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Question about being transgender.


New member
Jan 9, 2024
(sorry for my bad english I use translator)

Hello to all my brothers and sisters.
I have a few questions and seek guidance regarding my decision about gender transition, being transgender, and gender fluidity.
The gender I was born with is male.
For the past one to two years, I have had a strong desire to transition from 'male' to 'female.'
So far, I haven't been able to speak with a counselor about this matter. I know this is necessary, and I will do it one day.
I spend almost every day imagining and fantasizing about what kind of life I would have if I were a 'girl.'
So, I have a few questions regarding this matter.

All of your opinions are important, but I prefer that someone with enough knowledge answers my questions because this issue has become a major thing in my life.

Before asking my questions, I need to provide some context:
I know that the soul reincarnates in a body that is appropriate for it. So, I understand that my soul’s gender is male and that I was born in a very suitable body. But I feel that if I were a 'girl,' I would be a happier person.

Here are my questions:

1. Is being transgender a mental illness? Before writing this post, I searched for it on this website, and your answer was 'Yes!' Is this true, or is my translator malfunctioning?

2. Does gender-affirming surgery harm my soul, body, or spiritual growth?
Additionally, I have seen many Christians say: 'The body you have now is not yours. Soon, you will have to return it to God as it was lent to you.'
Isn't the freedom to choose one's gender against this belief of Christians and Muslims? Since they are among the biggest opponents of LGBTQ.

4. If someone would be happier and could live a better life with a different gender, why shouldn’t they go for it?

5. If gender-affirming surgery harms my body and soul, then I won't do it. But can I be gender fluid without surgery and sometimes refer to myself as she/her? Or not?
I really love the female world, and my temperament is significantly feminine, which I can also see from my astrological chart.
And I have read about gods who had two sexes at the same time. And that's interesting to me.
(For those who don’t know: Gender fluid means that a person’s gender can fluctuate between male and female depending on their mood and feelings.)

5. If I have developed a mental illness, I am not afraid of anything. Because it's something I'm experiencing, and I’m learning to live life. Experiences always help us. So, if I've encountered a new challenge, I’d like to ask what caused this problem in me? How can I heal myself? If I give up on gender-affirming surgery, can I be gender fluid? Or is this also a kind of mental illness?

And my final question is: Is it okay to be attracted to both genders, meaning both men and women? I mean being bisexual.

I sincerely thank all of you for your valuable guidance on the path of life given to me by the Father SATAN. Thank you.
Whether or not you want to portray as female, don't do the surgery.

It's essentially an open wound of rotting flesh which you have to permanently prevent from healing, and I've heard it stinks as such.

Naturally, this kind of damage to the sex organs will prevent the raising of the kundalini as one's sex power's are a necessary component.

The God's are not transgender nor do they have two sexes. This is analogous to the male/female parts of the brain being in union. It is a spiritual allegory, not something literal.

And yes, it's ok to be bisexual.
(sorry for my bad english I use translator)

Hello to all my brothers and sisters.
I have a few questions and seek guidance regarding my decision about gender transition, being transgender, and gender fluidity.
The gender I was born with is male.
For the past one to two years, I have had a strong desire to transition from 'male' to 'female.'
So far, I haven't been able to speak with a counselor about this matter. I know this is necessary, and I will do it one day.
I spend almost every day imagining and fantasizing about what kind of life I would have if I were a 'girl.'
So, I have a few questions regarding this matter.

All of your opinions are important, but I prefer that someone with enough knowledge answers my questions because this issue has become a major thing in my life.

Before asking my questions, I need to provide some context:
I know that the soul reincarnates in a body that is appropriate for it. So, I understand that my soul’s gender is male and that I was born in a very suitable body. But I feel that if I were a 'girl,' I would be a happier person.

Here are my questions:

1. Is being transgender a mental illness? Before writing this post, I searched for it on this website, and your answer was 'Yes!' Is this true, or is my translator malfunctioning?

2. Does gender-affirming surgery harm my soul, body, or spiritual growth?
Additionally, I have seen many Christians say: 'The body you have now is not yours. Soon, you will have to return it to God as it was lent to you.'
Isn't the freedom to choose one's gender against this belief of Christians and Muslims? Since they are among the biggest opponents of LGBTQ.

4. If someone would be happier and could live a better life with a different gender, why shouldn’t they go for it?

5. If gender-affirming surgery harms my body and soul, then I won't do it. But can I be gender fluid without surgery and sometimes refer to myself as she/her? Or not?
I really love the female world, and my temperament is significantly feminine, which I can also see from my astrological chart.
And I have read about gods who had two sexes at the same time. And that's interesting to me.
(For those who don’t know: Gender fluid means that a person’s gender can fluctuate between male and female depending on their mood and feelings.)

5. If I have developed a mental illness, I am not afraid of anything. Because it's something I'm experiencing, and I’m learning to live life. Experiences always help us. So, if I've encountered a new challenge, I’d like to ask what caused this problem in me? How can I heal myself? If I give up on gender-affirming surgery, can I be gender fluid? Or is this also a kind of mental illness?

And my final question is: Is it okay to be attracted to both genders, meaning both men and women? I mean being bisexual.

I sincerely thank all of you for your valuable guidance on the path of life given to me by the Father SATAN. Thank you.
First I would recommend you start reading this:

Including the replies I quote:
"Trans"genderism is just gender dysphoria; an identity disorder. In most cases of identity disorder, the solution is to make the patient become comfortable with the aspects they have trouble integrating into themselves. The solution is NOT to aggravate their unrealistic perceptions by falsely promising them that they can be anything, no matter how dangerous.

In men, we can see this with steroid use, where the man is never satisfied with his muscularity and continues to increase the dose of the drug. For women, this commonly manifests with plastic surgery, where the doctor abuses their insecurities, promising that tweaking their nose by 1mm will make them suddenly loveable by everyone.

Just as you do not "help" someone with cleaning OCD by delivering them industrial bleaching equipment, you are not helping someone with gender identity disorders by allowing them to attempt the impossible task of actually changing their gender (as opposed to harmoniously integrating their feminine/masculine aspects).

As HPHC has mentioned, it is the fault of the enemy that people are uncomfortable expressing feminity whilst in a male form, and the opposite for women. The enemy does not stop here, instead of corrupting the only outlet such people have, turning it into the modern LGBT movement, which then triggers a conservative backlash. Then, the cycle repeats.

Wanting to feel feminine as a man, and then cross-dressing or applying make-up is fine. However, trying to actually switch your gender is unrealistic and unhealthy. No matter how intensive the drugs or surgery one does, they will still feel like they are not fully of the opposite sex. There are many transgendered people who regret the surgery, because they still feel less like a woman, for example.

Rather, the person needs to accept themselves as a man who likes to feel feminine. Then, they will be satisfied with their current status. In spiritual terms, this can come from the lower chakras, which rule confidence and sense of self.

In any case, NO ONE here is hostile to transsexuals, as our High Priest explains well (while replying to another user's topic):

Nobody has ever been outed merely for being "Trans", the situation is that this aspect of one's identity has overridden everything in the forum in the past many times.

I understand there may be some people that might dislike me over perceived injustice but you have to seriously ask yourself in a mature way if you have been unjustly treated.

Satan accepts every Gentile who approaches him with a straight heart and wants to advance. That's all there is to it.

Concerning Gods "with more than one biological sex":
Gods like Uvall are told to have both a "male and female" Name, not to be conflated with modern mental disturbances like modern trans culture, it's a spiritual concept. This is based on other codes like how Zeus is also the "Brother and Husband" of Hera and other similar allegories.

For your last question:
Is it okay to be attracted to both genders, meaning both men and women? I mean being bisexual.
Yes, it is completely healthy and is normal for Satan's ancient pagan cultures.
(sorry for my bad english I use translator)

Hello to all my brothers and sisters.
I have a few questions and seek guidance regarding my decision about gender transition, being transgender, and gender fluidity.
The gender I was born with is male.
For the past one to two years, I have had a strong desire to transition from 'male' to 'female.'
So far, I haven't been able to speak with a counselor about this matter. I know this is necessary, and I will do it one day.
I spend almost every day imagining and fantasizing about what kind of life I would have if I were a 'girl.'
So, I have a few questions regarding this matter.

All of your opinions are important, but I prefer that someone with enough knowledge answers my questions because this issue has become a major thing in my life.

Before asking my questions, I need to provide some context:
I know that the soul reincarnates in a body that is appropriate for it. So, I understand that my soul’s gender is male and that I was born in a very suitable body. But I feel that if I were a 'girl,' I would be a happier person.

Here are my questions:

1. Is being transgender a mental illness? Before writing this post, I searched for it on this website, and your answer was 'Yes!' Is this true, or is my translator malfunctioning?

2. Does gender-affirming surgery harm my soul, body, or spiritual growth?
Additionally, I have seen many Christians say: 'The body you have now is not yours. Soon, you will have to return it to God as it was lent to you.'
Isn't the freedom to choose one's gender against this belief of Christians and Muslims? Since they are among the biggest opponents of LGBTQ.

4. If someone would be happier and could live a better life with a different gender, why shouldn’t they go for it?

5. If gender-affirming surgery harms my body and soul, then I won't do it. But can I be gender fluid without surgery and sometimes refer to myself as she/her? Or not?
I really love the female world, and my temperament is significantly feminine, which I can also see from my astrological chart.
And I have read about gods who had two sexes at the same time. And that's interesting to me.
(For those who don’t know: Gender fluid means that a person’s gender can fluctuate between male and female depending on their mood and feelings.)

5. If I have developed a mental illness, I am not afraid of anything. Because it's something I'm experiencing, and I’m learning to live life. Experiences always help us. So, if I've encountered a new challenge, I’d like to ask what caused this problem in me? How can I heal myself? If I give up on gender-affirming surgery, can I be gender fluid? Or is this also a kind of mental illness?

And my final question is: Is it okay to be attracted to both genders, meaning both men and women? I mean being bisexual.

I sincerely thank all of you for your valuable guidance on the path of life given to me by the Father SATAN. Thank you.
First of all, let me say that my words are not meant to hurt or anger you. My words are for you to be a happy and healthy person. Because Truth and Right should bring happiness, growth and health.

1- It is a disease because it is related to the imbalance of various energies in the soul and the mental state of the person. When balance and health are created, such desires and thoughts will disappear.

I am certain that through purification, emotional and mental healing, and choices that will create a state of health, one can move away from such desires.

2- Anything that harms the body harms the mind and soul. The health of the mind, soul and body comes from taking care of all of them in a balanced and right way.

3- You are free to make the choices you want in this life. However, due to ignorance and lack of understanding, every good and bad choice you make will have a consequence even if you don't know that you will face bad consequences.

4- Thinking that you will be happy is because you haven't taken that step yet. After you have suffered and changed your gender, you will regret it when you realize that nothing is actually better in life. And there will be no going back...

5- If you are a man, you are a man. If you are a woman, you are a woman. It is not something we choose. It is something that nature gives us. If you are a man, you can like both men and women and there is nothing wrong with that. You just become a man who likes both men and women.

Accept yourself. And realize that real happiness is not in going against nature. You can be a feminine man. Your behavior can be feminine. But that doesn't change the fact that you are a man. Develop yourself through spiritual work, purify and heal and know yourself. In time you will realize how harmful and bad this choice is for you.

When you are healed and you really know yourself, you will be very happy to be yourself. You can also consult us about what kind of work you should do. Take good care of yourself. 🕊
1. I have studied psychology at a university level aswell as neuroscience, by all measures transgenderism is a mental illness, homosexuality in males is actually associated with a wide variety of structural difference in their brain as compared to heterosexuals this is a direct link between homosexuality and brain development, e.g homosexuals are born different (not a bad thing but factual) transgenderism has no such physical associations, transgenderism is instead overwhelmingly associated with childhood abuse, psychosexual abuse, autism and predispositions towards rumination, this along with a huge variety of other factors I could write pages on but won't is why transgenderism is a mental illness equating it to sexuality is simply wrong and poor science.

2. Yes, inarguably

3/4? For the same reason a person with a agoraphobia is happier being isolated inside and withdrawn from the world is bad the same is true of gender dysphoria, life is not the pursuit of happiness I know that sounds harsh but its true, wouldn't you prefer to simply feel comfortable in your skin? no feelings of dysphoria, would that not be more ideal than simple happiness? Actual self acceptance is within your grasp, dont forego it for short term emotional gain. Remember drug addicts love doing drugs it makes them as happy as can be, its still not a good thing.

5. This would not harm the soul in a way equivalent to surgery but would likely stifle your development, but surely you could simply accept that you are a very feminine man and present yourself accordingly? Why does being referred to as she matter, I myself am bisexual I feel no less a man because of it, meanwhile I am only attracted to very feminine men as per my homosexual aspect.

6. Most mental illness stems from feelings of loss of control this is typically a result of an acute traumatic experience such as a sexual assault but can also stem from a longer periods of chronic helplessness caused by things such as poverty or long term stressors. There is also karmic and spiritual aspects to this but other members would be better to advise you in this regard.
Thank you all for guiding me well.
I thought surgery would be a terrible choice.
I thank you.
You have helped me a lot.I hope I can repay your kindness and love.
(sorry for my bad english I use translator)

Hello to all my brothers and sisters.
I have a few questions and seek guidance regarding my decision about gender transition, being transgender, and gender fluidity.
The gender I was born with is male.
For the past one to two years, I have had a strong desire to transition from 'male' to 'female.'
So far, I haven't been able to speak with a counselor about this matter. I know this is necessary, and I will do it one day.
I spend almost every day imagining and fantasizing about what kind of life I would have if I were a 'girl.'
So, I have a few questions regarding this matter.

All of your opinions are important, but I prefer that someone with enough knowledge answers my questions because this issue has become a major thing in my life.

Before asking my questions, I need to provide some context:
I know that the soul reincarnates in a body that is appropriate for it. So, I understand that my soul’s gender is male and that I was born in a very suitable body. But I feel that if I were a 'girl,' I would be a happier person.

Here are my questions:

1. Is being transgender a mental illness? Before writing this post, I searched for it on this website, and your answer was 'Yes!' Is this true, or is my translator malfunctioning?

2. Does gender-affirming surgery harm my soul, body, or spiritual growth?
Additionally, I have seen many Christians say: 'The body you have now is not yours. Soon, you will have to return it to God as it was lent to you.'
Isn't the freedom to choose one's gender against this belief of Christians and Muslims? Since they are among the biggest opponents of LGBTQ.

4. If someone would be happier and could live a better life with a different gender, why shouldn’t they go for it?

5. If gender-affirming surgery harms my body and soul, then I won't do it. But can I be gender fluid without surgery and sometimes refer to myself as she/her? Or not?
I really love the female world, and my temperament is significantly feminine, which I can also see from my astrological chart.
And I have read about gods who had two sexes at the same time. And that's interesting to me.
(For those who don’t know: Gender fluid means that a person’s gender can fluctuate between male and female depending on their mood and feelings.)

5. If I have developed a mental illness, I am not afraid of anything. Because it's something I'm experiencing, and I’m learning to live life. Experiences always help us. So, if I've encountered a new challenge, I’d like to ask what caused this problem in me? How can I heal myself? If I give up on gender-affirming surgery, can I be gender fluid? Or is this also a kind of mental illness?

And my final question is: Is it okay to be attracted to both genders, meaning both men and women? I mean being bisexual.

I sincerely thank all of you for your valuable guidance on the path of life given to me by the Father SATAN. Thank you.
1. It’s more an expression of a mental illness as you are unsettled with things and trying to change something that doesn’t need changing.

2. Christians are dumb your body is yours. Surgery in general can be traumatic to the body and should only be used as a list resort in certain cases. It will harm your body getting this kind of surgery. As or the soul it can imprint this negatively onto your soul and weaken it if you do not clean it off and seek to balance yourself but rather buy into this ideology more and do harmful things to yourself.

3. Women have problems to they have to deal with. Only seeing portions is not the whole there is more going in anyone and everyone’s life. Outward expression and inward expression are not always the same. Those who got the surgeries and act like they are happier are most likely lying as the core issue hasn’t been resolved or on to many meds and don’t know what’s going on. There’s websites dedicated to those who got the surgery and regretted it. A quick search will bring them up on any search engine.

4. It’s ok to be more feminine if you are a guy everyone has a different balance of energies which can be balanced out with proper diet, exercise, spiritual practices and power meditations.

5. Some form of trauma or maybe if you were put on any kind of medications in your life as some of them are know to mess up the hormonal balance of its users amongst other horrendous side effects.

6. It’s been answered all over the forums but there is no issue being attracted to either of the two genders.
(sorry for my bad english I use translator)

Hello to all my brothers and sisters.
I have a few questions and seek guidance regarding my decision about gender transition, being transgender, and gender fluidity.
The gender I was born with is male.
For the past one to two years, I have had a strong desire to transition from 'male' to 'female.'
So far, I haven't been able to speak with a counselor about this matter. I know this is necessary, and I will do it one day.
I spend almost every day imagining and fantasizing about what kind of life I would have if I were a 'girl.'
So, I have a few questions regarding this matter.

All of your opinions are important, but I prefer that someone with enough knowledge answers my questions because this issue has become a major thing in my life.

Before asking my questions, I need to provide some context:
I know that the soul reincarnates in a body that is appropriate for it. So, I understand that my soul’s gender is male and that I was born in a very suitable body. But I feel that if I were a 'girl,' I would be a happier person.

Here are my questions:

1. Is being transgender a mental illness? Before writing this post, I searched for it on this website, and your answer was 'Yes!' Is this true, or is my translator malfunctioning?

2. Does gender-affirming surgery harm my soul, body, or spiritual growth?
Additionally, I have seen many Christians say: 'The body you have now is not yours. Soon, you will have to return it to God as it was lent to you.'
Isn't the freedom to choose one's gender against this belief of Christians and Muslims? Since they are among the biggest opponents of LGBTQ.

4. If someone would be happier and could live a better life with a different gender, why shouldn’t they go for it?

5. If gender-affirming surgery harms my body and soul, then I won't do it. But can I be gender fluid without surgery and sometimes refer to myself as she/her? Or not?
I really love the female world, and my temperament is significantly feminine, which I can also see from my astrological chart.
And I have read about gods who had two sexes at the same time. And that's interesting to me.
(For those who don’t know: Gender fluid means that a person’s gender can fluctuate between male and female depending on their mood and feelings.)

5. If I have developed a mental illness, I am not afraid of anything. Because it's something I'm experiencing, and I’m learning to live life. Experiences always help us. So, if I've encountered a new challenge, I’d like to ask what caused this problem in me? How can I heal myself? If I give up on gender-affirming surgery, can I be gender fluid? Or is this also a kind of mental illness?

And my final question is: Is it okay to be attracted to both genders, meaning both men and women? I mean being bisexual.

I sincerely thank all of you for your valuable guidance on the path of life given to me by the Father SATAN. Thank you.

Bisexuality is accepted, Brother! The idea is to not do something that will eventually scar your sex powers and your life almost permanently.

Gender transition is not something to be done, in any circumstances if you ask me, since it damages the soul and also the physical body. Just imagine that you will not "have a happy life as a girl" if you change your gender, as, if you would do it, you would have problems with hormones which govern a lot of aspects.

The feminine / masculine aspects are more allegorical than literal, if they are "literal". The Gods have the feminine / masculine energetic aspects as there are the alchemical principles of unity between the female energetic aspects and the masculine ones, like in the concept of Yin Yang, or the concept of Magnum Opus
The body is the manifestation of the soul. No one is every born in the wrong body.
(sorry for my bad english I use translator)

Hello to all my brothers and sisters.
I have a few questions and seek guidance regarding my decision about gender transition, being transgender, and gender fluidity.
The gender I was born with is male.
For the past one to two years, I have had a strong desire to transition from 'male' to 'female.'
So far, I haven't been able to speak with a counselor about this matter. I know this is necessary, and I will do it one day.
I spend almost every day imagining and fantasizing about what kind of life I would have if I were a 'girl.'
So, I have a few questions regarding this matter.

All of your opinions are important, but I prefer that someone with enough knowledge answers my questions because this issue has become a major thing in my life.

Before asking my questions, I need to provide some context:
I know that the soul reincarnates in a body that is appropriate for it. So, I understand that my soul’s gender is male and that I was born in a very suitable body. But I feel that if I were a 'girl,' I would be a happier person.

Here are my questions:

1. Is being transgender a mental illness? Before writing this post, I searched for it on this website, and your answer was 'Yes!' Is this true, or is my translator malfunctioning?

2. Does gender-affirming surgery harm my soul, body, or spiritual growth?
Additionally, I have seen many Christians say: 'The body you have now is not yours. Soon, you will have to return it to God as it was lent to you.'
Isn't the freedom to choose one's gender against this belief of Christians and Muslims? Since they are among the biggest opponents of LGBTQ.

4. If someone would be happier and could live a better life with a different gender, why shouldn’t they go for it?

5. If gender-affirming surgery harms my body and soul, then I won't do it. But can I be gender fluid without surgery and sometimes refer to myself as she/her? Or not?
I really love the female world, and my temperament is significantly feminine, which I can also see from my astrological chart.
And I have read about gods who had two sexes at the same time. And that's interesting to me.
(For those who don’t know: Gender fluid means that a person’s gender can fluctuate between male and female depending on their mood and feelings.)

5. If I have developed a mental illness, I am not afraid of anything. Because it's something I'm experiencing, and I’m learning to live life. Experiences always help us. So, if I've encountered a new challenge, I’d like to ask what caused this problem in me? How can I heal myself? If I give up on gender-affirming surgery, can I be gender fluid? Or is this also a kind of mental illness?

And my final question is: Is it okay to be attracted to both genders, meaning both men and women? I mean being bisexual.

I sincerely thank all of you for your valuable guidance on the path of life given to me by the Father SATAN. Thank you.
Please don't take any medication or cut into your body. I suggest that you stop thinking about sex all the time and start the meditations and breathing exercises on JoS. In the modern era we are loosing balance. When it comes to consensual sex between humans of an appropriate age you can do what you want. Outside of sex focus on balance not change, change will not make you happy you will just become addicted to change. Balance is where happiness comes, just exist in now and learn to love yourself. Forgive yourself and realize this world has been controlled by the abrahamic cults for far too long.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
