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Question pt 2

Dec 14, 2017
There is this new age pro-black by the name of "the black authority" a nameless,faceless pro-black who spews kosher nonsense about "homosexuality being white and unnatural". "White supremacy" and "we wuz kangz and shieet" rhetoric. My question is this, what do you make of him ? And thanks in advanced for replies.
"New age" and "Kosher" says it all. He doesn't show his face because everyone would notice the jew nose and soulless eyes. Jew propaganda and nothing more.
No different than the xian and closed-minded trash I've seen among my own race. Sounds like a filthy jew is telepathically making him say what they want him to say; probably actually is a jew.

This obsession with 'supremacy' is honestly just annoying to see at this point because it doesn't even make any sense to me. Why can't they focus on something else for a change, like themselves? You don't see Asians saying this kind of shit to whites or blacks or crying about trying to be at the top of some pretend ladder. It's always gotta be some ridiculous fight about something childish when it comes to us and blacks.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
"New age" and "Kosher" says it all. He doesn't show his face because everyone would notice the jew nose and soulless eyes. Jew propaganda and nothing more.
You should look him up on youtube. You have to here him. He sounds black(I know, but follow me here). Look him up
Ghost in the Machine said:
No different than the xian and closed-minded trash I've seen among my own race. Sounds like a filthy jew is telepathically making him say what they want him to say; probably actually is a jew.

This obsession with 'supremacy' is honestly just annoying to see at this point because it doesn't even make any sense to me. Why can't they focus on something else for a change, like themselves? You don't see Asians saying this kind of shit to whites or blacks or crying about trying to be at the top of some pretend ladder. It's always gotta be some ridiculous fight about something childish when it comes to us and blacks.
You have to hear him speak. Look him up.
Even if he really is black, that doesn't mean it isn't some jesus freak with a jewish soul. This is nonsense, no reason for anyone to listen to it. Mageson talks about some woman who spends hours every day talking to her lampshade because she thinks jesus lives in the lightbulb, and her soul is totally rotted away. But technically she is a white woman, does this give the credibility that white people should listen to her as some kind of leader just because she is white? If the message is 100% jewish, there's no point listening to it no matter what color the mouthpiece is.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Maniatica4 said:
my rosary broke what that means?
It means you broke it... Make another one with stronger string. Not everything is some kind of magical sign.
This was so funny :D

my rosary broke what that means?
It means you broke it...

I laughed so hard :D :D :D
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Even if he really is black, that doesn't mean it isn't some jesus freak with a jewish soul. This is nonsense, no reason for anyone to listen to it. Mageson talks about some woman who spends hours every day talking to her lampshade because she thinks jesus lives in the lightbulb, and her soul is totally rotted away. But technically she is a white woman, does this give the credibility that white people should listen to her as some kind of leader just because she is white? If the message is 100% jewish, there's no point listening to it no matter what color the mouthpiece is.
Oh no, you misunderstood. I mean listen to him and tell me what you think. Not follow him nor his word. He's a clown to me.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
