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Question #5372: Help with Transforming the Pluto area of my soul


Well-known member
Dec 16, 2022
[email protected]
If I'm using the Eihwaz rune at high reps then is it alright to affirm that it is transforming the Scorpio/Pluto areas of my life or would that make the working too broad?
I have a retrograde Pluto in my natal chart and I need to find a way to fix these energies somehow to benefit me instead of causing problems. I would like to target the house/sign where my Pluto is located as a whole but I just wanted to ask if the working would be too broad to cover my overall Pluto placement. The Pluto in my chart is aspecting many of my planets, including my chart ruler. So by transforming my natal Pluto, will the other planets that it is touching in my chart benefit from this as well?

Is it actually possible to transform my natal Pluto & Scorpio house with this type of method given enough time?
You have to strengthen the Planets your Pluto is making aspects with, start with your Ruler (if it's not a transcendental one) or Planets in Scorpio if you have one. It's not easy to work directly on your Pluto, it's a transformative process that will occur in years through meditation and advancement (this concept can be applied to the other transcendental Planets as well).
Do not forget to keep a steady Soul cleansing and aura of protection. For the latter, EIHWAZ can be used in conjunction with ALGIZ to counter negative energies of the Planets.
This is very dangerous. Do not use affirmation that target Pluto directly. Do not even use intent or try to handle its energies. Planets like Pluto, Uranus and Neptune are far beyond what any human can handle. When you become a God/Goddess, you can have that conversation with the Gods. You're human now, so you can only manage the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and (barely) Saturn.

Scorpio and the house it's on the cusp of, can be targeted with the Mars square. Mars is the co-ruler of Scorpio. Co-ruling literally means "ruling together", not secondary ruler like some people seem to think.

You can sublimate Plutonian energies by meditating and managing your sexual energies properly. For example, you shouldn't ejaculate more than once a day. Excessive ejaculation causes all sorts of issues such as drops in testosterone levels (oestrogen levels for women), issues with reflexes and athletic ability, nutrient depletion, and more. If you're aroused more often, which is very normal for people under 40, especially if you have a high sex drive, you can program these sexual energies and direct them toward a goal instead. Goals can also be meditative such as purifying a chakra or your aura or other parts of the soul, or strengthening them.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
