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Question #5693: Why are other Satanic groups so hostile?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Asking this because everytime I try to talk about my experiences with some one from another sect, they get hostile if I mention the Joy of Satan. I've only ever talked with those from theistic sects, I know better than to try with those from atheistic sects. How can these people who claim to be with our gods tell me I am in a cult? How in the world do they not know better?
These people most likely practice Jewish kabbalah (like qliphoth) and follow Jewish ideas about our Gods. THEY ARE NOT SATANISTS! Many are Jews.

The Joy of Satan is the only group which truly follows the Gods based on ancient ideals, and no true Satanist would create another group, because it's pointless. All true Satanic soul is in the Joy of Satan and that's it.

Being in these sects will only mislead you.
Asking this because everytime I try to talk about my experiences with some one from another sect, they get hostile if I mention the Joy of Satan. I've only ever talked with those from theistic sects, I know better than to try with those from atheistic sects. How can these people who claim to be with our gods tell me I am in a cult? How in the world do they not know better?
"Satanic groups" are you sure you express yourself well, Satanic group/community is only JoS, they are impostors, corrupted and blasphemous groups, this is why they are so ill.
Asking this because everytime I try to talk about my experiences with some one from another sect, they get hostile if I mention the Joy of Satan. I've only ever talked with those from theistic sects, I know better than to try with those from atheistic sects. How can these people who claim to be with our gods tell me I am in a cult? How in the world do they not know better?
all the outsiders talk about how we have great meditation practices, but they brand us for Nazism. is it so hard to understand, if these strong meditations are given to us by the Gods, then NS is obviously given to us by the Gods too. it feels like these people have no logic or cause and effect relationship at all...
all the outsiders talk about how we have great meditation practices, but they brand us for Nazism. is it so hard to understand, if these strong meditations are given to us by the Gods, then NS is obviously given to us by the Gods too. it feels like these people have no logic or cause and effect relationship at all...
There is a lot of programming in people by various harmful sources that outweigh reason. Only the best fight their way out of the shackles, and the influence of Gods should not be discarded in the evaluation of this individual process.
Asking this because everytime I try to talk about my experiences with some one from another sect, they get hostile if I mention the Joy of Satan. I've only ever talked with those from theistic sects, I know better than to try with those from atheistic sects. How can these people who claim to be with our gods tell me I am in a cult? How in the world do they not know better?
I dabbled in few of those groups for some months before finding JOS because I didn't know any better. I'm sure that 80- 90% never really contacted one of our gods and most of them are addicts that use mind altering drugs, that's how they "talk to demons".
Also they are so immoral and impudent they try to invoke a demon to ask for favors while using enemy binding magic on them.
Most "Satanist" groups worship the nazarene covertly and hebrew entities from the 'dark' side of kabbalah which are wholly incompatible with Gentile souls.

Such as the one whose leaders went to a conference where the nazarene was described as 'Emperor of white people'. These groups attempt to copiously abuse the Gods and Demons and follow a variety of revenge-driven libertinism that destroys them. What they believe isn't from us, from NS or from similar thinkers like Nietzsche. These are from the craptholic church, punitive xians like Joseph de Maistre and the Marquis de Sade's reversed xianity, along with a smattering of pseudo-WN loons doing whatever atrocities from the past 100 years. The tell-tale sign is that they can NEVER let go of 'christ', 'yeshu', 'krishna christ', 'isa', 'jesus', 'the messiah', etc. in any form.

On the other hand, some people like the JoS up to the point where it says race mixing or being a drug addict (always the two things that are 'too much' for some), but realistically anything progressivism 'permits', are bad choices and then they have a tantrum. These people end up being reabsorbed into standard progressivism sooner or later. That's inevitable.

We rarely have issues with CoS type people who worship themselves, however misled they are.
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They are demoralized people as Yuri Bezmenov would say. Their mind is programmed so that they will react a certain way when they hear about JoS. Most of them are leftist cowards, you should leave them be.
all the outsiders talk about how we have great meditation practices, but they brand us for Nazism. is it so hard to understand, if these strong meditations are given to us by the Gods, then NS is obviously given to us by the Gods too. it feels like these people have no logic or cause and effect relationship at all...

...and many of them steal the meditations from JoS while they bash it.

My favorite ones are those who copy almost everything from JoS in their websites but replace the name Satan with Enki and claim to be "Sumerian", remove everything that's not politically correct and then proceed to bash JoS and claim the info on JoS is "outdated" and will harm you because the Gods hate JoS. There are many of them, like one years ago, now defunct:

all the outsiders talk about how we have great meditation practices, but they brand us for Nazism. is it so hard to understand, if these strong meditations are given to us by the Gods, then NS is obviously given to us by the Gods too. it feels like these people have no logic or cause and effect relationship at all...
Anti-Nazi programming drummed from a young age by Jewish media (movies being one example). Almost everything else the NS stood for was also labelled as evil, with a few exceptions(animal rights, Hitler being and promoting vegetarianism, anti-smoking laws, and I'm sure others) but in these cases they're never given credit as being the first promoting these things(vegetarianism isn't good, but the other stuff was).

This is why you'll be called a Nazi whenever:

You promote ethnic nationalism
Promote any tradional values
Promote self-control(yes, that can happen)
Call out Jews on anything they do or promote
Oppose leftism and related ideologies
Worrying about demographics(only Jews are allowed to do that)

These days even Israel is being called "Nazi" by leftists, because Nazi just now means having any ethnic or racial consciousness at all.
None of them are with the Gods, Satan or about Them. There is no such thing as "other Satanic groups" , as there are none, but pretenders and extremely defunct traps of the enemy, where people get tricked in adopting slander knowingly and unknowingly by behavior, ideology, brain farts and other disinformation in regards to truth. True worship of oneself, rebellion + all other misunderstood occult notions that 14 year olds intellectualize as buzz words Pavlovian dog buttons, is instead adopting truly the Gods and advancing spiritually oneself and the collective psyche, by also full manifestation of this. By actually awakening the God within, not larping that one is anything else but a feather in the wind.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
