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Question for the JoS clergy.

[email protected]

New member
Oct 15, 2008
I have been lead to the book The Divine Pymander by Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus. Once I began to read it I felt like there was a deeper meaning to the book. So I decided that I would take more time to explore the possible symbolism of the book. I have been writing down my observations and wondered what the clergy thought of it. I believe that this will be great for my own advancement. Maybe it will be helpful to others. The excerpt underneath is the first part of what I have. I am still working on it. Please let me know what you think,

Here is what I have so far...

Satan and The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus
This translation is dedicated to my Father, ENKI, Humanities true god who created us and gave us the ability to become like him.

Please take time to read the actual statements and my interpretations multiple times. It may take awhile for the mind to understand the deep spiritual symbolism in the statements. It may also come instantly.

These beginning statements can be applied to our path in Satan. These statements are symbolic of and can be applied to an individual's advancement in the Truth. Also Sat is Sanskrit for Truth.

1 "O my Son, I write this first Book, both for Humanity's sake, and for Piety towards God."

He addresses that these inscriptions are intended to benefit Humanity and to honor Humanities True and Original God, Satan.
This statement is symbolic of Satan's true purpose for Humanity. The true religion of Satan is based off Satan's vision for us. Satan gave us the ability to be like the Gods. Satan gave us the Kundalini inside of the base of our spine. Becoming enlightened and as powerful as the gods would bring Mankind to another golden age and would help improve mankind all around. "Humanity's Sake"

Satan also teaches us to be devoted to bettering ourselves. Satanism is a life loving religion and promotes us to take care of ourselves as well as educate ourselves and be more than slaves. God is a code word for yourself.
I believe God may also be a code word for chakra. The reason behind this is that all personality traits are controlled by chakras and their ruling elements. Devotion, or piety, to the chakras can change our souls and subsequently our entire being. "piety towards god"

Without Satan this knowledge would not be known.
This statement also symbolizes the first step in becoming a Satanist. The first step in becoming a Satanist is realizing that Satan is the true god. Once you realize that Satan is not out to harm you. Once you realize this a huge psychological hang up created by the Jews the psychological hangup will be removed. This is what our dedication to Satan did to us. It opened us up to Satan. We devoted ourself to "God" and we did it for our own sake. "mankinds sake"

2 "For there can be no Religion more true or just, than to know the things that are; and to acknowledge
thanks for all things, to him that made them, which thing I shall not cease continually to do."

Here Satan states that the religion these writings are based off of is the true religion. THis religion condones knowing things and learning things. IT is the basis behind this religion. Any religion that does not hold these ideals is false.
This right here proves that this book has nothing to do with the Jewish God. The Jewish god wants his people, the Gentile people, and even his own Angels to mindlessly worship him and serve him. The perfect slave is an ignorant one. The Jewish God, YHVH, did not want humanities eyes to be opened. This is why he condemned the "angel" Lucifer. Lucifer did not conform to God's will because the serpent wanted humanities eyes to be open. God wanted the serpent to be his slave and YHVH wanted humans to be his slaves.(also symbolic and false)
Keep in mind that this book was written before the Torah. Also remember that the Torah is fictional and is based off of stolen Pagan/Satanic beliefs. This is just to make a point of who the Jewish God really is even though it is non-existent.

Satan also stresses the need to appreciate HIM because he gives us knowledge of how the Universe works. He is ENKI the light bearer. "THanks for all things" This includes the ability to learn.
This is symbolic of the moment we realize Satan is the one and true religion. Once we realize this we have a much deeper feeling of gratitude for Satan. The more we get to know Satan, acknowledge him, and see how much he truly loves us we find it necessary to give thanks. The more Satan is in our lives the more you will appreciate him.
An example of this would be the first time that I realized Satan truly loved me and was willing to forgive me. Satan is a beautiful god and will continue to be a beautiful and loving god.

3 "What then should a man do, O Father, to lead his life well, seeing there is nothing here true ?"

Hermes has knowledge of the microcism and the macrocism and knows that our perception of reality is a form of an illusion. It is an illusion becuase we do not see the underlying mechanism of which the universe functions through. Hermes is also addressing Satan as Father because through Satan we can understand the Universe. Satan is the Father of understanding. (SEEING THERE IS NOTHING HERE TRUE)
This question is meant to inspire, though similar to a French philosopher known as Rene Descartes, It is meant to inspire one to contemplate the microcosm. The void. What is known to the Taoist as the Way.
This may also be symbolic to the first time an Initiate asks Satan for advice or an answer to a question. The action of seeking knowledge from Satan is a way of deepening our cnnection with Satan. he is the Light Bearer. The bringer of Knowledge. Notice that Hermes is asking Satan for answers.

4 "Be Pious and Religious, O my Son, for he that doth so, is the best and highest Philosopher; and without Philosophy, it is impossible ever to attain to the height and exactness of Piety or Religion."

This is Satan talking back. Satan can answer us anywhere and at anytime because his people are all connected to Him.
Satan is stating that dedication and piety incites knowledge and makes one a Philosopher. Satan also states that it is impossible to become devout or a Philosopher if one has no understanding or knowledge.
This can also be symbolic of a point of advancement. This is when we become knowledgeable and become open to the Void since you now question and understand it. Once an Initiate hears Satan speak to him he takes another step to becoming a God. Note that this is the first time Satan answers Hermes and it won't be the last. Once Satan answers our questions our own faith and logic grows. A piece of our Father becomes a piece of us. Through this we become even more like Satan and deepening our connection to our amazing God. Through Satan's knowledge our knowledge can grow which can also help us find our own asnwers down the road. We must also remember where knowledge comes from and stay devout from Satan.
This is a very deep statement and should be contemplated on.

5 "But he that shall learn and study the things that are, and how they are ordered and governed, and by
whom and for what cause, or to what end, will acknowledge thanks to the Workman as to a good Father,
an excellent Nurse and a faithful Steward, and he that gives thanks shall be Pious or Religious, and he
that is Religious shall know both where the truth is, and what it is, and learning that, he will be yet more
and more Religious."

This statement states that one needs to study the Universe. Studying these things is only possible because of the Light-Bearer. We need to give thanks to Satan for giving us understanding. Satan is the truth and through Satan's knowledge we will become stronger. Once we are stronger and more kowledgeable we will become stronger in Satan. "BUT he that shall learn...more and more religious"
Note that this statement is speaking of learning as if it is a continued action. This is symbolic of the continued advancement through Satan and how everyday that we experience life with Satan leads to us becoming stronger in Satan. This may also be symbolic of how it takes time to learn "the things that are".

6 "For never, O Son, shall or can that Soul which while it is in the Body lightens and lifts up itself to know and comprehend that which is Good and True, slide back to the contrary; for it is infinitely enamoured thereof. and forgetteth all Evils; and when it hath learned and known its Father and progenitor it can no more Apostatize or depart from that Good."

This statement makes light of a very important point. Once one advances far enough into true understanding one will
never leave it. It will be apart of one's soul and slavery, servitude, and ignorance will no longer be an option. "SLide back to the contrary"
This is also symbolic of spiritual advancement of the Initiate. Once an Initiate understands Satan and Knows Satan's truth
his faith can not be shaken. No matter what. (or depart from that Good)

This may also be symbolic to astral travel. Through astral travel you would be returning to where you came from. You would then travel back to your body. After this experience you will never be ignorant again. Once an individual performs astral travel he becomes opened up to the more spiritual side of reality. Once an individual percieves the astral he will always know that it is true. It would be impossible to denounce the truth of the astral.(or depart from that Good) Later on the Good is symbolic of the subconscious brain. The astral is accesible through the sunbconscious brain.
(Ex. You can not hear a song and then try to argue that the song never exist.)

7 "And let this, O Son, be the end of Religion and Piety; whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou shalt both live well, and die blessedly, whilst thy Soul is not ignorant whether it must return and fly back again."

This is another very important step in the Initiate's advancement. This refers to when the Initiate becomes strong enough
to take care of himself."and let this, O SOn, be the end of religion and Piety".
It also states that once an Initiate's Soul reaches this point that soul will be apart of a higher order of souls that are moved through the Transmigration of Souls."whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou shalt both live well, and die blessedly, "
This statement implies that reincarnation is a very real thing. This was written way before any other religion had the idea of "reincarnation". The transmigration of souls and the possibilities of "reincarnation" are something that should be pondered upon. One's past life effects the current life. The current life will become a past life and will effect the next life. "Reincarnation" is a cycle and the Magnum Opus will allow one to rise above this cycle.
"whether is must return and fly back again." This tells us that there is possibility of reincarnation being overcome.

8 "For this only, O Son, is the way to the Truth, which our Progenitors travelled in; and by which, making their Journey, they at length attained to the Good. It is a Venerable way, and plain, but hard and difficult for the Soul to go in that is in the Body."

This is a very symbolic statement. It states that through astral travel one can see the truth of the UNiverse which is Satan.
Once an individual becomes open and more adept at astral travel you are opened up to another world. Through the astral we can learn more about this world and how to act in it. This staement is also symbolic of the fact that Becoming adept and open to the astral world is not an easy task and may take awhile.

9 "For first must it war against its own self, and after much Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part; for the Contention is of one against two, whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it."

This statement is symbolic of overcoming the subconscious brain's control of the conscious brain. "For first must it war against its own self, and after much Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part" Meditation helps us with this. The thoughts that are invoked by this can sometimes be lost but still there. It is symbolic of shutting off the thought process and connecting with the universe. Though this the True Self can emerge and control the brain. Meditation also helps control the emotions.
This Statement can also be applied to the Initiate's advancement."For first must it war against its own self" This statement refers to meditating on freeing the soul.

Anyone not familiar with this I will explain.
Throughout our life, experiences and emotions leave imprints on our souls. These imprints effect us consciously and unconsciously. It effects EVERYTHING. This is what people unknowingly refer to as "Karma". Freeing the soul is removing these imprints and becoming in touch with the true self. It is a very hard process and will take a lot of time. THe process can also lead to a lot of repressed emotions to be released which is apart of the healing process. The outcome will be well worth it."after much Strife and Dissention"
This statement can also be applied to becoming one with The Serpent of Satan that is found in out base chakra. This is known as the Kundalini. The kundalini is the god in us and needs to be merged with our brain/soul so that it can function as one with the body, mind, and soul.overcome of one part; for the Contention is of one against two, "whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it."
*This statement must be contemplated.

10 "But the victory of both is not like; for the one hasteth to that which is Good, but the other is a
neighbour to the things that are Evil; and that which is Good, desireth to be set at Liberty; but the things
that are Evil, love Bondage and Slavery."

This is symbolic of molding the new personality after freeing the soul. The conscious side of the brain is what is "evil" and the subconscious brain is the "good".
The conscious brain desires materialistic possessions and experiences. These may include drugs, alcoholism, or control through violence. Drugs and alcohol are a detriment to our spiritual advancement and will keep us disconnected from the Universe and the astral.

Thus keeping us slaves to the laws of the universe, unable to overcome them. The Jewish people want our minds to be controlled and bound by a materialistic based philosophy.
The subconscious brain wants to be free. Through the subconscious brain we can control the universe around us and our soul. Through this we can achieve many great things. Eventually we will be like the Light-Bearer and transcend "reality." This is achieved through the "Great Working" which is spiritual perfection. This is true freedom.

11. And if the two parts be overcome, they become quiet, and are content to accept of it as their Ruler;s
but if the one be overcome of the two, it is by them led and carried to be punished by its being and
continuance here.

This is symbolic of another step of Initiation. This refers to how our true self needs to control both hemispheres of our brain and become masters of our own mind.
This symbolic statement also warns that if you do not control both hemispheres of your brain then you will be controlled by the material world. Your true self will be ruled by the brain, or aka physical perception. If the one is overcome by the two.

12"This is, O Son, the Guide in the way that leads thither for thou must first forsake the Body before thy
end, and get the victory in this Contention and Strifeful life, and when thou hast overcome, return."

This statement is Satan saying that the last 11 statements are a guide to "The Way."

This is also symbolic of another step of advancement. This may be symbolic of meditating on the elements. Invoking the elements can have extreme effects on the body and personality. Meditation on the elements should be done after one has gone through all the steps of beginning your life with Satan. "the way that leads thither"

13"But now, O my Son, I will by Heads run through the things that are: understand thou what I say, and
remember what thou hearest."

This statement is symbolic to a point of advancement. Once we have gone through all of the 11 steps of Initiation and Mastery of the Elements we must begin studying with the Gods and Satan. Once a certain point is reached we will only be able to do more with
the assistance from Our Gods.

This statement is also symbolic of how one MUST remember the Knowledge the Gods and Satan give us after our advancement.

This statement is literally stateing that Satan is telling Hermes to listen.
Congratulations on being able to recontextualize this text with Satanic thought.

But, it can be done with the bible.

I have never read this text but thought about buying it years ago and if my memeory is correct the synopsis of it indicated that it was a training manual directed to his son and how to hold humanity in a lessor position of manipulation. Not Satanic Thought.

Also, just because something was written before the torah doesn't mean it's Satanic.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "enkisson_descarte_666@..." wrote:

I have been lead to the book The Divine Pymander by Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus. Once I began to read it I felt like there was a deeper meaning to the book. So I decided that I would take more time to explore the possible symbolism of the book. I have been writing down my observations and wondered what the clergy thought of it. I believe that this will be great for my own advancement. Maybe it will be helpful to others. The excerpt underneath is the first part of what I have. I am still working on it. Please let me know what you think,

Here is what I have so far...

Satan and The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus
This translation is dedicated to my Father, ENKI, Humanities true god who created us and gave us the ability to become like him.

Please take time to read the actual statements and my interpretations multiple times. It may take awhile for the mind to understand the deep spiritual symbolism in the statements. It may also come instantly.

These beginning statements can be applied to our path in Satan. These statements are symbolic of and can be applied to an individual's advancement in the Truth. Also Sat is Sanskrit for Truth.

1 "O my Son, I write this first Book, both for Humanity's sake, and for Piety towards God."

He addresses that these inscriptions are intended to benefit Humanity and to honor Humanities True and Original God, Satan.
This statement is symbolic of Satan's true purpose for Humanity. The true religion of Satan is based off Satan's vision for us. Satan gave us the ability to be like the Gods. Satan gave us the Kundalini inside of the base of our spine. Becoming enlightened and as powerful as the gods would bring Mankind to another golden age and would help improve mankind all around. "Humanity's Sake"

Satan also teaches us to be devoted to bettering ourselves. Satanism is a life loving religion and promotes us to take care of ourselves as well as educate ourselves and be more than slaves. God is a code word for yourself.
I believe God may also be a code word for chakra. The reason behind this is that all personality traits are controlled by chakras and their ruling elements. Devotion, or piety, to the chakras can change our souls and subsequently our entire being. "piety towards god"

Without Satan this knowledge would not be known.
This statement also symbolizes the first step in becoming a Satanist. The first step in becoming a Satanist is realizing that Satan is the true god. Once you realize that Satan is not out to harm you. Once you realize this a huge psychological hang up created by the Jews the psychological hangup will be removed. This is what our dedication to Satan did to us. It opened us up to Satan. We devoted ourself to "God" and we did it for our own sake. "mankinds sake"

2 "For there can be no Religion more true or just, than to know the things that are; and to acknowledge
thanks for all things, to him that made them, which thing I shall not cease continually to do."

Here Satan states that the religion these writings are based off of is the true religion. THis religion condones knowing things and learning things. IT is the basis behind this religion. Any religion that does not hold these ideals is false.
This right here proves that this book has nothing to do with the Jewish God. The Jewish god wants his people, the Gentile people, and even his own Angels to mindlessly worship him and serve him. The perfect slave is an ignorant one. The Jewish God, YHVH, did not want humanities eyes to be opened. This is why he condemned the "angel" Lucifer. Lucifer did not conform to God's will because the serpent wanted humanities eyes to be open. God wanted the serpent to be his slave and YHVH wanted humans to be his slaves.(also symbolic and false)
Keep in mind that this book was written before the Torah. Also remember that the Torah is fictional and is based off of stolen Pagan/Satanic beliefs. This is just to make a point of who the Jewish God really is even though it is non-existent.

Satan also stresses the need to appreciate HIM because he gives us knowledge of how the Universe works. He is ENKI the light bearer. "THanks for all things" This includes the ability to learn.
This is symbolic of the moment we realize Satan is the one and true religion. Once we realize this we have a much deeper feeling of gratitude for Satan. The more we get to know Satan, acknowledge him, and see how much he truly loves us we find it necessary to give thanks. The more Satan is in our lives the more you will appreciate him.
An example of this would be the first time that I realized Satan truly loved me and was willing to forgive me. Satan is a beautiful god and will continue to be a beautiful and loving god.

3 "What then should a man do, O Father, to lead his life well, seeing there is nothing here true ?"

Hermes has knowledge of the microcism and the macrocism and knows that our perception of reality is a form of an illusion. It is an illusion becuase we do not see the underlying mechanism of which the universe functions through. Hermes is also addressing Satan as Father because through Satan we can understand the Universe. Satan is the Father of understanding. (SEEING THERE IS NOTHING HERE TRUE)
This question is meant to inspire, though similar to a French philosopher known as Rene Descartes, It is meant to inspire one to contemplate the microcosm. The void. What is known to the Taoist as the Way.
This may also be symbolic to the first time an Initiate asks Satan for advice or an answer to a question. The action of seeking knowledge from Satan is a way of deepening our cnnection with Satan. he is the Light Bearer. The bringer of Knowledge. Notice that Hermes is asking Satan for answers.

4 "Be Pious and Religious, O my Son, for he that doth so, is the best and highest Philosopher; and without Philosophy, it is impossible ever to attain to the height and exactness of Piety or Religion."

This is Satan talking back. Satan can answer us anywhere and at anytime because his people are all connected to Him.
Satan is stating that dedication and piety incites knowledge and makes one a Philosopher. Satan also states that it is impossible to become devout or a Philosopher if one has no understanding or knowledge.
This can also be symbolic of a point of advancement. This is when we become knowledgeable and become open to the Void since you now question and understand it. Once an Initiate hears Satan speak to him he takes another step to becoming a God. Note that this is the first time Satan answers Hermes and it won't be the last. Once Satan answers our questions our own faith and logic grows. A piece of our Father becomes a piece of us. Through this we become even more like Satan and deepening our connection to our amazing God. Through Satan's knowledge our knowledge can grow which can also help us find our own asnwers down the road. We must also remember where knowledge comes from and stay devout from Satan.
This is a very deep statement and should be contemplated on.

5 "But he that shall learn and study the things that are, and how they are ordered and governed, and by
whom and for what cause, or to what end, will acknowledge thanks to the Workman as to a good Father,
an excellent Nurse and a faithful Steward, and he that gives thanks shall be Pious or Religious, and he
that is Religious shall know both where the truth is, and what it is, and learning that, he will be yet more
and more Religious."

This statement states that one needs to study the Universe. Studying these things is only possible because of the Light-Bearer. We need to give thanks to Satan for giving us understanding. Satan is the truth and through Satan's knowledge we will become stronger. Once we are stronger and more kowledgeable we will become stronger in Satan. "BUT he that shall learn...more and more religious"
Note that this statement is speaking of learning as if it is a continued action. This is symbolic of the continued advancement through Satan and how everyday that we experience life with Satan leads to us becoming stronger in Satan. This may also be symbolic of how it takes time to learn "the things that are".

6 "For never, O Son, shall or can that Soul which while it is in the Body lightens and lifts up itself to know and comprehend that which is Good and True, slide back to the contrary; for it is infinitely enamoured thereof. and forgetteth all Evils; and when it hath learned and known its Father and progenitor it can no more Apostatize or depart from that Good."

This statement makes light of a very important point. Once one advances far enough into true understanding one will
never leave it. It will be apart of one's soul and slavery, servitude, and ignorance will no longer be an option. "SLide back to the contrary"
This is also symbolic of spiritual advancement of the Initiate. Once an Initiate understands Satan and Knows Satan's truth
his faith can not be shaken. No matter what. (or depart from that Good)

This may also be symbolic to astral travel. Through astral travel you would be returning to where you came from. You would then travel back to your body. After this experience you will never be ignorant again. Once an individual performs astral travel he becomes opened up to the more spiritual side of reality. Once an individual percieves the astral he will always know that it is true. It would be impossible to denounce the truth of the astral.(or depart from that Good) Later on the Good is symbolic of the subconscious brain. The astral is accesible through the sunbconscious brain.
(Ex. You can not hear a song and then try to argue that the song never exist.)

7 "And let this, O Son, be the end of Religion and Piety; whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou shalt both live well, and die blessedly, whilst thy Soul is not ignorant whether it must return and fly back again."

This is another very important step in the Initiate's advancement. This refers to when the Initiate becomes strong enough
to take care of himself."and let this, O SOn, be the end of religion and Piety".
It also states that once an Initiate's Soul reaches this point that soul will be apart of a higher order of souls that are moved through the Transmigration of Souls."whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou shalt both live well, and die blessedly, "
This statement implies that reincarnation is a very real thing. This was written way before any other religion had the idea of "reincarnation". The transmigration of souls and the possibilities of "reincarnation" are something that should be pondered upon. One's past life effects the current life. The current life will become a past life and will effect the next life. "Reincarnation" is a cycle and the Magnum Opus will allow one to rise above this cycle.
"whether is must return and fly back again." This tells us that there is possibility of reincarnation being overcome.

8 "For this only, O Son, is the way to the Truth, which our Progenitors travelled in; and by which, making their Journey, they at length attained to the Good. It is a Venerable way, and plain, but hard and difficult for the Soul to go in that is in the Body."

This is a very symbolic statement. It states that through astral travel one can see the truth of the UNiverse which is Satan.
Once an individual becomes open and more adept at astral travel you are opened up to another world. Through the astral we can learn more about this world and how to act in it. This staement is also symbolic of the fact that Becoming adept and open to the astral world is not an easy task and may take awhile.

9 "For first must it war against its own self, and after much Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part; for the Contention is of one against two, whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it."

This statement is symbolic of overcoming the subconscious brain's control of the conscious brain. "For first must it war against its own self, and after much Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part" Meditation helps us with this. The thoughts that are invoked by this can sometimes be lost but still there. It is symbolic of shutting off the thought process and connecting with the universe. Though this the True Self can emerge and control the brain. Meditation also helps control the emotions.
This Statement can also be applied to the Initiate's advancement."For first must it war against its own self" This statement refers to meditating on freeing the soul.

Anyone not familiar with this I will explain.
Throughout our life, experiences and emotions leave imprints on our souls. These imprints effect us consciously and unconsciously. It effects EVERYTHING. This is what people unknowingly refer to as "Karma". Freeing the soul is removing these imprints and becoming in touch with the true self. It is a very hard process and will take a lot of time. THe process can also lead to a lot of repressed emotions to be released which is apart of the healing process. The outcome will be well worth it."after much Strife and Dissention"
This statement can also be applied to becoming one with The Serpent of Satan that is found in out base chakra. This is known as the Kundalini. The kundalini is the god in us and needs to be merged with our brain/soul so that it can function as one with the body, mind, and soul.overcome of one part; for the Contention is of one against two, "whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it."
*This statement must be contemplated.

10 "But the victory of both is not like; for the one hasteth to that which is Good, but the other is a
neighbour to the things that are Evil; and that which is Good, desireth to be set at Liberty; but the things
that are Evil, love Bondage and Slavery."

This is symbolic of molding the new personality after freeing the soul. The conscious side of the brain is what is "evil" and the subconscious brain is the "good".
The conscious brain desires materialistic possessions and experiences. These may include drugs, alcoholism, or control through violence. Drugs and alcohol are a detriment to our spiritual advancement and will keep us disconnected from the Universe and the astral.

Thus keeping us slaves to the laws of the universe, unable to overcome them. The Jewish people want our minds to be controlled and bound by a materialistic based philosophy.
The subconscious brain wants to be free. Through the subconscious brain we can control the universe around us and our soul. Through this we can achieve many great things. Eventually we will be like the Light-Bearer and transcend "reality." This is achieved through the "Great Working" which is spiritual perfection. This is true freedom.

11. And if the two parts be overcome, they become quiet, and are content to accept of it as their Ruler;s
but if the one be overcome of the two, it is by them led and carried to be punished by its being and
continuance here.

This is symbolic of another step of Initiation. This refers to how our true self needs to control both hemispheres of our brain and become masters of our own mind.
This symbolic statement also warns that if you do not control both hemispheres of your brain then you will be controlled by the material world. Your true self will be ruled by the brain, or aka physical perception. If the one is overcome by the two.

12"This is, O Son, the Guide in the way that leads thither for thou must first forsake the Body before thy
end, and get the victory in this Contention and Strifeful life, and when thou hast overcome, return."

This statement is Satan saying that the last 11 statements are a guide to "The Way."

This is also symbolic of another step of advancement. This may be symbolic of meditating on the elements. Invoking the elements can have extreme effects on the body and personality. Meditation on the elements should be done after one has gone through all the steps of beginning your life with Satan. "the way that leads thither"

13"But now, O my Son, I will by Heads run through the things that are: understand thou what I say, and
remember what thou hearest."

This statement is symbolic to a point of advancement. Once we have gone through all of the 11 steps of Initiation and Mastery of the Elements we must begin studying with the Gods and Satan. Once a certain point is reached we will only be able to do more with
the assistance from Our Gods.

This statement is also symbolic of how one MUST remember the Knowledge the Gods and Satan give us after our advancement.

This statement is literally stateing that Satan is telling Hermes to listen.
Remember that I did this because it spoke to me. Also remember that Hermes mercurius Trismegistus wrote the golden tractate that has extremely deep spiritual symbolism. In fact High Priestess Maxine gives a reference to it on the Magnum Opus page on th Joy of Satan webpage.

First off the bible is extremely corrupted and if you truly read it and compare it to ancient religous texts there are hundreds of matches. These matches are on the exposing Christianity website.

All religions of the earth knew and honored Satan before the Jewish Plague. Judaism was the sole agent who brought about Islam, Christianity and anyother religion that is not Satan.
"Satanism predates all other religions."

Hail Satan!
Hail Enlil!
Hail Andromalius!

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 6:39 AM PST keeperofstone wrote:

Congratulations on being able to recontextualize this text with Satanic thought.

But, it can be done with the bible.

I have never read this text but thought about buying it years ago and if my memeory is correct the synopsis of it indicated that it was a training manual directed to his son and how to hold humanity in a lessor position of manipulation. Not Satanic Thought.

Also, just because something was written before the torah doesn't mean it's Satanic.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "enkisson_descarte_666@..." wrote:

I have been lead to the book The Divine Pymander by Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus. Once I began to read it I felt like there was a deeper meaning to the book. So I decided that I would take more time to explore the possible symbolism of the book. I have been writing down my observations and wondered what the clergy thought of it. I believe that this will be great for my own advancement. Maybe it will be helpful to others. The excerpt underneath is the first part of what I have. I am still working on it. Please let me know what you think,

Here is what I have so far...

Satan and The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus
This translation is dedicated to my Father, ENKI, Humanities true god who created us and gave us the ability to become like him.

Please take time to read the actual statements and my interpretations multiple times. It may take awhile for the mind to understand the deep spiritual symbolism in the statements. It may also come instantly.

These beginning statements can be applied to our path in Satan. These statements are symbolic of and can be applied to an individual's advancement in the Truth. Also Sat is Sanskrit for Truth.

1 "O my Son, I write this first Book, both for Humanity's sake, and for Piety towards God."

He addresses that these inscriptions are intended to benefit Humanity and to honor Humanities True and Original God, Satan.
This statement is symbolic of Satan's true purpose for Humanity. The true religion of Satan is based off Satan's vision for us. Satan gave us the ability to be like the Gods. Satan gave us the Kundalini inside of the base of our spine. Becoming enlightened and as powerful as the gods would bring Mankind to another golden age and would help improve mankind all around. "Humanity's Sake"

Satan also teaches us to be devoted to bettering ourselves. Satanism is a life loving religion and promotes us to take care of ourselves as well as educate ourselves and be more than slaves. God is a code word for yourself.
I believe God may also be a code word for chakra. The reason behind this is that all personality traits are controlled by chakras and their ruling elements. Devotion, or piety, to the chakras can change our souls and subsequently our entire being. "piety towards god"

Without Satan this knowledge would not be known.
This statement also symbolizes the first step in becoming a Satanist. The first step in becoming a Satanist is realizing that Satan is the true god. Once you realize that Satan is not out to harm you. Once you realize this a huge psychological hang up created by the Jews the psychological hangup will be removed. This is what our dedication to Satan did to us. It opened us up to Satan. We devoted ourself to "God" and we did it for our own sake. "mankinds sake"

2 "For there can be no Religion more true or just, than to know the things that are; and to acknowledge
thanks for all things, to him that made them, which thing I shall not cease continually to do."

Here Satan states that the religion these writings are based off of is the true religion. THis religion condones knowing things and learning things. IT is the basis behind this religion. Any religion that does not hold these ideals is false.
This right here proves that this book has nothing to do with the Jewish God. The Jewish god wants his people, the Gentile people, and even his own Angels to mindlessly worship him and serve him. The perfect slave is an ignorant one. The Jewish God, YHVH, did not want humanities eyes to be opened. This is why he condemned the "angel" Lucifer. Lucifer did not conform to God's will because the serpent wanted humanities eyes to be open. God wanted the serpent to be his slave and YHVH wanted humans to be his slaves.(also symbolic and false)
Keep in mind that this book was written before the Torah. Also remember that the Torah is fictional and is based off of stolen Pagan/Satanic beliefs. This is just to make a point of who the Jewish God really is even though it is non-existent.

Satan also stresses the need to appreciate HIM because he gives us knowledge of how the Universe works. He is ENKI the light bearer. "THanks for all things" This includes the ability to learn.
This is symbolic of the moment we realize Satan is the one and true religion. Once we realize this we have a much deeper feeling of gratitude for Satan. The more we get to know Satan, acknowledge him, and see how much he truly loves us we find it necessary to give thanks. The more Satan is in our lives the more you will appreciate him.
An example of this would be the first time that I realized Satan truly loved me and was willing to forgive me. Satan is a beautiful god and will continue to be a beautiful and loving god.

3 "What then should a man do, O Father, to lead his life well, seeing there is nothing here true ?"

Hermes has knowledge of the microcism and the macrocism and knows that our perception of reality is a form of an illusion. It is an illusion becuase we do not see the underlying mechanism of which the universe functions through. Hermes is also addressing Satan as Father because through Satan we can understand the Universe. Satan is the Father of understanding. (SEEING THERE IS NOTHING HERE TRUE)
This question is meant to inspire, though similar to a French philosopher known as Rene Descartes, It is meant to inspire one to contemplate the microcosm. The void. What is known to the Taoist as the Way.
This may also be symbolic to the first time an Initiate asks Satan for advice or an answer to a question. The action of seeking knowledge from Satan is a way of deepening our cnnection with Satan. he is the Light Bearer. The bringer of Knowledge. Notice that Hermes is asking Satan for answers.

4 "Be Pious and Religious, O my Son, for he that doth so, is the best and highest Philosopher; and without Philosophy, it is impossible ever to attain to the height and exactness of Piety or Religion."

This is Satan talking back. Satan can answer us anywhere and at anytime because his people are all connected to Him.
Satan is stating that dedication and piety incites knowledge and makes one a Philosopher. Satan also states that it is impossible to become devout or a Philosopher if one has no understanding or knowledge.
This can also be symbolic of a point of advancement. This is when we become knowledgeable and become open to the Void since you now question and understand it. Once an Initiate hears Satan speak to him he takes another step to becoming a God. Note that this is the first time Satan answers Hermes and it won't be the last. Once Satan answers our questions our own faith and logic grows. A piece of our Father becomes a piece of us. Through this we become even more like Satan and deepening our connection to our amazing God. Through Satan's knowledge our knowledge can grow which can also help us find our own asnwers down the road. We must also remember where knowledge comes from and stay devout from Satan.
This is a very deep statement and should be contemplated on.

5 "But he that shall learn and study the things that are, and how they are ordered and governed, and by
whom and for what cause, or to what end, will acknowledge thanks to the Workman as to a good Father,
an excellent Nurse and a faithful Steward, and he that gives thanks shall be Pious or Religious, and he
that is Religious shall know both where the truth is, and what it is, and learning that, he will be yet more
and more Religious."

This statement states that one needs to study the Universe. Studying these things is only possible because of the Light-Bearer. We need to give thanks to Satan for giving us understanding. Satan is the truth and through Satan's knowledge we will become stronger. Once we are stronger and more kowledgeable we will become stronger in Satan. "BUT he that shall learn...more and more religious"
Note that this statement is speaking of learning as if it is a continued action. This is symbolic of the continued advancement through Satan and how everyday that we experience life with Satan leads to us becoming stronger in Satan. This may also be symbolic of how it takes time to learn "the things that are".

6 "For never, O Son, shall or can that Soul which while it is in the Body lightens and lifts up itself to know and comprehend that which is Good and True, slide back to the contrary; for it is infinitely enamoured thereof. and forgetteth all Evils; and when it hath learned and known its Father and progenitor it can no more Apostatize or depart from that Good."

This statement makes light of a very important point. Once one advances far enough into true understanding one will
never leave it. It will be apart of one's soul and slavery, servitude, and ignorance will no longer be an option. "SLide back to the contrary"
This is also symbolic of spiritual advancement of the Initiate. Once an Initiate understands Satan and Knows Satan's truth
his faith can not be shaken. No matter what. (or depart from that Good)

This may also be symbolic to astral travel. Through astral travel you would be returning to where you came from. You would then travel back to your body. After this experience you will never be ignorant again. Once an individual performs astral travel he becomes opened up to the more spiritual side of reality. Once an individual percieves the astral he will always know that it is true. It would be impossible to denounce the truth of the astral.(or depart from that Good) Later on the Good is symbolic of the subconscious brain. The astral is accesible through the sunbconscious brain.
(Ex. You can not hear a song and then try to argue that the song never exist.)

7 "And let this, O Son, be the end of Religion and Piety; whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou shalt both live well, and die blessedly, whilst thy Soul is not ignorant whether it must return and fly back again."

This is another very important step in the Initiate's advancement. This refers to when the Initiate becomes strong enough
to take care of himself."and let this, O SOn, be the end of religion and Piety".
It also states that once an Initiate's Soul reaches this point that soul will be apart of a higher order of souls that are moved through the Transmigration of Souls."whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou shalt both live well, and die blessedly, "
This statement implies that reincarnation is a very real thing. This was written way before any other religion had the idea of "reincarnation". The transmigration of souls and the possibilities of "reincarnation" are something that should be pondered upon. One's past life effects the current life. The current life will become a past life and will effect the next life. "Reincarnation" is a cycle and the Magnum Opus will allow one to rise above this cycle.
"whether is must return and fly back again." This tells us that there is possibility of reincarnation being overcome.

8 "For this only, O Son, is the way to the Truth, which our Progenitors travelled in; and by which, making their Journey, they at length attained to the Good. It is a Venerable way, and plain, but hard and difficult for the Soul to go in that is in the Body."

This is a very symbolic statement. It states that through astral travel one can see the truth of the UNiverse which is Satan.
Once an individual becomes open and more adept at astral travel you are opened up to another world. Through the astral we can learn more about this world and how to act in it. This staement is also symbolic of the fact that Becoming adept and open to the astral world is not an easy task and may take awhile.

9 "For first must it war against its own self, and after much Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part; for the Contention is of one against two, whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it."

This statement is symbolic of overcoming the subconscious brain's control of the conscious brain. "For first must it war against its own self, and after much Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part" Meditation helps us with this. The thoughts that are invoked by this can sometimes be lost but still there. It is symbolic of shutting off the thought process and connecting with the universe. Though this the True Self can emerge and control the brain. Meditation also helps control the emotions.
This Statement can also be applied to the Initiate's advancement."For first must it war against its own self" This statement refers to meditating on freeing the soul.

Anyone not familiar with this I will explain.
Throughout our life, experiences and emotions leave imprints on our souls. These imprints effect us consciously and unconsciously. It effects EVERYTHING. This is what people unknowingly refer to as "Karma". Freeing the soul is removing these imprints and becoming in touch with the true self. It is a very hard process and will take a lot of time. THe process can also lead to a lot of repressed emotions to be released which is apart of the healing process. The outcome will be well worth it."after much Strife and Dissention"
This statement can also be applied to becoming one with The Serpent of Satan that is found in out base chakra. This is known as the Kundalini. The kundalini is the god in us and needs to be merged with our brain/soul so that it can function as one with the body, mind, and soul.overcome of one part; for the Contention is of one against two, "whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it."
*This statement must be contemplated.

10 "But the victory of both is not like; for the one hasteth to that which is Good, but the other is a
neighbour to the things that are Evil; and that which is Good, desireth to be set at Liberty; but the things
that are Evil, love Bondage and Slavery."

This is symbolic of molding the new personality after freeing the soul. The conscious side of the brain is what is "evil" and the subconscious brain is the "good".
The conscious brain desires materialistic possessions and experiences. These may include drugs, alcoholism, or control through violence. Drugs and alcohol are a detriment to our spiritual advancement and will keep us disconnected from the Universe and the astral.

Thus keeping us slaves to the laws of the universe, unable to overcome them. The Jewish people want our minds to be controlled and bound by a materialistic based philosophy.
The subconscious brain wants to be free. Through the subconscious brain we can control the universe around us and our soul. Through this we can achieve many great things. Eventually we will be like the Light-Bearer and transcend "reality." This is achieved through the "Great Working" which is spiritual perfection. This is true freedom.

11. And if the two parts be overcome, they become quiet, and are content to accept of it as their Ruler;s
but if the one be overcome of the two, it is by them led and carried to be punished by its being and
continuance here.

This is symbolic of another step of Initiation. This refers to how our true self needs to control both hemispheres of our brain and become masters of our own mind.
This symbolic statement also warns that if you do not control both hemispheres of your brain then you will be controlled by the material world. Your true self will be ruled by the brain, or aka physical perception. If the one is overcome by the two.

12"This is, O Son, the Guide in the way that leads thither for thou must first forsake the Body before thy
end, and get the victory in this Contention and Strifeful life, and when thou hast overcome, return."

This statement is Satan saying that the last 11 statements are a guide to "The Way."

This is also symbolic of another step of advancement. This may be symbolic of meditating on the elements. Invoking the elements can have extreme effects on the body and personality. Meditation on the elements should be done after one has gone through all the steps of beginning your life with Satan. "the way that leads thither"

13"But now, O my Son, I will by Heads run through the things that are: understand thou what I say, and
remember what thou hearest."

This statement is symbolic to a point of advancement. Once we have gone through all of the 11 steps of Initiation and Mastery of the Elements we must begin studying with the Gods and Satan. Once a certain point is reached we will only be able to do more with
the assistance from Our Gods.

This statement is also symbolic of how one MUST remember the Knowledge the Gods and Satan give us after our advancement.

This statement is literally stateing that Satan is telling Hermes to listen.
   VERY good work. You must be incredibly Intelligent. You are an inspiration to all Brothers and Sisters in Satan.
--- In [email protected], "keeperofstone" wrote:

Congratulations on being able to recontextualize this text with Satanic thought.

But, it can be done with the bible.

I have never read this text but thought about buying it years ago and if my memeory is correct the synopsis of it indicated that it was a training manual directed to his son and how to hold humanity in a lessor position of manipulation. Not Satanic Thought.

Also, just because something was written before the torah doesn't mean it's Satanic.

Hail Satan

--- In [email protected], "enkisson_descarte_666@" wrote:

I have been lead to the book The Divine Pymander by Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus. Once I began to read it I felt like there was a deeper meaning to the book. So I decided that I would take more time to explore the possible symbolism of the book. I have been writing down my observations and wondered what the clergy thought of it. I believe that this will be great for my own advancement. Maybe it will be helpful to others. The excerpt underneath is the first part of what I have. I am still working on it. Please let me know what you think,

Here is what I have so far...

Satan and The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus
This translation is dedicated to my Father, ENKI, Humanities true god who created us and gave us the ability to become like him.

Please take time to read the actual statements and my interpretations multiple times. It may take awhile for the mind to understand the deep spiritual symbolism in the statements. It may also come instantly.

These beginning statements can be applied to our path in Satan. These statements are symbolic of and can be applied to an individual's advancement in the Truth. Also Sat is Sanskrit for Truth.

1 "O my Son, I write this first Book, both for Humanity's sake, and for Piety towards God."

He addresses that these inscriptions are intended to benefit Humanity and to honor Humanities True and Original God, Satan.
This statement is symbolic of Satan's true purpose for Humanity. The true religion of Satan is based off Satan's vision for us. Satan gave us the ability to be like the Gods. Satan gave us the Kundalini inside of the base of our spine. Becoming enlightened and as powerful as the gods would bring Mankind to another golden age and would help improve mankind all around. "Humanity's Sake"

Satan also teaches us to be devoted to bettering ourselves. Satanism is a life loving religion and promotes us to take care of ourselves as well as educate ourselves and be more than slaves. God is a code word for yourself.
I believe God may also be a code word for chakra. The reason behind this is that all personality traits are controlled by chakras and their ruling elements. Devotion, or piety, to the chakras can change our souls and subsequently our entire being. "piety towards god"

Without Satan this knowledge would not be known.
This statement also symbolizes the first step in becoming a Satanist. The first step in becoming a Satanist is realizing that Satan is the true god. Once you realize that Satan is not out to harm you. Once you realize this a huge psychological hang up created by the Jews the psychological hangup will be removed. This is what our dedication to Satan did to us. It opened us up to Satan. We devoted ourself to "God" and we did it for our own sake. "mankinds sake"

2 "For there can be no Religion more true or just, than to know the things that are; and to acknowledge
thanks for all things, to him that made them, which thing I shall not cease continually to do."

Here Satan states that the religion these writings are based off of is the true religion. THis religion condones knowing things and learning things. IT is the basis behind this religion. Any religion that does not hold these ideals is false.
This right here proves that this book has nothing to do with the Jewish God. The Jewish god wants his people, the Gentile people, and even his own Angels to mindlessly worship him and serve him. The perfect slave is an ignorant one. The Jewish God, YHVH, did not want humanities eyes to be opened. This is why he condemned the "angel" Lucifer. Lucifer did not conform to God's will because the serpent wanted humanities eyes to be open. God wanted the serpent to be his slave and YHVH wanted humans to be his slaves.(also symbolic and false)
Keep in mind that this book was written before the Torah. Also remember that the Torah is fictional and is based off of stolen Pagan/Satanic beliefs. This is just to make a point of who the Jewish God really is even though it is non-existent.

Satan also stresses the need to appreciate HIM because he gives us knowledge of how the Universe works. He is ENKI the light bearer. "THanks for all things" This includes the ability to learn.
This is symbolic of the moment we realize Satan is the one and true religion. Once we realize this we have a much deeper feeling of gratitude for Satan. The more we get to know Satan, acknowledge him, and see how much he truly loves us we find it necessary to give thanks. The more Satan is in our lives the more you will appreciate him.
An example of this would be the first time that I realized Satan truly loved me and was willing to forgive me. Satan is a beautiful god and will continue to be a beautiful and loving god.

3 "What then should a man do, O Father, to lead his life well, seeing there is nothing here true ?"

Hermes has knowledge of the microcism and the macrocism and knows that our perception of reality is a form of an illusion. It is an illusion becuase we do not see the underlying mechanism of which the universe functions through. Hermes is also addressing Satan as Father because through Satan we can understand the Universe. Satan is the Father of understanding. (SEEING THERE IS NOTHING HERE TRUE)
This question is meant to inspire, though similar to a French philosopher known as Rene Descartes, It is meant to inspire one to contemplate the microcosm. The void. What is known to the Taoist as the Way.
This may also be symbolic to the first time an Initiate asks Satan for advice or an answer to a question. The action of seeking knowledge from Satan is a way of deepening our cnnection with Satan. he is the Light Bearer. The bringer of Knowledge. Notice that Hermes is asking Satan for answers.

4 "Be Pious and Religious, O my Son, for he that doth so, is the best and highest Philosopher; and without Philosophy, it is impossible ever to attain to the height and exactness of Piety or Religion."

This is Satan talking back. Satan can answer us anywhere and at anytime because his people are all connected to Him.
Satan is stating that dedication and piety incites knowledge and makes one a Philosopher. Satan also states that it is impossible to become devout or a Philosopher if one has no understanding or knowledge.
This can also be symbolic of a point of advancement. This is when we become knowledgeable and become open to the Void since you now question and understand it. Once an Initiate hears Satan speak to him he takes another step to becoming a God. Note that this is the first time Satan answers Hermes and it won't be the last. Once Satan answers our questions our own faith and logic grows. A piece of our Father becomes a piece of us. Through this we become even more like Satan and deepening our connection to our amazing God. Through Satan's knowledge our knowledge can grow which can also help us find our own asnwers down the road. We must also remember where knowledge comes from and stay devout from Satan.
This is a very deep statement and should be contemplated on.

5 "But he that shall learn and study the things that are, and how they are ordered and governed, and by
whom and for what cause, or to what end, will acknowledge thanks to the Workman as to a good Father,
an excellent Nurse and a faithful Steward, and he that gives thanks shall be Pious or Religious, and he
that is Religious shall know both where the truth is, and what it is, and learning that, he will be yet more
and more Religious."

This statement states that one needs to study the Universe. Studying these things is only possible because of the Light-Bearer. We need to give thanks to Satan for giving us understanding. Satan is the truth and through Satan's knowledge we will become stronger. Once we are stronger and more kowledgeable we will become stronger in Satan. "BUT he that shall learn...more and more religious"
Note that this statement is speaking of learning as if it is a continued action. This is symbolic of the continued advancement through Satan and how everyday that we experience life with Satan leads to us becoming stronger in Satan. This may also be symbolic of how it takes time to learn "the things that are".

6 "For never, O Son, shall or can that Soul which while it is in the Body lightens and lifts up itself to know and comprehend that which is Good and True, slide back to the contrary; for it is infinitely enamoured thereof. and forgetteth all Evils; and when it hath learned and known its Father and progenitor it can no more Apostatize or depart from that Good."

This statement makes light of a very important point. Once one advances far enough into true understanding one will
never leave it. It will be apart of one's soul and slavery, servitude, and ignorance will no longer be an option. "SLide back to the contrary"
This is also symbolic of spiritual advancement of the Initiate. Once an Initiate understands Satan and Knows Satan's truth
his faith can not be shaken. No matter what. (or depart from that Good)

This may also be symbolic to astral travel. Through astral travel you would be returning to where you came from. You would then travel back to your body. After this experience you will never be ignorant again. Once an individual performs astral travel he becomes opened up to the more spiritual side of reality. Once an individual percieves the astral he will always know that it is true. It would be impossible to denounce the truth of the astral.(or depart from that Good) Later on the Good is symbolic of the subconscious brain. The astral is accesible through the sunbconscious brain.
(Ex. You can not hear a song and then try to argue that the song never exist.)

7 "And let this, O Son, be the end of Religion and Piety; whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou shalt both live well, and die blessedly, whilst thy Soul is not ignorant whether it must return and fly back again."

This is another very important step in the Initiate's advancement. This refers to when the Initiate becomes strong enough
to take care of himself."and let this, O SOn, be the end of religion and Piety".
It also states that once an Initiate's Soul reaches this point that soul will be apart of a higher order of souls that are moved through the Transmigration of Souls."whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou shalt both live well, and die blessedly, "
This statement implies that reincarnation is a very real thing. This was written way before any other religion had the idea of "reincarnation". The transmigration of souls and the possibilities of "reincarnation" are something that should be pondered upon. One's past life effects the current life. The current life will become a past life and will effect the next life. "Reincarnation" is a cycle and the Magnum Opus will allow one to rise above this cycle.
"whether is must return and fly back again." This tells us that there is possibility of reincarnation being overcome.

8 "For this only, O Son, is the way to the Truth, which our Progenitors travelled in; and by which, making their Journey, they at length attained to the Good. It is a Venerable way, and plain, but hard and difficult for the Soul to go in that is in the Body."

This is a very symbolic statement. It states that through astral travel one can see the truth of the UNiverse which is Satan.
Once an individual becomes open and more adept at astral travel you are opened up to another world. Through the astral we can learn more about this world and how to act in it. This staement is also symbolic of the fact that Becoming adept and open to the astral world is not an easy task and may take awhile.

9 "For first must it war against its own self, and after much Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part; for the Contention is of one against two, whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it."

This statement is symbolic of overcoming the subconscious brain's control of the conscious brain. "For first must it war against its own self, and after much Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part" Meditation helps us with this. The thoughts that are invoked by this can sometimes be lost but still there. It is symbolic of shutting off the thought process and connecting with the universe. Though this the True Self can emerge and control the brain. Meditation also helps control the emotions.
This Statement can also be applied to the Initiate's advancement."For first must it war against its own self" This statement refers to meditating on freeing the soul.

Anyone not familiar with this I will explain.
Throughout our life, experiences and emotions leave imprints on our souls. These imprints effect us consciously and unconsciously. It effects EVERYTHING. This is what people unknowingly refer to as "Karma". Freeing the soul is removing these imprints and becoming in touch with the true self. It is a very hard process and will take a lot of time. THe process can also lead to a lot of repressed emotions to be released which is apart of the healing process. The outcome will be well worth it."after much Strife and Dissention"
This statement can also be applied to becoming one with The Serpent of Satan that is found in out base chakra. This is known as the Kundalini. The kundalini is the god in us and needs to be merged with our brain/soul so that it can function as one with the body, mind, and soul.overcome of one part; for the Contention is of one against two, "whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it."
*This statement must be contemplated.

10 "But the victory of both is not like; for the one hasteth to that which is Good, but the other is a
neighbour to the things that are Evil; and that which is Good, desireth to be set at Liberty; but the things
that are Evil, love Bondage and Slavery."

This is symbolic of molding the new personality after freeing the soul. The conscious side of the brain is what is "evil" and the subconscious brain is the "good".
The conscious brain desires materialistic possessions and experiences. These may include drugs, alcoholism, or control through violence. Drugs and alcohol are a detriment to our spiritual advancement and will keep us disconnected from the Universe and the astral.

Thus keeping us slaves to the laws of the universe, unable to overcome them. The Jewish people want our minds to be controlled and bound by a materialistic based philosophy.
The subconscious brain wants to be free. Through the subconscious brain we can control the universe around us and our soul. Through this we can achieve many great things. Eventually we will be like the Light-Bearer and transcend "reality." This is achieved through the "Great Working" which is spiritual perfection. This is true freedom.

11. And if the two parts be overcome, they become quiet, and are content to accept of it as their Ruler;s
but if the one be overcome of the two, it is by them led and carried to be punished by its being and
continuance here.

This is symbolic of another step of Initiation. This refers to how our true self needs to control both hemispheres of our brain and become masters of our own mind.
This symbolic statement also warns that if you do not control both hemispheres of your brain then you will be controlled by the material world. Your true self will be ruled by the brain, or aka physical perception. If the one is overcome by the two.

12"This is, O Son, the Guide in the way that leads thither for thou must first forsake the Body before thy
end, and get the victory in this Contention and Strifeful life, and when thou hast overcome, return."

This statement is Satan saying that the last 11 statements are a guide to "The Way."

This is also symbolic of another step of advancement. This may be symbolic of meditating on the elements. Invoking the elements can have extreme effects on the body and personality. Meditation on the elements should be done after one has gone through all the steps of beginning your life with Satan. "the way that leads thither"

13"But now, O my Son, I will by Heads run through the things that are: understand thou what I say, and
remember what thou hearest."

This statement is symbolic to a point of advancement. Once we have gone through all of the 11 steps of Initiation and Mastery of the Elements we must begin studying with the Gods and Satan. Once a certain point is reached we will only be able to do more with
the assistance from Our Gods.

This statement is also symbolic of how one MUST remember the Knowledge the Gods and Satan give us after our advancement.

This statement is literally stateing that Satan is telling Hermes to listen.
Hail Satan!!! keep up the good work
On Jan 21, 2013 10:47 AM, "Enkiss on Descarte" <enkisson_descarte_666@... wrote:
Remember that I did this because it spoke to me. Also remember that Hermes mercurius Trismegistus wrote the golden tractate that has extremely deep spiritual symbolism. In fact High Priestess Maxine gives a reference to it on the Magnum Opus page on th Joy of Satan webpage.

First off the bible is extremely corrupted and if you truly read it and compare it to ancient religous texts there are hundreds of matches. These matches are on the exposing Christianity website.

All religions of the earth knew and honored Satan before the Jewish Plague. Judaism was the sole agent who brought about Islam, Christianity and anyother religion that is not Satan.
"Satanism predates all other religions."

Hail Satan!
Hail Enlil!
Hail Andromalius!

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 6:39 AM PST keeperofstone wrote:

   Congratulations on being able to recontextualize this text with Satanic thought.

    But, it can be done with the bible.

    I have never read this text but thought about buying it years ago and if my memeory is correct the synopsis of it indicated that it was a training manual directed to his son and how to hold humanity in a lessor position of manipulation.  Not Satanic Thought.

    Also, just because something was written before the torah doesn't mean it's Satanic.

    Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "enkisson_descarte_666@..."  wrote:

I have been lead to the book The Divine Pymander by Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus. Once I began to read it I felt like there was a deeper meaning to the book. So I decided that I would take more time to explore the possible symbolism of the book. I have been writing down my observations and wondered what the clergy thought of it. I believe that this will be great for my own advancement. Maybe it will be helpful to others. The excerpt underneath is the first part of what I have. I am still working on it. Please let me know what you think,

Here is what I have so far...

                         Satan and The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus
This translation is dedicated to my Father, ENKI, Humanities true god who created us and gave us the ability to become like him.

Please take time to read the actual statements and my interpretations multiple times. It may take awhile for the mind to understand the deep spiritual symbolism in the statements. It may also come instantly.

These beginning statements can be applied to our path in Satan. These statements are symbolic of and can be applied to an individual's advancement in the Truth. Also Sat is Sanskrit for Truth.

     1 "O my Son, I write this first Book, both for Humanity's sake, and for Piety towards God."

     He addresses that these inscriptions are intended to benefit Humanity and to honor Humanities True and Original God, Satan.
     This statement is symbolic of Satan's true purpose for Humanity. The true religion of Satan is based off Satan's vision for us. Satan gave us the ability to be like the Gods. Satan gave us the Kundalini inside of the base of our spine. Becoming enlightened and as powerful as the gods would bring Mankind to another golden age and would help improve mankind all around. "Humanity's Sake"

Satan also teaches us to be devoted to bettering ourselves. Satanism is a life loving religion and promotes us to take care of ourselves as well as educate ourselves and be more than slaves. God is a code word for yourself.
      I believe God may also be a code word for chakra. The reason behind this is that all personality traits are controlled by chakras and their ruling elements. Devotion, or piety, to the chakras can change our souls and subsequently our entire being. "piety towards god"

Without Satan this knowledge would not be known.
     This statement also symbolizes the first step in becoming a Satanist. The first step in becoming a Satanist is realizing that Satan is the true god. Once you realize that Satan is not out to harm you. Once you realize this a huge psychological hang up created by the Jews the psychological hangup will be removed. This is what our dedication to Satan did to us. It opened us up to Satan. We devoted ourself to "God" and we did it for our own sake. "mankinds sake"

      2 "For there can be no Religion more true or just, than to know the things that are; and to acknowledge
thanks for all things, to him that made them, which thing I shall not cease continually to do."

     Here Satan states that the religion these writings are based off of is the true religion.  THis religion condones knowing things and learning things. IT is the basis behind this religion. Any religion that does not hold these ideals is false.
        This right here proves that this book has nothing to do with the Jewish God. The Jewish god wants his people, the Gentile people, and even his own Angels to mindlessly worship him and serve him. The perfect slave is an ignorant one. The Jewish God, YHVH, did not want humanities eyes to be opened. This is why he condemned the "angel" Lucifer. Lucifer did not conform to God's will because the serpent wanted humanities eyes to be open. God wanted the serpent to be his slave and YHVH wanted humans to be his slaves.(also symbolic and false)
     Keep in mind that this book was written before the Torah. Also remember that the Torah is fictional and is based off of stolen Pagan/Satanic beliefs. This is just to make a point of who the Jewish God really is even though it is non-existent.

     Satan also stresses the need to appreciate HIM because he gives us knowledge of how the Universe works. He is ENKI the light bearer. "THanks for all things" This includes the ability to learn.
     This is symbolic of the moment we realize Satan is the one and true religion. Once we realize this we have a much deeper feeling of gratitude for Satan. The more we get to know Satan, acknowledge him, and see how much he truly loves us we find it necessary to give thanks. The more Satan is in our lives the more you will appreciate him.
     An example of this would be the first time that I realized Satan truly loved me and was willing to forgive me. Satan is a beautiful god and will continue to be a beautiful and loving god.

     3 "What then should a man do, O Father, to lead his life well, seeing there is nothing here true ?"

     Hermes has knowledge of the microcism and the macrocism and knows that our perception of reality is a form of an illusion. It is an illusion becuase we do not see the underlying mechanism of which the universe functions through. Hermes is also addressing Satan as Father because through Satan we can understand the Universe. Satan is the Father of understanding.  (SEEING THERE IS NOTHING HERE TRUE)
     This question is meant to inspire, though similar to a French philosopher known as Rene Descartes, It  is meant to inspire one to contemplate the microcosm. The void. What is known to the Taoist as the Way.
     This may also be symbolic to the first time an Initiate asks Satan for advice or an answer to a question. The action of seeking knowledge from Satan is a way of deepening our cnnection with Satan. he is the Light Bearer. The bringer of Knowledge. Notice that Hermes is asking Satan for answers.

     4 "Be Pious and Religious, O my Son, for he that doth so, is the best and highest Philosopher; and without Philosophy, it is impossible ever to attain to the height and exactness of Piety or Religion."

     This is Satan talking back. Satan can answer us anywhere and at anytime because his people are all connected to Him.
     Satan is stating that dedication and piety incites knowledge and makes one a Philosopher. Satan also states that it is impossible to become devout or a Philosopher if one has no understanding or knowledge.
     This can also be symbolic of a point of advancement. This is when we become knowledgeable and become open to the Void since you now question and understand it. Once an Initiate hears Satan speak to him he takes another step to becoming a God. Note that this is the first time Satan answers Hermes and it won't be the last. Once Satan answers our questions our own faith and logic grows. A piece of our Father becomes a piece of us. Through this we become even more like Satan and deepening our connection to our amazing God. Through Satan's knowledge our knowledge can grow which can also help us find our own asnwers down the road. We must also remember where knowledge comes from and stay devout from Satan.
     This is a very deep statement and should be contemplated on.

     5 "But he that shall learn and study the things that are, and how they are ordered and governed, and by
whom and for what cause, or to what end, will acknowledge thanks to the Workman as to a good Father,
an excellent Nurse and a faithful Steward, and he that gives thanks shall be Pious or Religious, and he
that is Religious shall know both where the truth is, and what it is, and learning that, he will be yet more
and more Religious."

     This statement states that one needs to study the Universe. Studying these things is only possible because of the Light-Bearer. We need to give thanks to Satan for giving us understanding. Satan is the truth and through Satan's knowledge we will become stronger. Once we are stronger and more kowledgeable we will become stronger in Satan. "BUT he that shall learn...more and more religious"
      Note that this statement is speaking of learning as if it is a continued action. This is symbolic of the continued advancement through Satan and how everyday that we experience life with Satan leads to us becoming stronger in Satan. This may also be symbolic of how it takes time to learn "the things that are".

     6 "For never, O Son, shall or can that Soul which while it is in the Body lightens and lifts up itself to know and comprehend that which is Good and True, slide back to the contrary; for it is infinitely enamoured thereof. and forgetteth all Evils; and when it hath learned and known its Father and progenitor it can no more Apostatize or depart from that Good."

     This statement makes light of a very important point. Once one advances far enough into true understanding one will
never leave it. It will be apart of one's soul and slavery, servitude, and ignorance will no longer be an option. "SLide back to the contrary"
     This is also symbolic of spiritual advancement of the Initiate.  Once an Initiate understands Satan and Knows Satan's truth
his faith can not be shaken. No matter what. (or depart from that Good)

     This may also be symbolic to astral travel. Through astral travel you would be returning to where you came from. You would then travel back to your body. After this experience you will never be ignorant again. Once an individual performs astral travel he becomes opened up to the more spiritual side of reality. Once an individual percieves the astral he will always know that it is true. It would be impossible to denounce the truth of the astral.(or depart from that Good) Later on the Good is symbolic of the subconscious brain. The astral is accesible through the sunbconscious brain.
     (Ex. You can not hear a song and then try to argue that the song never exist.)

     7 "And let this, O Son, be the end of Religion and Piety; whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou shalt both live well, and die blessedly, whilst thy Soul is not ignorant whether it must return and fly back again."

     This is another very important step in the Initiate's advancement. This refers to when the Initiate becomes strong enough
to take care of himself."and let this, O SOn, be the end of religion and Piety".
        It also states that once an Initiate's Soul reaches this point  that soul will be apart of a higher order of souls that are moved through the Transmigration of Souls."whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou shalt both live well, and die blessedly, "
        This statement implies that reincarnation is a very real thing. This was written way before any other religion had the idea of "reincarnation". The transmigration of souls and the possibilities of "reincarnation" are something that should be pondered upon. One's past life effects the current life. The current life will become a past life and will effect the next life. "Reincarnation" is a cycle and the Magnum Opus will allow one to rise above this cycle.
"whether is must return and fly back again." This tells us that there is possibility of reincarnation being overcome.

      8 "For this only, O Son, is the way to the Truth, which our Progenitors travelled in; and by which, making their Journey, they at length attained to the Good. It is a Venerable way, and plain, but hard and difficult for the Soul to go in that is in the Body."

     This is a very symbolic statement. It states that through astral travel one can see the truth of the UNiverse which is Satan.
Once an individual becomes open and more adept at astral travel you are opened up to another world. Through the astral we can learn more about this world and how to act in it.  This staement is also symbolic of the fact that Becoming adept and open to the astral world is not an easy task and may take awhile.

     9 "For first must it war against its own self, and after much Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part; for the Contention is of one against two, whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it."

     This statement is symbolic of overcoming the subconscious brain's control of the conscious brain. "For first must it war against its own self, and after much Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part"  Meditation helps us with this. The thoughts that are invoked by this can sometimes be lost but still there. It is symbolic of shutting off the thought process and connecting with the universe. Though this the True Self can emerge and control the brain. Meditation also helps control the emotions.
     This Statement can also be applied to the Initiate's advancement."For first must it war against its own self" This statement refers to meditating on freeing the soul.

Anyone not familiar with this I will explain.
     Throughout our life, experiences and emotions leave imprints on our souls. These imprints effect us consciously and unconsciously. It effects EVERYTHING. This is what people unknowingly refer to as "Karma". Freeing the soul is removing these imprints and becoming in touch with the true self. It is a very hard process and will take a lot of time. THe process can also lead to a lot of repressed emotions to be released which is apart of the healing process. The outcome will be well worth it."after much Strife and Dissention"
     This statement can also be applied to becoming one with The Serpent of Satan that is found in out base chakra. This is known as the Kundalini. The kundalini is the god in us and needs to be merged with our brain/soul so that it can function as one with the body, mind, and soul.overcome of one part; for the Contention is of one against two, "whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it."
*This statement must be contemplated.

     10 "But the victory of both is not like; for the one hasteth to that which is Good, but the other is a
neighbour to the things that are Evil; and that which is Good, desireth to be set at Liberty; but the things
that are Evil, love Bondage and Slavery."

     This is symbolic of molding the new personality after freeing the soul. The conscious side of the brain is what is "evil" and the subconscious brain is the "good".
     The conscious brain desires materialistic possessions and experiences. These may include drugs, alcoholism, or control through violence. Drugs and alcohol are a detriment to our spiritual advancement and will keep us disconnected from the Universe and the astral.

Thus keeping us slaves to the laws of the universe, unable to overcome them. The Jewish people want our minds to be controlled and bound by a materialistic based philosophy.
     The subconscious brain wants to be free. Through the subconscious brain we can control the universe around us and our soul. Through this we can achieve many great things. Eventually we will be like the Light-Bearer and transcend "reality." This is achieved through the "Great Working" which is spiritual perfection. This is true freedom.

11. And if the two parts be overcome, they become quiet, and are content to accept of it as their Ruler;s
but if the one be overcome of the two, it is by them led and carried to be punished by its being and
continuance here.

     This is symbolic of another step of Initiation. This refers to how our true self needs to control both hemispheres of our brain and become masters of our own mind.
     This symbolic statement also warns that if you do not control both hemispheres of your brain then you will be controlled by the material world. Your true self will be ruled by the brain, or aka physical perception. If the one is overcome by the two.

12"This is, O Son, the Guide in the way that leads thither for thou must first forsake the Body before thy
end, and get the victory in this Contention and Strifeful life, and when thou hast overcome, return."

This statement is Satan saying that the last 11 statements are a guide to "The Way."

This is also symbolic of another step of advancement. This may be symbolic of meditating on the elements. Invoking the elements can have extreme effects on the body and personality. Meditation on the elements should be done after one has gone through all the steps of beginning your life with Satan.  "the way that leads thither"

13"But now, O my Son, I will by Heads run through the things that are: understand thou what I say, and
remember what thou hearest."

This statement is symbolic to a point of advancement. Once we have gone through all of the 11 steps of Initiation and Mastery of the Elements we must begin studying with the Gods and Satan. Once a certain point is reached we will only be able to do more with
the assistance from Our Gods.

This statement is also symbolic of how one MUST remember the Knowledge the Gods and Satan give us after  our advancement.

This statement is literally stateing that Satan is telling Hermes to listen.


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Thanks Jason watts.

Hail Satan!
Hail Enlil!
Hail Andromalius!

On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 9:45 AM PST Jason Watts wrote:

Hail Satan!!! keep up the good work
On Jan 21, 2013 10:47 AM, "Enkiss on Descarte" <
enkisson_descarte_666@... wrote:

Remember that I did this because it spoke to me. Also remember that Hermes
mercurius Trismegistus wrote the golden tractate that has extremely deep
spiritual symbolism. In fact High Priestess Maxine gives a reference to it
on the Magnum Opus page on th Joy of Satan webpage.

First off the bible is extremely corrupted and if you truly read it and
compare it to ancient religous texts there are hundreds of matches. These
matches are on the exposing Christianity website.

All religions of the earth knew and honored Satan before the Jewish
Plague. Judaism was the sole agent who brought about Islam, Christianity
and anyother religion that is not Satan.
"Satanism predates all other religions."

Hail Satan!
Hail Enlil!
Hail Andromalius!

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 6:39 AM PST keeperofstone wrote:

Congratulations on being able to recontextualize this text with
Satanic thought.

But, it can be done with the bible.

I have never read this text but thought about buying it years ago
and if my memeory is correct the synopsis of it indicated that it was a
training manual directed to his son and how to hold humanity in a lessor
position of manipulation. Not Satanic Thought.

Also, just because something was written before the torah doesn't
mean it's Satanic.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "enkisson_descarte_666@..." wrote:

I have been lead to the book The Divine Pymander by Hermes Mercurius
Trismegistus. Once I began to read it I felt like there was a deeper
meaning to the book. So I decided that I would take more time to explore
the possible symbolism of the book. I have been writing down my
observations and wondered what the clergy thought of it. I believe that
this will be great for my own advancement. Maybe it will be helpful to
others. The excerpt underneath is the first part of what I have. I am still
working on it. Please let me know what you think,

Here is what I have so far...

Satan and The Divine Pymander of Hermes
Mercurius Trismegistus
This translation is dedicated to my Father, ENKI, Humanities true god
who created us and gave us the ability to become like him.

Please take time to read the actual statements and my interpretations
multiple times. It may take awhile for the mind to understand the deep
spiritual symbolism in the statements. It may also come instantly.

These beginning statements can be applied to our path in Satan. These
statements are symbolic of and can be applied to an individual's
advancement in the Truth. Also Sat is Sanskrit for Truth.

1 "O my Son, I write this first Book, both for Humanity's sake,
and for Piety towards God."

He addresses that these inscriptions are intended to benefit
Humanity and to honor Humanities True and Original God, Satan.
This statement is symbolic of Satan's true purpose for Humanity.
The true religion of Satan is based off Satan's vision for us. Satan gave
us the ability to be like the Gods. Satan gave us the Kundalini inside of
the base of our spine. Becoming enlightened and as powerful as the gods
would bring Mankind to another golden age and would help improve mankind
all around. "Humanity's Sake"

Satan also teaches us to be devoted to bettering ourselves. Satanism is
a life loving religion and promotes us to take care of ourselves as well as
educate ourselves and be more than slaves. God is a code word for yourself.
I believe God may also be a code word for chakra. The reason
behind this is that all personality traits are controlled by chakras and
their ruling elements. Devotion, or piety, to the chakras can change our
souls and subsequently our entire being. "piety towards god"

Without Satan this knowledge would not be known.
This statement also symbolizes the first step in becoming a
Satanist. The first step in becoming a Satanist is realizing that Satan is
the true god. Once you realize that Satan is not out to harm you. Once you
realize this a huge psychological hang up created by the Jews the
psychological hangup will be removed. This is what our dedication to Satan
did to us. It opened us up to Satan. We devoted ourself to "God" and we did
it for our own sake. "mankinds sake"

2 "For there can be no Religion more true or just, than to know
the things that are; and to acknowledge
thanks for all things, to him that made them, which thing I shall not
cease continually to do."

Here Satan states that the religion these writings are based off
of is the true religion. THis religion condones knowing things and
learning things. IT is the basis behind this religion. Any religion that
does not hold these ideals is false.
This right here proves that this book has nothing to do with
the Jewish God. The Jewish god wants his people, the Gentile people, and
even his own Angels to mindlessly worship him and serve him. The perfect
slave is an ignorant one. The Jewish God, YHVH, did not want humanities
eyes to be opened. This is why he condemned the "angel" Lucifer. Lucifer
did not conform to God's will because the serpent wanted humanities eyes to
be open. God wanted the serpent to be his slave and YHVH wanted humans to
be his slaves.(also symbolic and false)
Keep in mind that this book was written before the Torah. Also
remember that the Torah is fictional and is based off of stolen
Pagan/Satanic beliefs. This is just to make a point of who the Jewish God
really is even though it is non-existent.

Satan also stresses the need to appreciate HIM because he gives us
knowledge of how the Universe works. He is ENKI the light bearer. "THanks
for all things" This includes the ability to learn.
This is symbolic of the moment we realize Satan is the one and
true religion. Once we realize this we have a much deeper feeling of
gratitude for Satan. The more we get to know Satan, acknowledge him, and
see how much he truly loves us we find it necessary to give thanks. The
more Satan is in our lives the more you will appreciate him.
An example of this would be the first time that I realized Satan
truly loved me and was willing to forgive me. Satan is a beautiful god and
will continue to be a beautiful and loving god.

3 "What then should a man do, O Father, to lead his life well,
seeing there is nothing here true ?"

Hermes has knowledge of the microcism and the macrocism and knows
that our perception of reality is a form of an illusion. It is an illusion
becuase we do not see the underlying mechanism of which the universe
functions through. Hermes is also addressing Satan as Father because
through Satan we can understand the Universe. Satan is the Father of
This question is meant to inspire, though similar to a French
philosopher known as Rene Descartes, It is meant to inspire one to
contemplate the microcosm. The void. What is known to the Taoist as the Way.
This may also be symbolic to the first time an Initiate asks Satan
for advice or an answer to a question. The action of seeking knowledge from
Satan is a way of deepening our cnnection with Satan. he is the Light
Bearer. The bringer of Knowledge. Notice that Hermes is asking Satan for

4 "Be Pious and Religious, O my Son, for he that doth so, is the
best and highest Philosopher; and without Philosophy, it is impossible ever
to attain to the height and exactness of Piety or Religion."

This is Satan talking back. Satan can answer us anywhere and at
anytime because his people are all connected to Him.
Satan is stating that dedication and piety incites knowledge and
makes one a Philosopher. Satan also states that it is impossible to become
devout or a Philosopher if one has no understanding or knowledge.
This can also be symbolic of a point of advancement. This is when
we become knowledgeable and become open to the Void since you now question
and understand it. Once an Initiate hears Satan speak to him he takes
another step to becoming a God. Note that this is the first time Satan
answers Hermes and it won't be the last. Once Satan answers our questions
our own faith and logic grows. A piece of our Father becomes a piece of us.
Through this we become even more like Satan and deepening our connection to
our amazing God. Through Satan's knowledge our knowledge can grow which can
also help us find our own asnwers down the road. We must also remember
where knowledge comes from and stay devout from Satan.
This is a very deep statement and should be contemplated on.

5 "But he that shall learn and study the things that are, and how
they are ordered and governed, and by
whom and for what cause, or to what end, will acknowledge thanks to the
Workman as to a good Father,
an excellent Nurse and a faithful Steward, and he that gives thanks
shall be Pious or Religious, and he
that is Religious shall know both where the truth is, and what it is,
and learning that, he will be yet more
and more Religious."

This statement states that one needs to study the Universe.
Studying these things is only possible because of the Light-Bearer. We need
to give thanks to Satan for giving us understanding. Satan is the truth and
through Satan's knowledge we will become stronger. Once we are stronger and
more kowledgeable we will become stronger in Satan. "BUT he that shall
learn...more and more religious"
Note that this statement is speaking of learning as if it is a
continued action. This is symbolic of the continued advancement through
Satan and how everyday that we experience life with Satan leads to us
becoming stronger in Satan. This may also be symbolic of how it takes time
to learn "the things that are".

6 "For never, O Son, shall or can that Soul which while it is in
the Body lightens and lifts up itself to know and comprehend that which is
Good and True, slide back to the contrary; for it is infinitely enamoured
thereof. and forgetteth all Evils; and when it hath learned and known its
Father and progenitor it can no more Apostatize or depart from that Good."

This statement makes light of a very important point. Once one
advances far enough into true understanding one will
never leave it. It will be apart of one's soul and slavery, servitude,
and ignorance will no longer be an option. "SLide back to the contrary"
This is also symbolic of spiritual advancement of the Initiate.
Once an Initiate understands Satan and Knows Satan's truth
his faith can not be shaken. No matter what. (or depart from that Good)

This may also be symbolic to astral travel. Through astral travel
you would be returning to where you came from. You would then travel back
to your body. After this experience you will never be ignorant again. Once
an individual performs astral travel he becomes opened up to the more
spiritual side of reality. Once an individual percieves the astral he will
always know that it is true. It would be impossible to denounce the truth
of the astral.(or depart from that Good) Later on the Good is symbolic of
the subconscious brain. The astral is accesible through the sunbconscious
(Ex. You can not hear a song and then try to argue that the song
never exist.)

7 "And let this, O Son, be the end of Religion and Piety;
whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou shalt both live well, and die
blessedly, whilst thy Soul is not ignorant whether it must return and fly
back again."

This is another very important step in the Initiate's advancement.
This refers to when the Initiate becomes strong enough
to take care of himself."and let this, O SOn, be the end of religion
and Piety".
It also states that once an Initiate's Soul reaches this point
that soul will be apart of a higher order of souls that are moved through
the Transmigration of Souls."whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou
shalt both live well, and die blessedly, "
This statement implies that reincarnation is a very real thing.
This was written way before any other religion had the idea of
"reincarnation". The transmigration of souls and the possibilities of
"reincarnation" are something that should be pondered upon. One's past life
effects the current life. The current life will become a past life and will
effect the next life. "Reincarnation" is a cycle and the Magnum Opus will
allow one to rise above this cycle.
"whether is must return and fly back again." This tells us that there
is possibility of reincarnation being overcome.

8 "For this only, O Son, is the way to the Truth, which our
Progenitors travelled in; and by which, making their Journey, they at
length attained to the Good. It is a Venerable way, and plain, but hard and
difficult for the Soul to go in that is in the Body."

This is a very symbolic statement. It states that through astral
travel one can see the truth of the UNiverse which is Satan.
Once an individual becomes open and more adept at astral travel you are
opened up to another world. Through the astral we can learn more about this
world and how to act in it. This staement is also symbolic of the fact
that Becoming adept and open to the astral world is not an easy task and
may take awhile.

9 "For first must it war against its own self, and after much
Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part; for the Contention
is of one against two, whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and
detain it."

This statement is symbolic of overcoming the subconscious brain's
control of the conscious brain. "For first must it war against its own
self, and after much Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part"
Meditation helps us with this. The thoughts that are invoked by this can
sometimes be lost but still there. It is symbolic of shutting off the
thought process and connecting with the universe. Though this the True Self
can emerge and control the brain. Meditation also helps control the
This Statement can also be applied to the Initiate's
advancement."For first must it war against its own self" This statement
refers to meditating on freeing the soul.

Anyone not familiar with this I will explain.
Throughout our life, experiences and emotions leave imprints on
our souls. These imprints effect us consciously and unconsciously. It
effects EVERYTHING. This is what people unknowingly refer to as "Karma".
Freeing the soul is removing these imprints and becoming in touch with the
true self. It is a very hard process and will take a lot of time. THe
process can also lead to a lot of repressed emotions to be released which
is apart of the healing process. The outcome will be well worth it."after
much Strife and Dissention"
This statement can also be applied to becoming one with The
Serpent of Satan that is found in out base chakra. This is known as the
Kundalini. The kundalini is the god in us and needs to be merged with our
brain/soul so that it can function as one with the body, mind, and
soul.overcome of one part; for the Contention is of one against two,
"whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it."
*This statement must be contemplated.

10 "But the victory of both is not like; for the one hasteth to
that which is Good, but the other is a
neighbour to the things that are Evil; and that which is Good, desireth
to be set at Liberty; but the things
that are Evil, love Bondage and Slavery."

This is symbolic of molding the new personality after freeing the
soul. The conscious side of the brain is what is "evil" and the
subconscious brain is the "good".
The conscious brain desires materialistic possessions and
experiences. These may include drugs, alcoholism, or control through
violence. Drugs and alcohol are a detriment to our spiritual advancement
and will keep us disconnected from the Universe and the astral.

Thus keeping us slaves to the laws of the universe, unable to overcome
them. The Jewish people want our minds to be controlled and bound by a
materialistic based philosophy.
The subconscious brain wants to be free. Through the subconscious
brain we can control the universe around us and our soul. Through this we
can achieve many great things. Eventually we will be like the Light-Bearer
and transcend "reality." This is achieved through the "Great Working" which
is spiritual perfection. This is true freedom.

11. And if the two parts be overcome, they become quiet, and are
content to accept of it as their Ruler;s
but if the one be overcome of the two, it is by them led and carried to
be punished by its being and
continuance here.

This is symbolic of another step of Initiation. This refers to how
our true self needs to control both hemispheres of our brain and become
masters of our own mind.
This symbolic statement also warns that if you do not control both
hemispheres of your brain then you will be controlled by the material
world. Your true self will be ruled by the brain, or aka physical
perception. If the one is overcome by the two.

12"This is, O Son, the Guide in the way that leads thither for thou
must first forsake the Body before thy
end, and get the victory in this Contention and Strifeful life, and
when thou hast overcome, return."

This statement is Satan saying that the last 11 statements are a guide
to "The Way."

This is also symbolic of another step of advancement. This may be
symbolic of meditating on the elements. Invoking the elements can have
extreme effects on the body and personality. Meditation on the elements
should be done after one has gone through all the steps of beginning your
life with Satan. "the way that leads thither"

13"But now, O my Son, I will by Heads run through the things that are:
understand thou what I say, and
remember what thou hearest."

This statement is symbolic to a point of advancement. Once we have gone
through all of the 11 steps of Initiation and Mastery of the Elements we
must begin studying with the Gods and Satan. Once a certain point is
reached we will only be able to do more with
the assistance from Our Gods.

This statement is also symbolic of how one MUST remember the Knowledge
the Gods and Satan give us after our advancement.

This statement is literally stateing that Satan is telling Hermes to


Yahoo! Groups Links
The synopsis I read over 8 years ago was probably wrong. And yes, the bible is stolen from other sources.

Keep up your good work.

Santanic thought is always useful

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Jason Watts wrote:

Hail Satan!!! keep up the good work
On Jan 21, 2013 10:47 AM, "Enkiss on Descarte" <
enkisson_descarte_666@... wrote:

Remember that I did this because it spoke to me. Also remember that Hermes
mercurius Trismegistus wrote the golden tractate that has extremely deep
spiritual symbolism. In fact High Priestess Maxine gives a reference to it
on the Magnum Opus page on th Joy of Satan webpage.

First off the bible is extremely corrupted and if you truly read it and
compare it to ancient religous texts there are hundreds of matches. These
matches are on the exposing Christianity website.

All religions of the earth knew and honored Satan before the Jewish
Plague. Judaism was the sole agent who brought about Islam, Christianity
and anyother religion that is not Satan.
"Satanism predates all other religions."

Hail Satan!
Hail Enlil!
Hail Andromalius!

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 6:39 AM PST keeperofstone wrote:

Congratulations on being able to recontextualize this text with
Satanic thought.

But, it can be done with the bible.

I have never read this text but thought about buying it years ago
and if my memeory is correct the synopsis of it indicated that it was a
training manual directed to his son and how to hold humanity in a lessor
position of manipulation. Not Satanic Thought.

Also, just because something was written before the torah doesn't
mean it's Satanic.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "enkisson_descarte_666@" wrote:

I have been lead to the book The Divine Pymander by Hermes Mercurius
Trismegistus. Once I began to read it I felt like there was a deeper
meaning to the book. So I decided that I would take more time to explore
the possible symbolism of the book. I have been writing down my
observations and wondered what the clergy thought of it. I believe that
this will be great for my own advancement. Maybe it will be helpful to
others. The excerpt underneath is the first part of what I have. I am still
working on it. Please let me know what you think,

Here is what I have so far...

Satan and The Divine Pymander of Hermes
Mercurius Trismegistus
This translation is dedicated to my Father, ENKI, Humanities true god
who created us and gave us the ability to become like him.

Please take time to read the actual statements and my interpretations
multiple times. It may take awhile for the mind to understand the deep
spiritual symbolism in the statements. It may also come instantly.

These beginning statements can be applied to our path in Satan. These
statements are symbolic of and can be applied to an individual's
advancement in the Truth. Also Sat is Sanskrit for Truth.

1 "O my Son, I write this first Book, both for Humanity's sake,
and for Piety towards God."

He addresses that these inscriptions are intended to benefit
Humanity and to honor Humanities True and Original God, Satan.
This statement is symbolic of Satan's true purpose for Humanity.
The true religion of Satan is based off Satan's vision for us. Satan gave
us the ability to be like the Gods. Satan gave us the Kundalini inside of
the base of our spine. Becoming enlightened and as powerful as the gods
would bring Mankind to another golden age and would help improve mankind
all around. "Humanity's Sake"

Satan also teaches us to be devoted to bettering ourselves. Satanism is
a life loving religion and promotes us to take care of ourselves as well as
educate ourselves and be more than slaves. God is a code word for yourself.
I believe God may also be a code word for chakra. The reason
behind this is that all personality traits are controlled by chakras and
their ruling elements. Devotion, or piety, to the chakras can change our
souls and subsequently our entire being. "piety towards god"

Without Satan this knowledge would not be known.
This statement also symbolizes the first step in becoming a
Satanist. The first step in becoming a Satanist is realizing that Satan is
the true god. Once you realize that Satan is not out to harm you. Once you
realize this a huge psychological hang up created by the Jews the
psychological hangup will be removed. This is what our dedication to Satan
did to us. It opened us up to Satan. We devoted ourself to "God" and we did
it for our own sake. "mankinds sake"

2 "For there can be no Religion more true or just, than to know
the things that are; and to acknowledge
thanks for all things, to him that made them, which thing I shall not
cease continually to do."

Here Satan states that the religion these writings are based off
of is the true religion. THis religion condones knowing things and
learning things. IT is the basis behind this religion. Any religion that
does not hold these ideals is false.
This right here proves that this book has nothing to do with
the Jewish God. The Jewish god wants his people, the Gentile people, and
even his own Angels to mindlessly worship him and serve him. The perfect
slave is an ignorant one. The Jewish God, YHVH, did not want humanities
eyes to be opened. This is why he condemned the "angel" Lucifer. Lucifer
did not conform to God's will because the serpent wanted humanities eyes to
be open. God wanted the serpent to be his slave and YHVH wanted humans to
be his slaves.(also symbolic and false)
Keep in mind that this book was written before the Torah. Also
remember that the Torah is fictional and is based off of stolen
Pagan/Satanic beliefs. This is just to make a point of who the Jewish God
really is even though it is non-existent.

Satan also stresses the need to appreciate HIM because he gives us
knowledge of how the Universe works. He is ENKI the light bearer. "THanks
for all things" This includes the ability to learn.
This is symbolic of the moment we realize Satan is the one and
true religion. Once we realize this we have a much deeper feeling of
gratitude for Satan. The more we get to know Satan, acknowledge him, and
see how much he truly loves us we find it necessary to give thanks. The
more Satan is in our lives the more you will appreciate him.
An example of this would be the first time that I realized Satan
truly loved me and was willing to forgive me. Satan is a beautiful god and
will continue to be a beautiful and loving god.

3 "What then should a man do, O Father, to lead his life well,
seeing there is nothing here true ?"

Hermes has knowledge of the microcism and the macrocism and knows
that our perception of reality is a form of an illusion. It is an illusion
becuase we do not see the underlying mechanism of which the universe
functions through. Hermes is also addressing Satan as Father because
through Satan we can understand the Universe. Satan is the Father of
This question is meant to inspire, though similar to a French
philosopher known as Rene Descartes, It is meant to inspire one to
contemplate the microcosm. The void. What is known to the Taoist as the Way.
This may also be symbolic to the first time an Initiate asks Satan
for advice or an answer to a question. The action of seeking knowledge from
Satan is a way of deepening our cnnection with Satan. he is the Light
Bearer. The bringer of Knowledge. Notice that Hermes is asking Satan for

4 "Be Pious and Religious, O my Son, for he that doth so, is the
best and highest Philosopher; and without Philosophy, it is impossible ever
to attain to the height and exactness of Piety or Religion."

This is Satan talking back. Satan can answer us anywhere and at
anytime because his people are all connected to Him.
Satan is stating that dedication and piety incites knowledge and
makes one a Philosopher. Satan also states that it is impossible to become
devout or a Philosopher if one has no understanding or knowledge.
This can also be symbolic of a point of advancement. This is when
we become knowledgeable and become open to the Void since you now question
and understand it. Once an Initiate hears Satan speak to him he takes
another step to becoming a God. Note that this is the first time Satan
answers Hermes and it won't be the last. Once Satan answers our questions
our own faith and logic grows. A piece of our Father becomes a piece of us.
Through this we become even more like Satan and deepening our connection to
our amazing God. Through Satan's knowledge our knowledge can grow which can
also help us find our own asnwers down the road. We must also remember
where knowledge comes from and stay devout from Satan.
This is a very deep statement and should be contemplated on.

5 "But he that shall learn and study the things that are, and how
they are ordered and governed, and by
whom and for what cause, or to what end, will acknowledge thanks to the
Workman as to a good Father,
an excellent Nurse and a faithful Steward, and he that gives thanks
shall be Pious or Religious, and he
that is Religious shall know both where the truth is, and what it is,
and learning that, he will be yet more
and more Religious."

This statement states that one needs to study the Universe.
Studying these things is only possible because of the Light-Bearer. We need
to give thanks to Satan for giving us understanding. Satan is the truth and
through Satan's knowledge we will become stronger. Once we are stronger and
more kowledgeable we will become stronger in Satan. "BUT he that shall
learn...more and more religious"
Note that this statement is speaking of learning as if it is a
continued action. This is symbolic of the continued advancement through
Satan and how everyday that we experience life with Satan leads to us
becoming stronger in Satan. This may also be symbolic of how it takes time
to learn "the things that are".

6 "For never, O Son, shall or can that Soul which while it is in
the Body lightens and lifts up itself to know and comprehend that which is
Good and True, slide back to the contrary; for it is infinitely enamoured
thereof. and forgetteth all Evils; and when it hath learned and known its
Father and progenitor it can no more Apostatize or depart from that Good."

This statement makes light of a very important point. Once one
advances far enough into true understanding one will
never leave it. It will be apart of one's soul and slavery, servitude,
and ignorance will no longer be an option. "SLide back to the contrary"
This is also symbolic of spiritual advancement of the Initiate.
Once an Initiate understands Satan and Knows Satan's truth
his faith can not be shaken. No matter what. (or depart from that Good)

This may also be symbolic to astral travel. Through astral travel
you would be returning to where you came from. You would then travel back
to your body. After this experience you will never be ignorant again. Once
an individual performs astral travel he becomes opened up to the more
spiritual side of reality. Once an individual percieves the astral he will
always know that it is true. It would be impossible to denounce the truth
of the astral.(or depart from that Good) Later on the Good is symbolic of
the subconscious brain. The astral is accesible through the sunbconscious
(Ex. You can not hear a song and then try to argue that the song
never exist.)

7 "And let this, O Son, be the end of Religion and Piety;
whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou shalt both live well, and die
blessedly, whilst thy Soul is not ignorant whether it must return and fly
back again."

This is another very important step in the Initiate's advancement.
This refers to when the Initiate becomes strong enough
to take care of himself."and let this, O SOn, be the end of religion
and Piety".
It also states that once an Initiate's Soul reaches this point
that soul will be apart of a higher order of souls that are moved through
the Transmigration of Souls."whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou
shalt both live well, and die blessedly, "
This statement implies that reincarnation is a very real thing.
This was written way before any other religion had the idea of
"reincarnation". The transmigration of souls and the possibilities of
"reincarnation" are something that should be pondered upon. One's past life
effects the current life. The current life will become a past life and will
effect the next life. "Reincarnation" is a cycle and the Magnum Opus will
allow one to rise above this cycle.
"whether is must return and fly back again." This tells us that there
is possibility of reincarnation being overcome.

8 "For this only, O Son, is the way to the Truth, which our
Progenitors travelled in; and by which, making their Journey, they at
length attained to the Good. It is a Venerable way, and plain, but hard and
difficult for the Soul to go in that is in the Body."

This is a very symbolic statement. It states that through astral
travel one can see the truth of the UNiverse which is Satan.
Once an individual becomes open and more adept at astral travel you are
opened up to another world. Through the astral we can learn more about this
world and how to act in it. This staement is also symbolic of the fact
that Becoming adept and open to the astral world is not an easy task and
may take awhile.

9 "For first must it war against its own self, and after much
Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part; for the Contention
is of one against two, whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and
detain it."

This statement is symbolic of overcoming the subconscious brain's
control of the conscious brain. "For first must it war against its own
self, and after much Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part"
Meditation helps us with this. The thoughts that are invoked by this can
sometimes be lost but still there. It is symbolic of shutting off the
thought process and connecting with the universe. Though this the True Self
can emerge and control the brain. Meditation also helps control the
This Statement can also be applied to the Initiate's
advancement."For first must it war against its own self" This statement
refers to meditating on freeing the soul.

Anyone not familiar with this I will explain.
Throughout our life, experiences and emotions leave imprints on
our souls. These imprints effect us consciously and unconsciously. It
effects EVERYTHING. This is what people unknowingly refer to as "Karma".
Freeing the soul is removing these imprints and becoming in touch with the
true self. It is a very hard process and will take a lot of time. THe
process can also lead to a lot of repressed emotions to be released which
is apart of the healing process. The outcome will be well worth it."after
much Strife and Dissention"
This statement can also be applied to becoming one with The
Serpent of Satan that is found in out base chakra. This is known as the
Kundalini. The kundalini is the god in us and needs to be merged with our
brain/soul so that it can function as one with the body, mind, and
soul.overcome of one part; for the Contention is of one against two,
"whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it."
*This statement must be contemplated.

10 "But the victory of both is not like; for the one hasteth to
that which is Good, but the other is a
neighbour to the things that are Evil; and that which is Good, desireth
to be set at Liberty; but the things
that are Evil, love Bondage and Slavery."

This is symbolic of molding the new personality after freeing the
soul. The conscious side of the brain is what is "evil" and the
subconscious brain is the "good".
The conscious brain desires materialistic possessions and
experiences. These may include drugs, alcoholism, or control through
violence. Drugs and alcohol are a detriment to our spiritual advancement
and will keep us disconnected from the Universe and the astral.

Thus keeping us slaves to the laws of the universe, unable to overcome
them. The Jewish people want our minds to be controlled and bound by a
materialistic based philosophy.
The subconscious brain wants to be free. Through the subconscious
brain we can control the universe around us and our soul. Through this we
can achieve many great things. Eventually we will be like the Light-Bearer
and transcend "reality." This is achieved through the "Great Working" which
is spiritual perfection. This is true freedom.

11. And if the two parts be overcome, they become quiet, and are
content to accept of it as their Ruler;s
but if the one be overcome of the two, it is by them led and carried to
be punished by its being and
continuance here.

This is symbolic of another step of Initiation. This refers to how
our true self needs to control both hemispheres of our brain and become
masters of our own mind.
This symbolic statement also warns that if you do not control both
hemispheres of your brain then you will be controlled by the material
world. Your true self will be ruled by the brain, or aka physical
perception. If the one is overcome by the two.

12"This is, O Son, the Guide in the way that leads thither for thou
must first forsake the Body before thy
end, and get the victory in this Contention and Strifeful life, and
when thou hast overcome, return."

This statement is Satan saying that the last 11 statements are a guide
to "The Way."

This is also symbolic of another step of advancement. This may be
symbolic of meditating on the elements. Invoking the elements can have
extreme effects on the body and personality. Meditation on the elements
should be done after one has gone through all the steps of beginning your
life with Satan. "the way that leads thither"

13"But now, O my Son, I will by Heads run through the things that are:
understand thou what I say, and
remember what thou hearest."

This statement is symbolic to a point of advancement. Once we have gone
through all of the 11 steps of Initiation and Mastery of the Elements we
must begin studying with the Gods and Satan. Once a certain point is
reached we will only be able to do more with
the assistance from Our Gods.

This statement is also symbolic of how one MUST remember the Knowledge
the Gods and Satan give us after our advancement.

This statement is literally stateing that Satan is telling Hermes to


Yahoo! Groups Links

Hail Satan!
Hail Enlil!
Hail Andromalius!

On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 10:51 AM PST keeperofstone wrote:

The synopsis I read over 8 years ago was probably wrong. And yes, the bible is stolen from other sources.

Keep up your good work.

Santanic thought is always useful

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Jason Watts wrote:

Hail Satan!!! keep up the good work
On Jan 21, 2013 10:47 AM, "Enkiss on Descarte" <
enkisson_descarte_666@... wrote:

Remember that I did this because it spoke to me. Also remember that Hermes
mercurius Trismegistus wrote the golden tractate that has extremely deep
spiritual symbolism. In fact High Priestess Maxine gives a reference to it
on the Magnum Opus page on th Joy of Satan webpage.

First off the bible is extremely corrupted and if you truly read it and
compare it to ancient religous texts there are hundreds of matches. These
matches are on the exposing Christianity website.

All religions of the earth knew and honored Satan before the Jewish
Plague. Judaism was the sole agent who brought about Islam, Christianity
and anyother religion that is not Satan.
"Satanism predates all other religions."

Hail Satan!
Hail Enlil!
Hail Andromalius!

On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 6:39 AM PST keeperofstone wrote:

Congratulations on being able to recontextualize this text with
Satanic thought.

But, it can be done with the bible.

I have never read this text but thought about buying it years ago
and if my memeory is correct the synopsis of it indicated that it was a
training manual directed to his son and how to hold humanity in a lessor
position of manipulation. Not Satanic Thought.

Also, just because something was written before the torah doesn't
mean it's Satanic.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "enkisson_descarte_666@" wrote:

I have been lead to the book The Divine Pymander by Hermes Mercurius
Trismegistus. Once I began to read it I felt like there was a deeper
meaning to the book. So I decided that I would take more time to explore
the possible symbolism of the book. I have been writing down my
observations and wondered what the clergy thought of it. I believe that
this will be great for my own advancement. Maybe it will be helpful to
others. The excerpt underneath is the first part of what I have. I am still
working on it. Please let me know what you think,

Here is what I have so far...

Satan and The Divine Pymander of Hermes
Mercurius Trismegistus
This translation is dedicated to my Father, ENKI, Humanities true god
who created us and gave us the ability to become like him.

Please take time to read the actual statements and my interpretations
multiple times. It may take awhile for the mind to understand the deep
spiritual symbolism in the statements. It may also come instantly.

These beginning statements can be applied to our path in Satan. These
statements are symbolic of and can be applied to an individual's
advancement in the Truth. Also Sat is Sanskrit for Truth.

1 "O my Son, I write this first Book, both for Humanity's sake,
and for Piety towards God."

He addresses that these inscriptions are intended to benefit
Humanity and to honor Humanities True and Original God, Satan.
This statement is symbolic of Satan's true purpose for Humanity.
The true religion of Satan is based off Satan's vision for us. Satan gave
us the ability to be like the Gods. Satan gave us the Kundalini inside of
the base of our spine. Becoming enlightened and as powerful as the gods
would bring Mankind to another golden age and would help improve mankind
all around. "Humanity's Sake"

Satan also teaches us to be devoted to bettering ourselves. Satanism is
a life loving religion and promotes us to take care of ourselves as well as
educate ourselves and be more than slaves. God is a code word for yourself.
I believe God may also be a code word for chakra. The reason
behind this is that all personality traits are controlled by chakras and
their ruling elements. Devotion, or piety, to the chakras can change our
souls and subsequently our entire being. "piety towards god"

Without Satan this knowledge would not be known.
This statement also symbolizes the first step in becoming a
Satanist. The first step in becoming a Satanist is realizing that Satan is
the true god. Once you realize that Satan is not out to harm you. Once you
realize this a huge psychological hang up created by the Jews the
psychological hangup will be removed. This is what our dedication to Satan
did to us. It opened us up to Satan. We devoted ourself to "God" and we did
it for our own sake. "mankinds sake"

2 "For there can be no Religion more true or just, than to know
the things that are; and to acknowledge
thanks for all things, to him that made them, which thing I shall not
cease continually to do."

Here Satan states that the religion these writings are based off
of is the true religion. THis religion condones knowing things and
learning things. IT is the basis behind this religion. Any religion that
does not hold these ideals is false.
This right here proves that this book has nothing to do with
the Jewish God. The Jewish god wants his people, the Gentile people, and
even his own Angels to mindlessly worship him and serve him. The perfect
slave is an ignorant one. The Jewish God, YHVH, did not want humanities
eyes to be opened. This is why he condemned the "angel" Lucifer. Lucifer
did not conform to God's will because the serpent wanted humanities eyes to
be open. God wanted the serpent to be his slave and YHVH wanted humans to
be his slaves.(also symbolic and false)
Keep in mind that this book was written before the Torah. Also
remember that the Torah is fictional and is based off of stolen
Pagan/Satanic beliefs. This is just to make a point of who the Jewish God
really is even though it is non-existent.

Satan also stresses the need to appreciate HIM because he gives us
knowledge of how the Universe works. He is ENKI the light bearer. "THanks
for all things" This includes the ability to learn.
This is symbolic of the moment we realize Satan is the one and
true religion. Once we realize this we have a much deeper feeling of
gratitude for Satan. The more we get to know Satan, acknowledge him, and
see how much he truly loves us we find it necessary to give thanks. The
more Satan is in our lives the more you will appreciate him.
An example of this would be the first time that I realized Satan
truly loved me and was willing to forgive me. Satan is a beautiful god and
will continue to be a beautiful and loving god.

3 "What then should a man do, O Father, to lead his life well,
seeing there is nothing here true ?"

Hermes has knowledge of the microcism and the macrocism and knows
that our perception of reality is a form of an illusion. It is an illusion
becuase we do not see the underlying mechanism of which the universe
functions through. Hermes is also addressing Satan as Father because
through Satan we can understand the Universe. Satan is the Father of
This question is meant to inspire, though similar to a French
philosopher known as Rene Descartes, It is meant to inspire one to
contemplate the microcosm. The void. What is known to the Taoist as the Way.
This may also be symbolic to the first time an Initiate asks Satan
for advice or an answer to a question. The action of seeking knowledge from
Satan is a way of deepening our cnnection with Satan. he is the Light
Bearer. The bringer of Knowledge. Notice that Hermes is asking Satan for

4 "Be Pious and Religious, O my Son, for he that doth so, is the
best and highest Philosopher; and without Philosophy, it is impossible ever
to attain to the height and exactness of Piety or Religion."

This is Satan talking back. Satan can answer us anywhere and at
anytime because his people are all connected to Him.
Satan is stating that dedication and piety incites knowledge and
makes one a Philosopher. Satan also states that it is impossible to become
devout or a Philosopher if one has no understanding or knowledge.
This can also be symbolic of a point of advancement. This is when
we become knowledgeable and become open to the Void since you now question
and understand it. Once an Initiate hears Satan speak to him he takes
another step to becoming a God. Note that this is the first time Satan
answers Hermes and it won't be the last. Once Satan answers our questions
our own faith and logic grows. A piece of our Father becomes a piece of us.
Through this we become even more like Satan and deepening our connection to
our amazing God. Through Satan's knowledge our knowledge can grow which can
also help us find our own asnwers down the road. We must also remember
where knowledge comes from and stay devout from Satan.
This is a very deep statement and should be contemplated on.

5 "But he that shall learn and study the things that are, and how
they are ordered and governed, and by
whom and for what cause, or to what end, will acknowledge thanks to the
Workman as to a good Father,
an excellent Nurse and a faithful Steward, and he that gives thanks
shall be Pious or Religious, and he
that is Religious shall know both where the truth is, and what it is,
and learning that, he will be yet more
and more Religious."

This statement states that one needs to study the Universe.
Studying these things is only possible because of the Light-Bearer. We need
to give thanks to Satan for giving us understanding. Satan is the truth and
through Satan's knowledge we will become stronger. Once we are stronger and
more kowledgeable we will become stronger in Satan. "BUT he that shall
learn...more and more religious"
Note that this statement is speaking of learning as if it is a
continued action. This is symbolic of the continued advancement through
Satan and how everyday that we experience life with Satan leads to us
becoming stronger in Satan. This may also be symbolic of how it takes time
to learn "the things that are".

6 "For never, O Son, shall or can that Soul which while it is in
the Body lightens and lifts up itself to know and comprehend that which is
Good and True, slide back to the contrary; for it is infinitely enamoured
thereof. and forgetteth all Evils; and when it hath learned and known its
Father and progenitor it can no more Apostatize or depart from that Good."

This statement makes light of a very important point. Once one
advances far enough into true understanding one will
never leave it. It will be apart of one's soul and slavery, servitude,
and ignorance will no longer be an option. "SLide back to the contrary"
This is also symbolic of spiritual advancement of the Initiate.
Once an Initiate understands Satan and Knows Satan's truth
his faith can not be shaken. No matter what. (or depart from that Good)

This may also be symbolic to astral travel. Through astral travel
you would be returning to where you came from. You would then travel back
to your body. After this experience you will never be ignorant again. Once
an individual performs astral travel he becomes opened up to the more
spiritual side of reality. Once an individual percieves the astral he will
always know that it is true. It would be impossible to denounce the truth
of the astral.(or depart from that Good) Later on the Good is symbolic of
the subconscious brain. The astral is accesible through the sunbconscious
(Ex. You can not hear a song and then try to argue that the song
never exist.)

7 "And let this, O Son, be the end of Religion and Piety;
whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou shalt both live well, and die
blessedly, whilst thy Soul is not ignorant whether it must return and fly
back again."

This is another very important step in the Initiate's advancement.
This refers to when the Initiate becomes strong enough
to take care of himself."and let this, O SOn, be the end of religion
and Piety".
It also states that once an Initiate's Soul reaches this point
that soul will be apart of a higher order of souls that are moved through
the Transmigration of Souls."whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou
shalt both live well, and die blessedly, "
This statement implies that reincarnation is a very real thing.
This was written way before any other religion had the idea of
"reincarnation". The transmigration of souls and the possibilities of
"reincarnation" are something that should be pondered upon. One's past life
effects the current life. The current life will become a past life and will
effect the next life. "Reincarnation" is a cycle and the Magnum Opus will
allow one to rise above this cycle.
"whether is must return and fly back again." This tells us that there
is possibility of reincarnation being overcome.

8 "For this only, O Son, is the way to the Truth, which our
Progenitors travelled in; and by which, making their Journey, they at
length attained to the Good. It is a Venerable way, and plain, but hard and
difficult for the Soul to go in that is in the Body."

This is a very symbolic statement. It states that through astral
travel one can see the truth of the UNiverse which is Satan.
Once an individual becomes open and more adept at astral travel you are
opened up to another world. Through the astral we can learn more about this
world and how to act in it. This staement is also symbolic of the fact
that Becoming adept and open to the astral world is not an easy task and
may take awhile.

9 "For first must it war against its own self, and after much
Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part; for the Contention
is of one against two, whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and
detain it."

This statement is symbolic of overcoming the subconscious brain's
control of the conscious brain. "For first must it war against its own
self, and after much Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one part"
Meditation helps us with this. The thoughts that are invoked by this can
sometimes be lost but still there. It is symbolic of shutting off the
thought process and connecting with the universe. Though this the True Self
can emerge and control the brain. Meditation also helps control the
This Statement can also be applied to the Initiate's
advancement."For first must it war against its own self" This statement
refers to meditating on freeing the soul.

Anyone not familiar with this I will explain.
Throughout our life, experiences and emotions leave imprints on
our souls. These imprints effect us consciously and unconsciously. It
effects EVERYTHING. This is what people unknowingly refer to as "Karma".
Freeing the soul is removing these imprints and becoming in touch with the
true self. It is a very hard process and will take a lot of time. THe
process can also lead to a lot of repressed emotions to be released which
is apart of the healing process. The outcome will be well worth it."after
much Strife and Dissention"
This statement can also be applied to becoming one with The
Serpent of Satan that is found in out base chakra. This is known as the
Kundalini. The kundalini is the god in us and needs to be merged with our
brain/soul so that it can function as one with the body, mind, and
soul.overcome of one part; for the Contention is of one against two,
"whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it."
*This statement must be contemplated.

10 "But the victory of both is not like; for the one hasteth to
that which is Good, but the other is a
neighbour to the things that are Evil; and that which is Good, desireth
to be set at Liberty; but the things
that are Evil, love Bondage and Slavery."

This is symbolic of molding the new personality after freeing the
soul. The conscious side of the brain is what is "evil" and the
subconscious brain is the "good".
The conscious brain desires materialistic possessions and
experiences. These may include drugs, alcoholism, or control through
violence. Drugs and alcohol are a detriment to our spiritual advancement
and will keep us disconnected from the Universe and the astral.

Thus keeping us slaves to the laws of the universe, unable to overcome
them. The Jewish people want our minds to be controlled and bound by a
materialistic based philosophy.
The subconscious brain wants to be free. Through the subconscious
brain we can control the universe around us and our soul. Through this we
can achieve many great things. Eventually we will be like the Light-Bearer
and transcend "reality." This is achieved through the "Great Working" which
is spiritual perfection. This is true freedom.

11. And if the two parts be overcome, they become quiet, and are
content to accept of it as their Ruler;s
but if the one be overcome of the two, it is by them led and carried to
be punished by its being and
continuance here.

This is symbolic of another step of Initiation. This refers to how
our true self needs to control both hemispheres of our brain and become
masters of our own mind.
This symbolic statement also warns that if you do not control both
hemispheres of your brain then you will be controlled by the material
world. Your true self will be ruled by the brain, or aka physical
perception. If the one is overcome by the two.

12"This is, O Son, the Guide in the way that leads thither for thou
must first forsake the Body before thy
end, and get the victory in this Contention and Strifeful life, and
when thou hast overcome, return."

This statement is Satan saying that the last 11 statements are a guide
to "The Way."

This is also symbolic of another step of advancement. This may be
symbolic of meditating on the elements. Invoking the elements can have
extreme effects on the body and personality. Meditation on the elements
should be done after one has gone through all the steps of beginning your
life with Satan. "the way that leads thither"

13"But now, O my Son, I will by Heads run through the things that are:
understand thou what I say, and
remember what thou hearest."

This statement is symbolic to a point of advancement. Once we have gone
through all of the 11 steps of Initiation and Mastery of the Elements we
must begin studying with the Gods and Satan. Once a certain point is
reached we will only be able to do more with
the assistance from Our Gods.

This statement is also symbolic of how one MUST remember the Knowledge
the Gods and Satan give us after our advancement.

This statement is literally stateing that Satan is telling Hermes to


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Thank you very much. This means a lot coming from you brother.

Hail Satan!
Hail Enlil!
Hail Andromalius

On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 4:22 PM PST aldric.strickland wrote:

VERY good work. You must be incredibly Intelligent. You are an
inspiration to all Brothers and Sisters in Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "keeperofstone" wrote:

Congratulations on being able to recontextualize this text with
Satanic thought.

But, it can be done with the bible.

I have never read this text but thought about buying it years ago and
if my memeory is correct the synopsis of it indicated that it was a
training manual directed to his son and how to hold humanity in a lessor
position of manipulation. Not Satanic Thought.

Also, just because something was written before the torah doesn't mean
it's Satanic.

Hail Satan

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "enkisson_descarte_666@" wrote:

I have been lead to the book The Divine Pymander by Hermes Mercurius
Trismegistus. Once I began to read it I felt like there was a deeper
meaning to the book. So I decided that I would take more time to explore
the possible symbolism of the book. I have been writing down my
observations and wondered what the clergy thought of it. I believe that
this will be great for my own advancement. Maybe it will be helpful to
others. The excerpt underneath is the first part of what I have. I am
still working on it. Please let me know what you think,

Here is what I have so far...

Satan and The Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus
This translation is dedicated to my Father, ENKI, Humanities true
god who created us and gave us the ability to become like him.

Please take time to read the actual statements and my
interpretations multiple times. It may take awhile for the mind to
understand the deep spiritual symbolism in the statements. It may also
come instantly.

These beginning statements can be applied to our path in Satan.
These statements are symbolic of and can be applied to an individual's
advancement in the Truth. Also Sat is Sanskrit for Truth.

1 "O my Son, I write this first Book, both for Humanity's sake, and
for Piety towards God."

He addresses that these inscriptions are intended to benefit
Humanity and to honor Humanities True and Original God, Satan.
This statement is symbolic of Satan's true purpose for Humanity. The
true religion of Satan is based off Satan's vision for us. Satan gave us
the ability to be like the Gods. Satan gave us the Kundalini inside of
the base of our spine. Becoming enlightened and as powerful as the gods
would bring Mankind to another golden age and would help improve mankind
all around. "Humanity's Sake"

Satan also teaches us to be devoted to bettering ourselves. Satanism
is a life loving religion and promotes us to take care of ourselves as
well as educate ourselves and be more than slaves. God is a code word
for yourself.
I believe God may also be a code word for chakra. The reason behind
this is that all personality traits are controlled by chakras and their
ruling elements. Devotion, or piety, to the chakras can change our souls
and subsequently our entire being. "piety towards god"

Without Satan this knowledge would not be known.
This statement also symbolizes the first step in becoming a
Satanist. The first step in becoming a Satanist is realizing that Satan
is the true god. Once you realize that Satan is not out to harm you.
Once you realize this a huge psychological hang up created by the Jews
the psychological hangup will be removed. This is what our dedication to
Satan did to us. It opened us up to Satan. We devoted ourself to "God"
and we did it for our own sake. "mankinds sake"

2 "For there can be no Religion more true or just, than to know the
things that are; and to acknowledge
thanks for all things, to him that made them, which thing I shall
not cease continually to do."

Here Satan states that the religion these writings are based off of
is the true religion. THis religion condones knowing things and learning
things. IT is the basis behind this religion. Any religion that does not
hold these ideals is false.
This right here proves that this book has nothing to do with the
Jewish God. The Jewish god wants his people, the Gentile people, and
even his own Angels to mindlessly worship him and serve him. The perfect
slave is an ignorant one. The Jewish God, YHVH, did not want humanities
eyes to be opened. This is why he condemned the "angel" Lucifer. Lucifer
did not conform to God's will because the serpent wanted humanities eyes
to be open. God wanted the serpent to be his slave and YHVH wanted
humans to be his slaves.(also symbolic and false)
Keep in mind that this book was written before the Torah. Also
remember that the Torah is fictional and is based off of stolen
Pagan/Satanic beliefs. This is just to make a point of who the Jewish
God really is even though it is non-existent.

Satan also stresses the need to appreciate HIM because he gives us
knowledge of how the Universe works. He is ENKI the light bearer.
"THanks for all things" This includes the ability to learn.
This is symbolic of the moment we realize Satan is the one and true
religion. Once we realize this we have a much deeper feeling of
gratitude for Satan. The more we get to know Satan, acknowledge him, and
see how much he truly loves us we find it necessary to give thanks. The
more Satan is in our lives the more you will appreciate him.
An example of this would be the first time that I realized Satan
truly loved me and was willing to forgive me. Satan is a beautiful god
and will continue to be a beautiful and loving god.

3 "What then should a man do, O Father, to lead his life well,
seeing there is nothing here true ?"

Hermes has knowledge of the microcism and the macrocism and knows
that our perception of reality is a form of an illusion. It is an
illusion becuase we do not see the underlying mechanism of which the
universe functions through. Hermes is also addressing Satan as Father
because through Satan we can understand the Universe. Satan is the
Father of understanding. (SEEING THERE IS NOTHING HERE TRUE)
This question is meant to inspire, though similar to a French
philosopher known as Rene Descartes, It is meant to inspire one to
contemplate the microcosm. The void. What is known to the Taoist as the
This may also be symbolic to the first time an Initiate asks Satan
for advice or an answer to a question. The action of seeking knowledge
from Satan is a way of deepening our cnnection with Satan. he is the
Light Bearer. The bringer of Knowledge. Notice that Hermes is asking
Satan for answers.

4 "Be Pious and Religious, O my Son, for he that doth so, is the
best and highest Philosopher; and without Philosophy, it is impossible
ever to attain to the height and exactness of Piety or Religion."

This is Satan talking back. Satan can answer us anywhere and at
anytime because his people are all connected to Him.
Satan is stating that dedication and piety incites knowledge and
makes one a Philosopher. Satan also states that it is impossible to
become devout or a Philosopher if one has no understanding or knowledge.
This can also be symbolic of a point of advancement. This is when we
become knowledgeable and become open to the Void since you now question
and understand it. Once an Initiate hears Satan speak to him he takes
another step to becoming a God. Note that this is the first time Satan
answers Hermes and it won't be the last. Once Satan answers our
questions our own faith and logic grows. A piece of our Father becomes a
piece of us. Through this we become even more like Satan and deepening
our connection to our amazing God. Through Satan's knowledge our
knowledge can grow which can also help us find our own asnwers down the
road. We must also remember where knowledge comes from and stay devout
from Satan.
This is a very deep statement and should be contemplated on.

5 "But he that shall learn and study the things that are, and how
they are ordered and governed, and by
whom and for what cause, or to what end, will acknowledge thanks to
the Workman as to a good Father,
an excellent Nurse and a faithful Steward, and he that gives thanks
shall be Pious or Religious, and he
that is Religious shall know both where the truth is, and what it
is, and learning that, he will be yet more
and more Religious."

This statement states that one needs to study the Universe. Studying
these things is only possible because of the Light-Bearer. We need to
give thanks to Satan for giving us understanding. Satan is the truth and
through Satan's knowledge we will become stronger. Once we are stronger
and more kowledgeable we will become stronger in Satan. "BUT he that
shall learn...more and more religious"
Note that this statement is speaking of learning as if it is a
continued action. This is symbolic of the continued advancement through
Satan and how everyday that we experience life with Satan leads to us
becoming stronger in Satan. This may also be symbolic of how it takes
time to learn "the things that are".

6 "For never, O Son, shall or can that Soul which while it is in the
Body lightens and lifts up itself to know and comprehend that which is
Good and True, slide back to the contrary; for it is infinitely
enamoured thereof. and forgetteth all Evils; and when it hath learned
and known its Father and progenitor it can no more Apostatize or depart
from that Good."

This statement makes light of a very important point. Once one
advances far enough into true understanding one will
never leave it. It will be apart of one's soul and slavery,
servitude, and ignorance will no longer be an option. "SLide back to the
This is also symbolic of spiritual advancement of the Initiate. Once
an Initiate understands Satan and Knows Satan's truth
his faith can not be shaken. No matter what. (or depart from that

This may also be symbolic to astral travel. Through astral travel
you would be returning to where you came from. You would then travel
back to your body. After this experience you will never be ignorant
again. Once an individual performs astral travel he becomes opened up to
the more spiritual side of reality. Once an individual percieves the
astral he will always know that it is true. It would be impossible to
denounce the truth of the astral.(or depart from that Good) Later on the
Good is symbolic of the subconscious brain. The astral is accesible
through the sunbconscious brain.
(Ex. You can not hear a song and then try to argue that the song
never exist.)

7 "And let this, O Son, be the end of Religion and Piety; whereunto
when thou art once arrived, thou shalt both live well, and die
blessedly, whilst thy Soul is not ignorant whether it must return and
fly back again."

This is another very important step in the Initiate's advancement.
This refers to when the Initiate becomes strong enough
to take care of himself."and let this, O SOn, be the end of religion
and Piety".
It also states that once an Initiate's Soul reaches this point that
soul will be apart of a higher order of souls that are moved through the
Transmigration of Souls."whereunto when thou art once arrived, thou
shalt both live well, and die blessedly, "
This statement implies that reincarnation is a very real thing. This
was written way before any other religion had the idea of
"reincarnation". The transmigration of souls and the possibilities of
"reincarnation" are something that should be pondered upon. One's past
life effects the current life. The current life will become a past life
and will effect the next life. "Reincarnation" is a cycle and the Magnum
Opus will allow one to rise above this cycle.
"whether is must return and fly back again." This tells us that
there is possibility of reincarnation being overcome.

8 "For this only, O Son, is the way to the Truth, which our
Progenitors travelled in; and by which, making their Journey, they at
length attained to the Good. It is a Venerable way, and plain, but hard
and difficult for the Soul to go in that is in the Body."

This is a very symbolic statement. It states that through astral
travel one can see the truth of the UNiverse which is Satan.
Once an individual becomes open and more adept at astral travel you
are opened up to another world. Through the astral we can learn more
about this world and how to act in it. This staement is also symbolic of
the fact that Becoming adept and open to the astral world is not an easy
task and may take awhile.

9 "For first must it war against its own self, and after much Strife
and Dissention it must be overcome of one part; for the Contention is of
one against two, whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain

This statement is symbolic of overcoming the subconscious brain's
control of the conscious brain. "For first must it war against its own
self, and after much Strife and Dissention it must be overcome of one
part" Meditation helps us with this. The thoughts that are invoked by
this can sometimes be lost but still there. It is symbolic of shutting
off the thought process and connecting with the universe. Though this
the True Self can emerge and control the brain. Meditation also helps
control the emotions.
This Statement can also be applied to the Initiate's
advancement."For first must it war against its own self" This statement
refers to meditating on freeing the soul.

Anyone not familiar with this I will explain.
Throughout our life, experiences and emotions leave imprints on our
souls. These imprints effect us consciously and unconsciously. It
effects EVERYTHING. This is what people unknowingly refer to as "Karma".
Freeing the soul is removing these imprints and becoming in touch with
the true self. It is a very hard process and will take a lot of time.
THe process can also lead to a lot of repressed emotions to be released
which is apart of the healing process. The outcome will be well worth
it."after much Strife and Dissention"
This statement can also be applied to becoming one with The Serpent
of Satan that is found in out base chakra. This is known as the
Kundalini. The kundalini is the god in us and needs to be merged with
our brain/soul so that it can function as one with the body, mind, and
soul.overcome of one part; for the Contention is of one against two,
"whilst it flies away and they strive to hold and detain it."
*This statement must be contemplated.

10 "But the victory of both is not like; for the one hasteth to that
which is Good, but the other is a
neighbour to the things that are Evil; and that which is Good,
desireth to be set at Liberty; but the things
that are Evil, love Bondage and Slavery."

This is symbolic of molding the new personality after freeing the
soul. The conscious side of the brain is what is "evil" and the
subconscious brain is the "good".
The conscious brain desires materialistic possessions and
experiences. These may include drugs, alcoholism, or control through
violence. Drugs and alcohol are a detriment to our spiritual advancement
and will keep us disconnected from the Universe and the astral.

Thus keeping us slaves to the laws of the universe, unable to
overcome them. The Jewish people want our minds to be controlled and
bound by a materialistic based philosophy.
The subconscious brain wants to be free. Through the subconscious
brain we can control the universe around us and our soul. Through this
we can achieve many great things. Eventually we will be like the
Light-Bearer and transcend "reality." This is achieved through the
"Great Working" which is spiritual perfection. This is true freedom.

11. And if the two parts be overcome, they become quiet, and are
content to accept of it as their Ruler;s
but if the one be overcome of the two, it is by them led and carried
to be punished by its being and
continuance here.

This is symbolic of another step of Initiation. This refers to how
our true self needs to control both hemispheres of our brain and become
masters of our own mind.
This symbolic statement also warns that if you do not control both
hemispheres of your brain then you will be controlled by the material
world. Your true self will be ruled by the brain, or aka physical
perception. If the one is overcome by the two.

12"This is, O Son, the Guide in the way that leads thither for thou
must first forsake the Body before thy
end, and get the victory in this Contention and Strifeful life, and
when thou hast overcome, return."

This statement is Satan saying that the last 11 statements are a
guide to "The Way."

This is also symbolic of another step of advancement. This may be
symbolic of meditating on the elements. Invoking the elements can have
extreme effects on the body and personality. Meditation on the elements
should be done after one has gone through all the steps of beginning
your life with Satan. "the way that leads thither"

13"But now, O my Son, I will by Heads run through the things that
are: understand thou what I say, and
remember what thou hearest."

This statement is symbolic to a point of advancement. Once we have
gone through all of the 11 steps of Initiation and Mastery of the
Elements we must begin studying with the Gods and Satan. Once a certain
point is reached we will only be able to do more with
the assistance from Our Gods.

This statement is also symbolic of how one MUST remember the
Knowledge the Gods and Satan give us after our advancement.

This statement is literally stateing that Satan is telling Hermes to

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
