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Race question

Oh I've seen the link at the bottom :)
Thanks It has answered all my questions. So thanks again. And I'd like to share for those who haven't seen it. Pasted below, What  about  the  people  who have  already  been  race mixed?  I  don't  think  you could  tell me  their  exact  race...  What  of  those  families who  had  been  rase  mixing for generations?  Would  you  throw them  away as  impure  when  we  are  divided  in to groups? I  think  there  needs to be  a  different  solution  were  such  mixes  could also  exist.  Yes  it  is understandable,  keep the  blood  line  pure,  but  for some  people it's no longer easy. HIGH PRIEST  Mageson:
Generations  then. The  Dharma  philosophy  states such  groups  are  become  their  own  sub  race  and over  centuries will  develop  into a  unique entity  of  their  own  as such.  But  they must  maintain  their  own  selves within  their  own. Question: Could  the  same  problems occur say  if  a  human  takes  on  succubus/succubi  as monogamous life  partner?  and  i  wonder  if  an  Asian  will ever  stand  a  chance  of having  succubus/succubi  as monogamous partners. Egon  Albrecht: There  is no problem, they  are  compatible  with  us and  even  had  children  with humans in  past,  this is not race  mixing.  There  are  Asian  Incubi/Succubi  aswell (people  who achieved  Godhead),  and  current  SS  Asian  people  in  relationship  with them. Hail Satan
Hail all hell Devil'sAdvocate nic On Nov 3, 2017 3:39 AM, "devilsAdvocate Nic" <nic.dn6@... wrote:
"rook75ten@yahoo That's you very much for that post.
It has led me to see things in an entirely different direction. Just wondering if you could post me a link or document where you extracted that. Thanks. Devil'sAdvocate nic On Nov 2, 2017 11:57 PM, "rook75ten@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  "Whether it's anal, vaginal, or oral sex, heterosexual or homosexual, the same problems can take place if races are mixed. There is a scientific term for racial androgyny. This is where the races that were originally pure, or were as pure as possible, become more difficult to differentiate. With enough mixing of semen or other bodily fluids between races, skin pigment can change, as well as racial behavior. This is not in theory, but is scientific.

One is not required to have children for this phenomena to occur. In Satan's New World Order, the races will be separated, and each member of every non-Jewish race will not have to worry about such things. However, in the meantime, it is still always best to stay true to one's ancestors. If you are White, stay White. If you are Black, stay Black, etc. 
Remember, race-mixing is supported vehemently in the New Jew Testament. Christ wants the perfect slave. He wants everyone to be equal, which is unnatural, and the sham of human equality molds people into servile slave-like creatures.
Something that I will add is that even if a homosexual doesn't exchange bodily fluids with someone that is not of their race [by use of condoms], the physical is replaced by metaphysical, as any bond or sexual exchange with another person is just as powerful on a spiritual level as it is on a physical level.
The solution is to stick with one's own race.
High Priest Jake Carlson"

the full passage is here on page 99http://www.thirdsex666.josru.c om/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/ Third-Sex-666.pdf

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <nic.dn6@... wrote :

I still stand for,  being in a relationship with a person from a different race is not race mixing.So long as you do not reproduce,
And it is quite healthy.I dnt really see how having sex with a person from  a different race affects the soul of the people who have the sex. If a person could explain to me how that would happen then I would see otherwise.
I say It only affects the child that is product of such a relationship.Hail Satan
Hail all hellDevil'sAdvocate nic
Ok before you go on with insult and bitching like you are the father satan himself, I would love to know. Lets say, if Mcrod appear to be satanist after he got married with African black woman and so does his wife. How do you expect they should've know about the rave mixing thing before they become satanist? Why need to punish them horribly when the couple has finally come to satanism? If it my religion, if they had done a mistake which cannot be reversed anymore when they embrace it, it will simply be forgiven. Past is past. Are you implying they should divorce? So how about the baby?
"rook75ten@yahoo That's you very much for that post.
It has led me to see things in an entirely different direction. Just wondering if you could post me a link or document where you extracted that. Thanks. Devil'sAdvocate nic
On Nov 2, 2017 11:57 PM, "rook75ten@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  "Whether it's anal, vaginal, or oral sex, heterosexual or homosexual, the same problems can take place if races are mixed. There is a scientific term for racial androgyny. This is where the races that were originally pure, or were as pure as possible, become more difficult to differentiate. With enough mixing of semen or other bodily fluids between races, skin pigment can change, as well as racial behavior. This is not in theory, but is scientific.

One is not required to have children for this phenomena to occur. In Satan's New World Order, the races will be separated, and each member of every non-Jewish race will not have to worry about such things. However, in the meantime, it is still always best to stay true to one's ancestors. If you are White, stay White. If you are Black, stay Black, etc. 
Remember, race-mixing is supported vehemently in the New Jew Testament. Christ wants the perfect slave. He wants everyone to be equal, which is unnatural, and the sham of human equality molds people into servile slave-like creatures.
Something that I will add is that even if a homosexual doesn't exchange bodily fluids with someone that is not of their race [by use of condoms], the physical is replaced by metaphysical, as any bond or sexual exchange with another person is just as powerful on a spiritual level as it is on a physical level.
The solution is to stick with one's own race.
High Priest Jake Carlson"

the full passage is here on page 99http://www.thirdsex666.josru. com/wp-content/uploads/2016/ 07/Third-Sex-666.pdf

---In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], <nic.dn6@... wrote :

I still stand for,  being in a relationship with a person from a different race is not race mixing.So long as you do not reproduce,
And it is quite healthy.I dnt really see how having sex with a person from  a different race affects the soul of the people who have the sex. If a person could explain to me how that would happen then I would see otherwise.
I say It only affects the child that is product of such a relationship.Hail Satan
Hail all hellDevil'sAdvocate nic
What is Satan look like? 

Vào ngày 5:03 Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 11 2017, "Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] đã viết:

  This is not Christianity where they (pastors, ministers, reverends, etc.) imbue, bless or invoke the "holy spirit" down into your soul and body. We don't do that bullshit here.
This is spiritual Satanism. We are the real deal.
Please read and study www.joyofsatan.org and www.exposingchristianity.com to get that xian dross and filth out of your soul. Knowledge will dispel ignorance and gives power.
On Wednesday, November 1, 2017, 11:20:44 AM EDT, Tomson Mangi tomsonmangi@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  Am new to this group and I would like to receive spirit in my soul from my Greatest Satan. 
Praise be the Satan. My Almighty 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

I am new to this group testing if worth it to follow and I am from a pure German blood line, I thought that Satan accept any races and as far as I can see this is a racist group by not accepting race mixing, should this man dump his pregnant wife because somebody says is not allowed to mix races? does it means that if I marry to an American white woman is not race mixing? she won't be a pure blood, so my point of view, it means that it still race mixing. I thought that Jews where the reptilians. "Translated from German"

 Thank you rook75ten. 
 There are other countless Sermons that speak the same thing. Even Homo Sexual Sex IsConsidered Race Mixing. It is not just to do with having a child. One taps into the others racial memory.The Races can mix on the Soul Level. That is why Having Sex with a jew is obviously not a good idea, Not just because you might have a Kid. 
 Oh you sleep with your dog do you? I knew you were a nasty kike, but had no idea to that level. Obviously Petting a dog and having sex with another race are two different things. But Im sure you Would love to tell us that it is Satans will to mix us all together and we will be like yummy ice cream. All the While Destroying the Aryan Race. 
 Your Lame Attempts to infiltrate this group and destroy it from within are obvious to most of us. If this Were the JOS of 2005 then you might have something going for you. But we have woken up to much.We are silenced in most Media Platforms, but we will not be silenced here. You may convince the few Daft and complete Dolts amongst us. But you only work to Remove them from our Ranks. 
 Also I would like to note that when you totally OUT YOURSELF like this with your Agendas. EVERYTHING you have said in the past that may have convinced a few is now completely eradicated. All that work for nothing, so you can make a new account and start all over. I don't even believe this Person who posted about having the African Wife is real quite frankly. They pop in just to make a statement then never reply again. Then the jew warriors supporting race mixing jump on their trap. Same thing when they tried to convince us that Part Jews could be Dedicated. That was all Orchestrated. 
 Then they disappear and right at that same time these new members join. Bolstering about like they have been here for a Decade. Then they strike with their new instigated trap, this time race mixing. Notice how one bleeds into the other. If Race Mixing is fine then comes into the idea that half jews are fine as well. They took two steps back basically. 
 Your tactics are so Obvious to me. While you stir up a bunch of mixed feelings in others that could End in Disunity. This is jew tactics, say you have two gangs one is the blue and the other is the red. They will dress up like a red and go shoot some blues and then next time the Blues see the Reds theyShoot them back. Both thinking the other instigated the fight and next thing you know you have a full blown war, while the jews snicker in the corner. 
 So just be aware these are Jews we are fighting here. Their response to this will be, Oh it takes one To know one. While they push their arrogance and hate. But not saying that they are NOT one in the Process, which reveals them. 
 Be onto Their Tactics. To all the Truly Dedicated to Satan, I ask that you do not allow them to push ourButtons like this anymore. At the end of the day we are a Family and Family Remains. We must stick Together and help each other. We must all grow and progress out of this. I take Full Responsibility for the mistakes I have made in the past. I am growing and learning and progressing everyday. Eachand every Month I am a new person. I see differently and I understand differently. 
 We are all pushing for this. For over 11 years now I have been here, In this most Holy Place. I have Learned much. I have watched the same thing repeat over and over. The same tactics done over andover. Everyone Fighting and so upset with each other. I HATE THIS PERSON! I HATE THAT PERSON!They said something that slighted me, so they must DIE! 
 Why Waste your time and energy? What we need to do is post as much information as possible. DROWN THEM OUT with TRUTH. Post links about how the jews cause race mixing. Post links to Sermons by the Clergy. Then let us all Band Together and laugh at them for their pathetic attempts. Then Move on to helping each other progress and Destroy the enemy. 
 People complain about the Groups being bad or whatever, Then Fix it! Let us be the example. Just like the incident with one of our Sisters, probably new, coming in explaining how she hates people.Then has everyone tell her she is a piece of shit and they wouldn't want to near her. Does that notsound like Disunity fighting to you? This is OUR SISTER who needs OUR HELP! 
 I have never gave a Damn if I had people backing me or not. I do what I think is right. If other people do not like it, they can go to Hell. So what we must do in this instance, is stand for the Truth. Do not overreact and show them they got to you. The First step is post as much knowledge as you canfind to prove them WRONG. 
 Then We must stand together As Men and Women of a dying Race. Firmly and Assertively tell themNO. If they want to race mix, then they are no longer an Aryan. They will not be allowed in our homesand our Countries. We will one day Rule this world in Satans Name. So Good luck to you finding a place that accepts you. Communities will one day rely on and depend upon each other. Right now we are so Broken into pieces and this BECAUSE OF RACE MIXING. This is the consequence thatwe pay for it. We lost our immortality itself because of Race Mixing. 
 You know what does depend on each other? All of us here. If we are to survive and create this newworld and not be annihilated, then we must stick together. Maybe you don't like me, or maybe you Don't like someone else. THAT is what it means to put the needs of something greater then yourself,First.
It is as though Satan himself has been testing us with the same thing over and over again to see when we are ready. Well I think NOW is the time. Warriors of Satan it is time to rise. We Fight a Battle not ofswords and shields, but rather one of Intellect. The Truth Shall Drown Out any lie. So, DROWN THEMOUT.

Andrew, you don't need to bring my name into this. You're missing the bigger picture.

High Priestess Shannon

On Thu, 11/2/17, ANDREW GRAY amgray619@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Race question
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, November 2, 2017, 6:26 PM


Then I guess you are a white trash piece of shit
Sam hinkly, I will say this. You would watch your tongue
around me if this weren’t an online argument!! Or you
would loose your tongue. Then we can see how far you could
advance without a tongue. I am not some no giving a fuck
hippie mother fucker. I just didn’t like some of the
comments. I look at it like this, one of our high priestess
Shannon is Black. I respect everything she has ever said and
I guarantee you she is much more advanced then you are Sam
hinkly!!! Also telling me to grow up when you don’t know
me is a childish thing to do. I am a 34 year old man that
had my first son when I was 18 and i have made my own way
without help from anyone. I have been on my own since I was
14. I am now a successful business man that has supported
his family very well. My son and I are both SS and very
dedicated in spiritual advancement. You sir sound like a
fucking child. You are talking to the wrong mother fucker!!
Please Don’t block this comment HP Hooded Cobra 

Sent from my
On Nov 2,
2017, at 2:39 PM, Sam Hinkley sam.hinkley17@...
[JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


@Andrew Gray 
Get out of here with that White Guilt
horseshit. " but some of you sound like
complete white trash pieces of
Please let me
get this straight. So if I understand that race mixing is a
crime against nature, a crime against THE BLOOD OF SATAN,
and a crime against our very values, and I tell someone why
that is bad, and why that is a crime, and why they should
STOP, then I am White Trash? 
Because that is
what you are saying. 
You need to seriously re-think what you are

"Take it down a
See, Andrew, this whole "bro chill out
lol" attitude doesn't fly here.
It has been said numerous times, but I will say it
again, Satanism = National Socialism. We value our Aryan race, and I will not
stand for someone to sully their blood by mixing with
foreign races.If they want to destroy the inheritance that Satan
has given to them, then they are truly fucked up in the head
and deserve no love or respect from any actually dedicated
You need to seriously learn that what the media and
pop culture call (White Trash) is really them trying to
alienate Race Conscious Whites and make them feel
And now that you mention it, everyone should read
how the KKK was founded by Satanists!
Satanic Origins of the Ku Klux Klan

The Satanic Origins of the Ku Klux
Klan The Ku Klux Klan has its
origins in Satanism and is not Christian

So either grow the fuck up, realize that there is
still much you need to learn. 
Or get the fuck out of here with your anti-White
"love all around" bullshit.

On Thursday, November 2, 2017 5:06
PM, "ANDREW GRAY amgray619@...
[JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


Some of you people are fuckin nuts!!! The only race that
disgusts me and I can feel a disgusting feeling in my soul
is the fucking kike ass fucking Jews!!! I don’t think
races should mix, but some of you sound like complete white
trash pieces of shit!!! Take it down a notch!! I am Arian,
and I wouldn’t race mix because I wouldn’t feel like
that kid was mine. However some of you should not be so
harsh on others just because they are not white. I am proud
of any race besides the Jews that want to better and advance
themselves. This white trash KKK attitude makes me fucking

Sent from my
On Nov 1, 2017, at 7:30 AM, jihiji12@...
[JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


who asked, yes I meant native American 
I do think race mixing is gross but like i said in an
earlier reply she looks like a white girl with a tan so I
wanted to be 100%, agree I probably should study more &
thanks for the info 

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My sculpture of Satan - Joy Of Satan Forums

If you want to see a color picture of him, there are artwork depictions of him in the www.joyofsatan.org website.
On Saturday, November 4, 2017, 7:09:15 AM EDT, dang minh minhd290@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  What is Satan look like? 

Vào ngày 5:03 Thứ Sáu, 3 tháng 11 2017, "Magus Immortalis magus.immortalis@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] đã viết:

  This is not Christianity where they (pastors, ministers, reverends, etc.) imbue, bless or invoke the "holy spirit" down into your soul and body. We don't do that bullshit here.
This is spiritual Satanism. We are the real deal.
Please read and study www.joyofsatan.org and www.exposingchristianity.com to get that xian dross and filth out of your soul. Knowledge will dispel ignorance and gives power.
On Wednesday, November 1, 2017, 11:20:44 AM EDT, Tomson Mangi tomsonmangi@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  Am new to this group and I would like to receive spirit in my soul from my Greatest Satan. 
Praise be the Satan. My Almighty 

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

Hail Satan! ?

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 7:35 AM, Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Absolutely not, that is COMPLETELY race mixing. To be honest, it shocks me how little people know about racial theory and eugenics. I have been studying racial theory for years using the SS and NSDAP's own books on the subject, so let me tell you that what you are saying IS race mixing. If you are a true Satanist, then you will hold yourself to the highest standard of living. The SS had a great way of putting it, "the woman who you have children with should be AT LEAST as pure racially as you are." When talking about having a sexual relationship with a woman, it is ideal to have this in mind, but we know that it can be hard to determine such things. All things aside, if a girl is WHITE (obviously not a native, Jew, black, or Asian) then you an enter a relationship with her.Your scenario, however, is completely wrong and unnatural. Natives are a totally different race from us.And whoever said this bullshit about "the DNA only comes from the mother" is totally WRONG.That is what the Jews say about themselves, that only the mother passes on the jew DNA to children. This is TOTAL BULLSHIT, and a jew who doesn't have a jewish mother but has a jewish father is still a jew. 
I can not stress this enough. Do not enter a relationship with that girl. Biracial relationships are completely unnatural and disgusting to Satan and all The Gods, and it should be to you as well. Learn to control yourself, and never even consider race mixing. Your blood is valuable, even by just dating this girl or having sex without the intent to make children you are race mixing. As HP Jake Carlson put it : Love White, Have Sex White, Live White, and Breed White. 

On Oct 30, 2017, at 11:09, jihiji12@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  So I've been talking to this native girl a lot recently and I've been wondering would it be race mixing if me (I'm white) and her got into a relationship? Are natives another race? I never see much about them. She's got a bit of white in her but her dad is a full blood native & I obviously don't wanna fuck my soul. Thanks in advance for the replies 
This post actually made me tear up. I'm still really new to Satanism, with the typical Christian upbringing. When I came across these giant posts about race mixing and the responses I was "offended" at first because heck I'm mixed. Though instead of writing it off and saying fuck this etc. I kept reading because I want to learn WHY race mixing is bad and I pretty much get the gist of it. I don't want to ramble but thank you for posting this. Honestly, I've been dedicated for almost a year now and haven't made any real progress. When I first started I was going strong enough to have a nice protection around me. I fell off because I started to feel discouraged that I couldn't communicate with Father the way I wanted but I understand why now. Lately, I haven't been able to sleep, heck I even went so far as to take melatonin last night but it only lasted 2 hours. I feel Father wanted me to get back into the forums to encourage me to be apart of the community and gain knowledge and guidance because I cant hear him or my guardians. I'm still rambling...just thank you. 

 Adder666. Oh look yet another nameless one that had 666 in the name to pretend he is one of us. I suppose we are to believe he sat in the shadows for years until one day this question came forward. We are racist because we do not believe in race mixing. 
 I really must thank you all jews. You see without you, We would never have this glorious opportunity to spread the truth. The Truth Shall come forward so that others may learn and grow. We would have never taken the time if not for you. You see you infiltrators are really such valuable members in a way. If we can use your lame diversions to become something quite positive. 
 I will start with the first sermon by Cobra. An excellent read. Everyday I shall try to post another. 

 The ONE Race Bullshit 
 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1422

Nicely written aldrick
Thanks Hail Satan
Hail all hell Devil'sAdvocate
Dauntless for life
On Nov 4, 2017 2:10 PM, "aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
 Thank you rook75ten. 
 There are other countless Sermons that speak the same thing. Even Homo Sexual Sex IsConsidered Race Mixing. It is not just to do with having a child. One taps into the others racial memory.The Races can mix on the Soul Level. That is why Having Sex with a jew is obviously not a good idea, Not just because you might have a Kid. 
 Oh you sleep with your dog do you? I knew you were a nasty kike, but had no idea to that level. Obviously Petting a dog and having sex with another race are two different things. But Im sure you Would love to tell us that it is Satans will to mix us all together and we will be like yummy ice cream. All the While Destroying the Aryan Race. 
 Your Lame Attempts to infiltrate this group and destroy it from within are obvious to most of us. If this Were the JOS of 2005 then you might have something going for you. But we have woken up to much.We are silenced in most Media Platforms, but we will not be silenced here. You may convince the few Daft and complete Dolts amongst us. But you only work to Remove them from our Ranks. 
 Also I would like to note that when you totally OUT YOURSELF like this with your Agendas. EVERYTHING you have said in the past that may have convinced a few is now completely eradicated. All that work for nothing, so you can make a new account and start all over. I don't even believe this Person who posted about having the African Wife is real quite frankly. They pop in just to make a statement then never reply again. Then the jew warriors supporting race mixing jump on their trap. Same thing when they tried to convince us that Part Jews could be Dedicated. That was all Orchestrated. 
 Then they disappear and right at that same time these new members join. Bolstering about like they have been here for a Decade. Then they strike with their new instigated trap, this time race mixing. Notice how one bleeds into the other. If Race Mixing is fine then comes into the idea that half jews are fine as well. They took two steps back basically. 
 Your tactics are so Obvious to me. While you stir up a bunch of mixed feelings in others that could End in Disunity. This is jew tactics, say you have two gangs one is the blue and the other is the red. They will dress up like a red and go shoot some blues and then next time the Blues see the Reds theyShoot them back. Both thinking the other instigated the fight and next thing you know you have a full blown war, while the jews snicker in the corner. 
 So just be aware these are Jews we are fighting here. Their response to this will be, Oh it takes one To know one. While they push their arrogance and hate. But not saying that they are NOT one in the Process, which reveals them. 
 Be onto Their Tactics. To all the Truly Dedicated to Satan, I ask that you do not allow them to push ourButtons like this anymore. At the end of the day we are a Family and Family Remains. We must stick Together and help each other. We must all grow and progress out of this. I take Full Responsibility for the mistakes I have made in the past. I am growing and learning and progressing everyday. Eachand every Month I am a new person. I see differently and I understand differently. 
 We are all pushing for this. For over 11 years now I have been here, In this most Holy Place. I have Learned much. I have watched the same thing repeat over and over. The same tactics done over andover. Everyone Fighting and so upset with each other. I HATE THIS PERSON! I HATE THAT PERSON!They said something that slighted me, so they must DIE! 
 Why Waste your time and energy? What we need to do is post as much information as possible. DROWN THEM OUT with TRUTH. Post links about how the jews cause race mixing. Post links to Sermons by the Clergy. Then let us all Band Together and laugh at them for their pathetic attempts. Then Move on to helping each other progress and Destroy the enemy. 
 People complain about the Groups being bad or whatever, Then Fix it! Let us be the example. Just like the incident with one of our Sisters, probably new, coming in explaining how she hates people.Then has everyone tell her she is a piece of shit and they wouldn't want to near her. Does that notsound like Disunity fighting to you? This is OUR SISTER who needs OUR HELP! 
 I have never gave a Damn if I had people backing me or not. I do what I think is right. If other people do not like it, they can go to Hell. So what we must do in this instance, is stand for the Truth. Do not overreact and show them they got to you. The First step is post as much knowledge as you canfind to prove them WRONG. 
 Then We must stand together As Men and Women of a dying Race. Firmly and Assertively tell themNO. If they want to race mix, then they are no longer an Aryan. They will not be allowed in our homesand our Countries. We will one day Rule this world in Satans Name. So Good luck to you finding a place that accepts you. Communities will one day rely on and depend upon each other. Right now we are so Broken into pieces and this BECAUSE OF RACE MIXING. This is the consequence thatwe pay for it. We lost our immortality itself because of Race Mixing. 
 You know what does depend on each other? All of us here. If we are to survive and create this newworld and not be annihilated, then we must stick together. Maybe you don't like me, or maybe you Don't like someone else. THAT is what it means to put the needs of something greater then yourself,First.
It is as though Satan himself has been testing us with the same thing over and over again to see when we are ready. Well I think NOW is the time. Warriors of Satan it is time to rise. We Fight a Battle not ofswords and shields, but rather one of Intellect. The Truth Shall Drown Out any lie. So, DROWN THEMOUT.

Hi, AdderYes, Satan accepts all races except the Jewish. For that very reason, he wants all races to be exist, therefore, they need to remain pure. Have you noticed that when people mixed race, they looses their roots? This is what the jews wanted. When gentiles looses their roots and their identity, gentiles becoming a perfect slaves for the jews (while the jews keep their races pure, do research HP Hooded Cobra posted a video about this on youtube).A healthy person would want their offsprings to look like them, this also related to the basic law of survival. We need to keep our bloodline pure to survive. If you marry an American, I personally do not think that it would be a big deal because you’re both still caucasian. And also, white Americans are actually came from Europe. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Friday, November 3, 2017, 3:11 PM, adder666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  I am new to this group testing if worth it to follow and I am from a pure German blood line, I thought that Satan accept any races and as far as I can see this is a racist group by not accepting race mixing, should this man dump his pregnant wife because somebody says is not allowed to mix races? does it means that if I marry to an American white woman is not race mixing? she won't be a pure blood, so my point of view, it means that it still race mixing. I thought that Jews where the reptilians. "Translated from German"
Andrew Grey, grow up. You're a big man online "you would watch your mouth if this wasn't an online argument". Would you show off as you do here? Get a life and grow up.

If you don't like some of the comments, then ignore them. Go read my posts about being upset over nothing, and then continue to cry.

"Talking to the wrong mother fucker."
Incest is also illegal and immoral, no? You can see how I ignore your meaning and be a pedantic, immature troll online, just like you do. Please reply to me with upset troll words of nothingness. Thanks.

"Blah, blah, blah. Swear, swear, swear. Troll, troll, troll. Please, sir. Please don't block this post."
adder666, define "racist". No-one knows what that word means, but enjoys slipping it off their tongue so easily by default.
Okay, please let this topic die. For some reason, there are always these people who disagree, scorn and attack common sense, then they retreat to ALWAYS returning back like fleas upon a dog just to cause dismay and try to attract attention for their useless existence. This thread has shown a couple of such individuals.

People who do not like that the JoS is about, and who cannot agree with us, we cannot be making amends and wasting any time on. This thread has been derailed from teaching those in error what their errors are. If they insist, let them reap what they sow.

On another account, remember, we may be asked a lot by naive people and uneducated individuals why our views are that way, but nature doesn't debate these views. Only stupid people do because they like to feel special or because they feel their little reality shatters because of them. In other words, explain to people we will, but we will never be apologetic.

However all of the above must be on the basis of common sense. Resorting to flaming does also removes much of your so called 'right' or 'logic'.

Lastly, in the end, people think this is so cruel if people reply with some mean comments. But they do not see the cruelty they can commit with their actions, or what damage they do. They want to be free of consequences in that case. This can't happen here and this doesn't happen in life in general.

If anyone doesn't agree with the JoS, or feels otherwise, there are literally BILLIONS places where you can be and practice whatever you want. I am writing this for those who have proven to be doing unrest. You will know who you are while you are banned. There's two accounts now. Also, spend your time elsewhere. If you respected the community one inch, you would be simply not whining about these matters.

With that being stated now move on. Some messages may be disturbing but they come up so that people can get educated. If they do not take it or even resort to attack for having their questions answered, and experiencing a breakdown, they can leave and that's it. Nobody pushed them to be here in the first place.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
How am I missing any picture? Everyone needs to read the original post. I never once said race mixing was ok! I don’t understand where this is coming from?? In my original comment I clearly stated I was not ok with race mixing. My only problem was when everyone started bashing two people and making them feel like shit for something that had already been done. That is not productive. I would understand people’s harsh comments if an interracial SS couple was thinking about having a child, but that was not the case. They stated that she was already pregnant. So in that case telling them they have committed the ultimate crime and they are now basically banished from Satanism , and Satan will no longer accept them and all sorts of other comments Is extremely counter productive and it doesn’t help anything. What was done was already done. Making them feel worse about it isn’t going to fix the situation. 

Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 4, 2017, at 8:09 AM, Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Andrew, you don't need to bring my name into this. You're missing the bigger picture.

High Priestess Shannon

On Thu, 11/2/17, ANDREW GRAY amgray619@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Race question
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, November 2, 2017, 6:26 PM


Then I guess you are a white trash piece of shit
Sam hinkly, I will say this. You would watch your tongue
around me if this weren’t an online argument!! Or you
would loose your tongue. Then we can see how far you could
advance without a tongue. I am not some no giving a fuck
hippie mother fucker. I just didn’t like some of the
comments. I look at it like this, one of our high priestess
Shannon is Black. I respect everything she has ever said and
I guarantee you she is much more advanced then you are Sam
hinkly!!! Also telling me to grow up when you don’t know
me is a childish thing to do. I am a 34 year old man that
had my first son when I was 18 and i have made my own way
without help from anyone. I have been on my own since I was
14. I am now a successful business man that has supported
his family very well. My son and I are both SS and very
dedicated in spiritual advancement. You sir sound like a
fucking child. You are talking to the wrong mother fucker!!
Please Don’t block this comment HP Hooded Cobra 

Sent from my
On Nov 2,
2017, at 2:39 PM, Sam Hinkley sam.hinkley17@...
[JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


@Andrew Gray 
Get out of here with that White Guilt
horseshit. " but some of you sound like
complete white trash pieces of
Please let me
get this straight. So if I understand that race mixing is a
crime against nature, a crime against THE BLOOD OF SATAN,
and a crime against our very values, and I tell someone why
that is bad, and why that is a crime, and why they should
STOP, then I am White Trash? 
Because that is
what you are saying. 
You need to seriously re-think what you are

"Take it down a
See, Andrew, this whole "bro chill out
lol" attitude doesn't fly here.
It has been said numerous times, but I will say it
again, Satanism = National Socialism. We value our Aryan race, and I will not
stand for someone to sully their blood by mixing with
foreign races.If they want to destroy the inheritance that Satan
has given to them, then they are truly fucked up in the head
and deserve no love or respect from any actually dedicated
You need to seriously learn that what the media and
pop culture call (White Trash) is really them trying to
alienate Race Conscious Whites and make them feel
And now that you mention it, everyone should read
how the KKK was founded by Satanists!
Satanic Origins of the Ku Klux Klan

The Satanic Origins of the Ku Klux
Klan The Ku Klux Klan has its
origins in Satanism and is not Christian

So either grow the fuck up, realize that there is
still much you need to learn. 
Or get the fuck out of here with your anti-White
"love all around" bullshit.

On Thursday, November 2, 2017 5:06
PM, "ANDREW GRAY amgray619@...
[JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


Some of you people are fuckin nuts!!! The only race that
disgusts me and I can feel a disgusting feeling in my soul
is the fucking kike ass fucking Jews!!! I don’t think
races should mix, but some of you sound like complete white
trash pieces of shit!!! Take it down a notch!! I am Arian,
and I wouldn’t race mix because I wouldn’t feel like
that kid was mine. However some of you should not be so
harsh on others just because they are not white. I am proud
of any race besides the Jews that want to better and advance
themselves. This white trash KKK attitude makes me fucking

Sent from my
On Nov 1, 2017, at 7:30 AM, jihiji12@...
[JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


who asked, yes I meant native American 
I do think race mixing is gross but like i said in an
earlier reply she looks like a white girl with a tan so I
wanted to be 100%, agree I probably should study more &
thanks for the info 

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You don't need to go hard on yourself, being mixed or not, you're still a child of Satan.
But we all have to understand that race-mixing brings a lot of problems, and you probably understand that more that pure-blooded people.
Just keep on meditating and you'll reach the point were you can become pure-blooded yourself. (merkaba meditation and magnum opus)

Race-mixing is unnatural and it's not debatable, but what's more unnatural is hating oneself over something they have no control over.
You have a problem? fix it. Not the opposite.

Good luck.

Hail Satan!
dark.chocolate18 Forgiveness is ignoring a bad/negative/detremental/malefic/destructive... thing which someone did. Let's go Wikipaedia-ise it, shall we? -

Notice the psychobullshittery, as well.

In other words:

<ol d[/IMG][*]being a good Goy slave of a jew-on-a-stick and giving your offender your other cheek so that they might strike you there, also, and</li>[*]going and mixing Races many more times with other Races and then inter-mixing those Races further and further</li></ol>
Their punishment for mixing Races is exactly as voiceofenki says, and more so, in this post - https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/Joy ... ges/190262 (Sorry to keep using you as an example, voiceofenki!) The consequences still prevail, regardless of "being forgiven". Actions speak louder than words - there's no need to "forgive" if people behaved responsibly and properly.

You can embrace mixed-Races if you want, but that is not Satanic nor National Socialist. That is not to say we shouldn't help those victims of Race-mixing, if they wish to be Pure Race.

As for the baby, the victim - they have a heck of a lot of work to do, if they wish to be Pure Race. Satan and the Gods/Goddesses, and of course their own Guardian Daemon, could also help them.

 Alright next up on the list. 
The Yezidi’s: Satan Is The God Shiva
https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1504

An Excellent read. LOL I don't know why I don't just reply this way. I quote Posts from Clergy and get called a liar. I should post a link from now on and it give a whole read of information for everyone and if the imbeciles don't like it they can take it up with the clergy. 
 Its Beauitmus, Beauitmus I tell you. 

@Little Wolf

Not only that, but race-mixing will cast out pure and old souls which are one of the biggest threat to the enemies.
It casts them out by making the new bodies "in-habitable" for the pure soul, a pure white or black soul will eventually not be able to attach to mixed bodies. And this way the enemies get rid of the souls who have always prevented them from ruling this planet. (For example, if all humans were the same mixed race today, Maxine would've probably not existed, hence JoS wouldn't be a thing....)
And of course they cover this stuff under meaningless names, like racism and fascism etc..

Also let's not forget that race-mixed people have much more problems opening their chakras and what else.

It's just unhealthy and unnatural.

Hail Satan!!!!
I am from India, Does this mean I can't be a follower of Satan?
What is this argument about?

On Sunday, November 5, 2017 8:04 PM, "fancymancy@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  adder666, define "racist". No-one knows what that word means, but enjoys slipping it off their tongue so easily by default.

Little Wolf, id like to correct you on something. American is a nationality. Meaning the land someone is born on. People born in America can be of any race as long as they were born here. Not just in america but any state,continent,etc. Though yes originally the ones who discovered the new world came from europe and were as far as i know of the aryan race, the people who were here before the europeans came were of the asian race. The natives of the new world came from asian and migrated via an ice bridge. There are studies that say asia,siberia(northern asia,eastern russia), and other areas in asia. But if an aryan were to be born in africa they would technically be african. But thats a nationality. It has nothing to do with race. Yes a specific race can occupy an area but its not 100% certain everyone from a certain area is of a certain race. Especially america where there are people of all races. A recent study of "puerto ricans" showed that a large majority had taíno/asian dna while i believe 12% was aryan and a smaller percentage was black. I read another study that said there were some jews as well. But the point is the same and well any person of any race can be of any nationality.
I don't mind if people disagree with my opinion, well as long they gives their points. I can respect them. But to be honest, what could I learn from a comment like "Darkchocolate is a retard!...Stupid...etc"? I mean, I believe no one here love to be called like that. I then saw plenty of dirty name calling and swearing here. It makes me wonder if this site was running by kids? I had been to numerous website. There always been arguments but even if you don't agree with em, you can learn one thing or two from that. I am still new here and on my way learning about satanism. Just to let you and others know before you guys going on cursing me.
@Anant Bhagwant
Ofcourse you can. Satanism is for all gentiles.

High Priestess Shannon

On Sun, 11/5/17, Anant Bhagwant abhag0494@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Race question
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Sunday, November 5, 2017, 10:18 AM


I am
from India, Does this mean I can't be a follower of
What is this argument

On Sunday, November
5, 2017 8:04 PM, "fancymancy@...
[JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]


adder666, define "racist". No-one knows
what that word means, but enjoys slipping it off their
tongue so easily by default.

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If you are of the White Aryan race, you are a child of the Gods, what you have to realize is your connection to the Gods and to others of your race (especially those who are dedicated SS) goes way way WAY deeper than the physical body alone. Race is SOUL DEEP! Race mixing is not just harmful at a physical level, at a spiritual level your Soul is crying out. Your ancestors curse you. The Gods have made it clear to many of us that they despise it. HP Jake Carlson has covered the true meaning of Satan's message in the Al-Jilwah to his children (The White race) if you are White and not yet in the Whites group 666BlackSun, you need to go and join because many of your more experienced brothers and sisters have a lot to teach you there.
I am not married yet but I know that race mixing is forbidden in satanism and of course, I understand the reason why. Rest assured, I will marry people from my race and will never support race mixing. See? I won't do any mistake since I had knowledge about that. But the question here is for married couple whom just embraced satanism and it appear they are mixed race, not knowing it. And instead of giving them proper solution for the couple, people bashing them terribly and said a very, very bad stuff like "bury yourselves." "Your baby will hate you cause you ruined his life.." Poor Mcrod. I mean, come on...None of you guys were asking if the couple regret it or did they know about the race mix before get married..You just simply judge them.

Stuff like that is what muslims do. You see, when a girl having sex before she get married and ended up pregnant, muslims will spit on that girl and even curse her innocent baby. Even though the girl really regret and repent to god, the muslims still punish her terribly, telling her that she will rot in hell. I know cause I am ex-muslim.
you misunderstood aldrick, i wasnt equating sleeping with an animal to having sex with someone of another race.

i was equating sleeping with an animal to just being friends with someone of another race.
im not saying those of the other races are animals, but i just mean it in the way that our auras would intermingle, or our bodies would touch. AND NOT SEXUALLY!!!
here is what shannon said, that i agree with "Similar to when someone said even being friends with someone of another race destroys their aura. See how radical that sounds? Its the same logic as saying that my cat and I interacting will dissipate each other's souls.."

your such a dick aldrick, if you would just calm down and read more carefully, we wouldn't be constantly getting into it with one another. 
Exactly. I just reply on later message (I forgot who) stated that he was a Germany that if he married an American he would race mix. He is technically not race mixing since white Americans descendants are European but, he is gonna mix nationality. Thank you so much for your attention. ❤️

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Monday, November 6, 2017, 1:49 AM, garland871@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  Little Wolf, id like to correct you on something. American is a nationality. Meaning the land someone is born on. People born in America can be of any race as long as they were born here. Not just in america but any state,continent,etc. Though yes originally the ones who discovered the new world came from europe and were as far as i know of the aryan race, the people who were here before the europeans came were of the asian race. The natives of the new world came from asian and migrated via an ice bridge. There are studies that say asia,siberia(northern asia,eastern russia), and other areas in asia. But if an aryan were to be born in africa they would technically be african. But thats a nationality. It has nothing to do with race. Yes a specific race can occupy an area but its not 100% certain everyone from a certain area is of a certain race. Especially america where there are people of all races. A recent study of "puerto ricans" showed that a large majority had taíno/asian dna while i believe 12% was aryan and a smaller percentage was black. I read another study that said there were some jews as well. But the point is the same and well any person of any race can be of any nationality.
@garland871 Have you heard about kenniwick man? Europeans were here before, the asians crossed the land bridge.Check it out!

On Monday, 6 November 2017, 11:54, "garland871@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Little Wolf, id like to correct you on something. American is a nationality. Meaning the land someone is born on. People born in America can be of any race as long as they were born here. Not just in america but any state,continent,etc. Though yes originally the ones who discovered the new world came from europe and were as far as i know of the aryan race, the people who were here before the europeans came were of the asian race. The natives of the new world came from asian and migrated via an ice bridge. There are studies that say asia,siberia(northern asia,eastern russia), and other areas in asia. But if an aryan were to be born in africa they would technically be african. But thats a nationality. It has nothing to do with race. Yes a specific race can occupy an area but its not 100% certain everyone from a certain area is of a certain race. Especially america where there are people of all races. A recent study of "puerto ricans" showed that a large majority had taíno/asian dna while i believe 12% was aryan and a smaller percentage was black. I read another study that said there were some jews as well. But the point is the same and well any person of any race can be of any nationality.

Anant please do not worry about this post right now. Satan welcomes you to serve him, this post has pretty much gone off the rails, so disregard it as you are just coming into the knowledge of Father Satan. To sum it up since I know you want answers, Father doesn't want us to race mixing, it's not racist or any of the sorts, he simply wants to keep our bloodlines pure and strong, when I say "our" I am talking about race in general. For example, you are Indian you will want to stay with an Indian woman. Continue to study and get to know Father, once you become comfortable, your studies will bring you back to this topic in a way where you will understand and not think ill of our brothers and sisters who look down upon race mixing like Father does. Continue to ask questions and have an open mind, you may not like what you see and hear because of years not knowing the truth but with effort and dedication, the struggle is worth it. 
Hail Satan

On Monday, November 6, 2017 9:53 AM, "Anant Bhagwant abhag0494@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  I am from India, Does this mean I can't be a follower of Satan?
What is this argument about?

On Sunday, November 5, 2017 8:04 PM, "fancymancy@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  adder666, define "racist". No-one knows what that word means, but enjoys slipping it off their tongue so easily by default.


 You are right Dark Chocolate, That is why I wish people would follow my lead here. Drown them out with truth. If all you can do is call someone a retard then YOU are a retard. SHOW THE TRUTH. 
Next up on the list. Oh this is a good one. 
The Scary Nazism in "Satanism" 

https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1362

Posted here for your viewing Convenience 

It's funny how a label changes everything. 

I notice many called 'Satanists' do get afraid by things like Nazism, and without evidence or against evidence, they are very ready to attack the notions of Satanism. Little do they observe that they actually follow these and put these in their lives, the moment they come into an alliance with whom they call as the "Dark Lord". There is a lot of emo that goes there, and many of these people on purpose throw away the history and the NS history of Satanism, such as how the NS and the dark sinister Satanism were both perceived as the worse of the worst.

For example, Satanism is about being strong and self reliant. Defending your honor etc. These notions put under he label of National Socialism scare these otherwise wise and intellectual people. 

Satanism follows nature. To not racemix is not really nothing but following natures dictation. Ideally one should seek the best for their offspring, same as all animals, and incessant race mixing through generations weakens people, lowers IQ and makes many other perilshappen which should better be avoided.

They say they are also against stupidity, which is a common Satanic law. I beg you pardon, so if beings are born with an IQ lower than a retard, is this good? This again explains the race mixing thing. We cannot be gambling with nature. Nothing that promotes retardation should be accepted. The same goes of all these useless, infested by Jews, practices of sacrifice etc. 

As about one's living "lair" or space and how this is to not be intruded. Even if thought from an animalistic standby, it make sure perfect sense that people love their country, protect their natural territory en masse (country/continent) and maintain others who are of the same species as them. Most people in nowadays world don't even have a house or territory anymore. Unlike this system of rent, the NS wanted to give all families and people affordable housing.

Mind you there are also nut cases who are like accepting to jewsus, Mohamed, Jews, and they dare take the name of Satan in their so called religious title. They act as if all is fine just different beliefs. Maybe for THEM it is, but for the others? Meanwhile, these people whom they accept, would gladly have their gutters for supper, in more or less uncivilized ways. IQ level, dumb stone level.

Another thing is individuality, and somehow neglecting herd mentality. The majority of the people are no longer a herd at all. Most humans are egoistical fucks since the uprising of the civil society/town life. Everyone thinks they are a super drama hero, living their own life of Hollywood. Individualism is really not a revolutionary value at all, hasn't been for more than 300 years, it's more than obviously herd mentality. These so called individuals are also some of the most easily controlled and malleable creatures ever created, being the most submissive followers of government to ever exist, 

National Socialism is not pro or against massive or individual, everything just goes where it's met. But I guess it's really bad about ones freedom and Satanic individuality to have exercise programs, healthy gender relations, education, focus on personal health etc. Today's individuality of "Satanism" cannot be like that of the NS of course. It has to be just emo, druggie, weed party, because these are highly individual as you can see, and not literally the cattle herd incarnate. Even though more people fry their brain with spaz anymore than those who don't. Yay for free-doom.

Then we have anti-Semitic ideology which is a problem. What is honestly the problem with "antisemitism" if you are a Satanist? This is the race that wrote the slander, defamations, lies about us, even Satanists in general. They are the race of jesuits and many others who would gladly fry us alive, irrespectively of if a few members of theirs of blood may have pretended to think other otherwise. Also, just WHY be a philosemite? 

Should it be obligatory in the Satanism where supposedly one does love who they want and hate who they want? Obviously not. Unless it comes for kikes and somehow having to accept them at all costs. Why is that again. Because well kikes as the Torah says, are supposed to have all the goyim's doors open to enjoy as they see fit. Jews and their methods of animal sacrifice and other rabbinical defamations have made Satanism look evil, dark, stupid. They have wrote, aside with their followers who espoused their ideas, all the evil, emo, deathly crap about Satanism. What is there to love exactly, unless one is a similar morbid lowlife? 

There is no reason to be philosemetic, but when one does the research there are many reasons to be antisemetic.

There is no reason why one should like or not even be non-spiritually aggressive against Jews. Especially when evidence has piled up so greatly it's not even a joke anymore about their racial lobbying and activities, that happen on the expense of all others. So to deny this... One transgresses therefore only to the realm of cowardice, stupidity, or of course being themselves a Jew.

Then we have self gratification. Where does National Socialism go against self gratification? The fact that it banishes Hollywood beliefs? National Socialism doesn't put restrains to sexuality or any other form of gratification. The frivolous gangbangs down to family joy and gratification were all available in NS Germany.

Another honorable thing in Satanism should be logic, common sense, and scientific inquiry. National Socialism never, ever, went against any of these, they also pushed science beyond the subhuman, cucked limitations. While respecting natural boundaries such as the atomic bomb. Much of the technolgy, inventions, and scientific foundations actually did come from the so called Nazis as well. They just applied the science that was known at the time to their movement. It was 1940's anyway.

Lastly and most importantly. Satanism is advancement. To advance, become, overcome and become better and stronger. This is infact the focus of National Socialism. It is what National Socialism is on a political level. A battle for a state as a mass entity, same as the people within it, to rise above limitations, above fate, and become their own "Gods" through the advancement of Science, arts, culture etc.

If you follow any of the above you are in essence already a National Socialist to an extent, and in mindset. The association and alliance with a Satan and the Gods, even indirectly, name these values as you want, but THESE are the values they have passed down their followers anyway, in all their multitude.

Lastly on an occult standpoint, the NS literally believed to whom to Xians and Jews, was Satan. This is evident in all of the enemy's writings. Satan was the giver of their spiritualagenda, let alone their occultism and all spiritual tenets were Pagan, Satanic, you name it: the return of what was abolished as Satanism by the abrahamic frontiers. One also cannot deny the art and how closely ritualistic it was, like the SS uniform, the rings, the daggers, and all these other cool stuffs some Satanists still decide to wear as part of the black metal scene. This type of fashion really began there long time. The skulls, deaths head, equal arms cross, etc etc, as alchemical allegories in dressing or art.

In closing verdict what is the problem and the unrelated nature of the two, nowhere. It's just personal bias on most people's plate, or Jewish blood in their chains, sorry I meant veins, or just the indoctrination of emo Satanism that they have underwent by Jews again. 

It's just that Jews feel non comfy and their hardwired Torah cannot take it that they can no longer dictate lies and defame whom they hate the most. Ha-Satan, the Adversary in their own hebrew . It's a natural revenge over the non Jews speaking about their own faith once again, which the Jews have defamed under the category of Satanism since forever. So they seek to destroy them for monopoly. Same as they did to Pagans and others who well, we may call Satanists again today if we want a better title.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 

Like me for example I am nahuatl Indian and Spanish european, and when it is a question of procreation I seek out a woman of similar lineage, and because of that my daughter is a mirror image of me and our personality is similar, almost to the point she is mini twin(some friends gave her that title) 
So in a nutshell we SS women especially need to be very strict on the principles on racial purity and eugenics to insure the survival of our respective races

Hail Father Satan and the demons of hell
otherwise to this topic,in my opinion it is the decision of every person
who is sympathetic to for example, I'm a woman I am 19 years old
and I have brown hair and I do not like people with blond hair
and in no case does anyone force me to have a partner
with blond hair when if he were the last man in the world
because I like dark-haired men
and I do not think that because I'm racist
but because he has every person
everyone likes something differentalthough I would have married an atheist rather

On Tuesday, November 7, 2017 11:12 AM, "aldrick.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

 You are right Dark Chocolate, That is why I wish people would follow my lead here. Drown them out with truth. If all you can do is call someone a retard then YOU are a retard. SHOW THE TRUTH. 
Next up on the list. Oh this is a good one. 
The Scary Nazism in "Satanism" 

https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1362

Posted here for your viewing Convenience 

It's funny how a label changes everything. 

I notice many called 'Satanists' do get afraid by things like Nazism, and without evidence or against evidence, they are very ready to attack the notions of Satanism. Little do they observe that they actually follow these and put these in their lives, the moment they come into an alliance with whom they call as the "Dark Lord". There is a lot of emo that goes there, and many of these people on purpose throw away the history and the NS history of Satanism, such as how the NS and the dark sinister Satanism were both perceived as the worse of the worst.

For example, Satanism is about being strong and self reliant. Defending your honor etc. These notions put under he label of National Socialism scare these otherwise wise and intellectual people. 

Satanism follows nature. To not racemix is not really nothing but following natures dictation. Ideally one should seek the best for their offspring, same as all animals, and incessant race mixing through generations weakens people, lowers IQ and makes many other perilshappen which should better be avoided.

They say they are also against stupidity, which is a common Satanic law. I beg you pardon, so if beings are born with an IQ lower than a retard, is this good? This again explains the race mixing thing. We cannot be gambling with nature. Nothing that promotes retardation should be accepted. The same goes of all these useless, infested by Jews, practices of sacrifice etc. 

As about one's living "lair" or space and how this is to not be intruded. Even if thought from an animalistic standby, it make sure perfect sense that people love their country, protect their natural territory en masse (country/continent) and maintain others who are of the same species as them. Most people in nowadays world don't even have a house or territory anymore. Unlike this system of rent, the NS wanted to give all families and people affordable housing.

Mind you there are also nut cases who are like accepting to jewsus, Mohamed, Jews, and they dare take the name of Satan in their so called religious title. They act as if all is fine just different beliefs. Maybe for THEM it is, but for the others? Meanwhile, these people whom they accept, would gladly have their gutters for supper, in more or less uncivilized ways. IQ level, dumb stone level.

Another thing is individuality, and somehow neglecting herd mentality. The majority of the people are no longer a herd at all. Most humans are egoistical fucks since the uprising of the civil society/town life. Everyone thinks they are a super drama hero, living their own life of Hollywood. Individualism is really not a revolutionary value at all, hasn't been for more than 300 years, it's more than obviously herd mentality. These so called individuals are also some of the most easily controlled and malleable creatures ever created, being the most submissive followers of government to ever exist, 

National Socialism is not pro or against massive or individual, everything just goes where it's met. But I guess it's really bad about ones freedom and Satanic individuality to have exercise programs, healthy gender relations, education, focus on personal health etc. Today's individuality of "Satanism" cannot be like that of the NS of course. It has to be just emo, druggie, weed party, because these are highly individual as you can see, and not literally the cattle herd incarnate. Even though more people fry their brain with spaz anymore than those who don't. Yay for free-doom.

Then we have anti-Semitic ideology which is a problem. What is honestly the problem with "antisemitism" if you are a Satanist? This is the race that wrote the slander, defamations, lies about us, even Satanists in general. They are the race of jesuits and many others who would gladly fry us alive, irrespectively of if a few members of theirs of blood may have pretended to think other otherwise. Also, just WHY be a philosemite? 

Should it be obligatory in the Satanism where supposedly one does love who they want and hate who they want? Obviously not. Unless it comes for kikes and somehow having to accept them at all costs. Why is that again. Because well kikes as the Torah says, are supposed to have all the goyim's doors open to enjoy as they see fit. Jews and their methods of animal sacrifice and other rabbinical defamations have made Satanism look evil, dark, stupid. They have wrote, aside with their followers who espoused their ideas, all the evil, emo, deathly crap about Satanism. What is there to love exactly, unless one is a similar morbid lowlife? 

There is no reason to be philosemetic, but when one does the research there are many reasons to be antisemetic.

There is no reason why one should like or not even be non-spiritually aggressive against Jews. Especially when evidence has piled up so greatly it's not even a joke anymore about their racial lobbying and activities, that happen on the expense of all others. So to deny this... One transgresses therefore only to the realm of cowardice, stupidity, or of course being themselves a Jew.

Then we have self gratification. Where does National Socialism go against self gratification? The fact that it banishes Hollywood beliefs? National Socialism doesn't put restrains to sexuality or any other form of gratification. The frivolous gangbangs down to family joy and gratification were all available in NS Germany.

Another honorable thing in Satanism should be logic, common sense, and scientific inquiry. National Socialism never, ever, went against any of these, they also pushed science beyond the subhuman, cucked limitations. While respecting natural boundaries such as the atomic bomb. Much of the technolgy, inventions, and scientific foundations actually did come from the so called Nazis as well. They just applied the science that was known at the time to their movement. It was 1940's anyway.

Lastly and most importantly. Satanism is advancement. To advance, become, overcome and become better and stronger. This is infact the focus of National Socialism. It is what National Socialism is on a political level. A battle for a state as a mass entity, same as the people within it, to rise above limitations, above fate, and become their own "Gods" through the advancement of Science, arts, culture etc.

If you follow any of the above you are in essence already a National Socialist to an extent, and in mindset. The association and alliance with a Satan and the Gods, even indirectly, name these values as you want, but THESE are the values they have passed down their followers anyway, in all their multitude.

Lastly on an occult standpoint, the NS literally believed to whom to Xians and Jews, was Satan. This is evident in all of the enemy's writings. Satan was the giver of their spiritualagenda, let alone their occultism and all spiritual tenets were Pagan, Satanic, you name it: the return of what was abolished as Satanism by the abrahamic frontiers. One also cannot deny the art and how closely ritualistic it was, like the SS uniform, the rings, the daggers, and all these other cool stuffs some Satanists still decide to wear as part of the black metal scene. This type of fashion really began there long time. The skulls, deaths head, equal arms cross, etc etc, as alchemical allegories in dressing or art.

In closing verdict what is the problem and the unrelated nature of the two, nowhere. It's just personal bias on most people's plate, or Jewish blood in their chains, sorry I meant veins, or just the indoctrination of emo Satanism that they have underwent by Jews again. 

It's just that Jews feel non comfy and their hardwired Torah cannot take it that they can no longer dictate lies and defame whom they hate the most. Ha-Satan, the Adversary in their own hebrew . It's a natural revenge over the non Jews speaking about their own faith once again, which the Jews have defamed under the category of Satanism since forever. So they seek to destroy them for monopoly. Same as they did to Pagans and others who well, we may call Satanists again today if we want a better title.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 

Thank you so much for your attention. I am learning :)

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Sunday, November 5, 2017, 10:09 PM, oxaroc@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:
  @Little Wolf

Not only that, but race-mixing will cast out pure and old souls which are one of the biggest threat to the enemies.
It casts them out by making the new bodies "in-habitable" for the pure soul, a pure white or black soul will eventually not be able to attach to mixed bodies. And this way the enemies get rid of the souls who have always prevented them from ruling this planet. (For example, if all humans were the same mixed race today, Maxine would've probably not existed, hence JoS wouldn't be a thing....)
And of course they cover this stuff under meaningless names, like racism and fascism etc..

Also let's not forget that race-mixed people have much more problems opening their chakras and what else.

It's just unhealthy and unnatural.

Hail Satan!!!!
Me also like Indian men
pity that I was not born as indian woman :(
Hail Satan !

On Tuesday, November 7, 2017 11:52 AM, "Isabel Chavez isabel.marie.chavez@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Like me for example I am nahuatl Indian and Spanish european, and when it is a question of procreation I seek out a woman of similar lineage, and because of that my daughter is a mirror image of me and our personality is similar, almost to the point she is mini twin(some friends gave her that title) 
So in a nutshell we SS women especially need to be very strict on the principles on racial purity and eugenics to insure the survival of our respective races

Hail Father Satan and the demons of hell


 Brown hair Blonde Hair none of that shit even matters. 
 Oh please what a Delightful little cop out. Really nothing to say at that point then. Someone who prances around the groups and talks shit to people like Zola and Sam and constantly on the side of some jew infiltrator. I am quite Calm actually thank you, I just will not tolerate Bullshit and under handed Deceiving. Which is all I have seen you write, My ability to read has nothing to do with it. You want to stop getting on my bad side then write something of actual merit. That is always a little jew tactic, Why is Aldrick being so mean and not understanding. He just doesn't understand. Please.
 Here is a good time for.
 Why Normal People are so Dumb. 

 https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/JoS ... sages/1359 

Greetings to all our Satanic People and Comrades.

A sister in the groups made a comment about how she explains things to people, but they cannot take it. The things might be simple, such as the problem-reaction-solution formula the jews are doing to remain in power. All those of you who read my posts, this is why they are so long. I thoroughly explain things to everyone, because I care about everyone.

In our lives we encounter a lot of people. A lot of people are naturally 'intelligent' but there are many types of intelligence. One example is these people who are university decorated, but cannot figure out for example that their own mother is depressed or something. Other people are very emotionally intelligent, but they cannot get it out. Others are so called 'average intelligence' people, that you would be surprised how many things they understand. 

In life, the simpler the people, the more things people actually understand. This is because as their thinking is more simple, they can see things simply and they believe their own eyes. Of course this is not idea everytime, but on some matters, its heaven-sent and exactly what is necessary for the moment. A person who sees a woman that is raped and is a farmer, will far more easily do the right thing and try to help or call the police. A high-strung super 'intelligent' cuck, may run or something. A farmer understands easily about the mudslime crisis and the pisslamic terrorists, but other more 'studied' people will always fail to get it, unless of course, they are intelligent in more things than in academia.

I have also noticed that people who consider themselves 'intelligent', also do lie a lot. They are afraid basically to say the truth and they constantly run in circles to bend everything. This is largely what 'clever' people are supposed to do, and this is a jewish teaching. Eventually, they are found out for frauds, and they are rimmed and get what they deserve by others. Obviously, use common sense: what I say here does not apply when communicating with zombies and many others. Its just a general discussion. This is because many such people are weak, and the list goes on. No matter how 'intellectual' one is, a bully can punch them in the face, and that's all. 

Take another example. If you try to 'explain' to a cucked feminist, however many 'degrees' they have, they will never understand fairly simple things that you do explain. This is because they are not really 'educated' in this sense, they just did spent more years reading heavenly theories and other things that are inapplicable with reality, generated mainly by jews exactly of that: to suck and be unreal. Education is necessary, but keep AWARE and don't let jews school you. The jews pass poison through education. You need to rule this out and not accept passively. 

For a similar issue. You go to some village in Africa and you ask a person there who hardly knows to read, why for example Pisslamics are coming in Europe or other things. You will get straight, real replies. Money, rape, spreading Islamism and the list goes. Who would be more genius in this case. The brother in Africa or the cucked feminist?

The soap bubbles in the West are conditioned to not think in these terms, as this is 'evil', but unfortunately, most of the world does actually think in these terms. If people don't have this ability, or reject to even KNOW that such animalistic thinking exist, they will be victims of this. Their intelligence is in fact, a hindrance. They cannot see the world as it really is, or as others do in reality see it. This is a high disadvantage for "survival" in situations like this we are going through.

Spiritual Satanism is a club for elite people and souls with higher morale and higher understanding. Unlike cattle herd people, we actually crave to expose ourselves to that which is higher and better. We don't feel bad for it, and for those in the lower levels that may feel hate, we trans-mutate it to go forward in our own self. Satanism at this point is not for everyone because most people are actually too weak to handle the downward spiral of self esteem, an uncontrollable mind, etc, the enemy has imposed. 

We understand nature. Nothing needs to be equal. What I mean from this post, is that if people were meditating and advancing, their intelligence would grow a lot, to the point most people would have healthy and sane reasoning in the very least. Basically, look at yourself and how much you have grown, and you will understand how much it can go. For those who don't become more clever, they would at least be and feel better - less crime, less psychological problems, less death and anguish. The universe wants to give pleasure to everyone for free. Its just people don't take this, thanks to jews.

You don't need to be a rocket science expert, just get it. Everyone shrinks compared to a God for example, in everything there is for us to 'compare' ourselves with them. Those who think themselves as their 'equals', just have no idea of what of beings we are talking about, and they need to look deeper. 

Infrequently we see attention whoring and other people who are empty, and need a feeling by the time and attention of the Satanic community. It comes in many forms. These people have nothing to offer, and they think they are too important. Little do they see that they suffer from an energetic inflation: as someone who pathologically destroys their self esteem no matter if they are a great person or not, these people pathologically fill it up even if they are a whack person in reality. They suffer from the same disease, but it manifests differently. One is too slim, the other one is MacDonalds obese. That's all.

When you go outside and you see people fucked up in the head, just know, its just spiritual degradation. You can see this here in the group. We have people from all Races, cultures, backrounds, but we can still conversate and everyone eventually gets one another. Everyone advances. Everyone is on the bright side if they just put themselves to it. We are a family of multitudes. 

No xian or anyone else can state the same, in the least. These people while they have 'renounced' the values of the vultures, are the real faithless vultures they have 'renounced'. We are the 'beasts' with the 'bad morality' but we behave nothing closely like it. Guess what. Because we just follow natural dictate so nature rewards by healing us. These fools go against nature and nature curses them.

It may seem like a miracle to others how we can maintain a community with the ideas that we do, and the goals that we do, but well, it is miraculous, but the thing is, WHY? Because everyone of us maintains the SATYAN- Eternal True path, to enlightenment. 

This opens up the mind. It makes one expand their horizons and be really able to ingrain things into their mind. One also learns the value of change, and stop assosciating themselves like a kid that has a complex that all the mistakes of the world are their own. People start to face reality in how they are insidie, and this produces pleasure after the initial shock of a neglected self. Then the pleasure is immense and power starts to grow bigger everyday. So long everyone advances, everyone is happy, this is what many people don't know.

Now lastly, the jews are intelligent, YES, but many people forget WHY they are intelligent. Many of you go around the street, and because you are spiritually awake, you will notice strange things such as jews looking at you, being afraid of you, sneering at you, whatever. You wake to another world. In fact, most jews are aware to this level themselves. They are walking this world around as awakened towards the asleep. 

They are in fact worried to see YOU there, on 'THEIR' level. "What do we have here, a Goyim that is awakening?". Do not worry guys, this is not terminator, and 99% percent of jews don't understand 'what' you are specifically, so DO NOT grow paranoid. All they feel is a natural instinct to coerce you, or run away from you, without knowing the details. However, unlike Gentiles, they are NOT oblivious on an instinctive level.

The Rabbis are doing racial magick to keep the jews awake on a racial level, and controlled by the Torah unconsciously. It doesn't matter what the average jew does, the Rabbis have the controller. They can play whatever, that they are opposed to them, xians, or even interested to be "Satanists" or some other joke. The reality is on the blood. Something which the enemy knows. 

These jews are on a higher level than others, and they from this level cast down to the lower levels fog, mist, and dust in the eyes of people. This is why you can see after a point of advancement, that most things mean to confuse, coerce, make-believe and do other shit to people, are made by a jew, or a jew is always an associate. This is not you a jew being an antisemite, this is you becoming aware.

The jews are an alien soul. 

When people get this, that these beings are aliens acting as overlords here, and that they do not belong to the earth naturally, they will figure out why they do all this. In fact even someone simply reading the Torah will just understand their mentality, as they were dumb enough to keep it in paper.

Satan is only fought against by the jews because he is the Truth and teacher of Meditation. So long people get stuck in the 3rd dimension, those like jews who hover just a bit above, can always lie to them and deceive them. Satanas abolishes this ability from these beings to lie to everyone.

They have numerous prayers they channel to their people every day. Jews are a cursed race, they are not gifted. Most races in humanity have decent health for example. Jews don't. But they have the stolen culture and they use it for themselves. This is why they find these 'chances', always make 'profits' and other things. Of course, we have Gentiles that are PROGRAMMED to be stupid and victims. This plus magick, makes a dangerous combination. However, there is nothing 'unable' to be defeated behind this.

The jews do some daily prayers like the Shema prayer, and other prayers, who just have an effect of a normal meditation session. The jews don't really meditate, they just channel the siphoned energy by xianity and Pisslam. So long they lose followers, their power will decrease. They are dependent on blood intake. In fact, everyone with spiritual knowledge can become aware, except of flat out, clinical retards.

The spiritual damnation and darkness, manifests in ignorance in the physical and in all other realms, a desire to waste one's life and one's existence, and a lack of understanding, compassion, and also fighting spirit all together. 

Lastly, this is just for general knowledge. This is not to make you think that a race mixing, leftist scumbag, drug user, will magickally be saved at some point, and you need to play the savior. Many people are beyond any 'saving' and also, you need to save yourself and keep yourselves safe as Satanists above all. Secrecy is the most important thing in the world we are living in. Our RTR's will bring the world into a different footing, where in the light of the Age of Aquarius, we will have far better of a scene to project our message. 

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666


"Hate Crimes" Against Jews? 

White Genocidal Lullably

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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
