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Quitting coffee


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2017
Similarly to the thread about quitting weed, I've decided to make a thread about quitting coffee.

I'm done with this shit. Some people here seem to praise it as something good though, "giving more energy for RTR's" etc.
But his has similarities to weed in the sense that you get a kick out of it, at the expence of something else.
I highly doubt that the HP's here are huge coffee drinkers.

With weed I can get relaxed and feel "good" (I've used it for meditation purposes before) but it's always at the expence of becoming lazy, unmotivated and also stupid/thickminded.
With coffee I feel "high" in an almost similar way, but the price for it is lesser quality of sleep and also feeling anxious and drained.
It also stays in the body for a looong time just like weed does.

One cup of coffee the day after I had a previous one, will build upon that caffeine previously consumed, and eventually I always end up with almost no sleep at all. Perhaps I'm oversensitive to it, but that's how it's always been for me.
A little also tends to get more and more, just like with weed and every other drug.

I think a good way to quit coffee is to replace it with something else, like vitamin water or a tasty juice that will give me more natural energy instead of fooling the body.

Both coffee and cannabis is used as medicines, but are also overconsumed/misused A LOT.
I once became a member of "Cannabis Revolt" on Kikebook, but it's pretty clear what they want to revolutionaze: smoking phat joints and getting stoned as fuck. Rather than what already exists; Sativex for example (a medicine containing Cannabis Sativa) for people with epilepsy. So their so called "revolt" feels therefore both highly unnecessary and stupid.

On Radio Nordfront (radio channel of the Nordic Resistance Movement) some Catholic host mentioned that Copenhagen has cheap coffee prices. Pär Öberg (who is atheist and seems smarter) countered with "I wonder what price they have on Heroin".
Pretty spot on actually.

What Jews have hidden from us is that the absolute best drugs/medicines are totally free of charge; meditation, asanas, running, weightlifting, cold showers etc. It's something that has become more clear to me over the years, and is now more clear than ever.
Coffee if dosed judiciously is not harmful at all.
The coffee bean itself contains a lot of natural,beneficial and productive antioxidants.
The caffeine that you are accusing of being bad to your knowledge is not only present in coffee. Rather I know it can be found,in small amounts in several foods including cocoa.

The same argument is also applicable to tea which contains theine,another exciting and stimulating substance for the human brain and therefore can give insomnia if one abuses it or is overly sensitive to it.

The secret in everything is always in moderation 1/2 cup of coffee(in my country we drink L espresso in a cup different from the American one since it is not stretched)
They do no harm and provide the body with numerous benefits in terms of stimulation,focus,increased performance and antioxidant qualities.

Should coffee create discomfort or problems for you and you want to choose to do without it you can try decaffeinated(some health benefits remain,such as antioxidants for example).

Comparing coffee to marijuana seems to me to excessive personally.
For those who struggle with regulating intake/consumption of caffeine from coffee or energy drinks, matcha tea is a better choice, though, matcha still contains caffeine, but has a different effect altogether (in normal quantities).

Caffeine from energy drinks and coffee stimulates the secretion of adrenaline and cortisol levels. In too high dozages, this may cause anxiety, shivering, increased blood pressure, fast heartbeat, insomnia.

Matcha contains L-Theonine which slows down the absorption of caffeine. L-Theonine also creates alpha waves in the brain which creates a state of calm and serene alertness (good for meditation), reducing cortisol levels in the body. Matcha is an anti-cortisol, antioxidant (coffee too in moderate quantities), and reduces stress and relaxes the adrenal glands, as well as stabilizing the blood sugar levels.

However, if you struggle with caffeine addiction and regulation, then quitting caffeine consumption altogether is the best and safest approach towards improving your health regarding this.
FilioAutemDiaboli13 said:
Coffee if dosed judiciously is not harmful at all.
The coffee bean itself contains a lot of natural,beneficial and productive antioxidants.

Yes, that's why I mentioned it being used medicinally also. May benefit some.
Drinking coffee everyday to get more alert and a "kick" out of it like I have previously done, is over though.
There are other more healthy and natural ways to achieve that.
Darkpagan666 said:
Also, for the mention of it, stay away from weed and other detrimental stuff. It is not worth it whatsoever. Read the article listed in my signature "the impact of drugs" for more information.

Please read my post again.
one thing to mention is unfiltered coffee contains a couple compounds that make the caffeine less jittery for most people

drip coffee I typically do not like... even organic instant coffee is less racy feeling to me
If you don't want to drink coffee, there are many other things you can drink. For example, Rooibos tea is caffeine/theine-free. Or teas such as Chamomile. Beer.
Coffee is like any other damaging thing like unhealthy food or alcohol. A small amount sometimes is not going to do any damage, but if it is every day or it is in large amounts, then it will do real and long lasting damage.

Caffeine does not give you any energy. It forcefully steals energy out from the body, especially from the kidneys. A small amount and not very often, this will be fine for most people because this kidney energy should build back up over time, unless there are other serious problems. But if it is every day, or in large amounts, the body is not able to recover from this. More and more energy is removed from the kidneys every day until there is nothing left. This is when people feel that the caffeine is not working anymore and that it is not having any effect, because they have drained and depleted their bodies so bad that there is absolutely nothing left. And multiple other diseases, or long lasting health problems will be created caused by this depletion of kidney energy.

Another thing is that it is popular for many people to not have enough sleep. This is another dangerous thing that causes a lot of health problems. But then they try to cover the lack of sleep with caffeine. They are taking an exhausted body that has not had any time to heal or restore itself, and forcefully draining even more from it. That is the worst mistake if it is done frequently.

Do whatever you want to do. And I am not saying that coffee should be banned or that nobody should ever drink any of it. But everybody who does drink it should be aware of how it works and what is actually happening, and think about this. It is fine for an occasional thing, but it is very dangerous if it is every day.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Another thing is that it is popular for many people to not have enough sleep. This is another dangerous thing that causes a lot of health problems. But then they try to cover the lack of sleep with caffeine. They are taking an exhausted body that has not had any time to heal or restore itself, and forcefully draining even more from it. That is the worst mistake if it is done frequently.

Exactly. That's how I've been living sometimes.
Being tired as fuck because of coffee, which I then in turn try to solve with more coffee. Vicious cycle that ends NOW.
Greetings xlint and other,
Here is HPs Maxine's sermons entitled Addictions, etc....:

There is a thread in the main JoS e-group concerning cigarettes, tobacco use, now caffiene and energy drinks, marijuana use and so forth. Ok, everyone knows cigarettes are extremely bad. My point of this post is through meditation, when you get to a certain level, you will no longer have cravings for things that are harmful for you.

I eat and drink as I please, though in moderation. I know this is a touchy topic, but trying to fight an addiction isn't always the best way to go. If there is a serious problem, then try working on the addiction by affirming you are completely free from the desire for whatever it is you are addicted to. Do the 40 day Satanic rosary working beginning during a waning moon.

As for eating and drinking habits, hatha yoga will offset a lot of things regarding health, no different from working out and weightlifting; as these make your body system stronger and heighten your immune system.

If someone wants to cut out certain foods or drinks from one's diet, this is a personal choice and is fine. Drinking energy drinks [I love these, like black mamba Venom is my favorite], drinking coffee and such...I can assure you, these won't affect your powers. I am sitting here right now with a high caffiene mountain lightning soda and chocolate bar. I have also found caffiene can amplify the energy buzz and the aura at times. I like caffiene and will drink it for the rest of my life. Like I said, I eat and drink as I please and always will.

Satanism is not about abstinance. If someone chooses to abstain, this is free thought and free choice, but definitely not manditory or required for spiritual advancement. Abstinance is of the enemy programs. What good is power meditation if you have to give up pleasure, or getting what you want? With the plethora of enemy writings and crap out there that is corrupted trash and tons of not only wrong, but outright deadly advice regarding opening the soul and spirtiuality, this bleeds over into people believing they have to completely abstain in order to make any spiritual progress. Then the endless bullshit of can't do this; can't do that in the way of using your powers, in order to keep true power in the hands of the enemy at the top.
Not with Satan's way.

Abuse and consistent overindulgence of recreational drugs, alcohol, and such will obviously cause one problems, not to mention addiction, which DOES put holes in the aura. Use common sense. Again...if there is a serious problem or any problem where one wishes and desires to be free from anything...use the 40 day working. This may even have to be repeated. Trying to use force and fighting an addiction is not the best way to go. Same as there is a lot to be said about the soft martial arts. Force is not always necessary. It feels so much better when the desire for something harmful is completely gone forever, instead of using so much energy fighting the addiction every day. Ridding the desire is what power meditation is all about, as much as getting what you want and your desires fulfilled. Never forget this, as this is reaching the godhead...masterting your own life and destiny. This is the essence of True Satanism.

xlnt said:
Similarly to the thread about quitting weed, I've decided to make a thread about quitting coffee.

I'm done with this shit. Some people here seem to praise it as something good though, "giving more energy for RTR's" etc.
But his has similarities to weed in the sense that you get a kick out of it, at the expence of something else.
I highly doubt that the HP's here are huge coffee drinkers.

With weed I can get relaxed and feel "good" (I've used it for meditation purposes before) but it's always at the expence of becoming lazy, unmotivated and also stupid/thickminded.
With coffee I feel "high" in an almost similar way, but the price for it is lesser quality of sleep and also feeling anxious and drained.
It also stays in the body for a looong time just like weed does.

One cup of coffee the day after I had a previous one, will build upon that caffeine previously consumed, and eventually I always end up with almost no sleep at all. Perhaps I'm oversensitive to it, but that's how it's always been for me.
A little also tends to get more and more, just like with weed and every other drug.

I think a good way to quit coffee is to replace it with something else, like vitamin water or a tasty juice that will give me more natural energy instead of fooling the body.

Both coffee and cannabis is used as medicines, but are also overconsumed/misused A LOT.
I once became a member of "Cannabis Revolt" on Kikebook, but it's pretty clear what they want to revolutionaze: smoking phat joints and getting stoned as fuck. Rather than what already exists; Sativex for example (a medicine containing Cannabis Sativa) for people with epilepsy. So their so called "revolt" feels therefore both highly unnecessary and stupid.

On Radio Nordfront (radio channel of the Nordic Resistance Movement) some Catholic host mentioned that Copenhagen has cheap coffee prices. Pär Öberg (who is atheist and seems smarter) countered with "I wonder what price they have on Heroin".
Pretty spot on actually.

What Jews have hidden from us is that the absolute best drugs/medicines are totally free of charge; meditation, asanas, running, weightlifting, cold showers etc. It's something that has become more clear to me over the years, and is now more clear than ever.
xlnt said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Also, for the mention of it, stay away from weed and other detrimental stuff. It is not worth it whatsoever. Read the article listed in my signature "the impact of drugs" for more information.

Please read my post again.

I apologize! :shock: I did not read your first sentence or the paragraph below by some strange reason! I read about your experience with weed and coffee, hence my reply.
Funny thing this "coincidence" business. Just yesterday I quit coffee to see how it would feel and if it will have a positive effect and now I see this. As someone who has abused substances in the past I'm very familiar with all the shit addiction can do to a person and their close ones. Coffee and sugar were the last two poisons I had to deal with. With coffee out of the way that leaves the toughest one to get rid of for last. Now I'm totally hooked on mint infusion which I try to consume in moderation.
Our endocannabinoid system does everything we want to feel when we do drugs without all the nasty side effects. Trust your body, respect it and it will reward you with wonderful gifts or don't and be punished for stupidity as it should be. This is very obvious and self-evident in theory but pretty hard to put into practice. What I would not give to have the healthy body I once did and be able to do everything I used to. Unfortunately the road of recovery is very long, painful and difficult. Be smart and stay strong, you will need that to fight and live properly.
I drink a lot of coffee, best to make the switch to tea. Or are least minimize it to one a day. I'm extremely tolerant of it due to years of drinking it.
Syt said:
Greetings xlint and other,
Here is HPs Maxine's sermons entitled Addictions, etc....:

There is a thread in the main JoS e-group concerning cigarettes, tobacco use, now caffiene and energy drinks, marijuana use and so forth. Ok, everyone knows cigarettes are extremely bad. My point of this post is through meditation, when you get to a certain level, you will no longer have cravings for things that are harmful for you.

I eat and drink as I please, though in moderation. I know this is a touchy topic, but trying to fight an addiction isn't always the best way to go. If there is a serious problem, then try working on the addiction by affirming you are completely free from the desire for whatever it is you are addicted to. Do the 40 day Satanic rosary working beginning during a waning moon.

As for eating and drinking habits, hatha yoga will offset a lot of things regarding health, no different from working out and weightlifting; as these make your body system stronger and heighten your immune system.

If someone wants to cut out certain foods or drinks from one's diet, this is a personal choice and is fine. Drinking energy drinks [I love these, like black mamba Venom is my favorite], drinking coffee and such...I can assure you, these won't affect your powers. I am sitting here right now with a high caffiene mountain lightning soda and chocolate bar. I have also found caffiene can amplify the energy buzz and the aura at times. I like caffiene and will drink it for the rest of my life. Like I said, I eat and drink as I please and always will.

Satanism is not about abstinance. If someone chooses to abstain, this is free thought and free choice, but definitely not manditory or required for spiritual advancement. Abstinance is of the enemy programs. What good is power meditation if you have to give up pleasure, or getting what you want? With the plethora of enemy writings and crap out there that is corrupted trash and tons of not only wrong, but outright deadly advice regarding opening the soul and spirtiuality, this bleeds over into people believing they have to completely abstain in order to make any spiritual progress. Then the endless bullshit of can't do this; can't do that in the way of using your powers, in order to keep true power in the hands of the enemy at the top.
Not with Satan's way.

Abuse and consistent overindulgence of recreational drugs, alcohol, and such will obviously cause one problems, not to mention addiction, which DOES put holes in the aura. Use common sense. Again...if there is a serious problem or any problem where one wishes and desires to be free from anything...use the 40 day working. This may even have to be repeated. Trying to use force and fighting an addiction is not the best way to go. Same as there is a lot to be said about the soft martial arts. Force is not always necessary. It feels so much better when the desire for something harmful is completely gone forever, instead of using so much energy fighting the addiction every day. Ridding the desire is what power meditation is all about, as much as getting what you want and your desires fulfilled. Never forget this, as this is reaching the godhead...masterting your own life and destiny. This is the essence of True Satanism.

xlnt said:
Similarly to the thread about quitting weed, I've decided to make a thread about quitting coffee.

I'm done with this shit. Some people here seem to praise it as something good though, "giving more energy for RTR's" etc.
But his has similarities to weed in the sense that you get a kick out of it, at the expence of something else.
I highly doubt that the HP's here are huge coffee drinkers.

With weed I can get relaxed and feel "good" (I've used it for meditation purposes before) but it's always at the expence of becoming lazy, unmotivated and also stupid/thickminded.
With coffee I feel "high" in an almost similar way, but the price for it is lesser quality of sleep and also feeling anxious and drained.
It also stays in the body for a looong time just like weed does.

One cup of coffee the day after I had a previous one, will build upon that caffeine previously consumed, and eventually I always end up with almost no sleep at all. Perhaps I'm oversensitive to it, but that's how it's always been for me.
A little also tends to get more and more, just like with weed and every other drug.

I think a good way to quit coffee is to replace it with something else, like vitamin water or a tasty juice that will give me more natural energy instead of fooling the body.

Both coffee and cannabis is used as medicines, but are also overconsumed/misused A LOT.
I once became a member of "Cannabis Revolt" on Kikebook, but it's pretty clear what they want to revolutionaze: smoking phat joints and getting stoned as fuck. Rather than what already exists; Sativex for example (a medicine containing Cannabis Sativa) for people with epilepsy. So their so called "revolt" feels therefore both highly unnecessary and stupid.

On Radio Nordfront (radio channel of the Nordic Resistance Movement) some Catholic host mentioned that Copenhagen has cheap coffee prices. Pär Öberg (who is atheist and seems smarter) countered with "I wonder what price they have on Heroin".
Pretty spot on actually.

What Jews have hidden from us is that the absolute best drugs/medicines are totally free of charge; meditation, asanas, running, weightlifting, cold showers etc. It's something that has become more clear to me over the years, and is now more clear than ever.

Interesting. I think I have read this before, but must have forgotten it. Did not realize HPS Maxine was such a fan of caffeine, hehe.
But I'm quite tired of being tired from it, so I'll still choose to abstain for good.
Not because of some enemy program, but because of my own will.

There are calming tea's for example which I think is more suitable for at least my meditation, than coffee or energy drinks, which I actually experience to be hampering meditation. But I guess we are all different.
Darkpagan666 said:
xlnt said:
Darkpagan666 said:
Also, for the mention of it, stay away from weed and other detrimental stuff. It is not worth it whatsoever. Read the article listed in my signature "the impact of drugs" for more information.

Please read my post again.

I apologize! :shock: I did not read your first sentence or the paragraph below by some strange reason! I read about your experience with weed and coffee, hence my reply.

Not the first time people don't read what is actually written in posts here :p But yea I never said I was into weed, only that I have been before. And I do think it's comparable to coffee in the sense that both things are medicinal but overused and pushed as addictive drugs to the extreme in today's society, and that both things stays in the body for very long.
And now I'm back on coffee again because of HPS Maxine. Well, at least it's not crystal meth.

I'll try to be more moderate this time though. :)
Good responses overall in this thread.
Henu the Great said:
xlnt said:
And now I'm back on coffee again because of HPS Maxine. Well, at least it's not crystal meth.

I'll try to be more moderate this time though. :)
Good responses overall in this thread.
Don't use it every day and you'll be fine.

Also don't use too much alcohol.
Sunny said:
Henu the Great said:
xlnt said:
And now I'm back on coffee again because of HPS Maxine. Well, at least it's not crystal meth.

I'll try to be more moderate this time though. :)
Good responses overall in this thread.
Don't use it every day and you'll be fine.

Also don't use too much alcohol.

I've never said I was into that. Alcohol is something I rarely use.
For me, there has always been something instinctively bad about the smell of it; like it's something for cleaning and not for drinking. My grandfather was very anti-alcohol and also into homeopathy.

I tend to somewhat regret drinking beer when I have one at home; like I would have been better off without it somehow.
It can feel good for the moment, but there is always a price to pay, just like with all drugs.

Best I mainly stick to my favorite tea which contains relaxing passion herb, lavender, lemon balm and peppermint leaves.
And some cup of coffee now and then, but not everyday.
xlnt said:
Sunny said:
Henu the Great said:
Don't use it every day and you'll be fine.

Also don't use too much alcohol.

I've never said I was into that. Alcohol is something I rarely use.
For me, there has always been something instinctively bad about the smell of it; like it's something for cleaning and not for drinking. My grandfather was very anti-alcohol and also into homeopathy.

I tend to somewhat regret drinking beer when I have one at home; like I would have been better off without it somehow.
It can feel good for the moment, but there is always a price to pay, just like with all drugs.

Best I mainly stick to my favorite tea which contains relaxing passion herb, lavender, lemon balm and peppermint leaves.
And some cup of coffee now and then, but not everyday.

Alcohol is not a problem if you don't overdo it and abuse it. However, it is a matter of personal taste and choice.
xlnt said:
Sunny said:
Henu the Great said:
Don't use it every day and you'll be fine.

Also don't use too much alcohol.

I've never said I was into that. Alcohol is something I rarely use.
For me, there has always been something instinctively bad about the smell of it; like it's something for cleaning and not for drinking. My grandfather was very anti-alcohol and also into homeopathy.

I tend to somewhat regret drinking beer when I have one at home; like I would have been better off without it somehow.
It can feel good for the moment, but there is always a price to pay, just like with all drugs.

Best I mainly stick to my favorite tea which contains relaxing passion herb, lavender, lemon balm and peppermint leaves.
And some cup of coffee now and then, but not everyday.

I never drink with the aim of vomiting or blacking out as some parties do.
xlnt said:
One cup of coffee the day after I had a previous one, will build upon that caffeine previously consumed, and eventually I always end up with almost no sleep at all. Perhaps I'm oversensitive to it, but that's how it's always been for me.
A little also tends to get more and more, just like with weed and every other drug.
If you don't like what it does to your body - ditch it. My non-medical, uneducated suggestion would be to do it in a tapered way over several days to avoid any severe withdrawal symptoms like headaches and mood swings. For example, first day I would drink ¾ of your regular serving, second day ½ and from there on even less for several days.
official wikipedia said:
Caffeine's biological half-life – the time required for the body to eliminate one-half of a dose – varies widely among individuals according to factors such as pregnancy, other drugs, liver enzyme function level (needed for caffeine metabolism) and age. In healthy adults, caffeine's half-life is between 3 and 7 hours. The half-life is decreased by 30-50% in adult male smokers, approximately doubled in women taking oral contraceptives, and prolonged in the last trimester of pregnancy. In newborns the half-life can be 80 hours or more, dropping very rapidly with age, possibly to less than the adult value by age 6 months. The antidepressant fluvoxamine (Luvox) reduces the clearance of caffeine by more than 90%, and increases its elimination half-life more than tenfold; from 4.9 hours to 56 hours.

My very own anecdotal story is vastly different from your experience. The blood pressure in my system has been on the lower end as long as I can remember myself. In the eyes of the orthodox medical establishment I'm considered okay. Well, I didn't feel okay. I couldn't think straight after waking up. So my parents introduced me to coffee and for a long time I consumed coffee regularly, like 1 to 3 cups with milk or cream per day. Later I started sensing that this beverage is not good for my digestion. Coffee is acidic with a pH around 4.0. Also, coffee, depending on dosage, induces jitteriness and cardiac arrhytmia. Once the peak wave wears off, my alertness takes a nosedive and is replaced with sleepiness. Whenever I tried to quit coffee, I had nasty symptoms like headaches, mood swings, lethargy. With time, the first two dissappeared, the last one remained.

Then I decided to give yerba mate a try. This beverage has a neutral or slightly alkaline pH so it doesn't irritate the stomach. According to some scientific studies it doesn't cause arrhytmias. My experience confirms this. But. Depending on how strong of a brew you make, it can contain considerably more caffeine and not everyone may like this. I have to be careful how much I drink it. At first I overindulged myself. I felt myself like the protagonist in the movie Limitless (2011). Also, the alertness this beverage gives dissipates slowly and steplessly. After drinking it in the morning and starting work from 8 a.m., I usually feel a bit tired around 6 p.m. which, I guess, can be considered okay. My work is physical, not sedentary. I also have no problems entering sleep around 10 p.m.

At the moment, however, I feel like I'd like to taper down to a lower level because I don't need that strong accelerant. I also have to study the kidney connection (thanks Ol argedco luciftias).

I decided to add my story here just to illustrate the fact of life: we are all vastly different.
xlnt said:
Darkpagan666 said:
xlnt said:
Please read my post again.

I apologize! :shock: I did not read your first sentence or the paragraph below by some strange reason! I read about your experience with weed and coffee, hence my reply.

Not the first time people don't read what is actually written in posts here :p But yea I never said I was into weed, only that I have been before. And I do think it's comparable to coffee in the sense that both things are medicinal but overused and pushed as addictive drugs to the extreme in today's society, and that both things stays in the body for very long.

I have read that the half-life (half of the amount metabolized) of caffeine is anywhere from 3 to 6 hours and in total it can take up to 10 hours to fully metabolize (according to studies).

For this reason, millage may vary and I can appreciate this topic as caffeine tolerance and its benefit/detriment ratio is highly individual.

Maxine's post though has given me major help because I avoid everything non-organic and processed/refined. I even avoid organic vegetables that are under water sprayers for fear of fluoride. I only get such things from the organic store or farmers markets.

It can be tough sometimes and I'm finding this level of constant perfectionism unnecessary as our bodies constantly remove toxins via our kidneys. Thus a treat at work or dinner with family isn't something I should view as a horrible/unpleasant thing to endure or something to regret.

It's an interesting point Ol... Lucifas? made. He pointed out the strain excess coffee can have on the kidney's which depletes the body's natural energy source (i.e; adrenaline produced by the adrenal glands). It does cause more frequent urination and thus more kidney activity. This could in theory inhibit other functions of the kidney (apart from filtration/urination).

As well, caffeine binds to adenosine receptors in the brain inhibiting the uptake of adenosine hormones, which promote tiredness in the body.

From my own perspective I agree with your sentiments here. I drink 34 oz (a french press) of coffee everyday. I love the taste of coffee and the way it makes me feel. Adenosine has been found to increase anxiety/depression and inhibiting it has been shown to improve people's mood (i.e by inhibiting stress signals in the brain), along with its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. In people who are already happy this just reinforces this feeling (not exactly 'enhancing' it).

I have this kind of a love-hate relationship however because I too feel the affects it has on my sleep.

In the past I could drink this much and more with no problems. Some days I'd drink 5 or 6 coffees throughout the day with no negative affect, yet during winter not so much (due to 'cold diuresis'). In the summer my bladder can handle more and my digestion would be incredible, however during cold periods I'm not so great at managing it.

The above example was during when I worked full-time and attended college. At the time I write this I'm a cashier part-time (shifts vary) and my circadian rhythm is all over the place.

The two factors here are 1.) I was always moving/active and 2.) I had a routine that was rock solid (wake up at 5:30 AM everyday).

I might also cut back to one (~10 oz) coffee instead and perhaps ween myself towards tea. I think coffee can be wonderful if one can handle it, but like anything it all depends on you as a person and where you're at in your life.

I'd suggest looking at all things/factors in your life and doing what feels right. Also tweaking things/experimenting is important. This is the only way to know what's best for us.

That's why I don't care for any health people out there that say "this diet is the way", etc. The way to true health is listening to ourselves (spiritually/physically) and building on that while maintaining a healthy and balanced overall diet. People who live on garbage food look terrible... I've seen it and it's not pretty.

Anyway, sorry for getting off topic there.

Thanks for sharing your perspective on this. It's something worth taking into account for sure.

Oh, an aside:

Conventional coffee is extremely high in glyphosate (terrible stuff...) That could be one reason why ((they)) are pushing for it so much as a health fad. It's also pretty sad how underpaid the workers are (fairtrade is worth it here I think). 80% of coffee farmers live below the poverty line.

I can here the jewish empire kvetching now... the Goyim know!

It has many benefits yet these same benefits can be had with tea and other things. Again, it's all about what works and feels right for the individual on a deep level.

Cannabis is for sure highly addictive and harmful. (Been there, done that). I tried mediating while high once and I couldn't do it. Good on you for kicking the stuff. :)
sublimestatanist said:
I can here the jewish empire...

Woops, how did I misplace that homonym there? Shameful grammar. :?
I didn't know Yerba Mate could be so strong. I like to get cans of yerba mate, this brand that makes it is in yellow cans. And it just tastes like ice tea with a very small amount of caffeine. No where near as much as coffee, and a little more than regular ice tea. The best flavors are the mint one and the blueberry one. :)
Ol argedco luciftias said:
I didn't know Yerba Mate could be so strong. I like to get cans of yerba mate, this brand that makes it is in yellow cans. And it just tastes like ice tea with a very small amount of caffeine. No where near as much as coffee, and a little more than regular ice tea. The best flavors are the mint one and the blueberry one. :)
Yeah, I was referring to the O.G. stuff. You are talking about an industrial, watered down product with added sweetener, aromas, coloring agents and whatnot. No offence.

I bought the original ground herb originating from Latin America, a bombilla and a matero (the cup). I prefer ceramic or glass cups. I have to warn you: the brew can be bitter. It almost tastes like liquid grass (at least the Canarias I've come to enjoy). This taste immediately coincided with the smell of freshly mown grass. Hence the term I used. The bitterness varies depending on location of the harvesting, fineness of the ground and other factors. Yerba Mate supposedly contains much more beneficial substances in comparison to other, more widespread teas and coffees.

Even the What To Think Network™ (I mean jewish sources) moderately acknowledge that yerba mate can be better than coffee and even green tea. Healthline.com

If someone is interested, there is a ton of videos on jewtube about the preparation of this drink.

sublimestatanist said:
Conventional coffee is extremely high in glyphosate (terrible stuff...)
I somehow felt that my body started rejecting average run-of-the-mill coffee beans. Even the price may not be an indicator of actual quality. These beans are still produced in intensive farming. There was something in the taste that, once you pick it up, you can't help but notice it.
sublimestatanist said:
It's also pretty sad how underpaid the workers are (fairtrade is worth it here I think).
I've actually never examined Fairtrade closer but somehow my gut feeling always was that this is just another jewish scheme for skimming the end consumer. I may have to look into this.
Apprentice said:
sublimestatanist said:
It's also pretty sad how underpaid the workers are (fairtrade is worth it here I think).
I've actually never examined Fairtrade closer but somehow my gut feeling always was that this is just another jewish scheme for skimming the end consumer. I may have to look into this.

Good point and same here. I tend to hope it's better (there are a lot of good claims) but I also had this same intuitive feeling of skepticism.

It's probably like Red Cross that way, whereby they do a tiny bit of good (for image) but at its core is racketeering.

I went through their website and they use buzzwords, like "sustainable development goals" and "climate change". They also mentioned somewhere that they are partnered with govt. institutions, universities and non-profit faith-based organizations. (Haven't found any links/further info yet however). I remember reading/hearing somewhere that universities were created by the Freemasons (the bad ones) as a means to further create a two-tiered class system. All those people get mostly is indoctrinated. My aunt is a brilliant/accomplished doctor yet she believes only in academia and govt funded research (extremely close-minded; won't even consider anecdotal-based research, which can be extremely powerful).

Of course climate change is a cover for 'global warming' as these words are (wrongly) used interchangeably. There are many displaced farms resulting from weather, but I don't think it's caused by global warming. The earth is actually on a slow decline in temperature, something like -0.5 degrees every 15 years if I recall, probably less.

The hurricanes/floods/etc are more likely from cloud seeding and all the crap they do. I could be wrong but that's my feeling. Other people suggest it's "G-d's/Allah's wrath on sinners". :roll:

The promises of rewarding organic farming practices and banning GMOs sound good. I still wonder how they define who qualifies for these deals/subsidies. All they have on their website is this:

"Members must be small-scale producers. The majority of the members of the organization must be smallholders who don’t depend on hired workers all the time, but run their farm mainly by using their own and their family’s labour."

If this is the case it seems they only deal with small independents without offering the chance to grow and expand.

Overall it sounds pretty kosher to me. Good insight brother. It's a real shame there is almost no information against Fair Trade; just information from establishments and from hippy-earthy health/food websites.

After lengthy scrolling on yandex I finally came across this link (it was taken down). Definitely worth reading. https://web.archive.org/web/20150418171606/https://harmful.cat-v.org/economics/fair_trade

What a fucking world... It seems like everything is kosher these days. It almost makes me want to move to an island away from society, or perhaps a remote local community in South America. :?

At the end of the day I love what Satan once said: "Israel will get what she deserves".

All this crap is just more reason for me to meditate more and fight the good fight. As angering as it is I find it motivating/inspiring. There really is great power in knowledge.

Anyway, Happy Yule brother! :D

Hail Satan!
Apprentice said:
sublimestatanist said:
Conventional coffee is extremely high in glyphosate (terrible stuff...)
I somehow felt that my body started rejecting average run-of-the-mill coffee beans. Even the price may not be an indicator of actual quality. These beans are still produced in intensive farming. There was something in the taste that, once you pick it up, you can't help but notice it.

Definitely. I'm a bit of a coffee freak sadly but I'm finding that even some organic coffee isn't great. Some even use artificial flavourings (I found one company that had it disclosed in the ingredients on one roast while it wasn't displayed on another roast).

The thing with labels is if something is in trace amounts (0.5% or less from what I recall) it doesn't have to be included in the ingredients unless it's an allergen.

That's one reason local helps or buying from independent (non-corporate) entities. Even some 'independents' outsource with other companies/partners, so it's tricky sometimes.

Also, drum roasted coffee I think is better than the hot air method because there is less risk for rancidity/spoilage in the beans.

Thus a good, locally roasted organic coffee has the best taste in my opinion. If you can find a health food store that does their own roasting where you can get it fresh, that honestly is the best I've ever had. Coffee that sits in bags too long isn't as good tasting IMO, but it can be pleasant enough to enjoy. Pre-ground prepackaged coffee is tolerable but not great. I've noticed iridescent looking bubbles forming whenever using pre-ground which make me think of plastic. (Not the case with whole bean).

Apologies for the ramble. I'm a little overkill with my perfectionism... :roll:

Good info on Yerba Mate. I will experiment with it and see how it goes. I usually like chai, green tea and herbal teas.
Apprentice said:

My bad (astronomical number above)...
It's 0.001% (10 PPM) or more for trace amounts of ingredients to be required to appear on labels, (According to FDA and Health Canada), which is next to nothing. However, if multiple amounts of individual things (say 20) were present that could bring that up to 0.02%.

I read 0.5% somewhere once though I can't remember where. (Must've been 0.05%).

That being said I'm a little paranoid about these things. I think Satan blessed me with that post from Maxine lol. ^_^'
sublimestatanist said:
The promises of rewarding organic farming practices and banning GMOs sound good. I still wonder how they define who qualifies for these deals/subsidies. All they have on their website is this:

"Members must be small-scale producers. The majority of the members of the organization must be smallholders who don’t depend on hired workers all the time, but run their farm mainly by using their own and their family’s labour."
It's always neat and tidy front to serve to the sheep. Back end may not be so pleasant.
They prefer small farms because it's
• good for the image
• simple to get rid of.

So maybe they pay farmer Joe some shekels more per pound. I'm guessing that they are dictating the prices but the majority of the profit gets divided between all those organisations and legal bodies (not to mention the retail chains). Retail chains put 40% basically on everything around here so any local, small-scale producer is left with joy of work, paying the bills and taxes.

sublimestatanist said:
The thing with labels is if something is in trace amounts (0.5% or less from what I recall) it doesn't have to be included in the ingredients unless it's an allergen.
Don't even get me started on that one. We have here organic farmers who spray their crops at night.
There are so many things wrong that, in my personal view, boil down to the same sad fact of life right now: spiritual degeneracy.

sublimestatanist said:
I'm a little overkill with my perfectionism
Aha, a fellow perfectionist :twisted:

Anywayz, Happy Yule!
Apprentice said:
sublimestatanist said:
The promises of rewarding organic farming practices and banning GMOs sound good. I still wonder how they define who qualifies for these deals/subsidies. All they have on their website is this:

"Members must be small-scale producers. The majority of the members of the organization must be smallholders who don’t depend on hired workers all the time, but run their farm mainly by using their own and their family’s labour."
It's always neat and tidy front to serve to the sheep. Back end may not be so pleasant.
They prefer small farms because it's
• good for the image
• simple to get rid of.

So maybe they pay farmer Joe some shekels more per pound. I'm guessing that they are dictating the prices but the majority of the profit gets divided between all those organisations and legal bodies (not to mention the retail chains). Retail chains put 40% basically on everything around here so any local, small-scale producer is left with joy of work, paying the bills and taxes.

sublimestatanist said:
The thing with labels is if something is in trace amounts (0.5% or less from what I recall) it doesn't have to be included in the ingredients unless it's an allergen.
Don't even get me started on that one. We have here organic farmers who spray their crops at night.
There are so many things wrong that, in my personal view, boil down to the same sad fact of life right now: spiritual degeneracy.

sublimestatanist said:
I'm a little overkill with my perfectionism
Aha, a fellow perfectionist :twisted:

Anywayz, Happy Yule!

Wow, thanks man and same to you. TBH I was partly expecting a response like (yeah, you worry too much). To think there are such like-minded people here who see how fucked up everything really is. This place is like Disney Land, only instead of a kosher-made delusion it's hard reality full of people with the same values.

I live with quasi-awake xians so it gets a little too easy to think that most awake people seek a middle-ground between good and bad based on practicality, or thus so-called. These people have a very SAD diet (literally, S.A.D).

That's crazy to hear about those crops. Buncha traitors... I heard from a guy once that many of Canada's exported organic goods have more rigorous quality standards than what is sold to Canadians. Not sure if it's true but it wouldn't surprise me one bit.

I think places like Italy have some of the best agriculture. Blanket bans on GMOs and lots of long-term organic farms (better soil).

I guess we do what we can in this mess of a world. Perfection will come to us beyond just the physical and I see it as a support to that cause. Hopefully more people will get it. It gets hard sometimes watching people around me destroy themselves for the sake of convenience.
JoS felt like home when I first arrived. Before finding it, I was about to call it quits. I wasn't living with any xtians but everyone around me seemed sleeping, chasing all the wrong things in life or not chasing anything at all, wasting the days away.

sublimestatanist said:
I think places like Italy have some of the best agriculture.
I wouldn't be so sure. I mean, yeah, different countries are on different levels when it comes to the quality of produce but don't expect any miracles as of yet.
You might do some reading if you're interested: Dirt to Soil by Gabe Brown. Also search for no-dig approach on Youtube. There is a ton of info out there describing exactly the reasons why our commercial food doesn't support us. Overfed and malnourished. SAD.
Coffee is like any other damaging thing like unhealthy food or alcohol. A small amount sometimes is not going to do any damage, but if it is every day or it is in large amounts, then it will do real and long lasting damage.

Caffeine does not give you any energy. It forcefully steals energy out from the body, especially from the kidneys. A small amount and not very often, this will be fine for most people because this kidney energy should build back up over time, unless there are other serious problems. But if it is every day, or in large amounts, the body is not able to recover from this. More and more energy is removed from the kidneys every day until there is nothing left. This is when people feel that the caffeine is not working anymore and that it is not having any effect, because they have drained and depleted their bodies so bad that there is absolutely nothing left. And multiple other diseases, or long lasting health problems will be created caused by this depletion of kidney energy.

Another thing is that it is popular for many people to not have enough sleep. This is another dangerous thing that causes a lot of health problems. But then they try to cover the lack of sleep with caffeine. They are taking an exhausted body that has not had any time to heal or restore itself, and forcefully draining even more from it. That is the worst mistake if it is done frequently.

Do whatever you want to do. And I am not saying that coffee should be banned or that nobody should ever drink any of it. But everybody who does drink it should be aware of how it works and what is actually happening, and think about this. It is fine for an occasional thing, but it is very dangerous if it is every day.
Reading through old posts (apologies)...

I just wanted to ask, where did you get these ideas from? TCM? It seems a little outside of the research that I know of.

Here's what I've come to find most true:

Coffee blocks adenosine receptors from receiving said hormone, making us not feel tired and thus more alert. It also increases the production dopamine receptors which is one reason it makes people feel good and can often be addicting. Lastly, it does in large quantities put strain on the kidneys. It also can have a diuretic and dehydrating affect if taken in excess within a short period of time; however, it largely only increases urinary frequency when taken over time, especially with other fluids.

Because of increased stress hormones (namely cortisol), this also can put strain on the adrenal glands which sit on top of the kidneys. This can cause irritability, insomnia, headaches and so on.

As far as energy production goes I don't think that the kidneys play much of a role from what I understand. The body is a complicated thing. :-/

Like the above comments I think that one cup (perhaps two for some) is fine depending on the person. I don't recommend people go overboard. I also agree that it should be removed for those who notice problems, or even as a way to determine if it's good or bad for them holistically. Our bodies are far better at telling us what's good or bad for us than science is IMO. I know one person who will drink one cup and start vibrating, whereas others can drink it regularly and be perfectly healthy with great sleep and so on.
Reading through old posts (apologies)...

I just wanted to ask, where did you get these ideas from? TCM? It seems a little outside of the research that I know of.

Here's what I've come to find most true:

Coffee blocks adenosine receptors from receiving said hormone, making us not feel tired and thus more alert. It also increases the production dopamine receptors which is one reason it makes people feel good and can often be addicting. Lastly, it does in large quantities put strain on the kidneys. It also can have a diuretic and dehydrating affect if taken in excess within a short period of time; however, it largely only increases urinary frequency when taken over time, especially with other fluids.

Because of increased stress hormones (namely cortisol), this also can put strain on the adrenal glands which sit on top of the kidneys. This can cause irritability, insomnia, headaches and so on.

As far as energy production goes I don't think that the kidneys play much of a role from what I understand. The body is a complicated thing. :-/

Like the above comments I think that one cup (perhaps two for some) is fine depending on the person. I don't recommend people go overboard. I also agree that it should be removed for those who notice problems, or even as a way to determine if it's good or bad for them holistically. Our bodies are far better at telling us what's good or bad for us than science is IMO. I know one person who will drink one cup and start vibrating, whereas others can drink it regularly and be perfectly healthy with great sleep and so on.
You are right about the specifics you mentioned regarding biology, but there is more. Most, if not all stimulants convert energy through kidneys from Yin to Yang. What these things do is convert what you possess. None of the stimulation is created from nothing. That is why there are risks that he mentioned as our bodies have finite resources. Fortunately, our attributes to health and vitality can be boosted through the 8-fold path on top of using other knowledge to our benefit.
You are right about the specifics you mentioned regarding biology, but there is more. Most, if not all stimulants convert energy through kidneys from Yin to Yang. What these things do is convert what you possess. None of the stimulation is created from nothing. That is why there are risks that he mentioned as our bodies have finite resources. Fortunately, our attributes to health and vitality can be boosted through the 8-fold path on top of using other knowledge to our benefit.
I see now, thank you Henu! I always avoided learning TCM because it seemed outside of science to me for some reason. I notice in myself that I tend to think in terms of logic a bit too much and avoid things that appear too broad.

That said, TCM has worked for thousands of years and it's something that I should read more into!

So this conversion Yin (female) to Yang (male) I'm guessing would create an excess of Yang energy? That makes sense because from what I glossed over on the net says that a preponderance to Yang causes restlessness, anxiety, stress and anger.

I can relate to this idea! I'm not so angry but I do sometimes feel restless and anxious; a sort-of overstimulated feeling. I also feel reactive to certain things, like if the mother plays gospel music by which I have to take some time in my room to clean my aura and get that AoP going.

I work varying hours and I live in a busy house whereby kids can be loud in the mornings whilst the father at times watches TV (albeit quietly) at night, which causes me to feel a need to drown it out with music. I have trouble getting void meditation to work for me. Thus, meditation has been all over the place, just like my sleep. Because of that I tend to depend on coffee in the morning to help get me going.

I'll try to quit that stuff and try to master void meditation. It feels like it doesn't work though... I'll hear the smallest sound and it brings me out of focus. Do you have any advice or thoughts there? Thanks so much!
I stopped masturbating in the same way.

Masturbation is not a bad thing, in fact its healthy and needed. The problem is porn, and not masturbation.

Combination of regular medical knowledge and some TCM information. Which is really just looking at how certain organs and areas of the body are influenced by the chakras that they are linked to, and the elemental energies that control the behaviours of these organs. TCM and regular medical knowledge really support and agree with each other 100%, there is no difference. And they each provide more supporting information to help explain the other side.

Basically caffeine forces the adrenal glands to give out adrenaline, and this uses up energy both from the adrenal glands and also the kidneys that they are attached to. They are connected together as one related system. If this area has little energy to begin with, and if the adrenal glands have very little adrenaline to give, then you are overexerting and damaging these areas.
Combination of regular medical knowledge and some TCM information. Which is really just looking at how certain organs and areas of the body are influenced by the chakras that they are linked to, and the elemental energies that control the behaviours of these organs. TCM and regular medical knowledge really support and agree with each other 100%, there is no difference. And they each provide more supporting information to help explain the other side.

Basically caffeine forces the adrenal glands to give out adrenaline, and this uses up energy both from the adrenal glands and also the kidneys that they are attached to. They are connected together as one related system. If this area has little energy to begin with, and if the adrenal glands have very little adrenaline to give, then you are overexerting and damaging these areas.
I love coffee but I also overconsumed caffeine and other stimulants(not drugs) in various forms for years. I probably have some sort of adrenal fatigue.

What's the protocol for treating this?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
