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Transexuality, Pedophilia, Bestiality, Pride Month?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Fanboy said:
sublimestatanist said:

But also trans kids don't have the legal right to transition before 18 in America. By that time we have grown into bearded men and it's irreversible. This causes suicidal depression.

Look to the enarie of scythia, hermaphroditus, tiresias, cinaedus, gallia, asushunamir, argr shaman, Seidr of njord and freyja, uvual, Bahuchara, artemis's eunuch high priestess in ephesians, Hecates eunuchs in lagina.

In passionate inanna the high priestess writes "To destroy, to create, to tear out, to establish are yours, Inanna. / To turn a man into a woman and a woman into a man are yours, Inanna."

It is said the androgyne were born from the moon, they would climb olympus and challenge the Gods, it was said they had extreme audacity and a temper, and that once they were separated they would spend no time eating or drinking or sleeping, but instead desperately trying to reunite their male and female half or die trying. It is sad and utterly accurate.

It's okay to be trans, it doesn't make you jewish.
While being a "trans" doesn't automatically make you into a jew, to promote the same dialectics about the subject that the jews have authored, makes one a jew in itself.

What you do with yourself and your body, is your own choice. How you eat, have sex, define your sexuality, is your own choice. With all the outcomes this entails with it.

Regardless, all of what is written about the "Gods", oftentimes written by Feminist and other "Academics" that want to create claims about "Transgenderism" or confusion about "GBLT", is nothing but spiritual allegories, which some people choose to take in in this way to feel justified in their decisions.

In the past, none of this jargon writing was necessary. People were understood for what they were. People behaved normally, and there was no need for a "Month" in which we will see children twerking in trucks dressed in jeans, or in strip clubs being thrown dollars on them. None of this ever existed before, nor what led us there [Christianity] existed before.

With the advent of Christianity/Judaism and it's binding, a lot of people were repressed. This repression, was a rife ground for the jews to promote many of their subterranean plans on confused and repressed people.

In the Ancient World, there was no "not acceptance" or "intolerance", and therefore, there was no need to go into these great lengths as we "go" today, with all the unhealthy extremes these bring with them.

Ancient people were also healthier, and would accept things as they came without the need of an exclusive month of worshiping dildos on trucks. They were not running billions of dollars of campaigns to convince people that they are trans, genderless, or whatever else among other pus infested mind constructs people are enforced to harbor nowadays.

Therefore, for the Ancients, grossly misrepresenting their own mythology and myths, were not necessary acts for them to "advocate" about severe self acceptance hangups they had, because, they primarily, accepted themselves and others more.

Mythology, cannot be used as a substitution for the morbid insanities of our present day era, unless one of course, is a jew on a mission to confuse.

If I decided I am to befriend a crocodile that might eat me, that should not be ascribed to Sobek and some myth about "being eaten by Sobek". Likewise, every statement in the myths, has nothing to do with literal information.

Another example, say that I am a crazy scientists that wants to do breeding between bulls and human beings. If I was a kike, I would use the existence of Centaurs in Ancient Greeks, to claim that they did Genetic Engineering and other nonsense, to justify my insanity. This subject is no different than this, holding the same underlying thought process which is not only gross, but jewish.

The same dialectic of making spiritual information sound "Literal", is what the jews are doing with all of our myths, creating perpetual confusion. This confusion and lying is so high, that certain terms have been fully perverted.

In Ancient Greek, the "eros" means love, but it also means "when the minds come in contact". In Ancient Greece, there was a form of a relation between males or females [same gender] that was called "Pederasty", who had to do with growing children's minds by teaching them of the divine subjects and to teach them to be attracted to the divine, no different than schools should be doing today, or were doing in all Pagan cultures.

The above, had nothing to do with sexuality, any more than today teachers are older than the taught children. All of this, came from the mistranslation of two words, one being "Eromenos", which means "The one who goes toward" and "Erastes" which means "The one on whom another is moving toward". From the root word "Er", we also have the word for "Ermes" that deals with the mind and the connection of the mind.

Similar forms of relations of friendship and teaching, clearly take place in civilization, military and so on, but the jews could care less about common sense, as they found out some strange loophole to promote more biblical and jewish hoaxes in that regard. In the Military, for example, the older generals teach the younger generals, and the older generals have relations with the younger - the list goes.

Jews, purposefully mistranslated and liberalized the above, saying that the Ancient Greeks practiced institutionalized "teenage - old people" relationships, same as they say that in Sodom and Gommorah people were having sex with sheep and goats, and horses, on a daily basis.

After they did the above, we know the rest of it and how it escalated. The lies kept piling up with centuries, and now we are where we are. Jews didn't leave the situation to it's own fate however, and would attack further, using this mistranslation that they KNOW was the case to later justify further abominations with many "arguments", such as NAMBLA and other doomsday deserving "organizations" to destroy society.

NAMBLA of course, has nothing got to do with anything even describe above, they are literal ghouls that run around trying to force themselves to legitimizate "pedophilia" all the way even to infants. When normal people see these things, they rightfully go insane, as all of these are unnatural. Jews promote these, to make our civilizations implode or harm them.

These events, never occurred, or were condoned, and were always looked upon as insanity, but the jews promote these strongly now, stronger than ever. Endless abominations were written, and we can count on the jews to write endless abominations ad infinitum in regards to all of this.

The so called "Scientific" community promoted these lies, which later were adopted by all sorts of criminal pedophiles. The same situation occurred in the rather unstable "Trans" community, which the jews were trying for decades to feed something to make them part of the same dialectic as they did with the "Pedos".

The same overlapping lies were done for everything in history, in order for the jews to create lies and defamation for the Ancient Cultures. They knew, after all, that nobody was going to open up a dictionary or have any understanding from the "Goyim Animal Cattle" and that the Gentiles, who lacked in education and were taught to hate their own culture, had adopted a wrong perception of it that was created by the jews.

Similarly, jewish and other "thinkers", in need to justify moral decadent things of the present world and in particular, doings of the United States, perverted copiously a lot of things such as "Hermaphroditism", "Androgyny" and other terms, are "Literal".

The Male and Female Soul are aspects of the Ida and the Pigala, and not the physical body beings turned into another form. The so called "Androgynous" allegories are about union of the soul, and have nothing whatsoever to do with your physical form, or what you choose to wear, or anything like this.

There are allegories where Inanna transforms people into animals and so on, and all of this is allegory. This is not to justify the Furries movement, but of course, a jew might discourse about these as we are very used to this.

None of the myths about Tiresias, Hermaphroditus, and all of this, have to do with getting strange surgeries on yourself, one's feelings about one's "Gender", or adopting a so called "identity". Adopt whatever identity that you want, but the Gods can stay out of this.

These are myths about spiritual allegories and certain spiritual attainments, they are not justification for wearing or not wearing a wig, or choosing to live your life in a specific way.

The stories about the "severing of the Androgynai" is part of Platonic Myth about how the parts of the soul are divided through the process of incarnation, which is a law of the universe, and nothing else.

The rest in regards of this are actually English perversions that were borne out with the interest of a specific type of people, that projected their own vain pursuits towards the Gods, with aggressive temper and because they were not loyal to their own decisions. These have nothing to do with all what you write.

You are free to be whatever you want and consider, but the whole gross destruction of every Pagan and Mythology story to justify your choices, is not helping anywhere, and it's what the jews do in order to justify what they promote as "Unjustifiable", ie, for trans people to exist.

It's not unjustifiable, you do what you want and be who you want to be. It's unjustifiable to destroy all of Pagan culture just to justify yourself behaving in a certain way. Inanna didn't change people from male to female in Dr. Shekelstein's bed. All of this is spiritual allegory for activating the male and female parts of the brain and soul.

The activation of both in unison, is a code for the word "Androgynai", which is also a word for the living families and couples that have children with normal marital union in the real world, ie, family.

Using all of this as a justification for promoting these things, is subversive, and is borne out of the jews. Higher culture for this reason is wrong and nonsensical to be destroyed, but it keeps happening anyway, not only because of gross mistranslated from America, but because every "need" the infinite need and hangup generating populace might have, has to be "justified in the abominations of the Gentiles", which is why the Jews are doing by grossly misrepresenting our mythology and religions.

If you want to be accepted, then you must at least say the truth and own your decisions. Its not because of some allegory you chose to pervert for no reason. Do not do what the jews do.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

sublimestatanist said:
Hey everyone,

I know that Jews have a strange way of infiltrating and corrupting symbols and I'm starting to wonder if the marriage of male/female (in spirituality, like with the Baphomet) is one of them. They make us worship idols that are evermore clearly transgendered.

Another part of this I feel is to make women appear more manly/strong, which is something that isn't very practical when comparing ourselves to silicone-laden men. I'm not a woman but it angers me that women being subjected to unrealistic standards like this. It's a vile method of using subliminal messaging to further decrease self esteem in women.

Transgenderism is blatantly 100% contrived. On top of this, our children are being brainwashed and groomed for a shallow and corrupted life of becoming something they're not in order to fill the many voids that they naturally experience. It's also unmistakable that suicide and depression rates in transgenendered people is higher than any other social/cultural group.

These are things all of you here already know. Still, I have a difficult time wrapping my head around this topic. Specifically I cannot fathom why the jews have such an infatuation with hermaphrodites. Could my above theory perhaps hold water? One pitfall to this is why then is it almost exclusively M to F and gay men in terms of celebrities, while it's about equal (M/F & F/M) in children? They dress girls up to look like boys for modelling and they dress boys up to look like girls/young women, also for modelling/advertising. They've done this for years. I'm not any kind of know-it-all by any stretch of the imagination but we do the best we can. At some point I think I have to except that these people are literally psychopaths and not everything they do will have a clear and definitive purpose to us sane people. That being said, so much of what they do is extremely complex and planned.

Transgenderism and all of this, is a perversion from occult teachings through gross externalizing of them. What occurs socially is a situation of living humans and their choices, not of anything much else.

Jews couldn't lose an opportunity to slide everyone into yet another meaningless avenue for once more, by causing social division and hate.

Regardless, they will push it for social disunity, causing people complications, and pretending they support the transgenders while they authored the culture that preached their execution among many other people.

Plus, it pays handsomely to engage people into these lifestyles, especially if they opt in for doing operations all the time. It pays well for the jew to spend a decade on end, just looking for a lip filler or something, and spending all of one's existence on these matters.

They know this will create social unrest by using them as a militant battalion on the pretext they have "no rights" while they have same rights as everyone else, using them and keep making them militant by telling them they are not accepted while all their needs are met etc etc.

Of course, as far as jews are concerned, no tolerance is to be practiced against these people, and their execution is something they consider normal for a long time. Jews preach execution and denial of all this, because they know what a bothersome and time wasting issue all of this is to have socially.

Pedo and all of these exaggerated forces the jews promote, are part of this. Jews knew Pagans had no acceptance problems in adult sexuality with consent, but they pretend like everyone does, to promote insanity in the populace and make these people feel offended, moving everyone into insanity.

When they feel like this, they promote them to full fledged degeneracy and social destruction for literally no reason.

The brain of the jew is very simple on these matters. If it does damage, cause chaos and disunity, and generally affects negatively everyone involved, they will promote it. If it's a waste of everyone's time, they will promote it, and if they make shekels while they are at it, they will promote it on full force.

It also all comes at the "extra benefit" of many people running back to Christianity, so to promote all of these lies and force them, is a Win-Win situation for the jews, who as a result, full fledged and full force promote these things now more than ever.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Nimrod33 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


Similarly, it also reminds me how Survive the Jive, in one of his latest videos, attempted to push a false narrative according to which our Ancestors "practiced sex with horses before doing a blood sacrifice with them". What a disgusting sellout!

That's a common level of retardation in many "researchers". The "love of the horse" is about working on certain aspects of a soul.

The part of the mind that has to do with the logic, is symbolized with a white horse, for example. The unity with the horse, has to do with activating latent aspects of the mind before Ritual.

But that is probably too far for certain people who claim to be "Pagan" to understand. In this case, I will leave these people to horse-fucking.

Survive the Jive can however have anal sex with a horse if he is that horny [since it's such an Ancestral thing of him to do based on these crazy claims], but he shouldn't credit this to Mythological allegories of his ancestors, since they didn't do that nor human sacrifice either.

The Gods or one's ancestors should not be credited with desires to have sex with horses or whatever. This full on tier slander is really blasphemous against one's Ancestors and the Gods.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I already asked this in another thread, but i was hoping you would elaborate on the effects that transgenderism and changing your biology has on your soul and mind. From what i have read on here it is anything but beneficial, and that ppl always reincarnate in the same gender regardless. I also do know and believe that the jews create the problem ( islam and xianity shame men for being feminine and women for being masculine, seen even in those who arent even necessarily mudslimes or xtards, which in turn makes many of them believe they are supposed to be biologically the other gender instead of accepting their souls energies and moving on ) and then promote their own solution ( transition surgery ).
I feel very much the same about this topic if you want to be shall we say "different" then go be different i just don't need to hear about all your bullshit that comes along with it and you also don't have to be accepting of someone else's ways or views either but it is considered standard to not be an asshole about example if you want to be homosexual i couldn't care less i don't want my kids to grow up to be this way because I'm a big breeder believer I'm not going to disown my child if they do become homosexual but i wont be happy about it i will still come round for yuletide and love them and give them the best advantage possible see i can dislike races sexual orientation and what not as much as i like but I'm not going to do wrong by anyone just because they are different to me i can be reasonable about things i can compromise i think this is a skill we have lost as a civilization.

I would also like to take this opportunity to ask for the next war schedule i wish to destroy my enemies with you my family i feel like this dog of war has been made to wait too long let me slip already i have gained much power in this break reciting runes regularly and such i wish to see my level of improvement.
"Trans"genderism is just gender dysphoria; an identity disorder. In most cases of identity disorder, the solution is to make the patient become comfortable with the aspects they have trouble integrating into themselves. The solution is NOT to aggravate their unrealistic perceptions by falsely promising them that they can be anything, no matter how dangerous.

In men, we can see this with steroid use, where the man is never satisfied with his muscularity and continues to increase the dose of the drug. For women, this commonly manifests with plastic surgery, where the doctor abuses their insecurities, promising that tweaking their nose by 1mm will make them suddenly loveable by everyone.

Just as you do not "help" someone with cleaning OCD by delivering them industrial bleaching equipment, you are not helping someone with gender identity disorders by allowing them to attempt the impossible task of actually changing their gender (as opposed to harmoniously integrating their feminine/masculine aspects).

As HPHC has mentioned, it is the fault of the enemy that people are uncomfortable expressing feminity whilst in a male form, and the opposite for women. The enemy does not stop here, instead of corrupting the only outlet such people have, turning it into the modern LGBT movement, which then triggers a conservative backlash. Then, the cycle repeats.
Dear Brother HP HoodedCobra, I have a doubt. Regarding transsexuality, I had a friend who is male and who identified himself as a woman. He did not want to undergo surgery to change sex; he only disguised himself as a woman. Was his behavior therefore wrong? (I know that everyone does what he wants with his body, like smoking, but I also know that the teachings of the Gods like Buer, although they are not impositions, make us feel good and healthy. Like when the Gods say not to use Marijuana, it's for our own good even if many don't understand it) It is the only doubt I have never understood and have always had about Satanism since I am a follower of JoS and a dedicated Satanist. hahaha. Could you remove this doubt definitively please? Thank you :) I hope that although you are very busy, you can answer me, even briefly. :)
Personally, I have always learned to accept my body for what it is. Although I am handsome in the face, I am also short. But I understand that our personal characteristics make us unique in the way we really are.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Fanboy said:
sublimestatanist said:

But also trans kids don't have the legal right to transition before 18 in America. By that time we have grown into bearded men and it's irreversible. This causes suicidal depression.

.......[horrific blasphemy].....

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Horrific lies and blasphemy above in the quote.

Most disgusting is these kikes, infiltrators or whomever these shills are misrepresent not only our Gods and Culture as materialistic focused on 3-dimentional and trivia, they use it all to silence down all Spirituality and make us look animals. Their main goal is to make it all look like we are materialistic drones who never meditated, never had any actual Mysteries, while all our Mysteries were preoccupied with some physicality nonsense like this. They created full industries of this materialistic nonsense in many spheres: all their movies, preoccupation with shopping and other physicality.

Now we have other wing of the same agenda where so called "right wing" xian cave-men survivalists come and propagandize living in caves, apocalypses coming, reversing all Human Rights, approving rape, forced marriage and whatever to "survive" or somehow "oppose" the above. They have this crazy preoccupation with physical survival like animals disregarding any humanity. This is the same thing: profanity, materialism, preoccupation with anything but meditation.

These shills always come in pairs: one physicality against another physicality. And they both come here for one sole thing: attack Gentile Spirituality. Misrepresent JoS, Gods and Gentile nations as some 2-dimentional nonsense they themselves are.

Now. What they call transsexuals never should have had any dysphoria in the first place. Long ago I wrote a post where I said that if Nature really created these beings she would have given them pride and comfort in what they are both physically and in their soul: then one-soul-other-body were how they would have been considered to exist and then they should have celebrated it instead of trying to attack it. If they really were born to be living representative of Soul union through their special incarnation they should have felt total comfort in it. And by comfort I mean accepting not only their energies but their physical manifestations too. Because this is how our Soul manifests and it should feel totally natural to them.

Again kikes never care whether they destroyed lives and health of actual people whomever they were, what they only care is to destroy our Spirituality and connection to our Gods and higher worlds.

I also had questions in Russian forum regarding other strange forms of sexuality allegedly described in Ancient Greece such as God Pan sexually harassing a goat or other "animal-human' relations such as Leda and the Swan. In every Pagan culture you will find a myth with animal-to-human, human-to-animal transgressing or transgressing into other gender or specie, or some other magical transgressing, also humans and animals (or humans and magical creatures) having kids together. All of this has to do with the powers of Mind and Soul and are allegorical. Our primordial Culture has no pure physicality in it.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There are allegories where Inanna transforms people into animals and so on, and all of this is allegory. This is not to justify the Furries movement, but of course, a jew might discourse about these as we are very used to this.

It honestly pisses me off the fact that many people would associate this, or the fact that some of Our Gods are portrayed as Anthropomorphic Animals, a "proof" of furries being accepted in Ancient societies. Just because a Viking Warrior wore a bear fur, it doesn't make him someone who has a "bear for fursona".

Similarly, it also reminds me how Survive the Jive, in one of his latest videos, attempted to push a false narrative according to which our Ancestors "practiced sex with horses before doing a blood sacrifice with them". What a disgusting sellout!

By the way, it makes me wonder if the "Pride" Month was created to be a blasphemy against the Summer Solstice.
Nimrod33 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


Similarly, it also reminds me how Survive the Jive, in one of his latest videos, attempted to push a false narrative according to which our Ancestors "practiced sex with horses before doing a blood sacrifice with them". What a disgusting sellout!

That's a common level of retardation in many "researchers". The "love of the horse" is about working on certain aspects of a soul.

The part of the mind that has to do with the logic, is symbolized with a white horse, for example. The unity with the horse, has to do with activating latent aspects of the mind before Ritual.

But that is probably too far for certain people who claim to be "Pagan" to understand. In this case, I will leave these people to horse-fucking.

Survive the Jive can however have anal sex with a horse if he is that horny [since it's such an Ancestral thing of him to do based on these crazy claims], but he shouldn't credit this to Mythological allegories of his ancestors, since they didn't do that nor human sacrifice either.

The Gods or one's ancestors should not be credited with desires to have sex with horses or whatever. This full on tier slander is really blasphemous against one's Ancestors and the Gods.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nimrod33 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


Similarly, it also reminds me how Survive the Jive, in one of his latest videos, attempted to push a false narrative according to which our Ancestors "practiced sex with horses before doing a blood sacrifice with them". What a disgusting sellout!

That's a common level of retardation in many "researchers". The "love of the horse" is about working on certain aspects of a soul.

The part of the mind that has to do with the logic, is symbolized with a white horse, for example. The unity with the horse, has to do with activating latent aspects of the mind before Ritual.

But that is probably too far for certain people who claim to be "Pagan" to understand. In this case, I will leave these people to horse-fucking.

Survive the Jive can however have anal sex with a horse if he is that horny [since it's such an Ancestral thing of him to do based on these crazy claims], but he shouldn't credit this to Mythological allegories of his ancestors, since they didn't do that nor human sacrifice either.

The Gods or one's ancestors should not be credited with desires to have sex with horses or whatever. This full on tier slander is really blasphemous against one's Ancestors and the Gods.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Who doesn't want Centaur kids, seriously? :lol:

Jokes aside, is the black horse for the creative part of the mind, then?
It is this time of the year when the Jews and the sexually repressed Gentiles turn the human sexuality into a parade of stupidity and clownery. This has nothing to do with any sort of sexuality, whether homosexuality bisexuality or whatever, but is blatant degeneracy and madness.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=366806 time=1655455014 user_id=21286]

As HPHC has mentioned, it is the fault of the enemy that people are uncomfortable expressing feminity whilst in a male form, and the opposite for women. The enemy does not stop here, instead of corrupting the only outlet such people have, turning it into the modern LGBT movement, which then triggers a conservative backlash. Then, the cycle repeats.

since I did very deep cleaning of my soul this aspects started to get free on me, it's not like I became "feminine" or feel a desire to dress like girls, but now I feel more comfortable to show aspects like sincere love or expressing myself more genuine through the music or other arts

feeling good with being sensual or develop emotional intelligence it's another of the results of opening the female part of the soul

one personal example for me is dancing, something that I never did in all my live due to fear what people would think
The Baphomet and other androgynes representations are always used a scapegoat for peoples strange mental horrors.

What could possibly go wrong by cutting off your genitals?
SeguaceDiSatana said:
Dear Brother HP HoodedCobra, I have a doubt. Regarding transsexuality, I had a friend who is male and who identified himself as a woman. He did not want to undergo surgery to change sex; he only disguised himself as a woman. Was his behavior therefore wrong? (I know that everyone does what he wants with his body, like smoking, but I also know that the teachings of the Gods like Buer, although they are not impositions, make us feel good and healthy. Like when the Gods say not to use Marijuana, it's for our own good even if many don't understand it) It is the only doubt I have never understood and have always had about Satanism since I am a follower of JoS and a dedicated Satanist. hahaha. Could you remove this doubt definitively please? Thank you :) I hope that although you are very busy, you can answer me, even briefly. :)
Personally, I have always learned to accept my body for what it is. Although I am handsome in the face, I am also short. But I understand that our personal characteristics make us unique in the way we really are.

Please see my reply that I made earlier in this thread, which may clear some things up.

Wanting to feel feminine as a man, and then cross-dressing or applying make-up is fine. However, trying to actually switch your gender is unrealistic and unhealthy. No matter how intensive the drugs or surgery one does, they will still feel like they are not fully of the opposite sex. There are many transgendered people who regret the surgery, because they still feel less like a woman, for example.

Rather, the person needs to accept themselves as a man who likes to feel feminine. Then, they will be satisfied with their current status. In spiritual terms, this can come from the lower chakras, which rule confidence and sense of self.
Was alot about LGBT stuff on here. Each to own.

Although that was a few years back i know why. in (ex) HP mage defence he said it was all Jewish led to make this sorta stuff in your face like Pride month etc.
Related to this, someone on a swedish forum named "Flashback" (https://www.flashback.org) wrote:

I do not think the white men really understand the problem, but young women are moving away from heterosex to LGBTQ / LGBT see this article.


Lower and lower proportion of young women are heterosexual, at the same time mental illness increases in both men and women. More men die of hopelessness in suicide and drugs.

More and more men will not have children but a larger proportion of men will be childless and sexless.
As well as growing up in an environment where women ignore them, because they are not interested in male company.

We must already reduce the proportion of men, so that a higher proportion of men can have a partner.

Couples should actively make sure to give birth to girls.

This is from a thread with the headline "The number of childless single men is increasing in Sweden".
Thought it was a bit interesting. And alarming.
I've thought more about this topic as well.

In theory, I think the kind of person I end up as doesn't matter that much, as long as I grow and learn. On the other hand, I'm already set for life at this point. I've finally found a place to belong, and a role to fulfil. I've decided to treasure that for eternity.

Like everything else in this world, I'm the sum of my parts; nothing more, and nothing less. Even if you call an apple red, that does not take away the numerous yellow dots on the surface. In the same manner, I'll simply do what I want to and fulfil my role in this world, not because of what I "am" according to myself or others, but because it's what I'm capable of as a person.

In that manner, I was able to accept myself for what I am without denying my desires, despite controversy and whatnot.

I believe people do things for a reason. When people are fully honest to themselves regarding those reasons, no stories or metaphors are needed to justify anything. But people fear rejection, so they want to pretend the reasons are something else. Not only is that dishonest to begin with, but when their confusion leads them to corrupt the meaning of allegories written by others, that can confuse others as well. It only serves to lead people astray from the Truth with pointless distractions and nonsense.

No matter how people want others to approve, even if they fear others might disagree, they should at least be honest to themselves. When people don't face themselves, they just end up walking in circles, unable to truly grow. I know because I've been there myself.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=366806 time=1655455014 user_id=21286]
"Trans"genderism is just gender dysphoria; an identity disorder. In most cases of identity disorder, the solution is to make the patient become comfortable with the aspects they have trouble integrating into themselves. The solution is NOT to aggravate their unrealistic perceptions by falsely promising them that they can be anything, no matter how dangerous.

In men, we can see this with steroid use, where the man is never satisfied with his muscularity and continues to increase the dose of the drug. For women, this commonly manifests with plastic surgery, where the doctor abuses their insecurities, promising that tweaking their nose by 1mm will make them suddenly loveable by everyone.

Just as you do not "help" someone with cleaning OCD by delivering them industrial bleaching equipment, you are not helping someone with gender identity disorders by allowing them to attempt the impossible task of actually changing their gender (as opposed to harmoniously integrating their feminine/masculine aspects).

As HPHC has mentioned, it is the fault of the enemy that people are uncomfortable expressing feminity whilst in a male form, and the opposite for women. The enemy does not stop here, instead of corrupting the only outlet such people have, turning it into the modern LGBT movement, which then triggers a conservative backlash. Then, the cycle repeats.

The state of the medical field today is simply egregious. People getting surgeries to "become" the opposite gender, told they are reversible only to find that they aren't and those people have to live like that their entire lives. No wonder the suicide rate is so high.

I'm especially disgusted with the surgeons who suggest and go through with these operations. What could possibly be going through that person's mind? That they are helping someone by mutilating their body? I just can't stand it.

Medical professionals are meant to heal people, mentally and physically, they swear to it by the Hippocratic Oath. It truly is more than just disappointing to witness this decline in medicine.

And yes, it is true that this is nothing new, people would get their faces touched up all the time. But now we have children making life-altering decisions and being encouraged by not only their friends but their parents and doctors. It has become a "trend" to play the victim and to never take responsibility when one is wrong.

It has become the foundation of our mainstream society to use your race, gender or confusion of your gender in order to get your way. And let's not forget just screaming over the other person. In any case, I'm upset about the sad state of our medical field, and the state of our society overall.
It might be really hard for a lot of these people when the economy fails because they won't be able to obtain their hormones. I feel a little bit sorry for them. They have only been used as pawns, and had their desires manipulated and exploited for the enemy agenda.

Waking up to the realities of life and living can be quite the shock for those who regularly drown their consciousness in delusions. It's helpful to realize that there is more to life than just the genitals, or looking like a fashion model.

Even if you are male, the energies of Venus can manifest beauty into the male form. It's not necessary to be female to be beautiful.

No matter who you are, as long as you are not a jew, you can become beautiful.

Love your body and love your soul the way that you are and have always been.

Your body was designed by Satan. Love and appreciate your body as the gift that it is, and know that you can improve it which will make you love it even more.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Nimrod33 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


Similarly, it also reminds me how Survive the Jive, in one of his latest videos, attempted to push a false narrative according to which our Ancestors "practiced sex with horses before doing a blood sacrifice with them". What a disgusting sellout!

That's a common level of retardation in many "researchers". The "love of the horse" is about working on certain aspects of a soul.

The part of the mind that has to do with the logic, is symbolized with a white horse, for example. The unity with the horse, has to do with activating latent aspects of the mind before Ritual.

But that is probably too far for certain people who claim to be "Pagan" to understand. In this case, I will leave these people to horse-fucking.

Survive the Jive can however have anal sex with a horse if he is that horny [since it's such an Ancestral thing of him to do based on these crazy claims], but he shouldn't credit this to Mythological allegories of his ancestors, since they didn't do that nor human sacrifice either.

The Gods or one's ancestors should not be credited with desires to have sex with horses or whatever. This full on tier slander is really blasphemous against one's Ancestors and the Gods.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Well, you cannot expect much from an idiot influenced by both Buddhism and the jew Guenon and that sucks Kikestianity circumcised cock wherever he can.
Another thing worth mentioning, now that the topic is here. LGBTQ + a million, adopts all other isms/movements or groups that do not "fit in" with society. It is not just about the acceptance of different sexualities, but that each and every strange outburst of a norm should be acceptable, no matter how strange or insane this may be for others.

They have recently adopted the 'Black Lives Matter' campaign, and implemented this in their beloved 6 'colored flag.

Asking healthy and sensible questions about the gender in which they were born, or being naturally critical of how someone identifies, opens up for very unpleasant reactions from this LGBTQ + a million group. You are supposed to just 'accept'. If you don't, you are labeled as a right-wing extremist or a 'Nazi'. All objectivity should be trashed, and all subjective sense in their terms, should be the new reasonable objective.

Many are afraid to speak out or to ask sensible questions against this LGBTQ + a million group, since the questionnaires face great opposition.

I have many friends that identify too much with this nonsense. It is like they disregard anyone who is not LGBTQ + a million. Why can't the acceptance and understanding of ones self just be enough? Why the need to heavily promote it so hardcore for the world to see?

To me, they just seem lost.

Thank you for this sermon HP Hooded Cobra! It is very well written.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Likewise, every statement in the myths, has nothing to do with literal information.

Are there some cases whereby certain myths or properties of the myth have a literal and or more specifically physical projection that can be considered literal?

Ex: Athena the warrior having a fancy spear or fancy shield by an artist describing her? or for example showing a literalization of a spiritual concept to assist in logical deduction and reasoning?

I assume unless great care is taken that some properties can be literalized or taken into a technological approach?

Ex: Daemon code properties in a operating system or particular Linux/UNIX style systems.
The Jews create the problem with xtianity Islam and communism by instilling all kinds of hang ups and repression about gender and sexuality then push for a solution that will make things worse than they were as the opposite extreme. Then they like using these people to create social conflict and further take down western society.

Anyone notice they only really started pushing the Trans stuff after Uranus went into Taurus that was right around the time this whole thing started. Before that I never heard a word about it and most people didn't care even if someone did want to not conform to stuff with clothes and stuff some places. So it was a non issue. If they wanted more rights all they had to do was move to a place more open minded not push it on everyone. That is what I used to remember around 2010 the discussion was like on various places about it.
That gay flag is actually a perversion of the colors of the rainbow, which represent the different astral colors/energies as well their corresponding gemstones, 6 and 7 stripes, given that these are heavily Occultic numbers. They are also represented by the different candle colors.

The rainbow truly represents spiritual wholeness, when one has mastered balancing all of the astral energies.
I have made a post about it with sources and i will say it again. Transgenderism is completely jewish in origin and was started and is headed by jews. The rebuttal that "its not only jews because gentiles push it too." is one of the most intellectually lazy rebuttals, as that might as well also say then, that banks and world affairs are not run by jews, that all the strife in the world on a large scale does not come from jews because gentiles participate also. They are called "shabbos goys". The same applies to transgenderism, feminism, marxism and any other jewish made agenda that is constantly attempted to be passed off as "wholesome" and "progressive."

transgenderism is not accepted here. If you are not a jew, and fall into this trap you need serious help and healing. But do not think anyone should be accepted to peddle this filth here.

And I say this because the topic has come up again amongst several besides the ones quoted here.

Learn to self accept and have a realistic view, a satanic view of your soul, as the body is its physical manifestation and is not "wrong."
Gear88 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Likewise, every statement in the myths, has nothing to do with literal information.

Are there some cases whereby certain myths or properties of the myth have a literal and or more specifically physical projection that can be considered literal?

Yes, there is one such case, and that is of astronomical events, or large scale historical events, such as the Great Flood, or the arrival of our Gods from another system, or about such great events such as the laws of physical universe, and so on.

GoldenxChild1 said:
The Baphomet and other androgynes representations are always used a scapegoat for peoples strange mental horrors.

What could possibly go wrong by cutting off your genitals?

2022: The Baphomet justifies changing your gender as we all know by the work of Rabbi Moses Rosenstein

2038: We just made this goat human hybrid, because this was the dream of the Templars, the Baphomet, said Judy Goldberg, MIT scientist

2077: Headlines in the news "Our genome is destroyed, and everyone has hoofs and is half a goat"

2100: We got extinct because of the Templars and their dreams, we are all goats now genetically, fellow goy. (Goy, have you heard of the Azazel Scapegoating Ritual have you)?

News headlines: "Israel, the last country on earth to not have become half a goat because of alteration surgery!", "we were never going to do this", said David Rabin, founder of Goat Trans Genome Corp, "The Talmud doesn't allow us to do this, but it places no prohibition on doing this on the goyim, they wanted it after all, they are all like the goy of Babel the bestiality creatures."

2115: An extinct faith, Christianity, resurges in light of more Sodom and Gommorah done by "scientists", they say, "God never wanted it to be this way!!", Moses Rabbinowich is head of the newfound movement.

2116: I do a facepalm, and wait for humanity to restart it's civilization, so that maybe this time, we fucking listen.

Osiris Silvio said:
It is this time of the year when the Jews and the sexually repressed Gentiles turn the human sexuality into a parade of stupidity and clownery. This has nothing to do with any sort of sexuality, whether homosexuality bisexuality or whatever, but is blatant degeneracy and madness.

Correct, if anything, it's only literally madness and nothing else.
Kundalini666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Where did you learn the interpretations of the myths?

The very basics of it, because of knowledge of my ancestral religion. You can learn these basics just by studying the general knowledge of the subject.

Most of the knowledge of serious magnitude arrives when you are advancing spiritually to where you can know by experience what is shown by them.

Myths are codified knowledge for initiated people and people who advance in the path, so that they will be able to understand more of the hidden knowledge and to advance. This exists in all mythology of the world's Satanic religions.

All of the myths also have strong overlapping factors, showing beyond a shadow of doubt that all of these were written by wise people and the Gods, the fingerprint of the Gods is the same in all of the myths.

I can write a post if you want in regards to this.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Kundalini666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Where did you learn the interpretations of the myths?

The very basics of it, because of knowledge of my ancestral religion. You can learn these basics just by studying the general knowledge of the subject.

Most of the knowledge of serious magnitude arrives when you are advancing spiritually to where you can know by experience what is shown by them.

Myths are codified knowledge for initiated people and people who advance in the path, so that they will be able to understand more of the hidden knowledge and to advance. This exists in all mythology of the world's Satanic religions.

All of the myths also have strong overlapping factors, showing beyond a shadow of doubt that all of these were written by wise people and the Gods, the fingerprint of the Gods is the same in all of the myths.

I can write a post if you want in regards to this.
Yes, please write the post.
This month is all about sex, not what one contributes to mankind it's sad, many great minds that could be used for more, but noooo (must listen to reptilian jews theys helpses us)until their pushing for pro pedo garbage then they get attacked by mostly christards, cause if they have not noticed, most places(Not all)most in the world are abrahamic dumps,but all for muh communist dystopia, it's sad but what the jews,useful idiots an useful christarded idiots,do is by reptilian jewish design
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=366914 time=1655480439 user_id=21286]
SeguaceDiSatana said:
Dear Brother HP HoodedCobra, I have a doubt. Regarding transsexuality, I had a friend who is male and who identified himself as a woman. He did not want to undergo surgery to change sex; he only disguised himself as a woman. Was his behavior therefore wrong? (I know that everyone does what he wants with his body, like smoking, but I also know that the teachings of the Gods like Buer, although they are not impositions, make us feel good and healthy. Like when the Gods say not to use Marijuana, it's for our own good even if many don't understand it) It is the only doubt I have never understood and have always had about Satanism since I am a follower of JoS and a dedicated Satanist. hahaha. Could you remove this doubt definitively please? Thank you :) I hope that although you are very busy, you can answer me, even briefly. :)
Personally, I have always learned to accept my body for what it is. Although I am handsome in the face, I am also short. But I understand that our personal characteristics make us unique in the way we really are.

Please see my reply that I made earlier in this thread, which may clear some things up.

Wanting to feel feminine as a man, and then cross-dressing or applying make-up is fine. However, trying to actually switch your gender is unrealistic and unhealthy. No matter how intensive the drugs or surgery one does, they will still feel like they are not fully of the opposite sex. There are many transgendered people who regret the surgery, because they still feel less like a woman, for example.

Rather, the person needs to accept themselves as a man who likes to feel feminine. Then, they will be satisfied with their current status. In spiritual terms, this can come from the lower chakras, which rule confidence and sense of self.

Now it is REALLY clear. Thank you very much. I have been carrying this doubt with me for I don't know how long, now it is finally resolved. Thank you very much!
Hi I was doing a reversing curses and I heard my deasesed father's voice say I love you son! It was very special and to me 100% real! It was awesome! I have been struggling a little though because when doing the reversing curses I sometimes get images of my aura getting dirty as well as negative entities! But all good sometimes it's easier than others! I love father Satan and I truly believe it was my dad! Also I was seeing brune my guarding demon whom is very attractive! And was had a moment where I felt like I entered her phsyically sexually it felt great! I love father Satan! Very much! I just get a bit confused and thrown of balance sometimes! I like visiting joyofsatan just to read that the dedication ritual is permanent because it makes me feel great! Much love satanic family keep fighting the good fight! Just felt like sharing heil Hitler! Heil Satan!
Shadowcat said:
I have made a post about it with sources and i will say it again. Transgenderism is completely jewish in origin and was started and is headed by jews. The rebuttal that "its not only jews because gentiles push it too." is one of the most intellectually lazy rebuttals, as that might as well also say then, that banks and world affairs are not run by jews, that all the strife in the world on a large scale does not come from jews because gentiles participate also. They are called "shabbos goys". The same applies to transgenderism, feminism, marxism and any other jewish made agenda that is constantly attempted to be passed off as "wholesome" and "progressive."

transgenderism is not accepted here. If you are not a jew, and fall into this trap you need serious help and healing. But do not think anyone should be accepted to peddle this filth here.

And I say this because the topic has come up again amongst several besides the ones quoted here.

Learn to self accept and have a realistic view, a satanic view of your soul, as the body is its physical manifestation and is not "wrong."

Can you tell me whats the name of your post on this subject or give a link. Id like to know more about the real biological and mental, spiritual harm that transitioning does to the body.
On the topic of ancient myths or allegories you can buy books that still tell the old myths as they were originally if you read the Norse and the Greek myths especially you will see immediate similarities between the two most of the world's myths focus on the stories of a young version of baal on his path to God hood this is shown blatantly with Thor and Hercules.

Thor battles the giants all of which are true obstacles such as senseless rage greed stupidity and what not all these things one must conquer on their pathway to God hood the raising and directing of the the snake (kuldalani serpent energies) the achieving of the Odin force or God head.

Hercules in the original tales of him also does this he battles the titans and passes test after test It becomes obvious and clear to everyone that this is the same story I'm not familiar with middle east or Hindu myths but I'm willing to bet my bottom dollar that there is a god or a prospective individual looking to become a god in these as well.

All the myths and stories from all these cultures gives you these major things and that is

Spiritual instructions
Laws that you should live by
Values you should hold near and dear in your life
Your true history often retelling actual battles that have happened between us and the enemy

You will notice when it comes to the retelling of battles their is usually a disclaimer at the start that tells the reader that this actually happened wether that's marked with a certain symbol or its actually written their.

A good example of this is how the Sumerian's would put the word for fiction or factual at the top of their tablets to people these days what the Sumerian's wrote in factual was actually a lot more spectacular then what they wrote as fiction the Sumerian's wouldn't code much if at all so they rarely wrote myths they more or less went straight to the point telling you what you need to over come not making these into characters.

They also wrote a lot about where the gods come from and how they would come and go from chariots made of steel and fire that they were of these gods but the god's were extraordinary with incredible size strength and psychic powers the more ancient a society the more blatant the knowledge becomes the younger the society it is the more obscured and or twisted the knowledge becomes.
CaspianTheDreamer said:
Shadowcat said:
I have made a post about it with sources and i will say it again. Transgenderism is completely jewish in origin and was started and is headed by jews. The rebuttal that "its not only jews because gentiles push it too." is one of the most intellectually lazy rebuttals, as that might as well also say then, that banks and world affairs are not run by jews, that all the strife in the world on a large scale does not come from jews because gentiles participate also. They are called "shabbos goys". The same applies to transgenderism, feminism, marxism and any other jewish made agenda that is constantly attempted to be passed off as "wholesome" and "progressive."

transgenderism is not accepted here. If you are not a jew, and fall into this trap you need serious help and healing. But do not think anyone should be accepted to peddle this filth here.

And I say this because the topic has come up again amongst several besides the ones quoted here.

Learn to self accept and have a realistic view, a satanic view of your soul, as the body is its physical manifestation and is not "wrong."

Can you tell me whats the name of your post on this subject or give a link. Id like to know more about the real biological and mental, spiritual harm that transitioning does to the body.

here ya go :). I'll do us all a favor and bump it also
patrioticgentile_666 said:
That gay flag is actually a perversion of the colors of the rainbow, which represent the different astral colors/energies as well their corresponding gemstones, 6 and 7 stripes, given that these are heavily Occultic numbers. They are also represented by the different candle colors.

The rainbow truly represents spiritual wholeness, when one has mastered balancing all of the astral energies.

Their adding brown white an many other colors to it,so I'm sure it is an attack by the reptilian jews
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Kundalini666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Where did you learn the interpretations of the myths?

The very basics of it, because of knowledge of my ancestral religion. You can learn these basics just by studying the general knowledge of the subject.

Most of the knowledge of serious magnitude arrives when you are advancing spiritually to where you can know by experience what is shown by them.

Myths are codified knowledge for initiated people and people who advance in the path, so that they will be able to understand more of the hidden knowledge and to advance. This exists in all mythology of the world's Satanic religions.

All of the myths also have strong overlapping factors, showing beyond a shadow of doubt that all of these were written by wise people and the Gods, the fingerprint of the Gods is the same in all of the myths.

I can write a post if you want in regards to this.

Make a pdf out of it,the reptiles would probably oy vey into the next decade
There are two things that make me angry and maddened the most, the fact that children grow up with a very simplistic way of thinking and reasoning and
Those hypocrites standing on both sides and ... one time it's black another time it's white. Make a decision motherfuckers :evil:
I have made some researchs on pedophilia, it seems most men that have been abused in childhood by males, develop serious gender-orientation issues. They are mostly straight, but they fight with their emotions and are also attracted by men in mostly non spontaneous ways.
This causes issues, and I think a few may chose surgery to change their body according to this confusion. I feel sorry for them, they seem trapped between their own mind and their abusers' vampire minds (I would bet, many abusers are jews, except corrupted gentiles who even think this is part of "family bloodline" that is even sicker garbage).
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Kundalini666 said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Where did you learn the interpretations of the myths?

The very basics of it, because of knowledge of my ancestral religion. You can learn these basics just by studying the general knowledge of the subject.

Most of the knowledge of serious magnitude arrives when you are advancing spiritually to where you can know by experience what is shown by them.

Myths are codified knowledge for initiated people and people who advance in the path, so that they will be able to understand more of the hidden knowledge and to advance. This exists in all mythology of the world's Satanic religions.

All of the myths also have strong overlapping factors, showing beyond a shadow of doubt that all of these were written by wise people and the Gods, the fingerprint of the Gods is the same in all of the myths.

I can write a post if you want in regards to this.

Yes, please.

I was wondering if you had read a commentary on them or something like that. I’ve heard that Plato expounded on the myth of Saturn eating his children, basically meaning that Saturn represents pure intellect that you receive during the awakening and that “eating the children” refers to the mind taking its thoughts back inside itself to observe. Once all the “children” of the mind are eaten, then the person becomes liberated.

I’ve experienced a lot of that myself, but the thing is, I never would have figured that out on my own unless someone told it to me. Just wondering if there’s objective interpretations for all of them or if a lot of them are subjective.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
