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Question #5468: Is there a way I could help my schizophrenic friend as a Satanist?


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
Thank you for everyone who takes their time and reads, and comments on this question, it means a lot to me!
One of my friends has schizophrenia, and she's doing relatively "fine" with it, at least a lot better than the majority of other patients. She receives support and therapy, both with medication and with therapy sessions. She's started to live her life again with the support of her family and friends, and she also got into a relatively easy work. The workplace is specialized for employing people with mental and physical disabilities, and according to her she likes the place and her co-workers as well. She is mostly free from the symptoms, though she has one of them appear during times of stress. She's extremely sensitive to any type of stress, arguements, loud and busy places, things like that. Her work was easy so far, but she started to have a few small arguements in her workplace, and she also tends to overanalyze and worry more than she should. She told me that she started to have hallucinations in times like that, and I'm quite worried about her, and I don't know how could I help. I know how this illness works from a purely physical point of view, but I have no idea what's going on from a spiritual point of view, and what's happening in her soul. I also know that drugs used on psychiatric patients aren't healthy and quite destructive, but I didn't stepped in and talked to her about it in fears of messing up something, and in fear of what would happen to her if she stopped the medications. So far, I hasn't really thought about doing this either, because I don't want to harm her. I just want her to be safe and happy and healthy. Turning back to her hallucinations, she told me about hearing the voice of someone, who talks to her when she has an episode. It's always the same person and same voice, and she never hallucinated about hearing someone else either. I don't know about what this person says to her, she never shared the exact details. She usually zones out with the thousand yard stare when she has these hallucinations, and she needs a tap on the shoulders to be brought back to reality.
She's not dedicated to Father Satan, and she doesn't know that I'm a Satanist either. Is there a way I could help her safely, in a way that won't cause backlashes, and is safe to use on an undedicated person who has a mental condition? I thought about cleaning her aura before, but I was honestly afraid to do so in case I mess something up. I wouldn't be concerned if she was just a normal person, but I have no idea how should I treat someone who has schizophrenia. Can I clean her aura? Also, can I use Demonic blue flames on her? I used it before on myself on a few occasions, but I never directed it towards someone else. I'm unsure if it's alright to use on an undedicated person, or if it's considered disrespectful towards the Gods. Are there any other workings, meditations or anything else I could safely use?

Hail Satan!
May all of you be blessed by the Gods!
Listen brother/sister. Schizophrenia is a difficult condition. I know it very well, unfortunately I don't think it will be worth all your time and energy. What you are describing here is not disorders in the beginning that can be treated, but full blown schizophrenia. For someone who is not dedicated, it will take a lot of time, not only because of the severity of her situation, but also because she will not be able to receive guidance, protection, and she will not at all understand what is happening and why he feels this way with all the backlashes that your work will bring. In his mindset it will be "my condition is getting worse" and when there is no awareness it may cause him to behave in a more destructive way for him.

On the other hand it's someone you like very much, I think it's worth you consulting valefor, use a pendulum or any other method even if you're able to communicate with the gods directly better, ask him if it's worth the work, and if you can somehow explain to her that you're doing work on her and make her trust her without her freaking out from backlashes.

I also had schizophrenia, luckily I made a dedication when it was really a small disorder, unfortunately I let it grow to a scale that were very destructive for me. It took me almost a year to heal, the last month and a half the backlashes were so powerful that I begged satan to help me, and I never asked him for something like that out of a place of real distress, but then things started to flow better. What happened to me this year with all the backlashes? I got into trouble with the authorities, I did financial damage to others, I behaved in a dangerous and reckless manner, I neglected myself, I was in difficult situations where all I could do was walk around the room in circles with hallucinations, and many other things that a normal person would not think of. The only reason I got out of it without any problem is because I was protected by our gods. I literally didn't have to take responsibility for almost anything except for small financial damages that I could cover very quickly. This is a privilege that only we elite can have because it was not really my nature, but I was exhausted and emotionally complicated and when you work on your soul to remove such an obstacle, the gods show a great deal of understanding and know what might happen.
I remember many times I couldn't even prepare food for myself or buy something to eat because of all the backlashes, and suddenly my clients from work would offer me a sandwich, or my family would pack me food for the week, and this never happened before. there were s much things that happend to me at the time that ease my situation to the point it was obvious i had taken care of.
Please leave her issues to the professionals. You must focus on yourself. This is not a minor thing.

You can ultimately send beneficial energy her way, but don't go into cleansing and all this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
