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Răspuns: [JoyofSatan666] Women's Freedom


New member
May 10, 2002
Some "feminists"are just hypocrites that wish all men get killed. True feminists are men and women that want equal rights for both genders.
În data de Ma, 21.2.17, HC hoodedcobra666@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] a scris:

Subiect: [JoyofSatan666] Women's Freedom
Către: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "JoSNewsletter Moderator" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Yahoogroups" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Yahoogroups" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Yahoogroups" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Yahoogroups" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Yahoogroups" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Yahoogroups" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Yahoogroups" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Yahoogroups" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Data: Marţi, 21 Februarie 2017, 21:22

Women's Freedom :


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Women's Freedom : JoyofSatan666
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Greetings to all our People
and Satanic Comrades.

I go again to alienate feminists, and many other zombies who
are infected by ideologies just created by perverted jews to
make everyone feel special, in a world where humans are just
a number.

Its quite
interesting how in the West especially, we hear about the
cries of "freedom" from Women. Such as we were
hearing the meme of how men should rule everything (of

course to the expense of women), a few decades ago. Both
these memes of course were created by profiteering jews with
no higher aims, just destabilize society and profit shekels
from it. Because well for the jew it doesn't really
matter to which side the balance is perverted, its still
good to them. You want abdul raping and killing his 15
wives? By all means, acceptable. You want hundreds of men
becoming sissies because they cannot get the 'muh trophy
wife' and therefore turn to cuckery? All the better.

These are the conditions the
jew does want to inflict further damage to everyone
involved, and profit from. To abdul they sell a new
'future' in the west with a potential harem under
allah, to the other one, they promise the perfect VR
reality, with their ideal wife as fake as the photo-shopped
ones online or their favorite porn actress. Its the same
merchant guys...Just look at the merchant...

I am not here to debate what
xians and other cucks do debate, for example, if these women
are doing it right or wrong. Because in that case there is
no right or wrong, its flat out alien and bizarre to act in
particular ways.

Same as
many men want to feel entitled by doing nothing but being
liberal cucks, we have the same thing in women. This is a
common trend amongst beings who do literally nothing to
advance their existence. While others copiously spend their
lifetimes to become better and improve in some way, these
people just exist as a cattle and nothing more, by their own
choice and admission. Therefore, the sheep want fancy shirts
to wear in order to feel like they are not sheep, and free
'people'. But we know what ((('freedom')))
of theirs is.

Now let's
see objectively the matter of Woman leaders. Many Women of
course are pissed off, thanks to christianity, for the
situation in regards to women in the West, for these
hundreds of years time. Of course, little consideration is
being taken over the fact that, well, you know, in many
other places, women are stoned to death. We have seen
serious improvements in the last decades, which the enemy
immediately pushes off into the opposite direction, to again
destroy society. However this is not right, things have in
other places been far worse, for jewish reasons all of us
here know. The enemy literally, flat out hates women, and
all they represent. This is because they hate life and
everything women stand for.

Part of the 'liberation' scheme
nowdays, we have slutdom, doing drugs, and becoming
generally a female version of a lawless, worthless to
society, abscess to humanity, type of 'woman'. I am
sure in some feminist offices they have a board where they
rank the (((Women))) who spread the most STD's, and
brought down the most 'social constructs', such as
well, the fucking society in which they live in and does in
anyway protect their jewish stupified conceptions.

This is of course done so
women remain isolated from men, from themselves, from their
families, and also one another. If women like that are ever

to support one another, they are doing this harm the
opposite gender, go out naked to protest their so called
rights (until the radical islamist Abdul spouses them by
force, for he comes and kills them or rapes them or
something...), and then go flat out become bonged out with
the money of their parents. Wow, this is exactly the idea
that will produce women's rights. Yes, this social trend
of the jewdified west is going to literally, last a long
time. I mean what's better for surviving an alien
attack, than having pink dildos instead of men, never having
children, and stoning one's self out 24/7? These are
really behaviors of a dominant, powerful, and higher up

It never boils
down to any gender. As we would never like to be ruled by a
flat out, masculine psychopath that would violate humans all
the time for no reason, in the same way, we don't want
to be ruled by a person whose focus in life is just getting
laid, or something like that. Its kind of contradicting. How
can anyone, for that sake, have their life's purpose
being reading jew Karl Marx's writings, stoning
themselves to death, and then having gangstas with robots
and queers, be a guide for the future of humanity? I
don't see this is as "EVIL" (even though one
can say it is) but I see this as well. Erm, nonfunctional.
It just cannot work that way. If it ever did, humanity would
suffer and die a permanent death.

Lastly before I am accussed of being an asshole
to everyone. I will pose to everyone the simplest of
questions. If you find 'women' offensive, change the
sentence to 'man' and repeat it. This may serve the
latent feminism at once.

You have two women. Both are women. On one
hand, you have the 'liberated' woman who does
incesantly bad relations, flat out fucked up her family and
future, or has done many of the things stated before, and
was nothing at all in her life but a 'liberated'
boozetard. On the other hand, you have a woman that is a
mother, knows the needs of children, and has existed in a
way of quality. I don't tie in sexual experiences
insofar this creates tensions in the personality.

Who would you trust to run
your life? Which woman protects the rights of women more?
The vixen or the mother?

Many women do not get that many of their
respective qualities come from the fact of being a woman.
Your ability to motherhood, even 'fragility' (as in
outwards softness) and many other aspects that may ward off
the indoctrinated women nowadays, same as they are turned
off by touching the spiritual, or not twerking. Because of
my how dare someone mention something about TWERKING, the
new god? 'These are the idols we follow, honey!

In fact, you
can see most of these 'women' hate everything about
being a woman. They are distorted. They are like, hating
their own self, trying to promote their so called
'self'. They are acting like the 'men' they
are going against. Phallocentricism or Pussycentrisism
doesn't really matter. Society must be in the middle
pillar, the Shushumna, with both male and female aspects in

How do we address
Lilith? Don't we call Her, Mother Lilith? Why do we
trust her with our lives? Who do our Goddesses have our
admiration, respect, and unending love? Well, not exactly
for their Vixen aspect. They are free, liberated, we all
know this, but this has nothing to do with those to whom it
is addressed. It stands there silently as a doorway to open
up pent up suppression, with the higher end of controlling
it, and dignifying it into something better.

If you are praying to a
certain someone, would be rather praying to a mother, that
will nurture you, and knows all your needs, shrouding you
with love and protection? Or you will pray to a cucked,
feminist abscess that will show up to you with a book of
"Des Kapital", which if you don't read she
will beat your ass to death? In a softer version, which one
would you trust most to tell your issues, open up your
heart, and which would you trust better to show you the way
to enlightenment? You see, this trust is something natural,
because there is a definition.

The vixen cares for herself and her own
pleasure. The divine motherhood quality (irrespective of if
you have children or not) is a balance, with emphasis on the
well-being of others. This is the power to provide, protect,
create and destroy, in the same way as the universal
principle of a mother. While a woman with a divine
motherhood quality fights for ideals, or her children, and
if their well-being is attacked she will flatten out her
enemies, what is the good in the 'other kind' of
woman? If you steal her boozetard, she will protest naked? I
guess that's only good for women of the jewish race.

I'd rather have that happen in Pissrael.

Sorry if I offended your
(((Freedoms))). I just don't deal well with Satanic
women being only emotards, drug users, wasting their life,
and becoming nothing else than what the enemy wants them to
do. It doesn't sit well to me. If it sits well to some

women... Women is a very dignified title that needs
upholding. Not that. We can change this to 'living pig
by jewish admission'.

And Hooded Cobra to Phallocentric Nazi Monster.
Because well he has that fucked up issue about well, not
liking to see women on the streets injecting heroin, or
seeing poor mothers have children while on drug addiction.
How can yer be so (((freedom))) hating at last? In the same
context then I guess most of our women here are also
anti-femienie, Phallocratic women! Oy vey! The (((Rights of
women))) are at serious risk!

Does it still ring to people why the enemy has
defamed Lilith in the worst, and lowest degrading words and

Do you
understand now Her Importance? Lilith is the most Dignified
Goddess. The rest is gibberish made up by jews.

If you want to look at a
feminine aspect to follow, don't put in front of you
ghoulish jewesses, morbid creations, and wipe out the enemy
prototypes from your mind.

Ennoble yourself, raise yourself, and in
reality liberate yourself by going after our Goddesses. They
are here to help women recover their lost feminity, and
teach to every willing woman all the arts and the powers of
their nature. No matter where exactly your nature falls, you
can discover and elevate it.

After reading, you may want to check this here


It takes one noble Goddess to
drive whole legions to their death with the move of a hand,
or even maybe their hair, it takes a million slut-dooms to
even reach the heart of the lowest of men.

Be a woman of liberty...Not a
useless jewtype "libertine"...

-High Priest
Hooded Cobra 666

    Στις 11:20 μ.μ.
Τρίτη, 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2017, ο/η HC <hoodedcobra666@...

Trump, the World and the RTR's :


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Trump, the World and the RTR's :
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As predicted
in the past, our RTR's have been wrecking havoc on the
enemy. Not only their goblin Hillary lost the elections,
their media have also been ravaged, but also Trump who they
considered their underhand fanboy, is basically doing a good
job in steering everything to directions from which we can
benefit. We have caused a disaster to the enemy that is
unparalleled. We need to keep going.

Trump has actually done good in awakening
people to the perils of 'demokrazy' and the
existential danger posed by one of the most dangerous jewish
programs, which is Islam. Which he had to do, and he was
forced to do, as the jews couldn't hide what is going
on. Running from the ghost of what they have created, the
jews allowed him in a position that cost them extremely
much. In their paranoia, they damaged themselves even
harder. The enemy has forced Trump into the
"normalization" process they force all presidents,
but due to many other uncontrollable circumstances this
cannot happen, and they more they force it, the more enemies
they make. So they outright attack him instead. Because as
you can see there is no faithful jew, not even to their own.

They hate Trump and
anyone, no matter how much they have been in terms with
them, if they don't do EXACTLY as the jews demand. As
you can see, the jews don't allow Trump to get his way,
and this is not because of him, but because of what will
happen if he does not listen. Which by definition hasn't
happened and its too late now to correct anything. So they
keep attacking him instead and attempt to cause civil war,
to kill Goyim and put Fema camps in use. Remember the power
is in the people in reality. Its the general populace they
are after.

To see how the
jews treat their own, just see Stalin. Stalin butchered all
the other jews whom he abused and used to get into power,
over no reason whatsoever. The jews have a history of
killing and brutally murdering their own by a lot of
torture, and Trump knows this too. Even if someone is
jewish, if they don't dance to the zionist drum, even by
mistake, the jews will want to hunt them down and destroy
them completely. This is why the jews are forcing the meme
that Trump will be a second Kennedy. Kennedy didn't have
RTR backup though. If he did, history would have been
different now.

Print, save
to disk, and salvage the RTR's. As we have seen, the
enemy has a habit of attacking these. This is because these
are the spiritual warfare tools of Gentiles now. We have
occult weaponry, something that for centuries we did not

The enemy is forced
on stepping back, and assessing damage from many frontiers.
Their own people throw their other own below the bus, simple
because a clean house has to be made, and it cannot go
indefinitely like this. There is only one thing that can be
stated, and its THANK SATAN for the RTR's. Many of you
remember how we have saved the internet, averted wars and
many other things over the years by our efforts. The
RTR's have been falling like rockets who force the enemy
to retreat.

In war, even
small Victories can be decisive to the outcome of the whole
war. No RTR is too small, no person too weak. Everyone can
fight. Even a monstrosity as big as the enemy can be taken
down, and the hugest of gladiators stepping in the wrong
stone can make them collapse like a card tower. Small
changes make the big changes in this case.

An RTR is far worse than a
rocket in the longterm of history. The RTR's hit the
core of the power of the enemy, and not what sprang from it.
The enemy has been cursing us "Goyim" for
centuries, you have to remember. Only lastly they engage and
do a full sweep on the material realm, and only after
victory has been completely decided.

I bow in reverence to Satan and His Power,
vested in us to do better to this world. Also, our struggle
has only just began, and its now the things are getting
really heated up. Our RTR's help the whole of humanity,
and if you are paying attention, the enemy is at least
retreating on many levels. That's all thanks to those of
us who did something. Those who have been fighting the enemy
for years, know their power, but also they know that the
children of Satan have extreme power as well.

This is why for centuries, the
enemy has kept our kind under persecution, death, and always
seeks to censor, attack and harm us. Satan is the gateway to
freedom. As the jews admit, Satan destroyed the jewish
empires, both that of the Islamic Ottomans, and the Xian
radical Byzantine Empire. Both of these have been destroyed
by Satan's hands, same as the Middle ages etc. All of
these 'empires' were big climaxes of jewish dreams,
and in all of them, humanity and everything good suffered

Many people
focus on the damage the enemy has done, which is extreme,
but also Satan has done them far more extreme damage, and
also damage from which one would be pulling their hair on
how they lost governance. The Middle Ages were the perfect
times of enslavement. The impossible became possible, by
spiritualists and people of the time, and Humanity gradually
broke free of jewish rulership.

In 2016 many interesting advances have
happened, but for the sake of it, many jewish idols perished
at that time. Maybe it was a result of the RTR's, maybe
not, but the failings of the enemy should in anyway, have a
symbolic nature and meaning.

2017 is going to be a really HOT year for our
side and our fights. We need to keep going with unending
resolve. There is more than meets the eye. The 2017
elections will be a rude awakening to the enemy and those

behind gates who try to bring Europe down. We must be
unrelenting until we have perfected leadership in every
Gentile Nation, and until poverty and many other freedom
threatening things have been abolished. One step at a time,
and one victory at a time, we are going to set the deal

Lastly, to
mention something. In Hindu lore, when Humanity goes off the

far end with Race mixing, and many other existential wrongs,
while it plunders in decay, the Hindus believe that an
Avatar of Vinshu, or even worse Kalki, manifest and sets the
record straight. This is Divine intervention. The Hindus may
call it like this, we know who it is, who HE has been, and
we call Him Anti-Christ. His coming is necessary when things
are literally going to the cliffs. Many times, and in many
civilizations, many people have raised their heads against
the jews, which is why Humanity still exists in an
acceptable way. There is FAR BETTER to go, and the enemy is
keeping Humanity and all its races back from advancing.

The powers that be, except of
the enemy nefarious aliens, do not like it, and even if to
Humanity the purposes of these beings are coming to light
now, the powers that be such as friendly alien races have
knew about them for thousands of years. The jews always try
to escape judgement, and sometimes successfully, but if
beings keep pushing, this will become inevitable. Spiritual
judgement is necessary, and this is because of the situation
we are seeing in the world, let alone endless murder and
warfare the enemy has caused. When situations like that
reach the cutting blade, some beings *MUST* set the record
straight through spiritual warfare. When the time is right,
Humanity will be restored, but the pathways have to open,
and we have to minimize casualties and damages by the enemy.

The enemy wants to rush
into the age of Aquarius, and rob people of their freedom
and future, so that Orwell's technological nightmare is
created so that people will not be able to react. We are
going and we need to stop this by diligent spiritual
warfare, opening the path for constantly greater things to

We will defeat them
in every single battle that we can, and NEVER allow this to

Blessed be, Satanic
Family and Comrades in Arms!

-HAIL SATAN-!!!!!!!!

-High Priest
Hooded Cobra 666

Στις 11:17 μ.μ. Τρίτη, 21 Φεβρουαρίου
2017, ο/η "HC hoodedcobra666@...
[Teens4Satan]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]

    Masters Among Slaves :


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Masters Among Slaves : JoyofSatan666
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Greetings to all of our People
and Satanic Comrades!
All Satanists here are
in the house of mastery.

Everyone obviously is on different levels.
Others have problems with bills, others have other issues,
others are higher up. It really comes not down to this. Do
you notice a pattern? People are too hung up on these
matters to seek self value. This is however, relative.

It comes down to your inner
Soul, your morality as a being, and how all of us here can
know about and tolerate Truths that the majority of humanity
cannot. While they sacrifice everything to be unaware and
ignorant, the real Satanist is doing the same sacrfice of
everything for Truth.

we hold racial discussions, we are discussing about people
outside, who do not know the Truth and do not advance. We
are talking majorities. Satanism is the religion of united
individuals, and not the clump jewdified herd.

You are by definition removed
from the womb of damnation if you choose to finally embark
on a freedom journey. As for the herd, we are seeing them
from above as Masters, and we look at them as people who
don't know what is going on.

Mastery does not imply a whip, domineering
attitude. Its first and foremost mastery of awareness. Not
based on fake entitlement, but how much we have really
banished the herd from inside us. Or for accurate say, the
negativities of the herd.

At the same time, we are the only ones who will
face the potential rot or issues within. Something most
people will never do. This is why we also un-dig the
greatest and most inconceivable treasures these people will
never have.

As thus we
recognize their errors, our own errors, our racial errors,
we seek to not repeat the errors of the slaves as we have
made a conscious choice to never belong to them again. We
choose freedom at all costs. They remain enslaved, taking
others also hostages of their stupidity.

They are those who sink
Humanity. We are those who try to uplift it and uplift
ourselves. This is the Satanic spirit that on top of the
ever lasting abyss and all the humans sold out to it, people

Satan has made his
best choices from all Races, Nations and Peoples. Everyone
here holds a common Satanic element deep within their Soul.
Not all people really have this.

Now you may not recognize, or you may recognize
to an extent only, the gifts you have. Those deep in the
path know as to why and who they are, others don't and
are still searching.

have people that discovered the Truth right now, and others
who have been in it for so long that compared to new
students may be close to Gods. Satan has been keeping his
Children close to Him. The bonds last forever.

Its not entitlement showering,
because after all, if one does nothing, one is distancing
themselves from Truth and they wither away.

Satan loves his family, and
his Children. There is no father that would not adore a
loving daughter or son. Like a Father, Satan expects his
children to advance. Nobody is thrown to the trash can, but
a few people do, because THEY think they are for the trash
can. They act accordingly if they follow this road.

You will become,  what you
think you are. Now like any other dad who watches their
children take their first steps, Satan is proud of those who
seek to advance. Everyday you overcome obstacles, Satan is
proud of you. Even if these obstacles may seem to the larger
spectrum of existence irrelevant. To you, these are relevant
indeed. And every "you" foms "us" as a
Satanic Unity.

When you
begin or fall he will help you and hold you, but NEVER to
the extent of making you incapable of getting up and walking
by yourself. Satan is real and therefore, cannot be
anyone's nanny. Why? Because Satan really cares for your
deepest advancement as a being.

You belong to yourself after all mainly. The
((("religions of nowadays"))) are hijacked to
teach people to have slave and victim morality. Part of this
is how everyone has no will and must beg for bailouts from
their own mistakes and life.

The enemy has defamed Satan for a reason. Satan

welcomes with open arms every single Gentile that comes to
Him, if they follow through. He is the door to spiritual
salvation. The Demons are the teachers. However in school,
you have to study.

sees us in our Soul. It matters also not how old or young
you are. Your first spiritual step, and you going from
crawling spiritually to ever higher places, its how you
start unfolding.

You may
think that a small victory means nothing, but the crawling
is what makes the champion. Well, crawling that is continued
for a lot of time. Then standing. Then walking. Then

This is what
defines us, motivates us, makes us who we are.

This is what makes us Masters
Amongst Slaves.

And such we
shall FOREVER be!

Priest Hooded Cobra 666  #yiv4141450336 --
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Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
