends the Truths for the jewish liking, or covers and protects the jews better than their own mother, country or state.

Truth is like a shot. You either take all of it, or you will never take it. Bit by bit, Truth plus lies and the list goes, one can go the Jewish Enemy, and they will get trillions times trillion of lies. 

In the light of the above apparent retardiation, there have risen strange spiritual theories. One spiritual theory that has risen, is that the jews don't worship "Jesus" but they worship someone else, some "Old God" or even some "Ancient Pagan God", weak imbeciles trying to divide the jewish hoax of the bible in parts, because they don't have any culture anymore, or intelligence to see through. The jews worship nobody else but their own thoughform, created by the Ancient Rabbis, which has a secret name, but it also has socket names such as "Jehova". This thoughform is meant to "materialize" here below as "Jesus", in the form of a humanoid being, and help the jews take over the planet. The "New Testament" is for the Goyim to read a supposed text as this scenario did "happen", so that it will happen again. 

Expectations+Subliminal Brainwashing+Spiritual Ignorance= The Goyim act in the ways that they "Should" = The Goyim on their own manifest their own damnation = Jews Win.

Now in the rhyme of the next Aeon or Age, where there is "Spirituality" coming up, worry not fellow Rabbis, said one Rabbi, we are going to use all our agents in decay to get billions of theories that will neverthless belong all to us. The Rabbis laughed and made their "Kehillah" and "Sayanim" phonecalls. Shorly, the "Goyim" were supplied with New and "Spiritual" Fates. Some "Goyim" were also allowed to join "Judaism". Well in such a low level that they were made into whores that basically crawl before the Rabbis and pay their life fortune to get a spiritual dime. Or some new glorifying prayer to "JHVH".

This is a complete and total degradation. The worst things are though the deeper and spiritual things, or even worse, things that are tied into spiritual practices. This goes to the "Illuminati" and anyone else, whom the (((Media))) calls "Satanists", but they do infact praise "Jehova" and his "Lucifer Jesus" all the time. The Illuminati worships Jewsus as a "Serpent". Lucifer is a generic term meaning light bringer. The same goes for the so called retarded "Satanists", who are using Jewish Kabbalah and Jewish Magick, and then somehow try to pretend they are not cucked and slaves to the jews, or that they "No longer believe in any "God". Not only they do believe in a "God", but this "God" is the Jewish God, Jehovah, and his son the jew, Rabbi Emmanuel, or known as "Jesus Christ". Or just "Messiach" of the jews.

When it comes to retards and defenders, the jews have bred a never ending supply. Then you have the "Gnostic Christians". Who are supposedly against the "Demiurge JHVH", but do infact use the same "Kabbalah" and "Tree of Life" as the Jews, all of which tie into the Jewish Soul. These meditations, same as the "Invocations of the Archangels" and all other garbage in the "New" Age (Old as the Jews, Age) is the same crap. The same goes for the average "Christian" praying in the Vatican and everywhere else. Freemasonry is just wanna-be Rabbinism, made for the lower castes of the enemy. All these are levels and castes. The enemy has a caste system when it comes to Magick. The same goes for other idiots such as "Pagan Christians" and the endless drivel or insanity and retardiation has no end.

The common points: You don't advance spiritually, you worship the jews, and your highest salvation is to become a wanna-be Rabbi. Now that we said "Wanna Be Rabbi", one brings in the mind the supposed 'Satanist' Aleister Crowley, who was doing sacrificial rites and was talking in his books (Named after the Jewish Letters) on the greateness of the "Holy name of JHVH" and the list goes endlessly. Doesn't matter what "Ancient" things you will mix into it. So long the jews are here, you are fine and with them. Just don't attempt to remove the Jew like the Joy of Satan has done...This is where problems begin. 

"Why do these Goyim, do reject our teaching", think the jews?

The answer is easy and simple. Because Gentiles and Aryans have endless spiritual inheritence and they don't need to follow any jew, on a stick or whatnot. Now as for these sorry "Aryan" births that took place and use their Aryan Life to protect the Jew Christ, or are wanna-be "Crusaders that want the Holy Grail" upon which the Rabbi Emmanuel Yahushua was drinking the excrement of his midwife, jewish hooker Magdalene, we are talking of people who are either purposeful liars, or just retards that are beyond curing. This is the unfortunate Truth, that with Racial degradation, so does weaken the Soul, and so does weaken the Pagan spirit. The same goes for all Races, and the same can be observed in all Races. 

Satan in the Jewish texts, if looked on as a "force that must be exorcised" (according to the enemy) is the "Spirit of Rebellion" and the "Spirit of the Forgotten Gods" or Paganhood. In plain, its the lifeforce, the insight and the power of the instict that runs within the blood, and forces people to not adhere to the slaver religions of the enemy or the jewish culture. When enough Race Mixing, bastardization and retardiation has come in a Race of people, they leave their Pagan roots and can go fine by existing and kissing the ass of the jewish excrement. This directly ties into the gene pool and anything else. Spiritual and metaphysical weakening does have this particular effect in everything. This causes downfall of civilizations. It goes from the simpler thought, to the beings life purpose. This is why the "Christians" say, that when one "doubts" or even THINKS against "Christianity", then it must be Satan. In that sense, to have questions like a human being, its Satan.

People are such imbeciles and of such ability to lie to themselves, that they all deny that all this spiritual garbage accounts to the same thing. "Fighting off Evil Satan", attacking or attempting to enslave the "Demons" in some way, worshipping the Jews, Rabbi Emmanuel Yahushua (Jesus) and its rotten cheezen father "Jehova". Or shoveling down to one's throat supposedly "Ancient Teachings" that have OBVIOUSLY been corrupted, or xianized, or mistranslated. This is the eternal context of the jews rewritting history to make it seem that this race of disturbing trashers, does have actual history.

Then you end up with these enlightened "Philosopher" idiots, who even pretend to be spiritually advanced, until you tell them to move a toothpick on the desk, or predict anything, or just do the most minor display of power. "In the Next Life, Brother". Or some other, weed-bro answer, you are going to receive.

Now for the people who want to keep hailing the jews until eternity...I would say good luck, but Gentiles who follow the jews will only be punished, both by nature and by the jews, in the worst imaginable ways. Its not me that says that, its them.

If Gentiles want real spiritual power, a hope to spiritual salvation, and to actually become anything more than a stronger or weaker Jewish puppet, or get NOWHERE on their spiritual pursuits but damn themselves by following the jews...They ought follow the advice given in the JoS. The JoS is not here to do anything else, but provide the Truth on the matter, and advance Humanity out of this misery. Exactly as Satan Commanded and Intended for Humanity.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you, Aldrick. I cannot just talk about this Aryan-jews stuff people would accuse me of being crazy. She was my mother’s friend and I need to have manner towards her. 
I have this feeling if I talk much further she was going to attack my personal life and stuff and saying that my bad life is because I ran away towards the god and other craps. While the truth is, my life is getting a lot better after I became an SS and I’m still working on to fix what is wrong in the past

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Saturday, November 11, 2017, 12:42 AM, aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
 Oh come on no smart ass replies? No more Mixed Children are good? No more I fuck my dog in the ass? Where did you all go? Aww Don't run away now. 

 The "Magical Systems" of the Jews - One and the Same

 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1179

 Greetings to all our people and Satanic Comrades.
The enemy endlessly creates a supply for lies. People instead of using their creativity into finding ways into the Truth, because they have taught to hate it, or value comfort above Truth, they use their so called "creativity" in order to create all sorts of lies. This is especially True in spirituality. In order to clean this one cannot but get a very strong sweeper.

With so many jewish cucked-outs, "Christendoomer" Racial and Global Sellouts, people who have been only living and existing thanks to the hoax of christianity, or many others who are just born to be weak and slaves (thank jews), the enemy always has a literally endless supply of people that will make up, invent and create lie after lie to hide, and hide the tracks of the jews for them. Because let's admit it, at the current point of humanity, much of it is only meant to end up as slaves. So like good slaves, they wash the feet of the jews, they hide their tracks, and they kiss their hands for every deadly blow they get into their face from the (rotting) "authority" rod of the jews.

Now for the people who are unfit to be slaves, this is in the Soul. I don't mean you average idiot outside the street who "denies the status quo", joins the FBI (Sorry, meant "Anonymous Hacker Group") and talks about the next "Revolution of Bitcoin", while masturbating to Alex Jones, or how bad the Jews treat "Palestine" while at the same time, Hails Karl Marx the Jew, as the superior source of Social and Economic Wisdom... 

We are talking about individuals who are on their sane brain and don't want to accept this silly game going on around. The halflings and those who fence-hop on the fence of "revolting", are worst than the slaves themselves. These people are plain idiots and they don't have insight in themselves or anyone else. In these categories go the "Anti-Jewish Christen Doomers" and anyone else kike or lackey of theirs that blends the Truths for the jewish liking, or covers and protects the jews better than their own mother, country or state.

Truth is like a shot. You either take all of it, or you will never take it. Bit by bit, Truth plus lies and the list goes, one can go the Jewish Enemy, and they will get trillions times trillion of lies. 

In the light of the above apparent retardiation, there have risen strange spiritual theories. One spiritual theory that has risen, is that the jews don't worship "Jesus" but they worship someone else, some "Old God" or even some "Ancient Pagan God", weak imbeciles trying to divide the jewish hoax of the bible in parts, because they don't have any culture anymore, or intelligence to see through. The jews worship nobody else but their own thoughform, created by the Ancient Rabbis, which has a secret name, but it also has socket names such as "Jehova". This thoughform is meant to "materialize" here below as "Jesus", in the form of a humanoid being, and help the jews take over the planet. The "New Testament" is for the Goyim to read a supposed text as this scenario did "happen", so that it will happen again. 

Expectations+Subliminal Brainwashing+Spiritual Ignorance= The Goyim act in the ways that they "Should" = The Goyim on their own manifest their own damnation = Jews Win.

Now in the rhyme of the next Aeon or Age, where there is "Spirituality" coming up, worry not fellow Rabbis, said one Rabbi, we are going to use all our agents in decay to get billions of theories that will neverthless belong all to us. The Rabbis laughed and made their "Kehillah" and "Sayanim" phonecalls. Shorly, the "Goyim" were supplied with New and "Spiritual" Fates. Some "Goyim" were also allowed to join "Judaism". Well in such a low level that they were made into whores that basically crawl before the Rabbis and pay their life fortune to get a spiritual dime. Or some new glorifying prayer to "JHVH".

This is a complete and total degradation. The worst things are though the deeper and spiritual things, or even worse, things that are tied into spiritual practices. This goes to the "Illuminati" and anyone else, whom the (((Media))) calls "Satanists", but they do infact praise "Jehova" and his "Lucifer Jesus" all the time. The Illuminati worships Jewsus as a "Serpent". Lucifer is a generic term meaning light bringer. The same goes for the so called retarded "Satanists", who are using Jewish Kabbalah and Jewish Magick, and then somehow try to pretend they are not cucked and slaves to the jews, or that they "No longer believe in any "God". Not only they do believe in a "God", but this "God" is the Jewish God, Jehovah, and his son the jew, Rabbi Emmanuel, or known as "Jesus Christ". Or just "Messiach" of the jews.

When it comes to retards and defenders, the jews have bred a never ending supply. Then you have the "Gnostic Christians". Who are supposedly against the "Demiurge JHVH", but do infact use the same "Kabbalah" and "Tree of Life" as the Jews, all of which tie into the Jewish Soul. These meditations, same as the "Invocations of the Archangels" and all other garbage in the "New" Age (Old as the Jews, Age) is the same crap. The same goes for the average "Christian" praying in the Vatican and everywhere else. Freemasonry is just wanna-be Rabbinism, made for the lower castes of the enemy. All these are levels and castes. The enemy has a caste system when it comes to Magick. The same goes for other idiots such as "Pagan Christians" and the endless drivel or insanity and retardiation has no end.

The common points: You don't advance spiritually, you worship the jews, and your highest salvation is to become a wanna-be Rabbi. Now that we said "Wanna Be Rabbi", one brings in the mind the supposed 'Satanist' Aleister Crowley, who was doing sacrificial rites and was talking in his books (Named after the Jewish Letters) on the greateness of the "Holy name of JHVH" and the list goes endlessly. Doesn't matter what "Ancient" things you will mix into it. So long the jews are here, you are fine and with them. Just don't attempt to remove the Jew like the Joy of Satan has done...This is where problems begin. 

"Why do these Goyim, do reject our teaching", think the jews?

The answer is easy and simple. Because Gentiles and Aryans have endless spiritual inheritence and they don't need to follow any jew, on a stick or whatnot. Now as for these sorry "Aryan" births that took place and use their Aryan Life to protect the Jew Christ, or are wanna-be "Crusaders that want the Holy Grail" upon which the Rabbi Emmanuel Yahushua was drinking the excrement of his midwife, jewish hooker Magdalene, we are talking of people who are either purposeful liars, or just retards that are beyond curing. This is the unfortunate Truth, that with Racial degradation, so does weaken the Soul, and so does weaken the Pagan spirit. The same goes for all Races, and the same can be observed in all Races. 

Satan in the Jewish texts, if looked on as a "force that must be exorcised" (according to the enemy) is the "Spirit of Rebellion" and the "Spirit of the Forgotten Gods" or Paganhood. In plain, its the lifeforce, the insight and the power of the instict that runs within the blood, and forces people to not adhere to the slaver religions of the enemy or the jewish culture. When enough Race Mixing, bastardization and retardiation has come in a Race of people, they leave their Pagan roots and can go fine by existing and kissing the ass of the jewish excrement. This directly ties into the gene pool and anything else. Spiritual and metaphysical weakening does have this particular effect in everything. This causes downfall of civilizations. It goes from the simpler thought, to the beings life purpose. This is why the "Christians" say, that when one "doubts" or even THINKS against "Christianity", then it must be Satan. In that sense, to have questions like a human being, its Satan.

People are such imbeciles and of such ability to lie to themselves, that they all deny that all this spiritual garbage accounts to the same thing. "Fighting off Evil Satan", attacking or attempting to enslave the "Demons" in some way, worshipping the Jews, Rabbi Emmanuel Yahushua (Jesus) and its rotten cheezen father "Jehova". Or shoveling down to one's throat supposedly "Ancient Teachings" that have OBVIOUSLY been corrupted, or xianized, or mistranslated. This is the eternal context of the jews rewritting history to make it seem that this race of disturbing trashers, does have actual history.

Then you end up with these enlightened "Philosopher" idiots, who even pretend to be spiritually advanced, until you tell them to move a toothpick on the desk, or predict anything, or just do the most minor display of power. "In the Next Life, Brother". Or some other, weed-bro answer, you are going to receive.

Now for the people who want to keep hailing the jews until eternity...I would say good luck, but Gentiles who follow the jews will only be punished, both by nature and by the jews, in the worst imaginable ways. Its not me that says that, its them.

If Gentiles want real spiritual power, a hope to spiritual salvation, and to actually become anything more than a stronger or weaker Jewish puppet, or get NOWHERE on their spiritual pursuits but damn themselves by following the jews...They ought follow the advice given in the JoS. The JoS is not here to do anything else, but provide the Truth on the matter, and advance Humanity out of this misery. Exactly as Satan Commanded and Intended for Humanity.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
I enjoyed the article as I do all of the others that you post. You never fail to put a smile on my face because I love the way that you tell it like it is. You are a fighter and your fire burns bright! Hail Satan

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
-------- Original message --------From: "aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] Date: 11/10/17 9:42 AM (GMT-08:00) To: [email protected] Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Race question
 Oh come on no smart ass replies? No more Mixed Children are good? No more I fuck my dog in the ass? Where did you all go? Aww Don't run away now. 

 The "Magical Systems" of the Jews - One and the Same

 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1179

 Greetings to all our people and Satanic Comrades.
The enemy endlessly creates a supply for lies. People instead of using their creativity into finding ways into the Truth, because they have taught to hate it, or value comfort above Truth, they use their so called "creativity" in order to create all sorts of lies. This is especially True in spirituality. In order to clean this one cannot but get a very strong sweeper.

With so many jewish cucked-outs, "Christendoomer" Racial and Global Sellouts, people who have been only living and existing thanks to the hoax of christianity, or many others who are just born to be weak and slaves (thank jews), the enemy always has a literally endless supply of people that will make up, invent and create lie after lie to hide, and hide the tracks of the jews for them. Because let's admit it, at the current point of humanity, much of it is only meant to end up as slaves. So like good slaves, they wash the feet of the jews, they hide their tracks, and they kiss their hands for every deadly blow they get into their face from the (rotting) "authority" rod of the jews.

Now for the people who are unfit to be slaves, this is in the Soul. I don't mean you average idiot outside the street who "denies the status quo", joins the FBI (Sorry, meant "Anonymous Hacker Group") and talks about the next "Revolution of Bitcoin", while masturbating to Alex Jones, or how bad the Jews treat "Palestine" while at the same time, Hails Karl Marx the Jew, as the superior source of Social and Economic Wisdom... 

We are talking about individuals who are on their sane brain and don't want to accept this silly game going on around. The halflings and those who fence-hop on the fence of "revolting", are worst than the slaves themselves. These people are plain idiots and they don't have insight in themselves or anyone else. In these categories go the "Anti-Jewish Christen Doomers" and anyone else kike or lackey of theirs that blends the Truths for the jewish liking, or covers and protects the jews better than their own mother, country or state.

Truth is like a shot. You either take all of it, or you will never take it. Bit by bit, Truth plus lies and the list goes, one can go the Jewish Enemy, and they will get trillions times trillion of lies. 

In the light of the above apparent retardiation, there have risen strange spiritual theories. One spiritual theory that has risen, is that the jews don't worship "Jesus" but they worship someone else, some "Old God" or even some "Ancient Pagan God", weak imbeciles trying to divide the jewish hoax of the bible in parts, because they don't have any culture anymore, or intelligence to see through. The jews worship nobody else but their own thoughform, created by the Ancient Rabbis, which has a secret name, but it also has socket names such as "Jehova". This thoughform is meant to "materialize" here below as "Jesus", in the form of a humanoid being, and help the jews take over the planet. The "New Testament" is for the Goyim to read a supposed text as this scenario did "happen", so that it will happen again. 

Expectations+Subliminal Brainwashing+Spiritual Ignorance= The Goyim act in the ways that they "Should" = The Goyim on their own manifest their own damnation = Jews Win.

Now in the rhyme of the next Aeon or Age, where there is "Spirituality" coming up, worry not fellow Rabbis, said one Rabbi, we are going to use all our agents in decay to get billions of theories that will neverthless belong all to us. The Rabbis laughed and made their "Kehillah" and "Sayanim" phonecalls. Shorly, the "Goyim" were supplied with New and "Spiritual" Fates. Some "Goyim" were also allowed to join "Judaism". Well in such a low level that they were made into whores that basically crawl before the Rabbis and pay their life fortune to get a spiritual dime. Or some new glorifying prayer to "JHVH".

This is a complete and total degradation. The worst things are though the deeper and spiritual things, or even worse, things that are tied into spiritual practices. This goes to the "Illuminati" and anyone else, whom the (((Media))) calls "Satanists", but they do infact praise "Jehova" and his "Lucifer Jesus" all the time. The Illuminati worships Jewsus as a "Serpent". Lucifer is a generic term meaning light bringer. The same goes for the so called retarded "Satanists", who are using Jewish Kabbalah and Jewish Magick, and then somehow try to pretend they are not cucked and slaves to the jews, or that they "No longer believe in any "God". Not only they do believe in a "God", but this "God" is the Jewish God, Jehovah, and his son the jew, Rabbi Emmanuel, or known as "Jesus Christ". Or just "Messiach" of the jews.

When it comes to retards and defenders, the jews have bred a never ending supply. Then you have the "Gnostic Christians". Who are supposedly against the "Demiurge JHVH", but do infact use the same "Kabbalah" and "Tree of Life" as the Jews, all of which tie into the Jewish Soul. These meditations, same as the "Invocations of the Archangels" and all other garbage in the "New" Age (Old as the Jews, Age) is the same crap. The same goes for the average "Christian" praying in the Vatican and everywhere else. Freemasonry is just wanna-be Rabbinism, made for the lower castes of the enemy. All these are levels and castes. The enemy has a caste system when it comes to Magick. The same goes for other idiots such as "Pagan Christians" and the endless drivel or insanity and retardiation has no end.

The common points: You don't advance spiritually, you worship the jews, and your highest salvation is to become a wanna-be Rabbi. Now that we said "Wanna Be Rabbi", one brings in the mind the supposed 'Satanist' Aleister Crowley, who was doing sacrificial rites and was talking in his books (Named after the Jewish Letters) on the greateness of the "Holy name of JHVH" and the list goes endlessly. Doesn't matter what "Ancient" things you will mix into it. So long the jews are here, you are fine and with them. Just don't attempt to remove the Jew like the Joy of Satan has done...This is where problems begin. 

"Why do these Goyim, do reject our teaching", think the jews?

The answer is easy and simple. Because Gentiles and Aryans have endless spiritual inheritence and they don't need to follow any jew, on a stick or whatnot. Now as for these sorry "Aryan" births that took place and use their Aryan Life to protect the Jew Christ, or are wanna-be "Crusaders that want the Holy Grail" upon which the Rabbi Emmanuel Yahushua was drinking the excrement of his midwife, jewish hooker Magdalene, we are talking of people who are either purposeful liars, or just retards that are beyond curing. This is the unfortunate Truth, that with Racial degradation, so does weaken the Soul, and so does weaken the Pagan spirit. The same goes for all Races, and the same can be observed in all Races. 

Satan in the Jewish texts, if looked on as a "force that must be exorcised" (according to the enemy) is the "Spirit of Rebellion" and the "Spirit of the Forgotten Gods" or Paganhood. In plain, its the lifeforce, the insight and the power of the instict that runs within the blood, and forces people to not adhere to the slaver religions of the enemy or the jewish culture. When enough Race Mixing, bastardization and retardiation has come in a Race of people, they leave their Pagan roots and can go fine by existing and kissing the ass of the jewish excrement. This directly ties into the gene pool and anything else. Spiritual and metaphysical weakening does have this particular effect in everything. This causes downfall of civilizations. It goes from the simpler thought, to the beings life purpose. This is why the "Christians" say, that when one "doubts" or even THINKS against "Christianity", then it must be Satan. In that sense, to have questions like a human being, its Satan.

People are such imbeciles and of such ability to lie to themselves, that they all deny that all this spiritual garbage accounts to the same thing. "Fighting off Evil Satan", attacking or attempting to enslave the "Demons" in some way, worshipping the Jews, Rabbi Emmanuel Yahushua (Jesus) and its rotten cheezen father "Jehova". Or shoveling down to one's throat supposedly "Ancient Teachings" that have OBVIOUSLY been corrupted, or xianized, or mistranslated. This is the eternal context of the jews rewritting history to make it seem that this race of disturbing trashers, does have actual history.

Then you end up with these enlightened "Philosopher" idiots, who even pretend to be spiritually advanced, until you tell them to move a toothpick on the desk, or predict anything, or just do the most minor display of power. "In the Next Life, Brother". Or some other, weed-bro answer, you are going to receive.

Now for the people who want to keep hailing the jews until eternity...I would say good luck, but Gentiles who follow the jews will only be punished, both by nature and by the jews, in the worst imaginable ways. Its not me that says that, its them.

If Gentiles want real spiritual power, a hope to spiritual salvation, and to actually become anything more than a stronger or weaker Jewish puppet, or get NOWHERE on their spiritual pursuits but damn themselves by following the jews...They ought follow the advice given in the JoS. The JoS is not here to do anything else, but provide the Truth on the matter, and advance Humanity out of this misery. Exactly as Satan Commanded and Intended for Humanity.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

 Let the Jihad Begin!!

 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1023

 Well, since Aryans and Europeans did the mistake of buying into the jewish lies, cultural Marxist, Christian Doctrines and all sorts of other gibberish like the "Bad Hitler" story, then, now there are consequences. Which pretty much boil down to the most dangerous times in history for the White Race, this evil Race that has given people from spirituality, to elevated cultures, to money, to education, to shelter and anything else. Of course, the jew appaulds at this stupidity and enjoys the murder taking place. People are dying and others are drinking their emotionally jewish egalitarian Kool Aid, as their teenage daughters get raped on their way to school. 
Somehow, if Whites talk about themselves (just doing what every other Race is allowed to do and is supposed to do) we are evil, egoistical, devils and the list goes. Let alone defend ourselves. Others of course have the rights to complain over their "emotions" and somehow, everyone must shut up. Don't you dare insult the kikes, or there will be issues. Or the Blacks, or the peaceful people of the Middle East who are in fact destroying even their own people, or the Jihadist horde coming into Europe. Because "Muh Emotions" that's why. And because "Muh Holocozt". Well "Muh Emotionz" and "Muh Hollycoz" or "Muh Egalitarian Kool Aid" or "Christianity Injection" can no longer tame what is going to come. 

“Muh emotionz say all people must die because I feel like it, thanks to jooz who gave me a purpose to live”. “Muh emotions say I kill you with a machete, beat muh woman senseless, cut her clitoris, rape kidz and evil Westerners. Then I take da loot. Muh emotions and muhstar says is good! I muz do then!”

Kill, Murder, Rape and Enslave Whites and all is fine? Well, its not fine. We are not going to let this happen. We have done our best to now allow it to come to any Gentile Race, and we have been betrayed by almost all others in their entirety, even in the Ages of being invisibly enslaved and parasized for the jews, we have tried and tried again. Most people who are living a decent life they have followed this prototype we have freely given, no matter the forcible attacks of the jews against us. Of course, the jew knows where all this ends. And its not with them being victorious...Its with them losing everything they have. The jew will lose as he has been revealed and this train is off the rails going to the cliffs for them.

After all, thats what the Immigruntz are bringing in and its their "culture" which we somehow have to respect and admire. We somehow have to also be thankful and accept all this. Rape has become common place, Diseases that have been eradicated for centuries are returning, Xianity is doing its part in stupefying the masses, the states are in economic decline and aside anything else, endless Race Mixing. 

Don't hurt the poor brownies. They want to kill you with a machette and take your head, take over your lands by their "Islam" and place the psychopathic jew as conqueror of the planet. You must stay there and enjoy the trip. Others are rotting in jails of questioning the "Holo-Holey Loopholey Gas Potter Chamber of Secrets", facing fines and brutality just because they open their mouth, these people are just roaming the streets freely calling the next intifada which pretty much means the death of all Europeans, Americans and anyone else...But that's okay, the kikes approve.

At least, this is how the things want to go for the jews. Of course, we have to soft soap anything. The Brownz are in our Townz, raping goats and cows, women and beating people senseless or murdering in the streets, but all that matters is if one is coined with the term "Razist" (Made by a Bolshevik Jew to undo all opposition), or if they hurt the feelings of anything that is brown. You somehow are compelled by universal decree to get your pants down, get raped and accept another modern Inquisition, as well as the jewish advances. Somehow you have to die over jewish invented ideas and the feeligns of others. 



-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


 Thanks Guys :)
 I know I am Sooo Disgusting to a jew. To think I am posting Clergy Sermons! Oh no. You just hate it don't you? Because If I WROTE IT. Then you little losers could sit and try to pick it apart. But its really hard when I post Sermons that have no connection to me and You know will be undermining the whole Clergy to try and fight against. See it took me a while, but I finally know how to play this little game even more effectively.   I know that just makes you gnash your little teeth in anger, Doesn't it jew? Tell me how does it feel to know that your side is going to lose. That nothing you do will matter, we will only get stronger. That Adolf Hitler himself will come back and deal with your ass. How does that feel? Tell you what write a book about it, the fears and anxiety of a jew about to have his soul destroyed forever. I will actually read it! I would love to listen to you whine and cry about how your existence and that of your entire shit race is about to end. 
 Oh and while I am here, Lets do another Disgusting Clergy Sermon! How about another one by Maxine so Disgusting right?
 RE: Warning Graphic, Pope Demands More Europeans Dead
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... ssages/871

My Favorite part is here 
The immigrant situation in Europe is intended to destroy mainly White Europeans. This is a fact, regardless of what some brainwashed people may refuse to believe. Satan is and always has been against race-mixing. This is not about supremacy, it is about preserving our cultures. The Jews always use the race issue as a tool to destroy all races, which is their ultimate goal. Everyone becomes just a number, a slave and has no idea of their past, their cultural heritage- nothing. The Jew rewrites history and becomes like they claim “The Chosen of God.” If they succeed in some of the Big Brother technology, then everyone will be completely fucked. - High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

 Aldrick's Note: Meaning you losers who cannot get it through your thick stupid heads and think we care to listen to your worthless dribble and the kikes who have infiltrated this group and want to play on this to destroy us all. Thank you have a nice day! :) 
  The Stupid and useless will never die out fast enough. - Aldrick Strickland  

geez. Remember we are Satan's people. No need to be so rude

On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 6:26 AM, ANDREW GRAY amgray619@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Wow!!! Some of you people are fuckin nuts!!! The only race that disgusts me and I can feel a disgusting feeling in my soul is the fucking kike ass fucking Jews!!! I don’t think races should mix, but some of you sound like complete white trash pieces of shit!!! Take it down a notch!! I am Arian, and I wouldn’t race mix because I wouldn’t feel like that kid was mine. However some of you should not be so harsh on others just because they are not white. I am proud of any race besides the Jews that want to better and advance themselves. This white trash KKK attitude makes me fucking sick!!! 

Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 1, 2017, at 7:30 AM, jihiji12@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Everyone who asked, yes I meant native American 
@sam I do think race mixing is gross but like i said in an earlier reply she looks like a white girl with a tan so I wanted to be 100%, agree I probably should study more & thanks for the info 
This topic of race mixing is starting to get on my nerves. Some things are just not even a debate. If Satan, our ultimate authority is against race mixing, then why even bring a debate here?

On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Ron Brown <brownron007@... wrote:
geez. Remember we are Satan's people. No need to be so rude

On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 6:26 AM, ANDREW GRAY amgray619@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Wow!!! Some of you people are fuckin nuts!!! The only race that disgusts me and I can feel a disgusting feeling in my soul is the fucking kike ass fucking Jews!!! I don’t think races should mix, but some of you sound like complete white trash pieces of shit!!! Take it down a notch!! I am Arian, and I wouldn’t race mix because I wouldn’t feel like that kid was mine. However some of you should not be so harsh on others just because they are not white. I am proud of any race besides the Jews that want to better and advance themselves. This white trash KKK attitude makes me fucking sick!!! 

Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 1, 2017, at 7:30 AM, jihiji12@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Everyone who asked, yes I meant native American 
@sam I do think race mixing is gross but like i said in an earlier reply she looks like a white girl with a tan so I wanted to be 100%, agree I probably should study more & thanks for the info 
"This topic of race mixing is starting to get on my nerves."
"Doctor, it hurts when I do this."
You know what the doctor said. He said - get da fook out of the topic, then! :eyeroll:

Satan is against Race mixing because He knows it is detrimental for all involved. You can still mix Races if you wish; you are an individual, and Satan respects individuality. He still knows that in your ignorance; careless; selfishness; muddy-thinking-ness; etc., that mixing Races is still destructive. Satan doesn't want you to be destructive and destroying not only your own Race but another, and your child/ren, as well - but He won't stop you eternally. He might give you a nudge to help you realise something, i.e. us being here to tell you it's worse than murder, but He won't waste time on you if you want to destroy your blood line and rape your mixed-Race children of a true, proper, actual Race and Racial identity.
Hehehe The i dnt think the '' debate '' is about race mixing really. Whenever I open this thread I start to read from top to  bottom all over again, and the people posting do not seem to be proposing race mixing.  No. The problem is actually with understanding what race mixing is... Most of us do not accept it,  but still we dnt understand it en that's a problem. I for one had some details abt race mixing wrong, I thought it only affects the child to be born,  well,  now I know better because of this thread, en with a great post from @voice that made things clearest. So people put there minds out here, if they are wrong about somn, then correct them. I have done a great deal of contemplating on this matter,  trying to understand it better, maybe I have moved a step further from where I was on the matter,  or maybe I have just unknowingly twisted things all over again to a worse point. But all I want to do here is learn. Idk.  From reading alota posts, I have made some personal conclusions. Father,  and Satanism as a whole is against race mixing.
I 100% agree with that, given I know well why that is. But then another person wrote that Satan (((forbids))) race mixing. Well,  English is not my first language,  but I feel there's some slight difference between being against something en then forbidding it. The word forbidden is very often used in the Christian Bible.  But,  from what I have learned Satan is not the type that Says '' I forbid this or that.
Because when he says I forbid this,  en people go ahead en do it,  then pretty sounds to me like there ought to be some punishment for breaking the law. Satan is not a law maker,  because laws must be upheld en what better way is there to uphold a law than to punish a culprit that breaks it so as others should learn en not so the same thing. I mean- what is law without punishment????? And I know for sure that Satan is not all about punishment. And I have also learned why Satan doesnt make any laws, ((the reason is very wonderful en beautiful,  and perfect- Hail Satan)) The reason is because he also follows some other laws. And these laws that he follows are infallible. En those are the laws of nature. So since he is under those laws,  he let's us be judged by them as well. It's not Satan's decree that we should not race mix,
Satan is not the one who forbids it  (((so since he is not forbidding it  then most certainly he is not going to punish anyone for doing it. No, he won't.))) Being against race mixing is a law of nature. En it's not Satan who punishes those who break the laws of nature,  no.  It's nature herself that backslashes.  When people race mix it's not affecting Satan. So he will not waste his wrath on anyone who does it,  why? because rest assured- infallible nature will take her course. Race mixing affects us,  ((((humanity))) , en when we do it we rr (((not))) going against him,  no no and no,  it's as simple as-(((we rr going against ourselves))) but because he cares about us,  he brings us the knowledge that  we shouldn't practice it. It's detrimental. I have been to almost all regions,  I was a moslem for fifteen yrs,  but Shit did not make sense,  I became born again, en Damn. Along the way I became a Catholic but I hated the endless boring senseless singing in church,  when I became a seventh day.... The arguments and discussions in church never seemed to have logical conclusions. So I became moslem again. Hehehe None of all the above religions fits perfectly with mother nature and life in general , none. None like Satanism. The new religions dnt give room for nature to speak yet she is the God. She is above everything else.
Now, how wonderful,  that Satan en Satanism are in oneness with nature,  nature has a very big room to speak,  en we acknowledge her divineness Hail Satanism. In conclusion,  Satan did not say- (((race mixing is NOT good,  but if you want to you can do it,  en if you can handle NOT doing it- then I applaud you)))    :) No, Father made it clear that he hates it en he is against it.
However those who practice it will rip it's benefits from she who doesn't debate Shit, or care for anyone's opinions on how she operates.
She who dnt care whether weak brains regard race mixing as racist,  or facisit or Shit... None of all that.  She dnt give a Damn. Lastly, no one should go passing judgement on race mixers en race mixed people.  Clearly it's not your place to do that.  And if Satan has not passed judgement on them,  please dnt be the first. Let the ultimate law deal with them. That being said,
I stand for RACE MIXING IS BAD AND IT'S NOT HEALTHY.  DO NOT DO IT. The above is my personal thought,  en if am wrong don't go flaming on me :) Just take a deep breath, and tell me how or what I have got wrong. And I will be very grateful for the knowledge.
Thanks,  in advance. Hail Satan
Hail all hell Dauntless wingsofthedragon
Devil's advocate nic
On Nov 21, 2017 6:59 AM, "Ron Brown brownron007@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  This topic of race mixing is starting to get on my nerves. Some things are just not even a debate. If Satan, our ultimate authority is against race mixing, then why even bring a debate here?

On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Ron Brown <brownron007@... wrote:
geez. Remember we are Satan's people. No need to be so rude

On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 6:26 AM, ANDREW GRAY amgray619@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Wow!!! Some of you people are fuckin nuts!!! The only race that disgusts me and I can feel a disgusting feeling in my soul is the fucking kike ass fucking Jews!!! I don’t think races should mix, but some of you sound like complete white trash pieces of shit!!! Take it down a notch!! I am Arian, and I wouldn’t race mix because I wouldn’t feel like that kid was mine. However some of you should not be so harsh on others just because they are not white. I am proud of any race besides the Jews that want to better and advance themselves. This white trash KKK attitude makes me fucking sick!!! 

Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 1, 2017, at 7:30 AM, jihiji12@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Everyone who asked, yes I meant native American 
@sam I do think race mixing is gross but like i said in an earlier reply she looks like a white girl with a tan so I wanted to be 100%, agree I probably should study more & thanks for the info 
but im a racemix will i be ok

On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 6:42 AM, Ron Brown brownron007@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  This topic of race mixing is starting to get on my nerves. Some things are just not even a debate. If Satan, our ultimate authority is against race mixing, then why even bring a debate here?

On Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 3:37 PM, Ron Brown <brownron007@... wrote:
geez. Remember we are Satan's people. No need to be so rude

On Thu, Nov 2, 2017 at 6:26 AM, ANDREW GRAY amgray619@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Wow!!! Some of you people are fuckin nuts!!! The only race that disgusts me and I can feel a disgusting feeling in my soul is the fucking kike ass fucking Jews!!! I don’t think races should mix, but some of you sound like complete white trash pieces of shit!!! Take it down a notch!! I am Arian, and I wouldn’t race mix because I wouldn’t feel like that kid was mine. However some of you should not be so harsh on others just because they are not white. I am proud of any race besides the Jews that want to better and advance themselves. This white trash KKK attitude makes me fucking sick!!! 

Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 1, 2017, at 7:30 AM, jihiji12@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Everyone who asked, yes I meant native American 
@sam I do think race mixing is gross but like i said in an earlier reply she looks like a white girl with a tan so I wanted to be 100%, agree I probably should study more & thanks for the info 
Naye oba kana kano kabaki  banange
Tekayina magezi yadde      :eyeroll:
On Nov 22, 2017 4:49 AM, "fancymancy@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  "This topic of race mixing is starting to get on my nerves."
"Doctor, it hurts when I do this."
You know what the doctor said. He said - get da fook out of the topic, then! :eyeroll:

Satan is against Race mixing because He knows it is detrimental for all involved. You can still mix Races if you wish; you are an individual, and Satan respects individuality. He still knows that in your ignorance; careless; selfishness; muddy-thinking-ness; etc., that mixing Races is still destructive. Satan doesn't want you to be destructive and destroying not only your own Race but another, and your child/ren, as well - but He won't stop you eternally. He might give you a nudge to help you realise something, i.e. us being here to tell you it's worse than murder, but He won't waste time on you if you want to destroy your blood line and rape your mixed-Race children of a true, proper, actual Race and Racial identity.

 What everyone needs to remember is that Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, these jews that come on here with their tehehehe and then long messages that make your head hurt. Its not that you do not understand something. This is called Kikery. 
 The issue is VERY Simple. If you race trade, you are a piece of shit. Will Satan come out of the sky and burn you? NO. Will he need too when Gentile Nations are set up that will probably kill race traders... NO. 


There have already been rituals that were done that Cursed Race mixers. Honestly what do you think will happen when the world is taken over by the age of Satya? Everything will not be this, oh do whatever you want Satan doesnt judge bullshit. There WILL be Laws against alot of things. 
 If you are an Aryan you choose right now if want to be part of an Satanic Aryan Nation, or be kicked out of it or have a spear put through your chest. Choose wisely. 

If I had food to give to only one family. And there were two families starving. One was all white and one was race mixed I would give it to the whites. The race mixers are hanging on by generosity and lenience which some would say is misplaced.
If a mixed-Race child, through no choice nor fault of their own was mixed-Race and was starving and working actively, but a White was a lazy, fat bastard not doing anything, you'd still give jewish benefits to the My Little Brony-watching scrounger.

If you are a Spiritual Satanist, you would use your Magick to bring more food and make sure there is enough for all, mixed-Race individuals and pure/less-mixed-Race individuals alike. You are a jew blaming a Gentile for being born into sin, punishing that Gentile because s/he was born, and born into sin. Did I offend you by calling you a jew? Then why behave like one, whether literal or metaphorical?

---In [email protected], <hailodin666@... wrote :

If I had food to give to only one family. And there were two families starving. One was all white and one was race mixed I would give it to the whites. The race mixers are hanging on by generosity and lenience which some would say is misplaced.
id have to concur, why are you even saying such a thing odin?
it was out of place and uncalled for and it is a stupid thing to say.
as if people are black and white and race mixed individuals cant actually have MORE potential or power than racially pure ones.

but obviously race mixing people are ignorant and retarded, so i understand, and i agree to an extent
For some reason my mail box is sooo slow.  It literally takes 3min to open a single thread.  So, I impatiently wait for the thread to open,  en those three minutes are painful believe me,  but- it finally does open,  en what do I  find when it opens, .... Hehehe.... I that find Aldrick has made a post calling me a jew just because I begun some post with one (((thehehe)))    :) hahaha lolest. Oh en what I wrote made his head hurt. Aldrick,  I respect you, I really do, but mann' -   that paranoia,  going calling people Jews jhus cause they disagreed with you.... That's weak mann' En I have not disagreed with you on anything-
You go attacking Andrew,  saying he is siding and proposing race mixing which he never did,  I know this because I have read his posts en he never wrote anything saying ((he supports race mixing)) the truth is he only sympathized with man and wife who are caught up in the act to the point that they could not help what they did.  
That,  that does not make him a Jew or an enemy. From there you attacked one cru5h  en Damn, hehehe. 
I did not find what cru5h said to you funny at all btw,  no,  what made me laugh was your reply actually.  That's why I called it an interesting post. 
It is the way that you wrote,  you were upset,  but you tried so hard to make it seem like... (((I gat this)))  in your post,  choka, it instead all  turned to spell something out like... ((am loosing it here)) That's what made me laugh.
And if it upsets you even more that I laughed :), well I can not take it back,  I did,  I doubt saying sorry will- well, .... You know. Hehe. Otherwise,  about more pressing matters, If I had food to give to only one family. And there were two families starving. One was all white and one was race mixed I would give it to the whites. The race mixers are hanging on by generosity and lenience which some would say is misplaced. That right there is the reason as why I said we really need to take some time to contemplate and meditate about this race mixing thingy. It's hopeless to accept something that one doesn't understand. And am not trying to understand things for anyone,  I only put my thot out there,  why does that make me a Jew? Or a kike pop? , 
what exactly did I say that made your head hurt? And if for that you accused me of playing thehehe - kikery then lolest. It doesn't bother me really,  because it's not surprising coming from you. Lastly,  the Jew card that you pull is getting old brother,
It's boring even. Shit like mambo, jambo,  so and so is a Jew because he spoke his mind- the heck :) Oh en one last very important note, Thank you for the attached links,  I have read them critically en I have learned yet another reason why the enemy pushes race mixing so desperately,  it's because he wants to get rid of the Arayan race,  en that's because it descends directly from Satan. Aldrick, 
There's no need to turn this into a face off,  over nothing,  I for one know I won't be able to handle,  my writing skills will betray me almost instantly.  :) Am not a Jew, am your Satanic sister,  well,  one who doesn't know when not to laugh, but... For what it's worth,  am sorry I laughed,  and often laugh needlessly. Am just usually a happy person en I am very playful.  But I also treasure peaceful Co-existence more specifically when it comes to family. Am sorry again,  brother.
Dark blessings :) Hail Satan
Hail all hell Dauntless wingsofthedragon
Devil's advocate nic
On Nov 24, 2017 8:04 AM, "aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
 What everyone needs to remember is that Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, these jews that come on here with their tehehehe and then long messages that make your head hurt. Its not that you do not understand something. This is called Kikery. 
 The issue is VERY Simple. If you race trade, you are a piece of shit. Will Satan come out of the sky and burn you? NO. Will he need too when Gentile Nations are set up that will probably kill race traders... NO. 
 http://gbltthulesociety666. angelfire.com/supermen1/ 
http://gbltthulesociety666. angelfire.com/supermen2/

http://gbltthulesociety666. angelfire.com/nazism/

There have already been rituals that were done that Cursed Race mixers. Honestly what do you think will happen when the world is taken over by the age of Satya? Everything will not be this, oh do whatever you want Satan doesnt judge bullshit. There WILL be Laws against alot of things. 
 If you are an Aryan you choose right now if want to be part of an Satanic Aryan Nation, or be kicked out of it or have a spear put through your chest. Choose wisely. 


 I call people jews that don't agree with me? Well when they don't agree with me on fundamental things, then yes, yes I do. 
 When people want to push race mixing, or advocate meeting other people and forcing it, or dishonoring our heroes then you can pretty much expect to be called a jew. 
  My Problem with Andrew Gray is he wanted to meet an underage boy so he could beat him up or kill him and then he goes advocating people should meet up. He never really apologized and has a fake everything is about me and I will say sorry if it benefits and nothing more kinda personality. Those are your friends? Should pick better friends... 
 But no matter if you want to disagree with me on the fact that lasagna is the shit. Then be my guest. You want to like some other people in the past tell me you are a jew but that you have a Gentile soul and then bash me. Like come on everyone! We can't have this Aldrick telling me I am not welcome here! I am really not going to take you seriously no. 
 Once these JEWS were put into their place, they disappeared and suddenly we had new members arrive. They just come right back under new names. After seeing jews argue with me about who deserved to be in this group more. I realized these creatures will argue about anything and they always have these big egos. 
 So then I see people like you Advocate that jump on the ban wagon of supporting race mixing, then when hooded cobra confronts you, you sheepishly apologize but then immediately run to support it or other garbage whenever you can. I have not seen a single post that was of any value or any help to anyone. 
 You just do this tehehehehe Aldrick teehehehe Aldrick. Whenever I am fighting for things like Nazism and Honor for our Heroes and not meeting other people. Whatever the hell it is I am fighting that should be common sense. 
 So here is a better question. Given your track record. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO THINK? 

Aldrick Strickland... first off your a fucking idiot and I can’t emphasize that enough. I never threatened to kill anyone or even beat them up!! And how would I know anyone is underage!!!! What I said was and I quote “ if you want to keep running your mouth then we can meet in person and talk like men and we will see what happens from there” I never said I’m gona kill you or I’m gona beat your ass or anything like that. Also how the fuck would I know how old someone is??? I don’t live in a fantasy world Aldrick. If someone runs their mouth and won’t shut the fuck up I can assure you I will shut them up. You Aldrick are an annoying little cunt that likes to pound on your keyboard like some kind of war hero!!! You are a pretentious little prick and you are always starting shit with everyone. Sometimes there is reason but most of the time it is just because you like to hear yourself talk. You really need to get a life!! You definitely need to get laid!! You are a wound up little bitch!!! 

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On Nov 27, 2017, at 9:54 AM, aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

 I call people jews that don't agree with me? Well when they don't agree with me on fundamental things, then yes, yes I do. 
 When people want to push race mixing, or advocate meeting other people and forcing it, or dishonoring our heroes then you can pretty much expect to be called a jew. 
  My Problem with Andrew Gray is he wanted to meet an underage boy so he could beat him up or kill him and then he goes advocating people should meet up. He never really apologized and has a fake everything is about me and I will say sorry if it benefits and nothing more kinda personality.. Those are your friends? Should pick better friends... 
 But no matter if you want to disagree with me on the fact that lasagna is the shit. Then be my guest. You want to like some other people in the past tell me you are a jew but that you have a Gentile soul and then bash me. Like come on everyone! We can't have this Aldrick telling me I am not welcome here! I am really not going to take you seriously no. 
 Once these JEWS were put into their place, they disappeared and suddenly we had new members arrive. They just come right back under new names. After seeing jews argue with me about who deserved to be in this group more. I realized these creatures will argue about anything and they always have these big egos. 
 So then I see people like you Advocate that jump on the ban wagon of supporting race mixing, then when hooded cobra confronts you, you sheepishly apologize but then immediately run to support it or other garbage whenever you can. I have not seen a single post that was of any value or any help to anyone. 
 You just do this tehehehehe Aldrick teehehehe Aldrick. Whenever I am fighting for things like Nazism and Honor for our Heroes and not meeting other people. Whatever the hell it is I am fighting that should be common sense. 
 So here is a better question. Given your track record. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSE TO THINK? 
So if it came down to preserving your race you would support those not of your race over the pure blooded ones during a time of crisis? If you knew anything about me you would know I am certifiably the furthest thing from a jew. This is the weakness that is getting us killed and has led us into our horrible situation today. Yes ideally I would like to see all races survive and thrive...outside my white country. Some people here just keep getting weaker and weaker on race mixing and the extinction of whites.
It DOES matter.
Get your jewish way of thinking out of this group.

Races aren't just a skin color. It goes even as deep as to the soul itself.
Race mixing of two naturally geologically separated races in one bordered country destroys diversity and creates a new race, which is perfect for communists to capitalize on and create a dictatorship. Its a new and unfamiliar level of confusion for today's liberals to comprehend, despite being surrounded by mixed raced peoples.

When races mix in one bordered country they create a new sub-race. Irish, German, Russian are all considered one race, but are all a sub-race, because they have been separated for so long.

Mixed race people are totally OK to exist but its the final step in creating a "brand new" nation. We cannot have that happen to Europe, or China, or Japan, or whatever because it destroys an entire legacy.
Right now the problem is the most serious in Europe and has been for a long time...
dj170, you're telling this other newbie jihiji12 that its perfectly ok to race mix. This is against Satan. Satan does NOT advocate race mixing. This remark "I'm not sure why her ethnicity matters, if you like her then go for it. We are all of the same flesh"....how very Xian of you. Have you studied ANYTHING on JOS?
We are NOT all of the same flesh. I would suggest you might benefit from studying more and giving advice less. Jihiji, find a nice ARYAN girl and forget the non-white. Race mixing is NOT OK. It is a crime against Satan and your race.
"I'm not sure why her ethnicity matters, if you like her then go for it. We are all of the same flesh." No one wants to create lesser souls here do we? Remember what happens when you mix a german shepherd with a chihuahua? We're following natures' laws here.
And this thread just blew up plus I'm real scared if this will keep going on.[forum weapon] jon tron wtf?


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On Tuesday, December 19, 2017, 10:12:16 AM GMT+8, dj170@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  I'm not sure why her ethnicity matters, if you like her then go for it. We are all of the same flesh.
Clearly you're the idiot here.
Satan HIMSELF condemns race-mixing.

Either learn or go away, don't spread jewish mentality here.

Hail Satan!!!!

So, not only that you can't face the truth about race mixing, you also encourage people to race mix.
If you can't face the truth, get the fuck out of here!
Are Latin people a different race than white people? I’m thinking you guys will probably say yes, but I’m obviously not a mind reader so I’m asking. 

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On Jan 3, 2018, at 2:01 AM, desert392@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

So, not only that you can't face the truth about race mixing, you also encourage people to race mix.
If you can't face the truth, get the fuck out of here!
And for one we are not "racist" that's an empty political slur used by the communist and the enemy...we are aware of natural laws that dictate and show the detrimental weakening of the individual persons bloodline
So race mixers have no place amongst us 
@John Lindy, If you mean people from "Latin America" then yes, the majority of them are not White.If you are "Latin American" so to speak, dark skin, eyes, hair, etc then do not date or marry Whites. 
We are different for a reason, race is not just skin deep, but spiritual as well. 

On Thursday, January 4, 2018 8:17 PM, "John Lindy nevodicus2k8@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Are Latin people a different race than white people? I’m thinking you guys will probably say yes, but I’m obviously not a mind reader so I’m asking. 

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On Jan 3, 2018, at 2:01 AM, desert392@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:


So, not only that you can't face the truth about race mixing, you also encourage people to race mix.
If you can't face the truth, get the fuck out of here!

No no,, i dont no were you get your info from but what you stated are all tissues of lies,, and they dont do that here in africa, its only in the bible,, probably practised by the jews in isreal 
Hail satan 
On Mar 8, 2018 1:07 AM, "Lalo Lujan glalolujan@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
In the Bible it talks about a race that had it’s private parts like those of horses and donkeys and they were skered of this race could this be the African race and if so why were thay scered of this race
Sent from my iPhone lalo
That stuff is not face value or to be taken literally and it’s actually kind of rude for you to ask if this could be the black race they’re talking about.

I think you should focus on Satanism, learning, advancing your soul and destroying the enemy with the reverse Torah rituals instead of focusing on bible verses.

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
